auspicioustidings · 25 days
They hate you, of course they do. A fucking live in nurse? Reminds them of the things they lost in that last mission. Price won't ever walk the way he used to, hell sometimes he can't even walk at all but he point blank refuses the wheelchair. Ghost won't get fitted for a hearing aid, insists he can hear just damn fine and if he's not responding it's because he's ignoring you. Gaz functions alright, but the skin on his left side gets so tight and sore and it's a fight to get him to do the moisturising routine when he remains in denial about how bad the burns are. And Soap. Well 90% of the time he's the man he was, the other 10% he goes into delirium from the brain damage.
It takes so long to even get them to trust you at all, but you're patient. They come to accept it over time, come to hear the world disabled without it sending them into a rage. Their lives changed, they didn't end. And one day they even come to appreciate the second chance at life, a life after the fight. A life with a live in nurse who they don't need anymore, but they ask to stay with them anyway.
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akajustmerry · 9 months
anyways, the Zionist "Indigenous" narrative (see: lie) is so funny to me. putting aside Zionist definition of Indigenous is not at all the actual definition, imagine if anyone else tried their version of it. imagine if I did, okay. listen, imagine if i, someone who had a Scottish great great grandmother (true story), rocked up to old nan's county and was like, "actually this whole county is my land now because my g x 2 granny was from here so <3 oh and if you don't give me all your houses for my 1000s of friends who also had great great cousins from here I'll kill ya with a bazooka my friend gave me.....because I'm Indigenous <3%" like that's a genuinely unhinged thing to do. Zionism is so genuinely unhinged.
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tiny-planet-13 · 3 months
thoughts and ideas I quit my degree and attempt to make exy a real sport
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isorottatime · 1 year
bad show. ahsoka not 6’8
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pigswithwings · 4 months
in light of people insisting that axolotl is pronounced ax-uh-lot-uhl please for the love of god watch this video its like 5 seconds. im so tired of the usamerican pronunciation god please
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helpicant-stop · 10 days
helpful guide for tntduo fanartists and fanwriters from your local chinese guy. yin (陰) is the passive, negative principle, the black side, and represents darkness, femininity, the moon, and is passive, which is what cwilbur indirectly compared himself to. he called cquackity the yang (陽) in their relationship, which is the active, positive principle, the white side, representing light, masculinity, and the sun. it's a duality and you can't separate them; there will always be a little of the other in both. when put together it represents balance.
you don't have to base everything off yin and yang as it's obviously not a perfect fit but if you do at least do it correctly thank you
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clown-cult · 9 months
I’m sorry but being a Dionysus devotee makes me side-eye both Percy Jackson and Lore Olympus.
“Dionysus made Zeus mad by pursuing a nymph he was into so he banished Dionysus to earth and made him work at the camp!” Zeus would fucking never do that to Dionysus and even if he did, who’s to say that the god of ritualistic madness and wine would go in the first place? The guy who inspired insane cults, was one of the original Mycenaean deities and is sometimes equated with fucking Osiris and Lord Shiva?? Get out of here.
“Zeus was okay to gave baby Dionysus up to be cared for by Persephone and Hades instead of the nymphs at Mount Nyssa! Persephone and Hades would do a great job as parents!” Again, Zeus would never fucking do that to Dionysus. With a select few, in all the main versions of Mythos, Zeus has a great relationship with his kids and Dionysus is no exception. He’d never just hand him over with issue to anyone he didn’t trust. He’d also know a baby god so heavily linked to nature wouldn’t thrive in the underworld. Also, the Lore Olympus versions of Persephone and Hades fucking suck and, surprise surprise, are terrible parents.
Hades game, my beloved, I still the only piece of media to really GET Lord Dionysus.
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ribbittrobbit · 5 months
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Hiyaw and Himik, the twin deities of noise and silence, of movement and stillness, of action and contemplation.
The church of Taw (from the root word for volumen/ strength of voice), has a dual structure to mirror its deities. Clerics choose to walk either the path of silence - the most radical followers dedicate themselves to a vow of complete silence and contemplation, retreating to monasteries in the most remote regions- or the path of noise - the order dedicated to the service of the church and its followers outside of the monasteries. The central principle of the religion is the duality and balance between the two deities' domains. The silent order serves to balance out the order of noise, to be the stillness to their movement, the deliberation to their action and vice versa. The religion is a relatively small but ancient one, with many devotees among musicians, poets and performers and a great emphasis on ceremony and the performance of rituals that combine the texts of Hiyaw and Himik.
(did i just spend the last two days thinking about making an entire fake religion complete with a clerical structure for my fh sona? yes. did i bastardise the filipino words like "scream" and "quiet" to find matching names for them? also yes.)
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quotidianish · 6 months
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Mikusona maxxing even though I have art block (she goes by any pronouns!!)
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oifaaa · 4 months
YES!! I forgot to add that but yes the part where he immediately started blasting was so annoying. What do you MEAN he started shooting randomly knowing he was, just a second ago, in a random alley. Maybe he really was just trying to shoot Damian again. Yaknow, for old times sakes 💀
Jason noticed the original bullet hole he put in Damian had healed so decided he needed to make another one and needed an excuse
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duncneydivorce · 3 months
don’t get me wrong pietro and namor fucked and if marvel weren’t cowards they’d canonise it already but I don’t understand why people want them to actually get together though. narratively its one of the worst things you could do to pietro. He already did the ‘struggling to assimilate’ thing for like 40 years. that’s what his storylines in America and Atilian were all about and it made for a really interesting character evolution for pietro and was a great way to explore the trauma of displacement but he’s long outgrown that by now. He shouldnt be isolated from everyone else in his life again. Shipping him off to Atlantis to go through the same exact thing all over again would regress his character by DECADES just to recycle a storyline he’s already done! Its bad writing that would ruin his character and just boring 😭
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katyspersonal · 4 months
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Soooo yeah.. I am genuinely surprised by how hard Tumblr is trying to destroy itself. Tumblr THRIVES on random reblog chains getting progressively cursed, someone making a random post about their fandom, a lot of personal interactions, people osmos'ing unfamiliar fandoms and characters through mutuals-in-law and other stuff like this. Like.. there are 0 reasons to make it another Amino.
Not to mention how much it nurtures things that RUIN fandoms, like "fandom leaders", "cool kids" groups, fandom trends, gospel headcanons etc. So, imagine if like, a cunt that hates your ship or your headcanons on a character or anything like that 'claims' the fandom community first! So now everyone that dares to have different tastes and interpretations from them will be excluded from active discussions because many users, instead of checking fandom tag and 'wild' dashboard will hang out in community bubbles instead and not see the takes which that bitchy control freak admin dislikes! People that disagree with that community's admin will be left with no choice but to create their own space, and either 1) Tumblr will disapprove multiple spaces for the same theme 2) their community will be less active since most fans WILL naturally prefer the one that came first or 3) in general, fandoms will suck more because of large amount of "us vs them" moods.
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Nothing is worse for a fandom than giving someone power to decide who "belongs" in it and who doesn't. And there is NO way to prevent the situation where it is specifically a control freak that will exclude people with "wrong" ships or "wrong" headcanons that claims community. Like, yeah, different 'sides' of the discourse-torn fandom (so, ANY fandom lol) having to fight for audience because this audience can't be active in every community, even neutral ones that'd like to see any ships and any headcanons!
Did Tumblr staff not THINK about what this could mean? Like, do they want dens of scumbags proliferating behind the scenes? And don't even get me started on the morality of sanitising the posts into 'OnLy ReLeVanT cOnTeNt uwu' when so-called "meaningful connections" are formed EXACTLY when a blogger breaks the fandomry-posting routine to get personal or political, to show more of themselves! People don't need a new space where they can "escape" "uncomfortable" topics or news (cough cough), because they already have this space. This space is called 'their friends'! Once again, proves how corporations have NO idea now actual humans work.
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wataeicentric · 1 year
I feel as though people (mostly people who aren't insanely wataeipilled, or involved with shipping in general) are misunderstanding what we're upset about. It's not the simple assumption that we want wataei to be "canon" and that we're upset that that can't happen because of Eichi getting married, it's that HappyEle have been on a character assassination spree recently (Izumi in Mad Party & Kohaku in Last Mission) and we're worried that's going to happen to Wataru and/or Eichi. Regardless of shipping, Eichi never told Wataru, who's supposed to be his "best friend" that he's essentially been engaged to Tori's sister for the best part of a year. If Wataru isn't upset about this, then they've done it once again, because Wataru trusts Eichi to take his mask off around him; whilst the mask is "him", the "mask's purpose" (the title of his card in EP:Link) is to hide oneself. Wataru took it off for EICHI and Eichi ALONE. He put himself on display, allowed his facade to begin to fade around him and be his authentic "self" and opened himself up to possibly even be hurt (which he was immediately, by the way, and CRIED over it. HIBIKI WATARU. CRIED. Because Eichi was indifferent to his confession of love) because he trusts Eichi, and Eichi's told Wataru before (Tempest) that he also trusts him. So, is it or is it not blatant character assassination, and possibly even going back on their more recent development of becoming more honest with each other, if Wataru is not upset with this development?
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felineverdure · 1 month
ok but eren really set the yeagerists up to fail. he left the fate of the world to mikasa. if more floch fans realize and admit that eren is the major cause of floch's downfall and not the alliance...... just saying...
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arsenicflame · 11 days
sprizzy this is how you lose the time war adjacent AU-
It starts with Izzy leaving a letter at the Revenge's most recent battle- we'll never know if he specifically planned for Lucius to find it, or if it was just meant for any member of the crew, but it is Lucius who finds it amongst the wreckage. Written in blocky-but-precise print, he finds a note thanking them for joining the war:
"but then you turned up and our margins vanished. You invigorated my captain again, and in doing so, invigorated me"
Lucius, being Lucius, has to write back. He sends a letter in his best calligraphy, full of flirting and innuendos, with a healthy dose of mockery at the first mate for the defeat that'll have led him to finding this letter.
Izzy, being Izzy, cant let Lucius have the last word, can't let him win. Despite the danger of their communication- the best they can hope for if their captains find out is to be labelled a traitor, to be cut off from all they know- they can't stop themselves.
And now they have a correspondence. The letters shift from taunts to tales, a mutual hatred of The Republic and a discovery that their paths had crossed before-
Izzy saved Lucius as a child, though he didn't know it then. Just a young pickpocket stalking the streets, new to the game and unaware he was being tailed- but Izzy noticed. He tries not to get involved in others business, but he also can't let a child get hurt when he could have intervened, so he makes a move on Lucius' stalker, taking him out before he got a chance to do something himself (though not without being stabbed through the shoulder) leaving Lucius none the wiser-until now.
They fall in love through their writing, dedication and devotions, talk of tea and bouquets, and an end to this godforsaken war.
"Love spreads backwards through time. I am sure there was a time I did not love you, but it feels a ghost to me now"
It ends, eventually, as all things do. Izzy's interest is noticed by Lucius' side, how he seems to precede or follow him, and a decision is made, to take out the second in command of the enemy and bring their whole side to its knees.
The plan, to have Lucius show an interest in talking with Izzy, is laughable, if it were not for the stakes. Lucius makes the poisoned letter as clear as possible, he has to make sure Izzy knows the trap he's going to fall into, to never read this letter. Make it seem as though Izzy wasn't interested in him after all, and to never speak again, only seeing each other from across the battlefield.
Izzy understands the message, he would have to be blind not to. But what choice does he have? If he doesn't read it, then Lucius will have failed, and failure is unacceptable in this war. He can't have his actions cause Lucius harm- he can't think of anything worse.
So he opens it, signing his death, and sits down to write one last letter. Congratulations on a game well played, to Lucius for managing to slip under his armour and between his ribs to take him down.
It ends, as it starts, with a letter.
(or does it?)
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karamell-sweetz · 10 months
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do you like my silly nicknames
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