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mikimeiko ¡ 2 years ago
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Ted Lasso Season 3 - one gif per episode (with the first gif from the first scene and the last gif from the last scene) | Baz (Basil) Primrose, Jeremy Blumenthal & Paul La Fleur
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thecupidwitch ¡ 8 months ago
Elements And Their Correspondences
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Direction: North
Time: Midnight
Season: Winter
Color: Green, brown
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Ruling planets: Venus and Saturn
Tarot Cards: Pentacles, Coins
Tools: Pentacle, salt, stones, dirt, crystals, wood, flowers
Cystals: Emerald, Jet, tourmaline, quartz, onyx, azurite, amethyst, jasper, peridot, granite.
Animals: gopher, bear, wolf, ant, horse, stag, deer, dog, cow, bull, bison, snake, worms, moles, voles, grubs
Herbs: Oak, cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, primrose, sage, grains, patchouli, nuts, magnolia, comfrey, vetivert, moss, lilac, lichen, roots, barley, alfalfa, corn, rice.
Rules: Grounding, strength, healing, success, stability, sturdiness, steadfastness, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, wisdom, nature, animals, plants, money, prosperity.
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Direction: West
Time: Dusk
Season: Fall
Color: Blue, Indigo, Sliver
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, Pluto
Tarot Cards: Cups
Tools: Ocean, sea glass, cup, bowl, seaweed, hag stones, cauldron
Cystals: Moonstone, pearl, silver, aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, fluorite, coral, blue topaz, beryl, opal, coral
Animals: fish, snake, frog, crab, lobster, eel, shark, dragonfly, seahorse, dolphin, sea otter, seal, whale, alligator, crocodile, beaver, octopus, penguin, salamander, turtle, starfish, koi, coral, barnacle, manta ray, manatee, jellyfish, nautilus, heron, duck, geese, crane, swan, water birds, ammonite, dragons, serpents
Herbs: seaweed, aloe, fern, water lily, lotus, moss, willow, gardenia, apple, catnip, chamomile, cattail, lettuce, kelp, birch, cabbage, coconut, cucumber, comfrey, eucalyptus, gourd, geranium, grape, licorice, lilac, pear, strawberry, tomato
Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic abilities, love, unconscious mind, fertility, self-healing, reflection, lunar energy, deep feelings, curses, death
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Direction: South
Time: Noon
Season: Summer
Color: Red, Orange
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Ruling planets: Sun, Mars
Tarot Cards: Wands or Swords (depends on belief system)
Tools: Athame, candles, swords, wands, dagger, lamp, flame
Cystals: Carnelian, red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, agate, rhodochrosite, gold, pyrite, brass, fire opal, lavastone, tiger's eye
Animals: Lion, snake, coyote, fox, ladybug, bee, shark, scorpion, horse, mantis, tiger
Herbs: Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice, basil, cacti, marigold, chilis, garlic, mustard, nettle, onion, heliotrope, hibiscus, juniper, lime, orange, red pepper, poppies, thistle, coffee, jalapenos, lemon, cumin, saffron, coriander
Rules: Energy, will, destruction, strength, courage, power, passion, lust, sexuality, anger, war, new beginnings, protection, loyalty, transformation, action, movement, achievement, creativity, desire, willpower
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Direction: East
Time: Down
Season: Spring
Color: Yellow, gold, white, light blue, pastels
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus
Tarot Cards: Wands
Tools: Feather, wand, staff, incense, broom, bell, sword, pen
Cystals: Amber, topaz, citrine, jasper, agate, pumice, alexandrite, amethyst, fluorite, mica, clear quartz
Animals: Birds, flying insects, spiders, bats
Herbs: Bergamot, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, sage, dandelion, bluebell, clover, frankincense, primrose, lemongrass, pine, aspen, yarrow, violets, vervain, myrrh, dill, anise, aspen
Rules: Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, logic, thought, communication, truth, inspiration, intuition, memory, creativity
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esoteric-chaos ¡ 11 months ago
Spring Equinox Masterpost- Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Art Credit: Anastasia Catris
The Spring Equinox, also called the Vernal Equinox or Ostara, is usually celebrated between the 21st of March in the Northern Hemisphere (In the Southern Hemisphere around September 20th or 21st)
In 2024, Ostara and the Spring Equinox land in the Northern Hemisphere on Monday, March 19th.
The Spring Equinox celebrates the arrival of spring. Celebrating balance, growth, and new beginnings as Winter has finally ended.
Spring Equinox Correspondances
Light Green
Sunny Yellow
Light Blue
Pastel Pink
Apple Tree
Cherry Blossom
Birch tree
Ash tree
Salad greens
Spring veggies
Fresh berries
Edible flowers
Baby Chicks
Clear Quartz
Flowering or Tree Buds
Spiritual meanings
Cleansing (removal of stagnant energy)
Good fortune
Floral scents (rose, lilac, jasmine, etc)
Herbal scents (rosemary, basil, mint, etc)
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Eostre –  (Anglo-Saxon)
Aphrodite - (Greek)
Gaia - (Celtic)
Gaea - (Greek)
Venus - (Roman)
Athena - (Greek)
Aurora - (Roman)
Eos - (Greek)
Isis – (Egyptian)
Freya - (Norse) 
Persephone - (greek)
Cybele - (Roman)
The Green Man - (Celtic)
Odin – (Norse) 
Osiris – (Egyptian)
Pan – (Greek)
Thoth – (Egyptian)
Adonis – (Greek)
Apollon –  (Greek)
Apollo - (Roman)
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I've got you covered.
High energy celebrations and ritual
Deep cleaning of the hearth and home
Nature hikes
Visiting farmers markets
Making preserves
Create a fae garden
Create a seasonal altar
Abundance/Prosperity ritual
New beginnings ritual
Low energy celebrations 
Wear pastels
Create flower crowns
Light a candle with scent correspondence
No spoon celebrations 
Opening a window
Journaling Prompts
Keeping hydrated
Drink floral tea
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
Also please note some stuff is UPG. A great book is Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden for honouring the celebrations and if you wanted to work more seasonally. It's not Wiccan-based and has plenty of resources for every witch.
Feel free to post how you celebrate in the comments or reblogs!
Want to see more of my posts? Check out my Wheel of the Year Masterpost or my Main Masterpost.
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greenwitchcrafts ¡ 1 year ago
February 2024 witch guide
Full moon: February 24th
New moon: February 9th
Sabbats: Imbolc-February 1st
February Snow Moon
Known as: Eagle Moon, Horning Moon, Solmonath Moon, Bear moon, Ice Moon, Wild Moon, Raccoon Moon, Big Winter Moon, Groundhog Moon, Quickening Moon, Storm Moon, Goose Moon, Hungry Moon & Red/Cleansing Moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aquarius & Pisces
Nature spirits: House Faeries
Deities: Aphrodite, Brigid & Nut
Animals: Otter & Unicorn
Birds: Chickadee & Eagle
Trees: Cedar, laurel, myrtle & rowan
Herbs: Balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage & spikenard
Flowers: Primrose
Scents: Heliotrope & wisteria
Stones: Amethyst, jasper, moonstone, obsidian, onyx , rose quartz, topaz & red zircon
Colors: Light blue & violet
Energy:  Astral travel, banishing, beginnings, breaking bad habits, creativity expressiveness, empowerment, energy working to the surface, fertility, forgiveness, freedom, friendships, future plans, growth, healing, problem solving, purification, responsibility & science
February’s full Moon is a “Micromoon” this year. Think of this term as the opposite of a “Supermoon.” It simply means that the full Moon is at its farthest point from Earth (not the nearest point).
The explanation behind February’s full Moon name is a fairly straightforward one: it’s known as the Snow Moon due to the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February. On average, February is the United States’ snowiest month, according to data from the National Weather Service. In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver, who had visited with the Naudowessie(Dakota), wrote that the name used for this period was the Snow Moon, “because more snow commonly falls during this month than any other in the winter.” 
Known as: Feast of Torches, Feast of Waxing Light, Oimele & Brigid's Day
Season: Winter
Symbols: Besoms, Brighid's crosses, candles, candle wheels, fertility symbols, fire, ploughs, priapic wands & white flowers
Colors: Black, brown, Earth tones, lavender, light green, orange, pink, red, white & yellow
Oils/Incense: Apricot, basil, bay, carnation, chamomile, cinnamon, dragon's blood, frankincense, heather, jasmine, myrrh, neroli, red sandalwood, sage, vanilla, violet & wisteria
Animals: Badger, cow, deer,groudhog, robin, sheep, snake, & swan
Mythical: Dragon
Stones: Amethyst, bloodstone, citrine, clear quartz, garnet, green tourmaline, hematite, iron, lodestone, onyx, red zircon, rose quartz, ruby, turquoise, yellow tourmaline
Food: Breads, chives, curries, dairy products, grains, garlic, herbal teas, honey cakes, lamb, muffins, onions, peppers, poppy seed cakes, pork, poultry, pumpkin seeds, raisins, scones, spiced wines & sunflower seeeds
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, ashleaf, balsam, basil, bay laurel, benzoin, blackberry, clover, coltsfoot, coriander, dragon's blood, garlic, heather, lemon, myrrh, rosemary, sage, vervain, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Celandine, chamomile, iris, rose hips, snowdrop, sunflower, tansy, violets, white flowers & yellow flowers
Goddesses: Anu, Aradia, Arianrhod, Artio, Athena, Branwen, Brigid, Danu, Februa, Gaia, Inanna, Juno, Selene, Sirona & Vesta
Gods: Aegus Mac Og, Bragi, Cupid, Dian Cecht, Dumuzi, Eros, Februus & Pax
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Activation/awakening, animals, beginnings, fertility, healing, hope, illumination, inspiration, light, pregnancy/childbirth, prophecy, transformation, well-being & youth
Spellwork: Air magick, banishings, candle spells, divination, fertility spells, prosperity & purification
• Make & light white candles
• Clean/decorate your altar & consecrate your  altar tools
• Go on a walk in nature & look for signs of spring
• Make a Brigid's Cross
• Have a feast with your family/friends
• Give thanks & leave offerings to the Earth
• Set intentions, reflect & look deeper into your goals for spring
• Start a bonfire
• Find Imboloc prayers & devotionals that bid farewell to the winter months, honor the goddess Brigid, as well as seasonal blessings for your meals, hearth, & home.
• Pepare plans for your upcoming garden
• Craft a priapic wand
• Spend time with children celebrating Imbolc by making crafts & or baking
• Practice divination & fire scrying
• Draw a cleansing ritual bath for yourself
• Meditate, reflect & say your farewells to winter
• Cleanse & clean your house to prepare for spring
• Create a Brídeóg: a doll of Brigid made of straw
• Make Bride's bouquet satchets & exchange as symbols of good luck and fertility
• Set aside food & or drinks as an offering to Brigid to invite her in your home
Imbolc is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of spring. Most commonly it is held on January 31 – February 1, or halfway between the winter solstice & the spring equinox. The holiday is a festival of the hearth, home, a celebration of the lengthening days & the early signs of spring. 
The word "imbolc" means "in the belly" and refers to the pregnancy of ewes at this time of year. The term "oimelc" means ewe's milk. Around this time of year, many herd animals give birth to their first offspring of the year or are heavily pregnant & as a result, they are producing milk. This creation of life’s milk is a part of the symbolic hope for spring.
Imbolc is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and it is associated with important events in Irish mythology. It has been suggested that it was originally a pagan festival associated with the goddess Brigid and that it was Christianized as a festival of Saint Brigid, who herself is thought to be a Christianization of the goddess.
Some use Imbolc to celebrate the longer days which herald the return of Spring & The Goddess's recovery from giving birth to The Sun (The God) at Yule. The God & The Goddess are children symbolizing new life, new beginnings & new resurrections.
Related festivals:
• Groundhog Day-  Is a tradition observed in the United States & Canada on February 2 of every year. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day & sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den & winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early.
While the tradition remains popular in the 21st century, studies have found no consistent association between a groundhog seeing its shadow & the subsequent arrival time of spring-like weather.
•St. Brigid's Day- 1 February. It was originally Imbolc, the first day of spring in Irish tradition. Because Saint Brigid has been theorised as linked to the goddess Brigid, some associate the festival of Imbolc with the goddess. St. Brigid is the patroness saint (or 'mother saint') of Ireland. She is patroness of many things, including poetry, learning, healing, protection, blacksmithing, livestock & dairy production. In her honour, a perpetual fire was kept burning at Kildare for centuries.
A recent campaign successfully established her feast day as a national holiday in 2023.
• Chinese New Year- (February 10th) the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. In Chinese, the festival is commonly referred to as the Spring Festival,- marking the end of winter and the beginning of the spring season. Observances traditionally take place from Chinese New Year's Eve, the evening preceding the first day of the year, to the Lantern Festival, held on the 15th day of the year. The first day of Chinese New Year begins on the new moon that appears between January 21st & February 20th.
The Chinese New Year is associated with several myths and customs. The festival was traditionally a time to honour deities as well as ancestors. Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the New Year vary widely & the evening preceding the New Year's Day is frequently regarded as an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.
It is also a tradition for every family to thoroughly clean their house, in order to sweep away any ill fortune & to make way for incoming good luck. Another custom is the decoration of windows & doors with red paper-cuts and couplets. Popular themes among these paper-cuts and couplets include good fortune or happiness, wealth & longevity. Other activities include lighting firecrackers  & giving money in red envelopes.
•  Candlemas- is a Christian feast day on February 2nd commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. It is based upon the account of the presentation of Jesus in Luke 2:22-40. 
While it is customary for Christians in some countries to remove their Christmas decorations on Twelfth Night, those in other Christian countries historically remove them after Candlemas.On Candlemas, many Christians also take their candles to their local church, where they are blessed and then used for the rest of the year.
•Setsubun- (February 3rd) Is the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan. The name literally means 'seasonal division', referring to the day just before the first day of spring.
Both Setsubun & Risshun are celebrated yearly as part of the Spring Festival (Haru matsuri ) in Japan. In its association with the Lunar New Year, Setsubun, though not the official New Year, was thought of as similar in its ritual & cultural associations of 'cleansing' the previous year as the beginning of the new season of spring. Setsubun was accompanied by a number of rituals & traditions held at various levels to drive away the previous year's bad fortunes & evil spirits for the year to come.
Other Celebrations:
• Lupercalia-
In ancient Rome, this festival was conducted annually on February 13th through 15th under the superintendence of a corporation of priests called Luperci. The origins of the festival are obscure, although the likely derivation of its name from lupus (Latin: “wolf”) has variously suggested connection with an ancient deity who protected herds from wolves and with the legendary she-wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus. As a fertility rite, the festival is also associated with the god Faunus.
to purify the city, promoting health & fertility.
Each Lupercalia began with the sacrifice by the Luperci of goats and a dog, after which two of the Luperci were led to the altar, their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife & the blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk; the ritual required that the two young men laugh. The sacrificial feast followed, after which the Luperci cut thongs from the skins of the sacrificial animals & ran in two bands around the Palatine hill, striking with the thongs at any woman who came near them. A blow from the thong was supposed to render a woman fertile.
In 494 CE the Christian church under Pope Gelasius I forbade participation in the festival. Tradition holds that he appropriated the form of the rite as the Feast of the Purification (Candlemas), celebrated on February 2, but it is likely that the Christian feast was established in the previous century. It has also been alternately suggested that Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th, but the origin of that holiday was likely much later.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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saturniasxenos ¡ 4 months ago
Nature / Flora ID Pack
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Inside this pack, you will find: Pronouns, Titles, Names, and Genders that relate to Nature, Flora, Flowers, Trees, and anything alike!
This is my 3rd NPT pack! 💜 I hope you find what you are looking for. I try to add as MUCH content as possible, so even if you don't find it, you can have an idea! (I'm still not the best at titles...)
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🍀 Pronouns:
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🌸 Titles:
Preserver of The Forest
(X) Who Nurtures
Born From The Forest
Guardian of The Forest
Dancer of The Desert
(X) Who Guards The Oasis
Child of The Trees
Floral Founder
Seeker of The Leaves
(X) Who Dances With The Petals
Druid of The Land
Wings of The Forest
Nurturing The Land
Nurturer of The Forest
Nature's Guardian
Child of Mother Nature
Guardian of Mother Nature
Raindrop on The Leaf
Dancing in The Wind
Guardian of The Crops
Child of The Nymph
The Water Dancer
The River Traveler
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🍃 Names:
Fem: Azalea, Aurora, Aster, Bellatrix, Belladonna, Blossom, Coral, Calla, Camellia, Dahlia, Daisy, Dawn, Dove, Dandelion, Ember, Flora, Floria, Giselle, Heather, Holly, Ivy, Jade, Juliet, Jasmine, Luna, Lunar, Lotus, Lily, Lilac, Lavender, Magnolia, Marigold, Meadow, Moon, Maple, Nova, Opal, Petunia, Poppy, Plum, Primrose, Paisley, Rosamund, Rose, Rosa, Rainy, Raine, Stella, Summer, Thea, Violet, Verna, Vine, Willow, Zinna,
Masc: Acacius, August, Arthur, Acorn, Arno, Aire, Beckett, Bear, Birch, Cedar, Cliff, Clay, Corvus, Clayton, Cove, Canyon, Callum, Caspian, Dune, Dylan, Elwood, Finn, Fielder, Falcon, Fox, Forest, Florian, Flint, Griffin, Hunter, Jasper, Jonah, Kai, Leo, Luan, Lennox, Micah, Oliver, Quill, Oscar, Orson, Roscoe, Rainier, Rhodes, Reed, Ronan, Rowan, Spruce, Sol, Thorne, Thorn, Wilder, Winter, Weston,
Neu: Arbor, Ashton, Ash, Agate, Autumn, Aspen, Bay, Berry, Barley, Brae, Bryony, Basil, Brooks, Bourne, Cereus, Clover, Crow, Cypress, Chamomile, Everest, Eden, Fawn, Farley, Finley, Frost, Fern, Foxley, Hazel, Harper, Hyacinth, Iris, Juniper, Jay, Jett, Koa, Krow, Lake, Leaf, Lynx, Oakley, Nightshade, Onyx, Orion, Olive, Pike, Pepper, Prairie, Phoenix, Robin, River, Raven, Rye, Scout, Sage, Stone, Sable, Snowden, Storm, Thistle, Wolf, Wolfe, Wulfwynn, Wren, Zen, Zev, Zephyr,
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🌲 Genders:
Natureserenic - a gender related to spending your days in the middle of nowhere inside your cottage overgrown with nature, cats, dogs, and peacefulness.
Rotgrowth - A gender that has a deep connection to the idea of new plant life growing out of dead, rotting, decaying bodies such as animals and humans.
Vancouldian - a gender related to tall evergreen trees blowing in the wind against a cloudy sky
Regenderation - A gender connected to all things related to regeneration and growth. Medicine, nature, the life aspect, shades of pinks and greens, etc.
Mouanipre - a gender connected to baby animals, daisies, wildflowers, flower crowns, soft grass, meadows, fawns, bunnies, lambs, soft fur, sleepy baby animals, pastel colors, and cute baby animals resting in soft meadows.
Heliangender - a gender related to, affected by, or connected to sunflowers.
Convolvulaceaeic - A gender that has a deep connection to the Convolvulaceae Family of flowers.
Naturegender - Gender relating to nature/plants
Asteraceaeica - gender that has a deep connection to the Asteraceae Family of flowers.
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pupsmailbox ¡ 11 months ago
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NAMES︰ adalinda. adam. adela. adelaide. adelio. adrienne. agnes. aladdin. alaric. alasdair. albert. alexander. alexandra. alexandria. alice. allegra. alyssa. amadeo. amelia. anais. anastasia. andrew. angelica. anita. annabelle. anne. anneliese. anthony. antoinette. ara. arabella. archibald. archie. aricia. ariel. armel. artemis. astrid. athena. augustus. aurelia. aurora. aymeric. balder. baldr. baldur. bano. basil. beatrice. belle. benjamin. blanche. blanchesse. blanchette. bonnette. bonnie. bowesse. bowette. brendan. briar. brioc. camilla. carl. caroline. caspian. catharina. catherine. cecilia. celeste. chainesse. chainette. chainne. charles. charlotte. chelidonis. christian. claude. clemente. clementine. cleopatra. corsette. crosse. crossette. crownesse. crownette. cynfael. damita. damyanti. darius. delphine. deoch. diana. duke. duncan. eadlin. edward. eleanor. eleanora. eleanore. elisabeth. eliza. elizabeth. elsa. emmanuel. erendira. eric. esperanza. estelle. eugene. eugenie. evelyn. fang. fangesse. fangette. farsiris. felix. frederick. frederik. frille. frillesse. frillette. gabriel. gabriella. gabrielle. gearesse. gearette. george. gladys. gormlaith. grace. griffith. haakon. harry. hector. henrik. henry. ingrid. isabella. isadora. izella. james. jasmine. joachim. josephine. julia. julien. kiana. kingsley. lacesse. lacette. lacey. laurent. leonore. lilibet. louis. louise. lucas. lucienne. mabel. madeleine. mael. maelie. maelle. maelys. magnus. mailys. margaret. maria. marie. marina. martha. michael. montgomery. nicolas. nikolai. nina. noire. noiresse. noirette. orla. oscar. palesse. palette. pari. paris. pearlesse. pearlette. philip. primrose. prince. princer. princessa. princesse. princette. princey. princie. prinze. prinzess. prinzessa. prynce. pryncess. quille. reagan. regina. regulus. ribbonesse. ribbonette. ribbonne. richard. robin. rognvaldr. rosalina. rose. rosette. rufflesse. rufflette. sabrina. sadie. saina. sara. sarah. sarai. sebastian. sharai. sofia. sophie. soraya. steven. sverre. theodora. tzeitel. vampesse. vampette. vampie. victoria. victorianne. vincent. watchesse. watchette. william. yseult. zadie.
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PRONOUNS︰ blu/blush. bonnet/bonnet. bow/bow. chain/chain. che/cher. corset/corset. count/count. cro/crown. cro/own. cross/crosses. crown/crown. crown/crowned. crowned/prince. crowned/princess. dear/dear. dress/dress. dress/dress.apple/apple. dress/dresse. elegant/elegant. eth/ethel. fluff/fluff. frill/frill. frill/frilly, frill/frilly. frilly/frilly. gear/gear. gem/gem. gold/gold. grace/grace. he/heir. he/heiress. he/hir. he/ir. heart/heart. heir/ess. heir/heir. heir/heiress. heiress/heiress. jewel/jewel. king/king. lace/lace. lo/love. lord/lord. lord/lordship. love/love. luv/luv. melody/melodie. mirror/mirror. mon/arch. night/night. no/nobili. no/noble. pale/pale. pearl/pearl. pillow/pillow. pink/pink. polish/polish. pretty/pretty. pri/ince. pri/prince. pri/princess. prin/cess. prince/prince. princess/princess. princess/princesse. princess/princesses. queen/queen. rib/ribbon. ribbon/ribbon. ro/rose. ro/royal. robe/robe. rose/rose. roy/royal. royal/royal. royal/royalty, royal/royalty. royalty/royaltie. royalty/royalty, royalty/royalty. ruffle/ruffle. shine/shine. shy/hyr. silk/silk. silver/silver. sleep/sleep. snore/snore. suit/suit. tea/tea. throne/throne. ti/ara. ti/tiara. tiara/tiara. victorian/victorian. watch/watche. yawn/yawn. zzz/zzz. ⚔. ⚜. 🏰. 👑. 💎.
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astra-ravana ¡ 5 months ago
Magickal Herb Sets
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Road Opener
• Yarrow
• Garlic
• Ferns
• Mallow
• Lemon Balm
• Mint
• Parsley
• Rosehips
• Rosemary
• Valerian
• Verbena
• Abre Camino
• Pine
• Five Finger Grass
• Allspice
• High John
• Basil
Astral Projection
• Wormwood
• Blue Lotus
• Mugwort
• Huckleberry
• Bakana
• Valerian
• Narrow-leaf Heimia
• Wild Asparagus Root
• Ginkgo Bilboa
• Damiana
• Lo John Root
• Huperzine-A
• Frankincense
• Nutmeg
• Xhosa Dream Root
• Eyebright
• Calea-Zacatechichi
• Acacia
• Star Anise
• Borage
• Ground Ivy
• Benzoin
• Lemongrass
• Celery
• Althea
• Bistort
• Orris Root
• Goldenrod
• Elecampane
• Agrimony
• Mullein
• Flaxseed
• Broom
• Camphor
Personal Power
• Chrysanthemum
• Aloe Vera
• Eucalyptus
• Peppermint
• Amber
• Cumin
• Bamboo
• Kava
• Calamus Root
• Passionflower
• Ashwegandha
• Bacopa
• Mustard Seed
• Turmeric
• Patchouli
• Shankapushpi
• Dog Rose
• Bay Leaves
• Cannabis
• Holy Basil
• Balm of Gilead
• Dandelion
• Cinnamon
• Lavender
• White Sage
• Lion's Tail
• Dittany of Crete
• Tears of Chios
• Roses
• Saffron
• Irish Moss
• Jasmine
• Alfalfa
• Ginger
For the Fae
• Blue Bell
• Vervain
• Elderberries
• Foxglove
• Honeysuckle
• Hawthorne
• Thyme
• Apple
• Fig
• Primrose
• Orchid
• Rowan
• Echinacea
• Clover
• Mistletoe
• Poppie
• Oak
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blue-bird-lamentation ¡ 2 years ago
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Happy birthday Jun!!!
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I had started another idea for Jun's birthday, but decided to change it to this. Someone here commented once how it would be nice to see some Omori x P2 crossover, and, although some elements are quite distinct, there are some similarities in the characters and elements of the story.
Maya and Mari, the big sister figure who asks for the group to keep smiling and think positive.
Jun and Basil and their connection through flowers, their sensitivity and both holding a harsh secret (although in omori's case, it's the truth)
Tatsuya and Sunny, the main characters (although in Tatsuya's case the story is a lie, both are associated with killing the big sister figure)
Lisa and Aubrey, both have a crush on the main character, they also liked the big sister a lot (however Aubrey suffers a major transformation because of what happens to Mari)
Eikichi and Kel, both sunshine characters, who struggle a lot with self steem issues.
In both cases, the loss of the Big Sister figure affects the characters a lot and is a big turning point in their lives. The story is very driven by the connection between Tatsuya, Maya and Jun, and Sunny, Mari and Basil.
I didn't go in too much detail and there are many differences too between the stories but i thought this picture was fitting for Jun's birthday. He deserves lots of hugs and affection ♥️
The flowers on top of Jun's head are supposed to be primroses due to the hope/wish/aspiration meaning. I used this post for inspiration.
For the Featherman masks, i had pondered if i should draw them wearing them or not. I wanted Jun's smile to be visible. First time they meet Maya, as a kid, she is not wearing one, and since we see Jun and Tatsuya interaction without them, i opted to draw the 3 of them not wearing their masks. However i kept Lisa's and Eikichi's as a reference to their meetings (it also made it easier for me because of references lol)
If you got this far, thank you for reading 💞
I wasn't sure if i should have written all of this or not, but i like when people explain what inspired them and stuff like that.
It's kind of a redraw but i had fun thinking about the elements to add.
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theshslpumpkinghost ¡ 7 months ago
drdt summer fun day 3: flowers!
DRDT But It’s Flower Meanings!
- Butterfly Weed - ‘Leave me,’ ‘You’ve been warned.’
- Marigolds are seen as a sign of death and misfortune by many cultures
- Anemones - mean forsaken and also a sign of fragility
- Bells of Ireland - Good Luck
- Blackthorn - Hope against adversity, Good Fortune, Difficulty
- Catchfly (white) - Betrayed
- Celandine - Deceptive hopes
- Mock oranges - mean deceit
- Cyclamens - meaning resignation or goodbye
- Angelicas - meaning inspiration
- Daisies - Innocence, Loyalty, Love
- Arborvitae - Everlasting friendship
- Aloysia - Forgiveness
- Asters (pink) - Innocence, Love, Affection.
- Violets (purple) - Love between two women
- Freesia - Innocence, Trust
- Hydrangea (Purple) - A desire to deeply understand someone
- Adder’s Tongue - Deceit
- Hyacinths - Rashness
- Weeping Willow - Mourning
- Purple Hyacinths - 'I am sorry, please forgive me,' sorrow.
- Rue - Regret, Sorrow, Repentance
- Coltsfoot - ‘Justice shall be done.’
- Roses - Love
- Asters (pink) - Innocence, Love, Affection.
- Pink Roses - Perfect happiness, 'please believe me'
- Evening Primrose - Silent Love
- Walnut - Intellect
- Scabius - Unfortunate attachment
- White Chrysanthemums - Used as a funeral flower or to lay on graves, also meaning 'truth'
- Adonis’ Flower - Painful remembrance
- Buttercups - Memories of childhood
- Petunias - Resentment, Anger
- Barberry - Sourness of temper
- Basil - Hate
- Lilies (orange) - Hatred, Disdain, Contempt
- Foxglove - Insecurity
- Roses (yellow) - Cowardice
- White Roses (Dried) - Death is preferable to loss of virtue
- Purple Hyacinths - 'I am sorry, please forgive me,' sorrow.
- Orchids - Love, Beauty, Refinement, 'Beautiful Lady'
- Wood Sorrel - Maternal Tenderness
- Daylilies - Chinese emblem for 'mother'
- Cinquefoils - Maternal Affection
- Crocuses - Cheerfulness
- Coreopsis - Always cheerful
- Tulips (yellow) - Hopeless love
- Xeranthemum - Cheerfulness under adversity
- Tulips (orange) - Understanding
- Monkshoods - Beware, a deadly foe is here
- Roses (black) - Death, Obsession, Mystery
- Tuberose - Dangerous pleasures
- Jonquils - 'Love me,' desire for affection to be returned
- Callas - Beauty
- Narcissus - Self-love, Egotism
- Sweet Sultan - Felicity
- Gladioli - 'Give me a break
- Petunias - Resentment
- Roses (yellow) - intense emotion
- Acanthus - Art
- Forget-Me-Nots - Memories
- Moonwort - Forgetfulness
- Adder’s Tongue - Deceit
- Borage - Bluntness
- Petunias - Resentment
- Hellebores - Anxiety, 'tranquilise my anxiety'
- Zinnias (Mixed) - Thinking/In memory of an absent friend
- Laurestine - ‘i die if neglected’
- Arborvitae - Everlasting friendship
- Irises - 'Your friendship means so much to me’
if you wanna add any, feel free to ask! :D
…i spent so long on this thing aaa
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mousetoe-wc ¡ 1 year ago
I Got bored one time awhile ago and made a list of every prefix plus some into organised sections so I thought I might as well share.
All the ones that aren’t cannon to warriors, yet at lest are bold
Describing names
Colours: red, russet, copper, golden, amber, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, white, gray, black, ebony, dark, pale, silver, brown, tawny, fallow
Pattern, Texture + Size: spot/ted, dapple, speckle, freckle, brindle, patch, mottle, ragged, tangle, kink, bristle, fuzzy, curl/y, wooly, soft, sleek, little, tiny, small, slight, short, tall, long, big, heavy, crooked, broken, half, stumpy, shred, torn, jagged
Actions + Character: flip, pounce, bounce, jump, hop, crouch, down, low, drift, flail, strike, running, fidget, mumble, whistle, snap, sneeze, shiver/ing, shining, flutter, fallen, lost, rush, fleet, quick, shy, sweet, brave, loud, quiet, wild, hope, wish,
Other: claw, whisker, dead, odd, one, spike, fringe, echo, song, hallow, haven
Time + Weather: day, night, dusk, dawn, morning, sky, sun/ny, moon, storm, lightning, thunder, cloud/y, mist/y, fog, snow, blizzard, ice, frost, dew, drizzle, rain, clear, wind, breeze, gale, shadow, shade, bright, light,
Earth/Water/Fire names: stone, rock, boulder, slate, flint, pebble, gravel, sand/y, dust, mud/dy, meadow, hill, rubble, river, ripple, whorl, float, rapid, shimmer, lake, swamp, marsh, wave, wet, bubbling, splash, puddle, pool, creek, fire, flame, flicker, flash, blaze, scorch, ember, spark, ash, soot, cinder, smoke
Trees: alder, aspen, birch, beech, cedar, cypress, pine, elm, willow, oak, larch, maple, bay, rowan, timber, bark, log, wood, twig, acorn, cone, seed, spire
Berry/Nut/Fruit/Herb: juniper, elder, sloe, holly, yew, mistle, bramble, hickory, hazel, chestnut, nut, apple, cherry, cranberry, olive, pear, plum, peach, chive, mint, fennel, sage, basil, mallow, parsley
Flowers: aster, poppy, primrose, rose, bluebell, marigold, tansy, pansy, briar, cherry, daisy, dandelion, daffodil, tulip, violet, lily, myrtle, thrift, yarrow, heather, lavender, blossom, bloom, flower, petal
Other: leaf, frond, fern, bracken, sorrel, hay, rye, oat, wheat, cotton, reed, pod, cinnamon, milkweed, grass, clover, weed, stem, sedge, gorse, furze, flax, nettle, thistle, ivy, moss, lichen, bush, vine, root, thorn, prickle, nectar
Mammals: mouse, rat, mole, vole, shrew, squirrel, hedgehog, bat, rabbit, hare, ferret, weasel, stoat, mink, marten, otter, hog, wolf, hound, fox, vixen, badger, deer, doe, stag, fawn, sheep, cow, pig, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, milk
Birds: robin, jay, cardinal, thrush, sparrow, swallow, shrike, starling, rook, swift, dove, pigeon, crow, raven, duck, goose, heron, wren, finch, swan, stork, quail, gull, lark, owl, eagle, hawk, kestrel, buzzard, kite, hoot, feather, bird, egg, talon
Fish, Reptiles + Amphibians: pike, perch, pollack, trout, tench, cod, carp, bass, bream, eel, minnow, fin, snake, adder, lizard, turtle, frog, toad, newt
Bug type Names: bug, lady or ladybug, moth, spider, ant, snail, slug, beetle, bee, wasp, dragon or dragonfly, bumble, worm, maggot, cricket, fly, midge, web, honey
Skyclan + Warriorclan: Bella, Billy, Big, Harry, Harvey, Snook, Ebony, Monkey
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goldenslumberowo ¡ 6 months ago
ATLA x Hunger Games Crossover
The sun is just rising. The dawn is gray and foggy. I wait out in the woods for my best friend – my only friend – Gale Hawthorne.
It is not like him to be late and it’s not often that I reach our meeting place before he does.
I wonder what may have stalled him.
Peacekeepers? A sick sibling? Errands for his mother?
Or is it nothing?
Perhaps he has decided to sleep in. It is, after all, reaping day, and the reaping does not start until two. Most will try to sleep in. If they can.
I move to edge of the tree-line, peering through the chain-link fence topped with barbed-wire, and watch as the Meadow grasses sway in the early morning breeze. Beyond the Meadow is the Seam.
At this hour, the Seam is usually crawling with earthbenders heading out to their morning shift at the coal mines. Men and women with hunched shoulders, swollen knuckles. Many who have long since stopped trying to scrub the coal dust out of their broken nails or the lines of their sunken faces. But not today.
The dawn is just ending when I spot Gale, hurrying out of the Seam and into the Meadow. He does not bother to shimmy under the lifted part of the fence, like I had. He merely bends the earth underneath himself and propels himself over the barded-wire loops. He lands a little clumsily. He is not as adapt at earthbending as he likes to think.
Out in the woods with me is one of the few places that he gets to practice without the scrutiny of the Peacekeepers. If the people of the Seam are seen using their bending for something other than for the mining of coal, they can expect to be reprimanded. Or if the authorities thought you intended to use your bending to fight back, to use it against them, or the people who rule our country, Panem, from the far-off city called the Capitol… you will be executed.
Gale flashes something at me from underneath his coat. A loaf of bread. Still steaming, fresh from the bakery. Real bread, nothing like the flat dense disks of bread we make from our grain rations. He passes it to me and it almost burns my hands.
“Still so warm,” I say. “What did it cost you?”
“Just a frog-squirrel,” says Gale. “I think that old man was feeling sentimental this morning. Even wished me luck.” He pauses to take his bow from me and shoulders it. “Coming from a firebender, I guess I should be grateful.”
The undertow of resentment in his tone is unmistakable. While there are benders of all kinds in District 12, earthbenders make up the majority of the Seam and firebenders run the Town. Long before the Dark Days, before there even was District 12 proper, those firebenders came to this land and colonized it. Even with the Capitol now overseeing us, there are still long-standing prejudices between the descendants of those firebenders and earthbenders. Gale, comprised of great pride of his origins, holds fast to such feelings.
My father was an earthbender – before he got blown to bits in the coal mines – and my mother is a waterbender and my little sister, Primrose, is a waterbender, too… and while I take after my father, and I can bend earth – I never thought of myself as someone who could afford the luxury of discriminating against the Townspeople. I need them to trade with. My greatest enemy since my father’s death has always been starvation – which has no ties to any type of bending.
Gale and I trek to our favorite spot, surrounded by berry bushes and shrouded from prying eyes. He slices the bread. I offer up the bit of goat-gorilla cheese Prim had given me that morning. Gale places basil leaves onto the cheese. We munch on the blackberries. Our own little reaping feast.
“Have you seen the newest imposter?” asks Gale, as we hike to the lake for fishing.
I glance over. He is smoldering with anger underneath his stony expression.
“I haven’t,” I admit. “Is this one more believable than the last ‘Avatar’?”
“It’s worse,” says Gale. “Since the death of the last Avatar sixteen years ago, there have been countless pretenders, or Capitol puppets, or imposters – whatever we should call them… you’d think they would get better at pretending.”
“We should be grateful,” I say. “The Capitol stopped trying to scourer the districts after a decade of…” I stop myself. I do not need to say it. Gale knows of the horrors. Every baby examined. Every birth attended by a Capitol envoy. The schools putting every child through rigorous testing and scrutiny. Parents, neighbors, strangers all interviewed, interrogated, and encouraged to spy and to betray each other.
“I’m glad they never found the new Avatar,” says Gale. “The Capitol would have raised them to be worse than the last. Someone who promotes the Hunger Games in the name of balance, who is Capitol fed and pampered, who betrays the rest of the world for greed.”
President Snow had indeed grieved when his pet Avatar died, after sixty long years of having them as his puppet. Since then, there have been whispers… fears… hopes… things that the Capitol would not want in the districts.
But they are just that. No one seems to know who or where this new Avatar is. Worse, they would still be a child – just sixteen. And if they are living in hiding, then they likely have not trained enough. Not enough to fulfill the hopes of overthrowing the Capitol and restoring true balance to the world.
I choose not to engage in such fantasies.
Life is hard enough without clinging onto impossible hopes.
We take the fish we catch down to the Hob, where we are able to trade them for a decent amount. The strawberries we picked are sold to Mayor Undersee. When we arrive, it is his daughter, Madge Undersee, who answers the door. She’s in white. A lovely reaping dress. There are rubies on the cuffs of her sleeves. Symbols of her wealth – and a touch of red, some subtle firebender pride. All of it makes Gale look sick with hate.
While it is true that those rubies could keep a family from starving for months, I do not hate her. For being the mayor’s daughter, she is surprisingly demure and kind. I have spent many days sharing quiet school lunches with her, or teaming up together in gym. Madge wishes Gale and I luck in the reaping.
Back home, my mother and Primrose are waiting for me. Prim jumps up and greets me. She shows me the reaping outfit she is wearing. Deep green earthbender garbs. My mother had painstakingly taken it in, since it used to be mine; but it is still a bit big on her. And she isn’t even an earthbender. I motion her to me.
“Tuck that tail in, little turtle-duck,” I tell her, securing the fabric of her shirt into the back of her skirt.
“Quack!” says Prim.
“Quack yourself,” I say.
My mother gives me a dress from when she was a teenager; back when she lived in Town with her waterbender family that owned the apothecary. It is waterbender blue and embellished and when I put it on, it feels wrong, but it fits and it is beautiful, so I thank her.
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moog-enthusiast ¡ 2 years ago
FLOWER DEAN is 19 years old, 3 years older than her brother BASIL, putting her in the same age group as MARI & HERO. She’s a very bookish thing, she can almost always be found on her lonesome with her nose in a novel. She dyes her hair blue over her natural color, keeping it as a cropped pixie cut, often adorned with a daisy chain crown gifted to her by her younger brother. With GRANNY being old even when FLOWER & her brother first moved in, responsibilities often fell to FLOWER to take care of. She never really had the normal life of a kid, playing the maternal role for her younger brothers from a young age. GRANNY may have been the one to attend school conferences and such when FLOWER was young, but crippling chronic pains unfortunately left GRANNY bed-borne rather frequently. FLOWER was already a very caring, quiet kid growing up, but with this standard of being the adult figure of sorts, is the root of her emotional fragility, and her care-taker mentality. She made meals for her family regularly, cleaned wounds, handled finances, and varied chores around the house. This led to FLOWER becoming a sort of unofficial head of household, and a lot of self-isolation and social anxiety. MARI KANZAKI, one of FLOWER’s neighbors and classmates, takes interest in becoming FLOWER’s friend in elementary school— pulling her out of the house as they got closer between primary and middle school, so FLOWER could meet the other kids their age. They got even closer after their younger brothers became friends, as it meant they were now in proximity of each other a lot more, even if just to babysit. FLOWER became good friends with the older kiddos and developed a crush on MARI— her first love. This crush on MARI is written as a reference to FLOWER being described as a boring MARI personality wise by OMOCAT, and ties the KANZAKI & DEANfamilies all over again. Whether her feelings were requited or not is indeterminate. MARI may have been her best friend, but post-incident she finds a lot of comfort in HERO, as the two mourn and support one another together.
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FLOWER’s real name is “PRIMROSE”, but she goes by FLOWER to almost everyone- a nickname given to her by her GRANNY. The DEANS’ grandmother referred to the kids as “SPROUTS”, affectionately, and a young FLOWER insisted she wasn’t a sprout anymore since she was the oldest- and earned herself a new name from the amused guardian.
She is always the older sister of BASIL, but in aus with other siblings, such as ROWAN variants, or ocs, she is perfectly happy as well! She puts a lot of her self-worth into being a good sister… to the point she ‘adopts’ many of the younger kids of FARAWAY, opening her doors to anyone hoping for a nice hot meal or general support. She often brings meals to AUBREY, though less frequently after she becomes aware of her bullying her brother. She has a hard time engaging in conversation with most of the old friend group, and opts for gifts and acts of service to show her support instead. She does not feel worthy of being known by her childhood friends.
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After the recital, BASIL goes home looking for comfort from his soft, quiet, older sister and tells her what he’s done. He needed someone to know- someone he trusted! He was small. 12 years old and the weight of his actions settling in. This puts a strain on FLOWER’s relationship with him, leading to her hiding at college (& work over the summer,) to try and avoid her family. She still cares very deeply about her brother, but has extreme difficulty with grappling with what BASIL has done— a very painful emotion, in conjunction with her sisterly instinct to protect him. As a result, BASIL worries he’s been abandoned again by the person he trusted most, and continues his downward spiral.
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FLOWER in HEADSPACE appears on the picnic blanket with MARI, offering compliments when spoken to- until BASIL disappears. Upon BASIL’s disappearance though— her initial reaction is a panicked response begging OMORI to find him. Past that though, pretty much the only thing she will say to the player is a simple “…”. The exception to this is that at the start of every picnic, you can interact with her- and she’ll tell you “It’s important to stay hydrated, OMORI…!” to which the player finds a new juicebox in their inventory. Once you get your juice though, she goes back to radio silence.
she misses her brother… she’s worried..
Although FLOWER may be silent, her BLACKSPACE counterpart most certainly is not. Dubbed ‘WANDERER’, this entity exists to FLOWER as STRANGER is to BASIL. WANDERER acts as one of many of the STRANGER-friends you find, but is plenty talkative! When she sees OMORI alone, she can often be spotted pacing not far behind. When interacted with, she tells him that he “ruined” her family- and that he’s sent a divide into all the families through his hiding, and needs to be held responsible for his actions. Whether WANDERER knows the truth or not is left unclear, she’s very insistent that OMORI is at the heart of the ongoing issues she’s noticed.
BASIL loves his sister a lot! He encourages her to play hide & seek with them at the start, but doesn’t mind when she declines- simply giving her a hug, and scampering off to his friends. When he shows off his garden, he’s proud to display his daisy patch, in which he tells others why they remind him of his sister. When fighting with OMORI in BOSS RUSH, he’s quick to run to FLOWER upon winning, and telling her all about how cool OMORI is in battle.
—“These are DAISIES! I know they’re simple and rather common, but they represent ‘pure love’! These remind me of FLOWER because she’s always there for me, and is the best sister I could ever ask for. I guess what I’m trying to say, is that she provides me with pure sisterly love, and I feel the same for her!”
KEL views her as an older sister figure, and asks her lots of questions. He treats her like a human-encyclopedia, (lovingly), due to her vast array of knowledge picked up from her books.
AUBREY will go to her for comfort, [as seen in scenes when BASIL first goes missing, and AUBREY runs to FLOWER for a hug], but is typically very blunt in regular conversation, making comments about “You’re so boring, FLOWER…” with a pouting face, when FLOWER declines the offer to come with on their adventure at the beginning, and other varied pieces of dialogue akin to this. She sees FLOWER as an older sister figure too, though more of the straight-man compared to MARI, and even HERO.
HERO is very cheery with FLOWER, often telling her about the groups adventures when tagged— trying to help take her mind off things. He and FLOWER are good friends, and it can be seen in the OMORI route, when the two often share witty banter regarding their favorite nerdy medias- or sharing cooking tips & tricks!
MARI is worried about FLOWER, but tries to cheer her up by dragging her along to each of the picnics, and lightly teasing her. MARI is the one FLOWER is closest too, and in OMORI route, you can find FLOWER dancing to MARI’s flute music, or playing small games like truth or dare with HERO. (…Though, she always seems to pick truth?)
OMORI isn’t one to really make a comment on anyone, but he’s typically polite & respectful to her all the same. She’s BASIL’s older sister, after all.
FLOWER appears in a handful of photos, but typically is partially out of frame, or hiding. she’s a bit camera shy…
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(3-2-1 DAYS LEFT in game);
In the OMORI game setting, FLOWER can be found working the first few days in the FIX-IT'S garden section, where you can chat a little- and get some anxious rambled dialogue about her brother.
3 Days Left
“Oh..! Hey, SUNNY… I don’t know the last time I've seen you on your own…”
“Say, SUNNY… You don’t happen to know anything about how BASIL’s doing right now, do you?”
2 Days Left
“SUNNY… could you drop a GINO'S order off at my house for me? I’m so busy with work, I might not be home to make BASIL dinner tonight…”
[*FLOWER gives you $25, but can be used for whatever. If you try to do as she says, you end up in the Pizza job mini game instead…. POLLY will make him something… probably.*]
1 Day Left
FLOWER can now be found inside her & her siblings home, cooking dinner with POLLY. If you try to talk to her, she mumbles something about her worries about BASIL, but otherwise incomprehensible due to sheer quietness.
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(sprites by @/wario_car on twitter)
FLOWER can be found in BASIL’s hospital room, lightly hugging her brother from beside the bed- very clearly worried.
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Good (Secret) ending; With BASIL smiling, you are approached by your friends, and FLOWER wishes you goodbye with the rest of them. The forgiveness of BASIL allows her to move on as well :)
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SUNNY route; After SUNNY reveals the truth, FLOWER leaves the room, and is not seen for the rest of the end. In an extended storyline she has gone into a mental spiral of sorts, but it’s not relevant to the game’s plot.
Neutral route; If BASIL dies at the sleepover, FLOWER is seen with her forehead pressed against his bedroom door and hand on the doorknob, crying and apologizing repeatedly.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
OMORI route; dreamworld FLOWER is talking again! She shows some of the ballet dance moves she’s been trying to learn to the group if interacted with on MARI's mat, and features little chime-ins to chat with her & her brothers’ friends. MARI teases her, and she’s more willing to play with the others. She can be seen in boss rush, where she cheers on all your friends from the sidelines. So long as BASIL is back, she’s happy!
more flower content here:
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blackswallowtailbutterfly ¡ 6 months ago
My Garden Flowers Part 3
All photos mine. The small buttercup and evening primrose are edited for colour since the camera didn't catch it and washed it out.
In order of appearance:
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In order of appearance:
061. Wild Basil (Clinopodium vulgare) Didn't do so well the last place I had her in, but she seems happy in this spot, so fingers crossed.
062. Crested Iris (Iris cristata) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
063. Smallflower Buttercup (Rancunculus abortivus) Not much to look at compared with other buttercups but one of the only native buttercups with (limited) edible uses.
064. Smooth Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum biflorum) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet. Soon, hopefully!
065. False Solomon's Seal (Maianthemum racemosa) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet, but she's growing well so hopefully next year.
066. Blisterwort (Ranunculus recurvatus) I didn't plant that. She just turned up last year. Not pictured as I haven't got any pictures yet.
067. Fairy Spuds (Claytonia virginica) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet. She's a wee little spud in the ground.
068. Flowering Dogwood (Cornus floridus) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet but she is slowly spreading out.
069. Plantain-Leaf Sedge (Carex plantaginea) Not pictured as I haven't got pictures yet. I should. It's a neat plant. Evergreen, too!
070. Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica) One of the prettiest plants I've ever seen, from the shape and texture of the leaves to the purplish pink buds to the bright blue bell-shaped flowers. They're spring ephemerals, though, so they're long gone by now. But will emerge next spring!
071. Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) Only lives for two years and reseeds itself. It's a common weed along sidewalks, but its flowers glow yellow in the evening and often remain in bloom at night.
072. Squirrel Corn (Dicentra canadensis) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet. The leaves are really cute, though.
073. Large Toothwort (Cardamine maxima) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
074. Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) Not pictured as I haven't got any pictures yet.
075. Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) A cultivar, not sure which one. I'll get the wild type if/when I can.
076. American Plum (Prunus americana) I was not expecting her to flower this year! Hopefully she will next year too, and without aphids this time so I can have some plums. :)
077. Smooth Aster (Symphyotrichum laeve) So like I said, I do think New England asters are the prettiest of this genus, but smooth asters are very nice in their own way. Tender bluish leaves, and delicate light purple flowers.
078. Sweet Grass (Hierochloe odorata) Not pictured as I haven't got any pictures yet. She only flowered one year. Hasn't since. I won't miss a photo next time.
079. Nodding Onion (Allium cernuum) What's better than pretty flowers? Tasty pretty flowers!
080-081. Swamp Rose Mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) Two different cultivars and the red one has died, but I did get my hands on the wild type! That will hopefully bloom this year.
082. Stiff Sunflower (Helianthus pauciflorus subrhomboideus) Holds her own against the much more aggressive Nuttall's sunflower. Sometimes called beautiful sunflower. I don't know how one decides which species of a very showy genus gets that name, but I guess she won out.
083. Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea) Another one that was hard to choose a photo of. You just hardly believe they're real!
084. Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) I planted her where there's a drip from the eavestrough so she can get very wet when it rains. :) She is not a marigold but instead part of the buttercup family.
085. Nuttall's Sunflower (Helianthus nuttallii) Whenever I am expressing frustration about sunflowers, it is almost always this species. lol Very beautiful but very aggressive.
086. Larkspur Violet (Viola pedatifida) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
087. White Turtlehead (Chelone glabra) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
088. Small Sundrops (Oenothera perennis) Not quite as intensely yellow as some of her relatives but still very bright.
089. Bigleaf Aster (Eurybia macrophylla) You generally grow her for foliage rather than her flowers, but flowering she is! Very drought-tolerant, but spreads more readily in less harsh conditions.
090. Bride's Feathers (Aruncus dioicus) Southern Ontario and surrounding area's evolution really went off on the lacy white flowers, and this species' flowers might be the laciest of them all.
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callmebliss-got-swamped ¡ 1 year ago
One for all the folks finding the herb spiral post again:
This year I’m doing my basil in a railing box due to Reasons. It is going like crazy
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Some of it I am letting go to seed (free basil whee) but a good portion of it I keep pinching off the top above branching leaves to encourage growth. Here you can see where I pinched off a center stem above baby leaves and they became two strong branches
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When I do this, I just drop the pinched-off bits into the corner of the box, figuring they will slowly biodegrade. Except today I noticed this enterprising little guy
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We must have had enough rain right after pinching that it managed to self-root. Free basil!!!
We are still doing pumpkins out in the main garden area, because Youngest does them every year. They are healthy and flowering, spreading like crazy, and constantly visited by local pollinators.
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One leg - no, two legs! - of the pumpkins vine are crawling up through the hedge.
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Letting the rest of the garden be wild (and managing to get the landlord’s landscapers to not just mow it all down 🙄) has revealed interesting surprises from earlier tenants’ gardens. There is mullein and something that I think is yellow evening primrose (not pictured). There is Japanese knotweed attempting to invade, against which I push back aggressively as I can. Also, there is this, which thus far is A Mystery to me
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Anybody know this plant?
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lovevalley45 ¡ 3 months ago
#fictober24 - day thirteen
"That's not the point."
original fiction (power payback)
word count: 643
Sprout opened the door to Primrose’s sedan and plopped into the passenger side seat. “I can drive myself, you know.” 
“I know that, Daisy. But Mom wants me to make sure you’re not skipping your meetings.” 
She rolled her eyes, pulling her seatbelt on. “I wouldn’t.” 
Primrose sighed, sliding her shades back on. “Let’s go. We don’t want to be late.” 
Sprout mouthed ‘we’ mockingly, crossing her arms. It wasn’t like Primrose was coming in with her to these things. 
Dr. Merlo had suggested, not so subtly, that Sprout go to these burnout recovery support meetings. 
“Just try a few,” her talantologist had told her, handing her the flyer. “Losing your Talent can be a traumatic experience. Talking with a group of your peers who understand can help you process.”
Nevermind that her brain had blocked out most of it. Nevermind that she barely remembered anything from the moment she’d fallen into the rose bushes to waking up in the hospital. She had gotten the story herself from a third-hand account; Basil telling Magni what he’d saw when he’d gone to him for help, then Magni telling her when she was recovered enough to handle his story. 
Kent, of course, told a very different story. He said that she had attacked him unprompted, then tried to use the vines she had conjured to strangle him further. Which she hadn’t been. But the scars on her hands only showed the pulling, not where she had been pulling. 
Sprout shut her eyes and leaned her head against the seat. Her gloves chafed against the scars on her wrists, which weren’t so nerve-damaged as her hands. She was still getting used to not having them all covered by bandages. Primrose had oh-so-kindly suggested she cover them up before going to the meeting, just as she had suggested she not show up in her sweats and an old Marotto Family Nursery t-shirt. 
She had complied with most of those requests. But she hadn’t parted with her sweats. 
“These meetings aren’t a punishment. That’s not the point,” Primrose piped up, breaking her out of her thoughts. 
“Then what are they?” Sprout asked. 
“I know you don’t want to talk about it. And you don’t have to talk about it with me,” she said. “But I also know you’ve been having nightmares.” She took a deep breath. “I’ve been staying in your room, Daisy. I can hear you screaming. We all can. You said you don’t remember it, but I think some part of you does.” 
She looked down at her hands, curled into fists in her lap. “Do I scream?” she asked softly. 
“Yes.” Primrose was quiet for a long moment, until they reached a red light. “You won’t even talk to Magni about it.” 
“Well, I’m sure the sight of me passed out in a pool of two people’s blood was pretty traumatic for him too.” 
“Ms. Quinn made him talk to the school counselor about it. Did you know that?” she asked. 
“He told me,” Sprout said. She had known about that, obviously. He had mentioned it in passing during one of his visits to the Marotto household, quickly, as if he didn’t want her to worry about it. “What about Basil?” 
“Mom doesn’t want to press him,” Primrose answered. 
“He won’t even look at me, Primrose,” she told her. “Did you notice?”
“Maybe that’s something you can unpack in this meeting.” She turned into the community center parking lot. 
Sprout was silent until she pulled up in front of the building and unlocked the door. 
“Avoiding it won’t make it go away,” Primrose told her. 
She opened the door. “I know.” 
When she stepped out, she made sure to slam the door to her car. Hard. 
Next time, she’d be sure to inform their mom that she was capable of driving herself to these things.
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sagescented ¡ 12 days ago
Been trying to think about what I wanted to do for gardening this year. I know I won't have the energy to work on all the beds, but I want to do something- preferably something low maintenance. So I'm going to do 2 spaces this year.
First, I'm going to turn the bed by the deck into the Hummingbird Oasis like we planned. I'm going to aim for getting back some of the varieties I grew on the deck last year, as well as getting some of the varieties I'd wanted but couldn't get.
Tall Verbena (Verbena Bonariensis)
'Coronado' Hummingbird Mint (Agastache Aurantiaca)
'Sunset' Threadleaf Giant Hyssop (Agastache Rupestris)
‘Firebird' Giant Red Hyssop (Agastache Coccinea x A. Rupestris)
'Summer Breeze' Hummingbird Mint (Agastache hyb.)
'Angel Wings' Blacurrant Sage (Salvia Microphylla)
'Black and Blue' Anise-Scented Sage (Salvia Guaranitica)
'Rose Marvel' Woodland Sage (Salvia Nemorosa)
'Caradonna Pink Inspiration' Woodland Sage (Salvia Nemorosa)
'April Night' Woodland Sage (Salvia Nemorosa)
I'm also going to put a few of my plants in the ground, in the Hummingbird Oasis, that I haven't before; stuff I want to keep around longer, but which isn't surviving well in the pots.
Rue (Ruta Graveolens)
Rosemary (Salvia Rosmarinus)
Lavender (Lavandula spp.)
True Hyssop (Hyssopus Officinalis)
Sunflowers (Helianthus Annuus cultivars)
I'm also going to do the front garden I built, again, and I'm going to do Herbs in there like I did 2 years prior; I missed growing my Herbs last year. It was nice. I think I'll also give flowers another go, too, if I can. I think it'd be nice to see them interspersed with the herbs?
Showy Evening Primrose (Oenothera Speciosa)
Poppy (Papaver spp.)
Cosmos (Cosmos spp.)
Woodland Flowering Tobacco (Nicotiana Sylvestris)
Winter Savory (Satureja Montana)
Summer Savory (Satureja Hortensis)
German / False Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla)
Calendula (Calendula spp.)
Marigold (Tagetes spp.)
Nasturtium (Nasturtium spp.)
Sweet Marjoram (Origanum Majorana)
Prairie Sage / Western Mugwort (Artemisia Ludoviciana)
Comfrey (Symphytum Officinale)
Chervil (Anthraces Cerefolium)
Lovage (Levisticum Officinale)
Sage (multiple cultivars)
Temperate Tulsi / Holi Basil (Ocimum Tenuiflorum)
Basil (multiple cultivars)
Carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus)
Zinnia (Zinnia spp.)
Italian Oregano / Hardy Marjoram (Origanum x Majoricum)
Syrian Oregano / True Za'atar (Origanum Syriacum)
Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare)
Parsley (Petroselinum Crispum)
Snow Peas & Snap Peas (multiple cultivars)
Noodle / Yardlong Beans (multiple cultivars)
Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis)
European Vervain / Verbena (Verbena Officinalis)
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria Majalis)
Saffron Crocus (Crocus Sativus)
This is on top of the various plants and Herbs that've survived in there, even through the neglect of last year.
Absinthe Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium)
Common Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris)
Comfrey (Symphytum Officinale)
'Sorbet' Chinese Peony (Paeonia Lactiflora)
'Miss Kim' Korean Lilac (Syringa Pubescens subsp. Patula)
American Passionflower / Maypop (Passiflora Incarnata)
Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum Virginianum)
I have no idea if any of the seeds that I sowed last year for Poppies, Cosmos, and Zinnias are going to come up. They may. They may not. Only time will tell. I do know I'm yeeting all the Yarrow this year, though. I haven't done anything with it, and frankly it's more annoying to have in the garden than anything.
We'll see how everything goes.
Oklahoma - Region 2 ⏊ Grow Zone 7a ⏊ Heat Zone 8
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