#basically I just said fuck you to the saint pastry order
ralofofriverwoods · 2 years
Sigh. It happened again. The COD headcannons grow stronger each passing day
Today’s new addition is pastry cookie! not too out of the realm of possibility, as far as everything goes. She kinda just wears her shadow sister outfit but that’s ok :)
Explanation will be under the image(not quite sure how to do cuts yet, bear with me,,)((edit: I figured out how to add cuts :D))
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Essentially, after the events of the tower of sweet chaos, she went to reverend mother about her doubt a little more in depth than she should have, which led to an assassination attempt by the shadow sisters. She successfully evaded the first few attempts, but a week or two after running away from the order another one caught up to her, which she ended up killing(albeit on accident). This marked her giving up on the order completely, as she decided to start looking for a new place to rebuild her life. Eventually she ran into licorice when he was out, and they had a quick chat(with a little bit of fighting((a lot of fighting)))
After beating the shit out of each other for a while they decided to call it quits and talk through it like adults, so maybe one of them could come out of the encounter still breathing. Lico came to the conclusion that maybe she would be a good fit in the CoD after all, and went to dark enchantress with the hopes to bring her into their ranks. Dark enchantress didn’t like the idea at all(since pastry tried to murder her son and all that), however with some convincing from lico and, surprisingly, red velvet himself, she allowed pastry to come in on a trial basis to see if she would be a good fit.
Pastry, for the most part, was pretty chill once she got acclimated. Of course there’s still boatloads of religious beliefs/trauma she had to let go of, but it was going well. She was sent on a final test mission against another sister in the order which had been told to clear out the tower just like she had, and after vanquishing her, pastry was finally let into the CoD officially.
Shortly after this, she changed her name to lavender cookie. Seeing as she no longer held any affiliation with the Saint Pastry Order, it was about time.
She became one of the people that gather intel from opposing forces(the others being crepe and Madeleine), using a forged shadow sister garb(courtesy of licorice) to grant her passage into various establishments and meetings. She primarily lives in the CoD castle, however she does own a house in Gingerbrave’s kingdom, and makes sure to stay there at least thrice a month, as to not be too suspicious.
Relationships with the CoD vary. Her and pomegranate are on coworker terms at best, however licorice and her have become rather good friends. Poison mushroom likes her stories, and often talks when the others are out of the castle. He has the most interesting conversations, and she always seems to keep up when he talks a mile a minute. Her and dark choco have a mutual respect, however catching them speaking outside of meetings or work related issues is near impossible. Red velvet and Lavender have a surprisingly good relationship, and are now best friends. Despite almost killing him previously, Lavender has come to see eye to eye with him on a great deal of things, and has even taken to overseeing the newest cakepups on occasion. RV and Lavender can even be caught sparring(and yelling good natured insults) at each other at the training grounds when she has a hard time getting to sleep or otherwise focusing.
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Lapu Lapu and Maggie's Fam
We were up for our breakfast at 8 am so we didn't starve on the plane. It became clear pretty quickly that Tune Hotel is owned by Asia Air because the whole place was full of their employees ready to head off for flights. The little restaurant had limited options for food and when we got down there and ordered a muffin, we were told that the muffin guy had already left. Apparently 8 am is late in Malaysia because it was ridiculous that I was even asking about muffins at this late hour. Fuck me for not being there at a more airline friendly hour. We then tried a croissant and they were out of those too. Definitely a top shelf establishment. So we walked around to the back of the building and looked over the fence into, what I am fairly sure, was the exact yard they used to film Jurassic Park. Thankfully, Maggie is smarter than me and had squirrelled away half a pastry from the day before that could keep us alive til we got to the airport. We got to the airport via the shuttle and breezed through security. Nobody even looked me in the eye. Didn't have to empty my pockets. Just throw your bag through the thing nobody is looking at and walk through the beeping metal detector that no one is paying attention to and walk on. The food court was a welcome surprise. Plenty of options and not overly expensive for what airports often have. The shock came shortly after when we had about 10 minutes to go before our plane was boarding. Surprise security number two. You crafty Malaysian bastards. Thankfully we made it through the line fairly quickly and are well practiced at emptying and packing our bags again quickly and we made our plane in time. The flight was pretty easy and we ended up in Cebu pretty quickly. Upon landing, in one of our customs line ups we have become so fond of, we saw a ton of ads for JPark. I assume this is the theme park version of J-Date. I don't know why the Jewish people chose the Philippines to find love, but best of luck. Maggie's mom and aunt Juliet came to meet us at the airport and to escort us back to Lapu Lapu City where her uncle Peter and Juliet live half the year. Juliet is from the Philippines and she is lovely. She navigates most conversations with the locals for us to make sure we pay the real prices and get where we need to go. She has been an absolute saint and without her it would be a bit of a challenge despite the impressive amount of English everyone here speaks. Maggie's uncle Peter is a wonderful man. Really warm and welcoming and forced me right away to work on my German, which I really appreciate. He has had a really interesting life. Four years in the German navy as a navigator when he was young. Despite all of the crazy things he saw during his time, the biggest change in his life happened when he was back home after his tour had ended. At 24, he was hit by a drunk driver and spent his next five years in hospital. He spent three months in a coma and his early prognosis was not great but thankfully he is now walking and speaking with a wonderful sense of humour about life. He does have some lingering challenges due to paralysis on his left side but I've never once heard him complain. His wonderful wife Juliet seems to be a perfect balance in his life as she is incredible at knowing when to assist and when to let him do his thing. It was their influence that brought us here for this visit and it had been wonderful getting to know them. When we arrived, we learned that it's basically the ghetto here in Lapu Lapu so they live in a little gated building with 24 hour guard. That said, the guard is this lovely little dude named Goldan who sleeps in a hammock here during the day and hangs out with you while listening to gangster rap on his phone at night. Stellar dude. You can also get most things brought to you by Goldan at the little front room of the building. Including beer and 78 peso big bottles of Rum. That's roughly $2. Good god. The drinking. So much cheap drinking here. Magic. I've already become famous with the neighbourhood kids. They think I'm Jesus and I've had to pose for plenty of photos now. I'm kind of a big deal. We are basically exhibits in a zoo here as the evenings are spent hanging out drinking in the front area next to the fence separating us from the neighbourhood. It also happens to be the only lights on at night here so the kids all hang out on the other side of the fence playing and looking at us. It's a little weird. The only basketball hoop is over a patch of dirt across the street too, so our place is basically the entertainment hub of the area. For dinner Goldan and Juliet worked up some BBQ tuna fresh from the market. 180 peso ($4.50) for a full size tuna and some rice. The Philippine people aren't much for seasoning meat, it's usually some dipping sauce if anything and that's it. If you can just grab a fresh fish and BBQ it up, that is usually your best bet. Tomorrow, we go check out a little local beach and get our first proper day.
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