#based on restoring Oxygen
kajmasterclass · 6 months
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autumnmobile12 · 7 months
So we know that when Quirks first appeared, villains started making grabs for power, vigilantes appeared to stop them and restore the normal order, and some people went about forming their own dynasties with people who had similar powers.
Personally, I really want to hear more about the environmentalist vigilantes who ignored the immediate chaos and just took off to undo the harm humanity caused to nature.
People with ice Quirks who formed a coalition and rebuilt the arctic and antarctic circles.
A random person with a Quirk that allowed them to breathe in carbon gases and exhale oxygen, so they just took a couple hours out of their day peacefully reading books near a factory complex while advocating for cleaner emissions in the meantime.
The ones with plant-based Quirks stimulating plant growth in deforested areas.
Someone with an accumulation-type Quirk who could consume plastic and convert it to energy.
Other Quirk-users specifically targeting poachers
Electricity Quirk-users forming power companies of their own and stamping out the more harmful competition.
People who can talk to animals teaching animals hunted for sport (or harvested for medicinal remedies that don't work) how to avoid hunters and traps.
In the eyes of large corporations, some of these people were probably relegated to the status of villains and may have been targeted by the proto-Heroes as such, only to be met with the controversy of environmental advocates against environmentally destructive companies.
Fictional nations like Otheon and Klayd have sprung up in the My Hero world, so it stands to reason there are other new nations as well. Like if these early advocates carved out territories of their own and now areas like the Amazon or pockets of the savannah and taiga and other threatened ecosystems are currently independent oases thriving in the world.
All things considered, I feel like for all their societal problems, the My Hero world is a world that at least has its environmental stuff sorted out.
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napfordinner · 11 months
My lovely friends, this is a friendly evidence-based post pertaining to the risk reduction of a few well-known health effects of 4n4 and mia. Including: Amenorrhea (loss of regular menstrual period), anaemia, digestive upset, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, general well-being, and osteoporosis. It is quite a long post, but please let me know if there’s any other information you would like me to cover. 💕
🪐 Vitamins and Supplements:
• A-Z Multivitamin. Is beneficial for supplementation. For example, Vitamin C is a vitally important vitamin for the body’s connective tissues, including the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, cellular formation and maturation, resistance to infection, and an increased ability to heal. Additionally, B12 contributes to an adequately functioning nervous system, bone marrow, and intestinal tract. It also acts to increase metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Finally vitamin B2 when combined with Vitamin A promotes good vision and healthy skin, as well as assists in metabolising proteins and fats at a cellular level.
• Calcium and Vitamin D. Seek a preparation which offers 1000mg of calcium and 10-20mcg (400-800 iu) of vitamin D. Vitamin D increases the bodies efficacy during the absorption, retention, and metabolising of calcium. Calcium of course being vital for bone integrity and imperative for the prevention of osteopenia/osteoporosis.
• Iron. An appropriate iron intake will restore the functionality of red blood cells, allowing the proper oxygen transportation around the body, increase focus, energy, athletic performance, and sleep. Having a sufficient iron store will alleviate some commonly experienced symptoms of low iron including fatigue, dizziness, pallor, and shortness of breath. It may also reduce the sensation of cold hands and feet.
• Potassium and Zinc. A lack of zinc impairs the ability to smell and taste. Connecting this impairment to nose blindness. For example, a lack of a sense of smell and taste may impair one’s own ability to detect their own bad breath, BO, and other unpleasant smells that others may be able to detect.
• Omega 3’s - Fish oil, Krill oil, Hemp oil, or Flaxseed oil. Improper dietary intake, or supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids will result in areas of epidermal (skin) dryness, hyperkeratosis, and hyperpigmentation. As well as the formation large scales expose underlying tissue, which are easily infected. The hair becomes sparse, dry, lusterless, and brittle, with a reddish tinge. Furthermore, nails become brittle and dull, tear production reduces, the tears are also significantly less oily leading to increased evaporation contributing to chronically dry, red, and itchy eyes.
If oil supplements are scary for you to intake due to calorie fears (there is only approx 25 calories in 2 average fish oil capsules). There are dietary sources of omega 3 that are relatively low calorie including chia seeds, edamame, and seaweed. However they provide little amounts in comparison to supplementation or traditional dietary sources such as fish, avocado, oils etc.
However this should also be considered when deciding whether to supplement omega 3’s - they stimulate the secretion of leptin, a hormone that decreases appetite and promotes the burning of fat. Through the enabling of conversion of dietary fats into body cells for burning as fuel.
🍄 Dietary Intake
•Bone broth (or vegetable broth if meat is not apart of your diet ☺️) I cannot stress how great bone broth is! Extremely low calorie, but incredibly nutrient-dense. It also acts to decrease the inflammation within the gut that many of us will experience due to our dietary habits. Including conditions such as constipation, gastroparesis, liver disease, bloating, abdominal pain, and stomach ulceration.
Bone broth also contains large amounts of protein, collagen, iron, vitamins A and K, fatty acids, selenium, zinc, and manganese. Protein being the most satiating macronutrient can decrease hunger and associated discomfort. Collagen and the variety of micronutrients within the bone broth contributes to joint and bone health. Bone broth will also contribute to hydration.
•Nutrient-dense foods including blueberries l are among the best sources of anthocyanins (antioxidants) that promote brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Additionally, red tomatoes and red capsicum (Peppers). Tomatoes are the richest source of lycopene, which is a type of carotenoid found in red fruits that has powerful antioxidant effect that may help protect against heart disease and certain types of cancer.
•Fibre is imperative for smooth gastrointestinal function, including regular bowel movements. Fibre is of course typically found in whole fruits and vegetables, beans/lentils, and whole grains. Low calorie fibre sources include: red kidney beans, carrot, and chickpeas. Psyllium, chia seeds are also good sources of fibre. Fibre supplants such as Metamucil may also aid to increase fibre intake. An adequate intake of fibre may reduce the dependence of laxative for bowel movements. Prolonged use of laxatives may create a dependency on them to even have a bowel movement.
🥥 Adequate Hydration
• The best way to ensure adequate hydration is simply by consuming enough water during the day. However, if plain water consumption is difficult, fluid intake will also suffice. Including fluid such as teas, flavoured/enhanced water, diet soft drinks, juices, etc. The optimal fluids to consume in addition to, or instead of simple water to ensure adequate hydration is mineral water, coconut water, or diet electrolyte replacements (Powerade/Gatorade, Pedialyte, Hydralyte). Correct hydration and electrolyte intake will reduce headaches, constipation, and muscle cramps/weakness.
❤️ Reproductive Health
•Amenorrhea is a common experience for those of us with a uterus. However it is imperative to understand that you are more than likely still ovulating despite the lack of a regular menstrual period. Therefore, contraception must still be used. Amenorrhea may be alleviated through dietary supplementation and small changes to the diet to include more micronutrients, but it may not be completely fixed unless there is an increase to body fat percentages.
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eatclean-bewhole · 3 months
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To anyone that thinks cancer is incurable I say, “Have you met my mother?”
If you haven’t heard her story by now, my mom healed from cancer naturally. She did not want to use conventional treatments (chemo or radiation) because of what she saw close friends go through on them, and none of their outcomes were favorable. Instead, nutrition was her primary medicine. Her healing protocol involved regular juicing, detoxing, fasting, a plant-based alkaline diet, individualized supplementation, ozone water (oxygenated water), infrared sauna time, stress management, surrounding herself with love and support….
My mom understood that the disease took years to manifest, so she was committed to this healing lifestyle for years. As a result, she restored balance and she healed.
Google your condition and cases where people have healed from it. If there’s even one result, let that give you hope that your condition is not incurable. But know that it will likely require you to think outside the box of medicine alone.
Book recommendations:
Radical Remission, by Dr. Kelly A. Turner
Spontaneous Healing, by Dr. Andrew Weil
The Gerson Therapy, by Charlotte Gerson
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taoriyu · 4 months
Tension in snack time [Mizu x reader]
================== Soooo I ran on this idea across different Mizu posts on Tmblr and wanted to picture this in more details. Disclaimer: characters are not mine, idea is not mine, we live in open source fanfiction community.
Mizu x reader There is nothing mature, so probably SFW, Teen raiting. Warnings: too much of OOC for Mizu for my taste but damn. This girl is a switch and she knows that. Let me know in comments if it too much out of character bc I want to stay in the lane. Hehehe let's gooooo
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Today was a good day, you thought, walking through a wide, open plain. The grass was already lush and green, and the trees were almost fully adorned with new leaves. You had always loved the beginning of spring; each year, it felt like oxygen was once again filling your starved lungs after the long, cold winter. Life was returning, and this was a hopeful sign. You even dared to think that perhaps luck and the gods would smile upon you and that fate might show some mercy.
A small smile played on your lips as you watched your squad from behind. Ringo and Tigen walked side by side at the head of the group, engrossed in their perpetual discussions of greatness. Once again, Tigen was examining the topic through a philosophical lens—a bit unusual for him, but you didn’t mind. Between you and them marched Mizu, always quiet and lost in thought.
The sun slowly climbed its way to the zenith, signaling it was time for a quick meal to restore your strength. Since joining the party, you had started taking turns cooking with Ringo, and today it was your turn to supply the food. You took a rice ball from the provision bag and walked over to Mizu.
"Want a bite?" you asked, extending the food toward her.
"I don’t mind," she replied with a smirk. Instead of taking the rice ball, she placed her hand on the back of your outstretched palm, brought her face close to the ball, and took a bite right from your hand. Her thumb made a slow, gentle stroke along the base of your thumb as she did so. Her hand slowly caressed the back of your palm before letting go. A cunning smirk bloomed on her face, and a satisfied hum escaped her lips.
"Tasty," she said, looking directly into your eyes. Her long, beautiful finger adjusted her glasses on her nose, and her lower lip quickly swept over to collect the last bits of the taste.
Through the mix of deathly silence in your mind and the loud pounding of blood in your ears, you heard Ringo's voice:
"Oh, oh, oh, snack time? Wait, why is your face so red?"
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lostsunlight · 1 year
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childe x reader, wc: 4k, masterlist , Ao3
cw: nsfw, violence, murder
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I can’t stand the stench of abyssal creatures 
Your words clung to him, what would you say if you knew? Childe let out a deep sigh, arm slung over his face. You would have to know eventually, he needed his Foul Legacy to even stand a chance of beating Morax. 
Tsaritsa, the main reason he had offered you that deal to work for him was so none of his underlings would see him after his use of abyssal power. The thought of anyone seeing in that state made him want to retch. Maintaining his position as Harbinger came with the price of publicly appearing invincible. 
He tossed and turned for a while, determined to not let his worry best him. After a bit, sleep finally claimed him. 
He awoke to find himself feeling like he was falling upwards again, he turned his body just in time for his feet to hit the ground. The smell was the first thing that clued him into where he was. 
The Abyss had its beauty, trees stretching its arms upwards towards the light realms, crowned by hanging circles glinting in the light. 
It was almost enough to call it home, but the Abyss lacked the wind, the dirt, the seas of Teyvat. It was missing humanity, it was twisted into a stunning mockery of ancient civilisations. Ruins restored the stone as fresh as it was the day it was laid. 
He walked through the arena, turning around as he tilted his head upwards to the sky, domain stretching into fog all around him, trees blooming in white in the distance. 
He reached the centre of the carved arena. To his left he caught a figure approaching, he tried to run but his body was frozen in fear. 
"Stay. Do not be afraid boy" 
That voice. He turned to see her, the one he had spent the last six years searching for. He whipped around to see Skirk, sword brandished. 
He now towered over her. She remained the same, if not slightly more menacing. She placed the tip of her sword against his cheek and turned his head, inspecting it. 
“What's an innocent creature like you doing in a place like this?” She murmured to herself. 
“Do you want to learn to fight boy?” 
Ajax opened his mouth to answer but before he could get the words out he felt his body lurch downwards, he was falling again. This time he didn't have the time to turn around, his body hit the ground. Hard. 
He opened his eyes to see himself at the base of a cliff, a warm breeze blowing past him. He looked at his hand to find it covered in blood, pain searing through his chest. How rare for him to be covered in his own blood nowadays. 
He grit his teeth and leaned his head back on the cliff. He closed his eyes for a moment, in the darkness he saw a pair of bright eyes looking back at him, blindly he reached out. His hand reached warm skin. 
His eyes flew open to see you, his hand resting on your cheek, blood nowhere to be seen. Soft lamplight illuminated you as your hand wrapped around his wrist. Silk sheets pooled at your waist as your arms moved. Against his own body’s will he leaned in capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. 
Your hands trailed down his bare chest, exploring every part of him. 
You broke this kiss, resting your forehead against his, breath intermingling with each others 
“I know what you are”
Your hands grabbed his shoulders, nails digging into his skin, blood welling up in crescent moon shapes. You gave him a hard push downwards. 
The cold hit him first, then the lack of oxygen. He was floating in an endless sea of stars, below him he felt the water's current move. Monoceros Caeli revealed its terrible, beautiful form from the depths. 
He reached out on instinct, touching the beast, he just brushed the tips of his fingers across its ice cold skin. The primordial creature turned and reared its horn, before Ajax could act he felt himself being pierced by its tusk. 
Childe shot up, throat burned raw from a scream, panting and covered in sweat. He tried to draw air into his lungs, leaning over and bracing himself on the mattress. 
The door cracked open to reveal you with a rather panicked look on your face
“I heard you scream, are you ok?”
Childe looked up at you and a veritable tsunami of nausea and dizziness hit him, he could still feel your hands lingering on his skin. 
“I’m fine. Just a nightmare” Childe turned his head to look away from you
You walked up to the bed and seated yourself on the edge next to him 
“You need to talk?”
Against his better judgement to distance himself for you he began to speak
“I was falling and then I hit The Primordial Sea. I saw Monoceros Caeli again. It stabbed me with its tusk and then I woke up” 
“Again?” Your eyes skirted down his bare abdomen, landing on a scar at the centre of his navel, it looked old. 
“I've seen it in dreams before” Childe lied, telling you about what happened when he was fourteen would surely send you running. He needed to keep you close, but put emotional distance between the two of you. A tough thing to maintain.
You looked out the window, day was just about to break “That must have been terrifying”
“Tch- I don't get scared anymore”
“And yet you woke up screaming. You have every right to be scared, dreams carry grains of truth which make them feel so real”
“And what grains of truth would being stabbed by a celestial narwhal carry?”
You shrug and move a piece of rusty hair out of his eyes “You tell me”
Childe batted your hand away, sitting up from his elbows to be at eye level with you. You twisted your body to meet his gaze. 
“It’s too early to think about such things” Childe looked at you, you didn’t look like you had just woken up like him. 
“What are you doing up so early anyways?”
“I couldn’t sleep. Paranoia I think” You wrapped an arm around your body, the other one supporting your weight
“About the Knights?” Childe hunched forward
“Something like that” You looked down and sighed “I need to get to the Pharmacy, will you be ok?”
“I'll be just fine Y/N, dont worry about me”
Life continued for a few weeks. You and Childe dancing around each other. Him stepping back at the slightest indication of intimacy. The days blurred together, getting home from training at the Pharmacy to see an empty house, hearing footsteps enter the house late at night and leave at indiscriminate times.
You had once caught Childe at the storytellers with a strange man. You had asked him about it but he had brushed it off ‘business associate’ is what he said. 
The only time you spend together was the seemingly endless training sessions, drilling you endlessly on technique, speed and strength. You had half a mind to guess he was only doing it for his benefit, he certainly enjoyed obliterating hilichurl camps more than you. One night you had taken a perch on a rock just to watch him. 
Admittedly you had gotten better at using a catalyst, you could make a hydro knife out of thin air without a second thought now. Knowing how to fight, albeit not that well, gave you some sense of reassurance.
Rumours of a strange traveller saving Mondstadt from Stormterror began to fill the streets of Liyue Harbour. They say he was aided by the God of Wind. You almost couldn't believe it, a threat like that quelled so quickly. You could only hope the aftermath kept The Order distracted enough from you and your disappearance. 
Before you knew it the Rite of Descension was upon you. Baizhu had even allowed you and Qiqi to take the day off to see it. The two of you made your way to Yujing Terrace early, hand clasped around Qiqi’s. You had gotten used to her cold skin and her general ambivalent demeanour.
The two of you walked to one of the large metal censers, earthy scent wafting towards the sky in thin tendrils of smoke. Baizhu had told you about the tradition of praying to make a wish before the Rite. 
You let Qiqi amble up first to make her wish, a few moments later you approached the censer. Collapsing your hands together in the Mondstadt tradition you wished to no god in particular that you would remain free.
Turning back you look down at Qiqi, dwarfed by the crowd, you hoist her up on your shoulders so she can see better. He places her small hands on top of your head and leans forward.
“Are you excited Qiqi?” You ask, weaving your way through the crowd to get a better view of Rex Lapis. 
“Yes” she replied airily, as if she was indifferent to see a god before her eyes. Perhaps she was used to it, Morax looked after his city after all. From what you had gathered the Rite was a yearly occurrence.
You look around, mainly for Childe. You had asked him after another bloody night on Mount Tianheng if he had ever planned to kill Rex Lapis at the Rite. He replied that there were too many people around, that he had wanted to reduce casualties somehow. 
The crowd fell silent as the Tianquan stepped into the centre of the Terrace, flanked by two assistants. The white-haired woman stepped in front of the altar overloaded with offerings, in the centre a jade censer. She was the epitome of wealth and elegance. You held your breath with anticipation. 
She stood tall and rigid, hands caged in gold clasped in front of her. 
“The hour is upon us” Lady Ningguang announced, the energy in the crowd shifted to one of excitement. 
She summoned a few glowing pieces of Cor Lapis which began to rapidly circle around her rising along with her arms. After a few moments she directed the crystals at the censer, each one flying to take its place. 
All of a sudden a golden beam shot from the censer towards the sky, you watched in awe. The sky darkened and the clouds formed a vortex around the beam turning the sky stormy, there were distant sounds of thunder. 
You could hear Qiqi mumble “That doesn't look good”
The crowd began to murmur but before the speculation could really begin a large dragon came tumbling from the sky. It hit the ground with a sickening crunch, dust blowing up around it. The crows gasped in shock.
Rex Lapis, dead, fallen before his own people.
Lady Ningguang approached the lifeless corpse, ancient eyes looking empty. She brushed her hands over his eyelids, closing them. Despite the thousands of people around you there was a cold, dead silence hanging over the people of Liyue.
You stood there not believing your eyes, all of a sudden you felt lightheaded. Rex Lapis, but Childe- 
Your thoughts were cut off by Lady Ningguang abruptly standing up. 
 “Rex Lapis has been killed! Seal the exits!” She commanded
The Milellith came rushing in blocking any way out the pavilion. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a blonde boy trying to sneak out. Removing Qiqi form your shoulders you placed her on your back.
“Hold on now” You whisper
Slowly you follow who you thought was the traveller, who was trying to avoid the guards questioning anyone who was at The Rite. You had a feeling Childe was going to try and involve someone like him in his schemes.
You witnessed him jump off a ledge, you walked up to the balustrade and leaned over, Qiqi still clinging onto your back. 
He snuck behind a rock, a small fairy-like creature appearing in a burst of constellations, desperately looking around. Unfortunately he stepped on a broken bit of jade, alerting the nearby guards. They circled around him, polearms pointed at him. He summoned his sword ready to fight. 
Out of absolutely nowhere Childe bursts out jumping over him holding his bow. Quickly switching to his dual blades he takes out the guards effortlessly in a flurry of water. 
Having seen enough you decided to leave. You had to bite your tongue and question Childe later. 
Placing Qiqi down as gently as you could, you grabbed her hand again and walked towards the gate. After being briefly questioned, you and Qiqi headed back to the Pharmacy. 
Baizhu came running out, a departure from his usual demeanour. 
“Y/N, Qiqi! I heard what happened, are you alright?”
“We're OK, we got out just fine. Nobody was hurt as far as I know”
“So it's true, Rex Lapis is dead”
You could only give a sombre nod.
You flung the door open to see Childe leaning back on the couch
“What did you do” you stormed up to him seething “You said you wouldn’t kill him like that” 
You fisted the front of his shirt, pulling him towards you
“Hey! Calm down would you?” He asked coolly
“Not until you explain what the fuck just happened” 
He grabs you by the waist and flips you around so your back is against the couch, arms pinned to your side
“Hey! Get off me!” You try to pry his hands off you but his grip was too strong
Childe releases you but doesn't back down “Sorry, force of habit”
“Hmph” you cross your arms and glare up at him
“ I didn’t kill Rex Lapis, I swear on the Tsaritsa. That wasn’t the plan anyways” His voice rose ever so slightly. He sits down next to you, you twist your body to face him
“So then why did he fall from the sky?”
“I’m not sure, all I know is that I have to change my plan” he leans back and tilts his head up
“So the plan to drown Liyue is off?” 
“For now, yes, which works out for me. I didn’t want to drown Liyue but if it means the Tsaritsa gets what she wants. Orders are orders”
“Right, Duty” you turn away from him  “What's the move from here?”
“Find out where the Qixing is keeping his Exuvia and get what I need, I don't have long though just until the funeral” 
You bite your lip. This means the contract could be over sooner than later, that he wouldn't need to fight a god. 
“And where does the traveller come into this?”
“Aether? How do you know I’ve talked to him?” he shoots up and snaps his head towards you
“I saw you jump out at Yujing Terrace and knock out the Millelith after the Rite”
Childe furrows his brow “I just sent him to tell the adepti of Rex Lapis’s passing”
“I can’t just be that” You straighten up so you were eye to eye with him
“You catch on too quickly” he laughs
“That's not the answer I want” You move up from the couch and kick off your boots to start pacing
“But it's the one you're getting” 
“I don't see your objection to telling me, If anything it’ll help me to know what your up to” You stand in front of him, looking down at him sitting
“I’m just using him to stir the pot a little that's all, a failsafe if anything”  
“Did I expect anything less?” 
“You knew what you were getting yourself into when you met me” He stands up and you step back
“You don’t tell me anything! I never know where you are or what you're doing!” You say, exasperated 
“Why does it matter!” he snipes back, he walks forward and you walk backwards. Your back hits the wall
“Because I care about you, you’re human under all those layers” He looks away and you grab his face with both of your hands and turn him back towards you
“Y/N… I don't need your kindness. Getting involved with me is bad idea, keeping your distance is a wise choice” He grabs your wrists and pulls your hands off his face
“I’m already waist deep, might as well let the riptide take me under” You push yourself up on your tip-toes to get closer to him. You lean in closer, breath ghosting the shell of his ear 
“What are you afraid of?”
“What if I lose you? I have to put distance between myself and everyone, my duty as a Harbinger comes before anything else. Gods! My family is already at risk and they have the eyes of another Harbinger looking after them, but you? You would be begging to be killed” 
There was something in his dead eyes, something skirting the edges of terror. Has this happened before, did someone get killed because of him?
“Then why let me stay, why make a contract. Why bind yourself to me?” He lets go of your wrists and grabs your shoulders 
“Because you treat me like a human, not as a Harbinger or a weapon to be wielded but just as myself. Regardless of what I do, you don't care if there’s blood on my hands” 
“I don’t care because you got me out of Mondstadt, you gave me your protection and if that means I get involved with Fatui schemes then so be it”
“You are a fool” he chastises 
“Maybe, but so are you” you bite back
Tension yearned between the two of you, one of your hands returns to his cheek. He leans in breath ghosting your lips.
“Then let me do something foolish” He murmurs. You were bound together until he killed Rex Lapis, after that he could let you go, run far away from you to keep you safe. 
You don't know who closes the miniscule gap between your lips, he kisses you passionately. You return the fervour, burying your hands in his hair. You moan a little, parting your mouth giving Childe a chance to slip his tongue into your mouth.
His hands travel down your shoulders to your chest then to your hips, he gives them a squeeze and pulls back. Burying his face in your neck he kisses a spot just below your earlobe.
“Jump” His hands move to your ass, and you jump just enough so you're able to wrap your legs around his hips. He presses you into the wall, hands squeezing your ass. You yank him back in to kiss you. 
While you're kissing him your hands travel to his collar and you busy yourself by undoing the steel clasps on his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders. At the same time he bunches your skirt around your hips and presses into you. 
You try to hold back a moan as his clothed bulge rubs against your clit but he pulls back and grips your jaw. 
“Don’t hold back, I want to hear you” 
You nod and he bucks against you again. This time you mewl, closing your eyes and tilting your head backwards. Childe traces a finger up your carotid, followed by his tongue. You give his hair a firm tug, pulling him back towards you. 
Your hands trace a pattern of scars down his navel, your fingers trace the top of his belt. You pull back to get some air, feeling slightly lightheaded. 
“Do you want this?” Childe murmurs
You give him a firm nod “Yes, Archons yes” 
With that he moves you from the wall to his bedroom and drops you firmly on his bed, he stands above you between your spread legs. 
���Strip for me girlie” 
“So desperate” you reply but you indulge him anyway. Removing your clothes slowly, revealing every inch of tantalising skin to him. You stop when you're just down to your underthings.
“Like what you see?” You say, looking up at him through your lashes
“Very much” He leans in to kiss you “But I think you would look better under me”
“I think I would look better on top”
“We’ll see about that” He unbuckles and slips off his pants as you shuffle a little up the bed to make room for him. 
After a few moments he's on top of you, hands caressing every inch of you. Kissing down your navel. He pulls down your underwear to reveal your glistening cunt. Hands holding your thighs keeping them apart. 
“ Гавно ” You hear him swear under his breath. Without warning he licks a stripe up your pussy. You cry in surprise and pleasure. 
“You taste amazing darling” 
He starts to eat you out, pressing hot kisses on your clit. The hand that was resting on your thigh makes its way to your entrance. He circles it for a few seconds, teasing you. You buck your hips trying to get any friction but he presses down keeping you pinned. 
Slowly he presses one finger in and curls it, you let out a high pitched whine. He adds a second finger and fuck you, moving them in and out, curling them in a way that had your orgasm approaching fast. 
Childe felt his cock stirring to attention, in just a few moments he was painfully hard, he had half a mind to turn you around and fuck you senseless into the mattress until you couldn't speak. He was too far gone to make a rational decision, to stop this and walk away. 
Sparks of pleasure made your mind feel hazy, everything he was doing, his face buried between your legs, you wanted to burn this image into your mind forever. You were a mess, whining and moaning above him, you were so close. 
“Childe! I-I”
“Good girl, so reactive for me”
He picks up the pace, hitting every spot, eating you out like a man starved for days. With one final curl of his fingers and lick to your clit you come apart. You let out a broken scream, hands tangled in his hair. 
You’re panting and leaning back resting on your forearms, eyes glazed over with lust. He rises, lips glistening. He kisses you and you taste yourself on him. 
“You did so well”
 He brushes a stand of hair away from your face. You look away blushing. He grabs your hips and presses his bare chest to yours “C’mon lets take a shower and grab something to eat”
You snap your gaze back to him “What about you” 
You found it hard to believe he would be so selfless, that he wouldn’t take full advantage of the situation and fuck you.
He buries his head in your shoulder “Don’t worry about me”
You move back to look at him. Your hand travels down to feel his length, already hard against your thigh. 
“Please” you beg, hand slowly moving up and down 
“Have you ever done something like this?” he sighs, he was already too far in to let this go, to push you away. 
“No, but I want to please you too”
He relents, flipping you over, you slide down off the bed to sit on your knees between his legs. You grab his cock and let out a breath. It was so big, you felt a blush dust your cheeks. 
Looking up at him he places a gentle hand on the back of your head. You lean in and lick his slit, already beading with precum. You give it a few more licks, getting used to the salty taste. 
You move down a little and lick a stipe up his cock from the base to the tip, you hear him moan above you. You bite your lip and pump the shaft for a few seconds. Finally you place your mouth around him and suck. 
“Ah Fuck Y/N, keep going”
You take him deeper down your throat, trying you best not to gag. You get halfway down before having to come back up for air, moving your hand up and down his spit-covered cock. 
You place your mouth over him again, bobbing up and down taking him deeper each time. You moan around his cock, sending vibrations that push him closer to the edge. 
After a few more minutes he gives your hair a tug, pulling you up. You give him a few more pumps with your hand and he cums all over your chest. He pulls you up and gives you another kiss
“Lets get cleaned up"
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dougdimmadodo · 2 years
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March’s Fossil of the Month - Acanthostega (Acanthostega gunnari)
Family: Acanthostega Family (Acanthostegidae)
Time Period: 365 Million Years Ago (Late Devonian)
In life, Acanthostega gunnari would have likely resembled a cross between a lungfish and a salamander, and this isn’t dramatically different to what it really was; Acanthostega was a stem-tetrapod, an early member of the lineage of animals that now contains all reptiles, birds, mammals and amphibians, and is believed to be an example of a key stage in the transition between fleshy-finned fishes and the earliest terrestrial vertebrates. Although it possessed 4 short limbs ending in wide, 8-toed feet, the lack of any clear wrist or ankle joints suggests that Acanthostega likely couldn’t support its weight on land, and this combined with its well-developed pelvic bones implies that it was likely a fully-aquatic animal that primarily relied on a paddle-like fin on its tail to propel it forwards while its limbs were used to steer or possibly to grasp aquatic vegetation. During the late Devonian much of the world (including the area of what is now Greenland where Acanthostega fossils were first discovered) was covered in humid, swampy deciduous forests, and this combined with Acanthostega’s anatomy suggests that it likely inhabited warm, oxygen-poor forest pools, which would also explain one of its more unusual characteristics; in addition to possessing fish-like internal gills (as suggested by the presence of gill arch like structures at the base of its skull), a rudimentary rib cage implies that Acanthostega likely had lungs, allowing it to extract oxygen from water as well as air and thereby survive in shallow, oxygen-starved pools that fishes and larger stem-tetrapods would have struggled to breathe in. The teeth of Acanthostega (which were arranged in two rows and were short and sharp, with two larger fangs on the lower jaw) implies that it was likely carnivorous (possibly feeding on terrestrial arthropods caught from above-water beds of vegetation or the banks of its home pools), and comparisons of the anatomy and mineral makeup of fossils of smaller individuals (believed to be juveniles) with those of larger individuals (which are generally believed to be adults) implies that it grew slowly, possibly taking up to 6 years to reach full maturity (at which point most individuals were around 60cm/23.6 inches long, although the difference in the length of seemingly mature individuals suggests that, as with many fish, adverse environmental conditions could considerably limit Acanthostega’s growth.) Although it is unlikely that Acanthostega or its descendants ever succeeded in colonizing land, it is generally accepted that (having become so well-suited to life in the oxygen-poor pools they inhabited) they had little need to, and as several of Acanthostega’s fellow stem-tetrapods (such as the significantly larger Ichthyostega, which had jointed, six-toed limbs and a more developed rib-cage that likely allowed it to haul itself onto land for prolonged periods like modern mudskippers or seals) are known to have done so, the study of the anatomy and lifestyle of this strange little swamp-dweller can still help to shed light on how the variety of land-dwelling vertebrates seen today came to be. 
Image Sources
Fossil: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Acanthostega_gunnari.jpg#/media/File:Acanthostega_gunnari.jpg
Restoration: https://www.10tons.dk/acanthostega-gunnari
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aheckinmess · 6 months
King of Curses, King of Woe (Dad Sukuna)
(Part 2 of Cursed, Not Cute.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Sukuna, OC Child, Mildly Out of Character?, I Mean I Tried, Antagonist OC I Created is Kind of a Jerk, Sukuna is a Little Shit, Protective Sukuna, Also There's a Tiger
Word Count: 1,424 words
Summary: To no one's surprise, someone takes notice of Sukuna's uncharacteristic affection towards his daughter. To Besu's surprise, she wakes up with a knife at her throat.
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Chapter 2: King of Curses, King of Woe
“Relinquish your kingdom to me, or I’ll slit your daughter’s pretty little throat.” Minato smirked as he stood at the bottom of Sukuna’s throne.
Sukuna felt a growing anger kindle in his bones. He knew this would happen, and might have felt a little fear if he weren’t such a powerful sorcerer. The young pup at the base of the stairs amused him more than anything.
“How cute.” He laughed, slashing Minato’s army of guards with a twitch of his fingers. “You dare walk in here and think you hold any sort of sway over me?”
“It’s become clear that your daughter has become your habitual exception from destruction during your evil reign. So, either you give up your kingdom, or you give up your daughter.” Minato stood firm, but his bottom lip quivered. “A group of my men already have knives at her throat by now. Even you with all your power could not save her. So choose, or–”
Minato’s head slid slowly from his shoulders, leaving blood to paint the throne room floors. Sukuna disappeared from the room and in all his great speed seemed to teleport to Besu’s room, only to be met with a floor coated in a familiar red liquid.
Crimson droplets stained the disheveled, pink comforter. Her toys looked like they’d been ransacked and several of them shattered against the wooden floors. In the time it took to blink, he opened the closet, rooted under the bed, and checked behind her dressers, but her body was nowhere to be seen.
No. No! His dark heart throbbed in his chest as red marred his vision. A tornado of familiar cursed energy invaded his senses, screaming for help from the balcony. With the wrath of a thousand suns he ripped the door from its hinges and roared to announce his presence.
Time stood still and he held his breath. He’d been expecting a large group of men and that’s exactly what he found. But he didn’t expect to find his daughter standing in the middle of their fallen corpses, blood painting her skin as she trembled and looked up at him.
. . . . .
Besu Sukuna did not fear death. Death loomed over her as a constant threat ever since she was old enough to train with her father. She’d felt the grim halt of the world as her father stabbed her through the heart and restored her in the same breath.
So, when she woke up to a knife digging into the supple skin of her throat, she thought her father had finally chosen to end her. But as it quickly turned out, it was not her father.
“Don’t make a fuss now,” A deep voice barked. “Get up!”
The room overflowed with men in uniforms. Several pairs of hands pulled her out of her bed, where she stood with her head high. Two men on each side grabbed a set of her arms to restrain her, and the man with the knife to her throat glared at her.
“Hate to tell you, Princess, but you’re going to die tonight.”
“What quarrel do you have with my father?” She asked simply.
“That’s no business of yours.”
“I have a right to know why I’m dying, you weak fop.”
More pressure dug into her skin. He flashed his teeth at her, but she met his gaze with a hard look that rivaled her father’s.
“Hiroshi, don’t–” A soldier reached out his hand, then jerked it back when the leader - Hiroshi - lashed out at him.
“I’m not an idiot!” He hissed, before turning back to Besu. “You’ve got a mouth on you, huh? Can’t say I’m surprised seeing as you’re the Curse King’s brat.”
I’ve got quite a few mouths on me, actually. Besu thought, but decided this man didn’t deserve the waste of any more oxygen.
“Hmph. No matter. You won’t be sassing me for long. As soon as Minato gives the word, you’re dead.”
Besu stood unphased by the men holding her back. Though Father offered her a wealth of knowledge about curses and cursed techniques, the only thing she’d been able to put into practice had been martial arts and combat. Her innate technique hadn’t yet awoken. That left her helpless to them, surrounded as she was.
So when she felt the cold blade break her skin, she expected death. She did not expect a spirit to explode from her chest and rush to her defense. A bright blue mist erupted from her and pummeled through the group of men in the time it took her to breathe. It came to a crouched position in the shape of a glowing blue tiger and turned to her.
“Run, Cub!”
Besu didn’t hesitate. Her captors clambered to their feet and chased after her as she darted up the stairs to the balcony. She reached the top and slammed the door behind her, before rushing to the edge of the building. Several floors of the building stretch between her and the pavement.
“FATHER!” She screamed from the railing. Regardless of if he was in hearing range, he’d mastered hearing the panic of her cursed energy. “FATHER, HELP!”
CRACK! The door slammed against the walls as the army of men barreled through the threshold. Besu ran from the edge as they herded her, surrounding her in a circle. Hiroshi, armed with his knife, stepped through the defense line with eyes only for her.
“I have a job to do, brat. And I’ll be damned if you keep me from it.” He growled, taking a single step towards her.
Once again, a flash of blue materialized between Besu and her attackers. The tiger’s frame grew bigger and glowed brighter as it stalked towards the encroaching battalion. Hiroshi yelled an order, but it was too late.
One swipe. One swipe of the tiger’s massive paw put half of the army on their backs. Another swipe took out the other side. With speed that matched her father, the tiger left every last opponent on the balcony swimming in their own blood.
Besu stared at the large, spiritual cat in awe and wary fascination.
“Who are you?”
“Your companion, Little Cub. I am Baekho. A spirit bound to you by choice.” She explained as she padded forward. “I am here to protect you, not harm you. I will be a part of you wherever you go.”
And with that, the tiger transfigured into a blue mist that evaporated right into Besu’s body. Besu held her chest and looked at the massacre around her, astounded and confused. When the balcony door flew off its hinges, her head snapped back up to see her father.
“Besu?” He gasped, rushing forward to hold her shoulders.
She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. The world felt surreal, like she lived only in a dream.
“Besu, can you move?” Sukuna’s hand brushed over her cheek before he wrenched it back.
Needless to say, he still wasn’t happy about the whole “affection” thing.
“Y-Yes, sir.” She swallowed thickly, and suddenly she couldn’t move fast enough. Her legs tore across the balcony as she paced back and forth. “Th-There was a spirit, Father. A tiger! She said her name was Baekho. I don’t know where she came from. Or, well…I do. But she saved me! Or, well, she’s a part of me…I think. She was blue, like cursed energy. She went back inside me and told me she was here to protect me. Where did she come from, Father? Is this normal? I know you spoke of cursed spirits bonding to others as a rare occurrence, but–”
Besu felt all four of her father’s arms gently guide her to a halt in front of him. His crimson eyes locked on hers.
“Besu, stop. A spirit? A cursed spirit bonded to you? And Baekho! The White Tiger Guardian!” Though Besu feels uncertain, her father’s eyes ignite with sadistic excitement. “This is wonderful! This must be a manifestation of your technique! We’ll start training it immediately to bring out your full potential!” He grins.
He rambled on for a few moments, but she didn’t comprehend his words. Her body wavered under the realization that she’d almost died. Though she’d grown accustomed to facing death, her physical body reacted without consulting her and all four of Besu’s arms wrapped around her father in a tight squeeze. Strangled emotions tussled inside her until even the threat of her father’s wrath failed to stop her from sobbing into his chest.
And for once? He rubbed her back without a single reprimand.
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Continue Reading -> Ch. 3
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howlingday · 2 years
Ozpin: Pyrrha, we're done here. Leave the rest to the Kingdoms. We will prepare an evacuation vessel for you.
Pyrrha: Are you joking?! Do the Kingdoms understand how dangerous the Grimm are? How fast they manifest?!
Ozpin: The Kingdoms have taken an interest in the Grimm and Project SALEM. They believe they hold endless potential applications.
Pyrrha: This is ridiculous! The Grimm are heartless abominations! What potential could they have?
Ozpin: You do not need to understand the details. The Kingdoms have already sent a research vessel.
Pyrrha: This is insane! They won't stand a chance here! I barely stood a chance! The Grimm will devour them all! What could be worth such a risk?!
Ozpin: Capturing Project SALEM, of course.
Pyrrha: ...Are you serious? Do you really think they'll succeed?
Ozpin: It will certainly be difficult, but they do not expect your help. They know you would attempt to destroy Project SALEM. That is why they have stopped sending support data. Your plasma rifle modification was ready some time ago, but they withheld it to prevent further conflict between you and Project SALEM. And yet, somehow, you have restored that function on your own. The Polarity Cannon was also withheld because they didn't want you to grow too powerful. But they had already sent it, and you managed to track it down. Bravo, Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: ...You need to cancel this mission. Open a channel to the HQ! I won't let this happen!
Ozpin: They are already on their way.
Pyrrha: Damn...
Pyrrha turns away from the console and stands before the hatch. However, the usual hiss and whir of automation was oddly still. She stepped closer and the door remained shut. She had been sealed inside!
The Kingdoms Coalition will arrive with their ships soon, and be swiftly overwhelmed by the Grimm. Project SALEM will gain new knowledge and adapt the Grimm to match humanity. It will be a swift and horrifying battle, with a much more horrifying war to follow. Pyrrha could not let this threat to exist any longer!
Pyrrha: Open the hatch!
Goodwitch: ...I have been ordered to confine you until the ships arrive.
Pyrrha: You can't let this happen! (Smashes fist against the door) JUST LET ME DO THIS, JAUNE!
Goodwitch: ...Jaune?
Pyrrha: ...
Goodwitch: ...Who's Jaune?
Pyrrha: ...A friend of mine.
Goodwitch: And what would this "friend" of yours do in this situation?
Pyrrha: He would know that the only way to end this is to start they base's self-destruct cycle. He would understand how important this is.
Goodwitch: Did "Jaune" care for you? Would he sit safely in a command room and order you to die?
Pyrrha: He would understand better than anyone that some must die for others to live... He knew that better than I ever could. He made that sacrifice once.
Goodwitch: And he chose life for you? The invincible hubtress, Pyrrha Nikos? Jaune sacrificed his life in exchange for yours... For the sake of humanity...
Pyrrha: ...
Goodwitch: How foolish...
Pyrrha: How dare you! How could you ever hope to understand, safe in your tower?!
Goodwitch: You are aware that activating the self-destruct cycle so deep underground wouldn't be enough of a guarantee to the complete eradication of the Grimm, even if the station were completely destroyed. All you would be doing is removing the one thing that could protect humanity... yourself. You could ignore this simple fact, and choose death.
Goodwitch: It appears when Jaune chose who to sacrifice, he chose poorly.
Pyrrha: ...!
Goodwitch: And even if you were to shift the station's oxygen development into overdrive, then you might be able to saturate enough of the facility to extend the blast radius to the surrounding area.
Pyrrha: ...
Goodwitch: You would have to start the oxidizing system now, before the Kingdoms arrive.
Goodwitch: Pyrrha, this will be your last mission. Go to the medical bay and shift all the oxygen generators to high O2 output.
Pyrrha: !!!
Goodwitch: Then activate the self-destruct sequence before leaving the facility on your bullhead. Move quickly. That is an order.
Jaune: Sound good, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: ...Understood.
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entheognosis · 1 year
More from Quanta Magazine
The Year in Biology
‘Social’ Mitochondria, Whispering Between Cells, Influence Health
Scientists Find Vital Genes Evolving in Genome’s Junkyard
“When cells are no longer needed, they die with what can only be called great dignity,” Bill Bryson wrote in A Short History of Nearly Everything. The received wisdom has long been that this march toward oblivion, once sufficiently advanced, cannot be reversed. But as science charts the contours of cellular function in ever-greater detail, a more fluid conception of cellular life and death has begun to gain the upper hand.
Perhaps the most dramatic proof of this emerged in April of 2019, when a team at the Yale School of Medicine drew global attention for briefly restoring cellular activity in dead brains. The neuroscientists Nenad Sestan, Zvonimir Vrselja and their colleagues developed a system called BrainEx that can perfuse a brain with a hemoglobin-based solution to nourish cells while promoting their recovery from oxygen deprivation, a condition that is usually lethal for neurons after 10 minutes or so. They tested it on brains extracted from slaughtered pigs, deprived of blood and kept at room temperature for as long as four hours — making them quite thoroughly dead by any conventional standard.
Yet after being perfused with the experimental solution for six hours, many of those deteriorating and seemingly lifeless brain cells regained — at least temporarily — some of their normal structure and metabolic activity. Slices of neural tissue were even able to...Click above to read more
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masayomi · 7 months
kinda wild to me how many people on radblr are zionists… i was reading this article earlier today about antisemitism in the ALAA (a labor union for lawyers) and when i got to this part:
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Even though the pro-Palestine ALAA members successfully passed their cease-fire resolution, anti-Israel comments continue to appear in the workplace gaggle. On January 31, the following message stated: “All settler colonial projects should stop and be dissolved—Israel, the US, and all others alike—and restorative justice must start.”
Edda Ness, a Jewish attorney and ALAA member, called the emails “sick.” She said the time poured into debating the war, planning protests, and fighting over a cease-fire resolution is taking away from members’ valuable work.
“It’s so disturbing because all of that energy could have been spent on the clients we work with,” Ness said. “The oxygen is instead going toward their hate.” 
Goldstein, the lawyer in the Juvenile Rights Practice, agreed.
End ID.]
and i was like what kinda mental gymnastics... how is saying colonialism is bad "sick" and antisemitic? like sure some of the other example emails in the article are needlessly inflammatory for a work group chat but... none of them seemed hateful towards jewish people, just critical of israel. i thought maybe i was misunderstanding something about the definition of antisemitism so i went on to read this article which talks about how the legal definition of antisemitism in the US has changed over time to include “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination”, which has led pro-israel groups to weaponize this definition into silencing pro-palestinians. it rly reminded me of the tactics TRAs use to silence women by changing the definition of a woman to anyone who identifies as one, taking away the language necessary for us to discuss our sex based oppression, while effectively denying us our free speech by making many women afraid to speak up since TRAs will call anyone who disagrees w them a TERF or a transphobe. idk it's disappointing to me to see some other radfems do the same by labeling any criticism of israel or even simple solidarity with palestinians "antisemitic"
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virtie333 · 10 months
Day 9 - Life Day Damerey Celebration
Prompt: Remembrance
Summary: Rey and Poe attend a memorial for their mentor.
Warnings: Too many feelings? Talk of death.
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Mirrin Prime wasn’t a particularly special world. Like thousands of habitable planets, it consisted of various ecosystems, including mountain ranges, oceans, deserts, and steppes. It’s oxygen rich atmosphere and moderate gravity made it perfect for those sentients that survived best in that environment, which included more than 90% of known intelligent species in the galaxy. It had in its past been home to both a Rebel Base and a New Republic base, and now was the official home of the newly restored Republic.
It had been the last base Poe Dameron had been assigned to before he left the New Republic and he hadn’t been back since then, but the event that had been held here earlier today was something he refused to miss.
He stood looking up at the impressive but modest memorial. Made of granite, it stood about three meters tall and was in the shape of the primary tower from the palace in Aldera. It was dedicated to Leia Organa. Her name was centered in large letters about half-way up the tower. Lower down, in slightly smaller print, were the names of her husband and son.
Poe stared at Ben Solo’s name for a long time, resentment competing with understanding. He knew why Ben’s name had been included on this memorial. Most of the galaxy had no clue Leia’s only child had become Kylo Ren. Most believed he had died with several other young Jedi when Luke Skywalker’s temple had been destroyed on Ossus years ago by Kylo Ren. Those that did know had either died during the war or had chosen to remain silent on the subject. It didn’t really matter now, did it?
He took a deep breath and looked back up at Leia’s name. She would have wanted it this way, he thought. As much as she knew Kylo Ren had to be defeated, she had still loved her son. And according to Rey, it was her love for her son that had helped in that defeat. Rey had seen the change in him at the moment Leia died, and he had later given his own life for Rey’s on Exegol.
It was the latter action that made Poe keep his silence about the true identity of Kylo Ren, and only that action. He would never forgive the man. And Rey would never ask him to.
He felt a person come up behind him and knew without looking that it was Rey. She had been taking to Chancellor Chaurasia when he had wandered back over to the memorial, but he knew she had seen him leave. The earlier ceremony had included speeches from them both. Larma D’Acy had also spoken. Chewbacca was also a guest of honor, but he had refused to speak, knowing he would be unable to control his emotions. Poe understood; he had barely been able to keep from crying while he spoke, and listening to Rey, who had followed him, had made him cry.
“Are you ready to go?” Rey’s asked softly from behind him.
He nodded and turned to her. “Yes, please.” He was so done with this. While he appreciated the honor the Republic was showing his late mentor, he understood the politics behind this act as well, and he wanted to get away before certain senators and senator-wannabes tried to corner them, schmoozing and begging for their support. While Poe had long ago hung up his Generalship, he and his Jedi wife were still heroes in the eyes of the Republic’s elite.
Taking Rey’s hand, they began walking toward the speeder that would take them back to their hotel. They would stay the night and head back to Yavin in the morning. Back home.
“What were you talking to Chaurasia about?” he asked.
“I was getting her approval for some additions to this memorial,” she said with a smile. “I want to bring two Uneti saplings here as soon as they are old enough. We can plant them on either side of the tower.”
Poe felt joy sweep up through him. “That is a wonderful idea!” Rey and Poe’s father Kes had been carefully cultivating saplings from the Dameron Uneti tree in hopes of planting them at various locations throughout the galaxy. Mirrin Prime would be a perfect place.
“I thought you’d like that,” Rey grinned at him. Then she became serious. “It does mean we’ll have to come back, though.” She knew he had no interest in becoming involved with the current government, preferring to stay on the outside, keeping watch to ensure nothing like the First Order ever rose again.
Poe glanced back at the memorial. “Of course, we’ll come back. Leia deserves our remembrance.”
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confused-canid · 2 months
Did you know the reason we got large grazing dinosaurs is because of the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere ??? The amount back then would suffocate a human or other small mammals but it was perfect for literal giant reptiles, sauropods and insects!
And I don't think I knew that!!! Thank you!!
I already said this in another response to an ask but the reason the irritator is named that is because when a museum (i think) first received it, its skull was tampered with and they spent many IRRITATING hours trying to restore it!
Also, when iguanadon was first discovered they only found one of its thumbs and they thought it was a horn on its nose! This was later proven false when they found a different iguanadon and they found both thumbs! Also, they originally thought it was just. A big iguana!
Also, scientists right now think that the tyrannosaurus couldn't roar, but instead rumble, too quiet to hear, do they wouldn't scare off prey but could still communicate!
Also, the "velocoraptors" in Jurassic park / Jurassic world were actually based off of Deinonychus! The fossils that the "velocoraptors" were based off of were also sold for a LOOOTTTT of money!
I love dinosaurs so much. Also, I have seen the theater release for all three of the Jurassic world movies! But when I saw dominion in theaters everyone was TALKING SO LOUD😭 but I saw it later out of theaters and watched int on repeat for like a whole week lol
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somestardeww · 5 months
it was a project about creating a history, and I created a short book (that I had to write only in two weeks so it's not properly finished SUE ME) calle MoonSide or MoonFloor idk something with Moon and it was about a rivalry between several powerful/bourgeois families who, in a dystopian scenario, had the fate of the world in their hands (because of all the climate problems and basically the privileged bourgeoisie fucking the earth right in the ass. raw.)
well, the protagonist was the son/descendant of one of these families...
in a tragedy that I absolutely loved writing, a rival family set up a whole scenario to kill the family of the protagonist, stealing their ideas on how to save the planet - basically, it was putting an old space colonization project into practice, by sending (the most privileged) humans to a lunar base that they had designed, something with some fancy oxygen production technology from whatever, I didn't delve much into the possibilities in the two weeks I had, while another healthy fauna and flora recovery project started on earth, restoring oceans and forests and all that utopian shit that I wanted, at least this last part, to be true. professionals and volunteer labor would stay on the planet to help and regulate everything, and it would be a truly perfect plan like our protagonist's family planned...
but they didn't have that chance because, obviously, everyone died... except the protagonist!!! (please pretend to be shocked) who ended up going to the moon after the death of his relatives, in an attempt to make the murderous family less suspicious. The thing is, he wasn't exactly sane after all this experience, and he dedicated his entire life to putting an end to the family that murdered his relatives - and who now dominated that lunar city through a government very suspiciously, almost handed for them.
Is now a good time to say that this story involves powers? lmao. space apparently, at least in this universe, has some pretty sinister electrical storms that happen from years to years, and since they started sending ships to the moon they started to be attracted to the trajectory that the maves usually occupied, almost like a for lightning. the things is that they have a very strange effect on human beings, giving them extraordinary abilities (fantastic quartet style. that's right. I had just seen the film in the time, I think it influenced my creative process), and our protagonist gained one! he disintegrates anything with a touch, he has questionable control over the ability, and can also project it if he wants, like waves of pure destruction rushing through the air in whatever direction he leads it.
After that there is nerdy planning on computers, hacker stuff, invasion of a government building, attack on the oppressive forces that lead the country and things like that :)
plus, you can create your own universe, let your imagination fly! <3
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lunarsilkscreen · 11 months
Climate Change and the Ozone [reference link]
Today, all the search engines yield results for the depleted ozone layer that say something akin to "Cuz UV radiation causes skin cancer". What is UV radiation--you might be asking; it's sun light.
My mother, when I was growing up, explained: "We open the curtains in the daytime to let the sunlight in so it kills the dust mites."
I'm not gonna go into what can cause skin cancer, a lot of people suggest it's sunscreen (or other lotions) especially HIGH UV protection sunscreen. (30 proof or less kids)
Sunlight gives off all colors of light, including that which we cannot see: Infrared, Ultraviolet (UV), and beyond.
It also creates heat, and that's the same mechanism that can give you a good tan, or burn depending on how close to Finland your racial origin is.
Ozone is like Oxygen except that it has an extra Oxygen molecule. This makes it [Heavy Oxygen] and unlike typical oxygen, can kill you if you breathe it in because your body cannot turn it into Oxygen.
You can make Ozone with a high voltage electrolysis process (not to be confused with the hair removal process electrolysis (Similar, but much lower levels) OR with UV Light. 🤔 ⚛️ (Baked Oxygen)
It can also be made with industrial or laser printing. (Which significantly helped speed up the ozone recovery process.)
So, when I was growing up, the big news at the time was "how do we close the Ozone layer, because it's causing global cooling." And everybody was worried about the next Ice Age and return of the wooly mammoths. (And led to the creation of the extreme skiing movie: Day after Tomorrow)
So when people are confused as to what "climate change" means, you tell them about global warming and people older than I think "Global Cooling?" They forgot about the Ozone layer.
The reason they felt this way is because Ozone is a "Green House Air Molecule"--gas sounds to similar to ⛽, so I changed it. As well as lessening UV radiation, it also *increases* the [Green House Effect]. Which means that it keeps the solar radiation that *does* pass through the atmosphere inside longer, and thus helps to keep the planet warm from the unforgiving vacuum of space.
By 1987 (👋) Scientists had identified the cause of Ozone depletion as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)--which is what we used for aerosol sprays at the time, and 56 countries had signed the "Montreal Protocol" which was an agreement to cutdown the production of CFCs and similar [ozone depleting chemicals].
And so, great news everyone--By increasing our dependence on office printers and cutting our dependence on CFCs: we caused global warming. (I made some accusations in an earlier post about global warming itself having happened before with detrimental effects in BC sometime, AND it being recorded by humans in literature that can be found in Chinese Texts like gilgamesh, as well as the bible, and there are some stones in Japan marking extreme weather indicators based on shore level. (Completely not gonna reference it, you should do research yourself instead of just taking *my* word for it.)
The Ozone layer is due to be completely restored to pre-1984 levels in 2050~ish. Compare the scales of ozone restoration to that of the timeline of global warming, and you'll see they coincide.
Now, the real reason we care about global warming is because it's *higher* than what it was during the industrial revolution. When we were doing much more environmentally adverse warming and polluting. But, you know the pollution was gonna kill us by killing the Ozone . Now, we're going to be suffocated by the ozone keeping the pollution in here, with us. (Throw away joke, the pollution was *always* in here with us.)
So; what, if anything should we do? Should we even worry about it? Does anybody *actually* enjoy cold weather anyway? Why *should* we protect Florida and not just allow the gators to takeover Alabama and Georgia? Two birds one stone IMO.
Well. Stop using printers, for one. The world is digital now, and we need to lower our dependence on oil based products. (Plastic printers and plastic toner my friends)
The resulting paper reduction will also decrease paper production, and cause a pollution deduction from the environment-uction.
Then we can use those ink jet printer materials for better electronics.
We could ramp up CFC production if we *really* find ourselves in a pinch.
We could reduce the production of fecal gasses created from unsanitary farming conditions. (That's a whole thing in itself that I won't get into here.)
Decrease production of food material (like breads and cereals) by factories, and just let people make it themselves. (This one is controversial, because how will people be able to make money to buy food to feed themselves if they're not making cereals for the pervert we know as Tony the Tiger? That's an economic question that should be answered with: why don't more people just work on farms for their income?)
Anyway, trying to prevent all the UV radiations from turning white people into golden brown marshmallows is racist AF* and I won't stand for it.
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A Dockside Mini Observatory Keeps Watch Over a Troubled Lake 
Dear Eos:
Time-series observatories serve the vital role of monitoring ongoing ecosystem changes around the clock. Over the past 12 years (2011-2022), the Muskegon Lake Observatory buoy (MLO) has closely tracked the dynamics of thermal stratification, eutrophication, harmful algal blooms and bottom water hypoxia in Muskegon Lake – a troubled Great Lakes estuary and Area of Concern. However, lack of funding in recent years for long-term projects such as MLO has forced us to innovate to gather essential environmental data on this urbanized Great Lakes estuary that is still undergoing restoration.
We recently assembled and deployed a low-cost land-based mini observatory using reconfigured equipment from the main MLO (Mini-MLO) that monitors the changing surface water quality in Muskegon Lake every hour. Here, undergraduate student Kyle, is using a harness to hang out on the pier’s climbing ladder over the lake to change the batteries in the data logger powering the submerged sonde. The sonde has sensors that measure changes in water quality parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and chlorophyll that the data logger transmits to the project website www.gvsu.edu/buoy/. If we are to comprehend ongoing short-term changes due to weather and anthropogenic disturbances, and long-term changes due to climate change and ENSO, this observing science show must go on…
­– Kyle McKee, Nate Dugener, Kaylynne Dennis, Connor Gabel, Tony Weinke and Bopi Biddanda, Annis Water Resources Institute, Grand Valley State University, Muskegon, Michigan, USA www.gvsu.edu/wri/.
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