#based on a ref from Pinterest
nosleepgummitato · 1 year
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Click for better quality please :)
Uhhehhmm. . .
I drew this while I was at the park earlier. Took about 3 hours.
It's of Passive NM and Dream in my updated human designs of them.
It's on a big piece of paper too, so I'm prolly gonna hang it up somewhere in my room :>
I live, laugh, love them everyday.
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psibiko · 9 months
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Maribelle spilled the marinara sauce again >:(
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spitzobsessed · 1 year
Chiss drawing because at some point human skin becomes boring
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derp-craft · 2 years
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So after fighting with this tower and not really liking where it was going I tore down the tower portion and just rebuilt it. Still not like, the most happy with it but I like it WAY more now so. I'm going to call this satisfactory. Obv there needs to be a bit more detailing/landscaping/etc but the bones of the build are done.
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chulacola · 2 months
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Based on a post from Pinterest.🤭
Ref picture below.⬇️
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quake-sparks · 10 months
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Funny moonman
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Based off of this reference from Pinterest
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I did the sketch traditionally, though I might change the finished drawing later since I want it to look like the ref image a bit more (I realized this after I already finished the lineart lol)
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Hi @nonvme​ how are you?
I usually solve such issues in personal messages with the authors to give them the opportunity to simply apologize and not repeat their mistakes, but this situation has upset me a lot, because I wrote to you in the comments a few months ago, but you never answered me (your private messages are closed).
You steal my textures and call it your own, as well as sell it on your patreon without any permission and credits.
Let's start from the beginning.
1. https://www.patreon.com/posts/sakira-skin-and-67386343
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“credits: obscurus-sims, lamatisse, and google lol” — absolutely no mention of me, it's amazing, because it's almost entirely my texture.
“Do not claim as your own, I work way too hard to have somebody else try to claim my stuff“  —  It's so nice to ask to respect your work when you don't respect someone else's.
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Do I need to comment on something? She just took my skin n7, added a couple of details on face and called it her own. And she put it in early access on her patreon to make money on already free сс. She listed other authors in the credits and didn't mention anything about me.
2. https://www.patreon.com/posts/precious-skin-75050799
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“Do not claim as your own, I work way too hard to have somebody else try to claim my stuff“  —  and again. The duplicity of this man never ceases to amaze me.
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Here she changed a bit more, but she used my skin's face as a base. And again, no mention of me in the credits.This time she didn't mention credits at all, but I see at least @obscurus-sims​ details.
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“Credits to Slephora, Obscurus, and Pinterest for all respective bits and pieces”  — okay.
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And again, no difference. The textures are identical.
Honey, if a person wants to use my eyelids, he just uses it. There is no need to put my cc in early access again, which has been free for three years.
I want to say that I create my textures completely from scratch, without using EA blanks. Absolutely all the details on my skins are created by me. And as an artist, I can say with confidence that it is impossible to create a texture that will match someone else's pixel by pixel. It's impossible. Moreover, most of my textures are completely drawn by me. What refs from the Internet is she talking about? Did you take refs out of my head? By Bluetooth?
@nonvme you can still apologize and I won't hold a grudge against you. Just apologize and remove my textures from your page. If you had answered me a few months ago and corrected your mistakes, then I would not have written this post and would not have spoiled your reputation. But you didn't answer me.
I'm sorry that you all had to read so much text. I hope your day is going much better than mine.
P.S. I had to re-post to remove some 18+ pieces from the skins.
UPD 15/06/23
Guys! Thank you so much for all your words of support! This is really very important to me. I didn't even expect you all to support me so much. I don't have enough words to express my gratitude to all of you 😢❤️!!!
Nonvme deleted CC that included my textures, and also promised not to use it anymore. It's enough for me to forget about this incident and don't contact patreon support.
I want to add that any author who makes his textures from scratch knows every pixel of his texture. The author of the original content will know if you have used his texture, even if you have somehow modified it. If you steal other people's textures and you haven't been caught yet, it only means that the author hasn't seen your page/cc yet, because he can't monitor the entire Internet. But one day he will find out about you, do not doubt.
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agarthanguide · 1 year
Very much love your take on the new looks for Orym and Ashton! I saw a bit of your post about how Liam and Tal give feedback... would you be willing to share any information about how the back-and-forth process works between you and the actors as you work on their stuff? (I just love hearing HOW the awesome happens, not just the end results.)
Yeah okay. Lemme think, here. Alright let's so this as a numbered list-
1- Actor sends description of character. This is pretty broadly interpreted, in my experience. It's something between a brief paragraph, an annotated pdf, and multiple pinterest boards.
2- I send back a Pitch. This has taken multiple forms in the past, but it's generally settled into a few pages, that kinda go- a- Poses and Vibe Sketches- This includes little portraits, attitude poses, a couple sketches showing extreme dynamism or movement. I try to suggest outfits and weapons or accessories, here, but I don't spend a lot of time fleshing it out. b- Outfit Poses- usually on a turnaround or one fairly lowkey pose. I try to include 3 or 4 serious attempts at outfits and maybe a couple of backs, if it's important. c- Color- I usually just pick an outfit at random and try to give it a few different palettes. If the actor is absolutely sure what the palette is, or if it's a character I've worked with before, I might just make one palette and briefly color each of the outfit sketches from b in that palette d- Accessories, Weapons, Other Important Stuff- if the character is carrying around like a book or a bird or a really specific weapon, I try to address that in its own space, though sketches for all of those things may exist on other pages. This has been known to be very pretty or a bit boring.
3- There is some form of back and forth between me and the actors (and a producer, who are all lovely and don't step in on creative things but are always working against a schedule and need to know how things are going. I just want to be clear that every producer at CR is a secret angel who eats deadlines and shits magic and every one of them totally Gets It. They are all One Of Us). The back and forth is always individual and based on the actor but it can be- a- Actor picks from menu, usually via complex "circling" system (also all sketches are numbered, so they can just ref numbers). b- Actor sort of picks from menu, while moderating and adding further references. c- Actor just sends a bunch more shit and I narrow stuff down based upon what they seem to be getting at.
4- There's this bit of finding what the pose is gonna be, marking in all the necessary accessories, getting that last email about adding a scar, can we add a necklace? etc. What you are left with is something that the Producers call "pre-final." If it hasn't already been with the modelers and painters this whole time, this is when the modelers and painters get the design and start their magic.
5- I go away into a cave for a time period of quiet reflection with my Gods. I refer to this period as "rendering." I cannot be reached by the reason of man and spend a lot of time bitching to my friends while I try to figure out why shading a cape is suddenly the most difficult thing I've ever dealt with in my life.
6- Done!
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crystalreydraws · 4 months
Hello hi I just found out you're the artist of my favorite pic of Jamil from all time 🥹 I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE SO MUUUUCH his bday art from 2020!! It's my favorite one from every art and he looks so pretty and hot and cool and like he's in a music clip and about to drop a fire verse!! I LOVE your painting style so much, as a baby artist, would you one day show us how you color? I'm sure you put so much blood, sweat and tears into your hard work and it would great to get a little bit of that wisdom. Please keep drawing, keep doing what you love because it makes the world a better place to live!
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Sketched my sleepy and tired oc to do a very quick demonstration but it covers how I color when i render things:
Start with rough greyscale first, it's a good start to roughly decide light direction and value of your overall work. Especially if you have no idea on your shading.
Next, apply base color to greyscale. I'll use gradient map if I want to keep the details of my greyscale. But if not, I'll just start with a flat base color, and try whatever I can to apply color.
Rendering phase. Add layers and just paint on top to refine it. Merge all layers if it's too messy. Then add layers again. My rendering really depends on how much time taken because it's just a loop of paint over and refining. Thats why i do more simple fanart cuz I sometimes get bored of rendering Also at this stage when doing lineless style, I merge lineart with layers and cover up the lines.
Final touch. Merge all layers and use [filter gallery > paint daubs (brush size 1, sharpness 2)]. It will sharpen your work and look detailed. Or add some very fine noise texture, it will look detailed too.
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Another very rough demonstration on how i apply color mood. This will be after step 2. And same will be more refining and even paint over to ensure the colors look ok.
Other tips:
Add warm and cool colors especially on skin.
Use pinterest. Always find more than one reference for a subject if you want to draw better than yesterday. Pure ref is a nice tool to gather reference on your pc. When i draw a single hand I had a lot of ref. (pose, color temperature, lighting, photos, artwork, all diff ref)
Color theory is so important I still struggle a lot. I highly recommend beginners start from practicing Marco Bucci's ball practice. After that slowly change to adding character into movie scene and photographs, the purpose is to adapt different color moods and learn the lighting from the image. Learn more from famous movie and cinematic. They did their best to nail the colors.
this is a long answer about how I color. My previous job influenced me so much on coloring so there's a lot of thinking and struggle on my colors.
So, I suggest you be more experimental and try new ways, at the end what remains is what fits you.
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thatone-pancake · 5 months
HII I LOVE ANSWERING QUESTIONS TY FOR ASKING !! i love yapping about my au's
1, image was made by a friend and it's what i've been using as a ref ever since lol
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2, this is mostly just a faction swap au. other than that, the biggest lore changes i've done so far is change some jobs certain characters have and vinestaff's curse. no personality changes though !!
3, sword has a crystal because i felt like it was a better alternative to his mohawk. when i was only just making a few concepts on paper for this au, i did research a lot about each faction's attires and other things too that relate the each faction respectively. only 2 characters have crystals in the canon universe, and both of those are from blackrock so i assumed that it'd be fun to give sword one :3
i have thought of abilities the crystal could go him and so far my only two ideas have to do with speed. 1st idea is just a speed boost to himself and the 2nd is that he slows down others, lets say when he hits someone with his m2
3, i have drawn betagraft!! i posted the design on my pinterest. i will do zetagraft too sometime.
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^^ this was old concept art. zetagrafts will no longer be based off oak trees, but aspen trees instead. if you've seen my subspace design, you'd know that he makes biografts out of wood :)
banhammer as well as other factionless characters won't be getting a design since they don't have a faction. disappointing maybe, yeah, but it's what makes the most sense
4, atm i'm only thinking of drawing a design for playable phighters. if i feel like dresigning npcs after that, then i will certainly let you guys know :3
actually, i have drawn designs for grav and warp at some point but that's pretty much it (they'd be in thieves' den)
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these are like... HUGE touhou references lmao. i remember sending grav in bogcom and then like half an hour after sending it i realised that i called her warp instead of grav you don't know the PANIC i felt at that moment
warp's horns are so hard to draw :(
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maluceh · 5 months
hi would you ever post your drawing process? i’ve noticed you do research when it comes to stuff like finding references to age up characters properly, making the characters’ styles accurate for their time, etc.
sometimes you don’t realize how much goes into art besides the sketches, drawing, rendering, all that stuff, so the little things like that which make a big difference in the end is so cool to notice, you’re a really inspiring artist for me! your art style is incredible and i’d love to see what goes through your head before drawing something, if that’s alright with you ofc.
like what’s your inspiration? what shaped your art style? do you use references and how often bc sometimes i see some poses you draw and think ok there HAD to be a reference used for this bc it’s too good but i understand finding refs for what’s going on your head is difficult a lot of times so i just chalk it up to you being skilled enough to guess how the anatomy would work (so much praise for artists like that because??? insane talent! not to say using refs makes artists less skilled or anything 😭😭 hope it didn’t come off that way)
oh where to begin…
I usually get ideas of what I want to do, but it’s not until I open the canvas that my hand just knows what to do I guess? There’s times when I can just paste what’s in my head on the canvas and times when I struggle more and I have to look for references/trace poses (which are usually me with really bad lightening around my room or yeah, pics from pinterest)
lol funny story, my one drawing of James, Lily and Harry dancing I recorded myself dancing and got screenshots of that to base the poses on…. I accidentally sent one to a person that was commissioning me at the time, most embarrasing moment of my life
ANYWHOO! In terms of clothes, I have a board for every character where I put like what I think their style entails. Cause I like it when they look like teenagers in the 70s
Here’s my process when i just vomit my idea on the canvas
there are some where I don’t have the patience or the project is too big (ex. the panels) and figuring out the anatomy would be too time consuming, so i trace the pose but i’ve been trying to do that less and less to make myself actually work and get better at anatomy
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and what shaped my artstyle? wow that’s a hard question lol, idk
I think i’ve picked things from artists i’ve liked and just created a frankenstein of it, little by little and without realizing it.
not that my art looks ANYTHING like theirs, but these are some of the artists that have inspired me a lot through my art journey
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hope i answered your question jsjsjs
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nosleepgummitato · 1 year
So uhm. . .
Every once in a while, I try drawing hyper realistic art, whatever it may be. To test out my skill level and see how I've improved, sooooooo. . .
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Here, have this. :)
For hyper realistic art, it could be better, but I'm pretty proud of it nonetheless.
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foreverisntenough · 2 months
I just finished my first draft of cover art for my Jude fic; the one based off his and Lauren’s relationship from ‘You’re Mine’ and ‘Ours’ *it is going to be written from a y/n perspective. It won’t really be attached but it may be referential.
I think the title is going to be ‘act ii’ (don’t me hold to that) I’ve just been thinking of ideas for time and then I was thinking about the song ‘act ii : date @ 8’ and I just feel like it’s the vibe of their story.
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I have been working on my Pinterest board for this fic for time and it was getting me so gassed for it. I’ve written a lot but more like plot points and dialogue so I’m still a ways away from publishing anything but here’s a teaser for it 🫶 Just wanted to share!!!
Let me know what you think of it!
Also, while you’re here… any thoughts on what you’d want to happen with them?
Ref: https://www.tumblr.com/foreverisntenough/756847736498913280/ok-so-i-had-a-cute-little-idea-after-ours-would?source=share
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ta-ni-ya · 7 months
Ellooooo everyone!!! Like I said here I am with another oc drawing challenge :3
Since I couldn’t find any good references I had to find and draw my own-
I’m tagging people I especially want to draw this time or have never drawn for before!
@giyubabe @pinkwisteria @boo-simplified @missshinazugawa @naramaiz
If I missed any of my lovely mootie who’s oc I’ve never drawn before please feel free to join anyways!
Alright so the theme is Prom Night
And I’ve prepared 3 groups! It was originally supposed to be 4 but I didn’t make the 4th one because I’m saving that group for those who have male ocs or prefer their ocs to not wear a dress or gown ^^
There are total 18 rn including my own oc- so let’s make that 17 for now haha 💀
This time I will be the deciding spots again! Mainly because of the outfit you choose! Each pose is decided based on what outfit you choose.
Here’s the ref and what base I drew 💀
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The pics are from Pinterest
All you have to do is:
• send me your oc via dms, reblog or just send in my inbox
• make sure you send me the outfit according to the theme
• don’t take any spots that’s up to me TvT
• send any extra accessories or hairstyles if you want.
Tagging more people because yes I wanna draw their ocs again- @shycroissanti @thewinterpillarhashira @kiyokatokito @aceofstars0 @vexinghearts @axolotl321 @kimetsu-chan @unofficialmuilover @kurumi-igarashi @slayfics
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the-phantom-peach · 1 year
How often do you use references in your artwork and if so, how do you find the perfect reference?
Hi thank you for the question!
Not exactly sure how I can quantify it, but I’d say more often then not. My process for using references is usually to start with an idea and sketch out how I want it to look. Then find a similar (it’s rare to find something that’s exactly what you’re looking for) pose on either google or Pinterest and use it to improve on what I already have.
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Other times, if I have no specific ideas I just scroll through Pinterest photos and find something I like or find interesting! These can be ref models, photo shoots, or even pose reference/drawing bases from other artists that give you “skeletons” or grid lines on how to draw the pose. Then I use it as inspo and edit the pose to fit what I want. It’s a bit hard to explain, but I hope it makes sense.
As you notice I rarely post full pieces of art, but rather individual drawings in a compilation of sorts. I think it helps me practice lots of new poses with references that at least marginally match the reference photos I’m using. I hope this helps!
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chulacola · 8 months
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An early Valentines Day piece. Added a second color version.
The pose is based on a pinup image from pinterest.
Ref below:
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