#based on Sari Sumdac
chaoticsorceressztc · 8 months
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Techno organic Twitch concept. I thought so hard I gave myself a headache. Dunno what I'll do when I go for making Miko though. Definitely have to make full body ones of these though.
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reimidy · 4 months
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⊹₊ ⋆ sumdac⊹₊ ⋆
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emomomortal · 6 months
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they're having a girl's night! which means painting nails so she's painting the tips of his fingers with a paintbrush
I'm their biggest fans I wish them nothing but a life of whimsy and joy
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Oooh your Sari post makes sense! I had headcanoned that she has an open circulatory system since she is so small compared to an average Cybertronian and the metal we see when her arm gets clipped and its revealed shes technorganic doesnt have any blood in it so its like blood to metal to skin
Ooh interesting! That makes sense given the injury shown and we can assume she's never had any major medical emergency that would warrant a nurse trying to place an IV.
I would also propose that while her organs are more techno than organic, they've been modified such that she can convert organic matter in energy in the same way Cybertronians convert energon into energy. Which is why she needs to still eat food, but maybe in a much lower quantity than most humans. After all, she lived with Team Prime for most of season two, and they couldn't exactly go grocery shopping. She may have been taking in less food and just not noticed since her body has adapted to be really good at pulling every last calorie and nutrient from food.
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just-someone-online · 3 months
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
How would TFA team and elite guard react to buddy children?
(Like for example: Buddy adopted some children)
Ooohhh! This is going to be fun! Since you did not specify which characters specifically, I will be picking them at random.
Hope you enjoy!
Optimus, Ratchet, Jazz, and the Jettwins reaction to single parent Human Buddy
SFW, platonic, familial, Human reader
Buddy was Sari's babysitter.
Well, her human babysitter. Professors Sumdac thought it was important to at least have another person in Sari's life that wasn't him or a robot.
And they were a great babysitter. They had the job roughly 3 years before the Autobots came to Detroit.
That was roughly the time they had recently adopted a set of baby triplets. They had opened their door one night and a classic wicker basket filled with the babies. The note on the basket simply said to take care of them. Buddy's original plan was to take them to Fanzone in the morning.
But Buddy had gotten attached to them.
Buddy explained their new situation to the Professor which was met with understanding and a pay raise with additional medical insurance.
Buddy's friends had noticed their sudden absences and tired look on their face. Everyone was getting worried. So, an intervention was called.
"Why is everyone here?"--Buddy
"It's an intervention kid."--Ratchet
"For who?"--Buddy
"For you! You've been so sleepy and tired recently."--Bumblebee
"Not to mention you missed our game tournament."--Sari
"The gaming--Oooh! I forgot to tell you guys!"--Buddy
"Forgot to tell us what?"--Optimus
"I'll show you guys tomorrow! Make sure to bring the Elie Guard if you guys want!"--Buddy
The next day Buddy came into the base with a baby carrier and two in the stroller.
To say everyone was surprised was an understatement.
Vietnam flashbacks to the first episode.
Optimus is surprised to find out that Buddy was taking care of new born children. Even more finding out they are triplets.
Twins are something that rarely happens on Cybertron. Even fewer after the war was over. Triplets were in a sense unheard of.
He is nervous to even touch the little ones. They looked so fragile and tiny! They were even smaller than Sari!
The babies on the other hand were enamored by the firetruck.
By the end of 15 minutes, Optimus had his servos with the triplets who were crawling around and hugging his digits.
He swears to protect these kids with his life.
"Gah!"--Baby 1
"Aw they like you Prime! Isn't that cute, wait are you crying?"--Buddy
Optimus sniffling and trying not to let the tears spill.
"...no-no... I'm fine..."--Optimus
At first Ratchet thinks the smaller humans are the equivalent of human minibots.
Then he finds out they are babies, he stops for a good couple of seconds.
Rebooting: Grampa mode activated.
As said before, it's rare to have twins on Cybertron. He had never seen triplets in all of his technical career.
He suddenly understands why Buddy has been acting the way they had for the past months. They were taking care of the kids.
Ratchet makes sure to brush up on his knowledge of babies to help Buddy out a bit. While Buddy takes a break or a much needed nap, he makes sure the kids are well taken care of.
"Aww. The Doc bot's gone soft!"--Bumblebee
"Hear that kiddo. That's the sound of a bot who's going to get strapped to the medical slab in 5 minutes if he doesn't quit."--Ratchet
"Bah!"--Baby 2
Jazz is floored by the amount of cuteness these babies are.
He totally gets why Buddy would be tired from these kids.
It's bad enough trying to keep track of the Jettwins and they are at least old enough to be here. Those babies still have a long way to go before even walking!
Jazz handles the babies with the utmost care. Makes sure that the babies are having fun while being safe.
The babies themselves are enamored by Jazz's voice. He is the to go bot for nap time. The babies fall asleep in record time.
"So these little guys are all related?"--Jazz
"Yeah they are."--Buddy
"I wish you luck then. If the Jettwins were hard enough now..."--Jazz
"...I know Jazz, I know..."--Buddy
Jetfire and Jetstorm
The twins are freaking out!
In a good way!
They've never seen another set of twins back on Cybertron, much less human twins.
Now they know that they know that there can be triplets!...
Jazz has to calm them down before they can hold the babies. And they have to promise Buddy that they will not use their powers around the babies.
The twins once they have the babies are uncharacteristically quiet and still. They take in the tiniest details of the babies and how each one differs from the other.
They promise each other to look after them, even when they get older. Siblings have to stay together. The triplets are now the twins siblings now. Buddy has two more robo kids to take care of.
"Buddy! It's my turn to get 1 but Jetfire isn't letting them go!"--Jetstorm
"Jetfire, listen to your brother and pass your siblings to him, gently."--Buddy
"Please! Just a little longer!"--Jetfire
"You either pass your siblings or they come with me and you have to go back to Sentinel."--Buddy
"Here brother!"--Jetfire
Somewhere on the Steelhaven.
"...Someone just insulted me..."--Sentinel
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thebettybook · 1 year
💙 Earth to Optimus? Somebot’s got a crush 💙
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Characters: TFA Optimus Prime x human!fem!reader. Other characters mentioned are Sari Sumdac, Ratchet, Prowl, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee.
Synopsis: Fluff headcanons of TFA Optimus Prime having a crush on you with him being a hopeless, utter romantic + mini scenarios of Team Prime finding out about his crush on you
Warning: Reader is mentioned to get a teeny paper cut that Optimus fusses over. Other than that, all fluff, enjoy~
Strawbetty’s note: First official post for TFA Optimus Prime! I love him :’) (he’s just so kissable) (also we’re not gonna question why I wanna kiss a robot alien)
💙 When it comes to romance, Optimus Prime is truly a hopeless romantic. Everything, from the faintest of song lyrics to even the smallest of petals from your favorite flowers, reminds him of you.
💙 Every time Optimus comes home to the base from patrol, he always brings back your favorite snacks or flowers that he bought at the local flower shop Detroit Daisies. By now, he’s good friends with the elderly lady who runs the flower shop and at this point she can’t wait for Optimus to confess to you already.
💙 Optimus is also pretty traditional. Since he doesn’t have much experience in the romance department, he goes by what he knows best: the book. Even though he doesn’t fully understand human customs, he does extensive research and courts you with your favorite things.
💙 However, romantic feelings sometimes encourage one to follow their instincts and throw caution to the wind. While he could read every book on Earth or search through every Internet database on how to act around a crush, Optimus knows deep down in his spark that he just wants to continue being himself around you. Especially since you make him feel so safe in doing so.
💙 Optimus is always the first to open doors for you and offers to drive you to places (and he’s been doing this even before he realized he had a crush on you). He’s a gentlebot through and through. Truly the bot next door. One could argue that he’s the eligible bachelor of Cybertron.
💙 Optimus will also show the sides of him to you that he doesn’t show much to anyone—the more goofy and dorky sides of him. He cracks a lot of jokes only you and him find funny, while Sari and Bumblebee just groan at his attempts at dad jokes.
💙 The leader of Team Prime is usually good at keeping his cool, and while Optimus feels safe to be himself around you, having a crush on you feels like he’s keeping a secret from you. And one thing to know about Optimus Prime is that he is terrible at lying and keeping secrets. Thus, he can be super shy when he’s around you sometimes despite the two of you already being close.
💙 He trips over his words and his stabilizing servos whenever he’s around you because you look so beautiful to him just by simply existing. It doesn’t take long before everyone on the team (Sari first, Ratchet second, Prowl third, Bulkhead fourth, and Bumblebee dead last) figures out that Optimus has a crush on you.
💙 Sari knew from the way Optimus would ask her more questions, such as when he came into her room at the base to ask her this: “Sari, could you…what’s that word again? Ah, Google. Could you please Google ‘How to play it cool around your crush’ for me?”.
💙 The young girl comically crossed her arms and grinned like a cat who swallowed a bird. “Why do you wanna know?” Sari had an inkling as to who Optimus’s crush could be—you. “Is this about Y/N?”.
💙 Her second question was enough to make Optimus heat up from the tip of his audio fins to the cheeks of his faceplate. The leader of Team Prime, despite his large frame, backed out of Sari’s room quicker than Bumblebee on the road and with repeated “Nope! Not at all!”’s. Sari snickered; maybe she could meddle later.
💙 Ratchet figured it out when Optimus rushed you to the med bay simply because you got a teeny paper cut on your finger from turning a page of a book you were reading. The older bot grumbled at Optimus for fussing over a paper cut, while you reassured Optimus that you were fine.
💙 Ratchet handed a bandage to you, raising his optical ridge when Optimus still towered over you in the med bay. Optimus watched as you simply wrapped the bandage (a pink Hello Kitty one, Sari’s favorite kind of bandages) over your teeny finger cut. When you placed a hand on Optimus’s servo and thanked him for worrying about you, Ratchet saw Optimus’s flustered expression and lit-up faceplate as clear as day. Oh, for Primus’s sake, he’s got what the humans call a “crush.” Ratchet rolled his optics despite a small smile growing on his own faceplate.
💙 Prowl, who loved to study human life and customs, also learned about human romance customs. He noted the way Optimus’s optics lingered on you if only for the teeniest of cycles, or the way Optimus would talk about something random you did that he found cute during his patrols with Prowl. Optimus’s optics and tone whenever he talked about you always conveyed what Prowl identified from what he saw from human romantic partners as yearning for something more than just being friends.
💙 Bulkhead found out when Optimus went to him for advice on which human movies to watch with you. Optimus listed a bunch of romance movies, from Titanic to Grease. Bulkhead told Optimus that Grease is a classic, and Titanic could make one cry for hours. Optimus took literal notes from Bulkhead’s advice. Bulkhead, ever the sensitive artist, scratched the back of his helm, wondering why Optimus was only listing romance movies to watch with you…UNLESS….
💙 Bumblebee, munching on his energon chips one Friday night, was oblivious, not even batting an optic when you and Optimus softly sang “Hopelessly Devoted to You” while watching Grease together in the living room. Optimus gazed down at you the entire time while singing the lyrics, his optics conveying his hopeless devotion to you, while your eyes were fixed on the screen.
💙 Bumblebee, who was talking about some upcoming car race with Sari, Bulkhead, Prowl, and Ratchet in the kitchen, finally noticed that all of their attention was fixed at the back of your head and Optimus’s helm. Bumblebee also noted the knowing smiles and smirks on their faces.
💙 “What? Why’s everyone staring at Y/N and Optimus?” The younger bot waved a servo in front of Prowl’s face.
💙 Prowl simply took Bumblebee’s servo in his and guided Bumblebee’s servo to the direction of you and Optimus. “Take a look, Bumblebee, and tell me what you see.”
💙 You and Optimus erupted into laughter at a scene in the movie before the two of you snuggled closer together. “Uhhh, I see Boss Bot and Y/N watching a movie together like they usually do?” Bumblebee raised an optical ridge.
💙 Sari shook her head, her crimson pigtails swishing from side to side. She raised her arms, and Bumblebee picked her up to let her sit on his shoulder. “If you look closely, you’ll notice that somebot has a crush?”
💙 Bumblebee narrowed his optics in concentration, before turning his optics back to Sari. “Who, Ratchet?”.
💙 “No, Prime does!” The older bot groaned. “Prime has a crush on Y/N! Tch, young bots these days are so clueless.”
💙 Before Bumblebee could let out an “Ohhhhh” of realization, Optimus interrupted him as he came up to the kitchen to fetch a snack for you. “I have a what on Y/N?” The team could practically see the hearts in Optimus’s optics.
💙 “You have a crush on Y/N,” Sari answered, all smug. “I figured it out first. Don’t worry, we won’t tell.”
💙 “Yeah, we won’t tell!” Bulkhead made a show of zipping his mouthplate and locking it with an imaginary key.
💙 Optimus wasn’t listening, simply grabbing your snack off the counter as if by nature and turning his back to the team to stumble back into the living room and rejoin you. “I…have a crush on Y/N,” Optimus’s voice trailed off, his smile adding to his lovesick daze.
💙 “Earth to Optimus?” Bumblebee called after him, before scratching the back of his helm and lowering his voice to whisper to the rest of the team. “Dang, somebot’s got a crush!” The latter sentence earned Bumblebee a collective eye roll from Sari, Bulkhead, Prowl, and Ratchet.
🍓 I don’t own any of the characters I mention or write about; they belong to their original and respective creators.
🍓 All content on this blog is created by me, @thebettybook (excluding posts I reblog that aren’t my own posts and unless I state otherwise). Do not modify, claim, repost, or translate my work onto this platform and any other platform.
🍓 Reblogs are appreciated :). Check out my TFA masterlist
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Autobot Starscream and his friendships...
*Alexis is still his favorite.
*Starscream respect Rad's leadership skills.
*Carlos, Billy and Fred drive him crazy.
*Starscream arrived on Earth before the Autobots woke up.
*He fled the Decepticons cause they found out about his bomb on Megatron.
*He creates a holoform and pretends to be human.
*He eventually befriended Sari Sumdac and her genius father (after learning that the father was using Megatron's head for science).
*He is called Tom Star or 'Uncle Star' by Sari, Bumblebee and Bulkhead.
*He pretends that his true form is his personal jet that he sometimes lets Sari ride around in.
*When everyone finds out the truth sometime after Sari's dad gets kidnapped, only Sari and Optimus still trusting Star, which eventually causes the others to forgive Starscream.
*Starscream leaves the Decepticons shortly after Megatron wakes up from his coma to beat his commander up and Starscream already prepared a secret hideout with energon supplies.
*Megatron orders for Starscream's capture.
* Starscream later saves the kids from Decepticons, Starscream asks the Autobots for a safe place to stay in exchange for his science skills and Decepticon information.
*Starscream spends most of his time in the base, where it's safe.
*Starscream respect Jack's leadership skills and sarcastic sass.
*Starscream and Miko drive each other crazy, but they warm up to each other surprisingly fast.
*Starscream would talk to Raf about science.
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thunderpounce-inc · 1 year
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More old concept art for Backseat Gamers, showcasing kinda how I'd see things going if the scope ever escalated from 'episodic silliness'
Considering the Blitzwings come to genuinely like and care about humanity across the trajectory of their playing Human Video Games (and then inevitably learning more about Earth/humanity), I'd imagine they'd eventually take a heel-face turn. Probably most sharply when some threshold gets crossed, and they decide they don't want to endanger Earth anymore.
Naturally, this would mean yoinking professor Sumdac from Decepticon base when they leave (esp considering he was probably the person to help them figure out to even get the means to play an Earth video game in the first place)
Poor Sari and Bumblebee being the most inundated with gamer culture, I feel, would be the ones both constantly hit with horror when one of the Blitzwings says something cringe/unexpectedly uses Earth slang, but also probably the ones who could actually translate the nonsense that is Blitzwing doing the crouch/uncrouch 'I'm friendly' gesture
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serialadoptersbracket · 4 months
Round 4, Match 11: Optimus Prime vs. Bell-Mère
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Submitted kids:
Optimus Prime: Bumblebee, then depending on continuity, Cliffjumper, Smokescreen, Arcee, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, the Aerialbots, Sari Sumdac, Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, Raf Esquivel, Spike Witwicky, and possibly others
Bell-Mère: Nami and Nojiko
Propaganda under the cut!
Optimus Prime:
2. “Optimus is not only a dad, he is a dad in the middle of a war!!
A war that killed his world and that is now targeting other worlds
He has all that weight on him and that doesn't stop him from being a caring dad to his men”
“She left the Navy to be their mom after she found them. Nojiko was holding Nami but they aren't related biologically. Bell-Mere was not well off economically but always did her best to make sure they would eat and feel loved. Because it wasn't an official adoption, the family was not recorded as such in the village records. This would have been very helpful when Arlong came to extort "tribute" based on a household's population, however she 1-failed to kill him and 2-would not deny she had two daughters when confronted about the discrepancy. Thus either her or the two girls were covered by the savings... I think you can guess what happened.”
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chaoticsorceressztc · 8 months
Part of me wants to make dnd Sari Sumdac.
If I end up figuring out a whole character, I'll put it in the reblogs
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 10 months
What if TFA but Miniformers?
So fucking hilarious. The autobots are still heroes and stops villains in Detroit but now they are the size of action figures. People don't take them as seriously and they are more seen as mascots than anything.
Kinda scary for team Prime? They arrive on this foreign planet and immediately find themselves surrounded by organic giants. It's a bit hard getting used to.
Sari still looks up to them but she's got a bit more authority in this AU, simply because it's hard to argue with someone when she can pick you up and just put you in her backpack.
Because of how small they are, their base is no longer in some old factory, it's now at a smaller private property owned by Sumdac. It's pretty luxurious considering the fact that a regular flatscreen TV is now the size of a cinema screen and they can all fit on the couch now.
Ok but wouldn't it be funny if bots created by the Allspark fragments are still just as big as they are in cannon? Like, for some reason they are still regular sized? Even Omega Supreme is only the size of a regular human and he's dwarfed by Wreck gar, the garbage truck bot.
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Probably bad transformers animated headcanons
Bumblebee listens to 100 gecs and uses TikTok. Both of which he does with his speakers turned up. In public.
Prowl has considered buying a fur suit but stops himself every time he's about to go through with it.
Optimus purposefully misuses slang and memes to watch the crew members that know what the terms mean die inside. Even pronounces them wrong for extra flavor.
Ratchet watches soap operas. It started out as simply being curious as to what trash the humans consider good stories but then he got legitimately invested.
Sometimes Bulkhead tries eating human food just because it looks really really good, but it always inevitably tastes kinda gross because he wasn't meant to process that kind of material. He wants to find a way to convert it to energon but until that day comes, he's forced to simply stare and long for it.
The repair crew has movie nights once a week with Sari, both to get a better understanding of human culture, and as an excuse to hang out. Every once in awhile they accidentally pick a movie that they don't realize Sari probably should not be watching until it's too late. They do not speak of the Friday the 13th incident. Or the time Sari picked Coraline and Optimus had to leave halfway through.
In that vein, after realizing how jumpy he was about spiders on Halloween, Optimus actually tried giving himself a degree of exposure therapy so no harmless tiny arachnids needlessly die by his axe. Now he at least TRIES to bring them outside with a cup and a piece of paper, but he's not above just asking Bulkhead to do it instead.
Ratchet has taken to finding old junker cars and trying to fix them up in his spare time. Their makeup is painfully simple compared to Cybertronian anatomy, and it's not like he has to worry about what happens if he can't fix one fast enough. He still thinks just selling spare parts on the open market is barbaric, but it's kind of therapeutic for him to just work on something like that without the stress of having someone's life or even just general well-being in his hands. He lets Bulkhead repaint them when he's finished.
Sari does NOT actually know how sex works. At least, like, not accurately. The version of it she told to Optimus was wildly off-base, but still juuuust close enough to freak him out.
Similarly, Prowl has observed nature long enough to get a sort of incomplete idea of how all that goes down, and has come to the conclusion that organics universally lay eggs.
Bumblebee plays horror games with the lights off just to prove hes not chicken, and then has horrible nightmares for a week straight. He also fully believes in every video game creepypasta/myth you tell him, and swears up and down he's seen Herobrine.
Bulkhead is terrified of mice because he doesn't understand how anything can be that teeny tiny and he heard they can chew through metal like some kind of freaky organic scraplet. He gets nightmares about Ratchet opening him up and finding a whole colony of them chewing on his wires.
Sometimes while Megatron was just a head in Sumdac's lab, he'd be bored enough watch whatever was on TV between schemes and naps. The only thing he would ever admit he liked was wrestling because he felt at least a little vindication watching the pathetic organic wretches beat the slag out of each other. That and it reminded him a bit of his gladiator days.
Shockwave is a pretentious energon tea drinker and has whatever the Cybertron equivalent of a loose leaf tea infuser is. He INSISTS it's objectively better and whatever the more normie type of energon is simply cannot compare.
Lugnut has date nights with Strika but they usually start off as sparring matches that get juuuust a little out of hand. He would not have it any other way and loves when his big scary wife throws him across the room and into a wall, then immediately rushes over to check if he still functions. It may be the concussions, but he swears she looks like a holy being towering above him from where he's slumped over on the floor.
Blitzwing is actually pretty functional from day to day. He's had his multiple faces for long enough that he knows how to cope with them and work with them. Sometimes he has poor impulse control, and sometimes he can't stop himself from feeding his anger, but overall he's actually pretty good about keeping himself in check. He just leans into the whole "crazy" schtick because he knows that's how others see him and no matter what he does, he's not gonna change their perception. It's sort of a spite thing when he annoys people with it, but it's also kind of a self deprecating cry for help that he's REALLY hoping someone will eventually pick up on.
Starscream is only a Decepticon because he wanted to pursue acting but nobody would hire a Warframe. He sought out fame and adoring fans in the gladiator arena, and he got what he was after until Megatron kicked his skid plate and Starscream was suddenly no longer the popular seeker heartthrob bad boy, but a laughing stock who fell when someone bigger and stronger clipped his wings. He originally joined Megatron with the intent to climb the ranks and snatch his following out from under him, but then the war broke out and his whole plan was thrown off track.
No Cybertronian is 100% okay with Earth vehicles looking the way they do and not being alive. It's pretty creepy seeing what they think is just some guy carrying an organic around only to remember right, yeah, the organic's controlling him like cordyceps in an ant and he was never alive to begin with.
Blurr has to intentionally talk much slower than he would at his natural speaking pace just because nobody can understand what in Primus's name he's saying.
Between him, Jazz and the Jet Twins, it's actually kind of a meme on Cybertron that the elite guard badge messes with your speech synthesizer because Sentinel is the only member that speaks even slightly normally.
Jazz once attempted to show Sentinel a nature documentary that Prowl recommended. Sentinel proceeded to purge his fuel tank about five minutes in and forbid jazz from watching that filth outside his own quarters.
Both of the jet twins play fortnite whenever they're on earth and come up with the nastiest incomprehensible insults they can to spam into the microphone because they think that's just part of the game that nobody is taking seriously rather than unbelievably toxic people having mental breakdowns at losing.
And finally,
Cybertron has its own cryptids and urban legends: a long, serpentine beast, as long as 60 Warframes that slinks through the oil of Iacon's aqueducts. A jet black cybercat with three tails that will take your spark if you look it in the optics for too long. A shuttle painted in neons, appearing at the station on its own when there is only one transformer at the station, speaking honeyed words in a voice that sounds too familiar, and promising to bring you home safe, but keeps driving and never stops until you're in stasis or offline. A spectral figure that haunts the underground tunnels that few dare traverse, keeping to the shadows and darting out of sight, but you can always hear their engine revving, and always hear their anguished wails. A frame-bare mechanical avian, practically skeletal, that circles over the sea of rust, massive in size and always waiting to swoop down on unsuspecting mechs. They are spoken of in hushed whispers, none know for certain whether they are real or simply fiction. Most think it's silly to believe in such things, but the superstitions around them persist.
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Chapter 18: Professor Sumdac’s Secret
Finally written the next chapter of Heroic Nonsense!
We’ve come to an end of the slow burn and enter a process of love’s revelation. Optimus has become aware of his feelings. Megatron’s reaction is not obvious, but they’re not far from happiness. In this chapter I also want to discuss more topics hiding in the subtexts of tfa: Megatron’s imprisonment in Sumdac’s lab, Sari’s origin, the possible relationship between humans and Cybertronians— which include both decepticons and autobots. And of course, the central issue I want to discuss in this story: heroism, boundaries of responsibility, love based on neutral understanding rather than “prince saving the princess”. There are more to come in the following chapter. I will also post more about my worldbuilding. Also, the different characters of OP and Megs will be on a vivid display, like the title of this part say, they are: Cynic versus Dreamer.
I dedicate this chapter to spaceliquid. Her “House Divided” presents one of the best tfa megop sex scenes (when Megs opened up his vulnerability to OP, and OP tried to heal his trauma by giving him a wonderful sex). It inspires me to incorporate trauma/heal theme in sexy scenes. Absolutely glorious.
*I imagine spark is like a reproduction organ to Cybertronians. That explains why Optimus blushes when he imagines “Megatron’s spark”.
Warning: Implications of rape and prostitution.
“But do not try to treat me like Blackarachnia, or the damsel in distress in your book full of heroic nonsense, Optimus. I don’t need you to save me. I don’t need anyone to save me… I am not a passive object. If someone hurt me, I shall avenge myself. Sumdac will pay for his acts. I’ll make him pay once I finish using him. This planet, and the organics on it are going to suffer for what they did to me.”
“As you have seen in the books they’ve written, they are capable of great thinking, literature, science and philosophy… they are no different from us Cybertronians. They are sentient beings. And you know… if you just crush them just because you’re bigger and physically stronger, just because ‘you can’ —you are actually no different from the suppressors you were rebelling against, the autobots… as you said, who has been treated your tribe as the lower class and wanted to wipe you out.”
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ultimateoptimus · 5 months
Autobot Junior Divers Kicker and Sari Upgraded
>[ERROR]: Deviation "Autobot Junior Divers Kicker and Sari" V1.0 (2021/06/18): [//////OBSOLETE//////] >[ERROR]: Deviation Upgrade Required And Requested >Auto-Upgrade: Initated >Upgrading Deviation To: "Autobot Junior Divers Kicker and Sari Upgraded"... 100% >Upgrade: Succesfully Installed _
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Just in time for the Transformers 40th Anniversary, Transformers Energon 20th and Summer 2024, Autobot Junior Divers Kicker from Transformers Energon (2004) and Sari Sumdac from Transformers Animated (2008) are back, femmes and gentlemechs, bolts and gears, protoforms and techies of all aeons - and the Energon scuba spaceboy and the Animated scuba robotgirl are all upgraded and ready to Transform and Dive Out, be it in a Summer SCUBA class adventure diving under the waters of Ocean City in Kicker's native reality or Detroit, Robot City in Sari's reality, training themselves in out-of-air emergency simulations, underwater combat, rocket flying underwater Supersonic Jetfighter Rocketkid style and ultimately having splash 'n crash aquawesome fun underwater with each other and their Autobot wingmen protecting and escorting them with Kicker's Energon Saber Mini-Con Team, Sari's technorganic upgraded body and both's Autobot battle brethren led by Optimus Prime of both their native realities in case of Decepticon underwater party crashers!
The Autobot Junior Divers' personalized, customized boys' and girls' school swimwear and swim caps, stylish and colorful ABC kits of 360 degree single lens dive masks, clear purge snorkels and pairs of dive fins and just as stylish and colorful TransformerTech'd up backpack dive jacket, hi-capacity air tank and mouthpiece regulator SCUBA rigs all based on their respective battlesuits from their respective toyline and cartoon series are fully upgraded and ready for more Deep Heavy Metal Underwater Robots In Disguise Action than ever before as detailed below:
Autobot Junior Diver Kicker now has his own personal Evolutionary Accelerator (EV-AC) loaded with his custom Autobot EV-AC Helix for when it's time to Xevolve into his Autobot Powerlinx Kicker exobody, Grindor of his Mini-Con Street Action Team as his Transformer dive buddy and TransformerTech All-In-One Scuba Backpack System with TekSnorkelator has a Powerlinx port for Grindor to dock into and turn it into a TransformerTech All-In-One Scuba Underwater Jetpack System for Kicker to jet through the underwater worlds in hyperspeed - his way.
Autobot Junior Diver Sari's TransformerTech All-In-One Scuba Backpack System with Double Hose TekRegulator is now a Sumdac Systems TransformerTech Hydropack All-In-One Scuba Underwater Jetpack System created for Sari by Isaac Sumdac reverse-engineered from Bumblebee's Hydrodrive Underwater Submarine Module as her new personal All-In-One Transformable Scuba Underwater Jetpack System that has an Underwater Waterwing Scooter/Underwater Kickboard alt mode for Sari to rocket through the underwater worlds in true Kid Robot Girl style with a functional replica of her Allspark Key as a memento.
Long story short: 2021's requested aquawesome little Junior Diver!Kicker X Junior Diver!Sari art for Anbu-AAE-Demon333 just got the 2024 upgrade just in time for those forementioned anniversaries.
Autobot Junior Divers V2.0 Patch Notes: >Autobot Junior Diver Kicker V2.0 - Kicker's personal Evolutionary Accelerator (EV-AC) with custom Autobot EV-AC Helix loaded given to Kicker - Energon Mini-Con Street Action Team Grindor added and linked to Kicker as dive buddy - Powerlinx port added to Kicker's All-In-One TransformerTech SCUBA Backpack System - Grindor can now dock in the SCUBA Backpack System's Powerlinx port to access All-In-One SCUBA Underwater Jetpack System upgrade
>Autobot Junior Diver Sari V2.0 - Functional Allspark Key Replica given to Sari - Upgraded Sari's All-In-One SCUBA Backpack System to Sumdac Systems TransformerTech Hydropack All-In-One Scuba Underwater Jetpack System - Hydropack can transform from Underwater Waterwing Scooter/Underwater Kickboard to All-In-One Scuba Underwater Jetpack System and back
@aae-demon-zone333 @theworldofesteveze
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tealcicada · 3 months
No entiendo de que trata ese universo donde Sari esta del bando decepticon y megatron parece particularmente "Amigable" con los Sumdac
It's my take on what if Sari woke up Megatron too when she was made(?) So Isaac and Megatron have been raising her for the last decade or so before the autobots show up and how that would change things like Sari being a Decepticon warrior and the Decepticons more or less making earth their home base. I've been tagging everything as #Decepticon Sari so feel free to check it out and anyone's welcome to make stuff with this au idea too!
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