#based off of prompts
shay-the-writer · 11 months
New Tuckson Fic
I Like Your Plan Better - A Pre-Halloween Tuckson Story
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eddiestommy · 4 months
wait so apparently some people get mad if someone else writes fanfiction based on headcanons they shared on tumblr??? so now i got to ask
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spookberry · 5 months
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Bad Cujo! Do not eat a mud!!
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babbling-babull · 4 months
DP X DC Prompt #83
Danny manages to somehow find himself in a situation where the JL are asking Fentons help to hunt down Phantom because he's "holding" Danny hostage.
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bitter-rayjay · 4 months
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some-rotten-nest · 10 months
Thanksgiving at the Fenton house was... Something. Danny did his best to avoid it, in short. It wasn't exactly Christmas; but it wasn't nice either.
Gotham was a good place for him to escape to, right? A flight there and back once Thanksgiving was over, no issue.
He didn't mean to get kidnapped by billionaires for an even weird Thanksgiving, okay Jazz?!
He'd just been out and about, doing nothing really, when this person came up to him and began to drag him by the ear, talking something about how "If I have to attend this, so do you!"
Being startled, he couldn't string the sentence he was looking for together and ended up being dragged to a---... Manor. Because of course it was. Rich people.
"So, how's everything?" A different black haired, blue eyed boy asked, eye bags heavier than Danny's.
"Oh! Actually, Jay, I left my shirt at your place when I got shot, any chance you brought it with?" The other black-haired, blue eyed guy asked, twirling his fork in his hand.
And he was looking at Danny.
Thank Ancients, the oldest person-- parent? He didn't know-- jumped in, sounding so tired, "Can we not talk about work at the table?" Then turned to Danny again, "And thank you for joining us this year, Jason."
"I had to drag him here!" The blonde who dragged him here Interrupted, "Why don't I get any thanks? Discrimination, Bruce. This is discrimination."
"I'd appreciate it very much if you didn't shout at the table, Miss Brown," The very oldest person said, placing a plate on the table.
Alright-- enough was enough, Danny needed to leave. This is weird, and he did not want to know why black-haired, blue-eyed guy #2 was shot either.
"Sorry, Alfred--" Blonde (Miss Brown?) said casually.
The sound of the door opening was as loud as a cannon to his ears, but to everyone else at the table, it was normal. Or they were expecting someone else that wasn't who they thought Danny to be.
Black hair, blue eyes #3 came in, a white streak matching Danny's own in his hair.
All eyes turned to him. Fuck.
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mjulmjul · 1 year
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angel, abstract
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the-witchhunter · 11 months
DP x DC Phantom Punk: We are the Outlaws
Back on my punk Danny AU
So punk is pretty anti-authoritarian, loud, fast, and contains a lot of anger, anger at how the world is. It can also be very compassionate to the downtrodden an those the system fails
You know who else has a lot of anger and compassion?
Jason Todd
Jason Todd, the second Robin, the Red Hood. The man was born to be punk.
Danny just works as a punk. His villains range from the government to a Billionaire to a ghost cop. It makes more sense than not for his experiences to have turned him in that direction, and let's face it one Sam Mason would have helped, even if punk and goth are different
So we have one dead punk boy living in a shitty apartment in Gotham, and we have another dead punk boy moving into a shitty apartment in Gotham
They're neighbors(I'd say roommates for the meme but Jay needs the added privacy)
So now we have two punks with messed up sleep schedules living next door to each other. They clearly vibe, they hang out, go to each other's apartments and Jason practically force feeds Danny a healthy meal that has enough preservatives in it to give Ra's a run for his money
Then Jason got careless
Jason, after accidentally mentioning the outlaws multiple times during a phone call, now has to deal with the fact that Danny thinks it's the band he's in. It's fine, all he has to do is play it cool, roll with it and it'll be no big deal
being unable to shut his mouth, he actually digs himself deeper. Now, Danny doesn't just want to see them play, he wants to join, and Jason has made the mistake of saying he needs to ask the band first, only to call Roy who is a little shit and goes "Yeah he can join our band."
Cut to Jason, Starfire, and a sheepish Roy scrambling to actually be a punk band as they get sucked further and further into committing to the bit
Fake Band au, like a fake dating au but with more people and instruments and probably ends in polyamory
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 199
“Where the fuck are my legs?” 
Danny wasn’t happy. It wasn’t funny! Usually he just had a ghost tail when flying really fast, like super speed, not all the time! It’s not funny Clockwork, you’re used to having a tail, he isn’t! 
What do you mean it’s permanent?! He needs his legs! Clockwork!! He wouldn’t have agreed to the adoption if he knew he’d lose his legs! 
…Okay, that was a lie, Clockwork was a great parent who encouraged his chaos and enjoyed screwing over assholes like the Observants. But still! He looks like some sort of snake person now! No he doesn’t want a nap, he’s not a baby! 
Clockwork, why are you being quiet? He’s not a baby! He’s not a baby, right? What do you mean all ghosts are babies until they’re a hundred years dead!? But he’s a halfa- what do you mean it takes longer for Ancients?! 
No he doesn’t want that nap, he’s having a midlife crisis here several years too early! 
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jjoneechan · 6 months
c!Dream in thought
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He’s wondering what kingdom is this flag from.
Looks nice. He likes the colors. Maybe they’re friendly and welcoming?
based off this prompt on twitter
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mayhasopinions · 6 months
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goldengirlgalaxy · 11 months
The GIW have found out about Danny being half ghost. However, due to the dangers of getting caught Danny has a plan.
Danny some time beforehand manages to successfully figure out how to duplicate himself. Each one is just as strong as the others and the last duplicate remaining becomes the real Danny. Any duplicate the disappears will have all its memories return to the other copies.
The plan is simple: the Dannys all split up and set themselves up in different parts of the world, far away from one another. Should one get caught, it will simply vanish before the GIW can do any serious and traumatizing damage. Plus, Danny won't have to try and build another life for himself should he need to abandon one.
However, what Danny didn't consider is the fact that the copies don't have any kind of mental connection aside from when their memories are redistributed. They also don't keep in contact, as that would defeat the purpose of having them split up.
When the various superheroes around the globe find a child with incredible power who is all alone, they tend to try to help them. And since Danny doesn't want the GIW to find him, he tends to pick a different hero name than Phantom.
Needless to say, its a very interesting meeting at the Watchtower when they belatedly discover that several new heroes that had were being mentored by several heroes were all the same person.
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itslilacokay · 3 days
hi hello uh
waiter waiter one grape serving please
thank youuuu :3
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back to regular avaming
(purple knocked greens arm off the wall btw)
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rotruff · 2 months
btw ur f/o would love to take care of you.
come down with something? they'll be there for you in any way that they can. they might not be a great cook, but they'll pick up anything you could ever need or want whenever you want. they might be the type who wants to keep a little space since they dont wanna get sick, but they'll leave little notes around for you or maybe a jacket or similarly comforting article around for you as a little reminder of their love for you. they'll help you pass time, whether that be through watching movies, talking with you, or just being a quiet presence nearby. whatever makes you feel better, they're happy to oblige. they just want you to feel better, even if they might not be a doctor or anything, they hope that they can be of service to ypu anyway.
just not feeling great? that's fine too, everyones got their off moments. (maybe if they're the more flirty type they make a joke about how it must be exhausting being the loveliest person in history.) they're more than happy to be a support for you in any way that they can in this time, whether that means just being there for you or stepping in to help you with things physically. whether you want them to just be by your side and keep you company or for them to help you out with things like showering or eating something, they'll be sure to put their heart into it. they care about you and your happiness means the world to them, they dont mind doing whatever it takes to help you feel a little bit better.
chronic pain or similar? oh yeah, dont even worry about it. even if theyre not super strong, they'll offer to help you around if you absolutely need to, though they might be a little bit of a worrywart about you getting some rest. you want any painkillers? they'll go running through a storm for it. you just want a distraction? they'll happily regale you with some story of theirs to help take your mind off the pain. you just want their company? they're already fitting themselves as close as they can to you. they know that, no matter how much they wish they could, they cant really take the pain away, but theyll do whatever they can to help take your mind off of it and alleviate some of that pain.
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year
List of “you say you wanna be friends but it’s starting to feel like you wanna be more than that” prompts
“Tell me why you say you wanna be friends but then go and pull shit that makes me feel like you want to be more than friends?” 
“Do you… Like like me?” “No, I don’t. That’s defamatory.”
“I don’t know why but all I can think about is kissing you. I’m… Not the only one, right?”  
“Friends don’t fucking do this.”
“Do you actually want to be friends or do we need to talk about this and reevaluate our relationship?”
“I don’t know if I can do this with you when I think I’m starting to want more.” 
“If I knew we’d come to this then I wouldn’t have agreed to be your friend in the first place.”
“You’re confusing me. Stop it.”
“So what is it you really want from me?” “I don’t— I don’t know.” 
“Fuck, why are you doing this to me?” “Doing what?” “Messing with my head!”
“Everything about this is starting to feel really not platonic.”
“…This isn’t working.”
“I’m pulling away before I get hurt.”
“Don’t give me mixed signals. If you want us to stay friends, don’t fucking act like that.”
“I don’t know about you, but I want out. I can’t keep doing this and act like we’re just friends.”
“Did I do something? Why are you suddenly acting so distant?” “Just… Because.” 
“Don’t give me that shit. Don’t treat me like that. Don’t make me think you like me. Don’t give me the hope I don’t need or want. Don’t give me a reason to continue feeling this way for you.” 
“…I think I like you.” 
“Is it weird I wanna give you all of me?”
“This is all we should be, yet it somehow feels like we could be more. You feel me?” “…Sorry?” 
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dandyzay · 8 days
“Commitment and perseverance. Very Jedi values. Very Mandalorian ones too.”
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Decided I wanted to do a redraw of Ben Naasade from @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning fanfic series: “The Desert Storm” (GO READ IT) because my art has significantly changed since the last time I drew him in his orange, reds, and yellow :)
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