#barthomeloi lorelei
kaibutsushidousha · 10 months
Do you have any predictions on how Lorelei Barthomeloi's going to look like now that Dead Apostles Ancestors have gotten their buffs and Lord Trambelio has less than half of the od that Ciel has? How would you design the Aristocratic faction's big shot?
I don't have a direct answer to the question. I believe everything that was previously established about Lorelei's brand of magecraft is no longer applicable after the remake. So instead I'll use this convenient ask as a platform to write a post I've been meaning to write for a while. A commented translation of Lorelei's old profile focusing on what I believe still goes and what I believe no longer does.
Introduction: Barthomeloi Lorelei London's Clock Tower, a central institution of the Mage's Association, is the proud home of The Queen: the greatest mage in the present era. Clock Tower's assistant headmaster. The current Wizard Marshall, commanding a choir called Battalion of Clones. Her magecraft's element is wind.
This initial part I think is maintained in full. There is a huge asterisk on the Battalion of Clones, but I'll get to it when I reach the profile section that explains what the Battalion was.
She's also a vampire hunter who previously defeated 2 out of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors and handed them to the Church.
Her track record is confirmedly gone with the remake. Sorry, only Ciel is allowed to be cool now. But when Ciel is fighting Vlov, she mentions some madman who invades vampire lairs from the front door and challenges them to fair duels, and that's 100% Lorelei.
She's an orthodox mage with nothing unique about her magecraft, but since she has the highest value in every stat, she consistently produced excellent results in every situation. She believes simple is best. The archetype and perfect model of the idea that one who is strong enough doesn't need a special ability.
This part I can very confidently say is gone. I can even bring up two completely different reasons.
The point of Lorelei favoring high stats over gimmicks is to portray her as a mirror to nemesis Ortenrosse. And the point of pre-remake Ortenrosse thinking little of unique powers is that he was Brunestud's first follower and held too much respect for the moon man to devote himself to something beyond a vampire's basic kit. However, as of the remake, Principles are part of a vampire's basic kit. Having unique powers is now built into Brunestud's blueprint, so there's no reason for Ortenrosse to continue committing to being boring. Ortenrosse will have a power defined by his Idea Blood and the Barthomeloi will have a magecraft system suspiciously similar to Ortenrosse's Principle.
Nasu mentioned the Barthomeloi family once after establishing the remake lore. In Clock Tower 2015, the Barthomeloi are namedropped as the Lord family commanding the Department of Individual Fundamentals. Shortly after, Sanda established Individual Fundamentals is run by Solonea and Policies is run by Barthomeloi, with Nasu trying to clean up the retcon by saying in his blog that the Clock Tower 2015 line is just wrong. But it's very telling that at some point Lorelei was slated to Individual Fundamentals since studies to foster one's unique abilities are very much the opposite of what our beta version of the Barthomeloi family would be about (it does speak about Lorelei as an individual, but we'll get there).
In fact, her standard combat stance is to bring along 50 elite mages and slaughter the enemy by commanding and instructing them without a shred of disorder. She takes the form of a young empress conducting an orchestra. All troopers, unified by their unique lack of uniqueness, are first-class mages, with Lorelei herself being supposedly able to take on a Dead Apostle Ancestor in direct solo combat.
First, let's address the elephant in the room that with Ancestors being raised to the ballpark of gods, there's no way Lorelei can 1v1 them anymore. She could easily be stronger than McDonell and Karmaglyph, but the power gap can't be that big.
Now to the part that matters. The Battalion of Clones. I think the section above already makes my point clear enough. Lorelei taking Individual Fundamentals somewhere along her character retooling shows an abandonment of the "unique in their lack of uniqueness idea" angle.
What Lorelei ultimately got was Policies, whose most featured members are Goredolf and Hishiri. Both of them are mages who default to their unique abilities (Musik's metalized punches and Hishiri's Mystic Eyes), and Dolf is far from what anyone would call elite.
Of course, the answer could easily be that the Department is bigger than Lorelei's elite squad. You can be from Policies without being from the Battalion of Clones. In fact, you could say there's evidence for it, considering Goredolf from Policies first entered Chaldea with a group of exactly 50 mage followers. If he was part of the Battalion, it should be a group of 49 followers plus himself. Unrelated, the idea of Lorelei lending Dolf the Battalion still feels insane to me, even for an operation as big as entering another Lord's nest.
Anyways, the biggest argument against my ideas is that Fate/Labyrinth confirms that post-Remake, the Battalion of Clones still exists by this name despite the concept that names them, the idea that all 50 shared the same non-identity, being seemingly discarded. Much to think about.
Explanation: Assorted notes One of the Lords, the ruling class of London's Mage's Association. Her family has one of the oldest bloodlines in the association but their origin and style of choosing heirs is kept a secret.
This part touches the core of Lorelei's expected backstory in Tsuki 2, so I'm fully confident it stays. It's absolutely essential the Barthomeloi, this inexplicably ancient lineage of mages who carry this generational grudge against the oldest mage-turned-vampire while coincidentally sharing his core philosophies, does not want to reveal its origins. Haha, who could their originating ancestor possibly be?
They have some modicum of friendship with the fellow Lords of the Archibald family and only them.
This part says more about Kayneth than it says about Lorelei and her dad. There's not much I can say now, but I'll come back to this with a Kayneth appreciation tangent when I get to the line about Lorelei's personality so I can elaborate on the implications.
They left no written records of why their family is named Barthomeloi.
I'll say this stays as is. Nasu clearly has a really dumb wordplay 20 years in the making that connects the meaning of Barthomeloi to Ortenrosse and we know he wouldn't throw a stupid pun away.
The clan first appeared at the time of the Clock Tower's foundation, attained their Lord title through their powerful Blue Blood (noble Magic Circuits), and stood at the top for centuries since.
Changed. Case Files Material's timetable places the Clock Tower's foundation in the 500s and the introduction of the Barthomeloi in the 1000s.
Their current head sees the name Lorelei as nothing more than an appendage added to her name after she took over as the family head. They all only consider the sound "Barthomeloi" to be their name.
Lorelei growing up without her own name is a thing I'm 50/50 on. The bit seems to exist mainly as a thematic extension of the old Barthomeloi and Ortenrosse pursuit of a lack of individual identity. A Barthomeloi has to be the Barthomeloi ideal instead of their own person. Much like the instrumentalists in the Battalion of Clones were all clones of each other and therefore clones of nobody, the conductor is likewise raised to be a clone of previous conductors, tracing all the way back to the original, who in some major ways can't escape being a clone of Trhvmn Ortenrosse. And I already made clear that I consider this character trait to be dropped.
But. The purpose of the Department of Policies and the Clock Tower timetable establishing that the Barthomelois arrived laying the groundwork for the Clock Tower's aristocratic system shows that their unreasonably controlling aspects are still a core element of the Bartholomei character, meaning Lorelei being raised without a name is still a thing that can still happen even without the anti-individuality themes.
Perhaps due to the perfectionism beliefs on every generation's part, the Barthomeloi heads are raised exclusively within their manor, never appearing to others until they are fully accomplished mages. Nothing embarrasses them more the stepping into the big world without being ready for it. Consequently, at the moment they first step into the Mage's Association, they're already the commander of a department.
This part I feel like it stays at is. There's no need for it to be gone. This homeschooled ignorance can play into Lorelei's waifu side.
In a sense, they're more fervently aristocratic than the Dead Apostle Ancestors, and consider even their fellow Lords to owe obedience to a nobler, more capable blood. The only mages that the Barthomeloi heads see as their equals are the embodiers of First Magic.
This one is a bit that I absolutely need to stay as is because it's so much more interesting with newer context. The text says "embodier" rather than user, so it should refer to witches in general, and it's now established that (non-Meinster) witches in the modern era are regarded as living garbage by the world of magecraft at large. It's fascinating to me that the Bartholomei are defined by their dedication to their arbitrary social tier list and said list simply just
S: Barthomeloi, trash
D: Everyone else
She holds a peerless obsession for the king of the 27 Ancestors, the White-Winged Duke Ortenrosse, and is participating in an operation squad to thwart the Aylesbury Ritual that he has been arranging for the past few decades. She never engaged in early-stage sabotage for one reason: to lure out the White-Winged Duke and watch the mortified screams of the disgraced vampires as she thwarts the ritual mid-procedure.
Needless to say at this point, this is the part that needs to stay exactly as is. It's the conflict that gives her reason to be in Tsuki 2 and what the majority of her other character traits in this profile exist for.
Source: The Dark Six (title subject to change) She's the leader of the Mage's Association's Aylesbury Inspection League... except no other mages cooperate with her due to her excessively aristocratic principles, making our problem girl a solo leader. That's not how it works, dear. Due to her special upbringing, she has no interest or tolerance for domestic chores.
This is all purely Lorelei waifu points, so that will be kept intact.
Her personal principle was to measure someone's worth not by their personality, but by what makes them unique. Therefore, she's relatively interested in people with powerful talents.
I imagine this will stay, although it will be a lot less meaningful now, considering that Lorelei's innate interest in unique abilities will no longer be an antithesis to the anti-uniqueness tradition that was going to define the Barthomeloi and Ortenrosse.
This character is thoroughly aristocratic in her beliefs, however, because she believes her blood is the only noble one, she cares nothing about the other nobles. Lorelei sees no difference between the working class and the ruling class. What makes one from either category stand out is not their birth, but the individual abilities they learned.
Lorelei's most important waifu factor. Absolutely stays. But let's get to what really matters. Kayneth. The only guy who maintains a friendship with the Barthomeloi family. What does this say about him?
See, Kayneth is a genius who knows he's a genius and loves the feeling of that. He's prideful and loves boasting. He felt the need to replace a perpetual motion engine with a ball of mercury just so he could better brag about his aesthetics. His material profiles even cite his likes as "himself". His self-esteem is absolutely top-tier.
But as much as Kayneth loves praising himself, he always implies that he doesn't like being praised by others. The higher echelons of the world of magecraft are a field of equivalent exchange, where everyone only helps others for their own benefit and these kinds of deals that define Kayneth's upbringing are only worth trusting when both sides are on an even playing field. He 100% believes that he's special, but can't react positively to special treatment.
He's madly in love with Sola-Ui, a woman who treats him with cold indifference. He fails his relationship with Diarmuid because Diarmuid just wanted someone to deposit his loyalty on and Kayneth is unable to process an uneven relationship in good faith. So when Lorelei's profile tells us that Kayneth holds a major friendship with the guys who treat him the same way they treat the janitor, all I can think is "Yes!! This is so Kayneth!".
She is the typical archetype of the character who shoves away her human side as hard as she can... She is currently being considered for one of the main heroine slots, maybe...
With all the random mentions the Barthomeloi/Policies get, I feel like it's pretty much guaranteed at this point that Lorelei will be a main heroine in Tsuki 2. But with the remake being set in 2014 and Lorelei being defined as young and new at this, all the Barthomeloi mentions in Case Files and stuff should now be about her father (not that any of them said anything character-specific).
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typemoonsmashorpass · 9 months
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shuttershocky · 2 years
Out of all the dead apostle ancestors that we know of so far, which is your favorite and why?
Enhance, Nasu's single chuuniest character and unashamedly a Dante from Devil May Cry expy.
is a half-vampire, half-human, who had the vampirization process stopped halfway. This lets him use holy weapons (but they burn him) and dark magic (but it corrupts his flesh)
has a corrupted arm
wields both a sword and a shotgun
can grow blood wings to fly that have to rip out of his back every time
can turn into shadows and move at superspeed (this is very likely where FGO Edmond Dantes got his powers from)
owned the Black Barrel before giving it to Ciel in exchange for arcane secrets
is a Dead Apostle Ancestor but hunts the other DAA as a vampire hunter, including killing the vampire that turned him
took on the strongest vampire hunter, Lorelei Barthomeloi, the vice head of the Clock Tower, and fought her to a draw (though she was stronger than him).
was supposed to be the new protagonist of a now-scrapped Tsukihime 2
is notably weaker than most Dead Apostle Ancestors due to still being half-human, but is able to feed his strength by tapping into his hatred (which probably also makes him the prototype to the Avenger servant class)
is a significantly skilled fighter in terms of techniques and tactics
is said to look like Dante from Devil May Cry
is still canon in the Tsukihime Remake (he shows up on the list of Dead Apostle Ancestors) despite how unbelievably embarrassing he is, because he's just too fucking cool to be retconned
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cheonmaneechan · 7 months
Barthomeloi Lorelei is my new favourite Type-Moon character I've never actually seen in a Type-Moon work and maybe never will lol.
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I didn't realize that trying to incorporate some of the Clock Tower's big shots would require so much obscure Nasuverse trivia. To anyone out there thinking that it might be a cool idea to feature other department heads in a scene, don't do that. Don't repeat my mistake.
Okay, so this budget meeting was the HARDEST part of this fic. I even made a note at the beginning, because it is ridiculous just how much the information about Clock Tower faculty is spread around various Nasuverse canons.
Not even Fate canons. I spent more than an hour just reading the obscure information about the department heads on Type Moon wiki.
Vice Director of Clock Tower? You won't know about her unless you read Tsukihime side materials. Or read wiki.
These are quotes from the Case Files oneshot Time Magic Is For All Intents And Purposes A Useless And Dangerous Magecraft, which you should absolutely read, and its companion author commentary.
I find these innocuous comments interesting. They aren’t wrong per se, I will be the first to admit as a Case Files fan that Clock Tower minutiae is not widespread knowledge. But I think they reveal a fascinating difference in fandom experience.
See, the author considers the  Vice Director of Clock Tower, Lorelei Barthomeloi, obscure, and she is, objectively. She appears in one short story for Tsukihime II, a game that never came out, has a profile in a side material encyclopedia, and is a blink-and-you-miss-it cameo in Carnival Phantasm. By all accounts, she is an obscure character...or she should be.
Because to me, and I’m certain many others in the fandom, Lorelei is basically Nasu fics’ equivalent of HP fanfics’ Daphne Greengrass: an obscure character in canon frequently used (and overused) in fanfics. Lorelei is not used the same way as Daphne (for one, I don’t think she is made the main character often), but she is often used in similar roles; notably, in Overpowered Shirou fics, she tends to be Shirou’s love interest or one of them as part of his harem. Usually, the scenario is that they meet while hunting Dead Apostles.
But you would only know this if you are familiar with how often Shirou is made overpowered, wanked, and turned into a Sue in fanfics, and the methods used. Especially if your exposure to Fate fanfics is on fanfiction.net, which is where they proliferate. However, if, as I suspect the author is, your sole and primary consumption of Fate fanfics is on Ao3, where the climate and culture tend to be completely different, you might have never read or heard of a Shirouwank fanfic, much less become familiar with its usual tropes. There are people in the fandom to whom “Incarnation of Sword” means nothing.
I don’t know, I just thought it was funny, after my initial surprised reaction:
“Clock Tower faculty is such obscure trivia...”
“Indeed, I don’t think the average fan would know about them since they are more prominent in Case Files, and...”
“...like the Vice Director!”
“...Lorelei? Obscure???”
It’s always refreshing to get humbled.
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reignsan · 4 years
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Made a nicer to look at version of my earlier Lords of the Clock Tower post.
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fatebeastbirthorder · 5 years
Step. Step. Step.
A woman, an unexpected visitor, walked the halls of Chaldea. There was little physically unique about her, brown hair, brown eyes, an average chest. But she held herself as a leader, a ruler, a posture that could only be compared to the presence of Ozymandias, perhaps even Gilgamesh.
And she had the pure magical power that in a relaxed state, she was comparable to a mid-rank servant, though she clearly wasn’t a servant, only human, only a magus.
“Hark.” And yet she spoke with a commanding tone, her voice being carried across Chaldea... “It has been decided that you are no longer trustworthy, that you are naught but children who cannot be left alone, far too wild of cards to be trusted. So, a new order is to be established. 
Death is only the extremity. Punishments are likely. Complaints are to be written down and tossed into the incinerator to save time. Listen and obey and nothing will change. Rebel and be troublesome... And your pays will be ducked. Your internet will be taken. Your privileges will be reduced. Your budget will be cut. You are all responsible. Cause trouble and you may find your kitchen too low on food, or your master too poor to support everyone, your internet too slow to be used effectively.”
She stopped, she waited. “You are servants, heroes of the past, villains of the past even, if not mythology. I know you can find me. If you want to be the first to cause trouble and invoke punishment, then do it, I do not care for your opinions as long as you are troublesome. This has been an announcement by the Vice-Director of the Magus Association, Barthomeloi Lorelei.”
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“I look forward to your obedience.”
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time-in-red · 9 years
I keep seeing the last name Bartholomew, especially in the context of the head of a school, and wanting to say "Barthomeloi". I go to wizard school since when?
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shuttershocky · 1 year
man I hope we one day get Enhance content so Nasu's chuuni can shine bright and uncontrolled. throw in a Vergil expy while you're at it
I actually think if Lorelei Barthomeloi were to be developed more she would have eventually become the Vergil expy.
Her only appearance has her dueling Enhance to a standstill, having the edge despite Dante's Enhance's vampire powers and weapons, because her flawless technique that makes her second to none in the Clock Tower.
She's also arrogant (only fights Dead Apostles underneath a full Moon so they can be as strong as possible for her to challenge), single-minded (only cares about slaying monsters despite being the second-in-charge of the Clock Tower, to the point where she would ally with their enemies the Church just to go on hunts), and incredibly immature (when she finds out the vampire she's hunting was already killed by Tohno Shiki, she loses her temper and throws a tantrum while swearing vengeance), all she really needs is a katana and a nasally voice and Capcom would be sending out cease and desists in no time.
Also Enhance's name appears in the Tsukihime Remake so it looks like Nasu hasn't forgotten about him. He's probably not going to be a shameless Dante clone anymore (especially when half of his powers and physical description became FGO's Edmond Dantes), but he should still be really cool.
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shuttershocky · 2 years
Do you think there would be a difference between Tsukihime Lorelei Bartholomew and Fate Lorelei Barthomeloi? In FGO one of Arceuid's voicelines say that the FGO Holy Church is docile compared to the Church she knows.
Hard to say when Barthomeloi's not part of the Church, she's the vice-head of the Clock Tower. Hunting vampires is merely her favorite thing to do. She hates vampires so much that she's willing to lend out her services to the Church in spite of the ridiculous idea of the 2nd highest position in the Clock Tower working with the enemy.
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 years
Who is Yumina?
The First Magician. Mahoyo's Kuonji Alice's ancestor. All we know is that:
She's a witch.
She was born in the same day as Jesus.
Her direct successors are called Meinster.
She used the same magecraft Alice uses in Mahoyo.
She founded the Clock Tower's Botany Department when she was on her 500s.
She's the only mage Barthomeloi Lorelei respects.
Any mage worth their salt knows who Yumina is.
Those are only the concrete facts of course. With we want to get into speculation territory, it's very likely she's the one created the world's current ether, and mildly likely Calhin is her ghost.
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shuttershocky · 3 years
So in the Tsukihime Remake, Ciel unveils the ability to use the Idea Blood of the Dead Apostle Ancestors that she defeats in battle as a basis for magecraft, essentially using their source of strength against them. Combined with her ludicrous potential as a mage and the new weapons and armor she carries around, she's likely to be the strongest vampire hunter there is.
But she's not the only one.
One of Ciel's tricks is that she has the Idea Blood for "Sword", which was owned by a DAA she DIDN'T defeat herself. The Remake doesn't state who defeated Sword's owner, but it becomes a part of Ciel's arsenal all the same.
Someone else out there is either strong enough or crazy enough to attack a monster capable of wiping out a city. Someone who had no interest in keeping the Idea Blood for themselves, because Ciel got to keep it.
Now, this is most likely to be a tease for Barthomeloi Lorelei, or perhaps even Enhance (who cameos on the DAA list in-game). Both of them were exceedingly powerful vampire hunters pre-Remake, and their motivations boil down to a burning hatred of vampires rather than any quest for power. But. BUT. Hear me out.
Clocktower 2015 is supposed to take place in a Tsukihime timeline, and yet somehow Waver Velvet still becomes Lord El-Melloi II even without heroic spirit summoning. This means certain characters from the other timeline still go through similar lives and gain similar powers in the Tsuki timeline. This is further reinforced by Sessyoin Kiara (Kisshouin in the Tsukihime timeline) still obtaining her godlike powers in the Tsukihime Remake, and in fact becoming even stronger than she did in Fate.
This gives us a third, admittedly unlikely, but really rad candidate for who took down the Sword DAA.
Now who do we know that was an active traveler in the late 2000s - early 2010s, was previously stated by Nasu to have worked with Ciel and was close enough with her to freely give something so valuable, was selfless enough to freely give away something so valuable, and would know better than anyone how to control powers that revolve around the concept of "Sword"?
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shuttershocky · 3 years
Servants are supposed to be inherently stronger than humans, at least modern humans, but do you think that someone like Charlotte Corday could be overcome by magi and executors given that her parameters and skills are pretty underwhelming?
A LOT has changed since Nasu's interview about which humans could defeat servants. There's a ton of much weaker servants and much stronger humans now, to the point where we now have a whole chapter of a single human like Musashi fighting 8 incredibly powerful servants and winning without even help from Mash.
While even a weak servants like Hans or Charlotte probably won't be beaten by a very average mage or church executor, they would have to be very careful to not come across a monster like Lorelei Barthomeloi.
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shuttershocky · 3 years
i know tohno shiki has a short life span but i really do like to think that after the events of tsukihime Shiki and Arc just have small misadventures at night
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He doesn't die immediately after the events of Tsukihime at least. After Arcueid route, Shiki becomes a vampire hunter, one that Dead Apostles begin to fear as much as Arcueid herself. His eyes become too strong for even his glasses to contain, so he takes to wrapping his head up in bandages to completely blind himself until he has to fight.
In the short stories Talk and Prelude, Shiki displays his strength by killing the Forest of Einnashe, and later on by infiltrating the castle of one of Arcueid's rival vampires and slaughtering their entire family in mere seconds. The latter gets him the enmity of Lorelei Barthomeloi, the vice head of the Clock Tower, for stealing her kill.
Kagetsu Tohya and the Melty Blood games also all take place after the events of Tsukihime, so if you ever wanted to see Shiki fight robot maids, encounter Neco-Arcs, run from a giant Akiha, or get spanked by Ryougi Shiki, Type-Moon still have your misadventure needs covered.
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reignsan · 4 years
Known Lords of the Clock Tower
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McDonell Trambellio Elrod
Lord of Mystile, the Department of General Fundamentals. Head of the Trambellio family, one of the Three Great Families of the Mage’s Association. Head of the Democratic faction, which wants to see the Clock Tower be restructured into a system where talent supersedes lineage.
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Rulfurus Nuada-Re Eulyphis
Lord of Eulyphis, the Department of Spiritual Evocation. Head of the Eulyphis family and father of Sola-Ui from Fate/Zero. Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald’s teacher. Part of the Aristocratic faction.
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Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald
Former Lord of Kischur, the Department of Mineralogy. After his death it was taken over by the Meluastea family. Former head of the El-Melloi family and part of the Aristocratic faction. Also a lecturer for the Spiritual Evocation department. During his time as a student he showed off genius level talent; he was expected to form the greatest faction in the Clock Tower.
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Marisbury Animusphere
Lord of Animusphere, the Department of Astromancy. Head of the Animusphere family and member of the Aristocratic faction. Passed over his daughter Olga Marie as his heir in favor of his student Kirschtaria Wodime. In the Grand Order timeline, won the 2004 Holy Grail War with Caster Solomon. In the Stay Night timeline, scrapped his plans to enter the Grail War upon learning the Grail was corrupted by Angra Mainyu.
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Inorai Valueleta Atroholm
Lord of Valuay, the Department of Creation. Head of the Valueleta family, one of the Three Great Families, and a leader of the Democratic faction. The teacher of Touko Aozaki, Souren Araya, and Cornelius Alba from Kara no Kyoukai. Unlike most mages she embraces modern technology, including listening to rock music on her iPod.
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Waver Velvet
Lord of Norwich, the Department of Modern Magecraft. Proxy head of the El-Melloi family under Reines El-Melloi Archisorte, and part of the Aristocratic faction due to the El-Melloi’s ties, though the Democratic faction wants him to join them as a “proof of concept.” His skill in magecraft is extremely poor, but his knowledge is second to none. All of his students reach high ranks in the Mage’s Association, bar none.
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Barthomeloi Lorelei
Lord of the Department of Policies. Head of the Barthomeloi family, the most powerful of the Three Great Families. Head of the Aristocratic faction, which preaches family lineage as the most important thing to a mage. Second only to the Director in the Mage’s Association’s hierarchy. One of, if not the, greatest mages in the modern world.
Lords yet to be seen:
Solonea, Department of Individual Fundamentals: Lord ???
Chimera, Department of Zoology: Lord Gaiuslink
Brishisan, Department of Lore: Lord Brishisan
Yumina, Department of Botany: Lord Archelot
Jigmarie, Department of Curses: Lord ???
Astaire, Department of Archaeology: Lord Meluastea (also pulls double duty as Lord of Mineralogy after Kayneth’s death)
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shuttershocky · 3 years
Would someone from a family like the Animuspheres, Barthomelloi or the Trambelio ever have to worry about a Sealing Designation? Or is it still possible for them to get that but the bar is higher than a mage without a prestigious Clock Tower name? Also would that protection only be afforded to the Head and heir of the family? Siblings can lead to Crest disputes but Kayneth and Sola-Ui were both from prestigious lineages but they had siblings
Considering the current heir to the Barthomeloi family is literally the vice president of the Clock Tower I highly doubt they can be targeted without some kind of massive revolt and the destruction of the current social hierarchy. Even if that was to happen... Good luck with sealing Lorelei.
The others are probably at a slightly higher risk, though really it's doubtful anyone would try to mess with a lord of the Clock Tower and their family unless they are really powerful, really stupid, or the family has made a mistake way too large to overlook.
It's also really dependent on who's running Policies. Since Goredolf is actually a bigshot in the Law department, he guarantees Guda immunity from a sealing designation as all their actions are under his employment and therefore, instruction.
Since literally all of existence is currently bleached though, We don't know just how much Goredolf can actually protect Guda from the Clock Tower. Will they have to abide by an extremely strict set of rules that will have them come off as nonthreatening and subservient to the will of the Mage's Association in order for Goredolf to get them off the hook? Or can they roll up to London in a limo and strut up to their classroom surrounded by an army of servants dressed as bodyguards with shades and brush off any infuriated Lords with "I didn't know how many familiars a new student was allowed to bring, so I checked in with Policies and they said it's cool, I could just bring all of them." While Goredolf nervously pulls on his tie?
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