#Just fandom things
happypotato48 · 6 months
This Is A Gay Asian Rant About BL Comments Made By Some Queer Westerners I See Sometimes.
So you know of those gays (usually white) that made dumb tiktok dancing to list of countries that legalized same sex marriage and list of countries that discriminate against LGBTQIA+ poeple as a way to say something racist. yeah i kinda got the same vibes from some comments regard how asian BL is homophobic just cause they don't live up to queer western standard. look, i'm not saying that some BLs and their creators don't deserve criticism regard how they capitalized/exploited queerness for an easy cash grab.
But people need to understand that Asian countries despite recent progress are still very much culturally conservatives. so when people says that thai bl is homophobic and all the characters looks like bunch of straight guys, which is true for some olders thai BLs i'm not gonna denied that. but after all this time and newer BLs generally being very queer and most of creators being out queer themself and poeple still making these comments, i'm annoyed.
And don't get me start on the actors. you don't know them! why are you making assumption and calling them queerbaiter just cause they acts in bl. like maybe they're straight, maybe they're not but what they're definitely doing is making queer content for you know, queer people here. so when you made halfass comments about their sexuality what do you think that made other queer people who still in the closet feels. and when you add the nationality to that, "these thai bl pair are this and that, this korean actor is so ungrateful for his bl past", etc. when our societies are still very much still in progress regard LGBTQIA+ acceptance. it make us living here feels fucking awful like somehow we're lesser queer than people in the west just cause we don't have citibank at pride or some shit.
And the shittiest in my humbled opinion are comments regard censored chinese bls. people do know like, that the creators making these bls are risking their livelihoods for this. that these shows getting make at all are miracles. yes it sucked that they're censored but they're still very much queer shows making by queer people who want to express thier queerness despite the chinese government being the chinese government. when people dimissing these shows as not belonging in queer media, you're also dimissing their creators and audiences as not belonging in the community.
Look what i want to say is that we're trying our best over here, and maybe our best are not up to your liking. the ways we talk and express our queerness maybe still can be perceived as problematic by western queer standard. but these media are our house and you're the guests. for people aren't shitty we appreciated that you're here engaging and loving our media, this is your home too and you're welcome in it. i can speak for myself that i very much love being here on tumblr and interacting with people from all over the world who love BL. but for people who are being shitty sometimes about asian bl.
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aydracz · 2 months
Shax had a tough time delivering Crowley's mail at The Ineffable Con:
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After collecting the Traitor's mail for months,
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teaming up with a doppelganger,
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interrupting intimate moments,
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using threats
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and demonic karate skills,
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and chasing the Traitor around the entire Moor Hall, while the Traitor was chasing his emotional support angel,
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Shax asserted her dominance and delivered the mail
and could finally have some time for herself.
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Many thanks to my very own emotional support angels @fuzzywhispersbear and @drimmsydra ❤️ The whole weekend has been an absolute blast!
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Once more for the people in the back!
Shout out to all the fanfic writers and fanartists out there whose brain tries to convince them that their work is not good enough / too long / too short / too out there / too boring to share.
You are what makes a fandom thrive! Don't listen to that brain of yours and share the thing!
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juniperjane · 1 year
my mind is a salad spinner and i'm whizzing my thoughts at high velocity while my blorbos hold on for dear life
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incandescentflower · 2 months
I'm seeing the whole "If you don't like something stay out of the fandom tags" commentary again. Honestly, it bugs me quite a bit. I would say that I try to not piss in people's cheerios often. I try to not just complain for the sake of yelling about something. I do believe everyone should get to enjoy what they enjoy whether I like it or not.
but I also think people who like a certain kind of story and watch things with the hope they will get what they like, and then are disappointed, also deserve community.
I think the opinion that all people are doing this to troll or because they enjoy complaining is a bad take, at least in the fandoms I'm in. When I get that stubborn about a show it's because I genuinely loved something about it and I now have passionate opinions about it. If I didn't care, I would not be posting about it. I would just forget it.
And yes, there are different levels of critique that are productive and others that are not. But having people be like - have your feelings but keep it to yourself or only your dash where others may or may not have the same feelings - maybe are harmless when you are annoyed that an adult show has all the plot points of a high school story, but are concerning when the post is talking about the pair the spare where there is no recognition that they had painted the antagonist as an assaulter and are now rehabilitating him with no effort at all. When you start dictating what is acceptable and unacceptable fandom opinions, you start walking the line of censoring voices that should be boosted.
In my opinion, fandom is at its best when you are hearing other points of view and gaining more understanding of media by listening to other voices. It's another part of the transformative nature of fandom.
And It's so easy here to block people or filter people and tags if it's really something you don't want to see. The expectation yet again that someone else should be responsible for your experience is beyond my brain capacity.
I do know how hard it is to see a huge fandom reaction that doesn't align with yours -I have experienced it both in loving something and hating something. But that is why we all need to find our community and well, on tumblr, it's in the tags.
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viothecrapbot · 9 months
Tfw you read a life changing fanfic at 3 in the morning and your crying but have no one to talk to about it because it's 3 in the morning so you just lie there
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spideypoolsupremacy · 2 years
The panel which shaped the spideypool fandom to be what it is today
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anna-neko · 9 months
I have no idea what the actual original intent was (fashion doesnt need logic) giant bow on back of her neck always screams "a precious pet" to me
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the big bow at the capelet of her coat? Perfect, no notes
but this one.... just.... my brain cannot process anything other than "a beloved pet has been playfully beribboned" .... something that stands out to grab the kitten by the scruff of the neck by if they get into places they shouldn't
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eccentricmya · 5 months
I wish more people would remember that we're all playing in a free-for-all sandbox. No character is your personal property that you can object to when others misinterpret them. Yes, not even your blorbos are exclusively yours (except ocs of course).
You see a bad take? Move on. Vaguepost if you have to on your own blog to vent your frustration. But leave that 'bad take' post alone.
I'm so tired of all this policing in the name of canon. Fiction isn't fact. It can be debated. It can be twisted to fit the reader's perspective. Someone cherry-picking quotes to justify their reading of a character or situation does not make them a flat-earther ffs!
Fandom is supposed to be a safe place to explore, to indulge in a diversity of perspectives. Where you see a one-dimensional dot, others may see a zoomed out galaxy. But you wouldn't discover the hidden dimensions if everyone only ever agreed it was a dot and nothing more. If people have to conform to one universal interpretation of canon, then fandom ceases to be a safe place and becomes a censorship.
This is fandom. Do not make it a battleground. Learn to respectfully disagree instead of outrageously attacking. Be a little more tolerant. Allow space for weird takes. Agree to disagree.
Tldr: Make headcanons, not cannons, out of canon.
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samsheughan · 10 days
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source: tv insider IG
not gonna lie, normally i always found broger recreating jamieclaire's iconic everything to be kinda cringe, but this....this actually works really well. I really like the dynamic. It's not over the top but it gets the point across. the broger storyline in the books when they're in the 80s and when they separate to go find jem is one of my favorites in the later books, and im excited to see it portrayed on screen :)
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just my take on this...if you don't have "outlander spoilers" added to your filter list, NOW'S THE TIME TO DO IT! I am not a spoiler-free blog, but will do my best to tag shit appropriately 🩵
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chrononautintraining · 2 months
To preface this, I am not trying to start drama or belittle anyone's personal tastes just trying to get others opinions. I personally do not like when people have Bilbo be called little one from a romantic partner and I was wondering if it's just me or maybe if it's authors whose first language is not English. To me it reads as a term of endearment for a child, first and only language is American English. How do you feel about that term? Is English your first language? What's your favorite term of endearment for Bilbo or do you not like any?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
English is my first language, and on a personal level "Little One" is not my yum. That said, I know size difference is a big (pun intended) thing for some people. Folks like to use little one to emphasize that, and if that's their kink more power to them. A good writer can make it work, especially if they're the one who is into it. But yeah, Little One sounds like something my patriarchal grandfather would pat me on the head and say when I was small. Not sexy to me on its own.
My favorite term of endearment for Bilbo is Burglar. It's a title he earns, a nickname he's proud of, and an admission that Thorin was wrong. The term means something to them as a couple, so I find it romantic, despite the fact that it's hardly Honeybear or whatever for cuteness.
Frankly, Bilbo is on the page as not liking cutesy terms. Beorn calls him a little bunny and babies him and Bilbo is like "guess I have to tolerate this infantilization so we don't all starve in Mirkwood." But of course terms of endearment hit differently from a weird hermit than they might from an actual romantic partner. Maybe Bilbo would be super down with a lover calling him Bun-Bun. A good writer could probably sell me on it.
All that aside, I am also a sucker for my Tolkien con-langs. Give me amrâlimê and ghivashel as pet names for Bilbo any day. <3
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ripplestitchskein · 4 months
Laughing so hard at a ‘veteran writer’ Stella Stan giving unsolicited “advice” to the creator of two majorly popular series that was basically “You fucked up by making your villain’s multidimensional and giving them relatable backstories that mirror the main “good” characters instead of just making them flat evil villain goes brrrr characters”.
Like my guy. My dude. My cousin in Christ. The entire reason they are considered evil by the narrative is what they chose to do because of their relatable tragic backstories. It’s kind of writing 101? The choices characters make in the face of that adversity is what determines their narrative alignment? That’s writing not “they are evil cause evil”.
Stella is portrayed as a verbally abusive and violent antagonist because she is. She was portrayed that way from jump. Yes, both her and Stolas were both trapped in an arranged marriage and forced to birth an heir neither wanted and are forced to put on appearances for an unjust aristocracy but where we see Stolas swallowing down the verbal abuse (which canonically took place before he even cheated), she humiliates him in public, throws things and breaks his possessions and even physically attempts to strike him. He stepped out of his marriage with the very clear understanding that because of how he was treated she did not care for him or the marriage at all, she was more upset about her reputation. Which she straight up says in Ep2. Basically saying “you could have fucked anyone privately but instead you fucked an imp at my party and I’m embarassed now you have to die”. The contrast is the POINT.
And then to say Stella is shown to be a “good” mother because she spends time with her daughter while she’s actively trying to assassinate her daughter’s beloved father and her stated motivation is just “I’m mad he humiliated me” is honestly the funniest shit I’ve ever read. A+ parenting. No notes.
And then, to go on to say that Viv is deliberately not showing us Stella’s good qualities to prop up Stolas is also….a take. Like, that’s how storytelling works? There’s an entire genre of writing books based on the concept of obscuring traits or highlighting traits of characters to serve the narrative?
Twitter is so funny.
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jessmalia · 3 months
I've been getting really annoyed with fandom's obsession with slow burns lately. Not that there's anything wrong with loving that trope. I love a good slow burn myself! It's basically all I write. They are a special kind of addicting that's really compatible with fandom culture, I get it. I also don't think there's anything wrong with preferring slow burns over couples that get together quicker. No, what annoys me is that so many people act like the longer it takes for a couple to get together, the better they ultimately are. Which is just so stupid it hurts my brain. Characters' relationship can develop both while they're dating and while they're not. Which is more suitable will depend on the characters and the story. My favourite ship of all time slept together the first episode they interacted directly and I think that was the perfect start to their love story! It's all relative. Just calm down.
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empressofmankind · 8 months
How to objectively know you're obsessed:
Your phone autocorrects "banana" to "bananawani" now
I don't know what bananawani bread is, but I am having it for lunch, apparently. Maybe it's a mushroom. And not actually cake-bread made of wani. Omg.
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anna-neko · 23 days
all this fresh exciting new Ranma 1/2 hype....
VIZ!! plz do a release event and 'hire' me again to be in a booth!! ACP, plz return to scouting cosplayers for things!
I promise will do a really good job again
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ktkat99 · 2 months
Fandom Questions I Love Hearing People Answer
What was the movie/book/show/ etc. that taught you fandom existed?
What was your first fandom?
What is your current fandom?
Do you create content? Or just enjoy what's there?
Do you have a 'dead' fandom you keep an eye on, just in case of a new work? What is it?
Have you ever watched a movie or show for no other reason than you stumbled into it's fandom?
What's your favorite obscure fact that you learned while doing research for a fic?
Have you ever left a fandom due to its toxicity?
Have you ever stayed up all night writing, drawing, reading, etc?
Have you ever given a pet, houseplant, vehicle, etc a name inspired by your favorite character?
What is your favorite genre of media?
Is that the same as your favorite genre of fanworks?
What's your favorite fanfic trope?
Have you ever had a fic you were reading be delayed by the AO3 Writer's Curse?
What about one you were writing?
What is your biggest fandom accomplishment?
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