Barrytown: We talked to our son “for over 12 hours and he was shaking and vomiting”
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Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 7
March 22, 1976
To whom it may concern:
Our son joined Moon’s group in late 1971 and was coaxed to join by a room-mate. Our son was taking graduate courses. He was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of a U.S. University in the mid-west. He was definitely idealistic, because he quit his job in his hometown because he felt the institution he worked for charged exorbitant interest rates to under-developed countries.
Mike (this is not his name) has never been home since he joined the group, because we told him we felt he was wasting his life working for Moon. We believe he has been in practically every state in the union, even Alaska, but not Hawaii. We had cards from many places. However, we did visit him twice. We noted the houses were clean where he lived. But I thought the food was not adequate. Both places had an open jar of peanut butter sitting on a table and a loaf of bread. Coffee and tea seemed to be available, but we saw no fresh fruit nor vegetables.
Mail from Mike has been infrequent and short, usually cards. However the very first letter was frightening—rambling and 10 or 12 pages long, trying to tell us why he joined this movement. He talked about the drug problem, the race problem, poverty in the world, etc. And he implied that those who joined this group had all the answers. He never mentioned the name Unification Church nor Moon for over a year after he was in the group.
We seemed to get no Christmas or Easter greetings. One Christmas we got a Christmas greeting with a snow scene. Our family always sent religious cards at Christmas. But Christmas 1974 we got no word at all. Then in February we got word Mike was married by Moon in a mass wedding in Korea. He was married to a German girl we had never heard of.
He said he worked with her in the group for a year, but our daughter, a nurse went to hear one of Moon’s talks the November before and met all the young people with him and this girl was not one of them. So we feel Mike lies to protect Moon. Later (in March) we received a letter from “our daughter-in-law”. She said, “I know you must wonder about your son who went out into the world and married someone you never met before”. But she gave no explanation of this.
Then later we received a letter from our son’s father-in-law from Germany. He and his wife are very good Christian people and they went to the trouble to find a student to write to us in English. They wanted to know about the family now related to their daughter. We immediately told them we did not approve of the Moon Movement and they too said it has been the heartbreak of their lives. She, the daughter-in-law, was still being held in Germany after being flown from Japan in December. They are having visa problems we hear.
Our son was taken back to the States in early November 1995 to Barrytown, N.Y. The father-in-law of our son told us about this and we called for several days before he finally called us back. Then we took a chance on going up to see him, my other son, an ex-Moonie and I, Mike’s mother. The ex-Moonie told him the movement was a big rip-off. We talked to him for over 12 hours and he was shaking and vomiting. It was terrible to see him so programmed that if he broke in the middle of an explanation, he would have to start all over again just like a record. He told us he just read that Franco of Spain died that morning, after we told him he does not read nor listen to TV or radio. Franco, in fact, did not die for several days. Anyway, I stepped into the bathroom for a minute and he fled, because his brother fell asleep. He left his coat and ran out into the rain. We looked for him for a while and then called the ex-Moonie’s mother and she told us to get out of New York quick or we would be arrested. We left and I was so shaken from this experience, I spent 10 days in a mental hospital for my nerves. After witnessing the fear and vomiting, I was relieved to see him go. But later I still cry for what has happened to my intelligent son.
I want to add here too that my son gave Moon $1,400 he had in a local bank. And when he married he defaulted on a state school educational loan. I received a letter about this in January 1975 and I gave the state all the recent addresses I had for my son. My son told me when we saw him November 1975 that he thought Moon paid off his loan. We heard also from a reliable source that Moon charged each person he married $400. Moon now is sending out booklets “Way of World” to presently active Moonie’s parents to make us more understanding. The NERVE he has—we now NEVER get a letter from our son at all. I cannot understand why the U.S. government lets this terrible thing happen to us, the tax paying citizens, and this foreigner with a permanent visa makes fools of us. Someone must be getting paid off. The First Amendment we need, but our judges and law makers administer the law.
Name withheld
A visit to Ann at Barrytown (1975)
At Barrytown all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will (1976)
Ken Sudo and the secret Barrytown 120-day training manual and Unification Church telephone fraud
Physically restrained against his will at Barrytown
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 2 Moon’s mass marriages are “a form of sex perversion”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 3 Our son “seemed to be in a bizarre world of science fiction”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 4 “only if she got rid of the baby and gave it up for adoption”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 5 Moon is a man devoid of of human compassion
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 6 “One of your ancestors was a peeping Tom.”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 8 Many parents suffered heartbreak after losing their children to the Moonies
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
The Barrytown Property is being sold off for $15 million
The FFWPU USA is attempting to sell the UTS Barrytown location at $15 million. https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/30-Seminary-Dr-Barrytown-NY/27246922/ The fact that the Unification Church in the USA has been selling off some of their most prized properties reveals that the UC has no intention on preserving its history in the US, or sustaining it much further. Hak Ja Han is closing the operation as we know it in the US, as the members who joined in the 70s are passing on leadership, and too many are passing away too. Perhaps the FFWPU in the US will continue to import members from all over the world, and maintain and a mostly American bureaucracy with key Korean leaders at the top as continental leaders, and other similar positions. 
The question is... who is looking to buy a $15 million school in Red Hook, NY? 
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w0-2013-365 · 4 months
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watching tv ('the van')
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chernobog13 · 6 months
What I'll be tossin' in the ole BluRay player to watch tonight and tomorrow (I've got the day off, to make up for today), in no particular order:
Gorgo (1961)
Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959)
The Quiet Man (1952)
The Barrytown Trilogy: The Commitments (1991), The Snapper (1993), and The Van (1996), all featuring our man Colm Meaney
Hear My Song (1991)
The Guard (2011)
Waking Ned Devine (1998)
Agnes Brown (1999)
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nedison · 8 months
Joetown - XTC // Steely Dan
Standing In For Joe meets Barrytown.
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channinggaia · 4 days
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maximuswolf · 5 months
Covers by unlikely artists?
Covers by unlikely artists? What are some cover songs by artists that you would never have expected to cover that song, or even anything else by the original artist? The covers don't necessary have to be brilliant, just unexpected. A few to get started:The Beatles' "I Want To Tell You", covered by Ted Nugent Bruce Springsteen's "Sandy (4th Of July, Asbury Park)Sandy (4th Of July, Asbury Park)", covered by The Hollies Steely Dan's "Barrytown", covered by Ben Folds Five Submitted May 09, 2024 at 11:42AM by TheSanityInspector https://ift.tt/9PNzTFL via /r/Music
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leanstooneside · 11 months
Seeking clarity
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Ken Sudo and the secret Barrytown 120-day training manual and UC telephone fraud
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▲ Ken Sudo
To whom it may concern:
I, Janis, was a member of the Unification Church cult for 13 months.
When I completed toy 120-day training session at Barrytown, New York, I was given a manual which included the lectures that Mr. Ken Sudo, the head of Barrytown, had given in this 120-day session, I, as well as each graduate of that session, was told to guard that manual with my life, not to show it to even another Unification Church member. We were strongly cautioned that the press and the police would not understand it.
When I was rescued from this cult, I was home a week before my parents brought in a deprogrammer. In this period I kept this manual in a locked suitcase and had told my parents that the suitcase contained winter clothing. I lived in fear that someone might see this and was trying to decide on a safe place to hide it.
When I was deprogrammed and could see that I had been deceived by this so-called “Church”, I brought out this manual for my deprogrammer and my parents to see.
Since then I have had many nightmares in which the cult was trying to kill me for having brought this manual out of the cult and having shown it to others.
My parents in a recent trip to Washington, D.C. gave a copy of this manual to the Justice Department, in the hope that it will encourage them to investigate this cult, I believe this manual to be an excellent example of the "brainwashing" or "mind-control" techniques used by this Unification Church cult.
I have never known such terror as I did the moment I came to the realization that I could not control my own mind, that I had been given a new pattern of thinking.
Janis F.
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 1
To whom it may concern:
Our daughter, Janis, was a member of the Unification Church cult for thirteen months. We rescued her from this cult in August 1975.
In January 1976, a Mrs. Gardiner who is a collector for the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company in Houston, Texas, called our home trying to locate our daughter, Janis. We inquired as to what her purpose was. She then informed us that Janis had an overdue telephone account in Houston. We assured her there must be a mistake as Janis had never lived in Houston, Mrs. Gardiner said the Unification Church had opened an account in Janis’ name; so she contacted the Yonkers, N.Y., office and a Kevin McCarthy gave her Janis’ home phone number.
Since Janis was totally unaware that such an account had been opened and had never given anyone permission to charge calls to her, Mrs. Gardiner has since written a letter exonerating her from this liability.
Mrs. Gardiner did inform us that this was the way the Unification seems to operate—they open telephone accounts in the name of members with telephone accounts in good standing. This was not the first such experience the telephone company had had with the Unification Church.
We requested that the telephone company write us a letter stating this but, because of having nothing written, no signatures, they would not as they did not want to become liable for a suit from the Unification Church. Their records would be open for investigation only under order of a subpoena—should any government agency decide to look into such matters.
We feel that this constitutes a conspiracy to commit fraud or theft and that it also constitutes slander or defamation of character against our daughter.
J. F. R. F., Lt. Col. (Ret.)
Sun Myung Moon makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
Papasan Choi and Boonville’s Japanese origins
Moon church of Japan used members for profit, not religious purposes
How Sun Myung Moon bought protection in Japan
At Barrytown all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will (1976)
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 2 Moon’s mass marriages are “a form of sex perversion”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 3 Our son “seemed to be in a bizarre world of science fiction”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 4 “only if she got rid of the baby and gave it up for adoption”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 5 Moon is a man devoid of of human compassion
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 6 “One of your ancestors was a peeping Tom.”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 7 Secret 1975 marriage, shaking and vomiting
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 8 Many parents suffered heartbreak after losing their children to the Moonies
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craycraytime · 1 year
The Dismantling of Rev. Moon's Empire in the US
With the news about the sale of UTS Barrytown, the Boston Church, and Morning Garden, and the possible sale of 43rd St. and the New Yorker Hotel, the powers that be are dismantling the physical assets of Rev. Moon's empire.
With the rewriting of the theological dogmas: Rev. Moon failed two of his primary missions, everything after the Principle of Creation must be extirpated from the the Divine Principle, and Mrs. Moon being the OBDOG and Jesus being the OBSOG (Which is true), and Rev. Moon being just a leader, the dismantling of the theological dogmas of Rev. Moon's religion.
With the picking and choosing of "church coaches", all graduates of another cults' ideology, that cult being the Landmark Forum (highly accepted by the homosexual community), almost the entire leadership is run by an outside ideology and leaders are chosen based on whether they graduated from the Landmark Forum's training.
As we can see the UC/FFWPU is not what it once was. People who are against these changes need to communicate and work together. We have been a community for decades. We love and respect one another. Let's do something about the false teachings and the corruption within the church!
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tetelbierg · 1 year
Brief account of my experiences in the Unification Church - now Family Federation -etc.
Unification Church members gathering at Tarrytown upstate New York in early 1975. Adapted from a story originally written for the Facebook group Unification Church under the Microscope (*) I’m from Luxembourg but I met and joined the Unification Church in the United States – twice, in 1975. The first time was during its teaching workshops in Barrytown (on the Hudson River in upstate New York,…
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amoveablejake · 2 years
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The above photograph was taken in the Louvre on my trip with my Mum last week. Sure, there are countless things that you can take photographs of in the gallery ranging from statues, to paintings to the queue to see that smiling lady but sometimes the light hits your boots in a way that makes them look particularly good against the marble floor. It’s important to look at where you’re standing from all angles. That can be taken in a spiritual sense but also in a literal way because you should check who it is standing next to you before you start talking to them thinking that you know them because they might turn out to be a stranger. On two occasions, back to back, and then both strangers look at you as if you’re out of your mind. Not that that happened ofcourse. No, definitely not.
-Jake, a man on a Ben Affleck kick, 11/03/2023
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parkerbombshell · 2 years
Keeley's Blissed-Out Bangers Episode 36 March 11
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Saturdays 1pm-2pm EST  6pm-7pm BST Keeley's Blissed-Out Bangers  bombshellradio.com Wednesdays 2pm EST and Saturdays 1pm EST New stuff. Old stuff. Gold stuff. Episode 36: 1. LCD Soundsystem - "North American Scum" 2. Spiritualized - "Lay Back in the Sun" 3. Feist - "My Moon, My Man" 4. Nick Drake - "Hazey Jane II" 5. Syd Barrett - "Waving My Arms In the Air" 6. Steely Dan - "Barrytown" 7. Fleetwood Mac - "Not That Funny" 8. Kim Carnes - "Bette Davis Eyes" 9. Morrissey - "Sister, I'm a Poet" 10. Cocteau Twins - "Summerhead" 11. KEELEY - "Never O'Clock" 12. Tim Heidecker feat. Weyes Blood - "Oh How We Drift Away" 13. Grace Jones - "Art Groupie" 14. Tricky - "She Makes Me Wanna Die" (Single Mix) 15. Brendan Tallon - "Old Man Superman" Blissoutdontmissout!   Keeley Moss, frontwoman of rising Irish dreampop band KEELEY, brings her fantastic "Keeley's Blissed-Out Bangers" to the Bombshell Radio airwaves with her weekly show. If you're a fan of Indie classics, eclectic 80's/90's Indie-Rock and Dreampop then this is the show for you! Recorded in her Dublin studios with skilled Irish producer Alan Maguire, "Keeley's Blissed-Out Bangers" is broadcast every Wednesday at 2pm and every Saturday at 1pm EST. 2022 has been a transformative year for Keeley Moss and her band KEELEY. The critically acclaimed Dublin native was granted “Hot For 2022” status in February by Hot Press magazine in Ireland, and since then she has signed a global publishing deal with Schubert Music, played rapturous shows in Dublin and Cork, launched her own show “Keeley’s Blissed-Out Bangers” Read the full article
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keitheisenbrey-blog · 2 years
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