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zitazzdahlstrom · 8 months ago
RÀttslöshet i LVU-systemet: En mammas berÀttelse om sprÄkförtryck och orÀttvisa anklagelser.
TÀnk dig att nÄgon tar din fullt fungerande bil och byter ut hjulen mot fyrkantiga sÄdana. Sen förvÀntar de sig att du ska köra lika bra som alla andra. LÄter det konstigt? Ja, men det Àr precis vad som hÀnder med mÄnga barn i LVU-systemet, som min son.
I flera Är har jag bevittnat min sons flytande amerikanska engelska. Första gÄngen jag hörde honom tala sÄ obehindrat var innan SocialtjÀnsten omhÀndertog honom i augusti 2018. Hans sprÄkkunskaper var resultatet av att vi ofta talade engelska hemma, frÀmst amerikanska engelska som jag behÀrskar vÀl.
NÀr min son placerades i familjehem, möttes vi av ett ovÀntat motstÄnd. FamiljehemsförÀldrarna hÀvdade att han varken kunde eller ville tala engelska. Som mor visste jag att detta var felaktigt, men mina protester föll för döva öron.
Förnekelse av fÀrdigheter och möjligheter
Situationen belyser ett större problem inom vÄrt utbildningssystem och LVU-vÄrden. Jag har sett hur mÄnga barn som redan besitter kunskaper kan fÄ höra att de inte kan nÄgot alls.
I familjehemmet fick min son inte anvÀnda internet eller dator som andra barn. Han fick bara anvÀnda nÄgra enkla elevspel och nÄgot som heter Skol Plus.
Samtidigt undrade de varför han lÄg efter andra barn i skolan. Men hur ska han kunna hÀnga med nÀr andra barn har tillgÄng till hela internet och all information dÀr, medan han bara har nÄgra fÄ program?
I min sons fall ledde detta till att han kom efter och att han till slut tröttnade. För ca tvÄ Är sen, efter mycket kÀmp fick han en gammal begagnat trasig telefon som hade begrensat internet men det fanns iallafall en del saker bla. YouTube. Redan efter tvÄ mÄnader var engelskan tillbaka. "MEN" dÄ hade min son redan tröttnat, han var i skolan men inte pÄ lektionerna.
Familjehemmet insisterade dÄ och dÀr pÄ att jag skulle hÄlla tio minuters engelska konversationer med min son under vÄra onsdags video trÀffar (den Ànda tiden vi hade), utan att stÀlla frÄgor eller engagera honom aktivt. Detta trots att jag visste att han redan behÀrskade sprÄket flytande.
Ett systemfel som krÀver ÄtgÀrder
Denna erfarenhet vÀcker allvarliga frÄgor om rÀttssÀkerheten inom LVU-systemet. Enligt advokater frÄn Advokatsamfundet saknar barn under LVU ett adekvat rÀttsskydd. Det Àr primÀrt socialsekreterarna som har makten att fatta beslut, ofta utan tillrÀcklig insyn eller möjlighet till överklagan.
Som moderat politiker ser jag att vÄrt parti arbetar med att reformera systemet. Men jag menar att vi mÄste gÄ djupare och granska hela strukturen för att verkligen komma till rÀtta med problemen. Barn inom LVU-vÄrden stÄr idag ofta maktlösa och utan reell möjlighet att pÄverka sin situation.
Personliga konsekvenser och fortsatt kamp
Nyligen har min son, efter att ha separerats frÄn sina tvÄ smÄ systrar, hÄllit en 30 minuters förelÀsning för mig pÄ flytande amerikanska engelska. Detta skedde bara tre veckor efter flytten, som grundades pÄ anklagelser om att han skulle ha anklagat familjehemsförÀldrarna för misshandel, dock vÀndes detta pÄ och min son fick i beslutet veta samma dag som flytt redan gÄtt att han hade misshandlat dom tvÄ hbtq-pappor han bott hos. (Ingen polis har fÄtt höra detta) DÀr mina döttrar fortfarande Àr, trots skolans anmÀlningar om missförhÄllande i familjehemmet som gÄng pÄ gÄng lades ner. Sanningen Àr den motsatta - det var han som utsattes för övergrepp vet vi idag.
Jag har överklagat beslutet att flytta min son, inte för att jag motsÀtter mig flytten i sig, utan för att jag vill belysa den orÀttvisa grunden för beslutet. Det Àr oacceptabelt att falskt anklaga en oskyldig ung man för allvarliga övertrÀdelser, sÀrskilt nÀr det Àr anklagarna sjÀlva som Àr de verkliga förövarna.
Som mor och medborgare kan jag inte stillatigande acceptera ett system som tillÄter vuxna att manipulera sanningen för ekonomisk vinning pÄ bekostnad av barns vÀlbefinnande. Det Àr dags för en grundlig översyn och reform av LVU-systemet för att sÀkerstÀlla rÀttvisa och skydd för vÄra mest sÄrbara.
Min frÄga och pÄstÄende hÀr Àr denna: Om ni alla ser utanför den socialnorm vi alla lever i, med dom ord man brukar fÄ höra i sÄdana situationer "-Det hÀnder inte i vÄrat land". Blir min frÄga dÄ. Eftersom jag vet att jag inte Àr ensam som kÀmpar för förÀndring och för barn, jag mina barn. Hur mÄnga fler sitter i sÄnt hÀr, men inte har min röst?
Detta Àr varför jag byggt Livets Parodi. För vi har alla olika sanningar och vi sitter i olika saker och upplever saker och ting olika. Jag har dom Ären jag varit i Almedalen gÄtt igÄng pÄ alla aktevister som skriker hat. Jag vill förÀndra, Livets Parodi Àr byggt för att visa hur man förÀndrar och tar sig frammÄt i livet. Men jag mÄste frÄgasÀtta. Som journalist Àr det mitt jobb att sÄ göra. SÄ om du tycker detta Àr negativt. VÀlkommen till min verklighet. Jag frÄgar igen Àr jag verkligen ensam?
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 17 days ago
Astrid Lindgren characters and LGBTQ+ headcanons
This is all just for fun speculations and headcanoning, so don’t take this so seriously. This is tumblr, we love the queer stuff. And this does not affect the canon of these works in any way.
Also, obviously a lot of these characters are kids and many do not even have a focus on romance, so I have speculated more in how it would be once they grew up.
I contemplated whether I’d write this in Swedish or English, but due to her works reaching a large audience across the globe, English felt better.
First off: Madicken. She had a crush on Abbe - does not mean she is straight. I mean
 look at this scene of her and Mia.
The little girls
 they don’t know it yet

Madicken being her self-picked name, much more preferring it than being called ”Margareta” like she’s named (she even gets mad if you call her that) shows that she’s already sticking out from the norm by not accepting her birth name.
I can picture her getting encouraged to go to a higher education, maybe even university, and there she meets a girl, or several girls, who are sapphic and educates Madicken all about that lifestyle. Maybe she even has a girlfriend at one point. At the very same time, I can picture Madicken eventually marrying a man. Though, a man that, similar to Madicken’s father, has very liberal and socialist ideas for the time they live in. But I can totally see her later as a grandma telling her grandkids about ”oh! I used to kiss girls before I met your father!” and they’re all surprised.
And if not Madicken, then at the very least Mia
 girl is the textbook definition of ”I couldn’t handle having a crush on a girl so I wrote a letter telling her ’get out of my school’”. And the scene above where she gives her chocolate? She’s so flustered about it she runs off <33
Next is Emil. Now, a lot of this is from the scene where he meets the boy on the stilts, and Astrid Lindgren literally narrates ”something special happens when two boys meet each other”
I can picture Emil as an adult, being a well respected council member in his community, and having a male friend who he is extra close with
 and is the only one allowed to accompany him inside a certain private room he has.
I don’t really know if I can picture Emil marrying a woman and having kids. He might just be a man who is well respected but never is wed. I think the only one that will continue the family bloodline is his sister (who always was the more well-behaved sticking to the norm and status quo of the two).
Also Alfred I think is not that interested in girls
 but he could also just not like Lina specifically and/or not be interested in getting settled down with anyone.
Pippi is an ace queen. She just needs her friends and her pets, and that’s her family. At best I can see her getting roommates to not get lonely in the villa, or taking care of a child who’s parents got lost at sea, and she does not want them to end up at the orphanage (and that is only an idea I got). But romance?? Not for her. I think Tommy and Annika both grow up and get married and have kids, and then Pippi is just that odd auntie that always is up for playing. She’s just living her best life.
I thought about Seacrow Island, and because it specifically takes place in the 60s, these characters were alive during queer rights movements. I always mix up Teddy and Freddy (they’re not even twins and yet I still do??), but I do think if anyone is not straight in Seacrow Island it’s either one or both of them. Preferring gender-noncomforming nicknames instead of their full names (Teodora and Fredrika)? Being a little rebellious? We got some signs! (And yes, ”that doesn’t have to mean anything” but we’re just having fun)
I’m not so sure Pelle is very interested in romance, or in girls, but it can also change once he gets older. Maybe he just specifically wasn’t that interested in Tjorven or Stina.
I can TOTALLY picture Teddy AND Freddy, or at least one of them being present during the protest in 1979 to remove homosexuality to be clarified as a sickness in Sweden.
With Ronja and Birk, I can totally see them just having a queerplatonic relationship. Both of them end up destroying their family bloodlines and start a new. Of course, it is possible they’ll end up having kids, but I feel it’s more likely they rescue an orphan in that case than having them biologically. Otherwise they just live all their lives with their horses in the woods.
Whatever Nils-Karlsson Pyssling and Bertil had going on

If any of the Bullerby/Noisy Village kids would be LGBTQ+, the two I’d guess is Britta and Olle. Britta I can see leaving the village as she gets older because she wants to study in the city, and she learns a thing or two about herself meeting all those girls in her class :-) And Olle I feel like is just
 not interested in romance. Ace aro king, just wants his dog and he’s very fine.
I thought for a moment about Lisa and Anna, but due to them practically being sisters as they were raised together in the village from presumably birth, I’m not so sure.
That is everyone I could think of for now!
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galaxybeestar · 3 months ago
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I keep forgetting i can post here XD anywho have some piggy fanart i did. the first one is the new one. the other one is from 3 years ago i did. :D
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book--brackets · 5 months ago
Summaries under the cut
Les Chevaliers d'Emeraude by Anne Robillard
Apprenant que l'Empereur Noir s'apprĂȘte Ă  envahir le continent de nouveau, le Roi d'Emeraude, soucieux de protĂ©ger tous les peuples d'Enkidiev, ressuscite un ancien ordre de chevalerie. Choisis pour leurs dons particuliers, dotĂ©s de pouvoirs magiques, les nouveaux Chevaliers d'Emeraude sont au nombre de sept : six hommes et une femme.Au moment oĂč les compagnons d'armes se disent enfin prĂȘts Ă  combattre, la Reine Fan de Shola demande audience Ă  Emeraude Ier et lui confie Kira, alors ĂągĂ©e de deux ans et encore inconsciente du rĂŽle qu'elle sera appelĂ©e Ă  jouer dans le futur des hommes. Ce jour-lĂ , Wellan, le grand chef des Chevaliers, tombe profondĂ©ment amoureux de la reine. Malheureusement, le Royaume de Shola subira les attaques fĂ©roces des dragons de l'Empereur Noir et tous les Sholiens, y compris la reine, seront massacrĂ©s.Le coeur brisĂ©, Wellan devra organiser la dĂ©fense d'Enkidiev et repousser les forces du Mal...
I Am Not Esther by Fleur Beale
After her mother unexpectedly leaves her with her uncle's family, members of a fanatical Christian cult, Kirby tries to learn what has become of her mother and struggles to cope with the repressiveness of her new surroundings and to maintain her own identity.After her mother leaves her with her uncle's family, members of a Christian cult, Kirby tries to learn what has become of her mother and struggles to cope with the repressiveness of her surroundings and to maintain her own identity.
Regarding the... by Kate Klise
The Dry Creek Middle School drinking fountain has sprung a leak, so principal Walter Russ dashes off a request to Flowing Waters Fountains, Etc.
...We need a new drinking fountain. Please send a catalog.
Designer Flo Waters responds:
"I'd be delighted...but please understand that all of my fountains are custom-made."
Soon the fountain project takes on a life of its own, one chronicled in letters, postcards, memos, transcripts, and official documents. The school board president is up in arms. So is Dee Eel, of the water-supply company. A scandal is brewing, and Mr. Sam N.'s fifth grade class is turning up a host of hilarious secrets buried deep beneath the fountain.
Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West by Marguerite Henry
Horses were in Annie Bronn's blood. For as long as she could remember, she had been fascinated by the spirited wild mustangs that roamed free throughout the West. So when greedy cattlemen started to round up the mustangs for slaughter, Annie knew it was up to her to save the breed.
Ghost Knight by Cornelia Funke
Eleven-year-old Jon Whitcroft never expected to enjoy boarding school. Then again, he never expected to be confronted by a pack of vengeful ghosts, either. And then he meets Ella, a quirky new friend with a taste for adventure...
Together, Jon and Ella must work to uncover the secrets of a centuries-old murder while being haunted by terrifying spirits, their bloodless faces set on revenge. So when Jon summons the ghost of the late knight Longspee for his protection, there's just one Can Longspee truly be trusted?
The Roman Mysteries by Caroline Lawrence
The dogs on Flavia's street have started dying mysteriously, and she is determined to find out why. Her investigation leads her to three extraordinary people: Jonathan, her new neighbor; Nubia, an African slave; and Lupus, a mute beggar boy. The four embark on a search for the killer ... and that's when the excitement begins
The Cloak Society by Jeramey Kraatz
The Cloak
An elite organization of supervillains graced with extraordinary powers. Ten years ago the Cloak Society was defeated by Sterling City's superheroes, the Rangers of Justice, and vanished without a trace. But the villains have been waiting for the perfect moment to resurface. . . . Twelve-year-old Alex Knight is a dedicated junior member of Cloak who has spent years mastering his telekinetic superpowers and preparing for the day when Cloak will rise to power again. Cloak is everything he believes in. But during his debut mission, Alex does the He saves the life of a Junior Ranger of Justice. Even worse . . . she becomes his friend. And the more time he spends with her, the more Alex wonders what, exactly, he's been fighting for.
Barnen pa Brakmakargatan by Astrid Lindgren
Look out -- here comes trouble! Jonas, Maria, and Lotta Nyman don't mean to make trouble, but because their idea of fun is to stick salami on the windows, keep the water running from the kitchen faucet until the sink overflows, and lower meatballs down through the chimney, trouble just seems to follow them....
With the Nyman kids around, anything can happen!
The Water Horse by Dick King-Smith
The story begins with a mysterious egg washed up on a Scottish beach, the morning after a great storm. Kirstie and her brother Angus find the egg and take it home. The next day it has hatched into a tiny greeny-grey creature with a horse's head, warty skin, four flippers and a crocodile's tail. The baby sea monster soon becomes the family pet – but the trouble is, it just doesn't stop growing!
Silver Brumby by Elyne Mitchell
A silver brumby is special, but he will be hunted by man and horse alike, and must be stronger than both. Thowra, the magnificent silver stallion, is king of the brumbies. But he must defend his herd from the mighty horse, The Brolga, in the most savage of struggles. But that is not the only danger. Thowra needs all his speed and cunning to save his herd from capture by man. In a desperate chase through the mountains, it seems there is no longer anywhere for him to run to...
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nebulaedaniel · 29 days ago
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foxandcatlibrary · 8 months ago
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61st Book I Read in 2024
Title: Barnens Konstbok
Author: Marie Topelius
Notes: En sÄ underbart vacker bok! KÀnner mig faktiskt frestad att behÄlla den för mig sjÀlv, men jag tror att jag ska gÄ igenom med planen att ge den till min brorson.
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demonindistress · 22 days ago
Ta ifrÄn 3-9 Äringarna som röstade pÄ barnungen mobilen och skicka dem till sÀngs.
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thatcreepyaesthetic · 2 years ago
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Barnen pÄ Luna 2000
“Midsommar skĂ„l! Midsummer cheers!”
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slingshotfanart · 1 year ago
I was bored and drew some character designs of the Children of Noisy Village children
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Their designs are mixes of the movie adaptations and book designs + my own ideas on how they might look
I also tried drawing Kerstin, but she always came out not looking good. This was my best attempt
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jagexisterar · 23 days ago
Var pÄ Smash Into Pieces med mina syskonbarn igÄr. Bandet verkade ju mÄttligt otaggade pÄ att att majoriteten av publiken bestod av barn i tio Ärs Äldern sÄ funderar pÄ om de blir tvingade till detta. Gun against their heads "gör en barnbok eller dö " kind of situation liksom
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kitmen83 · 2 months ago
Billiga lekstugor online
Köp en billig lekstuga pĂ„ nĂ€tet Att ge barnen en egen liten lekstuga i trĂ€dgĂ„rden kan bli en magisk plats dĂ€r fantasin fĂ„r flöda fritt. Men att hitta en prisvĂ€rd och hĂ„llbar modell kan vara en utmaning. Lyckligtvis finns det massor av billiga lekstugor online, dĂ€r du kan jĂ€mföra priser och modeller i lugn och ro. Oavsett om du söker en klassisk trĂ€stuga, en fĂ€rgglad plastvariant eller en modell

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setsailtomorrow · 11 months ago
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 1 year ago
Every april 1st I get reminded of that scene in The Children of Noisy Village where they all go to school at 6 AM to turn the clock 2 hours forward. Then they wake their teacher up (who lives in the school because 1920s Sweden) and is like ”aren’t you gonna have school today?”
Then, the school bell rings at the actual hour, and she’s like ”why does it ring now?” And the whole class laughs.
Idk for some reason that felt like the ultimate prank when I was a kid and I wanted to do it myself.
Also, it’s the same day that one of the kids get tricked to give a man some rocks, and he goes ”SA DU STEN?!” (Did you say rocks?!) and that’s where the swedish meme tag ”sa du sten” comes from. That, and also from that youtube video where some guy says it.
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skrubu · 11 months ago
In Valley Next to Northernshield
In Valley Next to Northernshield by Pekka Nikrus Via Flickr: âžĄïž Of Man and Environment
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svenskjavel · 23 days ago
Elsa var ett av offren i skjutningen i Örebro. Alla förutom ett av hennes 4 barn (1-8 Ă„r) har svenskt medborgarskap och har aldrig kĂ€nt till nĂ„got annat hemland. TyvĂ€rr saknar deras pappa, som för tillfĂ€llet befinner sig i Italien, uppehĂ„llstillstĂ„nd. Processen har pausats efter skjutningen. Namninsamlingen Ă€r för att pĂ„skynda processen sĂ„ att barnen Ă„tminstone kan fĂ„ ha en förĂ€lder kvar.
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bamses-icke-korrekta-citat · 10 months ago
Älskar hur alla som rebloggar bamsetrillingarna-pollen lĂ€mnar kommentarer om hur de vĂ€xte upp med dem, hur de Ă€r deras vĂ€nner, ”de kĂ€nner deras pappa”.
För sĂ„klart Ă€r de fiktionella men vi KÄNNER DEM. DE ÄR VÅRA VÄNNER. Bamsetrillingarna och deras klasskamrater representerade oss lĂ€sare som lĂ€rde oss om vĂ€rlden. Även om bamse, lille skutt och Skalman var huvudkaraktĂ€rerna sĂ„ relaterade vi sĂ„ mycket till barnens problem och vi kĂ€nde oss sedda. Om inte av bamsetrillingarna sĂ„ DEFINITIVT av en av deras klasskamrater (minns att mĂ„nga kunde relatera till Burre och hans problem hemma)
Jag minns att jag började trean samtidigt som jag lÀste hur bamsetrillingarna började trean pÄ sin skola och jag kÀnde att de verkligen vÀxte MED MIG.
Jag undrar vad som hÀnt om de fick vÀxa Ànnu mer och bli vuxna ibland. FörstÄs skulle det nog kanske inte vara sÄ appealing att prata om tonÄrsproblem i en serietidning för barn, men man undrar just hur de skulle bli som vuxna.
Samt skulle det vara kul att se Brumma börja skolan. Minns hur Skalman diskuterade hur hon skulle fÄ börja pÄ en annan skola Àn de andra barnen, och det hade kunnat vara intressant att se en skola för barn med olika diagnoser och speciella behov. Bamse om nÄn tidning skulle kunna göra en bra och informativ serie om det.
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