#banner creds: @animated-glitter-graphics-and-more
systastic · 2 months
hiii uhnmm.. odd request, but would it be possible for us to get a headmates based off of task manager, like, the computer application? roles and everything up to you ofc!
no level given so we went with level 2 -🌲
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name :: binary, static, n0va, spark, alpha, delta, theta, cypher, echo, sophia
age :: ???
pronouns :: it/its, shx/hxr, hx/hxm, they/them, xe/xir, ze/zim, xyz/xyzs, 01/101/1101/101011self
roles :: manager, overseer, admin, architect, archivist, all-seeing eye, ghost traveler
species :: robot, holographic projection
gender identity :: nullgender
orientation :: aroace
source :: brainmade ; task manager program
aesthetic :: webcore, abstract tech, robotcore, y2k futurism
appearance description :: similar to other robots of its generation, binary has a grey outer shell with reinforced plating to protect it from harm. both pupils are light blue in their entirety and glow when nova is utilizing hxr abilities. spark doesn’t really have a gender; it can change its outer plating to appear as whatever gender it wishes, although it opts to stay in “base form” a majority of the time. it appears to be wearing a business suit at all times; even when sleeping, it doesn’t seem to change clothes. in terms of abilities, theta can generate blue semi-transparent squares on which to record information that can be remotely accessed afterwards. cypher uses these screens to see everything in the headspace: the location other headmates, remote access of memories, changing layout or architecture, to even being able to lock other headmates’ abilities or prevent others from fronting.
personality description :: sophia is, at hxr core, a purely robotic being. it does not have much of a personality nor does it experience human emotions. it is for this reason that other alters may feel uncomfortable around theta; hxr unending drive to complete tasks and care for the body comes first compared to interaction with others. it does feel a sort of loneliness when others do not interact with it, and will mimic back behavior and emotion to form some sort of connection with other headmates. beyond this, though, echo is vey no-nonsense and cuts right to the chase when dealing with issues. persecutor in front? alpha sends them to the back. little crying? shx summons a caregiver to tend to them. physical problems with the body? hx researches possibilities online, takes a overhead view, and does what the articles or websites recommend. no one in static’s system is more capable at controlling headspace and the body than it is; it is the end-all be-all in an argument and will make decisions for the good of the body no matter what state static may be in.
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systastic · 2 months
Minecraft nether sentispace?
-Level 2 or 3 preferred, but any level is fine!
-They use all neopronouns, you can add a preference!
-More than 1 role
Everything else is up to you!
owo… this is a first !! gunna try to do meow best :3 -🍥
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name :: nether, nethie, lucent, fervis, soot, pyre, sear, eldrid, ember, emory, knox, kravitz
age :: ageless (ageweird)
pronouns :: they/them, it/its, xe/xer, blaze/blazes, lav/lava/lavas, with/wither/withers, glow/glows, soot/soots, py/pyre, dark/darks, ve/vex/vexs/vexself, fi/fiz/fizz/fizzs/fizzself, ne/ner/nerre/nerse/nerself, ne/neth/nether/nethers/netherself, ni/nix/nixs/nixs/nixself
roles :: sentispace (regulator), spawn regulator (nether NPCs), limited summoner (headmates relating to the nether or smp-themed alters), warden & hostile headspace (specifically to those with evil intent or bad influences on the rest of the system) ; sentispaceflux
species :: sentient location ; biome / hell-adjacent
gender identity :: netheric, grudgegender, mineroleplayic, minecraftendpoemic
orientation :: gray/asexual objectum
source :: Minecraft ; brainmade
aesthetic :: devilcore, death rap, brutal industrial, cybergoth
appearance description :: nethie is one smoking hot babe— in the literal sense, that is! nether realm is full of hazards, heat, and death traps. want to use your elytra to fly across the gaps between floating islands? good luck avoiding the fireballs from the ghasts! want to check out that nether fortress? you’ll have to fight your way through hordes of wither skeletons for a chance at any treasure. need to farm gold from a bastion? better be careful of the piglin brutes and hoglins inside! the entire realm is designed to house the system’s most brutal and dangerous headmates in case of emergencies. eldrid can also house minecraft based headmates if they can handle the heat. ni can take a physical form when inside of nix own headspace: raging lava flows from nix head as hair, nix body made of boiling hot rock, with a carved blackstone mask serving as nix face. be careful if you want to get close to sear: its hot to touch!
personality description :: being the physical representation of the nether comes with a few traits set in stone. nethie is hardcore and unforgiving, preferring to set things to the max instead of shying away from a challenge. it may choose to observe fights from a distance rather than getting involved — but don’t go thinking that it’s weak or a coward. soot is perfectly fine with a throwdown in soots hometown. being able to control the arena and the rest of the headspace itself gives py a massive advantage over pyre opponents. xe loves a good fight and prefers to settle xer problems with a brawl instead of chatting it out. emory can come off strong, but that isn’t all that py is: py likes to watch pyre inhabitants building and doing things in pyre headspace. sometimes lucent will even lend a hand - though it’s more likely that soot’ll stop by to tease other headmates rather than helping. still, it’s not entirely impossible for emory to be nice…
likes :: fire (both the act of setting things on fire and watching the flames), dark locations, “edgy shit” (blazes words, not mine), slasher movies with lots of practical effects, heat and warmth, minecraft nether mobs such as blazes and piglins and wither skeletons, heavy metal & rock music, Minecraft content, Minecraft challenges such as starting in the nether, watching people fight (the more dramatic and powerful both parties are, the better), horror media, slasher villains (current favorites are Candyman & Pinhead), and non-organic things making up parts of someone’s body such as needles, rock, active flame, and molten rock
dislikes :: cold to any degree, snow, ice, winter, sappy movies (don’t tell, but glow is sensitive - glow cries at sad movies), anything it deems “mainstream media” such as certain anime or tv shows, cgi gore / cinematic effects (it doesn’t hit the same as practical effects), being told to piss off, cheaters, liars, scammers, people who break the rules of their headspace zone (including the last three listed things), watching people torture or slaughter striders, the color pink, and the concept of the aether realm existing in Minecraft (how dare that punk ass bitch steal vex thunder! ve will show them what for!)
front triggers :: in truth, emory doesn’t like to front. ner preference is to remain in headspace as a way to protect the system from harmful or fighting alters. ne can spread neth thoughts to others, yes, but ne does not have access to front nor desires so.
key emojis :: 🔥, 💀, ☠️, ⚔️, ⛓️, or 🗡️
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art source: here & here
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