#bani hassan
sayruq · 5 months
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Abdulrahman was one of the first to die.A carpenter in the village of Qarawat Bani Hassan, he had been on his way back home from work in Ramallah in February last year when he was arrested at a mobile checkpoint. He was taken into administrative detention - under which Israel can hold people indefinitely without charge - in Megiddo prison. His brother Ibrahim said the charges against him were minor, such as taking part in protests and possessing a firearm, but said he was also accused of belonging to Hamas although there were no specific charges about any activities within the group. Ibrahim is still trying to piece together how exactly his brother died. He has to rely on testimony from Abdulrahman's former cellmates, as well as reports from court hearings. One former cellmate, who spoke to the BBC on condition of anonymity, said: "After 7 October, it was total torture. They beat us for no reason, they searched us for no reason. Even if you look at someone the wrong way." He described having seen Abdulrahman heavily beaten in front of him and others. "At 9am, they came into our cell, and began to beat us. One of the guards began to insult Abdulrahman's parents, which he didn't stand for, and he began to fight back. "They beat him badly, and took him away to another cell upstairs for a week. During that time you could hear him crying out in pain." He said he had only found out about Abdulrahman's death after he left prison a week later.
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intersectionalpraxis · 10 months
*IMPORTANT* updates from Let's Talk Palestine's free broadcast channel on their Instagram page:
December 2nd, 2023, 3:26pm [EST]
Israel withdrew its truce negotiators from Qatar as the discussions had moved onto the contentious issue of the Israeli soldiers and men held by the resistance. Hamas states “There will be no [further] prisoner exchange until the aggression ends and there is a comprehensive and definitive ceasefire.” Hamas signalled it is ready for an “all for all” deal to release all 100+ Israeli & 8,000+ Palestinian hostages. 🇶🇦 🇪🇬 🇺🇸 mediators trying to continue the negotiations
• Israeli soldiers & settlers attacked Qarawat Bani Hassan, northwest of Salfit. “Dozens of Israeli settlers attacked farmers in the town’s northeastern area and started shooting at them,” said major Ibrahim Assi. He said that as other residents came to help the victims, the settlers called in the Israeli army and started shooting at Palestinians. “As the soldiers stood by, settlers attacked homes and vandalised them, and burned at least two cars and one house.”
Check our 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇪🇸 pages for translated info!
6:37pm, [EST]:
Leaked plan to push Palestinians into the sea.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed one of his closest aides to explore ways to “thin out” Gaza’s population, the Israel Hayom newspaper reported.
According to the newspaper, Netanyahu instructed Ron Dermer, his minister of strategic planning and a close aide, to have a plan for the “day after” in Gaza and, if necessary, one that “enables a mass escape [of Palestinians] to European and African countries” by opening sea routes out of the strip.
The secret plan, seen by Israel Hayom, is being tightly circulated “due to its obvious explosiveness”, said the report, adding that “Netanyahu sees this as a strategic goal”.
The plan aims to bypass expected US and Egyptian opposition. Unless Egypt starts shooting Palestinians crossing into the country, Cairo’s “determined resistance” can be overcome, it added.
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rpreaperperson · 1 year
Bonus: First Interrogation and Hassan thought
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Warn: None, just a lil snip of Claw past
The first he heard of the Hybrid is from the Russian informant, There is a Lab facility that holds them somewhere then the creature is sent to be a war tool.
Another poor soul who just entangled in that American war mess
Then he saw it...more like..her seemingly young girl with a wide blue eyes
‘They dare! Send a girl, a young girl into a war?!’ He frowns at the thought, as the task force and shadow catch him they went into the dessert where no one could find him ,perfect place to interrogate him.
One of them escorted him out of the jeep and forced him into his knee
The Hybrid hopped out of the jeep following her Master, when they removed the sack from his head, his gaze turned to the Hybrid instead
“Hello there!” she waved innocently then the Mohawk man beside her raised his eyebrow and nudge her arm as she mouthed ‘what’ to him and he just shook his head, Hasan just nodded at her pursing his mouth downwards
‘How petty of them sending a girl into a war!’ Not to mention the hybrid existence is deeply rare WHY in the name of God would they give her in the military?!
“you speak arabic?” ask Hassan to Graves, Just about Graves opens his mouth Claw raises her arm like a student who wants to answer the question from her teacher
“I do!~ although just a little”
 “This why I dont want her get off from the jeep” skull masked man sigh tiredly
“LT c’mon..” Soap tried to reason with him
“She not fitted for interigation”
“its her first time LT..”
“Hrghhh...”Ghost groans, while Claw just stares at them confused, then Graves takes his laptop
“Now first rule of interrogation ,Claw!” Graves walked over to the van with laptop on his hand he pointed a finger up
“Be mean and dont polite at them”
“Number two! Don't be intimidated by ‘em we’re the ones who Interrogation them, not the way around”
“Yes Master!”
While Graves gives a lecture to Claw, the others just patiently wait until the lecturer is done including Hassan who observes Claw her fluffy ears and her long black fluffy tails, wondering how she maintains them so well when she works in a dirt and dust like this
Done with the lecture Graves opens his laptop connecting to Laswell and Shepherd, Claw muttering every word that Graves taught her
“be mean..don polite and dont be intimidate by them” her tails swishing, then she heard Laswell voice from the laptop
“Miss Laswell!” she beamed as her ears perked up, Soap automatically pat her head
“Stay and behave” He mumbles his face unusually stoic
“Y-yes Master” she obey him, and listen to the bickering from Graves and Hassan
“I’m a hostage here. This is illegal”
“You are a prisoner of war.”
“Iran is not at war with Mexico. I’ve broken no laws. These men and their commanders are the law-breakers.” Hassan then gazes at Claw full of sympathy
“You even brought a young girl to be your war tool..” then he stare at the men with full of disgust and disdain, Claw freeze at his words
“Shame to all of you...”
Claw look down avoiding everyone eyes, fidgeting her nails
The word that out from Hassan mouth reminds her when she still at the lab
“You and your beloved General Ghorbani broke every –“ Soap speak but got cut off
“DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME! You executed him and you will pay for your crimes…” Claw flinch at Hassan outbrust
 ‘Ghor..bani...? seems like I’ve hears that name...but where..’ Claw tried to remember that she couldnt hear Shepherd calling out her from the laptop
“Claw!”Ghost snaped
“Hu? A..Y-yes Master?!”
“Sheperd wants your suggestion..”
 “What about..?”
He point to Hassan
‘Wait? Why is Sir Sheperd ask me about this?!’
 the stare from the other making her go all nervous thinking that she may do something bad, the Hassan snort
“you all cornering her, its making her uncomfortable” hearing that they all averted their eyes
“W-well..I think it is a risk if we took him now even killing him eheh...but if we have any proof then...” Claw gesturing her hand into a fist and bump it
“he go to jail..maybe?”
“Unfortunally we got no proof of it, killing Hassan is an act of war, keeping him is illegal. Right now like Claw says, he is too hot to hold” Laswell piped explain it to Shepherd
“So without proof, we need to turn him loose. See where he leads us...” Shepherd sighed leaning on his chair as Hassan chuckled knowing that they had no other choice but to let him go, Soap argued approaching the laptop
“He’s right here. You can’t be serious”
“Im afraid I am, son..” Shepherd frown clearly frustated about the condition, Claw pursing her lips
“What about his phone, did we get anything at least?” Claw point at Hassan phone in Ghost hands
“Affirmative. We got a hit” Laswell stated
“Good.Now, take him back and let him go” command Shepherd
“And Claw...”
“Yes sir?”
“..Keep up the good job”
Claw beamed and salute him through the laptop
“Y-Yes Sir!”
The others stare at her amused, Ghost huff shaking his head as Alejandro puts the sack back on Hassan's head he slips the phone back into Hassan's pocket when they pass him
Claw's mood became insanely grew the words that Hassan told completely forgotten her tails swishing in delight
‘Eheheh...I get praised by Sir Shepherd~’ she cupping her cheeks with both of her hands
“C’mon Bonnie..” Soap slung his burly arm around her shoulder, As both of them got into the van the same Hassan was, the next words coming from his mouth made Claw freeze
“You’re free..you’re never a tool” although the others don’t know what it means because he said it in Arabic and thought that it was another threat, but Claw knows…
She gaping at him
The words that the same when she was in Lab, someone motive her when she at her low.
Ghost silently observe her, narrowing his gaze at Hassan
'As I thought she shouldn't come out from the van'
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newsfrom-theworld · 8 months
Today's breaking news:
•A number of Palestinians were killed and several others were wounded after the bombing of a home in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.
•A terrified child was rescued from the rubble of his home which was bombed by Isr@eli warplanes in Rafah, southern Gaza.
•Palestinian children and women arrive to the Al Aqsa hospital after being forced by the occupation forces to leave the north of Gaza Strip.
•The Isr@eli occupation forces confiscate a plastic gun from a child whilst they raided Qarawa Bani Hassan village, in Salfit district.
•The Street of Al Rashid was completely destroyed during the aggression against Gaza.
•Armed Isr@eli settlers protected by occupation forces attack the residents in Al Auja village in the northern Valleys.
•120 days of the ongoing aggression against Gaza.
And always,
Free Palestine
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tiaramania · 1 year
Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan & Rajwa Al Saif's Upcoming Wedding
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Only one week day left until the wedding of Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan and Rajwa bint Khaled Al Saif! It will be held on June 1st at 4:00pm at Zahran Palace followed by a reception at Al Husseiniya Palace. The future Crown Princess Rajwa's engagement ring features a large pear shaped diamond but for her henna party she wore a different ring with tilted marquis cut diamonds.
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If Rajwa chooses a tiara that already belongs to the JRF, my choice is Queen Rania's Arabic Scroll Tiara. She has already worn several pairs of earrings loaned by her future mother-in-law so wearing one of her tiaras is a strong possibility.
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However, my prediction is for her getting a brand new tiara especially after Princess Iman debuted a new tiara at her wedding earlier this year. The tiara might be a gift from either from the JRF or from her own family, who are apparently quite wealthy, but I very much doubt that they will release any information about the tiara like they will for the gown.
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Queen Rania hosted the henna party on May 22nd at Raghadan Palace (here's a longer video and the highlight video is below) and King Abdullah will host the sahra party on May 31st at the Bani Hashem Matharib. There's also a concert on the 29th and practices are underway for the parades and drone shows so I expect this to be a pretty big celebration.
The dress code for the guests will be long dresses but no tiaras. The Jordanian royals aren't very big on tiaras so I wasn't expecting the dress code to include them. Update: Saad Salman is now reporting that the guests will also be wearing tiaras most likely at the banquet following the wedding.
The foreign royals that have confirmed attendance so far are...
Belgium - King Philippe & Crown Princess Elisabeth
Bhutan - Queen Jetsun Pema & Princess Eeuphelma
Brunei - Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah & Prince Mateen
Denmark - Crown Prince Frederik & Crown Princess Mary
Japan - Princess Takamado & Princess Tsuguko
Kuwait - Sheikh Ahmad Al Abdullah Al Sabah
Liechtenstein - Hereditary Prince Alois & Hereditary Princess Sophie
Luxembourg - Prince Sebastien
Malaysia - King Abdullah & Queen Azizah
Netherlands - King Willem Alexander, Queen Maxima, & Crown Princess Catharina Amalia
Norway - Crown Prince Haakon
Oman - Crown Prince Theyazin bin Haitham
Qatar - Sheikha Moza bint Nasser & Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad
Romania - Princess Margareta & Prince Radu
Saudi Arabia - Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (he's the official representation but I expect more Saudi royals because Rajwa is related to a lot of them through her mother)
Spain - King Juan Carlos & Queen Sofia
Sweden - Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel
United Kingdom - Prince of Wales, Princess of Wales, & Princess Beatrice of York
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jordanianroyals · 1 year
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31 May 2023: King Abdullah II held a dinner banquet at Madareb Bani Hashem, at the Royal Hashemite Court, for guests from across the Kingdom, on the occasion of Crown Prince Hussein’s wedding.
King Abdullah II welcomed the guests to the dinner banquet, attended by Prince Hassan and Royal family members, saying that Madareb Bani Hashem are the home of all Jordanians and thanking them for sharing in the joy.
His Majesty said the joy of celebrating Al Hussein is complete with the presence of all the invitees, recalling the birth of Crown Prince Hussein 28 years ago. The King expressed pride in the Crown Prince, commending his determination and ambition for his nation, and his love and dedication to his people.
His Majesty prayed for HRH’ success, thanking the guests and all Jordanians for sharing in the celebration.
During the event, which hosted more than 4,000 men, His Majesty presented the Crown Prince with an exact replica of a historic sword from the Bani Hashem tribe, from whom the Hashemite family descends.
Jordan’s most famous dish, mansaf, which was recently inscribed into UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list, was served in line with local customs.
The event celebrated Jordan’s rich heritage and diverse culture, as well as the traditions of the Royal Hashemite Family.
The banquet featured a number of musical and cultural performances inspired by Jordan’s rich cultural heritage, beginning with a performance by the Silent Infantry, a recitation of Nabataean poetry and a musical oud performance.
Crown Prince Hussein donned an outfit inspired by his classical Arab heritage, a point of pride for all Jordanians. His attire consisted of the red-and-white checkered Jordanian headdress, known as the Shemagh, as well as the Jordanian Thoub topped with a Nassiya or Jubbah overcoat. The Crown Prince also wore a dark-coloured woolen Abayah featuring golden brocaded details, as well as a leather pistol belt bearing golden embroidery.
The Shemagh the Crown Prince wore during the Madareb Bani Hashem event was gifted to him by Tarfa Obeidat, an 83-year-old woman, who hemmed the headdress herself and recently presented it to His Royal Highness as a wedding gift.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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Crown Prince Hussein, King Abdullah, Prince Hassan and Prince Hashem attend the dinner banquet held by the King on the occasion of Crown Prince Hussein’s wedding at Madareb Bani Hashem | May 31st, 2023
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kazeofthemagun · 9 months
He did not remember falling asleep.
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What he did remember was opening his eyes within the dream and seeing a wide field of dust, the ground already soaked with the blood of prior generations. Awaiting further tribute, as though forgetting that it no longer existed.
Nothing remained of Windaria, but his sleeping mind did not know that.
Ah, yes. The price of silence had to be paid.
He looked into crimson eyes and suddenly they were both children. Wide cranberry hues gazing from below as the older Windarian gave chase. A self-satisfied smirk on his face, leaping past wooden obstacles to try and snatch him by the ankle. Climbing onto intricate constructions, challenging their bodies until both were strewn on the ground, panting and sharing jokes.
He remembered laughing at them. Kaadhavriija was always vocal, a pride that demanded himself to be the center of attention. He picked up gossip like a sponge, particularly the kind about pretty women. He remembered acting holier-than-thou when Vriija was caught snooping on Tuenh-bani Majuru and they were both beat so hard by Ohnzhejhar-vahree they couldn't sit straight for three days.
It was a life. It was far from perfect, but it was theirs.
To think one would die at the hand of another.
"Vriija." His mouth opened, but no sound came. Instead, the memory replayed as it always did.
The dance in the dust, accompanied by the gazes of cold, hard wooden sculptures. Featureless masks deifying silence. An ode to their lives, their memories together, the drum-beat of their pulse quickening as blades met and shed sparks. As a vicious shotel of bluish metal glanced off the shell of Magun, allowing for Geryon's fang to slip inbetween Vriija's -
But - no. He tasted blood. It reeked of smoke.
"Kaadh -"
His voice erupted in a cough, dagger slipping from his grasp. He felt something rip and tear inside, stealing breath. The bottom of his mouth filled with heat that spilled from the corner of his lip. Dark droplets upon the dirt.
Wasn't it poetic? How their blades reflected their eyes. Crimson in blue and blue in crimson. Hand in hand, like the time they ran and chased one another down the training grounds of Lir Hassan.
Like the time they ran and chased one another through life. One step ahead - one step behind. A dance of brothers. Jealousy, but also pride. Not only in themselves, but in one another. And then the chase fell away. He became a summoner, then alihkar. Vriija stayed behind, the watchful raptor of the band. He could call him and he would come, a fleet-footed friend he could forever rely on. Despite their newfound shift of power, there was no resentment.
Until the day White Cloud took down his hood, of course. Wrong place, wrong time.
Just like Vriija.
...And him.
...And Chaos.
It was all a neverending string of misfortune layered ontop of misfortune, but he was paying for it, no? Paying for it with every day he lived and every day he died.
"I'm sorry, fenlai."
If only he could tell him. If only there was a way to fix this. Instead, his brother was prowling closer, red eyes trained on blue. No, there was only resentment now. Only hatred. He should have known, for he offered wrath for wrath that day.
Bare apologies were hollow. It was his suffering that gave them meaning.
He felt a gloved hand caress the side of his face, brushing aside sweat-stickied hairs. A whisper, almost too sweet. Like gently rubbing in salt.
"You are no friend of mine."
A wild, stabbing pain. He looked down to see his own dagger buried in his gut. Blood rushed freely past a trembling chin, painting streams of black down tan skin. He fervently mouthed an apology. Eyes wide, eyes like prey.
And then he felt Vriija's grip shift before the wolf's own claw ripped him open.
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"AH -"
He awoke with a start, nearly kicking himself off the sofa in his panic. He must have swung the Magun in confusion, almost hard enough to strain his muscles. Breath returned to both his lungs, a series of coughs and a strangled whine as his hand clawed at the fabric over his middle, as though attempting to stop his innards from falling in a heap at his feet.
Breathe, Svaardzjetrorahm. There is no wound. There is no danger. There is no enemy.
"Haaa.... haaa...." both his lungs were in order, at least. A droplet of sweat traveled down his temple, and the Wind rose to his feet to head outside.
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He was kneeling in front of the circle of painted stone that he had once created in the Witch's garden. The crisp night air cooled his skin and cleared his mind, helping suppress the jitters that sought to claim reign over his body. A part of him wondered whether the occasional tremor was still a vestige of the nightmare, or if maybe the low temperature was playing its part. Either way, it mattered very little.
Eyes like the ocean stared forlornly into the middle of the grave - the window to death. The idrhisen lay pristine and undisturbed, tended to regularly by the both of them. Truly, he could not even begin to thank the Witch for maintaining a monument not of her own people whenever he was gone. It was a testament to her trust in him, to trust in the significance of this symbolic grave he built. She never knew any of his blood, yet treated them like kin nonetheless.
As they all were. Connected not in blood, but in Soil. Prayers of the earth on the wind, answered now on another world under a different star. So that they may finally have a home away from home. Aviro-tou.
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"I'm sorry." He repeated, finding his voice broken. A tear finding its way past the frigid dam in his eye traced a thin rivulet past his ekkti, only to fall upon stone.
If only there was a way to make it right. Their sins lived with them, but never died. He wondered whether it was holding his brother from rebirth. Do you miss them, Vriija..? The Wind's thoughts wandered. The old times, before any of this happened. Before the Gun met the Sword and the prophecy was set in motion. Before the hurt. Before betrayal.
Before bloodshed. Why did things always have to end in blood?
Why not, a stray thought answered. This is what you are. Accursed.
Kaze lowered himself, a deep bow of his back until his forehead kissed stone. Crimson hair spilling freely and hiding his face from sight. He remained like this for some time, meditating silently.
After all, the most he could do was remember.
There truly was not too much more left.
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alhailbikers · 1 year
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📍Al Ahkharah, ( Jaalan Bani Bu Ali) Oman 🇴🇲
Ash Sharqiyah South Governorate consists of five provinces (wilayat):
•Al Kamil W’al Wafi
•Jaalan Bani Bu Hassan
•Jaalan Bani Bu Ali
The centre of the governorate is the Wilayat of Sur.
🏍️Ash Sharqiyah trip
🗓️September, 8, 2023
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laxmipharma · 11 days
Packing Conveyor Unit in Oman
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Laxmi Pharma Equipment Offers Packing Conveyor Unit in Oman. Our Manufacturing Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We are Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Packaging Machine like Packing Conveyor Unit, De Cartoning Conveyor and Heavy Duty Conveyor. A packing conveyor unit is essential equipment in industries like manufacturing, logistics, and packaging. It streamlines the packing process by offering a controlled platform for efficiently preparing products for shipment. Working Principle: Automated Movement: Facilitates smooth and organized movement of products or packages along a conveyor belt. Loading Process: Products or packages are placed onto the conveyor belt at the loading end. Motorized Operation: The conveyor belt is powered by a motor that drives its movement when activated. Adjustable Speed: Operators can adjust the conveyor’s speed to align with the packing or sorting pace. Controlled Handling: Ensures efficient and accurate packaging and sorting by controlling the movement and placement of items. Features: Conveyor Belt: Provides a smooth surface for the transportation of products or packages. Adjustable Speed Controls: Allows operators to set the conveyor’s speed according to specific packaging requirements. Adjustable Heights: Accommodates various tasks and ergonomic needs of operators. Side Guides/Rails: Prevents products from falling off or becoming misaligned during movement. Sorting and Inspection Sections: Facilitates quality control and organization within the packing process. Modular Design: Allows for adaptation and expansion to meet changing production requirements. Conveyor Type Options: Belt Conveyors: Suitable for various types of products. Roller Conveyors: Ideal for different handling needs depending on product type. Laxmi Pharma Equipment Offers Packing Conveyor Unit in Oman Including Adam, As Sib, Al Ashkharah, Al Buraimi, Al Hamra, Al Jazer, Al Madina, Al Suwaiq, Bahla, Barka, Bidbid, Bidiya, Duqm, Haima, Ibra, Ibri, Izki, Jabrin, Jalan Bani Bu Hassan, Khasab, Mahooth, Manah, Masirah, Mudhaybi, Mudhaireb, Muscat, Muttrah, Nizwa, Quriyat, Raysut, Rustaq, Ruwi, Saham, Shinas, Saiq, Salalah, Samail, Sohar, Sur, Tan`am, Thumrait. For more information and inquiries, feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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lyricsssdotin · 1 month
Blackia Meets Singga Lyrics
Singer:SinggaAlbum:Blackia Desi Crew… Desi Crew… Chamchagiri aa paira vich rulldiMitti nu bhulekha akhi dhoodh bani aeYaara di support kamm kaim balliyeYaar mere naal taahi hikk tani ae Yaara di support kamm kaim balliyeYaar mere naal taahi hikk tani ae Ow milida pyaar naal hass khed keSehnde nahio joke hassan hasaun nuYaara honi bas duniya te aaye aaEnd laun nu duniya hilaun nu Yaara honi…
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 months
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The Event on 7th Muharram.
The first strike on Yazid army's
The Horse of Abbas (as) was named "Uqab" (Eagle),
On the 7th of Muharram when Abbas (a.s) came back from river Furat on the way he saw the horse of his brother Hassan Mujtaba(a.s) he came and handover the water bags and he rides his horse and went back towards the soldier of Yazid (L) and Shouted Muntazer the horse run towards Abbas (a.s) and he Abbas (a.s) came down from his horse and Muntazer started kisses the hands of Abbas (as),Then he came near Shimr (L) back all ladies came out from there tents and looking towards Abbas (a.s) they thought Abbas (a.s) has gone to attack them.
Then Abbas (a.s) told to Shimr (L) this horse belongs to my bother Hassan Mujtaba (a.s) who was lost in the battle of Siffin are you willing to give me back or you want me to use force..?
Shimr (L) said call him back in front of me and if he comes back to you then it's your take him!!.
Abbas (a.s) called him again and he came near him and Abbas (a.s) brought him and handover to Imam Hussain (as).
And from that day the people from Bani Asad gave Abbas (a.s) the name GHAZI after this accident.
Ghazi or Gha'z (غازی) means "soldier who returns successfully from the battle". Although Abbas (a.s)was killed at Karbala, he is known as Ghazi because, when he carried out the first strike against Yazid's army, his mission was to rescue the horse which was seized during battle of Siffin.
Ref; Sibtayn.com.
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newsfrom-theworld · 10 months
Today's breaking news:
•An Isr@eli fire belt was captured striking several areas in Khan Younis city, southern Gaza.
•The Isr@eli warplanes continue bombing the east of Khan Younis city since the end of the temporary ceasefire, yesterday.
•Heavy Isr@eli shelling and gunfire exchange in Al Qarara area, east of Khan Younis.
•Displaced Palestinians moving from the eastern areas through Salah Eddin street.
•Civil defense forces rescue a little girl from the rubble of her home that was bombed by Isr@eli warplanes in Gaza.
•Scenes from the confrontations that broke out with the Isr@eli occupation forces in Beita village, southern Nablus.
•At the beginning of the Isr@eli aggression against Gaza, the occupation forces forced thousands of Palestinians to move to the south of the strip, but now, many people are fleeing to nowhere.
•An Isr@eli fire belt striking the eastern area of Gaza city.
•The Isr@eli occupation forces fire smoke bombs at the Abu Hussein UNRWA school which is a shelter for displaced civilians in the northern part of Gaza.
•Isr@eli warplanes destroyed the main road that connects Khan Younis and Rafah city.
•“Don’t put her in the refrigerator” a mother bids farewell to her daughter who was killed by Isr@eli bombardment.
•A series of heavy Isr@eli air strikes on the northern part of Gaza City.
•A Palestinian youth got killed whilst confronting Isr@eli settlers who attacked the village of Qarawa Bani Hassan, west of Salfit city.
And always
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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djzibaz · 3 months
Father's Day Special Ep.134
Shajarian - Bote Chin Zohra - Badala Zamana Faramars Aslani - Age Yeh Rooz Rouhangiz - Esfahan ---- Faramars Aslani - Divar Googoosh - Morgh Sahar Farhad - Jomeh ------ Sattar - Bi Nazeer Mahsa Vahdat - Bahar E Delneshin Mohammad Reza Shajarian - Taraneh Mahur, II (Por Kon Pialeh Ra) Mojtaba Iranian - Man Ehsasi Misham ------ Hamed Homayoun - Chenin Konam Chenan Konam Faramarz Aslani - Parastouhaye Khasteh Black Cats - Jooneh Khodet Hassan Shamaeezadeh - Ye Dokhtar Daram Shah Nadareh --------- Mansour - Aziz Delami Behnam Bani - Ashegham Karde Sasy - Saaghiya Masoud Sadeghloo & Mehdi Hosseini - Akhare Shab ---- Masih & Arash Ap - Bia Bazam
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jordanianroyals · 7 months
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5 March 2024: King Abdullah II praised the development Irbid has witnessed over the past years, as evidenced by major water, energy and infrastructure projects, as well as the enhancement of education and health services.
Speaking at a meeting with local community leaders and figures in the governorate held at the King Abdullah II Park, His Majesty said Irbid has witnessed a remarkable expansion, and its population has significantly increased.
At the meeting, attended by Queen Rania, the King said that witnessing Jordanians’ achievements and meeting with them makes him more optimistic.
His Majesty said Jordan’s strength lies in in its sons and daughters who have had the spirit of achievement and faith in their potential instilled within them, stressing the importance of moving forward with this spirit.
For his part, Irbid Governor Radwan Otoum said the governorate has witnessed over the past 25 years quantum leaps in development that covered economy, education, healthcare, and tourism, adding that the country is witnessing comprehensive modernisation across the political, economic, and administrative tracks.
Also during his visit to Irbid, His Majesty inaugurated Ibder Comprehensive Secondary School in Bani Kinanah district, a Royal Initiatives project built on an area of 7,000 square metres with a capacity of up to 1,000 students. 
The King also visited the Jordan Research and Training Reactor, which functions as an educational and training platform that also supports medical and industrial fields. 
His Majesty was briefed on the capabilities of the reactor, which is operated by Jordanians and abides by all nuclear safety measures, as it provides all the Kingdom’s hospitals with basic radioisotopes used for cancer diagnosis and treatment, as well as supporting the fields of medicine, biology, chemistry, forensic analysis, mining, agriculture, industry, and scientific research. 
Upon arrival at the King Abdullah II Park prior to the meeting, the King, accompanied by the Queen, was received by Ramtha Youth Folk Dance Group and the Mghaier Rahoub Band to Revive Jordanian Culture.
During the meeting, His Majesty bestowed the Silver Jubilee Medal on individuals and institutions in Irbid, in recognition of their contributions to serving Jordan, especially the local community in the governorate.
Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi, Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, and Adviser to His Majesty for Tribal Affairs Kneiaan Bluwi attended the meeting.
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tmxreisen · 4 months
Die Gräber von Bani Hassan mit TMXREISEN
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