#bangla paper
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Jadi mula dari hari tu aku buat-buat tak tahu apa yang dia dah buat kat aku. Aku sengaja pakai seluar track kat rumah dan sasaran aku adalah nak tengok sejauh mana adik aku stim kat aku. Aku tengok dia pasti tak lepas peluang tengok bontot aku bila aku pakai seluar track dan berkain batik. Tapi bila aku pakai seluar track, pasti dia akan senyap-senyap masuk bilik aku masa aku tidur dan melancap sampai memancut kat bontot aku. Paling selekeh adalah seluar track aku yang dah berlonggok kat dalam bakul basuhan menunggu nak dicuci tu pun menjadi mangsa.
Pernah jugak aku mengintai apa dia buat dengan seluar track aku yang aku nampak dia ambil masa aku buat-buat tidur siang. Pelan-pelan aku mengendap dia kat dalam bilik air tengah melancap gunakan seluar track aku tu. Adik aku memang kuat melancap. Tak ada satu pun seluar track aku yang berada dalam bakul basuhan tu terlepas dari menjadi mangsa lancapnya. Pantang aku campak kejap dalam bakul basuhan, pasti hilang sekejap. Bila dah ada balik, pasti berselaput dengan air maninya yang pekat, terutamanya kat area bontot.
Perkara ni berlaku sampai sekarang. Cuma sekarang ni aku stay kat rumah sewa. Bila aku balik rumah mak bapak aku dan adik aku tu pun ada, pasti berlaku lagi.
Aku kemudian clash dengan Zack. Entah kat mana silapnya kami berpisah akhirnya. Lepas tu aku berkawan dengan Hafiz. Member sekelas aku. Kita orang couple sampai aku masuk kolej dan lepas tu tak contact lagi sampai sekarang.
Sepanjang aku couple dengan dia, aku menjadi tempat dia memancutkan air maninya. Mulanya aku ingat dia ni tak selera sangat bila aku pakai seluar track. Tapi aku silap, dia bernafsu gila kalau aku pakai seluar track. Memang confirm seluar track memang menjadi perhatian dan membuatkan lelaki stim, lebih-lebih lagi kalau orang yang memakainya berbontot bulat macam aku.
Pertama kali dia pancut kat aku adalah pada petang selepas habis exam SPM last paper. Kita orang dating kat taman permainan. Kita orang duduk berdua dalam gelung. Kat situ kita orang bercium dan Hafiz raba-raba peha aku sampai ke kangkang aku. Dia mainkan cipap aku sampai aku stim. Secara tak langsung aku pegang konek dia dan keluarkan dari seluarnya.
Aku lancapkan konek dia dan dia terpancut-pancut kat tangan aku. Lepas tu kita orang dating lagi dan yang peliknya dia minta aku pakai seluar track. Dia bawak kereta mak dia dan bawak aku jalan-jalan kat bandar. Lepas tu kita orang parking kat taman tasik, tempat kenangan masa aku couple dengan Zack dulu.
Kat situ Hafiz peluk belakang tubuh aku. Dia tekan konek dia kat bontot aku. lepas tu dia keluarkan konek dia dan peluk aku sambil gesel-geselkan konek dia kat bontot aku yang licin dengan seluar track tu. Akhirnya dia memancutkan air mani dia.
Esoknya pulak kita orang dating lagi dan dia lancap sambil tengok aku berdiri depan dia. Dia buat macam yang mat-mat Bangla tu buat kat aku dulu.
Akhirnya aku terpaksa akui bahawa aku akhirnya sudah tiada dara lagi. Aku juga terpaksa akui bahawa aku menikmati persetubuhan yang pada asalnya tak kau relakan itu. Dara ku telah di ragut oleh adik kandung ku sendiri semasa aku cuti semester tahun lepas. Adik aku juga sedang cuti semester masa tu.
Silap aku juga, akibat nak sangat menunjukkan keseksian kepada adik aku yang sememangnya aku dah tahu yang dia stim kat aku kalau pakai seluar track akhirnya mengundang musibah kepada ku.
Pada hari tu famili aku sekali lagi pergi jemputan orang kahwin. Musim cuti sekolah la katakan. Tinggal la aku dengan adik aku kat rumah. Aku yang tahu dia pasti akan ambik kesempatan kalau aku tidur siang pun sengaja pakai seluar track yang dah lama aku tak pakai tersimpan kat dalam almari pakaian aku. Memang banyak stok seluar track aku sebenarnya. Tapi aku boleh tak perasan pulak yang seluar track tu dah koyak kat kelengkang.
Aku pun buat-buat la tidur kat bilik dengan pintu bilik yang sengaja aku buka luas, biar adik aku stim tengok bontot aku yang sendat dan licin dalam seluar track. Masa adik aku masuk bilik aku, aku buat-buat tidur.
Lepas tu aku dengan dia bernafas laju. Lepas tu aku rasakan bontot aku kena usap pelan-pelan. Usapan adik aku sungguh lembut, mungkin dia tak mahu aku sedar rasanya. Lepas tu dia raba sampailah ke kelengkang. Keadaan aku yang tidur mengiring memudahkan dia meraba cipap aku. Tapi aku jadi pelik kenapa aku rasa lain macam je sentuhan dia.
Keras macam kulit cipap aku kena direct kat kulit jari dia. Aku masa tu tak terfikirlah yang seluar tu dah koyak. Jadi aku selamba je lah biarkan sampai aku sendiri pun stim. Aku siap boleh dengar bunyi air cipap aku yang berdecit-decit kena gesel jari dia. Lepas tu adik aku tarik jari dia. Aku dengar macam dia tengah buat sesuatu.
Aku syak dia tengah melancap tapi rupanya aku silap. Rupa-rupanya dia tengah buka seluar dia. Aku tahu pun bila keadaan dah terlambat. Aku biarkan je di saat aku rasa cipap aku menyentuh sesuatu yang hangat. Aku ingatkan jarinya tapi sebaik aku terfikir takkan jarinya boleh sehangat tu dan sebesar tu. Terus sahaja aku terfikir tak mustahil itu adalah konek dia.
Aku teragak-agak nak menghentikannya, sebab aku rasa segan pulak takut dia kata aku selama ni berpura-pura tidur. Jadi aku teruskan buat-buat tidur walau pun dalam hati aku resahnya bukan main. Sebaik je benda tu aku rasa macam menerobos masuk dengan kuat dan laju sampai aku rasa pedih dan senak, barulah aku tahu bahawa memang benar itu adalah koneknya tapi yang peliknya masa tu aku rasa aku pakai seluar track, macam mana pulak dia boleh masuk? Ada lubang ke?
Aku cepat-cepat buat-buat sedar dari tidur dan buat-buat terkejut. Adik aku cepat je tutup mulut aku dengan tangan dia sambil dia terus hayun konek dia keluar masuk. Aku yang kepedihan tengok memang betul aku pakai seluar track. Terus je aku raba kelengkang aku. Aku terpegang konek dia dan aku dapat rasa konek dia masuk ke cipap aku dari lubang yang ada kat kelengkang aku. Time tu lah aku mula rasa bangang yang teramat sangat. Macam mana la aku boleh tak perasan seluar track tu dah koyak kat kangkangnya.
Aku tolak adik aku tapi dia dah tak kira, dia teruskan jolok cipap aku. Aku marah dia dalam kesakitan tu tapi tak jalan jugak. Makin laju dia hayun ada la. Adik aku peluk aku. Dia tiarapkan aku dan dia naikkan bontot aku. Aku lemah, memang lemah. tenaga perempuan aku memang cukup lemah nak dibandingkan dengan dia.
Aku akhirnya terpaksa menikmati kesedapan disetubuhi oleh adik kandung aku sendiri walau pun pada mulanya aku menolak dan menangis dalam kesakitan. Lama-lama sakit dah tak rasa, sedap adalah. Hayunan konek adik aku makin keras. Makin sedap aku rasa. Lepas tu adik aku tarik keluar konek dia dan aku pun rasa air mani dia memancut atas bontot aku yang sendat dengan seluar track tu. Air maninya yang hangat mencurah-curah atas bontot aku. Aku lemah membiarkan dia membuat aku seperti perempuan pemuas nafsunya.
Lepas tu dia tingalkan aku sorang-sorang dalam bilik. Aku menangis sampai tertidur. Bila aku terjaga aku dapat rasa cipap aku dimasuki lagi koneknya. Bila aku tengok, dia tengah sedap menghayun cipap aku dengan seluar track aku yang dah dilorotkan ke lutut. Seluruh bontot aku open tanpa ditutup apa-apa.
Aku tengok bontot aku berbekas love bite. Nafsu aku semakin bangkit. Selama ni aku cuma dapat pegang dan lancapkan konek lelaki tapi pada hari tu aku dah jadi tak waras. Aku biarkan adik aku menyetubuhi aku. Aku dah rasa sedapnya macam mana.
Seks ringan-ringan dan kebiasaan aku bermain dengan kemaluan lelaki membuatkan aku gagal mengawal nafsu ku sendiri. Aku stim gila dijolok konek adik ku. Aku menonggeng tanpa disuruh, membiarkan adik aku menyontot cipap aku.
Pedih memang terasa sebab tak biasa lagi tapi sedapnya mengatasi segalanya. Aku khayal menerima kemasukan koneknya yang keluar masuk dengan keras dan jitu. Adik aku tanpa segan silu asyik cakap sedap, sedap dan sedap. Dia kata tak sia-sia dia stim kat aku selama ni. Dia juga kata dia yang sengaja lubangkan seluar track aku semata-mata nak menantikan saatnya dan hari itu adalah saat yang dinantikan selama ini rupa-rupanya.
Akhirnya aku tak keruan. Aku cum buat first time di jolok konek lelaki. Selama ni aku cuma merasa cum digosok tangan lelaki. Lepas tu adik aku cum kat celah bontot aku. Dia tekan konek dia sampai kepalanya masuk ke lubang bontot aku dan dia perah air maninya sepuas-puasnya. Aku dapat rasa air maninya bertakung di mulut lubang bontot aku. Pedih jugak
sebab lubang bontot aku kecik.
Start dari hari tu pantang ada peluang pasti nak main. Boleh katakan hampir semua seluar track aku mesti terkoyak kat kelengkang. Tapi lepas kita orang dah mula stay sama-sama. Koyakkannya makin besar. Sebab Kolej aku dan Universiti adik aku dalam satu town yang sama, jadi kita orang menyewa dan tinggal sama-sama.
Sejak tinggal sama-sama tu adik aku dah makin berani buat benda yang makin tak senonoh. Dirogolnya bontot aku. Macam nak koyak lubang bontot aku masa dia rogol dulu. Aku sampai nak jalan gi kuliah pun payah. Terkangkang rasanya. Malu je. Tapi sebab dah hari-hari kena dan aku pulak tak daya nak melawan akhirnya aku sendiri dapat rasa sedapnya.
Sama jugak macam masa mula-mula kena main kat rumah mak bapak aku dulu. Oleh sebab tulah koyak seluar track aku makin besar sebab jajahan konek adik aku dah bukan setakat lubang cipap, kini dia dah menakluki lubang bontot aku juga. Walau pun kita orang ada bilik masing-masing tapi itu setakat nak mengaburi mata orang tua aku je supaya dia orang tak ada nak syak apa-apa kalau dia orang datang. Tapi yang sebenarnya kita orang hari-hari tidur sekatil, mandi sama-sama, makan sama-sama, main dah tentulah sama-sama. Dah macam laki bini.
Aku pun tak tahulah sampai bila kita orang akan terus macam ni. Nak berjauhan sayang, tak nampak muka sehari pun dah tak keruan. Hari ni aku tak pergi kuliah sebab ambik mc. Tak sedap badanlah. Mungkin sebab dah dua tiga hari ni aku lenjan je main tak kira siang malam. Pantang konek dia naik, pasti nak terjun balik dalam lubang aku.
Pagi tadi sebelum dia pergi kuliah aku hisap konek dia sampai keluar semua air mani dia masuk perut aku. Telan la apa lagi. Sedap. Dah seminggu ni dia asyik mintak nak pancut dalam cipap. Aku cakaplah pancut dalam bontot je kan senang. Tapi dia asyik mintak je. Aku pun berbelah bagi nak kasi ke tak, takut mengandung la. Kalau orang lain tak pe la jugak tapi ni adik sendiri.
Emm.. tengoklah nanti macam mana. SMS dia suruh belikan pil perancang la kalau betul dia nak sangat. Ok lah tu je.. bye..
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Reading academic literature on languages of the Indian subcontinent is something of an experience. Some of it I think is simple culture shock, some of it is probably an effect of differences between British English(es) and Indian English(es), and some of it is clearly a holdover from colonial ideas.
Like on the one hand you'll find a paper that is about e.g. contact effects of Bangla on a Munda language, one published by the Central Institute of Indian Languages no less, but then it turns out the abstract is entirely muddled and the article itself contains prose like this:
"Though Koda is a Munda language yet the name Koda is recognised as an Indo-Aryan word which is related to digging. The main occupation of the Koda community is to dig land. They generally specialise in earthdigging." (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344713421_Effect_of_Bangla_on_Koda_verbs)
Then you get the stuff which is not wrong or even necessarily badly written but does have a noticeable Aryan-chauvinist bias, such as this passage on the history of Assamese:
"Therefore, by the seventh century AD the kingdom of Bhaskara Varma, which extended to a considerable part of Bengal in those days, must have been populated by a large number of Aryans, who, by virtue of their superiority, spread their language among the aboriginal people speaking non-Aryan languages. The native population gave up their undeveloped and unwritten languages in favour of a much more developed Aryan tongue." (from The Indo-Aryan Languages, Cardona & Jain 2003, published by Routledge).
It's not like this isn't something I can deal with, it's just that it's seems a bit weird to someone coming from an academic culture where the assumption is you speak impartially about the languages you are discussing, and has generally abandoned notions such as 'developed languages' as unhelpful. Though of course it an older form of western academic is of course a key component in the history of 'Aryan' as a concept; when Indo-European became established as a family and Sanskrit a key language for it suddenly became interesting to people who had, ahem, certain views about how humans should be divided into groups. And some of that still is carried over to today (see also the Out of India theory for the Indo-European homeland, something which basically nobody outside of India supports).
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N E WAYS HIIII im having lunch rn !! IT RAINED SO BAD SO ITS LIKE 5PM AND IM STILL IN MY UNIFORM AND STUFF i had like.. stuff planned on my schedule and stuff :cccccc
dude the way i do NAWT feel like writing at all but also im dying to get yns pov in the first chapter like PICK A FUCKING SIDE OMFG literally had to pause writing this to think
THE SENTENCE WAS monica went to her grandmother's house for summer vacation AND SHE MADE IT WEIRDER SOUNDING "during vacation" LIKE GIRL NO??????????? sorry for ranting god im such a hater
AND LIKE THESE FUCKASS TEACHERS WONT SEE MY TEXTS (i love them) BUT THE EXACT SECOND I PULL UP TO THEM AT SCHOOL IM GETTING MY CHEEKS TUGGED AT LIKE "oh em gee alina u did such a great job we r sooo proud of u" DIE. AND IM SO SCARED CUZ IM NOT STUDYING PROPERLY OR ENOUGH I THINK AND MY SCHEDULE IS SO FREAKY AND WEIRD AND THE !! RAIN !! EW đ¤Žđ¤ĸđ¤Žđ¤ĸ not that i hate the rain, it just conveniently happens NOT when im at home ready to go to school, but rather otw to school or otw home so i'm just late everywhere. also MY WATER BOTTLE DISAPPEARED?? AND THERES A GIRL W THIEVING TENDENCIES IN CLASS LIKE IM NOT POINTING FINGERS BUT BUT BUUUUUUUT um. ANWYAYS I SAW A SUBMERGED MOTORCYCLE AND ALSO MY CHEM TEACHER TAKING PICS OF THE FLOOD LIKE WTF HE WANT THEM FOR "look wife im not cheating im actually trapped in school"
dude.. biceps r so..... like... kuroo... IM LOWK A KUROO ENTHUSIAST HE IS SO YUMMY LIKE U JUST KNOW HED LET U BITE IT (my intrusive thoughts r like. if he existed irl. nom nom time) NOT EVEN IN A SEXUAL WAY BTW I JUST NEED A CHOMP
yeah im gonna act like u didnt see that sideblog post bc i SAID i wasnt trying to hint at anyone... AND NO THATS NOT FREAKY?? idk man i send in asks to ness like every day bc i think its fun to talk that way!! paragraph asks are genuinely so fun to receive!! ALSO USING THE WORD BLEAT IS CRAZY YOU R NOT BLEATING IN MY DMS
omg i hope you had a good lunch!! im answering this like an hour later so i assume u already finished? idk its weird that we're 12 hrs apart đ AND NOOO THATS AWFUL :(( sorry to hear that love :( hopefully the rain didn't flood any area and you and your fam are all good!!
HELP THATS SUCH A REAL FEELING i was battling with that yesterday so bad omf... i feel like sometimes we can attach somewhat negative connotations w writing bc sometimes it can feel like a chore? so sometimes it's a struggle to get up and decide to write? maybe thats js me but like yeah đ BUT GENUINELY SO EXCITED FOR YOUR APOCALYPSE AU!! ITS BEEN AMAZING SO FAR!! AND ANYTHING IVE READ FOR IT MAKES ME WANT TO LET OUT AUDIBLE SOBS âŧī¸ that sounds negative but i feel like you get why i want to LIKE GOOD GRIEF anyway write whenever you feel like it!! dont force it <3
okay like maybe im stupid but i feel like both of those sentences make sense? like "monica went to her grandmother's house for summer vacation" makes sense but so does "monica went to her grandmother's house during vacation" it's just that it doesn't specify whether it's during summer vacation so it can sound awkward ig?? idk man ive been stuck reading old english for the last couple of days bc of the hobbit (I DESPISE THAT BOOK IT CAN GO DIE) sigh
HELP?? I MEAN IM SO HAPPY YOURE GETTING GOOD GRADES THO!! AS LONG AS YOURE ABLE TO STUDY JUST ENOUGH SO THAT YOURE CONFIDENT IN THE TOPIC THEN I THINK YOURE GOOD HONESTLY đ¨ and the rain sounds like its out to get u thats wild??? PLEASE im not pointing my finger at anyone... im just agreeing here... there's a chance đ having classmates with tendencies to steal is such a pain in the ass tho i hope you're able to retrieve your water bottle!! AND HELP I LOVE THE WAY YOU DUBBED THAT "im not cheating im actually stuck in school" had me giggling sm
HELLO? BITING KUROO'S BICEP IS INSANE (but lowkey i would too VERY LOWKEY because i feel like im not super attracted to big biceps and stuff idk?? but just a little chomp đđ)
#asks!!#alina ily alina#anyone who hates how much i use caps lock.... you can pry it out of my cold dead hands thanks#the day i stop using caps lock is the day that I DIE!!!!!#that being said it may need to be confiscated away from me bc i sound insane when i talk in caps THAT much so#whatever its fine#my platonic soulmate literally written in the stars honeypie loml sugarplum!!
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Martha Bradley (fl. 1740sâ1755) was a British cookery book writer. Little is known about her life, except that she published the cookery book The British Housewife in 1756 and worked as a cook for over thirty years in the fashionable spa town of Bath, Somerset.
Two pages from The British Housewife: on the left, an illustration showing three cooks in a kitchen; on the right, the titlepage, with extended title, details of the contents and the publisher's details.
The frontispiece and titlepage of Bradley's 1758 work The British Housewife
Bradley's only printed work, The British Housewife was released as a 42-issue partwork between January and October 1756.[a] It was published in a two-volume book form in 1758, and is more than a thousand pages long. It is likely that Bradley was dead before the partwork was published. The book follows the French style of nouvelle cuisine, distinguishing Bradley from other female cookery book writers at the time, who focused on the British or English style of food preparation. The work is carefully organised and the recipes taken from other authors are amended, suggesting she was a knowledgeable and experienced cook, able to improve on existing dishes.
Because of the length of The British Housewife, it was not reprinted until 1996; as a result, few modern writers have written extensively on Bradley or her work.
Illustration showing seven dishes to have as part of a course, including dishes with carp, lobster, hare, ducks and woodcocks
Illustrated example of a dinner in winter, as suggested by Bradley
Little is known about the life of Martha Bradley, and what there is has come from her single publication, The British Housewife. In the 1740s she worked as a professional cook in the fashionable spa town of Bath, Somerset,[1] and had over thirty years' experience in the job.[2] The publisher of The British Housewife noted that all of Bradley's papers had been stored with him; the food historian Gilly Lehmann considers this shows Bradley was dead by the time the work was published in the late 1750s. Included in the papers was a handwritten family recipe collection.[1] A reference in the work to William Hogarth's 1753 book The Analysis of Beauty indicates that at least some of the book was written after that date.[1]
Based on the recipes shown in her work, Lehmann considers it appears that Bradley had read several contemporary cookery books, including those by Mary Eales (Mrs Mary Eales's Receipts, 1718), Patrick Lamb (Royal Cookery, 1726âthe third edition), Vincent La Chapelle (The Modern Cook, 1733) and Hannah Glasse (The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy, 1747).[1] The recipes from these have all been changed and improved from the originals, with a reduced set of ingredients and simplified instructions;[3][4] according to the food writer Alan Davidson, this showed she had been knowledgeable and able in her chosen career.[5] According to Lehmann The British Housewife was more than just a cookery book, but instead was "a complete manual for the housewife, the cook, the housekeeper, the gardener and the farrier, with monthly sections of advice and recipes which cover every aspect of domestic management in the middle of the eighteenth century".[1]
The British Housewife was first published as a partwork in 42 weekly editions,[6] possibly the first cookery book issued in this manner;[7][8] the first issue was on 10 January 1756.[9] The weekly editions comprised "four large half-sheets of printing" costing 3d.[9] The weekly editions would have finished in October that year, and would have cost 10s 6d in total.[6][b] The partworks were advertised across Britain, including Oxford,[9] Leeds,[11] Manchester[12] and Sussex.[13] In the text of the partworks Bradley would advertise the other issues, telling readers "We have in our preceding numbers given the cook so ample instruction for the roasting of all plain joints of meat ... that she cannot be at a loss in any of them".[14]
The work was published in book form in 1758; its two volumes comprised over 1,200 pages.[3][15] Some sources show differing dates. Virginia Maclean's 1981 history A Short-Title Catalogue of Household and Cookery Books Published in the English Tongue, 1701â1800 put the publication date at 1760,[16] but Arnold Oxford's 1913 work English Cookery Books to the Year 1850 listed it as c. 1770 with 752 pages.[17]
The British Housewife (1758)
Illustration showing meats prepared for cooking; meats include hare, rabbit, woodcock or snipe, pigeon, partridge and chicken
Game cuts trussed for roasting; an illustration from The British Housewife
The British Housewife, as published in 1758,[a] contains recipes for fricassees,[19] ragÚs (which Bradley spelled "Ragoo"),[20] collops,[21] pilafs,[22] pasties,[23] pies (including oyster and eel),[24] fish dishes,[25] soups (which she spelled as both "soup" and "soop"), bisques,[26] dessertsâincluding puddings,[27] jellies,[28] pancakes,[29] fritters,[30] flummeries,[31] cakes[32] syllabubs[33] and confectionery[34]âand preserved foods, including pickles and jams.[35] Bradley also included a section dedicated to distilling spirits, as well as making wine, beer and cider.[36] Bradley's recipes include most parts of the animal, including the intestines, cockscombs, knuckle, head, heart, tongue, udder, trotters, feet, ears and cheeks.[37] The book also contained a chapter on cures for common ailments, which included a recipe that used powdered earthworm to cure ague.[38]
The British Housewife showed a "sophisticated organisation", according to Davidson,[5] and Petits Propos Culinaires considers that Bradley's "scheme for the education of the cook and housewife was more thorough than any that had gone before".[7] The literary historian Henry Notaker identifies strong pedagogical form and strategy within the book. This is highlighted by Bradley when she writes: "in all studies it is the regular practice to begin with the plainest and easiest things, and from there to arise to such as are more difficult",[39] and she progressed from techniques such as roasting and boiling "and thence leading the cook to the most elegant and difficult made dishes".[39][40] The food historian Sandra Sherman sees a pedagogical form in the layout of the recipes, and notes the "deliberate, reinforcing logic [that] entails the reader's attentiveness in a process that produces results".[41] Sherman sees "a slightly disciplinary edge" in Bradley's approach in ensuring that the readers followed the instructions,[42] and reports that the structure "makes ... [the book's] advice seem consistent, accurate, and acceptable".[43] The culinary historians Anne Willan, Mark Cherniavsky and Kyri Claflin describe Bradley as "the consummate cooking teacher", and her book as "a cooking course that starts with the basics and builds in complexity".[44]
The work was divided into monthly sections and these allowed Bradley to reflect the natural pace of the seasons in line with the available supply of produce for each month. According to Sherman, it was "designed to bring out the best in available provisions, and like such texts it contains elaborate directions for putting foods by".[45] In doing so, the book "integrates food preparation with its production, that is, with gardening and raising animals", and thus provides a holistic approach to food planning and preparation.[45]
As with many of the cookery books of the period, The British Housewife has nationalistic elements.[46] Bradley's recipes strongly favour British ingredients, and there is no reference to French drinks, such as claret, Burgundy or champagne; instead, she calls for home-made turnip or raisin wines, and favours port ten times more than any other wine.[46] Included in the ingredients described as being traditionally English were those imported from the British colonies of Asia, Africa and the Americas.[47][48] Bradley describes how cayenne pepper is "imported ... from the negroes of our plantations. The fruit is common in Africa, they have been accustomed to eat it there, shewed our people the way in America, and they have taught us". The Anglicist Wendy Wall notes that this demonstrated the connection between the British cook and the slave system.[49]
Despite the nationalistic approach, there are strong French influences throughout the book. This includes the French style of a circular dining table, with the symmetrical placement of dishes and plates for a diner's ease;[46] Bradley was one of the very few female cookery book writers in eighteenth-century England to write in support of the French style of nouvelle cuisine.[50][c] Bradley described her aim for the book thus, "Our cook ... will be able to show that an English girl, properly instructed at first, can equal the best French gentleman in everything but expense."[53] Economy and practicality are shown throughout her approach, according to the food historian Ivan Day; he classes Bradley alongside Hannah Glasse and Elizabeth Raffald in this respect. All three showed an economical aspect to their recipes, unlike the male cookery book writers of the time who, Day observes, "liked to show off with a flamboyant style of cooking".[54]
Although Bradley gave support for some aspects of French dining, she was also happy to criticise the French's approach to certain dishes, including their habit of using ingredients that have the effect of hiding the flavour of some elements of the dish.[55] At the end of a recipe for roast capon with herbs, she advises that adding a "raggoo" (a sauce[d]) will make it more fashionable, but not improve it:[57]
The French, who never know when to stop, serve up a capon done in this manner with a rich raggoo about it, but this is confusion, and the taste of one thing destroys that of another. They who would be at the top of the French taste may serve it in this manner, but with gravy it is a very delicate and fine dish, and no way extravagant in the expense.[58]
The French were not the only nation to face criticism; one recipe for roast pork discusses Germanic animal husbandry practices: "The Germans whip him to death, but they deserve the same fate for their cruelty; there is no occasion for such barbarity to make a dainty dish".[59]
The British Housewife contains several illustrations throughout. The frontispiece of the book shows three women working in a kitchen above the motto "Behold you fair, united in this book. The frugal housewife and the experienced cook."[60][61] Other illustrations comprise examples of how to truss cuts of game,[62] samples of menus to have at different times of the year[63] and how to lay food on a table in a pleasing manner.[64] According to Bradley, the illustrations were more than just for decoration; they served the purpose that "even those who cannot read will be able to instruct themselves".[65] When discussing the placement of dishes on the table, she writes: "To please the palate is one design of this branch of study, and to please the eye is another".[66]
The British Housewife has been used as a source in several works of social and food history, and Bradley's recipes still appear in modern cookery books.[e] The book was used in Colonial America[73] and Ireland.[74] The scale of the bookâat over 1,000 pagesâensured the work was not reprinted until 1996, which meant it fell out of public knowledge and few modern writers have written extensively on Bradley or her work.[7] Davidson, who considers The British Housewife "the most interesting of the 18th century English cookery books",[5] thinks "one has the feeling in reading ... [Bradley's] work that here is a real person, communicating effectively with us across the centuries".[5] The Anglicist Robert James Merrett considers the work "the most encyclopedic and personally engaged cookbook of the century".[75] Lehmann opines that Bradley's personal involvement in developing the recipes stands out in the book.[1] Writing in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, she considers that:
Bradley is one of the most important cookery writers of the eighteenth century, not only because her book is one of the most comprehensive of its kind but also because she discusses the merits and difficulties of the dishes, gives information on European as well as English cookery, and tells the reader what is old-fashioned and what is up to date. In an age when most cookery books were simply compilations Mrs Bradley's book stands out for the author's personal involvement in her recipes.[1]
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[ad_1] India vs Bangladesh in the ICC Champions Trophy 2025 (PC: ICC) It was the night before the start of the 2011 World Cup in Dhaka. I remember leaving the stadium around 1:30 am expecting the ride to the hotel to be smooth and swift. Normally, it takes 2-3 hours from Dhaka to Mirpur, with the worldâs worst traffic greeting you every step of the way. To my surprise, there were 6000-8000 people outside the stadium at that hour shouting slogans and enjoying themselves. Most did not have tickets to the game the next day but were just there. Bangladesh had beaten India in the 2007 World Cup, and local fans were expecting lightening to strike twice. It did not happen thanks to a Virender Sehwag masterclass, but what the crowd stood for was a kind of passion world cricket had rarely seen. India versus Bangladesh has its own history. Having lost to Bangladesh in the 2007 World Cup, India came back to thrash their hosts in Dhaka in the inaugural match four years later. It was the start of a rivalry that played out yet again in Melbourne during the 2015 World Cup. India won thanks to a Rohit Sharma century, but Bangladesh fans had every reason to feel let down. Rohit was out, only for Aleem Dar to call it a no-ball, and used the let-off to take the match beyond Bangladesh, who had already accounted for Englandâs exit from the World Cup. That the wound hadnât healed was evident when India toured Bangladesh months after the World Cup. Not only did the hosts win 3-0, the media and the fans went overboard with cartoons showing the Bangladeshi Tiger pouncing on the Indians. Utterly distasteful morphed photographs of the Bangladesh skipper holding India captain MS Dhoniâs severed head were doing the rounds, and from a sociological perspective, the rivalry had started to embed itself deep in peoplesâ minds. For the Latest Sports News: Click Here Rohit Sharma in the press conference ahead of Bangladesh match (Photo: RevSportz) Close matches added spice to the growing intensity, with India winning the World T20 contest in Bengaluru by a single run thanks to Dhoniâs brilliance and presence of mind off the last ball. That the scar was deep was evident when Mushfiqur Rahim celebrated Indiaâs loss to the West Indies on social media. Bangladesh came close yet again in Sri Lanka in March 2018 before a Dinesh Kartik six off the last ball sealed their fate. They had pushed India but were not able to close things out. Bangladesh are the only team in the world at the moment that can match India for support, and it was no surprise that a third of Edgbaston was chanting Joy Bangla during the 2017 Champions Trophy. The chants became a whimper with India winning rather easily, but now the Bangladesh fans have one more opportunity. On paper, India are a better unit. The Indian top order is looking unstoppable and it will take a lot from Bangladesh to stop the top three. In bowling, India, with Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel and Kuldeep Yadav to follow the new-ball burst, will come relentlessly. Run-scoring against this bowling unit will not be easy. Key games, however, are not just played with skill. They are played as much in the mind, and thatâs where Bangladesh canât be ruled out. While the challengers start as the underdog, Rohit and India will know they have to bring out their A game to get past the Tigers in Dubai. TRAILBLAZERS 3.0 Also Read: Babar Azamâs fall from grace sums up the state of Pakistan cricket The post India v Bangladesh â The New âBigâ Rivalry appeared first on Sports News Portal | Latest Sports Articles | Revsports. [ad_2] Source link
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Madhyamik Bangla: A Comprehensive Guide for Success in Board Exams
Madhyamik Bangla is a critical subject for students preparing for the Madhyamik examination under the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE). It plays a significant role in shaping a studentâs overall academic performance and helps build a strong foundation for higher education. This subject is designed to develop language proficiency, analytical thinking, and cultural understanding through the study of Bengali literature and grammar.
The curriculum of Madhyamik Bangla includes prose, poetry, and grammar that cover a variety of themes ranging from classical literature to modern works. To excel in this subject, students must focus on improving their reading comprehension, writing skills, and grammar knowledge. Effective preparation involves regular practice of writing essays, letters, and prÊcis, as well as answering questions from previous yearsâ papers to understand the question patterns and marking schemes.
Grammar is another key area where students often need extra attention. Mastery of topics such as sentence transformation, correction of errors, and the use of idioms and phrases is essential for securing good marks. Practicing regularly from trusted reference books and solving mock test papers is highly beneficial. In addition, developing a habit of reading Bengali newspapers and literary magazines can improve vocabulary and enhance language skills.
The importance of Madhyamik Bangla goes beyond the classroom. It helps students appreciate Bengali culture, history, and values through its rich literary heritage. Prose works from renowned authors and poets like Rabindranath Tagore, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, and Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay provide insights into life lessons and philosophical thoughts.
For students aiming for higher secondary (HS) education, mastering Madhyamik Bangla lays a strong foundation for HS Bangla. The concepts learned at the Madhyamik level are often expanded upon in the HS curriculum, where advanced literary analysis and critical thinking are required. Therefore, a good understanding of Madhyamik Bangla not only helps in scoring well but also builds the confidence needed for future academic challenges.
In conclusion, thorough preparation, regular practice, and a deep interest in Bengali literature and grammar are the keys to excelling in Madhyamik Bangla. With focused study strategies, students can achieve excellent results and develop a lifelong love for the Bengali language.
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by Subhash Chandra Agrawal India Post should review all its postal-services to induce newness in the system also aimed for more earning for the Department without hitting the commoners. Aim should be to promote postal-services for effectively competing with increasing use of private courier-services. Rationalising postal-tariffs reducing subsidy and abolishing GST on select postal-services Postal-department delivers highly subsidised rubber-stamped (printed) post-cards of just 50 paise to Akashwani (All India Radio) where senders write âAny-Songâ for programme of listeners-choice of film-songs just to get their names broadcast on Akashwani. According to rules, these rubber-stamped post-cards should be considered as printed post-cards with postal-tariff of rupees six, and must not be delivered to Akashwani. During 2019-elections to Lok Sabha, Post-Card politics between BJP and TMC cost heavily to public-exchequer where TMC decided to send 20 lakh post-cards with slogan âJai Hind â Jai Bangla to counter BJP move to send 10 lakh post-cards with slogan âJai Shri Ramâ. Post-cards are also misused for commercial purposes like by chit-fund companies to send reminders for payments. All such printed or rubber-stamped post-cards should be dumped without delivery. Fact is that subsidised post-cards and Inland-Letter-Cards are not being used by common people. These should be discontinued. Only sponsored Meghdoot Post-cards should be there with a postal-tariff of rupee one. It is ridiculous to price post-card at 50 or 25 paise when coins of these denominations are not minted. Printed post-cards should be priced at rupees ten. Likewise, it is ridiculous to allow registered news-papers having nominal postal-tariff of just 25 paise in name of helping small newspapers. With cost of inputs for production of newspapers including small ones having risen manifolds, postal-charges should be raised to minimum one rupee. While normal postal-services are exempt from GST, it is senseless to levy GST on select premium services like Speed Post with tax-money going from one pocket of government to other. Levying GST on postal services, results in unnecessary spent of public money and resources on paying GST by postal-department and its collection by GST department. Speed Post tariffs both local and non-local should be commonly rationalised at rupees 20 or 30 per 50 gms weight-slab or part. Thereafter all postal-tariffs (inland and international) should be in multiples of rupees ten. Postal-tariff for ordinary mail should be revised at rupees ten per 50 gms weight-slab instead of present rupees five per 20 gms weight-slab. Even international postal-tariffs (both air and surface) should be rationalised by having equal tariff-rise for every 20 gms weight-slab, and for every 50 gms weight-slab in case articles sent by surface or sea. Aerogrammes should also be priced in multiples of rupees ten. Idea should be to issue postal-stamps only in multiples of rupees ten apart from of rupee one for use by registered newspapers. Department of Posts should issue sponsored postal-stamps for drastic increase in revenue Indian Post should extend system of sponsorship for issuing sponsored postal-stamps on commercial lines. Sponsored postal-stamps with some minimum stipulated number can carry advertisements or other messages desired by sponsors to be endorsed by a committee of the Department with sponsorship-charge fixed per printed stamp. System will give enormous extra revenue-earning firstly from sponsorship and secondly by making sponsoring companies shifting from private courier-companies to premier postal-services provided by India Post. To induce newness in system and for earning extra revenue through philately, India Post should traditionally issue an altogether new definitive series of postal-stamps and postal-stationary simultaneously in all denominations every year on first day of new financial year which should also be date of revision of postal-tariffs if any.
However, colour of a particular denomination of a postal-stamp of definitive series should be same but with change in design on basis of theme selected for that year. A representative of main opposition party should be traditionally included in the advisory-body to decide on issue of new postal-stamps to avoid any political bias in choosing personalities to be figured on postal-stamps. There has been a practice to issue commemorative stamps in tariffs multiples of rupees five. But commemorative stamps in denominations of rupees 12 and 41 were issued on 24.01.2019 and 12.06.2019 respectively. With rationalisation of postal-tariffs in multiples of rupees ten, commemorative stamps then should be issued in multiples of rupees ten only but only in two most commonly used denominations. But practice of printing stamps of different denominations in same stamp-sheet (except miniature-sheets) should be discontinued because users of stamps of different denominations are different. Collection-item of âMiniature Sheetsâ should be priced more than face-value of stamps in these. System should be to abolish most commonly used denominations of postal-stamps in definitive series so that attractive multi-coloured postage stamps may be available for general public through all the post offices of the country. Educational institutions should be motivated to give philatelic items and coin-sets in place of trophies etc., with philately as subject introduced in school text-books. My-Stamp of India Post being misused â Should be replaced by Sponsored Postage Stamps Media-reports indicated that some notorious ones from the under-world managed to get issued postage-stamps with their photos printed under âMy-Stampâ concept launched by India Posts where individuals can get their photos printed on postage-stamps to be used towards postal-tariff on payment of extra cost. There is no provision whereby âMy-Stampâ concept may not be available for tax-defaulters and persons with criminal background. India Posts should immediately discontinue âMy-Stampâ concept because practically there can be no provision whereby persons with such notorious background may not be able to get their photos printed on postage-stamps officially issued by India Posts. Postal cash-receipts should carry stickers for users of postal-services as well Presently Postal-Department issues computer-printed receipts where the portion used by Postal-Department has sticker while the portion given to consumer is without sticker. Postal-Department for convenience of users of postal-services should have sticker also in the portion given to the consumers so that they may not require gum at their end to affix it on their despatch- registers or documents. It will be benefit to public-exchequer by avoiding man-hours and gum to paste postal cash-receipts in government-department on their despatch-registers. RTI stamps should be issued on lines of erstwhile stamps for Radio & TV Licence fees Postal Department discontinued postal-orders in outdated denominations like rupees 1, 2, 5 and 7 because of extremely low sale-figure and high handling cost. According to an RTI response, handling cost of a postal-order was rupees 37.45 to Department of Posts alone in the year 2011-12. Handling cost for clearing-operation of banks and in concerned public authorities is even extra. It is highly illogical that public-exchequer may bear such extra-ordinary loss in handling postal-orders in denominations like rupees 10 and 20. Rather it is time that higher denominations like of rupees 100, 200 and 500 may be added to avoid purchase of demand-drafts in submitting various types of fees. Postal Department should issue special RTI stamps in denominations of rupees 2, 10 and 50 on lines of earlier such stamps used for licences of radio and TV sets. Presently copying-charges under RTI Act in amounts lower than rupees 10 is not feasible because of discontinuance of postal-orders in denominations of rupees 2. Even Central
Information Commission through its verdicts and administrative orders has repeatedly recommended issue of RTI stamps. Inoperative and matured accounts in post-offices - Successive nomination be introduced There is huge unclaimed money lying deposited in post-offices with even many account-holders and depositors died without having informed their legal heirs. There are always chances of frauds (like happened in some in banks) that some mischievous persons in connivance with certain postal-employees may try to grab such unknown deposits. Postal Department should send letters by registered post in name of such account-holders and depositors not having operated their accounts and claimed for maturity-amounts of deposits in last say three years giving them a reasonable period of say three months to either renew their accounts or deposits. Otherwise all such unclaimed money may be frozen in some fixed account, which may be allowed to be withdrawn only after careful verification. Details of all such accounts then should be made public also so that legal heirs may be able to claim but only after a vigorous scrutiny-procedure. Postal Department should follow LIC of India in introducing Successive Nomination for ease of legal heirs in case of death of both the account-holder and sole or joint nominee.  Provide booking of Registered and Speed Post through bank-counters  All post-offices in and around Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi have been closed one after another causing big difficulty for users of postal-services in this biggest wholesale commercial hub of so many commodities. With introduction of government savings-schemes in banks, post-offices mainly have function for booking Registered and Speed Post articles. With increasing trend of online-banking, bank-branches can be approached to provide counters for booking of Registered and speed Post by paying them some nominal commission. Writer is Guinness World Record Holder for writing most letters and RTI Consultant
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Stamp Paper Print Settings Bangla tutorial How to Page Setup for any Dee...
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Title: Unlocking Opportunities: A Comprehensive Guide to Bangladesh Government Jobs
Keywords: Bangladesh government jobs, government job circular, Bangladesh Public Service Commission (PSC), job application process, eligibility criteria, salary and benefits, career prospects
For many Bangladeshi citizens, securing a government job represents stability, security, and the potential for meaningful contribution to the nation's development. This article delves into the intricacies of navigating the Bangladesh government job landscape, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to confidently pursue your dream career path.
Understanding the Landscape:
The Bangladesh Public Service Commission (PSC) shoulders the responsibility of recruiting qualified individuals for various government positions across diverse ministries, departments, and agencies. Job opportunities are announced through regular circulars published in national dailies, the PSC website, and official government channels.
Eligibility Criteria:
Each job circular outlines specific eligibility requirements based on factors like educational qualifications, age limits, experience, and nationality. Carefully assess your qualifications against the listed criteria to determine your eligibility before proceeding.
Job Application Process:
The application process generally involves submitting an online application form along with scanned copies of relevant documents as specified in the circular. Double-check the submission deadline and ensure all documents are complete and error-free.
Competitive Examinations:
Many government jobs require candidates to pass competitive written examinations conducted by the PSC. Familiarize yourself with the exam format, syllabus, and previous years' question papers to enhance your preparation and chances of success.
Salary and Benefits:
Government jobs offer competitive salaries, allowances, and benefits, including medical insurance, provident fund contributions, and leave entitlements. Research the specific compensation package associated with the positions you're interested in.
Career Prospects:
Government jobs provide stability and opportunities for career advancement within your chosen field. Explore the various career paths within different government departments and ministries to identify roles that align with your interests and aspirations.
Additional Resources:
Bangladesh Public Service Commission (PSC) website:Â https://www.psc.gov.bd/
Bangladesh Government Job Portal:Â https://www.bangladesh.gov.bd/site/view/job/all
Leading Job Boards: Bdjobs, Alljobs by Teletalk, Bangla Cyber
Securing a Bangladesh government job requires diligence, preparation, and a thorough understanding of the application process. By leveraging this comprehensive guide and actively seeking relevant information, you empower yourself to navigate the landscape with confidence and pursue your career aspirations within the Bangladeshi government sector.
Stay updated on the latest job circulars and announcements.
Network with professionals working in your desired field within the government.
Seek guidance from career counselors or recruitment agencies specializing in government jobs.
Prepare thoroughly for competitive examinations.
Maintain a positive and determined attitude throughout the process.
I hope this enhanced article empowers you in your journey toward a fulfilling government career in Bangladesh!
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Bihar BSSTET Recruitment Online Form 2023
Post Date:22/12/2023Short Information :Bihar Special School Teacher Eligibility Test BSSTET has Recently Invited to the Online Application Form for the Post BSEB Special TET BSSTET Recruitment 2023.
Bihar Special School Teacher Eligibility Test BSSTET
Bihar BSEB BSSTET Recruitment 2023
Advt No 426/2023
Important Dates
Start Date :Â 02/12/2023
Last DateExtend :Â 27/12/2023
Exam Date :Â Notify Soon
Application Fee
Single Paper :
General / BC / EWS :Â 960/-
SC / ST / PHÂ : 760/-
Both Paper :
General / BC / EWSÂ : 1440/-
SC / ST / PHÂ : 1140/-
You can pay through:
Credit Card
Debit Card
Net Banking
Age Limit as on ( 01/08/2023)
Minimum Age :Â 18 Years.
Maximum Age :Â 37 Years for Male
Maximum Age :Â 40 Years for Female
Age Relaxation read the notification.
Vacancy Details
7,279 Post
Bihar BSSTET Exam 2023 :Â Details
Post Name
BSSTET Qualification
Paper 1 (Secondary) (Class 1-5)
12th with DELEd Special Education and CRR No OR
12th Intermediate Urdu Degree OR Maulvi Degree and Complete Other Eligibility Criteria OR
12th Intermediate Bangla Degree and Complete Other Eligibility Criteria
Paper 2 (Senior Secondary) (Class 6-8)
Bachelor Degree with 50% Marks B.Ed Special and CRR no. OR B.Ed and Special BEd Certificate / Diploma and CRR No
Post NameNumber of PostTeacher (class 1th to 5th)5534Teacher (class 6th to 8th )1745
Selection Process
Written Exam (CBT)
Required Documents
Candidates Photograph
Candidates signature
All Education Qualification Mark sheet
Valid Email-ID, Mobile No
Category Certificate (If Required)
Domicile Certificate (IF Required)
Pay Scale
Start Approx Rs. 45,000/- to Rs. 50,000/-.
How To Apply Bihar BSS_TET
These are following step.
Click on the Apply Online Link given below.
Fill out the application form.
Upload the required documents
Pay Fees
Print the Application Form.
Apply Online
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Nios Bangla 303 Guides & Sample Papers All Is Well Guide+ for 12th Class
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Lea & Jojo School Edition
Tropical, mild winters, warm rainy monsoon
Natural resources
Timber, Coal, Iron ore
Government type
Presidential & Prime Minister republic
Agricultural products
Rice, Sugar cane, Maize
Natural gas , Cotton, Paper
Currency Exchange rate
Taka (BHT)
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by Subhash Chandra Agrawal India Post should review all its postal-services to induce newness in the system also aimed for more earning for the Department without hitting the commoners. Aim should be to promote postal-services for effectively competing with increasing use of private courier-services. Rationalising postal-tariffs reducing subsidy and abolishing GST on select postal-services Postal-department delivers highly subsidised rubber-stamped (printed) post-cards of just 50 paise to Akashwani (All India Radio) where senders write âAny-Songâ for programme of listeners-choice of film-songs just to get their names broadcast on Akashwani. According to rules, these rubber-stamped post-cards should be considered as printed post-cards with postal-tariff of rupees six, and must not be delivered to Akashwani. During 2019-elections to Lok Sabha, Post-Card politics between BJP and TMC cost heavily to public-exchequer where TMC decided to send 20 lakh post-cards with slogan âJai Hind â Jai Bangla to counter BJP move to send 10 lakh post-cards with slogan âJai Shri Ramâ. Post-cards are also misused for commercial purposes like by chit-fund companies to send reminders for payments. All such printed or rubber-stamped post-cards should be dumped without delivery. Fact is that subsidised post-cards and Inland-Letter-Cards are not being used by common people. These should be discontinued. Only sponsored Meghdoot Post-cards should be there with a postal-tariff of rupee one. It is ridiculous to price post-card at 50 or 25 paise when coins of these denominations are not minted. Printed post-cards should be priced at rupees ten. Likewise, it is ridiculous to allow registered news-papers having nominal postal-tariff of just 25 paise in name of helping small newspapers. With cost of inputs for production of newspapers including small ones having risen manifolds, postal-charges should be raised to minimum one rupee. While normal postal-services are exempt from GST, it is senseless to levy GST on select premium services like Speed Post with tax-money going from one pocket of government to other. Levying GST on postal services, results in unnecessary spent of public money and resources on paying GST by postal-department and its collection by GST department. Speed Post tariffs both local and non-local should be commonly rationalised at rupees 20 or 30 per 50 gms weight-slab or part. Thereafter all postal-tariffs (inland and international) should be in multiples of rupees ten. Postal-tariff for ordinary mail should be revised at rupees ten per 50 gms weight-slab instead of present rupees five per 20 gms weight-slab. Even international postal-tariffs (both air and surface) should be rationalised by having equal tariff-rise for every 20 gms weight-slab, and for every 50 gms weight-slab in case articles sent by surface or sea. Aerogrammes should also be priced in multiples of rupees ten. Idea should be to issue postal-stamps only in multiples of rupees ten apart from of rupee one for use by registered newspapers. Department of Posts should issue sponsored postal-stamps for drastic increase in revenue Indian Post should extend system of sponsorship for issuing sponsored postal-stamps on commercial lines. Sponsored postal-stamps with some minimum stipulated number can carry advertisements or other messages desired by sponsors to be endorsed by a committee of the Department with sponsorship-charge fixed per printed stamp. System will give enormous extra revenue-earning firstly from sponsorship and secondly by making sponsoring companies shifting from private courier-companies to premier postal-services provided by India Post. To induce newness in system and for earning extra revenue through philately, India Post should traditionally issue an altogether new definitive series of postal-stamps and postal-stationary simultaneously in all denominations every year on first day of new financial year which should also be date of revision of postal-tariffs if any.
However, colour of a particular denomination of a postal-stamp of definitive series should be same but with change in design on basis of theme selected for that year. A representative of main opposition party should be traditionally included in the advisory-body to decide on issue of new postal-stamps to avoid any political bias in choosing personalities to be figured on postal-stamps. There has been a practice to issue commemorative stamps in tariffs multiples of rupees five. But commemorative stamps in denominations of rupees 12 and 41 were issued on 24.01.2019 and 12.06.2019 respectively. With rationalisation of postal-tariffs in multiples of rupees ten, commemorative stamps then should be issued in multiples of rupees ten only but only in two most commonly used denominations. But practice of printing stamps of different denominations in same stamp-sheet (except miniature-sheets) should be discontinued because users of stamps of different denominations are different. Collection-item of âMiniature Sheetsâ should be priced more than face-value of stamps in these. System should be to abolish most commonly used denominations of postal-stamps in definitive series so that attractive multi-coloured postage stamps may be available for general public through all the post offices of the country. Educational institutions should be motivated to give philatelic items and coin-sets in place of trophies etc., with philately as subject introduced in school text-books. My-Stamp of India Post being misused â Should be replaced by Sponsored Postage Stamps Media-reports indicated that some notorious ones from the under-world managed to get issued postage-stamps with their photos printed under âMy-Stampâ concept launched by India Posts where individuals can get their photos printed on postage-stamps to be used towards postal-tariff on payment of extra cost. There is no provision whereby âMy-Stampâ concept may not be available for tax-defaulters and persons with criminal background. India Posts should immediately discontinue âMy-Stampâ concept because practically there can be no provision whereby persons with such notorious background may not be able to get their photos printed on postage-stamps officially issued by India Posts. Postal cash-receipts should carry stickers for users of postal-services as well Presently Postal-Department issues computer-printed receipts where the portion used by Postal-Department has sticker while the portion given to consumer is without sticker. Postal-Department for convenience of users of postal-services should have sticker also in the portion given to the consumers so that they may not require gum at their end to affix it on their despatch- registers or documents. It will be benefit to public-exchequer by avoiding man-hours and gum to paste postal cash-receipts in government-department on their despatch-registers. RTI stamps should be issued on lines of erstwhile stamps for Radio & TV Licence fees Postal Department discontinued postal-orders in outdated denominations like rupees 1, 2, 5 and 7 because of extremely low sale-figure and high handling cost. According to an RTI response, handling cost of a postal-order was rupees 37.45 to Department of Posts alone in the year 2011-12. Handling cost for clearing-operation of banks and in concerned public authorities is even extra. It is highly illogical that public-exchequer may bear such extra-ordinary loss in handling postal-orders in denominations like rupees 10 and 20. Rather it is time that higher denominations like of rupees 100, 200 and 500 may be added to avoid purchase of demand-drafts in submitting various types of fees. Postal Department should issue special RTI stamps in denominations of rupees 2, 10 and 50 on lines of earlier such stamps used for licences of radio and TV sets. Presently copying-charges under RTI Act in amounts lower than rupees 10 is not feasible because of discontinuance of postal-orders in denominations of rupees 2. Even Central
Information Commission through its verdicts and administrative orders has repeatedly recommended issue of RTI stamps. Inoperative and matured accounts in post-offices - Successive nomination be introduced There is huge unclaimed money lying deposited in post-offices with even many account-holders and depositors died without having informed their legal heirs. There are always chances of frauds (like happened in some in banks) that some mischievous persons in connivance with certain postal-employees may try to grab such unknown deposits. Postal Department should send letters by registered post in name of such account-holders and depositors not having operated their accounts and claimed for maturity-amounts of deposits in last say three years giving them a reasonable period of say three months to either renew their accounts or deposits. Otherwise all such unclaimed money may be frozen in some fixed account, which may be allowed to be withdrawn only after careful verification. Details of all such accounts then should be made public also so that legal heirs may be able to claim but only after a vigorous scrutiny-procedure. Postal Department should follow LIC of India in introducing Successive Nomination for ease of legal heirs in case of death of both the account-holder and sole or joint nominee.  Provide booking of Registered and Speed Post through bank-counters  All post-offices in and around Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi have been closed one after another causing big difficulty for users of postal-services in this biggest wholesale commercial hub of so many commodities. With introduction of government savings-schemes in banks, post-offices mainly have function for booking Registered and Speed Post articles. With increasing trend of online-banking, bank-branches can be approached to provide counters for booking of Registered and speed Post by paying them some nominal commission. Writer is Guinness World Record Holder for writing most letters and RTI Consultant
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Calls: International Conference on Language, Culture, and Cognition
Call for Papers: Talk: Abstract submissions are invited for oral presentations. Each oral presentation will be of 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Each author may submit at most one single-authored abstract and one joint abstract. Submission Guidelines: âĸ Submissions must entail hitherto unpublished original research ideas. âĸ The language of abstract can be in English or Bangla. âĸ Abstracts should not be longer than 2 pages (A4 or letter size) with 1 inch margins. âĸ Abstracts m http://dlvr.it/SxpLr0
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