#bangel will always unfortunately be endgame in my heart
leaisterrified · 10 months
Some thoughts on AtS s5
im watching angel season 5 for the first time and i honestly dont get why angel keeps trying??
i mean like, in buffys finale before he disappears into the shadows they have this whole thing with the cookie dough analogy, and them being all "maybe someday [we could make this work]" . and angel pretty much confirms that no matter how much he loves cordy (or his other friends for that matter) (and i still dont think angel ever actually had romantic feelings for cordy) (but thats a whole other thing) he'd still go back to buffy if he was given the option,
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so, like, i just dont get why he doesn't give up the whole shanshu destiny thing (resign it all to spike since he wants it so bad) and use wolfram and harts endlessly plot convenient resources to track down one of those big green guys that made him human in ATS season 1, and then just book himself a flight to europe
maybe he's just too valiant and championy to give up the fight for the greater good, but like there was a whole episode about how his heart isn't even in it anymore. becoming human in the end was like the one thing keeping him going, and he doesn't even has that anymore. barely. when he can genuinely just stop waiting to trip over his 'destiny' and go get it. he's the only (established character) alive who knows the only way a vampire can become a human again (now that cordy's gone) and he's just holding onto that information for himself and maybe im just like making a big deal out of a little early 'what if' episode. that gave us a little bit of lore they're probably going to effectively ret-con by introducing some new bit of lore that makes it all meaningless. but STILL.
i get how before buffy was the slayer, and she had this responsibility to protect the world and guard the hellmouth and kill the vampires and what not, and if angel couldn't fight he'd just be a liability to her ,
but thats not even an issue anymore because like. they activated every single potential slayer. theres about a few thousand potential buffys that can do the job just as well, or they wouldn't've been chosen. and theres at least like two of angel at the moment, if they removed themselves from the fight now the fallout wouldn't be nuclear anymore or anything
they've reached this point where they could have the normal lives they always wanted they're just refusing to go get them??
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