#bang dream season 3
mayprilayunely · 2 years
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harohapi week day 6 - crafting !
THEY MADE A LITTLE BIRD HOUSE !! colouring this was sosososo fun . even if it uncluded colouring trees . i wanted to give it this pretty summery energy bcs man i rlly do miss summer
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lovelytsunoda · 2 months
my fun // oscar piastri
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(gif is by @/oscarcito!)
summary: it’s not every day that a first date lands you in the emergency room, or gives your date a concussion before the food has even left the kitchen
pairing: oscar piastri x female reader
warnings: hospitals, blood, the awkwardness of a first date. low key inspired by season 1 episode 3 of the big bang theory when leonard and penny go on their not-date
yn yln must have been dreaming.
as she sat on one side of the wooden table inside the smokehouse, arms crossed in front of her as she looked over at her date, there was a part of her that kept telling her that there was no way it could be real.
she was quiet and smart, and could recite the entire periodic table in order from memory, and the boy sitting across from her was leagues prettier, with an athletes body and the ability to control a room with one singular lame joke.
he’d moved in across the hall from her earlier that year, and she and her friends had immediately dropped everything to watch shamelessley as the young man and his chiseled athlete friends and carried cardboard boxes up four flights of stairs.
oscar piastri was thinking the same thing. how a big famous athlete like him got someone as sweet and humble as yn to agree to date with him. sure she was awkward, and sometimes very shy, but at her core, she was sweet and funny and kind. not to mention the simple beauty of someone who never wore makeup (not to say oscar wouldn’t have adored it if she did, he just knew that she was pretty without it as well).
neither party really knew what to say, sitting in a nervous silence with the menus spread in the table, a glass bottle of water from the waiter sitting next to two half-full glasses.
oscar reached for the popcorn, a sweet and salty mix he quite enjoyed, trying not to tip the bag over as he contemplated what size brisket to order.
“hey, do you want to see something neat?” oscar blurted, picking out for decently sized pieces of the sweet popcorn. “do you know how to juggle?”
“juggle?” his date asked hesitantly, eyeing him over the popcorn. “you do?”
“went to a circus camp when i was seven.” oscar shrugged. “there’s not much to do in my part of australia to be fair.”
it took a few tries for oscar to get started, but soon enough, he was juggling with the popcorn, the kernels delicately passing through his pale, calloused hands.
and believe it or not, yn was impressed. she broke out in a wide smile, giggling from her seat as she watched the young man in front of her. he had a goofy smile on his face, and seemed well in his element. he caught her eye across the table, stuttering his movements as he shot her a wink, losing two kernels. the kernels rolled under the table, and the boy cursed.
“don’t worry about it, that was really impressive.” yn laughed. “nobody has ever juggled popcorn for me on a first date.”
oscar laughed. “glad to be of service.” he took a small bow before accidentally knocking the steak knife off the edge of the table, wincing at the sound of metal hitting floor.
he cursed, pushing his chair back. “I should probably pick that up, shouldn’t I?”
“can you reach it with your foot? it might be easier.”
“don’t worry, I’ve got it!” oscar insisted, slipping off the chair.
“are you sure?” yn asked hesitantly, bare knees pressed against the cool cast iron that was holding the slats of the table together.
oscar slipped under the table, on his hands and knees in the dark smokehouse as he fumbled around the the steak knife, crushing two kernels of popcorn underneath his khaki pants in the process.
yn, meanwhile, was hyper aware of the fact that her date, who she barely knew, was crawling around under the table, in public, near her slightly parted legs.
oh my god, she thought. do they think he’s going down on me?
there was a bang under the table, the slats shaking. she reached over the menus to grab the glass water bottle as it threatened to topple over.
“oscar?” she shouted “you alright?”
“yeah.” his voice came out strained, almost as if he was hurt. “hey, did you happen to spill any ketchup?”
she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, as a droplet of something warm fell against her toe through the lip of her sandals. “no. there isn’t any on the table.”
“fuck. I think I might need an ambulance.”
the emergency room is not where she wanted to spend her first date. it smelled like antiseptic soap, the lights too clinical and the plastic chairs too stiff. her neighbour looked pale, skin stained red from where he had bled.
as she understood it, oscar had hit his head on the cast iron hard enough to draw blood, but not enough that he was at risk of trauma or hemorrhaging.
or at least, that’s what the off-duty medic seated two tables over had said.
“how much blood do you think I’ve lost?” oscar wondered aloud, almost certain he was concussed. “if it’s less than a pint, I should be fine.”
yn laughed, rubbing him on the shoulder. “oscar, you’re fine. you still have most of your blood.”
“I’m so sorry our date ended like this. I ruined everything.” he exhaled, leaning to rest his head against the wall, still clutching g the bag of frozen peas given to him by kitchen staff against his cut.
she smiled to herself, reaching for his free hand. “what makes you think you’ve ruined anything?”
“the fact that there’s blood streaming down my face? or that were in the emergency room instead of sharing a hot chocolate fudge cake?”
they both laughed at the sheer absurdity of their situation, and yn resisted to urge to rest her head on his shoulder.
“you’re quite the man, oscar piastri. maybe you can make it up to me? I’m sure the smokehouse will be tripping over themselves to give us a free meal after tonight.”
oscar laughed lowly, a look of pain crossing his eyes. “you’d still want to go out with me after tonight?”
“of course I would, you adorable idiot.”
oscar looked like he was about to say something else when a tired-looking nurse in pink scrubs came rushing out of a hallway.
“mr and mrs piastri?”
yn flushed, her face heating up under the nurses gaze. “oh no, we’re not married. not even together, really.”
with all the energy he could, oscar winked at her before shakily getting to his feet in the sterile room. “wait for me, my love.”
yn laughed, watching him walk towards the nurse.
as far as first dates go, this one wasn’t bad at all, was it?
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moonlit-imagines · 2 months
Headcanons for being Johnny Lawrence’s daughter
Johnny Lawrence x daughter!reader
warnings: alcohol, underage drinking, classic johnny sexism <3
a/n: WHAT! ME write a fic thats not gn, i know. im shocked too but its just bc i feel johnny is so gender-stereotypey that doing this gn wouldn’t work very well but very open to a son!r or nb!r if anyone is interested (bc seriously. johnny cannot help but bring up genders). also i just want to say that a lot of this (not all!) honestly reminds me of or are actual things that have happened w my dad bc johnny is literally my dad if my dad was like 8 years older i think also i wrote this all in one sitting ALSO NO COBRA KAI SEASON 6 SPOILERS
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you always kinda just gravitated toward living with your dad
“y/n, i’m so proud of you. i never have to worry about you. you can take care of yourself. robby on the other hand, i worry about him. i think girls are just more self sufficient” -johnny, a little drunk
“thanks dad” -you, also a little drunk (hes a “cool dad”)
he was the type of parent that “prefers that if you’re gonna do something stupid at least do it while he’s around” aka underage drinking
whenever he stays out late you fall asleep in his bed. and lock him out
“y/n! open the door!” -johnny, banging on the door
“no! your bed is more comfortable” -you
he thought it was sweet honestly but he did want to sleep in his bed
sort of like a lesson not to come home late all drunk and gross
he was VERY against letting you drive his car
“dad, i need my license!” -you
“no woman is getting behind the wheel of my firebird” -johnny
“why do you have to make it about women? i’ll fight you” -you
“you’ll lose that fight” -johnny
“oh, so you’d fight a teenage girl? wow, real classy, dad” -you
“no, but i’d fight my teenage daughter. i brought you into this world and i’ll take you out” -johnny
you honestly had a great sense of humor with johnny, but you’d check him if he said anything too messed up
“dad, it’s not the 80’s anymore, you can’t say that” -you
“dont tell me what i can and cant say! the 80’s were awesome, i wish it was the 80’s again” -johnny
“so i’ve heard” -you
he helped you with your homework as a kid until like, 2nd grade when multiplication and division got involved
he did teach you karate growing up! but mostly the basics, for self defense purposes
“hey, never let any guy try to impress you with his karate skills. he’s probably a douche” -johnny, pausing “i sure was”
late night movie marathons (70s/80s classics for sure)
he took care of you during your first hangover (high school parties, ya know)
“didn’t i teach you better than to mix liquors” -johnny
“ugghhhh” -you
yes, you have heard about daniel larusso. enough said LMAO
robby and you had a kind of sweet but distant relationship
occasional check-in texts
robby: are you doing okay with dad? he’s actually buying food and shit?
you: yeah! he’s fine right now, how’s mom? new stepdad yet? is he rich?
robby: mom’s not going anywhere she’d find a rich guy, but keep dreaming
you wear a lot of your dad’s old t-shirts. usually band tee’s
oh and he made sure you got into the “right music”
he used to drive you around in the firebird when you were a SMALL CHILD (front seat, no car seat!) and blast his old cassettes
for YEARS he’d pull the “who is this” “what song is this” game with the reasoning:
“if you wear a band shirt and some asshole asks you to name three songs, i want you to name ten” -johnny
listen. you were still “daddy’s girl” or whatever used to be a cute little saying and is now ruined but whatever
“dad, can i have twenty bucks?” -you
“for what” -johnny
“for fun. pleaseeee” -you
*johnny pulls out his wallet and gives you $40*
could he afford it? no. can he say no? also no.
the absolute fear he felt when you got your first period
“it’s fine, i can call mom” -you
“no, it’s not fine! i’ve had girlfriends before, i got this. stay here, i’ll be back” -johnny
he went to the store and bought the most random assortment of period products and pain meds and snacks and a heating pad
A for effort
when the diaz family moved in across from you guys, miguel took one look at you and johnny said:
“stay away from my daughter”
when the karate fuss got started you tried to keep your distance but sooner or later you joined the dojo and proved to your dad just how “badass” you could be
“take notes everyone, y/n’s gonna be the next all valley champ!” -johnny
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @retvenkos // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @an4aaa // @summersimmerus // @xoxobabydolls // @sapphireplums // @petersgroupie // @ravenhood2792 // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 // @elemental-of-magic //
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Things I have gathered about Danny Phanton without having ever watched the show (from posts and fanfics):
There's ghosts and they're kind of assholes, but they're also all friends and have christmas parties. Their presence is treated as a mild annoyance by everyone except the ghost hunters.
The main character is a dead 14yo. Sometimes. He's also trans.
There are adult professional ghost hunters around. Literally all of them seem like they are just taking out their serial killer urges on ghosts. "Man is the real monster" trope in action. At least some of the ghost hunters are a Men In Black parody.
The dead 14yo actually the most competent at removing ghosts from the mortal plane.
There is another 14yo who is not dead and also hunting ghosts. She's somehow also more competent at it than the adults.
The MC's parents are ghost hunters and want to torture him into perma-death. That is somehow not the biggest problem with their parenting.
(Like, I get that adults in kids' media need to be kinda dumb and immature for the premise of the show/book/movie/whatever to work, but I'm getting the feeling the adults in this show cross the line of 'plot necessary dumbass' into 'fucked up and abusive' territorry.)
One of the ghosts is tiny, piloting a giant mecha suit and dedicated to skinning the MC and hanging his skin on his wall. He somehow also has a cool rocker girlfriend and thinks this will impress her. Jury's out on whether or not that's a good strategy.
There is a ghost called the Box Ghost, who demands to be taken seriously. Nobody takes him seriously.
The MC's nemesis is another dude who is sometimes dead. He looks like a vampire and swears in food. He also wants to kill the MC's dad (for mostly valid reasons) and bang his mom (for no good reason at all) and adopt the MC as his son(mostly because of his hangups around the parents, not because said parents suck at being parents). In a villainous and fucked up way, because he's the main antagonists. He's also a billionaire, has a cat, and is weirdly obsessed with american football (IDK jack shit about american football, but the level of obsession is treated as not normal by the characters so I will assume it is weird and just how americans be like).
There were 3 seasons, but half of the fandom is convinced the third one may have been a fever dream because it's so bad.
There was a finale that everyone pretends didn't happen because it sucked.
There is at least one time travel fix it episode and the time travel ghost wears way too many watches.
The MC has two living friends - Wade from Kim Possible, but thinner and leaves his house, and a jewish goth vegan.
The MC has a clone and she's a baby and a gremlin.
The ships all have the weirdest fucking names.
Somehow half the named characters being dead is not the angstiest part of the show.
I kinda want to know how someone came up with it and what drugs they were taking. IDK if I want to try some or avoid them, but it would be good to know either way.
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v4mporino · 1 year
ask game
1. whats your favorite thing in your room?
2. how tall do you wish you were?
3. what color is your hair?
4. whats a rare fear that you have?
5. are you single?
6. has your heart ever been broken?
7. what was your favorite thing as a kid?
8. favorite coping mechanism?
9. whats your favorite love language?
10. how often do you get nervous?
11. if you had three wishes, would you use them?
12. if you could be fluent in any language which one would it be?
13. where do you wish to live?
14. what’s something surprising about you?
15. when did you last shower?
16. when did you first join tumblr?
17. do you want any tattoos? if so, where, what, and why?
18. whats the most prominent dream youve had?
19. whats your dream job?
20. whats your ideal date?
21. what do you wish you could do better?
22. what country would you live in if you could?
23. whos the best person you know?
24. have you ever walked into something you shouldnt have?
25. whats your favorite holiday?
26. when have you been most embarrassed?
27. whats your favorite halloween costume?
28. what are you best at?
29. do you know how to tie your shoes?
30. do you have siblings?
31. if you could know one thing about the future what do you wanna know?
32. whats a dealbreaker for you?
33. whats your favorite current class?
34. how many people have you dated?
35. how often do you wash your hair?
36. do you daydream? what about?
37. where do you go to be alone?
38. which parent do you like more?
39. whats the one standard you hold yourself to?
40. whos voice do you enjoy?
41. if you could announce one thing to the world what would it be?
42. whats one thing you wanna do but havent yet?
43. what do you wish you never did?
44. do you believe in life after death?
45. do you prefer book over movie?
46. whats your favorite season?
47. whats your favorite time of day
48. do you have a beloved stuffed animal?
49. whens a time you wish you acted differently?
50. what’s something you wish that you never bought?
51. do you have your own room?
52. whats your favorite book?
53. who’s someone you hate?
54. whats your best hottake?
55. whats your favorite game?
56. whens a time you felt real genuine fear?
57. are you a morning person?
58. do you drink enough water?
59. how different are you from the little kid you used to be?
60. do you enjoy tumblr?
61. have you ever had a tumblr experience that made you wanna delete the app?
62. whats your least favorite game?
63. were you a markiplier fan?
64. how do you respond to compliments?
65. whats something that would make you fall in love?
66. do you believe in marriage?
67. do you have a crush on someone?
68. do you like tumblr?
69. were you a voltron stan?
70. whats your favorite ship?
71. whats your favorite song?
72. do you like loud crowds?
73. have you ever created conflict on purpose?
74. how do you sleep?
75. do you bite your lips?
76. do you use chapstick?
77. do you have any pets?
78. what color are your eyes?
79. what’s something you wish you could change about yourself?
80. have you ever had surgery?
81. whats your least favorite animal?
82. whats something that youre really bad at?
83. do you have an sqishmellows?
84. do you enjoy fast food?
85. do you like soda?
86. what grade are you in?
87. do you wear any jewelry?
88. what socials do you use?
89. whats your lowest grade in school right now?
90. whats the latest youve stayed up till?
91. did you ever have bangs?
92. what trends did you hate?
93. whats your favorite item of clothing?
94. do you like dinosaurs?
95. whats your opinion on body hair?
96. whats your least favorite time?
97. do you make a wish at 11:11?
98. do you have your phone on military or regular?
99. have you ever been to church?
100. are you lgbtq?
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jjoongstar · 2 months
❝LOLA'S LIBRARY❞✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵´
my personal list of all of my fav fics that i really love and would like to reread again for fun. i'll always continue to add more on this list. NONE OF THESE WOKRS ARE MINE!!!
smut🔥| fluff ☁️| angst 💧| most fav & highly rec❤️‍🔥
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★¸.•☆•.¸★ ATEEZ ★⡀.•☆•.★
love you goodbye 🔥💧[psh] breakup sex, i legit cried
intertwined☁️[psh] mermaid y/n, siren seonghwa
sleep talker🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[psh] enemies to lovers, one bed trope, vacation au, love the tension & plot
royal library🔥☁️[psh] royalty au, plot twist, legit ult fav, mak lurve giler
(not so) sweet dream☁️[psh] very fluffy, snuggling hihihshs
Red Dress🔥☁️[psh] enemies to lovers, amazing plot
You Come First🔥☁️[psh] drug dealer, dom!hwa went too far, y/n used safe word
Make Me Water🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[psh] friends to lovers, lots of giggling
prefect and t(h)reats🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[psh] harry potter au, slytherin hwa x hufflepuff y/n
I Know It's Over☁️💧❤️‍🔥[psh] historical au, tragic ending, cliche storyline but i cried anyways
The General's Wife☁️❤️‍🔥[psh] possessive military general husband hwa
The Way To His Heart (series)☁️💧❤️‍🔥[psh] joseon era, general sh, arranged marriage, amazing plot, scrumptious storyline, sngt lurve gilerr frr
She's a regular here... (pt.1)🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[psh] drug dealer, legit fav, trilogy
Use me like a drug! (pt.2)🔥☁️[psh]
Baby we're high on you. (pt.3)🔥☁️[psh, khj]
opposite attracts🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[psh,khj] addams!matz, love the plot
One Day At A Time☁️💧[psh, jyh] royal au, most heartbreaking fic ever, i legit cried ffs, there's comfort at the end
mafia☁️[khj, jwy] mafia au, love the part where she slept on hj's bed
pretty🔥[khj] pure steamy smut, no plot
training wheels🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[khj] prof hj x student y/n, taught her how to suck his cock, ft. woo
Ugh, As If🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[khj] ult fav, y/n has insomnia & he helped her , sngt lurve yurr
Loyalties☁️[khj] criminal hj x detective y/n, love the chemistry, had me giggling, kinda reminds me of sanzu
Dreamy (series)🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[khj] dilf hj, bestie sh's daughter, legit ult fav ever, literally drooling, i love this sm istg, the best one ever, they finally fuck at pt. 6
5:04 am☁️[smg] he help lulled her to sleep
just between friends🔥❤️‍🔥[smg, jyh] pure filthy smut, love all the consents
principia (pt.1)🔥☁️[jyh] prof yuyu x student y/n, got my heartbeat racing
opticks (pt.2)🔥☁️[jyh]
Teacher's Pet🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[jyh] college au, prof yuyu x student y/n, heavy angst (my heart ached sm, i legit cried), "it reopened wounds it never healed", (will reread when i feel like hurting myself again)
outlaw🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[jyh] cowboy yuyu x bartender y/n, amazing plot
cry for me🔥[jyh] pure smut, crying kink, aftercare
whichever way🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[jwy, cs] threesome, has plot, amazing chemistry, kinky
Hardcore🔥☁️💧❤️‍🔥[cjh] teacher jh x student y/n, heartbreaking frr, "you like me...but you love her-", the other women
oh shit, are we in love?🔥☁️[cjh] romcom, college au, bestie to lovers, virgin jh
Ateez Reactions: When You Use Safeword🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[ot8] tbh, idk how to desc this cuz i like seeing them immediately changed from rough & full in lust to soft & concerned
boyfriend!ateez discovering you write smut☁️[ot8] fake text, they're just so funny i giggles too much & accidently banged my head on the wall
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★¸.•☆•.¸★ SEVENTEEN ★⡀.•☆•.★
emails i can't send💧[ot13] istg its so devastatingly heartbreaking, highly rec to read during the bloody season
step by step☁️[jww] softie but they were talking bout sex tho
the wolf and the fox☁️[kmg] spy au, the tension btwn the two tho
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★¸.•☆•.¸★ P1HARMONY ★⡀.•☆•.★
cinnamon banana pancakes☁️[keeho] soft, fluffy, making breakfast
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★¸.•☆•.¸★ OTHERS ★⡀.•☆•.★
idk which category these should go, so i'll place them here:
the better man🔥☁️[san, mingyu] threesome, college au, they fight for y/n
seeing double🔥☁️❤️‍🔥[seonghwa, wonbin] college au, red flag fwb hwa, soft shy wonbin
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dividers are by @roseraris
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billthedrake · 18 hours
I've been wanting to write a chubby chaser story for a while, and this is what I came up with. It's not everyone's cup of tea, I know, but for those into it, I hope to do a follow up to go deeper.
I reracked the weights and sat up on the bench. I'd have a better workout with a spotter, but I also enjoyed the quiet of the Stanford weight room at moments like this. It was summer session, and the football team was starting their summer pre-season camp. I'd have some consultations with a number of the athletes later on that afternoon, but for now they were all in a morning-long meeting.
All except for one.
"Hey Coach," came the familiar voice, though it took me a half second to place it. But I looked up to see Tyler Mills, all 6 foot 3 of him. Tyler was must have been a senior now. I'd worked a lot with him in his sophomore year, after he got his knee banged up pretty bad and had to rehab after surgery.
"Tyler," I said. "How's it going, man? How's the knee?"
I saw a look of sadness sweep behind the bright affable smile. "OK, I guess," he said, shuffling some on his feet. He was wearing shorts and an oversized Stanford T, and even beneath the draping shirt, I could tell that trim, buff Tyler Mills had put on a few pounds. "A lot better, actually, but I'm not on the roster now. They still let me come get a work out in, you know, hang out with the guys."
My heart ached for the guy. They hadn't taken away his scholarship, but the injury had taken away his football dreams.
I gave a sympathetic nod but mostly flashed a buddy kind of smile. "You know, if you want me to take a look at your knee, I can."
I was surprised by the flash of thrill in his brown eyes. "For real?" Then catching himself, he added, "I don't want you to have to do anything you're not supposed to, Coach."
I wasn't one of the main coaching staff. Instead I'd been brought in to do a combination of strength coaching and physical therapy for all the big Stanford teams, but football especially. Half the jocks called me Mr. Carson, half just Coach C. Tyler was in the Coach camp.
"You can see how busy I am right now," I joked, gesturing around to the near empty weight room. "How's this? You can spot me for the next couple of sets, and then we'll go get set up in the back room."
He bounded over behind the rack like an excited puppy.
He wasn't the only thing excited. I had to will my cock to stay soft or at least normal sized as I lay back and could see up into that oversized shirt. Tyler Mills had a classic ex-jock beer belly. Probably a solid twenty pounds that hung in a perfectly round swell just over the hem of his shorts.
I channeled that flash of lust into a great set, even with the extra weight. And I forced myself to be normal as I made small talk with Tyler as I rested a second.
Most of the time I'm professional as can be. I'm an out and proud gay dude, even if I keep a low profile at work. Even though I'm around very in-shape young athletes, there's generally not my type. It took a number of years to fully admit it, and many more years to fully explore it, but I'm a chubby chaser. A couple of the D-line guys have the girth that might capture my attention, but generally I was safe, no matter how hands-on I might be in my job.
Tyler Mills wasn't a chub, but something about that belly made that sense of safety go out the window.
He spotted me for a max-weight rep, then encouraged me like I was one of his gym buddies. "Beast!" he grunted.
I rubbed out the soreness then stood up from the bench. If I didn't know better, I would have thought Tyler was looking at me in that way, but he made some comment about how in shape I was. "You're definitely giving me goals, Coach," he said.
I was in shape. I'd been a lacrosse player at Maryland and after doing some personal training after college, I'd gone for my PhD in kinesiology. I was now religious about working out and eating right. I was 39 and not going to enter my 40s without doing my damnedest to resist getting older.
I led Tyler back to the room that was set up with a table and some basic rehab equipment - bands, small weights, balancing balls and the like.
I had him get on the table and asked him to update me.
"I've been doing my exercises, Coach," he said. "Maybe not religiously, but you know..."
I nodded and sat down in a chair next to the table. I was thankful for the XXL T-shirt and the way it didn't show off Tyler's belly. Tyler's legs were still big and tautly muscled.
"You able to do leg day now?" I asked, my hands massaging the right quad muscle and working down to knee.
"Yeah," he said. "With some adaptation."
"How's this feel?" I asked. A year and a half ago, the wide receiver would be wincing in pain the moment I touched anywhere near his knee.
"Normal," he said. He was looking down at me seriously, and I could tell the memories of our earlier rehab sessions were coming back to him.
I worked closer to the joint and pressed in with my fingers.
"Oh!" he gasped. "That hurts."
I let go and massaged down his calf. Then back up to the hamstrings. His legs were hairier than last time I'd had a PT session with him. I loved how soft his light brown fur was.
"Your hamstrings are way tight," I observed.
I pulled back and patted his thigh. "All right, let's do some simple body weight squats."
I worked him through a number of diagnostic exercises. He did them well, but quickly we found where his range of motion was compromised and the spots that gave him a sore pain.
He looked at me expectantly. The ex-jock had a soft scruffy beard now, kept trimmed, and he looked about five years older than when I last worked with him. But he still was young and had that innocence to his face.
"I can give you some new exercises to work on," I said. "What do you think of a weekly PT session... to check in?"
That surprised Tyler. "God, Coach, that would be incredible."
"It'd have to be bright and early," I said. The Athletics Department had a full day for me, and I knew I couldn't prioritize a kid not on the roster. But I could take an earlier train. I was probably crazy to volunteer this, but I was thinking with my dick, I knew. Besides, Tyler was a nice guy. One of those jocks who could be a beast on the football field but a sweetie off.
"I got nothing else going on, Coach," he agreed affably.
I gave him a bro-ish fist bump and told him I should get back to my workout. I had only twenty minutes or so before the morning team huddles were over.
The whole ride home I was questioning myself. Certainly my professionalism was going out the window. But at least Tyler Mills wasn't on the roster. And I really was helping the guy out.
I got home and even though I was hungry for dinner, I set down my keys and went to my bedroom, where a comfy bed and some lube was ready for a quick stroke. I kicked off my shoes and pushed down my joggers. My prick was already ready, jerking up into a rigid spike as I pulled down the covers. A couple of squirts in my palm was just the right amount for a good JO. I lay back and visualized Tyler Mills' belly. That twenty pound belly sticking out above me. I imagined him lifting his shirt for me, showing off that magnificent round girth, that ex-jock gut.
I shot hard.
I spend my teen years in denial and my college years sure that I was majorly fucked up for my kink. I'd grown up in a small town, with a bunch of Southern bubbas and men who were just big guys. My high school football coach, the vice principal, the neighbor dad next door, my boss at my summer job. Men who were thick all over but especially their bellies. They were the stars of my masturbation fantasies. To this day, I have a fetish for big guts filling out a button-down and hanging over a pair of khakis, especially framed by a Sunday-best blue blazer.
I moved away, away from the Southern bubbas and even from blue blazer country. But I eventually made peace with the fact I was almost exclusively into overweight guys. I discovered chubby porn and the chub/chaser subculture. I had my first real job with the Packers organization, learning and apprenticing there before getting a promotion. There was a lot of Wisconsin beef around that was fun to look at, but I didn't get to play with big guys as much as I wanted. I'd take trips to the city, to Chicago especially, where I lined up new chubs to fuck each visit.
I was in demand, too, as a chaser. Most chasers tend to be either twink-thin, or else have mild bellies themselves. I actually tried to gain weight once, until I realized that I had better luck attracting chubs with a fit, muscular jock body.
I started doing videos and developed a following. It was my man whore period. I wasn't always nice to the chubs I fucked. I regret that, and I took some time to learn how to be better. It was a tricky song and dance. I was attracted to them for who they were, but the power differential was a real turn on for me, too.
I got the job at Stanford and moved to San Francisco. It was incredible. I dated casually and slept around a lot. I got to know some fellow chasers, who became friends and competition all at once. Even in a big city, the chub/chaser scene could feel incestuous.
I had one experience with a superchub, a genuinely obese guy. It freaked me out a little, actually, but it was also thrilling to try it. It felt taboo as fuck.
But lately my lust swung the other direction. I got tired of the "chub" look and began getting more into regular guys. I'll call 'em dadbod-plus. Men with big beer bellies who reminded me of some of the hometown bubbas. I had about three off-and-on fuckbuds, mostly married guys from the Bay Area who'd come in, plus an occasional businessman hookup.
Life was good.
Or at least I thought it was good until Tyler Mills.
Something about that college senior got under my skin. He wasn't even that big. On his muscular 6'3" body, he carried that bulk well. And compared to the men I normally slept with, Tyler was actually kind of normal.
It was the third PT session when I asked him what his goals were.
He blushed. "To lose weight," he said. "I guess I got kind of depressed last year and put on some pounds."
I gulped. That horny knot was forming in my chest but I tried not to be weird. "It happens," I said nonchalantly.
"Not to you," Tyler beamed. His eyes sweeping up and down my 6-foot-and-buff body. "You're an inspiration, Coach." Then as he did a one-legged dip, he asked, "You got a girlfriend or anything?... Sorry, that's really fucking nosey."
"It's all right," I assured him. "No boyfriend," I said pointedly. If Mills was going to ask about my personal life, he could deal with the answer. "Maybe I'm not the dating type."
I expected surprise, but the former footballer was doing his best to act cool. "Like I said... sorry for being nosey, Coach."
Still Tyler had a more relaxed posture and his eyes seemed to be seeking out something from me. Approval, an opening, or something.
"I sometimes think it would be easier to be straight," he said.
It was my turn to be surprised. I know I didn't hide it well. Tyler grinned as he noticed.
"How so?" I asked.
He shrugged. "Girls can be into the whole teddy bear thing," he said like he'd been giving a lot of thought to it. Maybe he had. "Gay dudes have pretty high expectations."
My hands were on his waist now as I assisted his body weight squat. I really wanted to actively feel up the love handles but kept my calm.
"Can I give some real talk, Tyler?" I offered softly.
"Sure thing, Coach." I could tell he was nervous about what I was going to say.
"There are a lot of men open to some extra girth..." I said, letting that idea sink in. "And even if not... a guy doesn't have to be a chaser to go for a good looking dude like you."
"Oh," he said. I'd said the wrong thing.
"You know what a chaser is?" I asked.
I could see Tyler blush. "Yeah," he said. He seemed almost sullen now. "You think I'm a fat guy, Coach?"
"Hardly," I said. Trying to keep my lust in check, since I knew I was dealing with a fine young man's real emotions. "God's truth. And there are plenty of guys who'd be into the ex-jock package."
I'd probably said the wrong thing there, too, since I knew Tyler felt bad he was no longer playing. But he perked up. "Yeah? I should get up to the city sometime." He paused before admitting, "Before I got injured... I met some guys online. It was fun."
"You're, what, 21? You should be having some fun, Tyler," I said. I didn't even mean it to be lecherous. But this young man deserved to have sex.
"Thanks, Coach, for the pep talk."
I patted his shoulder. Trying to make it a normal pat. "Any time. You know... I know you don't need me to show you around, but if you're ever up the city and want to hang out...."
I half regretted saying that, but you don't hit the shots you don't take. And my cock was definitely running the show.
"Yeah, Coach," Tyler said.
We'd wrapped up the PT session as normal. He had my cell number to text, but I was't going to push anything. I'd laid it out there, and Tyler could decide if he wanted to come into the city. He probably thought I was making a platonic offer, kind of a mentor big gay brother thing. I'd do that, too.
A week later I got a text to see if I was up for company on Saturday afternoon. I cleared my plans and moved my Saturday workout earlier.
Tyler looked like a million bucks when I met him for a late lunch. Gone was the oversized T shirt and he had on one of his older shirts that stretched snugly across the beer belly. Tyler Mills still wasn't in chub territory, but I had underestimated how much the guy had packed on his mid-section. Even if Tyler and I didn't fool around, I'd have a great JO with that visual.
Better was how the guy seemed to be more comfortable in his skin. We grabbed tacos in the Mission and hung out in the park. Even from behind his sun glasses Tyler seemed to be eyeing me up. I guess my own snug T-shirt and shorts were showing off my buff build to good effect.
"Can I ask a personal question, Coach?"
"You can call me Steve," I said. "And sure."
His smile grew serious. "Are you a chubby chaser?"
I thought of not telling him the truth, but I'd spent too long not embracing that part of me. I didn't like lying about my kink now. "Yeah, I am, Tyler."
He expected that answer but maybe not the direct confidence with which I answered him. He was letting it sink in. "I wouldn't have thought... a guy like you."
I shrugged. "I was about your age when I realized I could become the man I wanted to have sex with. Or be the man who'd get the guys I wanted to have sex with."
"Do all those chubby guys..." he lowered his voice. "Go for thinner dudes?"
"Not all," I assured him. "And some like more twinky types. But I do pretty well."
"I bet," Tyler said. Then catching himself, added, "Sorry Coach... Steve."
I laughed. "Am I freaking you out, buddy?"
"It's weird," he said. "Especially if you think of me that way." Leave it to this sweet jock to acknowledge the elephant in the room.
I gave him the most reassuring look I could. "You're not a chub," I said. "And it's not about labels... actually lately I've gotten more into regular guys with a little extra around the middle."
That seemed to put him at ease. He leaned back and nodded down to his stomach.
"Like mine?" he asked.
My dick was chubbing up. No stopping it. "You have no idea."
"I guess I had a little," he admitted. "After our last conversation. It got me going online," he chuckled. "I decided to wear something tighter fitting."
I tried not to sound like a creep. "I've very glad you did, Tyler."
That made him smile. "You know, this is the first time I've felt sexy in two years."
"You are sexy," I assured him. "Sexy as fuck."
"Coming from you, Steve, that's amazing." He spread his legs out some and seemed to be showing his gut off for me.
I wanted to kiss him, bad. But my greater head prevailed. "You know, in my position..." I started.
Tyler seemed almost scared of my rejection. "I wouldn't tell anyone, Coach. Promise."
This was going to happen. "Wanna come back to my place?"
He nodded like an excited kid. God, Mills was adorable as fuck.
We were both smiling goofy grins as we made out way to my condo.
"Nice place, Steve," he said as he looked around. "Hopefully I can move to the city after graduation."
"You should," I said. "You'd have a blast."
That made him smile. He stepped up to me, waiting for me to take the rest of the initiative. I did, pulling Tyler into me and claiming a soft kiss. Even if I wasn't the dating type, I was very much the kissing type.
This ex-baller was too. He responded with soft caresses of his tongue against mine, gently sucking me into his mouth before pushing back.
Meanwhile, my fingers were tracing beneath the hem of his shirt. I'd dreamed of touching Tyler Mills' gut for weeks now, and I was now doing it. His belly was firm and fat at the same time. I was rock hard and moaned into his mouth.
For his part Tyler was feeling me up, my arms, my chest, my back. He was just as turned on as I was.
I pulled him back, silently stepping us back toward the bedroom. We wouldn't make it all the way there that way, but Tyler got the idea. Breaking the kiss, he let me lead the way.
I think I gasped when he pulled that shirt off. The chest and arms and shoulders were football solid - Tyler hadn't neglected his weight training - but the belly was round and heaved as he undid his shorts and peeled them down.
My cock was hard and I enjoyed Tyler's gaze on my naked body as I got into bed first. He was actually showing off his belly to me as he got in on the other side.
Our mouths met and we both responded to each other's nakedness with an amped up fervor. I could now feel Tyler's thick dick below, humping into my hip. We made out hungrily, and felt each other up and lived out several weeks of pent-up lust. It was all coming out forcefully.
Particularly as Tyler rolled his big body on top of mine and began kissing along my neck, his hardon humping into me and his hands holding me down gently. I'd experienced this before with guys I hadn't met online. The wrestling for top bunk. Tyler Mills wanted to fuck me.
I was 90 percent top, but I wanted to give Tyler his wish. He needed the confidence boost, I decided, and his bulk felt pretty damn nice on top of me.
I felt his love handles getting more and more excited to take this ex-wide receiver's dick.
"Can you give me fifteen minutes, bud?" I asked. "I can get cleaned out for you."
I wasn't sure of Tyler Mill's experience, but he wasn't totally green. His eyes lit up. "Oh yeah." He rolled off me, letting me get off the bed and to the master bathroom.
I cleaned out and showered off and came out to see the college guy waiting expectantly, his prick not having gone down a bit. Tyler wasn't hung overly long but it was a decently thick tool that looked amazing riding up the swell of his beer belly. Mills might not have been a chub but I had a flash of excitement imagining him getting bigger.
"God Steve, you're amazing." He gave his prick a couple of tugs as I got into bed again.
"You too stud. Fuck."
I could see that confidence boost working on Tyler. Two years of injury and recovery and depression had taken a toll on the guy, but the fact I wanted him, really wanted him, had him brightening up visibly.
We kissed again, hungrily, and Tyler unleashed the inner beast. His kisses were more fevered against my neck and chest and even lower.
I lifted my legs back. Tyler wasn't skilled in rimming but he loved going hog wild. That worked for me. It had been too long since I'd had my ass eaten, and the fact it was this young big-bellied stud doing it had me wanting to put out.
I finally handed him some lube. His grin was big as he flipped the lid and began prepping me with his fingers. Eyes on my body and my face more than my hole.
"You do this much, Coach?" he asked with heavy lust.
I shook my head. "Usually I'm top," I said. "But I want you in me bud."
That made his prick jerk. He was so horny but also wanting to be respectful. He now worked in two and three fingers in me in alternation. My hole was feeling good.
"We, um, need protection or something?" he asked.
"I have some," I answered. I had one married fuckbud who insisted on condoms. "But I'm on PREP and get tested."
"Fuck," he hissed. He pulled back his fingers and slathered the excess lube onto this cock. Before I could react he was scooting up and stuffing it into my hole.
"Easy!" I urged. The entry was quick.
"Sorry," he said. He was clearly carried away. But now he held steady.
I looked up at him, his scruffy handsome face and his strong build and that round gut. And I opened right up for Mr. Mills.
"Fuck!" I hissed as his slick bone slid into me. "Yes..."
"God Coach," he grunted.
We weren't verbal. I don't know if Tyler was naturally the verbal type. But we didn't need sex talk. We were both in thrall with the other's bodies. Tyler's round 20-pounds of gut flesh swelling out between my spread legs, jiggling slightly as his whole body thrust into me. Maybe I should bottom more, I thought, because my insides felt alive at that moment. Not just my p-spot but all of it.
Tyler was cumming before I knew it, his face hardening into a determined top face as he drove in faster to get his nut. It was intense, but in a good way. I jerked my dick and rode the crest of my own orgasm.
We were hyperventilating as we uncoupled.
"Damn," he hissed. Resting his head on my shoulder and snuggling up to me. "Thanks for that."
I kissed his forehead. "Thank you, stud... I needed that more than I realized."
He smiled, and leaned forward for a kiss. I was happy to give him one.
We lay in bed and talked about men and sex and life. I didn't give him my whole life story, but Tyler got some hints about what being a chaser meant for me. He was still dealing with the closet and learning about sex beyond porn.
We had a mini affair, until Tyler got freaked out. I think some of it was wanting to play the field. But he still didn't like thinking of himself as fat and didn't like that's the part of him that I responded to.
I said something that triggered him, but it was probably bound to happen anyway. He stopped answering my texts, and if he came into the city, it wasn't to see me.
My fortieth birthday came and went. I wondered what I was doing with my life. Maybe it was time to become the dating type. But I had two fuckbuds on the regular now. A big extra-beefy coach from South Bay and a pot-bellied married guy from the suburbs. Occasionally I got DMs on my old twitter account, and I hooked up with a couple of chubs who came to town. I heard from a superchub who was a big fan of my old videos, but I wasn't sure I wanted that experience again.
I didn't expect a text out of the blue. But one spring day, Tyler texted me. "How you doing, Coach?"
It was the right text at the right time. I perked up at my desk. "Doing well. How about you Tyler?"
"Can't complain." Then "Sorry I went no contact."
"No expectations," I said. "For real."
"Cool." A minute passed then. "Can I see you sometime?"
"I'm out of town the next couple of weeks," I wrote. Spring Break was coming up, and I had a vacation tripped planned. "But I'm around after."
"Nice. I'll reach out."
We picked up right where we left off. Sort of. When Tyler showed up at my place, he was bigger. The twenty pound gut had become a thirty pound gut. He had some amazing genetics that concentrated the extra fat into his belly. He wore a polo shirt that showed off the round swell to good effect.
"Hey," he said with a nervous smile as I led him in. He was clean shaven now, and as adorable as ever. The baseball cap topped off the collegiate look, but I playfully took it off him and tossed it aside before leaning in.
Our kiss was soft. I grunted as I felt his hard-soft stomach press against my flat one.
I wasn't sure what to expect but as we made out and pawed at each other, I knew we were going to have sex. First thing.
"Bedroom?" I asked.
Tyler nodded excitedly. "Yeah. One of these days I'd love to do it elsewhere... try every room in your place."
I pawed at my crotch. "You look so hot, Tyler," I grunted.
He grinned and puffed out his chest some. Gone was the kid shy about his weight. At least for now. "I tried to lose weight Coach, but figured, fuck it."
My fingers were now tugging at that polo shirt. Tyler helped me take it off the rest of the way. His chest was meaty as ever and that just made his big gut hotter. I openly ran my hands over all of it, shoulders to stomach and back. Tyler relaxed and let me.
"I've never been fucked, Steve," he said.
My hands paused. "Yeah?" I asked expectantly.
Tyler was nervous as fuck. I got that. "I've been thinking about it. A lot."
My hands more gently massaged him. Not in a chub chaser kind of way, more in a reassuring caress kind of way. "I've broken guys in before," I said softly. "I know what I'm doing." God at that moment I knew I'd kill to get into Tyler Mills' ex-jock hole.
He gave me a playful grin. "I know... I, um, came across some of your vids, Coach," he said. "Actually a lot of them."
I blushed. I don't even know why. But it was a part of my life that was kind of behind me. "Hope you liked them."
He nodded. "I thought of being one of those guys you did." That impish look grew stronger. "Damn, some of those guys are BIG too," he laughed. "You really are into that."
I nodded. But patted his stomach which was still hard-fat but had more give these days. "You're more my speed for now, Mills," I grinned. I don't know why his last name came out, it just felt right.
Our lips were softer touching again. But Tyler's hands fumbled with my jeans and greedily reached in to grip my boner. He had a good touch. I suspect Tyler had fooled around with other men over the last year-plus. I was glad.
"You're big," he finally said as we broke. Tyler was looking down at the cock in his fist.
"Not too big, Tyler," I said.
He thought about it. "I jerked off so much to your vids. Just watching you..."
I patted his arm. All solid. "The real thing will be hotter," I said.
He crouched down in front of me. Tyler wasn't going to suck me to completion. I wasn't going to let him. But from our previous affair, I knew he could. Slowly he sucked down several inches and worked up a nice, slow bob. I enjoyed the foreplay and finally pulled him up.
Then returned the favor. I love sucking a fat guy, feeling the belly press against my forehead as I work my mouth closer to the base of the dick. Tyler now had enough to let me know I had some real girth on my hands.
I finally spit out his cock. "Turn around," I urged.
Tyler had a football player's ass. Round, hard but not a bubble but. Tyler was just now starting to get the fullness a fat dude has, particularly along the upper part of the glutes where they meet the love handles circling around the lower back.
It drove me wild. I parted those muscle buns and dove in. Licking up and down that lightly furry trench.
"Yes," Tyler hissed. He clearly loved having his ass eaten. He liked it even more when I really went at it, drilling in with my tongue. Tyler was clean as a whistle, and I knew he'd prepped for me.
He now leaned over which made those love handles squish some. I growled into that hole and ate him out more eagerly.
I finally pulled out. I slid my finger along the spit wet trench but not penetrating him. "I'll take it easy, stud. But I gotta get inside you."
He nodded. His nerves coming back. But he accepted my kiss when I stood up and let me guide him back to my room.
"I'm at 240 now," he boasted as he got into my bed.
Between the videos and that admission, I realized Tyler had absorbed at least some of the chub/chaser kink, at least enough to use it to turn me on.
"Incredible," I said. I grabbed some lube and fisted my cock, in full view of Tyler's hungry gaze. "I hope you're feeling good about your body."
"Yes and no," he answered truthfully. "But I'm really glad you like it."
"You have no idea, buddy," I said.
"I have some idea," he replied, glancing at my cock.
We kissed and embraced. I felt him up but no more than he gripped my toned bulked muscle. I applied more lube to my fingers worked them in between his buns. Probing and teasing until it felt right to enter him.
He hissed but I could tell he enjoyed it. Our faces were close and our bodies touched as he angled his beefed-out body so I could get access. I took advantage. One finger, then another. Slowly working him open. Eyes locked on his the whole time.
"Feel good?" I asked.
"Yes, Coach."
A third finger pushed in. It was a lot for Tyler, but after a minute I could tell that was feeling good too.
"Can I ride you?" he asked.
"It's actually tougher for the first time that way," I explained. "Let me take the cherry and then we can do whatever position you want. OK?"
He seemed to trust me. So I guided him on his back, that round stomach perfectly resting. I slid a pillow beneath his hips and rested his legs on my shoulder. He was nervous now, but I fingered him some more. Like five minutes more, before I lined up and pressed in.
He gritted his teeth and winced but the feeling didn't hurt like he expected. I took my time then finally pressed past the tightness of those first three inches.
Tyler's eyes opened. THIS felt good to him. I slowly pumped, my movements gentle even as my eyes fixed his with a controlling gaze. Silently urging the ex-jock to take my dick.
He relaxed into the fuck, a look of gratitude on his face. I was showing Tyler a new way to be a man.
I pumped out some lube on to his palm and when he stroked in rhythm to my stokes, the lightbulb really went off.
"I can feel it," he said. "My prostate."
I fucked harder now, and the guy nodded up with excitement, his hand going faster on his thick dick. His belly jiggled now which was going to get me off, soon.
"You like my body," he said. Or maybe asked.
"I love it. Love fucking that thick ex-jock body, Tyler."
"I thought you might prefer me bigger," he hissed, softly. Embarrassed at the admission.
I didn't care. He was getting me out of control. I pounded him, making all that excess flesh move and jiggle wildly. His face turned red then his whole body and I watched streams of cum jet out in thick ropes onto that beer belly.
I nutted. Matching Tyler's cumload size, deep inside his once-virgin ass.
Later, as we showered and made out, I told him that just was about the hottest sex I'd ever hard. I wasn't exaggerating.
He leaned into my hands as I worked the suds over his girthy flesh, trying not to fixated on his midsection.
"I know you're not the dating type, Coach, but can we go on a date some time?" he asked.
I gave him a kiss. Not quick, not slow. "It's the least you deserve, Mills," I replied. My cock chubbing up a little again.
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mlbigbang · 10 months
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2023 Ladynoir Fic Rec List
It’s the end of the year which means it’s finally time for the ML Big Bang’s yearly fic rec lists! We’re really excited to bring you our contributors’ favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you’re waiting for the Big Bang fics’ publication in January.
all of your flaws and all of my flaws (are laid out one by one) by @coffeebanana
Ladybug and Marinette have both been acting strangely since Monarch's defeat, and Chat Noir would give anything to know why—to be able to help them. He just…didn't expect his answers to come when Ladybug drags him to his father's statue in the middle of the night along with a bag full of spray paint.
This fic explores the aftermath of the season 5 finale and provides some badly needed hurt/comfort, lovesquare communication, and vandalism ; )
with this ring by @thelibraryloser
She thought “you and me against the world” had sounded like lopsided odds before, when she hadn’t even dreamed “you against me” was a possibility. Or maybe she had dreamed it, but at least in those dreams he’d had cold blue eyes and a stark white mask. The villain she’d fought today had looked at her through her partner’s own bright green eyes. It wasn’t meant to be this way.
It tore at my heartstrings! It deals with a unique Ladynoir 'enemies' premise in a beautiful way
Let Me Count the Ways (aka Chat Noir's List of Ladybug's New Habits) by @sariahsue
Chat Noir thought it might be a good idea to start keeping a list of all the strange things Ladybug had been doing lately. It might help him to figure out what it all meant. There was the stumbling, the stuttering, the blushing. It had appeared out of nowhere. No, that wasn't quite right. It had all started when they were dancing at the gala, when she'd been so nervous that she tripped over the perfectly flat marble floor and smashed her face into his chest.
Like Smoke from a Furnace by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
Marinette and Adrien give up their Miraculous. Ladybug and Chat Noir never meet again.
It's hard to categorize this. Is this a ship or is it gen? It's strictly Adrienette because they're married. But pre-reveal. It forks after Kwami's Choice and asks the question: How would LB cope with LB and CN never getting their miraculous back after Kwami's Choice? But the story's title seems to indicate that this is kind of a "forbidden Ladynoir" fic because it's an allusion to the potentially devastating effects of "looking back" when you shouldn't. I've read this fic like a dozen times and am completely obsessed.
telepathy by @thelibraryloser
There’s a certain amount of telepathy created after several years fighting beside someone. It’s a mix of chemistry, history, and probably a bit of actual magic, and it comes down to this: Chat Noir usually knows exactly what his Lady is thinking. So, when a bike messenger hands him a three digit number written on a piece of hospital stationary, he knows exactly what Ladybug is asking him to do. He just can’t believe it. 
soft and sweet and much ladynoir! <3
A 'Super' Guide to 'Super' Dating by @mysticraven20
When Ladybug just scrapes into the top 10 of Paris’ favourite heroes list, she asks her partner and her best friend for help. After they decide she’s not personable enough, which in result, makes her unapproachable, Marinette goes out to try and become one with the public by writing her very own dating blog. As the blog turns into an overwhelming hit, Marinette finds herself in an awkward position, once again falling for the guy she’s always longed for; a guy who has started his own search for love following her ‘Super’ guide to ‘Super’ Dating.
I just love the idea of Ladybug writing a dating column as she tries to find love in the city.
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ghostiesnightmare · 2 months
Tricks and Treats
Stalker!Ghostface x Reader
Warnings: Implied non-con, stalking, harassment, nudity, brief descriptions of gore, NSFW
Word count: 2.8K
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The world is a dangerous place. More specifically, Woodsboro is a dangerous place. The almost idyllic scenery that the California town had to offer was a perfect getaway from the bustle of the dense city, but only if you knew where to find it. The small-town charm of the porch-wrapped houses and corner stores had to offer seemed to give off the pleasantries of any other normal town. Yellow school buses shuttled teens to and from school, crowds gathered at the cinema or the occasional concert in town, and life moved at an almost melodramatic pace.
That is, until Casey Becker and her boyfriend were found gutted at the Becker household, their bodies bloated and distorted in a mess of blood, tissue, and bones. The town’s normalcy shattered as gossip swarmed the streets. Tensions rose, and suspicion grew at even the slightest of actions. There was a killer on the loose, and until caught, there was no way to know who or what was coming next.
The phone rang.
Your eyes shoot open with the sudden intrusion into your dreams. Groaning, you stretched, shoulders popping at the pressure as you glanced at the clock, wishing away the constant blare of the ringtone. The digital clock on the TV mantle almost glared at you in the dim lighting of the living room, 3:43, the witching hour. Blinking the sleep out of your eyes, you rose from the couch, pulling the blanket closer to your form as you hobbled into the kitchen. Cursing under your breath as you banged into the countertop, you blindly fumbled for the landline. Ripping the phone from its receiver, you brought the object to your ear as you glanced out the window, staring at the abyss of darkness surrounding the kitchen counter.
Quirking a brow, you listened closely, trying to discern if you had imagined the ringing in the first place or if you were really awake. You try again.
“Hello? Is someone there?”
A beat. Silence glares back at you. Slightly irritated, you move the phone to your other ear, leaning into the counter further as you awaited an answer.
“Look, it’s late, so whoever you are, call back at a reasonable time next time, okay-” Before you can finish your sentence, you hear it.
A low, dark chuckle cuts through the silence on the other end of the line like a knife. The hairs on the back of your neck raise and a chill shudders down your spine. The almost inhumane noise stiffens your legs and you freeze, jolted out of your sleepy state.
“You’re cute when you’re sleeping.” The voice purrs.
You almost jump out of your skin as the dial tone screeches into your ear, causing you to drop the phone onto the ceramic tiling of the kitchen counter. The phone clatters loudly as the wiring is pulled from the phone, plastic shattering across the kitchen floor, plunging the house into eerie silence once more. You tried to reason with yourself as you shakily picked up the shards of plastic strewn around the kitchen; it had to have been a prank due to the season, horror fanatics terrorizing unsuspecting callers in the middle of the night as Halloween approached. Your eyes flicked to the television, propped up across the house next to your resting place. Recalling the recent events on the news, fear settles into your stomach. Phone calls, Halloween, murder. Shuffling back to the couch, you hid beneath the layers of your blankets, the red of the clock still piercing the darkness.
Suddenly you feel much less convinced.
After your terrifying night time encounter with a “prank caller”, you assumed they would lose interest and the calls would die out as the days went on. You replaced the family receiver, started sleeping in your room, and moved on with your life. Except the calls wouldn’t stop. All well within the night, all when your parents were away, all with new terrifying details that plagued your dreams as you tried to brush them off. What started off with heavy breathing turned into creepy comments about your routine, personalized attacks, and depraved fantasies of gutting you like a fish. You began taking sleeping pills and drinking coffee to try and take back the hour that the anonymous bully had carved out of your nightly schedule. School started to feel like a crime scene, with you scrutinizing every classmate that looked at you through dark eyebags. You even considered going to the police to have a sense of peace when sleeping. Yet every night, you knew that he would be waiting for you as you drifted off, with even more sickening calls to startle you awake.
You began to wonder if he, you assumed it to be a he due to his rough language and sickening fantasies borderlining a psychopath regarding your looks and sleeping habits, got off to it. The thought of terrorizing a high school student while they slept might be his way to invoke some sick pleasure onto himself. You tried not to think about what he was doing when he rasped things about what your insides felt like or how you would sound while he was killing you. In a sense, he was killing you; your sense of security and privacy in your own home was shattered and you lived your life in a state of petrified terror, not trusting anything or anyone. Things started to go missing around your room; a pair of socks went missing from your dresser. Then a bra, then panties, then your toothbrush, each coming with their own methodical taut in the later hours.
“No wonder you shiver in your sleep, you never wear any socks; poor girl.”
“Looking for something, doll?”
“Lace panties? You dirty slut. I knew you were a filthy whore.”
It was a never ending nightmare.You began distancing yourself from your friends, scared that you might inject them with the perverse state you were constantly engulfed in. Grades started to slip as you dozed off in class, relishing in the few moments you had to sleep in peace. And yet, it only continued to get darker as time went on. Students dropping like flies, investigators and reporters swarming the streets, a mandatory curfew. As the clock ticked closer to All Hallows Eve, you prayed that everything would die down and you would finally return to your normal life. The one thing you had to look for was the lack of trick or treaters expected on Halloween due to the curfew, meaning a night truly to yourself. You could only hope that your eerie stalker had better things to do than to plague your night once more.
“Your wife has such a beautiful neck…”
Rolling your eyes at the television screen, you continued to watch the black and white movie while eating popcorn, basking in the solace that that night has so far offered you. The phone, although perched menacingly on the kitchen countertop, remained silent as you binged old horror movies and munched on snacks. You felt relaxed for the first time in weeks, soaking up the silence which was only interrupted by the occasional scream and tense music emitting from the television. You were right, you had endured the pranks and taunts until Halloween, but tonight was about you. You were free from the incessant calls and late night scares, and were finally at peace with the quiet of your home.
Yawning, you stretched, reaching into the popcorn bucket and finding it empty. Groaning, You rose from the couch and padded over to the kitchen, placing the tupperware into the sink before reaching into the counter to grab a glass. Turning on the faucet, you filled up your glass and placed it beside you, items in the sink clattering around as you washed the tupperware before drying your hands. Turning back to the living room, you paled.
The television was off.
Not off, per say, but a blank wall of static stared back at you, the fuzzy outline almost burning into your eyes as you stood frozen in the kitchen, clammy hands grasping your glass. Eyeing the television warily, you blindly fumbled around behind you, pulling a kitchen knife from the block. Creeping forward, you set the glass down and held the knife within both of your hands, jutting it out in front of you as you entered the living room. Feet hitting the rug, you stumbled slightly, gasping as you tripped clumsily, eyes never leaving the television. Reaching the couch, you grabbed the remote and flicked the television off. Silence fell upon the room once more, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
You audibly screeched, head whirling towards the front door as you blindly whipped the knife in a sweeping notion, almost spinning out due to the force. A chorus of children’s laughter was heard as you barely made out tiny silhouettes fleeing the scene. Even during a mandatory curfew, kids will always find a way to cause trouble on Halloween. Trying to calm your rapid breathing, you let the knife drop to your side. It’s just paranoia, these past few weeks have taken a toll and you were jumping at anything that could give you a scare. There’s no one out there, it’s just the Halloween spirits scaring you.
Walking to the front door, you made sure it was locked before peering through the window. Vacant nighttime streets greeted your vision, with the faint glow of jack-o-lanterns adorning the steps of every other house. Through the door, you could hear a faint breeze wafting through the neighborhood, the only sound besides rustling leaves. You were definitely alone, no boogeyman waiting around the corner to snatch you, no faceless caller to disturb your sleep and terrorize your dreams. Sighing in relief, you went to the living room and kitchen, turning the lights off as you headed upstairs. You were in desperate need of a shower, wanting to feel your nerves melt away under the hot water and finally rest assuredly under the covers of your bed. Giving one last look at the lower level of the house, you crept up the stairs to your room, leaving your water glass on the counter without a second thought.
The glass sat on the ceramic tile of the counter next to the phone, half empty.
Rummaging through your dresser, you searched for comfortable yet festive sleepwear for the evening, and settled for a pair of black shorts and a baggy t-shirt, the smiling face of a ghost in a pumpkin patch winking back at you. Clutching the items to your chest, you scurried into the connected bathroom, setting your clothes on the closed toilet seat before whisking the shower curtain open. Turning the crank of the shower, you stripped out of your movie-night clothes, which were flaked with popcorn salt and the occasional butter drop. You quickly threw the clothes outside of the bathroom door, which unceremoniously landed in a clump on the floor of your bedroom. Feeling the water with your hand, you stepped into the shower and whisked the shower curtain closed, sighing as you felt enveloped by the scalding water.
You needed this, a calm, relaxing shower and a good night's rest after the hellish week that you could now proudly say was behind you. Grabbing your soap bar, you lathered away at your skin, envisioning scrubbing the stress away and watching the suds rinse down the drain. You shampooed your hair, humming the tune of the most recent horror film you watched as you let the water cascade down your hair. You thought about your evening, silently scolding the damsel in distress and replaying scenes in your head. You however, were free from any monsters that night. Smiling, you rubbed the conditioner in your head, continuously humming. A split second creak made you pause, and you listened for any noise. When not hearing anything else, you resumed your actions, finishing your routine before turning the water off. Steam pooled out of the shower and hung heavy in the air as you stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around your form. Padding over to the mirror, you brushed your hair, squeezing any remaining water out of it before washing your face and brushing your teeth. Ready to change, you turned towards the toilet to grab your clothes, confused when you spotted nothing there. Peeking your head outside the bathroom door, you spotted your clothes folded neatly on your bedspread.
Rolling your eyes at your forgetfulness, you pushed open the bathroom door the rest of the way and reached for your clothes. Black shorts, black panties, and a t-shirt… did you grab panties? Shuffling around, you dropped your towel, holding the panties up, slipping them up your legs. You were clearly in need of a good night's sleep, and tugged on your shirt and shorts. Stretching, you turned to close your bedroom door, doing the same to the bathroom door. As you turned back to the bed, you noticed your forgotten clothes scattered on the floor. Bending to pick them up, you looked at the alarm clock on your nightstand. The clock seemed to taunt you, giving a slight warning with the digital numbers 3:25 staring back at you. Scooping up your clothes, you headed towards the closet, opening one of the doors to throw your clothes in the hamper.
A hand grabbed your wrist.
A scream ripped out of your throat, and you tried to wrench your way out of its grasp, but it held your wrist like a vice. The black glove dug into your skin, and tears immediately spilled down your cheeks as you wrestled with the figure in the closet. An arm emerged, then a torso, and finally the black eyes of a mask met yours. You paled, frozen at the spot while gaping at the soulless eyes that stared back at you. The frozen look of terror on the mask echoed your own, and you felt a sob bubble from your chest. That mask, the same they found at the crime scene of Principle Hembry. The one that had the entire town bubbling with fear and suspicion.
He cocks his head at you, pulling you forward by your wrist, wrapping his other around your throat. Tears spill from your cheeks onto his glove, and he removes his hold on your wrist to pull your hair back, forcing your gaze to meet his once more.
“What’s wrong, (y/n)? It looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”
This can’t be happening. This isn’t real. It’s just another nightmare.
“Cat got your tongue?” He purrs, shoving you back by the throat, causing you to stumble backwards, tripping over your bed and landing unceremoniously in a heap on the sheets. You scramble upwards, screaming in terror, sobs racking your body.
“P-please don’t hurt me, oh my god plea-” He grabbed your ankle, pulling you towards him as he scrambled on top of you, wrestling you back down on the bed.
“Shut the fuck up, unless you want me to slit that pretty throat of yours then be quiet.” He seethed, pinning your hands above your head. Reaching into his robe, your eyes are met with the very long, very sharp blade of a knife. You feel like you could pass out from the fear consuming you. Terrified, your eyes flick to his own, silently begging him not to kill you. He chuckles at the look on your face, that same laugh seared into your nightmares and causing a tremor of fear to tickle down your spine.
“Don’t worry… I won’t kill you…” He cocks his head at you again, pressing his weight onto you almost painfully. You wheeze at the pressure.
“Not yet anyways. Now, let’s see how much of a good girl you really are.” He croons, and the realization of the situation dawns on you. All those calls, all those threats and taunts, yet here he is in your room, ready to make your worst fears become a reality. Writhing beneath him, you squirm desperately to try and free yourself. Growing tired of your relentless fighting, he pushes into your caught wrists, hard. You wince, crying out at the pressure.
“Now, now, this is only fair. You got the trick this Halloween…” He muses, trailing the knife up your t-shirt, effectively cutting away at the fabric. You wince as the blade knicks you, opening little cuts along your skin as he cuts your protective layer away. Dropping the knife at your side, he rips away the rest of the fabric. You can feel his eyes roam your skin hungrily, and you squeeze your eyes shut, praying this is all another nightmare. His hand finds your chin, forcing you to stare into the void of his eyes. Leaning forward your forehead touches the cool plastic of the mask, and for the first time you hear his voice for what it really is.
“...that means I get this nice, little treat.”
A/N: this is my first fic on tumblr, so let me know your thoughts or if you have any comments or requests! DM me and I’d me happy to chat
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ybklix · 4 months
favorite crime
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♡ pairing: bang chan x fem!character
⮑ intro
⋆cw: none ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
⋆notes: narrated from fem character’s pov. fic based on 2004.
masterlist here
a/n: help, i’m not really sure how that store used to be like since I’m writing it to romanticize the early 2000’s ok
chapters one & two
word count: 816
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Excluding the part about living in an insignificant town and still attending school… it’s not relevant. None of that matters or will matter once I manage to get out of here… and finally become someone else among the millions of people in the city, amidst the hustle and bustle, broken hopes, dreams hanging by a thread, and completely void happiness, just there, I’ll be there. Living, I guess. Breathing in the smoke from some neighbor’s cigarette and questioning if this is my path, since clearly the one I’m on now is not pleasing at all.
I managed to stop my thoughts for a few seconds; my mother was shouting from the bathroom, repeatedly asking me to check on a delivery the courier had just made. It was my last weekend before a new school year, and surprisingly, the weather had remained warm, so I was only wearing comfortable clothes. August had gone by, soon it would be September, and my favorite season would finally begin.
I opened the door to find an ostentatious box with the IKEA logo engraved on it. I had no idea if my mother had ordered some new furniture, so just as I was about to grab it and drag it, I realized the big mistake. The label didn’t bear any familiar name, and in fact, the address indicated the next-door neighbor’s number. Minho Lee, 143. I grimaced, unsure if I should be the one to report the mistake, or just not bother and move the box in front of his door, hoping he’d open it.
Considering, it was strange for this kind of confusion as deliveries like this always went to the reception where they would then call the owner just to make sure if it’s okay to bring it up or leave it right there downstairs.
Minho Lee… I knew they moved into the next-door apartment almost over a month ago, but honestly, I never cared to know who lived around me. I dragged the heavy box a few meters to his door and simply knocked on his door out of impulse, without hope of any response or desire to stay there to give any explanation. But the response was quicker than I thought because, as soon as I knocked, almost instantly, the neighbor appeared, dressed comfortably all in black, in shorts and a sleeveless shirt.
He had a look of confusion on his face. I remained for 3 seconds not knowing what to do until I managed to say:
“This appeared at our door, but I think it’s yours.”
The Asian-looking guy looked even more confused for about two more seconds until he managed to read that my gaze was directed towards the ground, and it wasn’t until he noticed that, his demeanor could relax. He read the name on the label and immediately thanked me.
“Yes, it’s here, thank you.”
I gave a smile with nothing else to say and headed for the doorknob of my door as I watched him out of the corner of my eye bending down to pick up his belongings. And finally, I quickly entered, realizing the ridiculous pajamas I was wearing. I closed my eyes tightly, embarrassed, as if that action could erase how uncomfortable it was for me to realize that I had a considerably attractive neighbor. His aura, his appearance… I wished to study him a little more, but really there was nothing more to say, nothing more than, here’s your box. I bit my lip wondering if I should have spoken and started a conversation with him by saying the typical nonsense like “this mistake had never happened before… the courier must be new, just like you, since when did you move…” But precisely my outfit, relaxed and messy, and my appearance… if only I had a little more luck next time, I wouldn’t think of wasting it like this.
Minho Lee looked young, like a recent college graduate, or maybe someone in their final year. As I climbed the stairs to my room, I thought about how ridiculous it was to start creating more ideas about him. Checking the clock, I smiled realizing it was my working hour and that I could leave this apartment without excuse.
After minutes, I left; grabbing my apartment keys and without saying a word to my mother, as if we didn’t have the great freedom to know or communicate our next whereabouts. Or just any kind of communication. Living with her was strange.
The building’s elevator stopped working two weeks ago and still seems to be under repair, so I hurry down the stairs until I reach the main hall, where surprisingly, I manage to recognize whose broad back was in front of me, also leaving the building, but heading in a different direction.
Part of me felt the need to follow him just out of sheer curiosity, and the fact of feeling excitement studying a new individual was… indescribable. Who is Minho Lee.
word count: 2k
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My whole world sadly revolved around an idiot who never knew how to love me, care for me, and protect me the way I would have wanted. The way a sensible father would care for his only daughter. Or at least that’s what everyone reminds me every year in every damn school; always asking about my father, wondering what his next book would be about… but I can’t even speak out loud about him, sometimes I wish he were a stranger, but I have the greatest fear that… what little I know about him encompasses important concepts of who or how he really is.
I was the only daughter of a well-known artist, the acclaimed writer Henry Waldrop, whose books were such a great success that each of them —almost all of them— were adapted in Hollywood, on the big screens, with actors of the caliber of Nicole Kidman or Brad Pitt, working with promising directors like Mendes and Fincher, winners of important awards, with Henry himself writing his own scripts on a couple of occasions, nothing took him out of Los Angeles. Waldrop has been hailed as the greatest American speaking in the world of literature since Fitzgerald and Hemingway by the Times, countless interviews in the New Yorker, and among other accolades.
He has been called everything; but I will never be able to call him dad again, not since I was 7 years old.
My relationship with him is cold, distant, and almost nonexistent; I always register my name as Calliope Moore, my mother’s last name, hoping not to be recognized in this small town, however, I can’t change it at school, for the moment I can’t change it legally either; so for now, I remain hidden like this. Meanwhile, in a part-time job after school and on weekends.
I was a child who could be considered naive and sweet, at least until I was 6 years old. Then I realized many things, that my father loved fame and excess in meaningless material things more than his family, that his writing is immature and difficult to read, never matured, I never understood why I had to do it before him, unfairly, or worse, do it for him. Despite that, I became my worst enemy, I became an admirer, not of him, but of the artistic world in which he lived; my only memories with him were his huge literary collection, his love for art and cinema; he had me captive every year of my life, I spent hours sitting in his library reading instead of having a conversation with him; I chose something from his extensive collection of movies to watch on DVD. All this on his forced weekends when he legally had to see me. And worst of all, I found refuge in letters… vaguely considering myself a writer; like he is.
I know there’s the silly idea that he really cares about me just because he’s my father, that everything can be fixed if only I would talk to him… but I wish it were that simple, the reason I preferred to be locked in his office was because I saw too many things I should never have seen, situations that a loving and careful father would ensure none of his children know about, I cried seeing women enter his apartment, thinking it wasn’t the kind of love he should give to mother, I didn’t understand why my friends at school could introduce them and I just heard ‘oh, he’s something like a celebrity, he’s just busy. Maybe someday you’ll be like him.’
I sigh and look from afar at the store manager smiling at me, it’s funny to consider he has a little crush on me and I can easily manipulate him. In a matter of seconds, the loud sound of the phone interrupts my daily thoughts about complaining about life.
“Callie, it’s Sarah, can you urgently cover for me for two hours? I have something very important at university.”
I rolled my eyes at being interrupted and at hearing my coworker’s needy voice on the other end of the line, I didn’t need details, but I was surprised by the quick passage of time, so I checked it, she arrived an hour later than agreed and I had no idea.
“All right.”
“Thank you, I owe you one, Cal.”
I slid over the counter, resting my chin on the palm of my hand, bored. Tim, the manager, who is about 8 years older than me, took care of putting on music; I really didn’t have a specific plan for this Saturday, but two more hours of time were just time.
To kill the time, I moved around here and there, sorted movies, checked boxes of new tapes, read each synopsis, sorted each genre, and finally went to tidy up a bit under the main counter; customers came in sporadically and this was the next customer I heard since an hour ago. Tim greeted them with a good evening. I assumed they had to go between the aisles of shelves to pick out their movie or movies to rent, so I didn’t pay attention to them as I continued cleaning up a bit.
Indeed, it took about 10 minutes, when I heard the plastic fall onto the cold wood of the checkout counter and a male voice say, referring to Tim, “Are you checking out over here?”
“No, um, Callie-”
Tim spoke and before he finished his sentence, I hurried to stand up, finding the guy from this morning next to me, Minho Lee. He was still dressed in black, now with jeans, he was wearing bracelets on his left hand now. For a second, I couldn’t say anything, other than meet his gaze, but I immediately regained my composure and gave him a warm smile, but I feared that this time, for him, this client, it was a genuine one.
His gaze was tender for a second as he seemed slightly surprised by the sudden way I unexpectedly ‘sprung’ from the floor; then he softened it and kept eye contact with me.
“I’m here to return these,” he spoke, dragging a stack of 3 movies “and I’ll take these” he pointed to the stack on the right.
My gaze lowered to his hands on the tapes and on the DVDs themselves. I took the products to be returned and inspected each one of them: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Kill Bill, A Tale of Two Sisters. I gave him a smile, clearly judging, at least it was the fun part of the job; seeing what kind of person you were based on your taste in movies. And for Minho… there was no relation, a romantic comedy, Kill Bill, just Kill Bill and… a foreign psychological horror movie, judging by its cover, it seemed to be from Asia. If I weren’t trying to convince myself that someone considerably attractive like him is single, I would say the romantic comedy is something he would watch with some romantic date without a doubt.
“Name?” I raised my eyebrows, feigning disinterest as if I hadn’t seen him a couple of hours ago.
Judging by his look, it was clear that in some way he also recognized me.
“Under the name of Minho Lee, with an H between the N and O” he replied.
This Charming Man by The Smiths started playing and I noticed a slight movement of his fingers on the table to the rhythm of the melody; all while I typed his name into the computer. I was impressed by his profile, apparently, he’s a frequent customer judging by the long list of movies. He even has a membership, wow, I had never seen him here.
“Would you like the standard two-week rental?”
He nodded. I registered the new movies to rent, not without looking at them in detail: a foreign horror movie, Korean-looking, The Wig, Dracula 2, god, I heard the movie was terrible and Scream 2. I guess he wanted to watch only one genre for the moment, no more romantic comedies.
“That will be 33 dollars… 23 with the membership discount.”
“Thank you… Calliope” he read the tag with my name on my blue vest.
The story of my name is a bit funny, my father, a man without emotional responsibility whose heart was always incapable of falling in love, had his philosophy around the Greek mythology of the 9 muses, which is ironic considering the number of lovers he had, and, from what I heard, how much he promised each of the women he got involved with, that they were his muse and inspiration. My name comes from the muse of music, as he met my mother in college and that was her career at the time. My mother’s dream was always to direct orchestras, play the cello at important events in New York… but then I was born.
It would be a nice and moving story if any of my parents appreciated each other, but my mother made sure to make it clear how much she detested him and remind me what she could have done if I had never been born.
During that time, my father was working as an apprentice to a professor and substitute professor at the university. A literary cliché that inspired one of his books, by the way. Each page of the encounters with my mother severely altered, as she exclaimed, that never happened… if only things had been like that… Anyway, the book turned into a movie and considered a classic romance of the nineties. It was funny when someone came to rent it, since for now, I work at the town’s Blockbuster.
Anyway, my father had this immature belief that since I was the one growing in my mother’s womb, I would be the greatest force and source of inspiration for her, a muse. Sometimes I suppose my mother ended up hating me. She had to raise me and support Henry in his dream as a writer. I grew up and live in the same place as him; a wealthy area in northern New York state; where my teachers, absorbed by his work, expected innate talent from me.
But the pressure isn’t always on me. I have an older brother, a half-brother, named Apollo —a bit strange considering that literature says he was married to Calliope or something like that—; who likes to be recognized as Henry Waldrop’s legitimate son, with his gallery in Manhattan; however, he’s nothing more than another pretentious wannabe from the Upper East Side.
After Minho left, I pretended to close his membership and register the returned movies, but I was just snooping around, his birthday, October 25th, he’s 10 years older than me, he really doesn’t seem like it; it must be his Asian genetics I guess. His address, registered in the same building as mine, his email, his phone, and… the record of his rentals.
Not even 10 minutes passed when the sound of the door caught my attention again, Sarah had arrived, I didn’t notice the time so I checked it, she arrived an hour later than agreed and had no idea.
Sarah came in with a smile, dropping her bag on the counter making noise as she arrived.
“I’m here.”
I quickly closed the computer information and let out a jokingly annoyed sigh at her presence.
“Well, there are only two hours left until closing.”
“Three, we close later on Saturdays.”
I rolled my eyes playfully and took off my blue vest, walking to the other side of the counter, ready to grab my things and leave.
“Is this…?” Sarah mentioned, catching my attention.
I turned to look at her and she was holding the returned movies from a few moments ago. I forgot to organize them.
“Oh, let me-”
“Oh no” she interrupted me “Kill Bill and A Tale of Two Sisters, Korean horror? Did the handsome guy already stopped by?”
I frowned.
“He just left” said Tim.
Sarah made a disappointed face.
“I guess he comes often” I said.
“Of course, every Saturday at seven during my shift.”
I stared at her, perplexed.
“He’s definitely coming to see you, Sarah” Tim added, amused.
Sarah just smiled. I let out a reluctant laugh.
“I’m leaving” I announced.
“Wait, Callie, aren’t you going to organize them…” I heard Sarah exclaim just before leaving through the door, but I decided to ignore her.
She can do it alone. Maybe Minho can come back to help her.
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eliashirsch · 4 months
God Tier Top Gun Fanfictions. A Masterlist. (3/3)
Part three of my fanfic recommendation! This one's for the best fics!
Winner Categories:
1. Best of the Best Authors (1/3)
2. Best of the Best Series (2/3)
3. Best of the Best Fics (3/3)
Best of the Best Fics
Fics that shine bright as the stars. Make sure to check the author’s other works too!
Kings of the Air by FabulaRasa @fabula-unica
Fighting and fucking: two things he did extraordinarily well. How could he have known what the effect would be when you combined the two?
This and COMPACFLT’s work directly inspired one of my works:) The writing quality is absolutely amazing. My favorite fics are those that have Ice returning to Top Gun and joining Mav as an instructor and this one just takes the whole motherfucking crown.
Indian Ocean. Present Day. by Jay Tryfanstone (tryfanstone)
Isolated on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Indian Ocean, cut off from any source of information about the global political and environmental disaster which has engulfed the planet, Maverick and Goose struggle to make sense of an increasingly claustrophobic command structure and failing resources on board. When a refugee helicopter is spotted approaching the carrier, its pilot could be the catalyst for an explosive re-evaluation....
This fic man. This fic. It made me fall in love with post-apocalyptic fics. The writing style, the plot, Ice and Mav and Goose. Goose, man… Oh my god. If you read this fic you know why I’m still thinking about these boys’ fates. 
Rhinestone Cowboy by omnidirectional
That’s Doctor Iceman to you! Maverick bangs himself up and gets rescued by someone he didn’t expect. A Missing Scene featuring contrived situations, questionable life choices, gratuitous product placement, and shirtlessness. You know, everything you love about canon.
And it is absolutely everything I love about canon! I always love missing scenes or canon divergent. Not to say that I don’t enjoy AUs, but I love vibes like this the most where the story works alongside canon and elevates it to a whole other level. Mav and Ice and Slider feels correct.
Sleepless Nights by demiclar @demiclar / @slidersimp
Five times Maverick wakes himself up with nightmares and one time he's woken by someone else.
Fics about Mav’s grief over Goose’s death will always wreck me. This one in particular shows itself as a physical manifestation. I love love love all the guys stepping up and taking care of Mav, never once judging his pain. I’m a sucker for portrayals of the ugly side of grief.
Mal de Mer by saurora_borealis
"I thought you said you didn't get seasick, you little liar," Slider snaps. Maverick doesn't answer, head bowed, but Ice can see him shaking from here. Of all the times for Maverick to be sick, did it have to be on a night that Ice is ill too? Or: the carrier experiences some ocean turbulence. Even the most seasoned aviators fall prey to it.
This one has sort of the same vibe as the fic above. I never get tired of seeing the flyboys take care of each other<3
be my soulmate (and i'll be yours) by ChexMix
Of course Maverick dreams about finding his soulmate. Who doesn't? But he'd never imagined the possibility that it could be the Iceman. So when he catches sight of Ice's soulmark, it suddenly becomes all he can think about.
Classic Icemav soulmate AU. This is like exactly my type of angst and happy ending. Sometimes the things you’re familiar with are still the best:)
To Build a Home by LadyLanera @k9effect
Eighteen years before Top Gun Maverick, there was a home being built from ashes and ruin. When the dust finally settled and dusk fell, the house of cards collapsed, shattering three lives forever. Is it possible to rebuild, reclaiming the past in the future...when they're all hurtling towards their worst nightmare?
Goddddd. I love Mav’s character flaw in this. I love Ice’s maturity born from grief and sickness. I love Bradley’s anger and abandonment issues. I love that these three have hurt each other more than anyone ever could, but their love is still starkly present. My thoughts when I was reading this was that LadyLanera wrote their flaws so beautifully, making them human, and by doing so I understood their motivations and their actions. Amazing characterization. 
all is fair (in love and war) by dulcetines (evecstasy)
oh, ice, maverick bisa merasakan hati kecilnya meringis, ice, sori banget— hollywood menyelak lagi, kali ini dengan suara impersonasi terbaiknya: “teruntuk kuncen TOPGUN, yang mana di sana kuyakin matahari belum juga terbit sebersamaan dengan ditulisnya surat ini. aku ingin saat ini juga kau bersyukur tidak mesti mendengarkan slider ngorok di sampingmu. tuhan jesus. pria ini sudah kuanggap saudara sendiri, tapi terkadang ada saja hal-hal yang dilakukannya yang membuatku ingin menggulingkannya ke laut. kau apa kabar di sana? sudah berapa pilot yang kauhabisi egonya? apapun itu. jangan mati kebosanan dulu. aku bisa bilang begini karena surat-suratmu selalu mengancam demikian. ingat kau masih hutang makan malam denganku. dan sepuluh dolar. sampaikan salamku ke bayi itik. bilang aku kangen padanya. dan,” hollywood memalsukan dehem, sambil ia melanjutkan, “padamu juga. setiap detikku. ice.” begitulah.
Hehehehehe. Now this is more for me LMAO because as you can see, it’s written in Indonesian. Finding this fic in my mother language is like finding GOLD. Again, I love love love Icemav in their Top Gun era. This is for all of you Indonesian Top Gun enthusiast *blows a kiss* 
a higher fidelity by basedchamp
“C’mon.” Tori nudges him with an elbow. “C’mon. He’s cute. You can admit that one thing but you can’t admit this?” Gritting his teeth, Ice thinks very carefully about his next words. “He’s…” he trails off. “Some would say that…Mitchell is not. Unpleasant. To look at.” (Alternatively: the one where Ice and Mav learn to park bad, eat good, and love even better.)
Ice’s family, man… It’s refreshing to see them so supportive and loving. I’m guilty of making Ice’s backstory so tragic>:) But this one is heartwarming! I love the style and flow of the writing. It’s something that I want to achieve in my own writing as well, so kudos to basedchamp!
Tunnel Vision by brainjuicey (anzietyfreak) @brainjuicey
Instead of Ice biting the air in the locker room, he antagonises Mav by biting his neck, unknowingly setting off dormant Omega genes and sending him into heat. Everyone involved is forced to remain secure on base until they’ve investigated. AKA. Five Alphas, a Beta, and an Omega in heat, walk into an Air Base prison. Ramifications ensue. Alternative title, "Locked in Sex Jail With The Boys"
This scratched that specific part in my brain, man. ABO with the original cast of Top Gun? Sign me up, baby. Steamy and perfect. 
The Five People You Can't Escape in Heaven by V_Evergreen
Maverick dies, but it doesn't end there. Alternately: [“Hey, kiddo, are you with me?” Maverick opened his eyes and found that he could see. He blinked in the sudden light as his surroundings came into focus. Quite literally came into focus, as though everything around him was resolving into itself as he looked, deciding to form a lawn, flowerbeds, the tree trunk that he had been leant against. The sun was blinding overhead, high noon. In the distance, hazy and indistinct, he could make out a house. It looked vague, like a half formed memory but it was familiar. Just like the man crouched in front of him. “Dad?” He croaked.]
I was reading the original book (The Five People You Meet in Heaven) and came across this fic. Which in turn made me want to write my own rendition from the same idea.  That last chapter, man. It’s unreal how creative it is. A punch to the gut for sure.
(Here’s my fic if you want to read about it :) >> Estrellita)
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother by V_Evergreen
Five meetings between Thomas Kazansky and Ethan Hunt. Alternately: [Ethan heard the door click shut behind him and turned to ask after the papers when he was abruptly spun by a hand on his shoulder and pushed against the door. His first and immediate thought was that he was certainly being attacked. Kazansky had him pressed against the door, chest to chest, a hand around his wrist and then- oh. Oh no. He wasn’t being attacked at all, it was infinitely worse. He was being very thoroughly kissed. He pushed back against Kazansky’s chest and tried to think of something eloquent to say. “Um?”]
Another banger by V_Evergreen. Ice not knowing Mav has a twin and mistakenly kissing him is so funny. And the end is heartwarming as well. Love love love it.
Allies by Shearmouth
After getting shot down over a war-torn Iraq, Maverick makes some unlikely friends. They have something– a big something– in common. But all Mav really wants is Ice. Too bad he's half a world away, and even Mav can't run that on a shattered leg. Not with the infected chest wounds thrown in, at least.
Oh my goddddd. I keep being at a loss for words when describing these fics. It won’t do anyone good if all I wrote was goddd, oh mannn, it’s so goodddd. But it’s the truth. This one hits home so much. The risk and homophobia present when you’re in a place that punishes queer people for existing and being in love, how a single mistake will cost you your future. And it’s so heartwarming to see that even then, you’re not alone. Mav being helped to reunite with Ice and breaking down that since their relationship was private, Ice had to grief Mav alone. Man, oh man. 
There is a pain—so utter by CurSirrr
Pete Mitchell was fine. Completely fine. He didn’t feel dizzy with denial, or an utter trainwreck of hopelessness. He hadn’t shed a single tear or cried himself to sleep for the past week. His guts were twisting and turning, squeezing and cramping. His eyes were swollen and red, and his scalp hurt from his vicious hair tugs as he tried to understand the past week. OR Three times Bradley misses the chance to say goodbye before it is too late.
Just read the summary and prepare for a world of pain:) Ice’s canon death still haunts me. Good thing he’s sleeping away in his big house that he co-owns with Mav, regularly saves his husband’s ass, have barbeque Sunday with Bradley and Jake and the dagger squad, happy and healthy:))
keeping his cards close to his chest by Serie11 @oathkeeperoxas
It's not that Lucy wishes that her boss would be more open with her. It's that she quite literally knows nothing about the man, despite Admiral Kazansky being her CO for half a decade. Or: 5 times Ice successfully hid something from his staff, and 1 time Ice revealed his biggest secret
Love seeing Icemav seen through other people’s perspective. It adds so much to the universe. Ice and Mav being their usual old married couple while everyone around them suffers. Excellent.
'til I meet you there by adiduck (book_people) @adiduck
Maverick wakes up in the snow, helmet on, entire body aching intensely and parachute still attached. It takes him about half an hour of trekking through the snow to notice that there’s anything amiss. (Or: Maverick Mitchell is in the habit of talking to his ghosts. Usually, they don’t talk back.)
Mav’s journey through the underworld. This fic is just too creative😭Always a delight to see how loved Mav is. It’s so whimsical and confusing and so great.
the ships have come to carry you home by indigofudge
“Here it is,” Carole says, bringing Mav’s wheelchair to a stop. Mav’s mouth is dry. He aches for another cup of water. “Carole, tell me something, and don’t lie to me.” “Anything, Maverick.” “How bad does he look?” Carole is quiet for a while. Then she comes around and kneels in front of Mav, taking both of his hands in her own. Her eyes swim with tears. “If I didn’t know any better,” she says, voice breaking, “I’d think he was dead.” • Or, Goose is alive when they hit the water. That's enough.
Goose survives AU!!!! Huh? This isn’t canon? What are you talking about? Of course, Goose survives and the Bradshaw family is still whole and Mav still has his family and gets to have Ice too. What are you talking about??
Swallow by wildglitterwolf 
Ice is getting tired of Maverick's inability to be a team player. Maverick is annoyed by Ice's gum chewing. Ice is more than happy to get rid of it, he just needs a place to put it...
TT.TT Just… I didn’t know I like this dynamic so much…
cruise control by res_judicata
Rooster’s plane goes down on a Tuesday.  Jake remembers that it’s a Tuesday because he had been out grabbing a quick bite for lunch with Javy and the little chalkboard on the wall of the cafe had proclaimed that Tuesday’s special was linguine in white wine with fresh mussels. (Jake deals with grief and love)
Made me cry a goddamn river. I’ve said this before, but Hangster is one of those ships that I had trouble getting into. When I first got into the fandom back in June 2022, I strictly read Icemav, never dipping my toes into Hangster’s relationship because I never felt the spark. But as time goes by I’m starting to warm up and have read more and more. This fic is one of those where it captured my attention instantly. I knew it was going to be angsty, but still holding out hope for a happy ending (just like Jake in this story). The grief that blanketed the whole writing only made the resolution more beautiful.
WHORES IN MY BED. by pornogirl
“Jake-” Bradley’s eyes have a wet glimmer to them, the kind of wet that looks like the beginnings of tears and Jake wants to kiss him so badly. “Jake, is it loaded?” Jake rolls his eyes at the question. “Open your fucking mouth.” (Author’s notes: it's really not as bad as the tags may suggest but like. read the fucking tags!)
I’m a freak and I’m not ashamed of it:) Basically, Jake's going on about how pretty Bradley is crying and scared. If this is your kink, definitely worth the read. I don’t know if it’s because I find it hot, but I don’t get the unsafe feeling as opposed to reading other works that have noncon elements. I don’t know it feels more like it’s both of their kinks or like something they’ve discussed before but Jake didn’t warn Bradley prior. Like CNC, I guess? Anyway it’s really hot and I have not looked at my retainers the same way;)
we're fools to make war by whimsicule @baroness-elsa
In a Walmart at three am, between beef jerky and tortilla chips, with the lights flickering above them like it’s the fucking twilight zone, Bradley wants him more than he’s ever wanted anyone. or: it's a hundred degrees in texas.
This is so Jake and Bradley I’m blown away by how right they feel. Seriously. I didn’t even notice this was 66k words. The vibes, the writing, Jake’s family. Oh hell. Definitely check out the author’s other works too! They’ve got a lot of other Hangster long fics:)
cinnamon and sugar by bottledyarn
Jake was slumped in the doorway, propped up against the wall beside the door. He was a strange, pale, near-gray against the dark backdrop of his apartment, and he looked—well… “You look like shit," Bradley said. – Bradley draws the short straw and has to take care of Jake when he's sick with a stomach flu. Jake doesn't want to be taken care of.
Sigh. Jake and Bradley, man. They’re the ship that you can shove as much angst as you want and it’ll fit right in with their dynamic. They’re just so stubborn!!!! The push and pull between them is magnetic, man. I think I get why people love them.
habits by rararatatouille
Jake and Bradley come together in a series of jagged stops and starts. They fall apart in the exact same way. In which habits are hard to break, even for the people we love most.
Mannnnn. Goddamnit. I think this fic converted me to like Hangster. I think this has become canon in my brain too. I can’t even. Just read it. Words aren’t enough to describe this fic. 
Days Like This by chase_acow @cowsalot
Jake's in Hawaii to lose himself after getting the Navy's first air-to-air kill in decades. Instead he finds a ramshackle diner, a cast of odd characters, and possibly the love of his life. Bradley goes to the Hard Deck to order waffles. He orders waffles. He goes to the Hard Deck to get some waffles. He goes to the Hard Deck, and who is this hot asshole acting like they know each other?
So good. A 50 First Dates AU. Jake just loves Bradley so much, man. And Bradley finally showing up in the end. Love really will make you walk miles across Earth for your special person<3
Other pairings, romantic and not.
Mr. Blue Sky by omnidirectional
Tragedy first brings Iceman into Bradley’s life, but he quickly becomes the steadiest presence of the boy’s childhood… until a betrayal tears their small family apart. After years of silence, can Bradley find the words to make up for lost time? Five times Ice sings to Bradley, and the one time Bradley sings to Ice.
Another one from omnidirectional. Ice and Bradley’s father and son relationship… Here’s one of the tags: Who Wants To Cry Today? If you’re up for emotional damage, click the link🫵
On Mighty Wings by PurpleArrowzandLeather @purplearrowzandleather-blog
Maverick raised geese over the years while Bradley was gone. Bradley does not know this until the flock comes home for the summer.
Short and sweet. Legend author as well. Love the geese preening Mav and Bradley sobbing while surrounded by honks. This is just too damn cute!!
Neglected by proprioception @mnstrfkr
"Do I look God-fearing to you, ma'am?" Maverick asked with a grin. "You most certainly do not," Carole said. "That's why I didn't marry you." "That and the mustache," Goose added.
Can’t forget about this GooseMavCarole fic of course! Hot and heartwarming. Absolutely amazing smut. This one sparked my brain to make a fanart of my favorite polycule. Their dynamic is just so fun!
Yearling by Fopperies , pohjanneito @pilvimarja
Alone in a cabin in the snowy mountains, Maverick is supposed to help Bradley on the path to presenting as an alpha soon. Bradley's body has other ideas.
Just gonna put this here… A different take on ABO’s biology, which I absolutely love. It’s so hot… Bradley, I feel you, honey…
Seeing a Trailer by daenabenjen42
In the aftermath of the Layton rescue, Merlin has questions.
Sighs for the millionth time. It’s so good. Again, I love the portrayal of Mav’s PTSD and grief here. And it’s not just him, but daenabenjen42 wrote about the other boys’ trauma too. I love it so much I must’ve reread this one about fifty million times. 
in between what's already done by crawsley
“We aren’t doing this,” Maverick says, firmly, and he’s tensing like he’s about to move, about to shove Rooster off of him, push him away like he pushed him away before, when all Rooster had wanted was some guidance, some help, some love and kindness and— Rooster bears him to the ground, right there on the rug in the entryway.
This is legitimately one of the first, if not the first fic I’ve read from RoosMav. I still remember clearly going home from watching TG:M in the cinema and KNOWING that there were definitely going to be people who ship Mav and Roo. I rushed to AO3 straight away:D Imagine my delight when finding this one!
shake my nerves and rattle my brain by BogBeast
This wasn’t supposed to be intimate. This was about punishment, humiliation, stubbornness and spite. Not this gentle crap that made him sigh, the hand in his hair making his stomach swoop with every tug, the heavy scent making his head feel foggy, the praises making his heart skip a beat. That shit is just weird. The horrifying realization that he’s hard in his flight suit has nothing to do with it.  - Mav's gotten them into a lot of weird situations, but giving blowjobs to their rivals because of a stupid bet has to be the weirdest one.
Icemav AND Sloose? SIGN ME UP, BABY!
That’s all of it! This is my list for now. Thank you all for reading through to the end! Let me know if you enjoyed any of these fics so we can gush about them together:) I hope you enjoyed my yapping:}
My works have always and will continue to take inspiration from others. So thank you for creating stories as beautiful and profound as these, dear beloved authors<3
If you want to see my bookmark collection of all of these fics, click here >> TOPGUN (Best of the Best) While you’re there, how about you read some of my fics too?>:) EliasHirsch
(PS!!! There will be a 4th part because there are definitely more good fics that people need to know about:))
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idobebeinggay · 4 months
Ok so my takes on Bridgerton series 3 and my dream scenario for all(some of) the characters.
1) pen tells Colin he’s confused and runs away for an episode we get more fencing scenes with benny baby boy talking through feels but not spilling her secret. He talks to Eloise, pen and Colin make up (he’s too puppy and in love to not) they get married happy happy life.
2) Eloise and pen make up in the last ep of the series, apologies etc
3) I mean my dream scenario for Benedict would be I fall into the TV and marry him but barring that, him and hot badass blonde lady who’s name I have forgotten have a fun time but he eventually realises through maybe a kanthony pregnancy and both Francesca and Colin’s weddings, that he does want to get married and have kids, so they talk about it, she doesn’t want to marry again or have kids and they split up amicably she’s a badass so she’s a bit sad as he is but eventually fine maybe she goes travelling and has fun. Benedict is all set up and ready for his season next year.
4) already kinda mentioned but kanthony pregnancy & baby. (I don’t know why my brain went wouldn’t it be super cute if they had twins). Antony catches up on the working stuff and manages to relax and be a present and brilliant dad even more than he was for his youngest siblings.
5) Francesca marries John it’s cute they’re cute they spend more time together, we learn his interest (other than being adorable and re arranging music for her) some of their time is spent actually getting to know each other, most just chilling, more of those silent calling hours, promenading together quietly, etc generally cute happy them vibes
6)Violet gets to have fun. Maybe her and Lady Danbury’s brother actually court with the intention of marriage maybe they just sleep together for fun. She deserves what ever she wants. (Also If she gets to sleep with him in Lady Danbury’s house that would be hilarious) (also payback “remember when you banged my dad?”) I Just want a happy time for Violet basically. Also sweet Violet and Francesca scenes, also sweet Violet and Benedict scenes generally sweet scenes of Violet being a lovely person to her children. And her and LD (cba typingher name again) being funny bff’s
7) Eloise… now this is interesting. We know Cressida is a raging lesbian. I think Cressida marries Debling, they like each other they get on etc, wedding night happens bcos they think they need to but then th rest of the honeymoon they travel she learns about things read relax she gets to experience freedom for a bit. Then they return to his house and she gets to have a great time living her dream life. And her and Eloise start writing to each other. They were friends with vibes this series we end the series at the start of their letters withe possibilities for the future. (In case u didn’t realise. I ship it)
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holdinbacksecrets · 1 year
college soccer player!jeonghan part 3
part 1 part 2
“hey, i haven’t seen you all day.”
your roommate stands in the doorway to your bedroom, finding you at your desk drowning in assignments and the final draft of your midterm.
“i was at the library all morning trying to get this paper done. is everything ok?”
she’s wearing a blue bow identical to the one left on your dresser that morning. her skirt matches its deep shade, and you realize it’s quickly approaching 7pm.
“of course! it’s game day. i wanted to tell you you don’t have to come tonight if you don’t want to. hana—i think you know her… choppy bangs, green eyes—apparently she’s smitten, so she wants to join me or us if you’re still interested.”
lia’s eyebrows raise, and you can tell she’s hoping you’re still interested, but she’s worried about dragging you along while on pursuit of a boy as if that would ever bother you, as if your own footsteps and love-covered fingertips haven’t submerged into your own version of a boy pursuit.
“i am. i was going to take a shower within the next ten minutes. we still have an hour right?”
she smiles, nodding excitedly. “i’ll leave you to it, then.”
“before you go, who does hana like?”
lia’s smile widens, and she runs her fingertip along the length of your door, swiping vibrant blue polish across a striking white. “jeonghan.”
your heart sinks and melts into the acidic jealousy existing in the pit of your stomach. jeonghan? jeonghan… of course.
you feel deflated as you approach the bathroom, reaching for your towel before switching the light on.
the last thing you want is for this to get complicated. if hana makes a move, what are you supposed to do? for all you know, you’ll be standing beside the girl for two hours, listening to whatever smitten sounds like and pretending you didn’t dream about the same man the previous night or stare at his message about bandaids and lollipops… smitten.
shampoo stings your eyes while you contemplate sharing your own feelings for jeonghan with lia. she’s pushed you a little bit, knowing your history of having interest in athletes, but the years of your friendship have taught her a few things. those things include only sharing what you want to and keeping things close to your chest. your heart is as far from your sleeve as it can get, tucked away safely in the dark warmth within your chest. of course jeonghan has started to shine rays of light, creating beautiful sunbeams and beginning to swell what’s been hibernating in its safety zone.
lia is perched at the bar stool eating a bowl of cereal when you leave your bedroom. she quickly takes a look at your outfit, happy to see a bow of your own pinned to your jacket. your denim shorts have blue ruffles stitched along the curve of each pocket, and you can feel the familiar rush of anticipation. nothing beats an october night, with its comforting chill and the scene of a game only a short walk away. you look forward to these evenings all year. jeonghan is the best part, unexpectedly so.
“i didn’t touch the honey bunches of oats. there’s only enough for one more bowl if you’re hungry.”
“thanks, lee.”
you top the cereal off with milk and eye your roommate nervously, hoping she’ll pick up on your desire to say something. you’ve never been good at sharing feelings, especially when you’re afraid of stepping on another’s toes.
“i can feel you staring me down. is there something on my face or on your mind?”
lia palms her bowl, bringing the ceramic to her lips to savor the perfectly sweetened milk before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
“this season, i’ve never felt like your tag along. you like seokmin, but i’d still go even if you didn’t. even if i didn’t like someone else on the team, i would still go.” members of your family have played the sport for as long as you can remember. in your life, fall doesn’t exist without a soccer ball.
lia doesn’t jump in. you hoped she would push you just a little further, but this is all on you.
“yoon jeonghan is in my environmental ethics course, and we’ve established some kind of unexpected friendship, but my feelings are stronger than that. about hana… i don’t know if there’s anything going on between them. the last thing i want to do is make anyone uncomfortable or embarrass myself.”
lia smiles, but you miss the softness in her expression, watching your cereal float instead.
“you don’t need to worry about hana. she picks a new guy every week, and she’d certainly turn her focus to someone else tonight if you tell her about jeonghan.”
lia taps the counter, earning your gaze. “thank you for telling me. i’m trying to keep my composure, but please know i’m internally squealing and running around the counter to hug you. now, finish your cereal. i’m sure someone is excited to see you.”
the sun begins to set as you walk through campus. you can see the lights from the field come into view, and lia squeezes your hand. she’s always been a cherished friend and supporter, and relief has embraced you knowing the feelings you’ve kept quiet are now a secret shared.
hana is standing beside the ticket counter and waves when she notices the two of you. not a single speck of blue is found on her outfit, but lia quickly pulls a bow from her purse, securing it in her friend’s hair.
after the three of you have paid, hana asks where you two usually sit.
“this one likes to sit at the top so she can see the entire field.” guilty.
“the boys can see you better from the front.”
lia bites her lip but guides the three of you to the middle row, keeping the viewing peace.
both teams are warming up, and your eyes settle on the field while hana and lia chat beside you. you catch bits of the conversation, amused by your roommate’s monologue about how much seokmin’s hair has grown since their last home game.
then, you see him, and your lips part. you lean forward and zero in.
he’s mesmerizing. watching him feels like the sweetest treat.
his dribbling matches the rhythm of your heartbeat, and your lips spread into something consumed by pride, admiration, and hopeful desire.
his confidence has never gone unnoticed, even in its subtly, but it radiates when he’s wearing cleats, his uniform and is existing on the forest green turf.
you’re silent for the first quarter, clapping when it’s appropriate to do so, mouthing calls as the referees blow their whistles, nodding along to the ones you deem just.
the second quarter is smooth. your team is taking the lead: 1-0, and the reaction from lia at the sight of seokmin’s assist is something worth remembering.
she kissed your cheek, asking twice: “did you see that?!”, before heading down the stairs for popcorn.
hana slides across the bench to close the space between you as half time starts. her voice is just above a whisper, “lia told me about jeonghan, so any cheering i do tonight is for choi seungcheol.” she sends you a wink and you nod, feeling a weight leave your shoulders.
during the final quarter, the blue hawks are sailing, and you nearly miss it. your eyes were fixed on the bag of popcorn only seconds prior, but you see him when you’re pleased with the amount of the salty snack in your cupped palm.
it’s jeonghan’s corner kick, in the corner closest to you, and you see him search the stands before landing on your figure. he smiles, and brushes his fingers across his shirt, mirroring where your bow is clipped to your jacket. cute, he mouths before turning to face the field again.
“holy shit.”
“he’s all yours, babe.”
after the game has ended, students start to leave while others who know players stick around, creating small packs around the fence. the three of you stay in the stands until the team exits their huddle.
hana waves quickly, sending you a knowing wink before running down the bleachers. lia pats your knee. she practiced words of admiration for seokmin that morning in the bathroom mirror. you give her a final good luck before she sets off down the metal stairs.
time ticks by and it’s just you now. the soccer fans have left, and jeonghan is one of the last players on the field. you watched him take the bag of soccer balls to the shed behind the field, finding yourself admiring the stars while you waited.
the sound of your name shifts your stare, and you find him leaning against the railing.
“i should’ve given you my practice jersey.”
you stand and descend the bleachers, approaching the man with reddened cheeks and messy hair.
“what would that’ve made me?”
he smiles, and you want him to say it.
“i imagine you’re going to be much more than a good luck charm.”
“you don’t need one.”
“i have my superstitions.”
“oh really? do you have a couple marbles in your pockets?”
jeonghan’s cleats meet the pavement, and he waits for you before heading toward the main campus.
“i didn’t think about that.”
“i guess all the marbles are in your schedule…. probably wouldn’t do you any good to keep more in your pocket.”
“mmm, i think you’re on to something.”
“and i guess if i keep coming…”
“if you keep coming, we’ll keep winning, and eventually i’ll ask you to go on a date with me.”
“but you’re going to keep it open— unknown and leave me with anticipation.”
jeonghan laughs— no, it’s more like a giggle that penetrates your skin and finds the shelter where your heart lives, shining the most light it’s seen since you experienced the ocean three years ago.
“i’m not going to leave it open.”
he stops beneath the streetlamp. you’re in front of snow hall, where this all started.
“saturday night, can i take you on a date?”
his eyes are sparkling, and this man has far more than sunbeams. he has stars too.
“yes, of course you can.”
“as long as you’re alright with comedy shows.”
“i’ve never been.”
the look in his eyes is intriguing, and you have no doubt you’re about to be introduced to something magical.
“boo seungkwan knows how to put on a show, and i cannot wait to take you.”
his gaze shifts to the bow on your jacket, and you swear his expression melts. sore muscles are easy to ignore when you’re in front of him with exciting possibilities existing in your eyes and smile.
he’ll certainly fall in love with you.
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Stede and Ed really suck this season. Looking back, lots of their scenes were extremely cinematic and/or quotable: the dream sequence at the start, the mermaid scene, the thing about breathing the same air, the kiss under the moonlight, them banging with fireworks going off outside, Ed reading Stede's letter, the kiss and love confession during the fight with the English, and finally them standing together in the dilapidated house that is supposedly going to become their inn.
It felt heavily like style over substance. Meanwhile they spent the entire season flip flopping between being together, breaking up, taking things slow, taking things fast. It led to a severe case of arrested development for both of them, because at the end of the season neither of them really changed, they never talked through their issues which could help progress their relationship in a meaningful way.
I mean hell, Stede is worse this season than he was before. In the past he was self-centred and a bit of a dick, sure, but at the end of the day he did seem to care about his crew. And there he is, being the one to suggest that Ed go back to the ship and the crew, one half of which he marooned, and the other he spent weeks or months traumatizing. And on the same day that the very crew unanimously decided to kick Ed off the ship. Like??
Ed, similarly, seemed so... Confused is probably the best word to describe him this season. And I don't even mean the character himself, but the way he was written. We have established looong ago that he doesn't want to be a pirate anymore, yet after he abandons his leathers, he immediately retrieves them within like one day. And sure, he did it to protect Stede. But then he kinda... Did a complete 180° and suddenly wants to actually go back to piracy? Then he's supposed to rejoin the crew of the Revenge only to then stay on land with Stede with the intention to run an inn?
He seems all over the place, and not in a way that feels interesting or entertaining anymore. I mean hell, the first three episodes of the season were amazing, and he was definitely one of the highlights of them. He was incredibly intense in everything he did, hurting, heartbreaking, wanting to go down and willing to take the entire world with him. Those three episodes were probably my favourite bit of television that I've ever seen.
But then... Stede showed up.
And in the end Ed got reduced to this hollow character that doesn't seem to know what he wants at all, and it feels like it's going to bite him in the ass very soon, and hard. He didn't do any of the heavy lifting of development he could've or should've gone through. Izzy did. And then he bled out in Ed's arms.
What worries me is that DJenkins said in interviews before that ideally the show is supposed to end after three seasons, and (if we get season 3 at all, that is) if that is the case, if Ed and Stede are supposed to get a happy ending together that is meant to feel earned and gratifying, they won't have nearly enough time for it. I mean, they hardly talk about the things that matter, that are important to talk about if you want to have a serious relationship with another person. And sure, they might both feel this intense pull towards one another, but that isn't nearly enough to make it work between them. For one, love sometimes simply isn't enough. And I hope that they realize it in time.
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gleefullypolin · 3 months
Stacy's Tipsy Musing's – Penelope Bridgerton Hot Takes - Part 2
Ok boys and girls, we need to have a little chat about Penelope Bridgerton.
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Part 2 has been out now for a couple of days and there have been a lot of hot takes to come out of the season. A LOT of hot takes. I’m going to break this down into 4 parts like I did for Colin ((Part 1, 2, 3, 4, Bonus). 4 questions that I'm seeing really bad hot takes about Penelope.
Not surprising I see lots of hot takes about Pen, because either A) people cannot handle a woman complex emotions and facets, B) hate on a woman who does not fit societal norms and standards or C) are stans who refuse to see that all characters have imperfections which make them even more delicious to watch.
Last time we talked about Colin’s entrapment statement to Pen and her reaction to it.  Question 1, now lets get to question 2:
Why didn’t Pen tell Colin about Lady Whistledown after X? (The Carriage, their first time, in the carriage after their first time, during the engagement party, when he gave her the engagement ring, after El met with her and she decided to write the column to protect the Bridgerton’s)
Ok first off let’s be honest, mistakes were made. But let’s also say...some of these moments were not exactly the right time either. So, let’s take each of these one by one.
The carriage, night of their engagement...Ok whoever thought this was a good night is literally insane. Pen was seriously bombarded one evening with not one but two proposals. She was expecting to be proposed to by Lord Debling, had her best friend barge into their dance and ruin said proposal, chase her carriage down, profess that he had feelings for her, finger bang her in said carriage, and then spring a proposal on her. She’s at this point shell shocked with emotion. Now she’s staring down the Bridgerton’s who are literally squeezing the air out of her in love and hugs on one side, and on the other glaring at her and spewing literal vitriol at her that Colin cannot possibly love her if he knows the real her. This is NOT the night this confession would have taken place.
Moving on to their first time. Another moment of shell shock for Penelope. Colin professes to her mother that he proposed to Pen out of love, standing up to her in front of her mother and then taking her to the place that is to be their home. They then make love for her first time in what I would say is every girl’s dream first time because damn girl. Yes! Now I would argue that this would have been the perfect time afterwards to tell Colin, and Pen had the same thought as I believe had they not been interrupted she would have told him. Now I think she could have still tried to tell him as they were getting ready to leave but honestly once the staff arrived, the time was gone.
Ok moving on to the carriage ride after their first time. Here is the second time that she had to actually tell him her secret. This was a great opportunity for her to talk to him. They were alone, it was private. The Queen’s notice did cause her to panic. But I do believe this was a mistake on Pen’s part. While the Queen’s notice going after LW and Colin’s hatred toward LW gave her pause, telling him the truth was the right play here. But she was scared, and she did not make the move and the time passed. Her moment was gone.
During the Engagement party. Ok this one is the most laughable one. El’s demand that she tells him by midnight was the most laughable thing I had ever seen. It was ridiculous to think that in the middle of a busy party with everyone around she was going to unload this giant secret with so many eyes and ears around. There was no way this was going to be where she did it. Point. Blank. Period.
When Colin gives her the engagement ring. Ok this one is where I have a bit of beef with Pen. This is where Lady Whistledown actually tells a lie. He asks her directly why she has ink all over her hands and Pen pulls back and tells him she is writing letters. It is the first time she lies directly to Colin. She’s not withholding secrets; she is directly lying to him. I give Pen a lot of grace in her secret. I gave her a lot of leeway, but this was the one time I looked at the screen and yelled NO PEN NO! But with Portia in the room, this was not when she was going to reveal her secret either.
So that takes to us the night that Eloise comes to Pen because Cressida has revealed herself as LW and is now writing a column and Eloise is worried it will ruin her and her family. Pen decides she is going to write a column because Whistledown is power. Now I know this is not a moment with Colin, but this is the moment that causes her to be caught by Colin. If only this had been the moment that they decided that now was the time to involve Colin because that would have been my dream right here for them to pull him in, let him know the secret, and the rest of the show would have been the 3 of them trying to figure out what to do, but alas, they did not, and I will have to live in fanfiction for this alternative reality.
And so here we are, she did not tell him, and he watched her leave the ballroom with El, the same person whom she was not speaking with for the last year who were seen leaving together hand in hand, and he followed her. And instead of her being able to tell him herself, instead of being able to come clean, her secret was laid bare as a deception to be discovered.
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Stick around for part 3....
Why didn’t Show!Pen give up Lady Whistledown like Book!Pen did?
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sundove88 · 2 months
Introducing Anime Ever After!!
Ever wanted to experience classic fairytales but through the lens of legendary and lesser known anime?
Well, Anime Ever After is for you!!
Synopsis: An anthropology of famous stories from around the world retold through the lens of legendary and lesser known anime, with modern twists, turns, and lessons about. From the depths of the sea in DBZ: Waves of Freedom (The Little Mermaid) to the realm beyond the clouds in One Piece: Beyond The Sky (Jack and The Beanstalk), this ever expanding treasury of tales has something for everyone.
Framing Device: An anime loving teenager is telling classic fairytales to the kids they babysit as bedtime stories- with a twist!
Side Note: Nursery Rhymes being adapted is more for Shrek. So they won’t be here- sorry about that. But they do a good job at it. This anthology is meant for readers 12 and up, due to some of the themes in some of the stories.
Btw, look for the posts that have anime ever after on them as one of their tags. Here’s the list of tales (So Far):
Dragon Ball Z: Waves of Freedom (The Little Mermaid)
My Hero Academia: Heart of Glass (Cinderella)
Attack on Titan: Red Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)
One Piece: Beyond The Sky (Jack and The Beanstalk)
Naruto: Sleeping Shadow (Sleeping Beauty)
Sword Art Online: The Match Player (The Little Match Girl)
FullMetal Alchemist: Iron Wolves (The 3 Little Pigs)
Fairy Tail: Mirrors of Deceit (Snow White)
Inuyasha: Soul of The Beast (Beauty and The Beast)
Bleach: Brushes of Fate (The Magic Paintbrush)
Fruits Basket: The 12 Dancing Zodiacs (12 Dancing Princesses)
Black Clover: The Frog Knight (The Frog Prince)
Hunter X Hunter: Spreading Your Wings (The Ugly Duckling)
Demon Slayer: Demon of The Northern Wind (The Snow Queen)
Black Butler: Beyond The Tower (Rapunzel)
Yu Yu Hakusho: Sweet Temptation (Hansel and Gretel)
Doraemon; Fearless Feline (Puss in Boots)
Gintama: Peachy Keen (Momotaro)
Sailor Moon: Lady of The Waxing Moon (Princess Kaguya)
Haikyuu: Bear-ly Faltering (Snow White and Rose Red)
Railgun: Little Warriors, Big Impacts (Thumbelina)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All That Glitters (Rumplestiltskin)
Yu Gi Oh: Diamond in The Rough (Aladdin)
Konosuba: The Royal Test (The Princess and The Pea)
Tokyo Ghoul: The Crimson Amulet (The Red Shoes)
Akame Ga Kill: Fashion Gambit (The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Ouran High School Host Club: Wings of Perseverance (The Wild Swans)
Rurouni Kenshin: The Ronin’s Trials (The Steadfast Tin Soldier)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan: Cage of Steel, Heart of Platinum (The Nightingale)
Cowboy Bebop: Written in The Stars (The Weaver Girl and The Cowherd)
Death Note: The Golden Pen (King Midas)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: No Strings Attached (Pinocchio)
Fate: The Chosen Sword (King Arthur)
BanG Dream!: Melody of Deceit (The Pied Piper)
Code Geass: The Princess and The Pig Man (The Swineherd)
Jujitsu Kaisen: The Light Within (The Buried Moon)
Blue Exorcist: Blazing Bonds (The Firebird)
Spy X Family: Secret of The Statue (The Happy Prince)
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic: The Enchanted Key (Alibaba and The 40 Thieves)
Re:Zero: Gilded Feathers (The Golden Goose)
Saint Seiya: Divine Trials and Godly Tribulations (The 12 Labors of Hercules)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Claws of Gold, Hearts of Gold (Goldilocks and The 3 Bears)
One Punch Man: A Hero’s Humility (King Thrushbeard)
Future Diary: Wishful Obsession (The Fisherman and His Wife)
Sket Dance: A Tale of Three Tricksters (The 3 Billy Goats Gruff)
Precure (All seasons): The Sweetest Holiday Ever (The Nutcracker)
Food Wars: A Recipe For Courage (The Brave Little Tailor)
Spice and Wolf: Against All Odds (The Princess on The Glass Hill)
Noragami: Stolen Sun (Amaterasu and The Cave)
Monogatari: Secret Confidants (The Elves and The Shoemaker)
Steins;Gate: Azure Secrets (Bluebeard)
Tokyo Revengers: Neverlanding, Never Faltering (Peter Pan)
The Promised Neverland: Emerald Truths (The Wizard of Oz)
Toriko: Sweet Pursuit (The Gingerbread Man)
Kill La Kill: A Royal Mix Up (The Prince and The Pauper)
World Trigger: The Silent Springtime (The Selfish Giant)
The Seven Deadly Sins: Curse of Shade and Malice (The Shadow)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Salt and Sugar (The Salt Princess/Cap O Rushes)
Assassination Classroom: Honeyed Words (Diamonds and Toads)
Way of The House Husband: Out of The Cage (Jorinda and Joringel)
Danganronpa The Animation (It covers all the games): Makoto in Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland)
D Gray Man: Song of The Sparkling Swan (Swan Lake)
Persona 5 The Animation: Way Down We Go (Hades and Persephone)
Soul Eater: United We Stand (The Six Who Went Far)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The 5 Magical Musketeers (The 3 Musketeers)
Aggretsuko: Four Man Band (The Bremen Town Musicians)
Tokyo Godfathers: A Holiday Journey (A Christmas Carol)
Revolutionary Girl Utena: Emotions Set Free (The Princess Who Never Smiled)
Sonic X: True, Blue, and Noble (Hans The Hedgehog)
Magiknight Rayearth: Noble Flame, Changing Tide, and Guiding Wind (The 3 Princesses of Whiteland)
A Silent Voice: Beyond All Boundaries (East of The Sun, West of The Moon)
A Whisker Away: A Feline Fairytale (The White Cat)
Your Name: A Little Bird Told Me (The Singing, Springing, Lark)
Love Live: A Fateful Adventure (Journey to The West)
Captain Tsubasa: Winging It (The Seven Ravens)
The Ancient Magus Bride: Entrapped Beauty (The Lindworm)
Overlord: Seeds of Trust (The Juniper Tree)
Delicious in Dungeon: Cooking Up Trouble (The Magic Porridge Pot)
Medaka Box: The Truth Above All (The Goose Girl)
Chainsaw Man: Demonic Assistance (The Golden Bird)
Taikobo: Legend of The Lost Kingdom (Urashima Taro)
Revue Starlight: Masked Secrets (Phantom of The Opera)
Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin: Path of The Canine (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)
Dr. Stone: Into The Wilderness (The Jungle Book)
Fire Force: The Flames of Charity (Robin Hood)
Shaman King: Mystery of The Marsh (The Marsh King’s Daughter)
Rave Master: Cloak of Secrets (Donkeyskin/Many Furs)
Ranma 1/2: Loyal, Brave, and True (Mulan)
Karakuri Circus: The House Within The Woods (Vasilisa The Brave and Beautiful)
Devilman Crybaby: Three Hairs of Gold (The Devil With 3 Golden Hairs)
The Irregular at Magic High School: Ring of Enchantments (The Bronze Ring)
Bobobo: One Hairy Tale (Prince Hyacinth)
Shakugan No Shana: Three Dogs, Three Heroes (The Tinderbox)
Nisekoi: Yellow With Affection (The Yellow Dwarf)
Kaiju No. 8: Don’t Get Salty (Why The Sea is Salty)
Kinnikuman: A Mission in Patience (The Tortoise and The Hare)
Oshi No Ko: The Price of Stardom (Little Brother and Little Sister)
Case Closed: Stolen Hearts and Stolen Fortunes (The Master Thief)
Pokemon The Series: An Electrifying Rescue (The Lion and The Mouse)
Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation: A Tale of a Thousand and One Nights (1,001 Arabian Nights)
Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai: A Ribbiting Adventure (The Frog Princess)
Dr. Slump: A Quacktastic Journey (Drakestail)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Windows to The Soul (One Eyes, Two Eyes, Three Eyes)
Kochikame: From Faux to Genuine (Don Quixote)
Yo-Kai Watch: Cat Artist Unknown (The Boy Who Drew Cats)
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War: To Love and To Be Loved (Turandot)
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Feathers of Joy (The Blue Bird)
DanMachi: Forgotten Evil Unleashed (Pandora’s Box)
Hellsing Ultimate: Blood Ties (Dracula)
Claymore: The Monster Unleashed (Frankenstein)
Thanks to @sam-rexian and @crystallinedreamsfinelypowdered for helping with some of these!
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