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Yesterday I finished Hardboiled & Hard Luck by Banana Yoshimoto while taking a walk around Parc Villeroy, the sun was setting as I walked through the woods and the gentle breeze made me understand better the meaning of the stories told by the author. Yesterday I had a fine evening.
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📚 Leseempfehlung für japanische Weltliteratur! 🇯🇵✨
Bist du auf der Suche nach tiefgründigen und faszinierenden Erzählungen aus Japan? Entdecke die meisterhaften Werke von japanischen Schriftstellern, die die Weltliteratur bereichert haben.
1. Yukio Mishima – „Die goldene Pagode“ (The Temple of the Golden Pavilion)
📖 Ein Meisterwerk über Besessenheit und Zerstörung, das die Geschichte eines Mönchs erzählt, der von der Goldenen Pagode besessen ist.
📖 „Der Tempel der Erleuchtung“ (The Sound of Waves) – Ein weiteres berühmtes Werk über Liebe und Ehre im traditionellen Japan.
Warum du ihn lesen solltest:
Mishima ist der Klassiker für ästhetische und philosophische Erkundungen der menschlichen Psyche und der Zusammenbrüche traditioneller Werte.
2. Natsume Sōseki – „Kokoro“
📖 Ein poetisches und emotionales Werk über Vertrauen, Einsamkeit und den innere Konflikte eines jungen Mannes.
📖 „I Am a Cat“ – Eine humorvolle Satire über die Gesellschaft, erzählt aus der Perspektive einer Katzen.
Warum du ihn lesen solltest:
Sōseki ist der Vater der modernen japanischen Literatur. Seine Werke bieten tiefgehende Reflexionen über Emotionen und Gesellschaft.
3. Ryūnosuke Akutagawa – „Rashomon“
📖 Eine Geschichte, die die Wahrheit und die Moral der Menschen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln betrachtet.
📖 „Im Graben“ (In a Grove) – Ein weiteres Werk, das Moral und Vertrauen hinterfragt.
Warum du ihn lesen solltest:
Akutagawa ist ein Meister der psychologischen Erzählkunst, der mit Moral und Subjektivität spielt.
4. Banana Yoshimoto – „Kitchen“
📖 Eine einfühlsame Erzählung über Liebe, Verlust und die Suche nach Zugehörigkeit.
📖 „N.P.“ – Ein weiterer ergreifender Roman über Beziehungen und die Dunkelheit der menschlichen Emotionen.
Warum du sie lesen solltest:
Banana Yoshimoto ist bekannt für ihre poetischen und emotionalen Geschichten, die tief in Gefühle und Seelenschmerz eintauchen.
5. Jun’ichirō Tanizaki – „Die Mütter der Winde“ (The Makioka Sisters)
📖 Ein wunderschönes Porträt einer Familie in Tokyo und der japanischen Gesellschaft in den 1930er Jahren.
📖 „In Praise of Shadows“ (陰翳礼讃) – Ein philosophischer Essay, der die Schönheit des Schattens und traditionellen japanischen Lebens feiert.
Warum du ihn lesen solltest:
Tanizaki ist bekannt für seine ästhetische Betrachtung von Schönheit und Veränderung in der japanischen Kultur.
6. Haruki Murakami – „1Q84“
📖 Ein komplexer und magischer Roman, der zwei parallele Welten miteinander verbindet.
📖 „Kafka am Strand“ (Kafka on the Shore) – Ein weiteres großartiges Werk, das Schicksal, Selbstfindung und inneren Dämonen behandelt.
Warum du ihn lesen solltest:
Murakami ist berühmt für seine magischen Realismen und philosophischen Themen, die Surrealismus und emotionale Tiefe vereinen.
Warum du diese Werke lesen solltest:
Die japanische Literatur ist ein Schatz an poetischen, philosophischen und gesellschaftskritischen Erzählungen, die tief in das Innere des Menschen und die japanische Kultur eintauchen.
📖 Lass dich von der faszinierenden Welt der japanischen Literatur verzaubern und entdecke die Werke dieser außergewöhnlichen Schriftsteller!
©️®️CWG, 26.02.2025
#JapanischeLiteratur #Weltliteratur #LesenIstLeben #Bücherliebe #YukioMishima #NatsumeSōseki #RyūnosukeAkutagawa #BananaYoshimoto #JunichiroTanizaki #HarukiMurakami #Literaturempfehlung #Bücherwelt #cwg64d #cwghighsensitive #oculiauris
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8. Kitchen (1988)
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hiiiiiiiii ashleigh my beloved umm maybe 2, 6, 9 and 24 for the ask game? ps. I LOVE YOU‼️🧡
helloooo angie my dear!!! eepp i love you too and thank you so much for the ask 💖💓💞💌💟💕💗💝
2. album of the year? already answered here sorryyy
6. episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? bruhh it's gotta be the finale of koisenu futari.. trying to explain the emotional impact of this ep is impossible without going into the whole series which i don't have time for here BUT i've seen it twice this year and bawled my eyes out both times, it absolutely sticks the landing and is maybe the most cathartic ending to a piece of media i've ever seen
9. best month for you this year? (literally looked back on my monthly playlists to remember wtf even happened this year!!!) hmm probably august? i just remember feeling pretty good around that time, it was just after i moved + got my new job and it was all rather *a lot* but all super positive yk
24. did you keep any new year’s resolutions? yes!! not that i made many hngfjdc but i really wanted to watch more films that were released this year (either at home or in cinemas) and i'd say i've done a pretty good job
send me end of year asks!!
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hiiii ❣️ 6, 33 and 98? :-)
hiii! 🌈💕
6. 恋学者 - 2021 by usotsuki
33. 告白してもいいですか by honeyworks
98. 沙发一躺过半天(W版)by wowkie da
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hiii hello <3 ok let's go top five favourite airports you've been to, books you've read this year, things to draw (anything from specific characters to smaller details like hands or clouds or anything you like) and finally favourite and most underrated mdzs scenes from any adaptation?
hiiiiiii ilu <33
top 5 airports I've been to
Brussels Airport, Belgium (BRU) my absolutely most beloved. It litcherally has a heart as a logo. The organization. The cozy wooden design. The Starbucks right in front of the info board so you can get a coffee while waiting for the gate info. The train station right on the -1 floor. I love youuuu babygirl
Warsaw Chopin (WAW), Poland. The OG airport for me. Going on holidays, dropping family off, whatever you want, it has your back. I could go though it blindfolded at this point.
Chicago O'Hare (ORD), US. The big stuff. The big deal. Quite messy (a lot of going back and forth when you're departing) but I'm always happy to see it again.
Munich Airport, Germany (MUC). The MVP for transit flights. Had to spend there like 7 hours in severe covid times (July 2020, 5 days after they restored EU air travel) and it was quite an experience because it was so fucking empty. I don't even know how many times I walked back and forth though it out of boredom.
Lublin Airport (LUZ), Poland. Very tiny (litcherally 3 gates), but very cute. The train to the city literally stops 5 meters in front of the entrance door.
top 5 books read this year
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
The Seven Ages of Death by Richard Shepherd
Everything You Should Know Before You Die by Małgorzata Węglarz
top 5 things to draw
Glowing things
Things going whoosh because of the wind
Details on clothes
Wangxian being very very very in love
top 5 mdzs scenes
/oh/ scene when wwx and lwj release the lanterns
lwj fighting the 33 lan elders
cql ep 43 soft jingshi scene
jinlintai confrontation
uhh maybe the boat scene where wwx is still a bit dizzy after being unconscious and lwj lets him sleep on him and cleans his face with a handkerchief while keeping his still dirty and the juniors getting flustered when they see them like that
[ask me top 5 anything!]
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Tu c'hai l'anima pura e i piedi freddi, io ho la pelle dura e poca cura dei difetti che ti vanno stretti Eppure se ti specchi ti perdi la bellezza Quella vera che solo stasera solo tu rifletti E qualche volta sbagli il nome, ferisci tutti sì, ma non me E se lo chiedono rispondo che in fondo c'avevamo ragione… 🔴Coez | @coezofficial . . #photogram #autumn #photooftheday #photoeveryday #instafamous #picture #beautiful #followme #explorationgram #follow #fashion #ig_turin #bananayoshimoto #odtakeovers #instadaily #unlimlikes #ig_torino #lovemyphotos #ig_torino_ #igerstorino #snow #neve #pretty #instamood #photography (presso Piazza San Carlo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYTQotOt7hy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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・ ・ 『ムーンライトシャドウ』観た。 ・ ・ #ムーンライトシャドウ #MoonlightShadow #吉本ばなな #BananaYoshimoto #エドモンドヨウ #EdmundYeo ・ #小松菜奈 #NanaKomatsu #宮沢氷魚 #佐藤緋美 #中原ナナ#吉倉あおい #中野誠也 #臼田あさ美 ・ #ラブストーリー #lovestory #日本映画 #Japanesefilm ・ #映画 #movie #ビバムビ #instamovie #moviestagram #instagood #instapic ・ #staysafe #socialdistancing #withコロナ #newnormal (TOHO シネマズ 日比谷) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT_ETGqFiJa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Tsugumi es una historia estival muy suave, Banana Yoshimoto logra que sientas que casi puedes oler la sal del mar. -
- El plot.
Maria Shirakawa se ha marchado a Tokio para iniciar la universidad, la invitación de Tsugumi a pasar un último verano juntas en el hostal en el que ambas crecieron, hará que María regrese al pequeño pueblo costero en el que creció acompañada de la personalidad arisca de su prima. Durante ese verano, ambas tendrán contacto con la intensidad de las primeras emociones, el verdadero significado del hogar, la familia, un constante recordatorio de la cercanía de la muerte, y la melancolía con la que viene acompañada la decisión de dejar todo atrás. -
Publicado por @tusquetseditores
#bananayoshimoto #tusquets #lecturasrecomendadas
https://www.instagram.com/p/CCgpx70HNp8/?igshid=593d9cskp9os Aquí los 3 minutos dedicados a Yoshimoto: https://esmeraldacoloradom.wixsite.com/pagina-cero
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Have you read “Kitchen” by Banana Yoshimoto? This sweet short read kept reminding me of the good old days when I was a kid and my mom was always in the kitchen, preparing these delicious meals for us and the whole family were together! Very nostalgic! Telling the story of young Mikage after she loses her grandma, Yoshimoto makes you realize how important it is to have a connection with others, especially in such hard times. On top of that, the way Mikage gets obsessed with the kitchen and cooking is probably a coping mechanism to deal with loss which I believe works perfectly for her. The last paragraph touched me so deeply: “As I grow older, much older, I will experience many things and I will hit rock bottom again and again. Again, and again I will suffer; again, and again I will get back on my feet. I will not be defeated. I won’t let my spirit be destroyed.” . . . . . #bookstagram #cozyvibes #bookgram #booknookstagram #japaneseliterature #slowliving #bananayoshimoto #ofcosymoments #bibliophile #mybookfeatures #bookcommunity #bookaesthetic #bookphotography #bookmoments #aquietstyle #readandchill #bookphoto #momentsofmime #bookblogger #unitedbookstagram #booklover #bookishfeatures #bookaholic #mybeigelife #posttheordinary #readinglife #postitfortheaesthetic #allthebooks #thepursuitofcosiness #readersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CITPtZzARfq/?igshid=8ljojgrt2u6x
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You have the nicest window, you know? None of the others can even compete. It´s not flashy like the others, or bleary – your window gives of this nice, quiet light. - Banana Yoshimoto, The Lake @bananayoshimotoofficial @bananayoshimotofan Follow @relatable_poems_quotes for more aesthetic pictures and relatable words like these! Photo credits : @pinterestindia #bananayoshimotobook #bananayoshimotoquotes #bananayoshimoto #thelake #windowtreatments #windowtint #natureswindow #quotestoremember #quoteoftheday #quoted #bookrecommendations #bookquoteoftheday #booksquotes #followforfollowback #follow4followback #likeforlikes #likeforlikeandfollow #likeforfollowers #likeformention #lkeforfollow #photooftheday #aesthetic #blueaesthetic #blueshades #photographyeveryday #photoquotes #relatablequotes #thoughtoftheday #thoughtsbecomethings #naturephotography (at Beside My Window) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSNNKHlobx/?igshid=1eyuz6tgcjug1
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Happy Monday! For me this semester, Mondays are like my Fridays, and it's the weirdest feeling! I do hours of homework and stuff all the way from Friday morning until Sunday night, and then I have a breath of fresh air on Monday mornings before I throw myself back in. 😅 n.p. by Banana Yoshimoto was quite the experience. It was one I led a discussion on for my class, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it 😂 It's not really one that I can explain all that well, but I would say it's just something you need to experience if you like contemporary Japanese literature! Pet peeve, though ... Is it bad that the fact that in this edition, the title is all in lowercase, and looks like it's the author name and not the title?! #QOTD : How was everyone's weekend? Did you do anything fun, or have anything interesting planned for this week? . . . #pagesfromalibrary #n.p. #np #bananayoshimoto #yoshimotobanana #吉本ばなな #jlit #japaneseliterature #contemporaryliterature #日本文学 #現代日本文学 #booksta #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bibliophiles #booksofinstagram #bookaddicted #instagrambooks #instabookstagram #instabooklovers #igreads #instabooks #booklove #booknerds #bookishlove #bookish #readersofinstagram #bookbookbook #readmorebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CFH6en6gfNv/?igshid=3q7z34h72uhn
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⛩ Daruma has no wish yet! _(┐「ε:)_⛩ #komorupanda #komoru #panda #redpanda #daruma #darumadoll #達磨 #miniature #miniatures #miniatureart #miniatureworld #miniaturebook #manga #korean #japanese #한국말 #stopmotion #bananayoshimoto #stopmotionanimation #stopmotionsetdesign #sculpey #handpainted #handmade #supersculpey #miniaturefurniture #japan #korea #kawaii #cute #books https://www.instagram.com/p/B_-WbRanD3W/?igshid=1rflgz02ejrbm
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