#bana phrionnsa
sloanesallow · 6 months
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Sloane is standing on the top landing, one hand on the banister to balance herself as she slowly glides down step by careful step. She’s wrapped in pale pink satin and sparkling tulle, the fabric flaring out from her waist and brushing the floor, the sleeves hanging loose around her shoulders. She’s something out of his wildest dreams, a fairytale princess come to life. A goddess—his very own Venus floating down from the heavens. Sebastian blinks hard, grateful she’s still there when he opens his eyes. Sloane tucks a loose strand of her ash-blonde hair back into place as she scans the crowd, and he swears her eyes sparkle when they land on him. He flashes a lopsided grin, trying to not appear overly eager. “You…” He forgets how to speak, flicking his eyes up and down her delicate form before meeting her stormy gaze. “You,” Sloane mimics, her voice just as soft. She steps closer, reaching up to adjust his bowtie. “You look very handsome.” “I do?” Sebastian knows he is blushing, the heat on his face increasing as she grazes her fingers through his hair, attempting to tame the dark, unruly locks. “What I mean is—” he clears his throat, wanting to appear earnest. “You look…beautiful,” Sebastian hopes he isn’t overstepping the blurry lines laid between them. “Bana-phrionnsa….” The pink on Sloane’s cheeks nearly matches her dress. “Thank you.”
Realizing I never posted this before. But here's an (edited for context) excerpt from my fanfic, Magic, Madness, Heaven, Sin, a Sebastian x F!MC fic that you can read on [Ao3] and [Wattpad]
art by puri.dew
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emmalandry · 10 months
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𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟹: 𝚄𝚗𝚒𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖
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Soap coming home from deployment, still in his tactical gear after months of fighting for his life. He looks so handsome. The dark green camouflage print of his pants and jacket.
His mohawk is frizzy but he didn’t care. He was barely in the door 5 minutes before he tried to jump your bones. Sloppily kissing your neck and lips. Grinding his already hard, pulsing cock against your slick cunt.
“Such a good girl f’ me, Bonnie. Missed ye’ so much.” His words are muffled as he licks and sucks on your pulse point.
His hands move to remove his jacket before he heres a meek little “wait..” slip through your kiss bitten lips. “Leave the uniform on…Want you to fuck me like this. Please.” Your lip jutted out into a pout and how was he meant to say no?
He couldn’t so before you know it his black compression shirt was stripped from his body, his jacket and army pants the only thing left as his cock springs free.
He ruts against your wet folds, your panties long gone. The head of his cock bumps your clit allowing a mewl to slip through your lips. “ ‘s alrigh’ bana-phrionnsa bheag, just let me in.” He slips his dripping cock into your awaiting folds.
Harshly thrusting the moment he enters you. “Can’t believe ye’ wanted me to fuck ye’ dressed like this. Filthy slag. These clothes were covered in blood only a few days ago and you still want me to ruin ye’ in them.”
⋆⸜ ⚘ ⸝⋆ .* ⚘ ⋆*⋆⸜ ⚘ ⸝⋆ .* ⚘ ⋆*⋆⸜ ⚘ ⸝⋆ .* ⚘ ⋆
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guesswhogotaname · 3 years
Les bails sur la linguistique on continue ?
Oké oké l'équipe, ça roule aujourd'hui? Je sais pas si vous vous souvenez de ce post, mais j'ai continué mon ptit AU linguistique de Kaamelott.
Comme précédemment expliqué et démontré, au le Nord de l'île de Bretagne (Orcanie, Calédonie, Carmélide, territoires Pictes) le dialecte utilisé est le gàidhlig.
Et je me suis dit, bah tiens, on change de prénom quand on change de pays / de langue (merci, Captain Obvious). On se retrouve parfois avec deux prénoms (celui utiliser dans le pays émigré et celui utiliser dans le pays des origines). Waouh that some incredible FACTS.
-> Si on faisait avec les prénoms des persos de Kaamelott???? Ça pourrait carrément être drôle ! :)
Guenièvre :
En Carmélide (sa terre natale) elle est appelée Ghenifar (qui signifie Dame Blanche / Fée Blanche) c’est en référence à une ancienne prophétie (le jour de sa naissance; un épais brouillard est tombé sur les terres du nord, un ciel laiteux, sans soleil… Ce signe sera interprété comme de « mauvaise » augures). Pourtant, pour ces parents, sa naissance est une bénédiction. C’est la première née et dans la culture picte c’est une bonne chose que le premier enfant soit une fille. Son petit surnom que ses parents lui donnaient Naofa Ghenifar (bénis Ghenifar).
Les Pictes l’appelle Vanora.
Les sujets de Carmélide l’appellent Baintighearna (dame) Àillidh (lumineuse) ou encore Bana-phrionnsa (princesse).
-> Ghenifar nighean de Rìgh Ogyruan (Ghenifar fille du roi Ogyruan (prénom gàidhlig de Léodagan).
Une fois son mariage avec Arthur célébré et le titre de Reine de Bretagne officiellement déclarée, Guenièvre doit changer de prénom.
En brittonique commun, elle est la Reine Gwenhwÿfar (ce changement est vu comme un affront par les différents royaumes du Nord -> asservissement de leur langue / culture suite à l’unification des terres).
Bien évidemment, le peuple de Cornouailles n’appréciera pas non plus cette union désastreuse… Dame Ygerne n’aimant pas trop trop « les pécores du Nord ». Pour Ygerne c’est une petite sauvageonne, illettrée et inapte à un titre aussi important. Plusieurs fois, elle demandera à Arthur de lui donner un prénom cornique pour « apaiser » le peuple de Tintagel, furieux de cette union. Ygerne l’appellera Gwynnever et refusera catégoriquement de lui parler dans une autre langue que le cornique.
Au pays de Galles, on parle de cette Reine en des termes élogieux, et utilise comme prénom Wenneuereia
Le Seigneur Lancelot insistera également pour l’appeler par son prénom d’origine (mais il a beaucoup de mal à prononcer correctement les « gh » gàidhlig… Pauvre petit coeur), Mais notre chère Reine appréciant grandement le Breton occidental, ne sera pas vexer de l’entendant l’appeler Guennuuar (tout comme la team de la Petite Bretagne Bohort & Karadoc)
Le prénom de Guenièvre sera son prénom de « baptême » (lors de sa conversion au christianisme) et c’est ainsi que le Père Blaise parlera d’elle lorsqu’il écrit la Légende arthurienne. Ce prénom cependant, n’est presque jamais utilisé à l’oral.
MENTIONS HONORABLES : en Irlande on l’appelle Finnabair, à Rome on l’appelle Guanhumara
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defenderrosetyler · 3 years
A Prince and His Swan Prologue
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Words: 1.5k
Warnings: Minor Mention of injury and death
Off we go! Thanks again to @flamencodiva​ for being Beta and @beskaradberoya​ for her dividers!!
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Sam Winchester and Odette Y/L/N had been friends since they were children. Odette was the only daughter of a widowed king, and Sam was the youngest of King John and Queen Mary of the neighboring kingdom across the oceans. King John and Odette’s father had constant talks of joining their kingdoms during their children’s infancy. It was decided that every summer, Dean, Sam, and Odette would spend the summers together in the hope that Odette would fall in love with one of his sons. 
Each summer passed with its own challenges. Odette was polite with the palace staff, while Dean and Sam caused havoc around the palace. John sighed one afternoon as he and the other adults sat around the table playing cards. “Well, at least the children seem to be getting along.”
“Don’t worry, John, this arrangement will click with one of them, I promise.” “It’s a perfect match” Odette’s Father smiled over at the other monarchs,
“Sam, she’s making me play dress up,” Dean groans as Sam shakes his head. “At least she’s not beating you at cards. This is the fifth hand she’s beaten me at.” Odette giggled as she lay out her winning hand. 
The summers passed, and before long, all three children were grown. Dean had already had his 18th birthday celebration, and now it was Sam’s turn. 
“Father, please, put me down! This is just another ball that I’d rather not be a part of!” Odette argued as she watched all the eligible women and princesses in the kingdom approached the steps of Winchester Castle.
“Odette, my darling child, this match between you and Sam is perfect. You two got along so well all these past summers. Surely you must care for him.” Odette’s father says gently. The father and daughter had a close relationship ever since Odette’s mother had passed at the time of her birth. Sure Odette had her tutors growing up, but she and her father were incredibly close. The elder monarch pulled out a black velvet box and revealed a gold chain, and at the end of the beautiful chain, hung the image of a swan carved into the gold locket. 
“Papa, it’s beautiful…” Odette gasped as her father reached around to clasp the golden chain around her neck. The gold accessory shimmered in the light of the hallway, but the symbol of a swan reminded her of her mother as it was her favorite animal.
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Down the hall, Sam sighed as he straightened his dress clothes. Clearly, this was a ball set to become an engagement party as his mother had insisted on him wearing the nicest outfit he had. Dean, who was adamant of making sure his little brother wasn’t late, walked over to help him. “Seems like mom invited half the kingdom and all the most abundant amount of single princesses in this kingdom and the next one over,” Dean says chuckling, This made Sam roll his eyes at the elder sibling. 
“Maybe I don’t want to settle down yet, Dean. There’s so much of the enchanted forest I haven’t gotten to explore yet. I’ve wanted to visit Snow and Charming, but I haven’t had the time since Mom is so insistent that I get married. She didn’t force you to get married,” he added as an afterthought. Dean scoffed and shook his head. This was true, he wasn’t being forced into a marriage, and he’d thought he would be, given the fact he was the oldest of the Winchester princes. 
“You’ll have time for that and so much more, Sam, I promise. Have I ever steered you wrong before?”
Sam let out a sigh, Dean was right there. In being the eldest, he always gave the best advice. Sam gave his brother a friendly smile and nodded. Dean pulled Sam in for a hug and patted him on the back. “Come on, there’s a ball, with food, drink, and women” Dean smirked, saying each word slowly and his grin grew with each word before he was out the door. 
Meanwhile, Queen Regina Mills was working on a curse of her own across the enchanted forest, but she was also in contact with the witch that presided over the Winchester Kingdom. Rowena Macleod. Before Sam and Dean were born, Rowena had a decent relationship with King John and Queen Mary, but she was banished immediately when the boys were about a year old when she was discovered working with dark magic. Rowena and Regina had been friends when they were younger. 
Rowena snuck inside the palace walls, her dark emerald cloak kept her hidden in the shadows, smirking as she spotted the royal family as well as Princess Odette. Rowena had spies hidden within the palace who would provide her with intel regarding the goings-on at the palace. t wasn’t that hard to figure out the fact that Prince Samuel had a soft spot for Princess Odette Y/L/N. 
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The growing crowd made it easier to allow Rowena to lurk throughout the party with ease, the entire ballroom filled with gasps and murmurs as Odette made her way into the room. Rowena cleared her throat as she tried to gather Sam’s attention, bowing into a low curtsy, she smiled and stood looking at him, rumor around the palace is that you and Princess Odette are to be engaged, what with you being childhood friends and all,” 
Sam nodded hearing Rowena, but he wasn’t truly listening to her. Catching Y/C/H out of the corner of his eye, the prince turned to see her come down the stairs and just looked in awe. How did the annoying child he and Dean had grown up with become someone so beautiful…Sam moved to push past Rowena, moving to stand in front of Odette, smiling as they were standing in the middle of the room, giving her a low bow. In-kind, Odette curtsy’s back. 
Without a second thought, Sam was inching towards her and his hand rested on the back of her neck before pressing his lips to hers gently, which to the parents of the pair, made them elated, a loud cry filled the room from King John. 
“Arrange the marriage between Prince Samuel and Princess Odette.”
As the words echoed in her ear, Odette pulled back and looked in shock. “What? I-I don’t understand…” 
Sam pulled Odette over to a corner so they were alone somewhat. “I don’t understand what the problem is.” “Why do you want to marry me? Because we’re told do, or are you willing to marry me of your own choice.” “Well, you are really beautiful…” Sam says trailing a bit. “What else?” 
This made Sam blink a bit. After a moment of hesitation, Odette scoffed and gently pushed past him to leave. “Papa, I’d like to go home.”
Rowena stepped out into the crowd and her red hair was vibrant against the castle light. Her voice was low and she was laughing while the words left her mouth. Eyes gazed upon Odette and her elder father.
 “adhair, uisge, teine, talamh gabh an nighean seo agus thoir dhomh mo mhallachd. Air an latha eala air an oidhche na bana-phrionnsa, cha bhi i gu bràth leis an fheadhainn air a bheil gaol aice, gus an tèid fìor ghaol aideachadh aideachadh le fuil.”  
Which translated to; ‘air, water, fire, earth take this girl and give her my curse. By  day a swan  by night a princess, never shall she be with the ones she loves, until true loves confession be spoken with blood.’
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Odette’s father moved to pull his daughter behind him after the curse was spoken. John was shouting for his guard to seize Rowena and make sure she was exiled like she should have been. The entire ballroom left the palace in a rush, Odette and her father being pushed along in the crowd. Climbing into their carriage, they rushed towards their kingdom and, hopefully, safety.
The following morning, Sam and Dean were in the library, trying to remember the words to Rowena’s spell the evening before. Rowena being the cunning witch she was, was able to escape and cause an ambush on Odette and her father’s carriage, taking Odette with her where Sam would not be able to find her, leaving the golden necklace in the road. “Sam, you, for the record, are an idiot,” Dean says to his younger brother, who simply glared at him. “‘ Is beauty all that matters,” he says trying to mimic Odette’s tone and rolled his eyes, “and you simply respond with, “What else is there?!’”
“Thank you, Dean, for reminding me for the second time this morning and last night,” Sam snapped, looking up as the head of the guard burst through the library wounded just as Sam was on the page where the spell would be translated. “Hey, Hey, you're alright? What happened?”
“Princess Odette’s carriage was attacked on the road, her father is dead…”
“What?!” Dean gasped. In the guard's hand was Odette’s necklace. Both brothers looked up as a storm was seeming to come in out of nowhere. “What the hell is that?” Sam says. “A wall of purple smoke?”
“That would be Queen Regina’s doing,” Rowena smirked as she stood in the library. See you boys soon, though, you probably won’t remember me anyway.” She chuckled as the smoke enveloped the palace.
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ofaphrvdite · 5 years
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silence ! raise the royal standard, for the princess of scotland, ADA STUART, has arrived. being 29 years old, she is out of line to the throne. many around the court call her the stepford smiler, by virtue of her being resilient and captivating, while also being deceitful and abrasive.  — played by lily collins.
full name: ada isobel stuart-windsor name meaning: ada ‘noble, nobility’, isobel ‘pledged to god’ known in history as: the mummer’s queen, daughter of ice date of birth: october 25th, 1637/1990 age: twenty nine star sign: scorpio  profession: former circus performer, retired olympic gymnast and now a public figure (modern verse) / princess of scotland (royal verse) loyalty: scotland, house stuart, the entente alignment: neutral evil  mbti: estj spoken languages: scottish gaelic, english, advanced latin, advanced french, intermediate german, basic greek (royal verse) / english, intermediate scottish gaelic (modern verse) mother’s name: margaret stuart nee. moray father’s name: james stuart siblings, if any: duncan stuart, thirty six, david stuart (deceased) height: 5’5” hair colour: reddish brown  eye colour: brown
born in the bar staff toilets of an oasis concert, her childhood would prove just as exciting. ada’s parents had met in school, and eloped in their final year when her grandfather’s circus left town. eventually, james stuart had inherited the business and went on to become it’s next ringmaster. margaret became the show’s star with her awe-inspiring, gut-wrenching tightrope act. as they popped out kids, each took up a skill as they grew older and ada was no different. having grown up watching her mum’s skyhigh grace with wonder, she opted first for gymnastics. and despite the family’s constant moving, they always found a local class for ada to train in - recognizing her natural talent for the sport.
as she got older, she and her brother david began to take their knack for acrobatics to higher heights. both keen to perform up high, like their mother, they started to choreograph a trapeze routine. it took months to manage even a basic routine, and even longer until it was ready to show to the paying public, but eventually they had an act people were raving about. dubbed a little too on the nose as the flying scots. 
as time went on, the two siblings grew more confident and began to add more complicated moves to their routine. thrilled with the reception and the business it brought in, their father only encouraged them despite margaret voicing her concerns. to up the tension, their dad began to tinker with things. often making changes the evening of the performance to keep things exciting. with every tweak, ada began to feel more anxious. saying on more than one occasion that they were taking too many risks. but her brother would wave off her worries and assure her everything would be alright. and ada, always trusting of her older brothers, believed him.
so seeing david plummet thirty feet to the ground after overshooting the safety net was more than just a shock.
he died before the ambulance could arrive, and ada was rescued by the fire service after refusing to climb down and causing even more panic as she went into hysterics forty feet above. the stuart circus was shut down that very same night, and ada took off after the funeral. too traumatised to look her father in the eye, blaming him alone for david’s death. of which he blamed himself, too. it would be many years before she could forgive her father and reconcile with her parents.
still, ada needed to make a living and could no longer fathom taking to the trapeze again despite the many offers from other companies. not without her partner. plus the prospect of ever being up that high again was enough to leave her a sobbing wreck. she was still a professionally trained gymnast, and despite everything, still enjoyed the feeling the sense of discipline offered her. after a few months of rigid training with a coach, ada was selected to join team great britain at eighteen. old by industry standards. still, she worked hard for years, picking up medals along the way. by the time the 2012 games rolled round, ada was one to watch. one of the most talented sportswomen competing for the country. she snatched up the gold medal, only just beating the united states and russia. at twenty two, she was nearing the end of her career. but managed just one last olympic games, where she took gold once more, before she announced her retirement at twenty six. 
whilst her professional career took off, so did her personal life. a new sponsor was brought on for the 2012 games. some oil company that could do with some brownie points with the public, a nice good news story. you know, x factor sob story shit. what should have been a business deal that she paid no mind to ended up leading to the man she would marry. as son of the ceo, ada found herself running into charles at various events and dinners. their banter eventually led to a true bond and the rest, as they say, is history.
charles became the grounding force she needed after years of travelling and turmoil, and ada was the much more reckless influence that she supposed he needed too. the pair are now happily married, a shock to both their families. ada’s having expected her to perhaps never settle down, much less with the son of a billionaire. and the less said for charles’ parents the better. not that ada has ever cared for other’s opinions, and now feels fully content in her life. well not quite. she’d like a truckload of kids too.
ada, now retired, spends most of her time campaigning for sports in schools and training the odd kid or too for the next generation. she’s a little restless without a regular job, but she’s learning to adapt to it. to find the peace in the quiet moments. 
the last child to james and margaret stuart and the first daughter, ada came into the world on the cusp of a cold winter - the bells ringing through until morning to announce the princess’ arrival. she was the hope scotland grasped in the dark and long months that followed. it didn’t take long for the country to fall in love with their beloved bana-phrionnsa.
growing up with two older brothers birthed a wild and rebellious spirit. the young scot loved to do things, wanting to learn as much as she was able and more. a firm favourite of her father, ada was not barred from the lessons her brother’s enjoyed and she often joined with their sword training and horseriding. though she loved the outside, ada enjoyed performing and dancing as well as sewing her own dresses. a keen animal lover, ada has grown up surrounded by pets.
that same spirit found itself dimmed once the young princess was sent south to england, to wed the crown prince. a betrothal that had been brokered when she and charles were both young and their two countries were in turmoil with two warring crowns. it was hoped their marriage would bring peace, and perhaps force scotland to behave with their prized princess in their clutches. with the war, bringing scotland into the coalition alliance made the betrothal all the more imperative - as did the money the scottish crown possessed through the queen’s family. though ada had no wish to wed, she was dutiful and loyal to her family and went willingly. it helped that she had taken a fancy for young prince charles, the two developing a bond quite young. childhood sweethearts, that’s what the songs ought to have sung.
after the wedding, ada took to preparing to become the next queen of england with her usual vigour and enthusiasm. though she held little love for the english, she wanted to be a good queen, one remembered throughout history as being loved by all. more than anything, she wanted to smooth the tensions between her old home and her new. she has ambitions beyond her own self, to do good for all as a strong humanitarian and wishes to enact change. ada learned all she could, making friends with the suspicious nobles who soon fell to her natural charm. for a time she was happy in her position, eagerly showing her new ladies the latest fashions and dances, tending to the growing fondness in her marriage, holding court with the noble women of england. her brother’s sudden death came as a great shock to her. but at least she had charles to lean on, taking great support in him as she maneuvered through the awful grief.
but no royal was allowed this much happiness, much less a future queen. in one fell swoop, the life she had built for herself was snatched away with the reveal of charles’ true parentage. the queen was put to death for her disloyalty, and ada went from queen-in-waiting to the wife of a bastard. and with the death of the king following not long after, she was forced to watch as victoria ascended to the throne. unable to shake the feeling that she had stolen what was hers as she was crowned in her place. it didn’t take long for bitterness to seep in. alone in a country she had no love for, with no position to protect her, ada had never felt more trapped.
there was no taking refuge in the arms of her husband now. once there had been love between a hopeful future king and queen. in their place were two ghosts, made into strangers by the lies that lay between them. expectations had changed them both, and perhaps they might never find their way back to the young children who once had the world on their shoulders. tied together for good, first by marriage and then the discovery that ada was pregnant, ada unwilling to annul the marriage and suffer a bastard child of her own. now stuck in a foreign court for what she feels will be the rest of her days. or at least her husband’s.
now known as the mummer’s queen after being humiliated on the world’s stage and made the joke of an entire country, ada is hellbent on grasping back power for her child. a birthright she feels has been stolen from them. skills she once learned at court to become a good queen she now deploys in her attempts to manipulate a court that would have been hers in a different world. she has grown more paranoid in her isolation, distrustful of most around her and suspicious of their motives and so often tries to control others to soothe her own anxieties about her position and future. though she plays the part of a soft and fallen woman well, it is a misleading facade she has created in her years in england. beneath that she is indeed a venomous snake waiting to strike.
now with everyone reconvening at versailles to continue talks, ada has joined begrudgingly with charles but with ulterior motives of her own. reunited with her brother, now the king of scotland following their father’s unfortunate death ( some say it was from a broken heart, devastated after the loss of a son and ruin of a daughter ), the two siblings have begun to draw up great plans in secret. her loyalty to her family is one thing the english have not managed to taint, in fact they have made it stronger than ever. while europe plans for peace, ada has set her sights higher than the english throne, plotting to crown her child the next ruler of scotland. she now fixates on that future, never wavering from what she wants. though she has always been opportunistic, she has a longer term vision than the one her father originally envisioned for her. however, she is no fool. ada will continue to bide her time, careful in how she will rise to power as she reminds her brother they are playing no game. what they scheme is dangerous and could get them both killed. perhaps that is why she leaves her husband out of her plans for now, a small part of her not willing to put him in danger. a larger part having no trust in him at all. placing all blame on his shoulders, whether it is deserved or not.
ada is a lethal schemer. no longer the young and fun loving girl she had once been. she is long dead and perhaps might never return. she devises the ruin of some and ascension of others like a cat with a mouse, playing with their lives as if they were meaningless. with her elaborate plans and intricate schemes, nothing will please her more than to trap all those who mock her now. beware her complex designs, for she means no one any good once she has decided you are her enemy.
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.             ╰ 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞!               📍 ravenclaw girls' dorm               📅 oct. 24, 2023               🔗 #𝖽𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗌𝗁𝗉𝗋𝗉𝗀                       ・・・  « Ti serve un avvocato. »  « Buonasera anche a te, papà. » si lasciò cadere sul materasso e tirò le tende del baldacchino che, sapientemente incantate com'erano, non avrebbero permesso ad anima viva di ascoltare quella che si prospettava essere una simpatica conversazione. « Per che cosa dovrebbe servirmi, questo avvocato? »  « Per l'interrogatorio, ho saputo che un detective è stato mandato ad Hogwarts con lo scopo di fare domande a tutti. Ascoltami, Agape: non devi dire assolutamente niente che non sia stato concordato col mio uomo di fiducia. Ci siamo capiti? »  La tentazione di scoppiare a ridere fu complicata da reprimere, ma fortunatamente riuscì ad aspettare che quel breve monologo facesse il suo corso.  « Non vorrei sconvolgerti troppo, ma hai ricevuto un'informazione più vecchia di te: hanno cominciato a sentirci da martedì, il mio turno è stato proprio ieri. Poco dopo pranzo, se t'interessa. »  Seguì del silenzio, chissà se era caduto dalla sedia.  « Che cosa hai raccontato? »  « Che domande: la verità, tutta la verità, nient'altro che la verità. »  Altro silenzio. Forse avrebbe dovuto recuperare tutto quel tempo perso sistemandosi la manicure, che cos'era quella piccola sbeccatura all'anulare destro?!  « C'entri qualcosa in tutta questa storia? »  « Ti ringrazio per la fiducia, dadaidh: 𝘰𝘷𝘷𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦 no. » spingere qualcuno nel vuoto, con consapevolezza o meno, non ha di certo un peso nella sua possibile scomparsa. Stiamo forse scherzando?! « Gradirei che tornassi vigile, comunque, ché non mi sembra sia molto furbo parlare di certe cose al telefono. »  « Hai ragione, scusa. » le labbra piene si modularono in un sorriso soddisfatto, ché già normalmente sentirsi dire di essere dalla parte del giusto le dava una scossa di appagamento, figurarsi se quelle parole provenivano dalla bocca del padre. « Domani a merenda? »  « Lavoro. » fu pronta, il compiacimento aveva già lasciato posto a un briciolo di delusione. Logos stava cercando di rimediare e migliorare, ma trovava sempre il modo di precipitare nelle vecchie mancanze. Avrebbe dovuto abituarsi. « Te lo avevo detto. »  « A cena? Potremmo andare in quel posto che ti piaceva tanto da piccola, dovrebbero essere ancora i migliori sul versante salmone. »  Toccò a lei tacere, galleggiante a metà tra il cedere e il rispondergli male. Dura la vita di quelli col suo tema natale, ugh.  « Va bene. Dove mi faccio trovare? »  « Ti vengo a prendere sul set, così non ti stanchi troppo. Buonanotte, bana-phrionnsa: andrà tutto bene, te lo prometto. »  « A te. »  𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘢-𝘱𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘴𝘢 𝘥𝘪 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢 𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘱𝘢 𝘥𝘪 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘢, borbottò a chiamata ormai terminata. Ignoto il motivo, però, giacché nel profondo non si sentiva poi totalmente insofferente ai piani appena concordati — che fossero i "primi" segnali di pazzia?
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agapeurquhart · 4 years
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      📽️  𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞
          𝗋𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗐 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅𝗌' 𝖽𝗈𝗋𝗆𝗂𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒
          𝗈𝖼𝗍𝗈𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝟥, 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟤
 `` Agam bana-phrionnsa, ti scrivo questa lettera perché sono un po' preoccupato, aspettavo tue notizie. Hai ricevuto l'invito alle nozze? Io e Coline siamo davvero entusiasti, avremmo voluto svelarvelo prima ed è stata dura mantenere il segreto, speriamo che la sorpresa sia ben riuscita! Come sai, manca ormai poco più di un mese al lieto evento e ci chiedevamo se volessi farci da damigella d'onore: in tal caso, mi raccomando, non bullizzare tua sorella Eilidh perché a lei abbiamo proposto il ruolo di flower girl — ricorda che avete soltanto due anni di differenza e che tu odiavi essere definita "bambina" alla sua età.  Mi manchi. Non sai quanto vorrei condividere la mia felicità con te ogni giorno, quanto vorrei che tutti voi ragazzi foste parte integrante dei preparativi... Specialmente tu, il tuo buon gusto in fatto di moda mi tornerebbe estremamente utile! Preparati a fare da fata madrina nei tre giorni di permesso dalla scuola.  Tha gràdh agam dhuibh,
            𝓫𝓪𝓫𝓫𝓸 ``
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agapeurquhart · 4 years
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.       📽️  𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞           𝗋𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗐 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅𝗌' 𝖽𝗈𝗋𝗆𝗂𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒           𝗈𝖼𝗍𝗈𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟦, 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥           #𝖽𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗌𝗁𝗉𝗋𝗉𝗀                     ⤸    « Ti serve un avvocato. »  « Buonasera anche a te, papà. » si lasciò cadere sul materasso e tirò le tende del baldacchino che, sapientemente incantate com'erano, non avrebbero permesso ad anima viva di ascoltare quella che si prospettava essere una simpatica conversazione. « Per che cosa dovrebbe servirmi, questo avvocato? »  « Per l'interrogatorio, ho saputo che un detective è stato mandato ad Hogwarts con lo scopo di fare domande a tutti. Ascoltami, Agape: non devi dire assolutamente niente che non sia stato concordato col mio uomo di fiducia. Ci siamo capiti? »  La tentazione di scoppiare a ridere fu complicata da reprimere, ma fortunatamente riuscì ad aspettare che quel breve monologo facesse il suo corso.  « Non vorrei sconvolgerti troppo, ma hai ricevuto un'informazione più vecchia di te: hanno cominciato a sentirci da martedì, il mio turno è stato proprio ieri. Poco dopo pranzo, se t'interessa. »  Seguì del silenzio, chissà se era caduto dalla sedia.  « Che cosa hai raccontato? »  « Che domande: la verità, tutta la verità, nient'altro che la verità. »  Altro silenzio. Forse avrebbe dovuto recuperare tutto quel tempo perso sistemandosi la manicure, che cos'era quella piccola sbeccatura all'anulare destro?!  « C'entri qualcosa in tutta questa storia? »  « Ti ringrazio per la fiducia, dadaidh: 𝘰𝘷𝘷𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦 no. » spingere qualcuno nel vuoto, con consapevolezza o meno, non ha di certo un peso nella sua possibile scomparsa. Stiamo forse scherzando?! « Gradirei che tornassi vigile, comunque, ché non mi sembra sia molto furbo parlare di certe cose al telefono. »  « Hai ragione, scusa. » le labbra piene si modularono in un sorriso soddisfatto, ché già normalmente sentirsi dire di essere dalla parte del giusto le dava una scossa di appagamento, figurarsi se quelle parole provenivano dalla bocca del padre. « Domani a merenda? »  « Lavoro. » fu pronta, il compiacimento aveva già lasciato posto a un briciolo di delusione. Logos stava cercando di rimediare e migliorare, ma trovava sempre il modo di precipitare nelle vecchie mancanze. Avrebbe dovuto abituarsi. « Te lo avevo detto. »  « A cena? Potremmo andare in quel posto che ti piaceva tanto da piccola, dovrebbero essere ancora i migliori sul versante salmone. »  Toccò a lei tacere, galleggiante a metà tra il cedere e il rispondergli male. Dura la vita di quelli col suo tema natale, ugh.  « Va bene. Dove mi faccio trovare? »  « Ti vengo a prendere sul set, così non ti stanchi troppo. Buonanotte, bana-phrionnsa: andrà tutto bene, te lo prometto. »  « A te. »    𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘢-𝘱𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘴𝘢 𝘥𝘪 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢 𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘱𝘢 𝘥𝘪 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘢, borbottò a chiamata ormai terminata. Ignoto il motivo, però, giacché nel profondo non si sentiva poi totalmente insofferente ai piani appena concordati — che fossero i "primi" segnali di pazzia?
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.             ╰ 𝐨𝐦𝐠, 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 !
              📚 𝖽𝗂𝖿𝖾𝗌𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗋𝗈 𝗅𝖾 𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗂 𝗈𝗌𝖼𝗎𝗋𝖾               📅 𝖺𝗉𝗋 𝟢𝟪, 𝟫:𝟢𝟢 - 𝟣𝟣:𝟢𝟢 𝖺.𝗆.               🔗 #𝖽𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗌𝗁𝗉𝗋𝗉𝗀
𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨: verifica pratica: l’𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘶𝘮.
 L'Incanto Patronus.  Venusia Towler era stata abbastanza stronza a decidere che proprio quell'incantesimo fosse l'unica discriminante per gli esami di aprile, considerato che non tutti erano in grado di evocarne uno, e non tanto per la difficoltà della magia in sé quanto per tutto il lavoraccio che c'era dietro di ricerca di un ricordo che fosse abbastanza felice da proteggerti, di una sensazione che soltanto i più fortunati hanno provato nella vita. Una sensazione che dipende anche dalla fase che si sta attraversando, oltretutto.  Agli ultimi posti di quella lunghissima fila di studenti che aspettavano di sostenere la prova, Agape cercava di isolarsi dai rumori esterni e concentrarsi unicamente sul concetto di felicità. Ma che cos'era, per lei, la felicità? Realizzazione personale, senza dubbio: gli occhi della corvonero brillavano - letteralmente e non - ogni volta in cui riusciva a portare a termine un obiettivo e a farlo con il massimo del risultato, le nuove conoscenze apprese e le competenze perfezionate. La sensazione di libertà che soltanto sfrecciare a tutta velocità con la scopa può dare. Diego: la sua risata, soprattutto quando in reazione a qualcosa che ha fatto o detto proprio lei, i suoi capelli che diventano blu, la sua costante e preziosa presenza, l'infanzia spensierata assieme a lui e Morgana. Edward, in tutta la sua essenza, i piccoli gesti importanti, le canzoni che le canta, i torroncini portafortuna che produce, Galina, le loro fronti unite, gli abbracci silenziosi di notte quando dormire è così difficile da portar quasi alla pazzia, il primo bacio da soli e in pubblico. Eros, con le loro piccole tradizioni, i segreti mai pronunciati ma ben compresi e custoditi. Suo padre, "sono fiero di te, bana-phrionnsa", i viaggi in famiglia, le tazzine di Disney World, le canzoni assieme al gemello e alla mamma prima di dormire. L'espressione di quando ha scoperto tutto, la discussione non ultimata che le metteva non poca agitazione.  « Urquhart Agape. »  Cazzo, il tempo è una puttana. Si fece avanti, la bacchetta già sfoderata era tenuta da una mano che soltanto i più attenti avrebbero potuto notare fosse appena tremolante. Si prese qualche secondo per calmarsi, gli occhi chiusi e l'alfabeto runico ripetuto a mente. Le ritornò l'immagine di Logos Urquhart che, a soltanto otto anni, l'ascoltava ripeterlo ad alta voce e le faceva i complimenti: in un nonnulla i due crebbero, fino ad avere le sembianze del duemilaventitré. Un abbraccio non ancora avvenuto, la certezza che tutto si risolverà e che la vita sarà ancora più felice e appagante di prima.  « 𝙀𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙤 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙪𝙢! » urlò, e dalla punta della bacchetta scaturì un fascio di luce bianco-argentea che poi si tramutò in un maestoso serpente a tre teste, un Runespoor, che prese a girare intorno alla figura della studentessa visibilmente commossa. Quando si rese conto di avere gli occhi di tutti i presenti addosso allargò le braccia e incrociò le gambe per mimare una specie di inchino — fortuna che non potevano vedere quanto avesse emotivamente faticato!
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