#bamf frigga
dandelion-blues · 7 months
Bittersweet Blood
What if Sally Jackson was actually Loki Odinson, and as a result Percy is born half Greek god and half Asgardian god?
"A half-blood of the eldest gods." Then, Poseidon loses all the color on his face as realization hits.
Loki sees this and says, "The prophecy doesn't say half-god it says half-blood of the eldest gods, and we are two elder gods from two different pantheons. Our child would be considered-"
"A half-blood." Poseidon finishes grimly, remembering the fates warning him, teasing him, of the fate of their unborn child.
This story will mainly follow the MCU's movies and Percy's quests will still happen, but they will largely be in the background. Thus, this will follow Percy and Loki as they interact in the MCU. Also, how Percy being a half-blood from two pantheons will affect him and those around him, and how different his life is growing up is as a result.
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Chapter 1: The Fates' Warning
Percy has known magic all his life, or well most of his life. The way the air vibrates with its whispers, and the plants live and breathe in the world's magic. Magic was all around him, and he was not exempt from the world's magic. However, he truly only gained sight when his mom showed him the realm's magic. Her own magic - green as emerald and humming with hidden power. Percy's mind was blown. He always had this itch, this sense, that he was missing something, as before he would perceive the strange and mystical and magical as a blur, a shadow to his senses, and would forget them in time, but this was what he was missing in all his first 6 years of life.
Before he was too young to understand the way he breathed and lived in magic everyday, and could potentially harm himself or others in attempting to control something he wasn't ready for, so Sally gave Percy a charm to prevent him from truly perceiving magic. If this was Asgard Percy would never have needed such a thing, but this was Midgard, or Earth. Earth, or rather humans, were not ready for a toddler to wield experimental magic. However, now Percy knew how to keep secrets, and he needed to learn his heritage, his right, to magic. It was time for Percy to learn of his Nordic heritage, for Sally is no ordinary magician, they are a deity, a god - they are Loki Sal Odinson and Sally Slyvie Odinsdottir, the child of Odin and Frigga, the sibling to Thor, and Perseus Freyr Lokison's mom.
One day Loki was being mischievous as usual and felt the need to be in a feminine form and dress in a very sexy red swimsuit just to see how many heads she turned. She still kept her tall height and slim body, albeit now more feminine in form. Her face remained angular with high regal cheekbones, and small pouty lips. She, however, turned her dark black hair almond, and her emerald eyes turned turquoise that shifted to the green or blue of waters nearby in order to remain separate from her regular form.
Now she just needs a new name. Hmm, she feels like a princess, so she’ll call herself Sally. She laughed to herself, but then as she headed towards the ocean she met the most stunning man. From his tanned mediterranean skin, to hair as dark as night but still somehow glowing warmly in the sun, and eyes like the very ocean's themselves raw, powerful, and beautiful. His form is sturdy but relaxed, with muscles defined in golden armor. A well trimmed beard on a strong jaw and nose, with full lips, and high cheekbones. This man was a god, Sally was sure of it, as sure as her own mouth was hanging open.
The strange thing was the man seemed to mimic her stunned expression. Well Sally doubted that this man knew Sally was a goddess, since she sealed her magic after becoming Sally to hide her aura from even Heimdal so her father Odin wouldn't notice her, but this man still stood there starstruck.
Sally snickered, and then full blown laughed and her brown curls fell into her now swirling blue eyes. It was like those midgardians shows that she sometimes snuck out to see where it was love at first sight, and here she was trying to be the stunning one but she ended up being stunned as well.
The man’s face became pinched, wondering why Sally was laughing. Sally had to stop herself by laughing, it was unbecoming of a princess of Asgard. “S-sorry,” Sally said after her laughing petered off, “It’s just well in your golden armor and everything, and with how handsome you look, I thought ‘this man must be a god.’” Sally's face then got really red, did she just say that outloud?!
The man had a stunned expression on his face, then smiled, “I’m glad I’m not the only one who had similar thoughts as I thought ‘oh, this person must be a goddess.’ You happen to be right in your thoughts though. Tell me since you can see my armor, you must be a mortal able to see through the Mist, do you know of the Greek gods?”
Sally blushes at his compliment. Then she thought about what he was saying. He thinks Sally is a clear-sighted mortal. Maybe she can play around with him a bit, without having to worry about diplomacy.
‘The Greek pantheon,’ Sally thought surprised. Hmm while this man only appears to be in his mid twenties now, he has an aura of power around him. More so than many of the other Greek gods she had met. The only one that fell close when she attended a meeting between all the gods years ago was the arrogant fool, the king of Olympus, Zeus. Now that she thinks of it, his appearance bares a striking resemblance to Zeus with their strong features and striking eyes. Well, this man’s eyes are the everchanging greens and blues, swirling with power, like the sea. The sea! Is this man Poseidon?! The king of the seas and brother to Zeus!
Maybe she should mess with him a bit, play the foolish mortal, her need for mischief coming out to play.
“I’m quite familiar with the Greek gods, after all the monsters I see roaming this land. Now are you perhaps the king of Olympus, Zeus?” Sally asks, hiding her grin.
The man she is absolutely certain is Poseidon, sputters insulted.
Sally can’t help it but she laughs at his indignant expression, “I-I’m k-kidding, you must be the god of the seas, Poseidon.”
“You know if I didn’t find you so intriguing, I might have smited you for that. For that I must ask what your name is, so I can know that name of one so bold and beautiful.” Poseidon says teasingly with a smile.
Sally blushes again and smiles at Poseidon, “Well if you must know my name is Sally.” She grins sensually then and says, “Well if you find me so intriguing, why don’t you take me out to dinner.”
Poseidon goes to grab her hand, bowing down to kiss her hand, “With pleasure my lady.”
‘H-how can he just turn the tables like that?’ Sally thinks blushing profusely, trying to hide her face away, thinking she must look like a strawberry by now.
Poseidon laughs at her attempt to hide her blush, and holds out his hand. She laughs alongside him and grabs his hand walking alongside the beach with him.
They end up talking about their interests and likes and get to know each other along the way to their destination. Sally doesn’t reveal that she is actually a goddess, since she’s just here to have some fun, but she does tell Poseidon about her family and her adventures, and just makes them seem human. The world seems to fall away as they look into each other’s eyes and hear the enchanting tones of one another's voices. Slowly starting to fall for one another, but they take their time. They do have all the time in the world after all.
Sally ends up staying in a cabin on that very Montauk Beach, and Poseidon and her end up going on more dates and learning more and more about one another.
Sally eventually reveals that she is gender fluid when she feels more masculine again after a few dates. He doesn't change his body to match, because as Sal now, he is still playing the mortal, but wants Poseidon to know. Poseidon just smiles and accepts him, and lavishes him as a prince (even though Poseidon doesn't know yet who he really is, that he really is a prince).
Loki won't admit it, but he cried when Poseidon just accepted him. He never had the chance to really express himself before, and here was someone just casually accepting him for who he wasm
Sally though mostly stays in feminine in mind, as she won't have the chance to be a female once she returns home besides the occasional dressing up in her room, and perhaps feels the need to overcompensate subconsciously. Sally knows her time on Midgard won’t last forever, and she’ll have to return soon.
However, the summer turns to fall, and eventually winter, and Sally still stays in the cabin she bought on the Montauk beach where she first met Poseidon. She fell into a routine of pretending to be the mortal Sally Jackson (she decided on that last name when she lied and said her father's name was Jack and decided to have her last name be a homage to her Norse heritage), and spending time with Poseidon. They eventually fall into bed together, exploring their bodies together, and finding pleasure in one another.
Sally felt that her time was almost up on Midgard and she would have to return to Asgard, as she couldn’t hide from Heimdal and her father forever. She delayed it as much as possible, but now something in the air felt ominous like the Norns were warning her of something to come.
She enjoyed her time here on this planet for as long as she could, but she really didn’t want to leave. Sally fell in love with Midgard, she felt accepted and loved in a way she never felt before. Not even with her mother Frigga. As much as she tried and Sally loved and adored her mother, Frigga never truly understood her.
It was when the year finally turned anew in January and it officially became the Midgardian year 1999, Sally started to feel sick. She was throwing up, and feeling light headed. What was happening to her? Gods don't get sick.
The revelation, however, came upon her shortly when she was telling one of the friends she made on Midgard how she was feeling. She still couldn't believe she made a friend! After all, Loki never had friends on Asgard, people were either too frightened by their status as prince, or thought that they were too weird and strange with their magic and interests in books instead of swords.
Sally became friends though with this person by leaning into her mischief, something no one back home ever appreciated aside from her mother Frigga. Thus, Sally pranked this fifthly scum of a human being, who wouldn’t stop hitting on her with nasty comments, to question his reality. She did this by getting all of his employees (Sally couldn’t believe he even had a job let alone employees) to agree and tell him that the sky was green, and the grass was blue, and so on and so forth. It only took a little bit of persuasion, and money, to do. Sally after all is a princess and is well forthcoming in both. One of his employees though was very enthusiastic, for she was tired of this geezer’s underhanded and sexist and racist comments, but needed the money. This happened to be Malia, a beautiful, tall Hawaiian woman with almond colored skin and dark curly hair who worked three jobs to provide for her three kids, and used to do wrestling in her free time at a gym when her husband was still alive, but had to quit to provide for her family.
Thus, Sally setup all the employees who worked at this man's laundry mat with more money than they’ve ever seen in a month for each day they worked to gaslit the fool into losing his sanity. In just a month, with employees all the more eager to come in and get back at their boss and earn some money, the walrus of a man, who stank worse than trash, cracked and ran outside yelling at people that the world was ending, and everyone was crazy. It was fantastic! All the employees cheered, and ended up making more money than they did in a whole year or years in just a month, and went on to find better jobs and do things and buy things they never were able to before after the laundry mat "unexpectedly" closed down.
Sally doesn't even remember the man's name but it seemed fitting. G-something Ugly, or something similar. Oh, it was Gabe Ugliano, but all his employees called him Smelly Gabe behind his back! Sally really hated that man after hearing and seeing more of how he treated everyone around him, and was glad that he was gone.
Malia was glad Smelly Gabe was gone too, and actually personally thanked Sally, tears in her eyes, and invited Sally into her home. She was going to lose her family’s home, and because of Sally she wasn’t, and her and her kids just wanted to show their appreciation. From then on, Sally and Malia became close friends, and could always find company in one another to talk about their struggles, or anything they needed. (Well, Sally could never bring herself to tell Malia who she truly was, for that would endanger Malia and Sally couldn’t do that to her friend.)
At least Smelly Gabe was good for something though, he got Malia and Sally to become friends after losing his sanity!
In any case, Sally lamented to her best friend Malia when they were finishing up with their food at a café about feeling sick lately and described feeling light headed, having cravings, and feeling more emotional than normal.
Malia had this look in her eyes, that she knew what was what, "Tell me, have you and your lover boy had sex in the last month or so."
Sally looked confused, "Yeah why?"
Malia shook her head, her black curly hair falling in her face, unbelieving at her friend's obliviousness, "Well, you might want to check and see if you're pregnant, sweetie." She swept her long hair back out of her face, and her brown eyes looked into Sally’s blues.
Sally looked at her friend shocked, "Pregnant?!" Sure Sally had a physical female form full time these days, but she never considered that idea that she could actually get pregnant. Heck, even her myths that she heard about her getting pregnant with Sleipnnir was actually because of accidental magic and not… what she heard in the myth. Was she really pregnant? Sally looked down at her flat stomach, thinking of Poseidon and her together all of those times.
Malia sighs, "Oh honey, it's okay. I'm a mother of three, and while kids are a lot of work, they also bring the greatest joy that I could ever have. I'll support you no matter what though, dear." Then she gains a serious expression, "And that lover boy of yours better shape up, or he can expect a beating from yours truly." Malia flexes her muscles to prove the point.
Sally's worried expression gained a small smile at her friend's antics, "I just never thought it was possible." Then she goes to hug her friend, "Thank you for everything Malia."
"Of course, hun." Malia smiles hugging Sally back, "And while I'm 99% sure you're pregnant, why don't you get a pregnancy test back at the pharmacy to make sure."
Sally's smiles and nods, "I'll see you later to tell you the news," and she heads out of the café waving goodbye to her friend not planning on going to the pharmacy, as she had other ways to test if she was pregnant.
The cold brisk air of January hits her. However, like any other time she was exposed to the cold, it doesn’t bother her, it almost seems to energize her. She never dwells on these thoughts though, how different it made her, yet again, from everyone else, as she always distracted herself from these thoughts, not wanting to accept how different she was yet again.
Sally wondered if her child would have her same disposition, if she truly is pregnant, and whether she wanted that solidarity with another being or if she wanted them to be ‘normal’.
Sally shakes her head, it doesn’t matter, she might not even be pregnant, and either way any child deserves to grow up how they wish to be and not be ostracized for being different like she was, no matter if they are like her or not.
She was still lost in similar thoughts though, and what ifs through the whole walk home, worried that by being the child's mother it would doom them to be different and ‘other’.
Even still, she always wanted to be a mother. To care and love for her own child, to be a mom.
Thus, Sally reaches her cabin, not even remembering how she got there, as she was too lost in her thoughts. Was she really pregnant? She breathed out, well only one way to find out. She reached for her magic, knowing intimately how to cast the spell she needed when she helped out in a healing center before.
Her green magic exploded out of her fingertips. The magic that she kept sealed away to hide herself bursting out of her in energizing waves. She knew she would have to hurry before the worlds of Midgard and Asgard aligned and let Heimdal see her. She casted the runes into the air, once again memorized by feeling how alive magic felt and let the runes sink into her. She waited a moment, feeling the magic buzz underneath her skin. If nothing happened then she wasn't pregnant. However, the magic alighted, and she saw green light up all around her. She really was pregnant! She jumped for joy, and proceeded to breathe in her magic one more time before she had to seal it again. The buzz was gone, but her joy radiated in the air.
Oh this is so exciting! She is going to be a mother. Is she going to have a boy or girl? You know what, Sally doesn't care just as long as they are happy and healthy. She wondered if the baby would have Poseidon's ever changing sea green eyes, or her natural emerald eyes. If the baby would take after her in magic, or perhaps the baby would be a fighter like their uncle Thor. Then, Sally's smile fell. Her baby could never go to Asgard and meet Thor, or her mother Frigga because her father Odin would never approve. Would Odin even let Sally have this baby, when not only will she be the mother and not the father, but the baby will be half Greek?!
Sally clutched her stomach protectively worrying about all the unknowns. For now though, she looked longingly at her bed. Deciding that she needed a rest first, before she dealt with reality again. She fell into her bed's comforting embraces and fell into oblivion.
Loki, or rather Sal (the masculine name he came up with for Sally), woke up. Still when Loki was male in mind, he preferred Loki, but well that's a dead give away to his identity, and he couldn't have that.
In any case, Loki groaned remembering all the revelations that happened to him earlier. He really was pregnant. He looked at the clock ticking down on his nightstand, 8:00 pm. Loki breathed out, he must've been exhausted if he 'napped' for 6 hours. Loki steeled his nerves, he needed to tell Poseidon, so he prayed to Poseidon. Loki couldn't delay this anymore and lie to him especially now that they were having a baby together.
Poseidon arrived shortly after in a burst of blinding light. Loki closed his eyes more from the sheer light being emitted, than the actual danger of seeing Poseidon's divine form.
Poseidon looked to Loki frantically, hearing the distress in his tone when he prayed to him. "Sal, what's wrong?" He looked at him searching for any injuries, somehow always knowing that when Loki presented as male, even when his form didn't physically change.
This comforted Loki, in Poseidon's worrying, he in turn felt less nervous, and stated "I'm pregnant."
"W-what?" Poseidon asks, stunned. Then, gained a stupidly huge grin on his face. "That fantastic news!" However, he then thought of the prophecy about a half-blood of the eldest gods. He shut his eyes, feeling the remnants of the fates when he still held the domain of prophecy telling him of his unborn's child's doom. He already felt like mourning a child who wasn't even born. He was brought out of his spiraling condition, though, when Loli brought his hand to Poseidon's arm and looked into his eyes worryingly.
Loki breathed out, unsure why Poseidon's mood took such a drastic turn. He knew Poseidon was like the ever changing sea, from the gentle tides, to the roaring storms, and that Loki fell in love with all of him, but this was something different. However, he loved this man, and he needed to tell Poseidon who he really was.
'Yes,' Loki finally admitted to himself, 'I love Poseidon with all my heart, even though I knew it couldn't last. At least I could have him now, always in my memories, and now a piece of him forever in our child.'
Loki decided to just rip the bandaid off, thinking that the midgardian's metaphor was fitting, "My name is not not really Sal Jackson. I am Prince Loki Odinson of Asgard." He decided to transform externally to make his point clear, careful not to mess with his internal womb, his form changing back to his original wavy black hair and emerald eyes. He looked into Poseidon's eyes searchingly, waiting for rejection. His green magic briefly casted into the air before quickly receding into his skin.
To say Poseidon was shocked would be an understatement, and exclaimed, "I thought you were just an Asgardian, I didn't know you were a god."
"Now I know this looks…" Wait Loki thinks, "You knew I was an Asgardian?!"
Poseidon shakes off his shock, and rolls his eyes fondly, "My star, I knew from practically the beginning. You practically announced it when you kept calling Earth 'Midgard.' Not to mention how little you knew of basic human culture."
Loki sputters and blushes, "I thought you didn't notice."
"I'm not that oblivious!" Poseidon says offended.
Loki raises his eyebrows challengingly, saying 'sure.'
"Are you really okay with this, though?" Loki says, gesturing to himself. "Don't you hate me now?!" Loki shouts, fighting back tears and looking away.
Poseidon sighs, his heart breaking at his love fighting back tears, "I know that we were just treating this as a fun fling, but I fell in love with you. I fell in love with your smile, your mischievousness, and your tenacity. Everything about you I adore, and even though this complicates the matter with the whole inter patheon mixing, I could never hate you, my star."
Loki looks up into Poseidon's eyes, only seeing love swirling in their green depths. Loki goes to hug Poseidon, wanting to be comforted in his large arms. Poseidon accepts. "I love you too," Loki whispers to Poseidon.
They stay in each other's embrace for what feels like hours, but eventually they separate and look at one another.
Loki's face then turns perplexed, "By the way what got you all worried earlier? You almost seemed like you were mourning when I told you I was pregnant."
Poseidon looks like he's been caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar, if the jar happened to be Asgard's royal vaults, and the cookie was one of its most valuable treasures. He clears his throat, "Well, since I thought you were mortal before," and he continued almost inaudibly, "and there's this prophecy…"
Loki crosses his arms, "I can't hear you. Can you repeat that?"
"There might be this tiny, little bit," then Poseidon quickly rushes out, "maybe- world-ending-prophecy-about-a-half-blood-child-of-the-eldest-gods."
"What?!" Loki yells, practiced in Poseidon speech. "Tell me this prophecy now." Loki demands, his green eyes steely with controlled anger.
"It's fine love, you aren't mortal, so it shouldn't…" Poseidon trails off and gulps when he sees Loki fuming, "Umm well, it goes:
A half-blood of the eldest gods,
Shall reach Sixteen against all odds,
And see the world in endless sleep,
A hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap,
A single choice shall end his days,
Olympus to preserve or raze."
Loki looks terrified, his form trembling, as he processes the prophecy.
"W-what's wrong Sa-Loki?" Poseidon asks worriedly.
Loki looks into Poseidon's eyes terrified and demands, "Repeat the first line again."
Poseidon does so instantly, and processes the request. "A half-blood of the eldest gods." Then, Poseidon loses all the color on his face as realization hits.
Loki sees this and says, "The prophecy doesn't say half-god it says half-blood of the eldest gods, and we are two elder gods from two different pantheons. Our child would be considered-"
"A half-blood." Poseidon finishes grimly, remembering the fates warning him, teasing him, of the fate of their unborn child.
While Loki is actually a fairly young god, he is still considered an elder god in his patheon.
And for anyone confused on the Sally and Loki/Sal naming, It will for the most part be Sally when female in mind, and Loki when male in mind, with Sal only coming to play in dialogue around and with people who don't know Loki's true identity going forward.
Also, I changed the expected birth year for Percy to 1999 for reasons, reasons which will work for the rough timeline I have for this fic.
Magnus Chase's gods don't exist in this universe (as I don't want to make more split personalities than necessary, and it won't work for this au). However, Magnus himself may make a cameo as a child of an Asgardian and Midgardian rather than Freyr.
Also, when this is posted on ao3, keep in mind that some changes have already been made.
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usernamezzzarehard · 3 months
amazing series highly recommend :D
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Loki Fanfic Idea
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51811735 by Kitsune695 So I had this crazy dream but I'm not a writer and really want someone to write it, not a one shot, want it to be long cause Loki is fixing all the mcu movies lol Words: 290, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Loki (TV 2021), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Stephen Strange Relationships: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Avengers Team Members & Loki (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja/Odin (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes & Loki, Loki & Peter Parker, Loki & Wanda Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Loki & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Bad Parent Odin (Marvel), Loki as God of Stories (Loki TV), BAMF Loki (Marvel), Loki is So Done (Marvel), Some Humor, Dark Loki (Marvel), Manipulation, Thor is Not Stupid (Marvel), Post-Episode: s02e06 Glorious Purpose (Loki TV), Loki & Thor Reunion- except Thor doesn't know Loki's been gone, Loki-centric (Marvel), Loki (TV 2021) Season 2, Drama- cause everything that Loki did is still new to the Avengers, POV Loki (Marvel), Pov Thor- Cause I would love to know what he's thinking, Powerful Loki (Marvel), Loki Being a Little Shit (Marvel), Drama, Family Drama, Good parent Frigga?? I wanna like her but she's always on Odin's side, Loki Does What Loki Wants (Marvel), Independent Loki- he don't need Odin, Loki saves Bucky early, Cause I would love to have Loki & Bucky as friends, Fix-It, Avenger Loki but later- he's fixing shit while The Avengers are looking for him, Loki helps Peter cause of course he knew what happened in No Way Home timeline, Canon Divergence - Avengers (2012), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie), Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Loki knows about the Spider Verse, Pietro Maximoff Lives, Vision still happens, Vision Lives (Marvel) read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51811735
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arenjix · 1 year
Ásgarðrian Galdr
by Valerie_Vancollie
What if Loki was able to warn his past self, so he did not lose control during his regency and was able to act as he normally would? What if he had been able to remain calm and in control of himself, and the situation?
"How?" Loki demanded.
"Betrayal," his future self stated simply, rage clear in every syllable. "But you must control your reaction and come to see me, or you will repeat my mistakes and we will miss an opportunity to take control and alter things in our favor."
It would have changed everything.
(Tags and stats below the line)
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Norse Religion & Lore, Marvel
Relationships: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), Loki & Odin, Loki & Warriors Three (Marvel), Heimdall & Loki (Marvel), Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Asgardians & Loki (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Thor (Marvel), Thor & Warriors Three (Marvel)
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Loki (Norse Religion & Lore), Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Tyr (Marvel), Laufey (Marvel), Laufey (Norse Religion & Lore), Eir (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Canon Divergence - Thor (2011), Loki (Marvel) Does What He Wants, POV Loki (Marvel), BAMF Loki (Marvel), Good Loki (Marvel), Hurt Loki (Marvel), Loki (Marvel) Has Issues, Intersex Loki (Marvel), Loki (Marvel) Feels, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Protective Frigga (Marvel), Parent Frigga (Marvel), Odin's A+ Parenting (Marvel), Odin's Bad Parenting (Marvel), Asgard (Marvel), Jötunheimr | Jotunheim, Intersex Jotunn (Marvel), Jotunn | Frost Giant, Jotunn Biology (Marvel), Parent-Child Relationship, Brothers, Brotherly Bonding, Brotherhood, Brother Feels, Brotherly Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Angst and Feels, Suspense, Family Drama, Psychological Drama, Angst and Drama, Courtroom Drama, Powerful Loki, Punishment, Bigotry & Prejudice, Internalized racism, Canon-Typical Violence, Betrayal, Speciesism, Original Character(s), Yggdrasil - Freeform, Child Abandonment, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Time Travel, Wordcount: Over 100.000, Body Dysphoria, Political Alliances
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Song of the Yggdrasill
Published: 2021-01-30 Completed: 2022-10-22 Words: 479,713 Chapters: 93/93
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black-feather-fiction · 8 months
Thank you so much for answering! If you don't mind another question👉👈. Loki in chapter "the Coin", after Tony mentions his kids, thinks this: "The mortal shouldn’t even know about them. No one but Odin should. " but in later chapters it seems that both Gerdr and Helblindi(I think that's the Jutonheim's king's name) know about them, even before Loki says anything about them, and when visiting Titania, Loki freely names Hela as his daughter. Soo.. I'm kinda confused, is it a secret or not?
(Also this bit caught myattention during the reread: "'No’ he hears himself say. ‘Sigyn was not with me. I was alone in that cave.’" will we see this get expanded on? What happened with Sigyn and Loki is still a mystery after all...)
I don't mind at all!
Yes, it is a secret, for many reasons (though for a good part, it's patriarchy and toxic shit). That being said, as it is with secrets, quite a few people know nonetheless. That is either because they were there (Odin and Frigga), or Loki trusted them, or they had other ways of finding out. Gerdr and Helblindi would fall into the last category - Since Gerdr and Frey are together and Frey is Frigga's trusted brother, and both Frey and Gerdr are very good at sniffing out secrets, they eventually discovered the truth. Gerdr evidently decided to tell Helblindi then.
Loki slowly starts to trust the truth with more people, partly because it might be strategically wise but it's also a process of Loki slowly opening up. They also seem to trust the fairies, yes. What helps there is that the Mag Mell fairies don't give a flying fuck about Asgard, toxic masculinity or any of that. They also have no reason to betray Loki and tell anyone (that's not their style of harmful, they'd rather eat Tony instead or trap him forever on Mag Mell), and they're definitely not the first ones Thanos would go to to interrogate. Even Thanos will avoid dealing with fairies if he can, and "interrogating" fairies is even more of a bother than trying to kill them. Let alone that (even with the mind stone) he has not the kind of intelligence that it takes not to be run circles around by the fae.
Of all his children, Hela is the best protected and the most capable of defending herself (she's after all a literal queen and the goddess of the dead), so she's a good choice to introduce first.
The cave: I have the entire story in my head. I just need to see if that is going to be something that will be narrated in the main story arc or in a companion fic. Rest assured that it is suitably whumpy and Loki is suitably BAMF at the same time - my favorite narrative cocktail ❤️🍹.
I'm overjoyed that you read the story so attentively to catch these details ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ao3feed-lokitony · 1 year
rome is also built on ruins
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7LkIiKY
by saintzoey
Odin takes Loki with a far less generous purpose in mind. Raised a servant of Asgard and its royal family, Loki knows only that his birth parents abandoned him. He is loyal to Odin and Frigga and Thor, he is grateful for the opportunity to serve, to have a life in Asgard's golden halls
Still, the Jotnar invade. Still, Loki holds the Casket of Winters. And the Norns laugh.
Banished to Midgard and falling to Puente Antiguo, New Mexico, Loki ingratiates himself with SHIELD, offering his knowledge of magic and the nine realms in return for their assistance in making a new life for himself on Earth. It's not the life he envisioned, but it will do — until he can return for his revenge.
But when he meets Tony Stark, SHIELD consultant and superhero, everything changes.
Words: 1848, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton
Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson/Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Dark Odin (Marvel), BAMF Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark Has A Heart, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Canon Divergence - Iron Man 2, Canon Divergence - Thor (2011), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Minor Frigga/Odin (Marvel), Asgard (Marvel)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7LkIiKY
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ironstrangeao3 · 2 years
Snap Back to the Past AKA the Infinity Stones Decide to Adopt Tony Stark
by jesmalestiel
The Infinity Stones decide that they don't appreciate being snapped to destruction and that it isn't time for their favorite human to rest quite yet. An unlikely group of six is sent back in time to fix the universe before Thanos gets a chance to break it.
In October 2023 Tony Stark says “I am Iron Man” and snaps his fingers before he dies. A few seconds later cameras are flashing in his face and people want him to elaborate on the statement. It’s November 2009 after all, and the people have questions.
All violence is typical of canon, also this is gonna have a happy ending so no major character deaths of MY protagonists, just some people who are protagonists in canon. 😘
Words: 562, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Snap Back to the Past
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies), Captain Marvel (2019), Doctor Strange (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Carol Danvers, Gamora (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Maria Rambeau, Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Peter Parker, Harley Keener
Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Carol Danvers/Gamora
Additional Tags: Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Female Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Loki Needs Therapy (Marvel), Protective Frigga (Marvel), Parent Frigga (Marvel), BAMF Frigga (Marvel), Parent Tony Stark, Parent Loki (Marvel), Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Sentient Infinity Stones (Marvel), Civil War Team Iron Man, Protective Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Protective Tony Stark, Protective Loki (Marvel), Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Lives, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/43058301
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fuckyeahdarcylewis · 2 years
In My Veins
by hannahleedonor
Dating a god is one thing—finding out you might *be* a god was a whole can of worms Darcy would much rather bury deep in the earth's core and pretend never existed. But hey, when you're dating the God of Mischief, things are bound to get a little nuts, right?
Part 2 of "Love You For Infinity", in which Loki revels in the return of his power, Darcy searches for answers, and they both probably need years of therapy to untangle the mess their parents have left them in.
Words: 2325, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Love You for Infinity
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Laufey (Marvel), Helblindi (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Darcy Lewis's Family Members
Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Loki, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Phil Coulson & Loki, Loki & Tony Stark, Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark, Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster/Thor, Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja/Odin (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Protective Loki (Marvel), Avenger Loki (Marvel), SHIELD Agent Loki (Marvel), BAMF Darcy Lewis, Awesome Darcy Lewis, POV Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis Friendship, Darcy Lewis Feels, POV Loki (Marvel), Good Loki (Marvel), Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Not Canon Compliant
from AO3 works tagged 'Darcy Lewis' https://ift.tt/mH7TMBz via IFTTT
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ao3feed-lokisteve · 2 years
Forever and Always
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/oPUvjiu
by dollaphead19
After Thor The Dark World Loki thought he was dying, but then he somehow wakes up on Earth and must figure out what to do next. Good thing Steve Rogers takes in strays.
Words: 559, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Nick Fury, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Avengers Team, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Scott Lang, Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Loki/Tony Stark, Avengers Team & Loki
Additional Tags: Top Steve Rogers, Bottom Loki (Marvel), Light BDSM, Dom/sub, Spanking, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Torture, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), BAMF Loki (Marvel), Avenger Loki (Marvel), Hurt Loki (Marvel), POV Loki (Marvel), Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Sub Loki (Marvel), Dom Steve Rogers, Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Clint Barton & Loki Friendship, Fluff and Angst, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, BAMF Bruce Banner, Protective Steve Rogers, Bisexual Steve Rogers, BAMF Steve Rogers, Protective Thor (Marvel), Possessive Behavior, Possessive Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/oPUvjiu
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ao3feed-drstrange · 24 days
Green Threads of Envy
by imdyingbutimalright Whilst Loki had intended to use the time stone to send someone back in time to fix Thanos's incredible, universe-wide fuck-ups, he hadn't intended for it to be him doing the un-fucking. (He's far more used to being in the other position, after all.) Now back in time to when Thor is banished and his mother is alive, Loki wants nothing more than to fall into an eternal bliss. He has some things to take care of before that, though. - Warning: I am writing this fanfiction to practice my English, as it is not one of my first languages. Please excuse any mistakes! Also, this fic will have swear words in it, as swears were one of the first things I learned, and also Loki has a potty mouth. Words: 621, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Laufey (Marvel), Farbauti (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Tony Stark, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Stephen Strange, Jane Foster (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Asgardians (Marvel), Warriors Three (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel) Relationships: Frigga | Freyja/Odin (Marvel), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki & Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), Laufey & Loki (Marvel), Farbauti/Laufey (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark, Loki & Stephen Strange Additional Tags: Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Hatred, Self-Esteem Issues, Hurt Loki (Marvel), BAMF Loki (Marvel), Thor Is a Good Bro, Good Loki (Marvel), Loki hates himself, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicidal Ideation, Loki is a Mess (Marvel), Loki: I'm not gonna do any work, Also Loki: there's so much work I gotta do everything, Good Parent Frigga (Marvel), Mediocre Parent Odin (Marvel), Author Is Sleep Deprived, Loki Does What Loki Wants (Marvel), Loki is Not Amused (Marvel), Loki Has Issues (Marvel), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Dark Elves via https://ift.tt/HrJF3xs
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stony-ao3-feed · 1 year
Serpents of Tricks
Read it on AO3
by G4Y_Ch405
What if after Thor: Dark World, Thor was like, "Nah, Odin would never let me give away the throne he is an asshole... Loki wants the throne, is he trying to steal the throne" and then he found out it was Loki and sent him to Earth. But unexpectedly Shuri, Peter, Wanda and Petrio are all part of Loki's underground gang of tricksters that he made in like 1600's (and he is shocked it is still around) and they HONOUR him. What would happen then?
Instead of the highly unrealistic Ragnarok- you get a crack fic :D
*Starring* Evil Odin BAMF Frigga Evil Thor- but he turns good, don't worry ANNNND But Loki's children- Nali and Vali are dead though, so pls don't kill me.
Words: 1238, Chapters: 2/15, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Vali (Marvel), Nali, Jormungand (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Hel, Fenris, Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Sleipnir (Marvel), Ancient One (Marvel)
Relationships: Hela/Sigyn (Marvel), Shuri/Riri Williams, Michelle Jones/Natasha Romanov, Pietro Maximoff/Peter Parker, frigga/farbuti, Loki/Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Evil Odin, Thor Is A Bad Bro, But he's trying, Loki Redemption (Marvel), Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Good Loki (Marvel), Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki-centric (Marvel), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Trans Peter Parker, Lesbian Shuri (Marvel), Bisexual Loki (Marvel), Asexual Loki (Marvel), Natasha Romanoff is a teen, Sneaky Frigga (Marvel), Protective Frigga (Marvel), Crack, Civil War Team Iron Man, Teen Loki (Marvel), Teen Natasha Romanov, Loki was raped, but no talking abt it, LGBTQ Themes, LGBTQ Character, Internalized Homophobia, Sass, Loki and Sigyn being bros, Parent Loki, Protective Loki, Odin is an asshole, Bad Parent Odin (Marvel), Odin Being an Asshole (Marvel)
Read it on AO3
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ao3feed-stony · 1 year
Serpents of Tricks
by G4Y_Ch405
What if after Thor: Dark World, Thor was like, "Nah, Odin would never let me give away the throne he is an asshole... Loki wants the throne, is he trying to steal the throne" and then he found out it was Loki and sent him to Earth. But unexpectedly Shuri, Peter, Wanda and Petrio are all part of Loki's underground gang of tricksters that he made in like 1600's (and he is shocked it is still around) and they HONOUR him. What would happen then?
Instead of the highly unrealistic Ragnarok- you get a crack fic :D
*Starring* Evil Odin BAMF Frigga Evil Thor- but he turns good, don't worry ANNNND But Loki's children- Nali and Vali are dead though, so pls don't kill me.
Words: 1238, Chapters: 2/15, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Vali (Marvel), Nali, Jormungand (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Hel, Fenris, Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Sleipnir (Marvel), Ancient One (Marvel)
Relationships: Hela/Sigyn (Marvel), Shuri/Riri Williams, Michelle Jones/Natasha Romanov, Pietro Maximoff/Peter Parker, frigga/farbuti, Loki/Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Evil Odin, Thor Is A Bad Bro, But he's trying, Loki Redemption (Marvel), Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Good Loki (Marvel), Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki-centric (Marvel), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Trans Peter Parker, Lesbian Shuri (Marvel), Bisexual Loki (Marvel), Asexual Loki (Marvel), Natasha Romanoff is a teen, Sneaky Frigga (Marvel), Protective Frigga (Marvel), Crack, Civil War Team Iron Man, Teen Loki (Marvel), Teen Natasha Romanov, Loki was raped, but no talking abt it, LGBTQ Themes, LGBTQ Character, Internalized Homophobia, Sass, Loki and Sigyn being bros, Parent Loki, Protective Loki, Odin is an asshole, Bad Parent Odin (Marvel), Odin Being an Asshole (Marvel)
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48708949
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Once upon a time
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51961114 by LottinkaFoster “So when were you going to tell me your oh so secret plan?” She asked, sarcasm dripping from her tongue like venom. A heated glare was thrown her way at her outburst, and Tony sighed heavily as he watched her green eyes narrow dangerously. He felt that same feeling of predator and prey, but he brushed to off as he always had done. “What plan would that be, sweetheart?” “Oh do not play dumb with me Anthony, you know exactly what I am talking about! How dare you assume that I am another desperate whore on your arm!” ~~~ Tony Stark wants to rule earth in name. He had such a carefully crafted plan and he needed a wife to pull it off to the fullest. He’s already halfway there, with extremis and public relations. However, the woman he choose is far too smart. Loki wanted to get away. From Odin, from Thor, and from Asgard and its foundation of lies. He falls into a midgardian’s trap, and just manages to get out. This has consequences. Words: 2061, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Laufey (Marvel), Farbauti (Marvel), Helblindi (Marvel), Byleistr (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Laufey & Loki (Marvel), Byleistr & Helblindi & Loki (Marvel), Farbauti & Laufey & Loki (Marvel), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor Additional Tags: Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), BAMF Loki (Marvel), Comic: Superior Iron Man Vol 1. (2015), Extremis Tony Stark, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Tony Stark is Bad at Feelings, Alternate Universe - Royalty, BAMF Tony Stark, Dark Tony Stark, ish, Peter Parker is Loki's Biological Child read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51961114
0 notes
ao3feed-thor · 1 year
rome is also built on ruins
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/MwzGD79
by saintzoey
Odin takes Loki with a far less generous purpose in mind. Raised a servant of Asgard and its royal family, Loki knows only that his birth parents abandoned him. He is loyal to Odin and Frigga and Thor, he is grateful for the opportunity to serve, to have a life in Asgard's golden halls
Still, the Jotnar invade. Still, Loki holds the Casket of Winters. And the Norns laugh.
Banished to Midgard and falling to Puente Antiguo, New Mexico, Loki ingratiates himself with SHIELD, offering his knowledge of magic and the nine realms in return for their assistance in making a new life for himself on Earth. It's not the life he envisioned, but it will do — until he can return for his revenge.
But when he meets Tony Stark, SHIELD consultant and superhero, everything changes.
Words: 1848, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton
Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson/Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Dark Odin (Marvel), BAMF Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark Has A Heart, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Canon Divergence - Iron Man 2, Canon Divergence - Thor (2011), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Minor Frigga/Odin (Marvel), Asgard (Marvel)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/MwzGD79
0 notes
ao3feed-lokitony · 2 years
Yielding To You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/lXdMiUI
by TheUltimateUndesirable
Brothers in arms. It’s what Tony had thought they’d been. Best friends through the centuries. From the first day they’d met statuses hadn’t mattered and unlike so many others Loki had stayed by his side through the darkest days of his life. He cared for the Prince, other King, like no one else. Even Pepper hadn’t held a place in his life like he did. Which is why being the genius he is, he just doesn’t understand how he missed every single clue that there was something more underneath their long-established roles.
Words: 3407, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Fandral (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Volstagg (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Asgard, Asgard, Asgardian Tony Stark, Everyone's Asgardian, Asgardian Culture (Marvel), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Best Friends, Secret Crush, BAMF Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Feels, Tony Stark is So Done, Good Loki (Marvel), Loki Does What Loki Wants (Marvel), Loki is Not Amused (Marvel), loki is a little shit, Confusion, Hurt Tony Stark, POV Tony Stark, Love Confessions, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Sappy, Fluff and Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Mpreg, Getting Together, Marriage Proposal, King Loki (Marvel), Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Author Is Sleep Deprived
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/lXdMiUI
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ironstrangeao3 · 2 years
by Shortsnout
For years Odin’s been trying to find the perfect mate for Loki. His trickster son foils each of these attempts with his juvenile pranks, switching secondary genders to repel any potential suitors. Attempting to circumvent Loki’s gender fluidity, Odin presents two potential suitors from Midgard.
One is an omega named Tony Stark, heir to the multi-billion company of Stark Industries, intelligent enough to keep Loki on his toes. The other is Stephen Strange, an alpha Master of the Mystic Arts, with a depth of magical knowledge that might be enough to tempt Loki into mating.
Loki’s solution is simple, make the two suitors leave of their own accord to avoid his father’s wrath.
However, unbeknownst to Loki, both Midgardians are hiding secrets of their own. Tony is attempting to escape a future life of being mated to an abusive alpha, while Stephen is months away from suffering an Eldritch malady that will render him comatose if he doesn’t find a mate to bond with.
They won’t be scared away easily.
There is no dubious consent between Loki, Stephen or Tony. Everything between the three of them is safe, sane and consensual.
Words: 6660, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English
Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Peter Parker, Howard Stark, Obadiah Stane, Ancient One (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Loki/Tony Stark, Loki/Stephen Strange
Additional Tags: Frostironstrange, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Stephen Strange, Omega Tony Stark, Omega Verse, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Omega Loki (Marvel), Alpha Loki (Marvel), Howard Stark's Bad Parenting, Creepy Obadiah Stane, Evil Obadiah Stane, Protective Loki (Marvel), Protective Stephen Strange, Protective Tony Stark, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Threesome - M/M/M, Alternate Universe, Safe Sane and Consensual, Falling In Love, Idiots in Love, Asgardian Culture (Marvel), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, BAMF Tony Stark, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Insecure Stephen Strange, Good Loki (Marvel), Heat and Ruts, Happy Ending, No mpreg, Odin's Parenting (Marvel), Awesome Frigga (Marvel), Emotional/Psychological Abuse, OT3
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42666480
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