#bam bitch went down
mentally-at-home · 5 months
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sharpth1ng · 2 years
Ghostie Tatum Anon
first, i love the new pfp by the way. second was questioning things bout our blonde ghostie bitch, does she call her victims like stu & billy or no?
LMAO thannnnksss I saw it in the window and I couldn't resist.
If she's going after Billy and Stu ABSOLUTELY she does the calls, like you best believe she's doing "whats ur favourite scary movie" She's pulling all their shit and she is ROASTING them for it.
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tatum did not deserve what she got bro istg
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grimoireofhayley · 1 year
Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
WARNINGS: Graphic content, Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA, Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ Content, Stalking, Possessiveness, Dirty talk, Religion talk, Suppressed Mental Health problems (I.e., reader has some issues that she isn't aware of)
Word Count: 1.2k
Taglist: @ev3ningrain @nerdytif @fanfic-enjoyer123 @darkenwolfie @juda-the-simp  @colsons-baker @junnniiieee07  @ok-boke @ren-ni @katie-tibo @bruce-yamada @kenma-izhu @cookielovesbook-akie @elevenpurple
A/n: I hope this chapter was just as good as the others, I feel like it was somewhat sloppily done, but I'm not too sure, I'm just so freaking hot in my room, I am sweating bullets and can't think, lmao.
All chapter links!!! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
OF&H Masterlist
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Chapter 13
You were sprawled about on Tatum’s spare bed she had in her room, whereas Sidney was tummy-first on her inflatable, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. 
“God, I loved it.” Tatum giggled, pulling her blonde hair into a tight ponytail, whilst looking at you, her eyes filled with admiration. “I’ll send you a copy… BAM!” She punched a stuffed bunny that was next to her before picking it up, flinging it all over the place in excitement, “Bitch went down.” She laughed, “The insults had to be my favourite part, though.” She gleamed, tossing the stuffy elsewhere. 
You rolled your eyes at her exaggeration, “Tatum, it wasn’t a movie, there shouldn’t be any favourite parts. I punched a person, let alone insulted her outside a police station…”. You sat up from the bed, sitting criss-crossed, propping your arm up on your thigh and resting your chin in the palm of your hand. “I could have been arrested!” You chortled, snorting in the process.
Tatum completely ignored that possibility, her exhilaration being her only muse. 
“I’ll send you a copy—BAM! (Y/n), superbitch.” Tatum repeated and in her best you voice she said, “Now, if I were you, I would put that book on hold and shut the fuck up for once.” She placed her hand on her hip, contorting her face into that of someone who was extremely confident. 
Your lips formed a thin line, shocked at how she managed to recall the event word-for-word. “I’m actually surprised you were able to remember all that, was it really that impressive?” You quirked a brow, tilting your head, ignoring the sudden pain in your hand. 
 “Uh, yeah.” She tsk-ed, “I’m certain you’ll be the talk of the school tomorrow.” She giggled. “You’re so cool.” She beamed, batting her lashes. 
“I thought you might want some ice for that right hook.” Dewey suddenly appeared in the doorway, tossing you an ice pack.
You caught it with your sore hand, wincing slightly, regretting your instinct to catch it with your dominant one.
“Thanks, Dewey..” You warmly smiled up at him, placing the pack on your knuckles and instant relief was felt. 
You laid back down, your head hitting the pillow.
“I’ll be right next door. Try to get some sleep, girls.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Tatum groaned, waving her hand at her older brother, motioning him to leave. 
You turned on your side, looking at Sidney and a ping of guilt washed over you, yet again that night. 
She was distraught, and she looked uncomfortable, most likely because of the argument you both shared with each other earlier at school, and how you gave her the cold shoulder at the Police Station, silently scolding her for the ridiculousness of believing that her own boyfriend would try to kill her. 
You frowned, a wave of gloominess lingering in the air as you let the ice pack fall to the ground. 
“Sidney?” You whisper, trying to get her attention. 
She shuffles, not wanting to talk, but she soon groans, turning to face you.
“Yeah?” She questions.
“I’m sorry.” You pout, rubbing at your orbs. “I shouldn’t have said those things at school, and I shouldn’t have scolded you at the police station.” You mumbled, “You’re a person; you have feelings and those feelings are valid and they always will be.” You finished.
Sidney’s eyes grew, not sure how to process everything, but she soon smiled, and for once, she didn’t feel like you were the bad guy and that everything will be okay. 
“It’s fine, (Y/n). Apology accepted…” She trailed, “Though, you were right, I had no business to go through your journal and call you names when my mother was something else…” She gulped, “I don’t know what got over me… and I am truly sorry.” She twiddles with her thumbs, looking at you with hopeful hues, as if she was begging for your forgiveness, and in ways, she was. Afterall, you did punch a woman for both her sake and yours. 
Tatum cheered, glad that her two best friends made up. “Jeez, I’m thankful you both apologized to one another because I was starting to get bummed out in my own home.” She laughs. “On a more serious note…” Tatum changes the subject, her curiosity getting the better of her. “Do you really think Billy did it?” 
Sidney’s smile soon faded, “He was there, Tatum..” Her voice trembled.
Tatum rolled her eyes, “He was destined to have a flaw, I knew he was too perfect.” She whined. 
Knock… Knock…Knock…
Rapid knocking at Tatum’s bedroom door was heard and this caught everyone's attention.
Tatum looked at the door, seeing it open, revealing her mother, Mrs. Riley, “Telephone, honey.” 
“Who is it?” The blonde asks. 
“It’s for Sid…” 
“Is it my dad?” Sidney popped up from off the floor, looking over yours and Tatum’s bed.
“I don’t think so.” 
“Take a message?” You chirped in.
“No, um, I’ll get it.” Sidney looks at you and Tatum, indicating for the both of you to follow her.
“Gotcha..” You mouthed at her, grabbing ahold of Tatum’s hand, forcing her to get up and follow you towards Sidney and the three of you went out the door.
Sidney placed the phone up against her ear, her nerves screaming to be let out, “H-Hello?” She stutters.
“Hello, Sidney.” The killer spoke.
“NO, NO!” She yells, gripping the sides of her head. 
You and Tatum rushed to her side, holding her, keeping her from freaking out anymore. 
“Poor Billy-boyfriend.” 
Sidney quickly placed the phone down, clicking the speaker button, so everyone could hear. 
“An innocent guy doesn’t stand a chance with you.”
“Leave me alone!” She yells, starting to hyperventilate. 
“DEWEY!” Mrs. Riley rushes off to get her son. 
“Looks like you fingered the wrong guy…Again.”
“Who are you?” 
“Hang up, Sid.” Tatum ushers her friend as you rubbed her arm, trying to support her. 
“Don’t worry, Sidney. You’ll find out soon enough. I promise.” The killer gloats, taking a heavy-breath. “Oh, and (Y/n), Sweetheart, I hope you found the gift a real heart stopper~”
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
OK POOKIE! i saw my message went thru 🥸
i remember a while ago you were like “look at y/n with all these time period yanderes and little snippet ideas of how they act,,,” AND THEN THE LAST THING OF PART 7 IS Y/N DIDNT LOOK AT THE TIME AND JUST PRESSED THE TIME MACHINE BUTTON ,,, my theory is that ur different-time-periods-yanderes r going to make an appearance in your time traveler AU 😎 if so, ur a genius and I AM ASWELL
Also i like how crazy u made Baldwin. honestly i lowkey forgot he thot y/n was an angel and that he’s actually super smart. idk if u did that on purpose tho cos i was like “oh he’s dumb in love” w/ how you write him but then, offhandly mention how he won a war at 16 or that he genuinely believes y/n has magical powers. like ik he’s smart but i feel like ur smarter with the way you made me forget how smart he is. or i might just be forgetful ,
it kinda makes me sad that y/n didn’t get to say a genuine goodbye to sultan but honestly…she didn’t have the time to. she had to move fast. WHICH, i really liked how fast the ending was. it was BAM we find out he’s crazy. BAM wedding. BAM we run away. BAM we on a cliff. BAM WE JUMP OFF CLIFF cos tbh when u find out the person u love is crazy and has been manipulating everything around since the start u kinda just…roll with the punches until u find a way out.
i liked that Guy died. even if baldwin set up the situations to make it seem like Guy was behind it, Guy still said really infuriating things. Baldwin didn’t tell him to call us hoes. Guy called us a ho3 , that stupid bitch.
This is- this is EXACTLY how I wanted someone to react to my works. Details, reactions, everything. Come here, baby- you're my favourite person now. Let me give u a smooch🫶
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There will be different time periods reader will go to now, and I have a few in mind (I am very excited for the two of them, but one more than the other but I can't write that one yet because then the less exciting one will lose its charm but godddd do I wanna rush this to my fav time period). Lol and I made a list of time periods/historical figures that had potential and idk why but I wrote down Columbus but then I looked him up and I was like... nvm.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
can you write another tara x reader story!! maybe some fluff or something having to do with ghostface coming back
Tara Carpenter x reader
This is kinda all over the place but enjoy
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You’ve met Tara at college, she immediately fell for your playful but shy personality while you had a resting bitch face sometimes and you were just way to scared to talk to her. The first time she talked to you at the College gym, she needed someone to spot her and you, while you were brushing like crazy, stood behind her and tried not to look at her. From then on she started to randomly show up next to you on your way to class or the cafe. To the point where you finally started being yourself around her and you guys became unbelievably close, at least when it was just you.
Tara’s friends and sister thought you were imaginary, they hadn’t really ever seen you and Tara together and even when they smiled at you you were quick to turn away and power walk away. It made them suspicious of you, which you kinda got but you got anxiety attacks around them so you just kept doing it. “Y/n, we gotta talk” Tara said as she sat down next to you on your bed. “Oh oh” you grinned and looked at her making her smile too. “Sam and the others said that they don’t want me around you anymore, especially with the whole ghost face thing happening” she told you her hand softly grabbing yours, “but I have a plan. We will act like we had a disagreement and that we don’t talk anymore and then, bam, we can meet in secret” she was proud of her plan and you had to be honest it was the best thing that could happen right now so you agreed.
That night Tara went home and threw her backpack around the room before stumping towards the kitchen, “uh, what happened to you Mrs. Grumpy pants?” Mindy laughed causing Anika to poke her, “y/n and I had an argument, she was so rude. God, I’m done with her” she grumbled, “I’m sorry Tara, but there’s something off with her” Chad said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, “he’s right. But I’m still sorry that it ended like this” Sam added and Anika agreed, the only once’s who didn’t say anything where Ethan and Quinn.
“They totally believed me, can I see you tonight?” -Tara
“Can’t, Ethan decided to invite himself in. I’ve talked to him like twice, don’t have a clue what he wants here”- you
You were really confused what he was doing here, you guys weren’t really friends. “I heard about your fight with Tara and I wanted to see if you needed comfort, she’s a very… specific person” he told you holding out a tissue, “thanks, yeah she is. It was stupid” you answered hoping that he’d leave soon. He didn’t. He kept trying to get you to talk about your opinion on Sam and Tara which seemed weird.
“He only left now, I guess it’s too late for you to come now?” You texted the small brunette who immediately answered, “be there in 10” and she was, she was quickly throwing herself onto your bed after grabbing a hoodie of yours. “What did he want?” She asked as she cuddled into your side, “see if I’m alright after our fight” you answered and kissed her head. “Tara?” You mumbled out as your hand stroked her back, she mumbled a ‘yeah’ which made you continue, “do you trust me?” You asked her, your hand stopping it’s movement on her back, her head lifted so she could look at you. “Of course I do, why?” She asked testing her chin on your chest, “just wanted to know” you shrugged and kissed her softly.
The next few days you kept it on the low, you’ve met in secret so nobody would see you two together, it was working out okay, but due to the ghostface attack it was getting harder and harder to meet up, especially since Ethan was constantly around you.
“Finally” Tara mumbled as you slipped into her dorm immediately attacking your mouth with hers, while pushing you on to the bed. Your hands glided over her body but were interrupted when her phone rang, “it’s Ethan” she mumbled out as she looked at it. “Ignore it” her lips immediately found yours again. So she did, if she had the option to kiss her or talk to Ethan it was obvious what she’d choose. You were sitting in her bed making out when you heard a knock, followed by a “it’s me” from Ethan causing Tara to groan. “Go hide” she mumbled before calling out to the boy “give me a second” she used the time you needed to hide yourself to fix her hair. When you were hidden in the closet she finally opened the door.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” She asked him not moving to let him inside, “well you weren’t answering your phone and i was bored so I decided to come and look for you” she cursed herself for not answering the phone. “Oh, I’m sorry but I don’t really feel good and I still have school stuff to do. Maybe Chad has time?” She tried to be polite while making the conversation end as quickly as possible. The boy just grunted, “it’s smells like y/n’s perfume in here” he mumbled looking around the room. She froze for a second before finding a lie, “really? Ive got a new room spray, the guys next door are constantly smoking weed and it smells terrible in here then” he seemed to believe her lie and said his goodbye.
“He’s gone, you can come out” she said as the door closed, the closet door opening. “What did he want?” You asked and sat on her bed, “wanted to hang out. Why does he know exactly how your perfume smells?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, “I don’t know. Why?” It wasn’t hard to see that you weren’t really telling the truth. She only answered with a stretched okay, looking at you suspiciously.
The next day the core four sat at the dinner table, Tara constantly being on your phone as she tried to reach you. “I’ve been sleeping with cute boy from next door” Sam suddenly said causing them all to cheer and laugh until they all got send a picture from an unknown phone, it was Quinn getting stabbed. All of them sprang into action, Tara immediately running towards the room but Chad pulled her back and out of the door while Mindy, Sam and Anika were left inside.
You only answered your phone an hour after the attack, nobody died but it was close. Anika nearly fell and had severe injuries, she nearly bled out on scene. “It’s not your fault Sam” cute boy said as he stood next to Sam and Tara, “someone took out knives so we couldn’t defend ourselves. Thank god you send us that picture” she mumbled throwing the cigarette to the ground. “I didn’t send you a picture, I only noticed when you guys were screaming” The sibling looked at each other, confusion written all over their faces, if it wasn’t him, who has it been? The younger carpenters phone rang making everybody flinch, “sorry, just a text from a classmate” she lied, it was a text from you. Asking what she wanted from you as she had texted you several times.
“Where have you been?” Chad screamed at Ethan as he pushed him against a wall, “I had Econ, you can ask everybody from that class. Here, let me call y/n” he said quickly raising his hands in front of him. It made Chad let him go.
“Wanna meet up later? You can tell me what happened” you texted the brunette the next day, sitting at the edge of some park bank on campus. “Can’t. I have a lecture right now and Gale wants to show us something, Kirby and Sam also aren’t letting me out of sight” she texted back making you sigh, “alright be careful” you were about to go to your dorm when you met Ethan. “Y/n, I gotta tell you something”
“Tara” you called out as you saw her and her friends on campus, she turned confused. “So you’ve been fucking him the whole time behind my back huh? That was the fucking reason you wanted to ‘keep it on the low’ wasn’t it!? I can’t believed I ever wanted to be with someone like you” you screamed at her, hurt lacing your voice, “y/n” she mumbled out trying to shush you, there was a crowd forming around you. “No, god I wish you and your psycho sister would have stayed on woodsborow and killed the people there and not the ones here. It’s been you guys all along hasn’t it!? God, I bet you also cheated on Amber with him. No wonder she wanted to kill uoi” There were tears forming in Tara’s eyes but you just kept going. But the slow blinks and the way you tapped the rhythm of her favorite song on the back of your hand made her suspicious. “I don’t ever wanna see you slut or your boy toy again” you turned and walked away, happy that Kirby held Chad back and Gale held Sam back. Otherwise you’d probably be dead.
Tara didn’t talk to anyone the whole day, she looked terrible and it hurt Sam to see her like this but she told her that you’d be bad news all along. “I’m sorry about what happened” she mumbled as she fell into step next to her, “it’s okay. I should have listened to you” she mumbled wiping her tears away. “You guys ready?” Kirby asked from the truck where she had all her stuff ready to track the call.
“Hello Sam” the voice from the other side of the phone said, “why are you doing this?” She asked looking around for anyone who could be the person. “Why are you being so unfriendly? I thought we could chat a bit, I mean, how’s your boy toy from next door?” Sams face fell, “and how is poor Tara? She lost her precious girlfriend didn’t she? They were cute when they were sneaking around, thinking that nobody would notice it” Tara’s eyes reared up again while sams jaw clenched. “Who are you?” She asked again making the person on the other side of the line groan. “You’re no fun” then the line went dead. “I got it, it’s somewhere on the west side” Kirby said, “Gale”
When they arrived Gale was already on the edge of bleeding out but the doctor still found a pulse making them let out a relieved sigh. “We gotta figure out who this is” chad said as all of them sat at the hospital. “He wants me, maybe I should just give myself to him” the older carpenter said making everybody jump up in protest. “Not happening” Tara said, Mindy and Anika nodding in agreement. “Can’t we just go somewhere safe?” Ethan asked, “no, he’d find us everywhere” Tara said, “but we can use that” she continued and explained her idea, quickly calling Kirby. Everybody was so focused on Tara that they didn’t notice Ethan also texting someone.
They decided to use public transportation as itd be harder for ghostface to attack them. And it was, at least until they got separated due to cute boy. But Ethan texted Chad that they’d be in the next train and would arrive 10 minutes later. When the first part arrived and Sam finally explained to Danny that he’d have to stay outside they met Kirby on the inside. “Let’s go look around” Tara said to Chad as Sam tried to get a hold of Mindy. “Uh look, Candy” Chad laughed as he pulled some old ass candy from the counter making Tara laugh, “you want these” she grinned unbelievably close to him, “nah, you can keep them” she mumbled looking up at him. “I’m sorry about y/n” he said as he looked down at her. “It’s okay, some things just aren’t meant to be” she answered before she was suddenly pulled back by ghostface. She whipped around and hit him before Chad and her took off trying to find Sam. “Ghostface” Tara said grabbing Sams hand and pulling her with them. They ran through several corridors trying to find a way out until a second one appeared cutting Chad off. Both of them started aggressively stabbing the boy causing Tara to scream out, Sam pulling her away. Once they found a bit of peace the older girls phone went off, “it’s Kirby Sam, she isn’t even with the FBI anymore. Went crazy they said” Wayne informed them.
Shortly after a ghostface appeared in front of them, then a second one and suddenly Kirby who pointed her gun at the two masked killers. “Don’t even act like it Kirby, we know you’re with them” Tara said, her voice breaking but before someone could say something the FBI agent was knocked out by one of the ghostfaces who then circled around the sisters. “Well well well” the sound came from the entrance showing officer Bailey. “This is nice isn’t it” he said as he walked closer, both ghostfaces coming to stand next to him. “It’s you” Sams mouth fell open in Realization. “Of course it’s me” he grinned “and this one here” he pointed to the right “is my son”. The ghost face pulled his mask off revealing Ethan. “If… that only leaves… Mindy?” Sams voice broke when she said her friends name. “Surprise” Quinn suddenly said, causing both of them to gasp as they believed she was dead. “How?” They asked causing the three of them to laugh. “Well, you know. Some fake blood and a different corpse. You wouldn’t believe the things they let you do when your daughter just died. But this isn’t even our best surprise” he said as a third ghostface appeared and again Sam feared that she’d find Mindy under the mask. “Look, when you Tara chose lovely Chad by cheating on poor little y/n, who did everything for you, we decided to choose y/n” and with that Tara’s biggest fear was confirmed. She has never felt so betrayed in her whole life, the person she loved so dearly and who knew about her trauma was doing something like this to her. It was you who hid under the mask a wicked smile on your face. “You should have listened to them, remember what I told you a couple of days ago” you said, your left eye twitching giving her a sign.
“Well, you’re probably asking yourself why we are doing this” Wayne started his speech looking up at the screen where a video of young Richie played. Quinn was watching it with him while Ethan watched Tara, making it your place to watch Sam who glared at you so hard you’d think she could actually kill you like this. You circled the girl, slowing when you were in front of her turning the knife in your hand so the handle showed her way. She looked at you confused but then quickly grabbed the knife while you pulled a second one out so they wouldn’t notice. “He was a limb dick” Sam started making fun of Richie which made his sibling walk towards her giving you a second to check on Tara who was looking at you with hate and sadness. You circled her, waiting for some kind of signal from Sam. The signal came as Sam stabbed Quinn, you acted like you were so perplex that you lost Tara cursing a bit when you noticed. “Go get them” Wayne screamed making the sibling run to them. They carpenters were climbing a railing when the police officer suddenly fired a gun causing Tara to slip and hold onto sams hand. She was slipping more and more while Ethan stood under her, “I’ve always wanted to stick something inside of you Tara” the sentence made you snap. You ran towards him kicking the weapon out of his hand, shortly before Tara jumped down into his arms. “Die a fucking virgin” she stabbed him into the mouth twisting the knife slowly. “Are you alright?” You immediately asked when her feet touched the ground, “don’t you dare even try to speak to me” she growled as she looked up to Sam who just shot Quinn in the head. “Tara come on” you tried but quickly figured out that Sam was in trouble so you ran up the stairs and tackled Wayne to the ground before he could hurt Sam. You were wrestling with him on the ground, “go Sam” you screamed trying to keep the man with the knife down but it was no use. The moment Sam was out of your vision you gave up, causing the man to stab you several times to the point you became unconscious. The last thing you remembered was a blonde woman knocking him off of you.
“Guys guys I figured out who it is” Mindy called out as she arrived at the scene, “it’s Wayne and Ethan” she said proudly, “and Quinn. Long story” Sam added, “and Y/n” Tara added with a small voice. “Well, you know I wasn’t really a big fan of her but she wasn’t really a part of this. She was the one who gave me the knife and she saved me from Bailey” Sam told her with a hand on her shoulder while Tara teared up. “She’s dead now anyways” she was sad, even though you betrayed her she loved you and she will never have the chance to tell you that.
“We got another one, barely alive. We need to go now” the sisters turned to find you on a Carrier, unconscious with several stab wounds and bruises. “Wait” Tara screamed out and climbed into the ambulance. You guys had a lot to talk about.
You woke up a day later, “am I dead?” You mumbled out as you looked around the white room until you heard someone chuckle. “No you’re not” Tara said with a small smile. “I guess we should talk huh” you said as you saw the tears in her eyes.
You had a lot to explain…
Part two with the “explanation”?
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linorachas · 2 years
double the trouble (triple the fun) | seo changbin & han jisung
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ᦈ pairing — changbin x reader x jisung, changbin x jisung ᦈ genre — smut ᦈ word count — 3.7k ᦈ tags— afab reader, best friends with benefits, dirty talk, exhibitionism, spitroasting, slight choking ᦈ notes — i was going to make chan the ex because apparently i cant live without mentioning chan but i was like omg i cant do that…. So headcanon that chan is the next boyfriend who treats u right. binsung are still Protective and Suspicious until one day chan meekly suggests a foursome and BAM theyre 100% convinced that hes The One
read on ao3 :3
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“Jaesuk cheated on me.”
Music stops. A loud, obnoxious, automated voice announces Game over! just as Jisung drops his controller. Beside him, Changbin sets his phone down slowly.
You look up from where you were picking vegetables out of your meal, blinking rapidly. “Um. Jaesuk cheated on me?”
“That lanky, ugly, bug-eyed son of a bitch cheated on you? On you?” 
Jisung’s voice gets louder with each word as he slowly rises from his seated position on the floor. His face was pinched, and for a second, he looked as if he was genuinely angry. Your lips twitch.
“Ugly? Didn’t you say he was cute when I first showed you his picture?”
Jisung scoffs. “I was lying out my ass, Y/N. What do you mean, he cheated on you?”
You sigh at that, setting down your fork. You had hoped the casual mention of your ex would explain why you haven't been with him for weeks, a concern Jisung himself raised a few days ago. You also knew, however, that your best friends were never the ones to let anything slip by so easily, especially when it came to you. So this was— as much as you hoped it wouldn’t be— expected.
“A few weeks ago, we had a fight over something stupid and had a pretty bad argument about it. I went over to his place to work things out because I felt bad that I’ve been giving him the silent treatment. Caught him pants down with another girl in the hallway. According to his neighbor, that wasn’t the only girl he’s fucked out in the open.”
You relay the story lazily, all while looking for the packet of soy sauce you had seen Changbin toss away earlier. You don’t notice Jisung and Changbin’s faces get even more furious with every word.
Changbin, who had been quiet the entire time, finally speaks up. “I’m going to kill him.”
“Huh?” You look up, soy sauce packet between your teeth. “Whaft? ”
Your eyes widen when Changbin actually gets up and snatches his car keys on the table, then heads for the door where his shoes were lined up. You panic even more when he actually laces up his shoes, and it’s only then that it hits you.
He was actually angry. Like Angry angry.
“Jisung, stop hi-“ You start, panicked face turning towards Jisung, but you stumble back a step when you notice he was fuming too.
His jaw was clenched, eyes furious as he glared holes somewhere on the floor. He paid no attention to Changbin, who was actually turning the knob on the front door now and holy shit-
“I can’t bail you out of jail!” 
You exclaim as you rush over, pressing your body between Changbin and the door. You let out a sigh of relief when it slams shut behind you, but Changbin doesn’t seem too happy about it.
“Y/N,” he sighs, voice clipped. “Move.”
“No, what the hell- Bin, are you serious?” You huff, placing a hand on Changbin’s cheek. 
His narrowed eyes avoid yours. You knew that Changbin never wanted you to see him when he was angry, and the fact that he didn’t want to make eye contact with you right now proved to you how serious the situation actually was. He might actually kill Jaesuk.
“Let him be.” Jisung cuts in. He was still frowning, but his eyes cooly met yours as he dropped down on the couch, leaning back to rest his arm on the backside. “I’ll bail him out.”
You stare. Jisung stares back, undeterred. 
It’s tense in the room.
After a beat, you purse your lips. “You couldn’t even afford rent last month.”
Jisung lets out a scoff as he turns away, but you snort internally when you see his slowly reddening ears. Changbin’s lips are quirked as he turns to look at Jisung too, but he immediately schools his expression back into indifference when you face him. You raise an eyebrow in challenge.
“And you’re not killing anyone. Between us three, I’m the one who would most likely commit a murder. Not you two. So go sit back down and-” you grunt as you push Changbin back with both hands to his chest— which felt like a rock solid wall, mind you—  but you falter when he doesn’t even move an inch.
Hands gently clasp your wrists.
“He hurt you.”
You freeze. Slowly looking up, you find Changbin gazing down at you. He looked almost… upset now, and you coo.
“Oh no, Bin, he didn’t-”
“Y/N, you were still in a relationship when he got his small dick wet and not to mention how shitty he’s been treating you this past month! How could h-”
“Changbin.” You hiss, and he immediately shuts up. You soften when you see his eyebrows furrow, clearly upset about the situation. You take his hands in yours and squeeze. 
“I would have had to care about him enough for him to hurt me. I’m not hurt, Bin, I promise. I’m just— pissed.” You swallow, shifting nervously on your feet. Jisung gets up then, sidling up next to Changbin. He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, and you flash him a grateful smile. “I’m angry at myself for wasting so much time on the asshole. I’m angry at him for stringing me along. I’m angry that I spent so much time with him when I could have spent it on better people like—” you sniffle, “—like you guys.”
“I’m not hurt,” you reassure them once again, frowning. “If I have the chance to punch him in the face I’d gladly take it, but most of all, I’m just- I just want to move on.”
Jisung makes a noise at the back of his throat, and you’re not even given a warning when he goes behind you to pull you into a backhug, face nuzzling into your hair. You giggle when he presses a kiss to your shoulder. 
Changbin pulls your attention back to him with two fingers under your chin. 
“Then let's do it. Jisung and I will hold him down and you can punch him all you like.”
You laugh, and at that, Changbin finally softens. 
“I’m being serious.” He still says, but there’s a smile tugging at his lips. You grin.
“I know you are. But that’s assault, and I am not stooping that low. Especially not with you guys. The thought of giving him more attention just pisses me off even more. I want to forget about him, okay? Pretend he never existed in my life, and that I never met him. Let’s just— let him be. Karma will get to him.”
Jisung huffs. “Not even a little kick to the balls would help?”
You snort. “Not even a little kick to the balls, Sungie. But you know what would help?”
They both perk up. 
You smile, slow and mischievous as you tug Changbin closer. “A club.”
Two simultaneous groans. 
You laugh. “Oh, come on! I’m brokenhearted, you have to adhere to my requests! Oh help, I need to be cured right now!”
Changbin huffs out a laugh, somewhere between exasperated and fond. You giggle, letting go of his hands to wrap your arms around his neck, Jisung still clinging at your waist.
“Come on, Binnie, pleaaaase? Just a few dances to get my mind off it. I won’t even drink, you guys can drink all you want, I’ll get us all home safe, please please please- ”
“Okay, alright, christ-” Changbin groans, but he’s grinning as he brushes the hair away from your face. “None of us are drinking. We’ll just dance and have fun.” 
“Dance and have fun. Yes. Uh huh. Thank you.” You smack a long kiss to Changbin’s cheek before you turn to face Jisung, who was pouting. 
You put your arms around his shoulder. “You don’t want to go to the club with us?”
“There’s a tournament,” Jisung starts, eyes flickering towards the console, but he falters when he sees you blinking up at him. “I…”
Jisung’s eyes quickly dart behind you to where Changbin was, but unbeknownst to you, Changbin already had both hands up in surrender, mouthing I can’t help you. I’m weak.
So Jisung shuts his mouth with a smile, hands squeezing your waist. “That I can join next week. Alright, to the club! Come on, Y/N. Wanna pick what I should wear?”
You grin in triumph, letting Jisung pull you to his bedroom as Changbin follows suit with a defeated smile on his face. 
The night was still young. You weren’t going to let Jaesuk ruin the mood, and a night of dancing could fix that. 
Luckily for you, Changbin and Jisung were more than willing to help.
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You don’t know how it happens, but an hour later finds you squeezed between Changbin and Jisung.
You’re not drunk. You’re barely even tipsy, having only just drank one beer. But the heat inside the club was affecting you. You were safe, content and happy between your best friends, what more could you ask for?
It’s reminiscent of your position by the door earlier, but this time it’s a lot less wholesome and a lot more— ah.
“Jisung,” You gasp when you feel another mark sucked on your neck, teeth nibbling one of your most sensitive spots. Shivers wrack your body. “Jesus. Are you teething?”
Changbin snorts at that, but his eyes are busy watching Jisung. “He’s not teething. He’s staking a claim.”
You raise a brow, grinding back into Jisung’s clothed cock at the words. Jisung grunts in your ear. “Oh? Letting everybody in the club know that I’m yours?”
You squeak when you’re suddenly spun around, stumbling back into Changbin’s hard chest. He catches you easily though, one of his warm hands sliding up your top and another sliding down to your hips. You shiver again when his nails scratch against your tummy.
Jisung, who was now in front of you, stalks closer, and your breath hitches when he stops just an inch away from your lips.
With a smirk, he says, “that you’re ours.”
And just as Jisung crashes his lips onto yours, another set of lips starts leaving wet, heated kisses on your neck. It trails higher, up to your cheek, to your jaw, and all the way to your ear.
There, Changbin whispers, confident and smug. “And we’re taking you home tonight.”
It’s fleeting, the brush of a hand between your thighs, but it’s enough to shock your eager body and make you moan Changbin’s name into Jisung’s mouth. 
“Wrong,” Jisung whispers after he sucks on your bottom lip, letting it go with a teasing bite. “That was me. Guess we’re gonna have a little game then, huh?”
“No more games.” You whine, pressing back into Changbin, who was sucking in sharp breaths as he ground against your ass. “Don’t care whose it is. I want you both, and I want you now. Please.”
Jisung huffs at the lack of attention, pressing his own clothed cock against the front of your thigh as well, and just the feeling of being sandwiched between the two has your body tingling all the way to your fingertips. 
You’re just about to pull Jisung into another messy kiss when Changbin stops the both of you by a hand to your neck, pulling you towards him gently. 
You gulp at the feeling of his fingers around your throat, and Changbin’s eyes distractedly watch your slick mouth, but he still manages to get out, “Home. Let’s get you home, and we’ll give you what you want. Sound good?”
“Sounds great.” You croak out, still frozen at the feel of Changbin’s hand around your neck. Changbin seems to have noticed this, and his eyes darken when you moan at a slight squeeze that he does.
Jisung, already impatient, tugs you out of Changbin’s grasp with a possessive hand to your waist. 
“Later.” He promises both of you, and you and Changbin both straighten up. “Home, now.”
You nod, blinking out of your daze, but your body still reacts when Changbin slides a hand up your back as he and Jisung lead you to the exit. They flank you on both sides, side-eyeing anyone who so much as looks at you. 
It’s a blur on the way back to Changbin and Jisung’s apartment, but you were hyper aware of where their hands were. 
Changbin had wrapped an arm around your waist as soon as you had slid into the middle seat, and soon enough his fingers were trailing goosebump-inducing patterns under your shirt again. At one point he reaches the edge of your bra, and you bite your lip when he teasingly kneads under it. You send him a sharp look, gesturing to the driver. 
All Changbin does is smirk in return.
Jisung, on the other hand, was gazing out the window and enjoying the scenery that you know he’s seen a million times, but his hand was busy sliding between your thighs. You jolt every time he gets a little too close to where you needed him most, and you glare when he quickly pulls his hand away with a knowing grin. He then lets his fingers scratch the inside of your inner thigh, and it gets so ticklish and hard to hold back the sounds that you have to stop him with a hand to his wrist and a pointed look. 
Jisung merely takes your hand off, and continues.
You squirm in the backseat, getting wetter with each caress the two made. You don’t make a sound, but your heavy breathing was probably obvious at one point, because you meet eyes with the driver in the rearview mirror, and he looked concerned. You flush red and try to hide your face by burying it against Changbin’s shoulder.
A coo. “You alright? Drank too much?”
“Shut up,” You hiss, but end up snapping your mouth shut when Changbin quickly but surely fondles one of your breasts through your bra. He slides a thumb under the cup to teasingly flick your nipple, then slides his hand back down to your waist, like nothing had happened. 
“Bin-” you whine in his shoulder, and he chuckles. 
“Almost there, baby. Just a few more minutes.”
And then, in a split second, fingers rub at your clothed pussy.
Your gasp quickly turns into a moan, which Changbin covers up by cooing louder and pressing your face against his neck. 
“Shhh, it’s okay,” Changbin soothes, “we’re almost home. I know your head hurts, but you can puke there.”
“Ah,” The driver speaks up, seemingly understanding now. “Please don’t get vomit in my car, I can pull over if-”
“Oh, no, it’s okay, thank you, she’s just-”
As Changbin converses with the driver, Jisung continues his relentless rubbing. He finds your clit easily, and you moan soundlessly against Changbin’s neck as your hips buck. Jisung holds your hips down with his other hand.
“You’re alright,” Changbin mutters down at you, cupping your cheek tenderly, but out of the driver’s sight, he’s sliding his thumb between your parted lips, pad pressing down on your tongue. “You’re doing so well.”
You were so wet now, and you knew Jisung could feel it too, considering he kept brushing over the wet spot that has seeped into your panties. You squirm, hoping to get him back to your clit, but you freeze when his fingers slide under your underwear and fuck-
“Jisung-” you start, moaning muffled against Changbin’s thumb, but Changbin cuts you off. 
“-is right there. Don’t worry, he’s safe. He’s coming with us.” 
“I’m right here, Y/N.” Jisung pipes in casually, like he wasn’t sliding the pads of his fingers up and down your labia, teasingly circling your clit and dipping the tips of his two fingers in your hole. “Are you hungry? Cause I am.”
You shake in Changbin’s arms. He laughs.
You’re just about to cum when the car suddenly stops, and a keen bubbles out your throat when Jisung pulls his fingers away, upset at having your orgasm be taken away from you. You’re in a daze as Changbin helps you out of the car, leaving Jisung to pay. You hoped he left a good tip.
It doesn’t take long for the three of you to stumble inside the boys’ apartment, tearing at each other's clothes as you go inside the nearest bedroom. 
Jisung makes quick work of opening you up as you leant back against Changbin’s chest, his fingers stretching your walls. You moan against Changbin’s lips, unsure whether to pull away from the fast thrusting of Jisung’s fingers or push into Changbin’s hands which were kneading your breasts.
“Come here, baby.” Jisung finally pulls his fingers out, kneeling in the middle of the bed as he holds his cock in his hand.
You crawl toward him, mouth opening automatically. Jisung groans, slapping his drooling cockhead on your outstretched tongue. 
“That’s it, let me see you take my cock in your pretty little mouth. That’s a good little slut…”
Jisung slowly guides his cock into your waiting mouth at the same time Changbin lines himself up behind you, and you gasp when the head pushes inside.
You pull of Jisung’s cock and gasp. “You’re so big, Bin- wait-”
You and Changbin both groan as you convulse around him. Changbin doesn’t move, letting you adjust to his massive size. Jisung, however, was too impatient. He drags your mouth back onto his dick with a grunt.
“Shit. Jaesuk missed out on this?” Changbin mutters mostly to himself once he starts fucking into you, each thrust pushing you forward onto Jisung’s cock.
“Fucking loser,” Jisung says in reply, gathering your hair in his hands he thrusts in and out of your slick mouth too. “Doesn’t know what he let go.”
You flush at both their words and actions, pleasure coursing through your body on both ends. You let Jisung fuck your mouth, too overwhelmed to keep bobbing your head with how good Changbin was fucking you. 
Jisung must have been more worked up than you thought, because he suddenly pulls away. You let out a displeased whine, wanting him back in your mouth, but he just tuts as he holds you up by the hair.
“Not yet. Be good for hyung, alright?”
At the words, Changbin stops, flips you over, and immediately starts fucking you again. He wraps your legs around his waist, and your blink in surprise when his hand slides up to wrap around your throat.
“Changbin,” You choke out a gasp, fingers clawing at Changbin’s wrist as he squeezes your throat. “Oh, fuck- fuck-”
His pace is relentless; your hips were hanging mid-air from how much he’s lifted you, and you were basically perched on his thighs. You almost black out when he squeezes your throat once, feeling lightheaded from the cock pounding into you and the lack of air.
Behind you, Jisung shudders at the sight.
You reach for him weakly, wanting to get a hand on him. He obliges almost immediately, kneeling beside your head as he strokes his cock to your gasps and Changbin’s grunts. You manage to wrap a clumsy wrap around him, and though it was almost useless, Jisung still moans loud.
“You’re so- fucking- wet.” Changbin gasps, fingers tightening from where it was wrapped around your ankle. “Fuck, baby, Jisung could slip in here with how wet you are.”
Changbin and Jisung don’t miss the way you jerk at that, getting even tighter at the thought. You feel the tips of your ears burn, but Changbin just smirks. “Oh? You like that?”
You don’t expect to his slide down after that, finger trailing over your entrance where his cock was still fucking in and out of you. It only takes a little push, and his finger slips inside.
“Are you fucking crazy-” You hiss, but there’s no denying the way you clench around Changbin’s cock and finger. You moan even louder when he starts moving it along with his cock, feeling like you’re about to lose your mind.
“Fuck,” Changbin and Jisung both exhale, mesmerized. 
Jisung was so close that every time he thrust, his cock would bump against your cheek and sometimes your lips. You move your head close so his cock slides against your lips, and Jisung almost doubles over.
“Hyung,” Jisung whines suddenly, and you blink, confused, but then Changbin pulls Jisung into a kiss and your world shakes.
You and Jisung moan at the same time, Jisung’s cock twitching in your hand. He’s gotten so wet that you hear a squelch every time he bucks into your hand.
Jisung melts in Changbin’s hold, something you understand all too well. Out of the three of you, Changbin was the best kisser. He had a way of pulling you into a kiss so hypnotizing it leaves you breathless and boneless at the same time. 
The sight of your two best friends gasping into each other's mouths was enough to push you to the edge. You couldn’t even warn them as you finally cum, toes curling as you convulse around Changbin’s cock.
Jisung follows soon after, pulling away from Changbin’s lips just to hide his face in Changbin’s neck, shuddering as he cums. He sprays directly into your mouth, but his hips stutter, so some of his cum gets onto your cheek and neck.
Changbin, with one arm around Jisung’s waist, pulls his cock and finger out of you with a groan and starts jerking himself off. He keeps your legs spread, and he watches with lidded eyes as your hole spasms around nothing. 
With Jisung’s cock in your hand, his cum on your face, and Jisung’s face in his neck, Changbin finally cums on your stomach with a shuddering breath.
The three of you collapse on the bed soon after, sweaty and sticky. You were so content to just bask in the silence and heavy breathing, but you just had to ask.
“Since when-” You sit up and gesture to Changbin and Jisung, but you don’t finish your sentence. 
Jisung flushes up to the tips of his ears and hides his face in the pillow. Changbin laughs into your shoulder.
“Since now. We’ll talk about it later.”
“Wah,” you exhale and lie back down on the bed, letting Changbin and Jisung cuddle up to you on either side. “Thank fucking god Jaesuk cheated on me then.”
“Don’t say that! I’m still going to kill him.”
You squeak when Changbin pinches your waist, but you still feel their smiles on your skin. You giggle.
Getting fucked by your best friends definitely helped you get over your stupid ex.
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jane-todd-maximoff · 4 months
London After Midnight CKY crew x Fem!reader
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Warnings: bit of "suggestive" mentions of adult content and grass AKA weed
Words: 1,215
London was quite a beautiful place. It was large with beautiful architecture. But of course you and the boys were destined to destroy it.
You, Bam, Ryan, Dico, Rabb and Rake all were shacked up in a small cheap rundown cottage. Bam stood by an open window with some type of melon in his hands. “Dude! What are you doing?” Ryan asked, “waiting for a victim.” Bam Declared. Isn't that just nice. “Oh dude look somebody's coming drop it! Drop It!” Dico edged on and right as the person walked under the window Bam dropped the Melon. And you only made it close enough to the window in time to see the aftermath of it. The person underneath freaked out and was cursing out Bam and Dico. “Man we have been here for not even a day! Don't get us kicked out of the goddamn country!” Ryan screamed at Bam. This week is going to be killer.
Midnight. You all decided to go out to a bar, well “pub” as the Londoners called it. But thanks to Dico doing his mocking accent you were all thrown out rather violently. But that's not going to stop any of you.
Bam was on his skateboard doing tricks as we followed his lead. It was painfully late in the morning now and chaos had just begun to brew. You all shortly arrived at a new hotel because someone - Bam to be exact got you all kicked out of the last. You can only wonder how long this one would last. And guessing by the current events maybe 12 hours at the most.
You and Bam were now skating in the hotel's hallways looking for Rabbs' room. You two had come up with a plan to prank every one. Finding his room you slowly opened his door. Rabb was curled into a ball snuggling up to his pillows holding onto it as if it was a person. Damn, that's sad - relatable but sad. Bam made his way into the bathroom and scooped up a cup of toilet water. you stood by with the camera in your hands. “Dude, the water had piss in it! This is gonna be great!” “This is going to be gross.” you corrected “you filmin?” Bam whispered; you nodded at him. “I'm Bam and this is the potty mouth.” “the potty mouth?” “It's a working title!” Bam explained “anyway - I'm Bam and this is the potty mouth!  he whispered, he crouched down to Rabb slowly opening his mouth and dumping the cup into his mouth. Rabb awoke with a gasp inhaling the piss water.  you and Bam jumped up into the air with laughter “What the fuck?” Rabb Coughed out as you and Bam ran down the hall to Dico’s room. 
You and Bam had a rather helpful prank for Dico in your eyes. you see Dico has started balding at a rather young age. So you and Bam thought you would help him out a bit. “Bam take the camera.” you directed. Bam took the camera away from you and silently you walked into the room's kitchen and found a pair of scissors; walking back to Bam and Dico as Bam was getting close up shots of Dico’s sleeping face and balding head. Slowly you kneeled down next to the both of them and Bam pointed the camera at you. “Hi, I'm Y/N and this is midnight barbers.” You announced and started to clip Dico’s hair and Bam put out his hand to grab  it and put it into a small plastic bag that smelled faintly of weed. “Oh yeah this is fantastic!” Bam exclaimed 
After cutting Dico’s hair and learning that he was a surprisingly heavily sleeper it was off to Ryan's room for the both of you, but that needed to wait. You went back to your room and grabbed some tape and some green hair dye. “Y/N let's get this show on the road!” Bam yelled, shoving the camera in your face. “alright!” you told him and walked away but turned around suddenly and hit Bam in the stomach. “Ow, you bitch!” he said, doubling over in pain as you laugh. “That's pay back.” “for what?” “you know what.” you informed.
After fighting with Bam for a few minutes that left you with a soon to be an absolutely haggard bruise on your thigh in the next few hours. You two finally got to Ryan's room. You took the camera from Bam to film him. He took the bag of Dico’s hair out of his back pocket. “Im Bam and this is mustachio.” he said as you passed him the tape. He got down on his knees and pulled out a few strands of Dico’s hair, putting tape on it and sticking it onto Ryan's face. Ryan twitched a few times that made both you and Bam jump. Finally yall had Ryans face covered to make it look like he had a beard. “That looks horrible.” you say to Bam:  it's not that Ryan looks bad with a beard it was the fact that Ryan's hair was blond and Dico’s hair was almost black. “It could be worse, it could always be worse.” Bam said, turning on his heel and walking away eager to get to your last victim.
“Hey, do you got gloves for this?” Bam asked as you were  walking to Rake's room. “Absolutely not and you're doing it. I'm not turning into the wicked witch of the west today. “ you retorted. 
Finally you got to Rake’s room. He’d gotten a room at the other side of the hotel. He was probably trying to get away from everybody's hijinks. But it was Bam there was no escaping him. The only way you got out of it was to help him. Once you got into the door you didn’t find Rake in bed but on the couch sleeping sitting up. “Perfect, he's just in the position I want him in.” Bam whispers, putting the camera on the table. “That sounds gay.” you committed but he just ignored it. “I'm Bam and this is the mad scientist” you rolled your eyes at that. Given the fact Rake hangs out with you and the Jackass guys it was common to forget that he was an actual scientist. Bam took out the electric green hair dye and started to coat Rake’s hair in it. It was mostly patchy and uneven. But it's gonna be great in the end. “Wait Bam how are we going to wash this out?” you asked as Bam got up and whipped his hands on his pants. “That is not are problem anymore; Y/N look! It looks like I fisted a goblin!” He said, shoving his hands into your face. 
It was around 4 in the morning now. You and Bam were sharing a room so you two could come up with your plans. You were laying down comfortably now nursing a warm beer you found laying around the room. Without warning Bam came running out of the shower and  jumped up onto the bed making you spill the beer “Bam!” you yelled all he did was smile. “Thanks for helping tonight.” Bam said, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you into a side hug.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 1 year
bam breaks his tailbone skating and is a little bitch about it
Pain in the Ass
After a stunt gone wrong, Y/N takes pity on their boyfriend (and his poor ass)
Bam Margera X Gn!reader
1k Words
Warnings: Whump, suggestive content, crude language, medication
AN: Aaaa thank you for the request!! I hope u enjoy!
You and the guys sat in the little $50 X-ray place, crowding around the doctor’s computer to scrutinize the black and blue image on the screen. Of course, giggles abounded as Rick got in close with the handheld camera, asking questions to the technician, “So where’s the tailbone here?” Cracking a slight smile, she gestured with her computer mouse to the middle of the scan of Bam’s pelvis at what looked like oatmeal in his abdomen, “It’s right here- underneath all this feces.”
Laughter erupted in the room, mostly from the party viewing the image, but even your boyfriend- the one sitting off to the side on the gurney in the little paper gown with the blue flowers- found it hilarious, “You- you can see my crap inside of my stomach?” He chuckled unbelievingly as Ryan sat on the side of the bed, leaning in, “Dude, we can see your balls.” And another round of laughter. “That is sick- am I ‘gettin copies of this?”
Seemingly, you were the only person in the room who was, in the slightest bit, concerned. Leaning over to the poor doctor who had to witness all of this, you asked, “He’s okay, right?” She waved a dismissive hand at you, equally as entertained while announcing to the whole group, “He’ll be fine- a broken Coccyx is a very mild injury.”
“Oh, he hurt that too? Looked fine to me…”
You absentmindedly twirled Bam’s hair as he laid on his stomach while you watched an episode of Punk’d on the couch, softly humming. While you watched Hillary Duff getting blamed for a carjacking, you could hear an audible smile in your boyfriend's voice as he piped up, “Y’know, this morning I slapped Ryan with that jelly ass doughnut I got.” You chuckled, not quite paying attention to what he had to say, completely enveloped in the rare moment of calm you captured, even if your hand was pressing an ice pack to his asscrack. “Mmhm.”
He groaned at the shocking cold on warm skin, shoving his head between his crossed arms in front of him. “This sucks…” Your boyfriend whined, looking up at you from your lap, “Can’t skate…can’t sit up- I can’t even shit on my own!” He did have a point. It was like seeing an animal in a zoo without enrichment. You felt a little bad, even if he was being dramatic, “Well, I think I found an upside to this.” You spoke quietly, comfortingly raking your hand through Bam’s thick hair, his pale eyelids fluttering shut. “Mmhm?”
“Jeff sent me an email. Apparently,” A grin crept into your voice as you pulled out your phone to show him, “they got that X-ray framed at MTV headquarters!” All of a sudden, your boyfriend's face lit up and he whispered unbelievingly as he looked at the photo. “No way…no way!” He almost giggled, pulling himself up to the best of his ability, “All those millionaires- goin in to make deals n shit- they’re all gonna be ‘starin at my dick!”
You smiled at how quickly his demeanor changed. “Mmhm.” He went to get up, standing up too fast and stumbling a little with a wince. God, it was like didn’t even know he hurt himself, or at least that he didn’t care. “Can you, uh- can you get me some of those Advils? ‘M goin upstairs.” You nodded, starting off to the kitchen before calling back, “Be careful!” Slugging up the hardwood steps, he jokingly grumbled, “Sure, mom…” before disappearing to his room. You followed him shortly, the pain medication and a bottle of water in hand as you skipped up after him.
Of course, since sitting upright was out of the question, laying down required a certain finesse. You shut the door and got on the bed first while your boyfriend shimmied his jeans off and you giggled at his pale legs. Bam rolled his eyes, scoffing as you gently grabbed his hips and helped him onto the bed. It really was kinda cute, how he could be so aloof one second, but the next he’s practically begging for your attention, especially like this. Your big shot jerk boyfriend, always tormenting everybody around him, but when you caught him like this every now and again it really was sweet.
You watched his dim silhouette in the dark room as he propped himself on one arm and you unscrewed the cap of the bottle of water. Taking the oblong red and blue pills from you, he threw them into his mouth and stilled before looking up at you with those pale blue eyes as you pressed the rim of the bottle to his barely parted lips. You tilted it back, looking down at the curiously sweet and intimate act as his eyelids fell half lidded while he gulped down a few sips, his Adam's apple bobbing, before pulling back. He wiped his mouth with a groan and laid back down. You blushed a little, finding it oddly attractive.
He sighed, settling into the soft mattress, keeping his one leg propped up awkwardly while he waited for you. For the last week, your boyfriend hadn’t been able to sleep without a pillow between his knees, which in and of itself was adorable, especially when you stumbled in on him for the first time like that, but since your methods of pain management had advanced. You shushed him as you walked around the bed sinking into the plush surface next to him.
Bam knew the drill, throwing his leg over your hip and nuzzling his face close into the soft skin of the back of your neck, inhaling softly. “Fuck…” You giggled at the feeling of his lips moving on your skin as you pulled him arm over your waist to make sure he wouldn’t roll over onto his back while he slept. You stroked his palm with your thumb comfortingly. “Feelin alright?” You murmured as he snuggled closer, your fingers grazing over his chipping black nail polish. “Mmhm.” You brought his hand up, placing a gentle kiss on a tattooed knuckle.
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washa · 11 months
I listened to The Summit audio and here’s my favourite personal comments/thoughts! (IM STILL IN SHOCK WHAT TEH FUCK)
David’s gonna whip your ass Ash 
Milo being a fashionista cannon
“Good thing belts don't correlate to height.” DAVID
Ash, Baabe, get a fucking room 
Sweetheart i’m crying please give a man some dress socks
Vincent sounds so anxious
Vincent baby… 😕
“I can't control how people are acting but I can control how I react.” PREACHHH VINCENT 
Surprise??? He’s spoiling Lovely so bad
Wait, does Sam have a crown too?? Like being a duke
Shit these sound effects are FIRE
Yo Sam wassup my guy.
Oh Porter. Hi dear ☹️
Sam is literally the opposite of me I love small talk and big events lmfao 
“Good people” He’s so salty lmfao
There’s no way Darlin’ isn’t smoking hot rn
AY ICE CREAM TUBS, Mint chocolate chip for the win 🙌
I imagine them going hand in hand, like elbows connected.
Porter being a smooth bitch. (as usual)
Vincent is surprisingly kind abt this, well as nice as he can
That went well. Lovely calm your boyfriend before he pulls out his hair
Nah let like Sam punch him it’s funnier.
Are these other vamps that bad oh my god 
Ooh business deals?? Yes make that moolah.
Eccentric?? Tf you mean eccentric. I don’t think David can handle more eccentric people in his life.
HELP NOT ASH PICKING UP ON VINCENT (unrelated but can we just acknowledge how emotionally mature and smart Asher is?)
Oh god Bennetts?? They sound pleasant.
Wait wait, House of Baz were allies, and but every word out of Deon's mouth was to diss William??? WHAT TYPE OF SHITTY ALLIES
I want those two to die, for all of their house to run into the sun. 
Latest conquest?? Come here let me rip you up 
I don’t wanna fight you lex. YOU GROW UP?? PETTINESS IS CHILDISH.
You selfish little bitch. I’M GONNA BITE HER URGHSHSHGY
Porter thank FUCK YOU'RE HERE
Alexis can suck my dick. 
“Like a proper family” That's an interesting view on what your idea of a loving family is Porter.
Surprisingly Porter is in the right here. 
Oh god what fucking now, i cannot DEAL with anymore self centred fuckers.
Is he warning us? What’s happening.
Ykw he’s got a point here, a REALLY good point. CONSIDERING THE HOUSE OF BAZ THING.
Sam :((( yes Sam you deserve that.
Asher and Milo bring up the mood woop woop 
Good lord Porter has a bad rep already w them
Investor gadget woop woop, investor gadget bam bam bam bam go gadget go bup bam bam bam badum badump.
Milo clamp your jaw for a sec
Sam said a lot of things..
No Sweetheart think abt this please what if ya get caught.
GO BETA GO BETA FUCK IT UP WOOAHH (i’m sorry i'm so stressed.)
You should’ve punched her Sam, you should’ve.
Sam and Darlin’ needed better taste in vamps ffs 
Sam therapy time 😇🥳 (as required in every Sam video)
God Sam and Darlin’ are so fucking sweet URGDHAKDA
Is Angel stuck talking there or??
Imagine talking to someone for like 15 minutes and come back to find your friends stalking a head of the house. David needs a panadol for the headache coming up.
Well nobody wants to join a cult tbh, like that’s so suspicious.
This is a surprisingly civil argument, i was expecting someone getting thrown through a wall
What’s up w the king
So no ice cream?? 💔
43 notes · View notes
stratossphere · 2 years
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love in closeness | v.v
ville can be clingy when he wants to be.
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, a lot of mentions of sex/suggestive content, everyone is drinking
word count: 6.6k
tags: @asskickedbygirl @lieutenant-cinnamon-roll @kissofdawn666 @brandons-wife @valos-venus-doom
— —
"I'm bringing an amp to your house. For you to keep there." That sentence, which your boyfriend had uttered to you the morning before he was due to arrive at your apartment for the next two weeks, was playing in your head as you got a text alerting you that he and Bam were close by. That, in turn, meant that Ville was undoubtedly due to show up with a bunch of junk in tow, all of which he would end up leaving when he eventually had to fly back home. If he wasn't who he was…
Despite the promise of your apartment ending up trashed by the same time tomorrow, you were almost bouncing on your feet as you eagerly awaited Bam and Ville's arrival. They were both coming from Helsinki together, so it was essentially a homecoming for the both of them.
However, you immediately started to regret being excited when you suddenly heard the lock slide out of place on your front door.
"This place is a fucking dump! Next time I'm staying in a goddamn hotel!" Bam was inside the second the door was open, and you frowned when Ville didn't appear behind him. Of course he was already complaining with his first breath of air in your apartment, and you threw a hand in the air.
"What's your problem? And where's Ville?" You sighed, already seeing how this day was going to go based on Bam's clear hyperactive bad mood. He cast a venomous look out towards the hall.
"Your fucking elevator is broken. Again. And he's bringing the amp and shit up." He explained like it was obvious. You rolled your eyes, because of course he was complaining about having to walk up two flights of stairs, before sliding out of your seat.
"You just left him to grab everything by himself, asshole?" Bam really was something special. He held up his singular backpack like that was any sort of explanation for his shortcomings, and you just sighed again before stepping around him and out into the hall.
You almost laughed when you realized you could hear the very audible sound of your boyfriend grumbling to himself in the stairwell, and you started your way down to help him with quick feet.
"You better be coming down to grab your shit, you prissy little bitch." Clearly he thought you were Bam, because there was no way in hell he would've ever found the audacity to say something like that to you.
"What, not enough muscle to carry it yourself, pussy?" You teased, still unable to see him as you talked over the sound of muffled thudding that told you Bam had truly abandoned all of his stuff in Ville's care to dash up the stairs just to unlock your door with Ville's key. Ville chuckled at your words, the thudding coming to a stop.
"Sorry, love. Thought you were that little fuckhead that told me he had to take a piss so that he didn't have to carry anything." Ville's tone as he apologized was much softer at hearing your voice, and just as you turned the corner and almost ran directly into him, your response fell dead on your lips as you caught a full look at him.
Ville Valo, infamous for his long, dark brown locks, had cut his hair. Right up to his ears. After having long hair throughout the extent of almost your entire relationship. Your jaw dropped, and he gave you a look like he had no idea why you seemed so shocked.
"Thought I would've gotten a little bit more of an enthusiastic welcome." He grumbled in the face of your silence, unable to do anything but stand there considering he had a backpack and a guitar case on his back, his suitcase with the amp balanced on top in one hand, and Bam's suitcase in the other hand. "What the hell are you staring at?"
"You cut your hair!" You finally found it in you to gasp, hand coming up to brush your fingers through the freshly-chopped strands where they went short at the nape of his neck where they used to extend past his shoulders. Obviously he still looked deliciously fucking handsome (even more so since not seeing him for the past three weeks), but you were in true shock.
"Yes. Thought if I told you about it on the phone you'd tell me not to." He said, as if his plan was the clearest thing in the world. "Now take some of this shit before I break my goddamn back."
Your jaw did not move from its dropped position even as the two of you made it up to the apartment where your front door was open, and you went right back into being in awe when you were able to drop all of the stuff in your hands and fully stare at a now-short-haired Ville.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me." That went for Bam too, considering he had obviously known about it and had yet said nothing to warn you.
"It's just a haircut." Ville said irritably as he finally emptied all of the stuff out of his hands as well, immediately going for you despite his tone and enveloping you in a hug so tight that it pulled just a bit of a whine out of you. You leaned back to give him a kiss, inhaling his scent for the first time in weeks as you smiled against his lips.
"Yeah, he got that done in the airport while we were waiting for our plane. The barber looked like someone you would see in a Russian torture film." Bam snickered, revealing Ville's clear lack of care over what the result of his new look was going to be. As he broke your kiss, Ville rolled his eyes.
"Does it look like it was done by a Russian torture actor?" He asked dryly, running his fingers through said hair and scratching at his scalp slightly just as your fingers came up to do the same.
"No. It looks really fucking good." You reassured as you eyed him pointedly, only getting about two seconds of being able to feel his new haircut before he was pulling your hand away from his head.
"Yeah. You look like Antonio Banderas." Bam added after you, already starting to rifle through the bag of food that had been sticking out of his backpack as he spoke. Ville smirked at that, and you gave Bam an unimpressed look at his stroking of Ville's ego.
"Where did you get that?" You narrowed your eyes at the amp that was now sitting in the middle of the floor with animosity, knowing that there was a good chance it was only going to be used when you least wanted it to.
"The airport." Ville looked more than proud of himself as he revealed his answer. Sometimes, when actually in the airport, you wondered if anyone actually fell for the marketing schemes of overpriced garbage that no one would ever want to buy in an airport...and then you remembered that Ville fell for all of it. "You can get anything your heart desires in those places. I thought you would've known that."
"Yeah, but I'm not just throwing out cash for a bunch of junk I see in store windows." That was a little bit of a pointed statement on your part, but you couldn't help yourself. You were fine with Ville being a self-proclaimed 'collector', as long as it wasn't your house he was collecting in. "Speaking of, what other junk did you get at the airport?"
"About...fifteen different sandwiches." Ville said, motioning to where Bam was still digging through his stuff. When you looked to both of the newcomers for an explanation, you just got defensive looks in response.
"You never have any food! I was hungry!" Bam explained, jabbing an insulting finger in the general direction of your fridge. You scoffed.
"You bought a bunch of sandwiches for the vegetarian? Seriously?" Your fridge was, in fact, empty, but you had planned on taking everyone out to bring back food, so you weren't all that worried about it. However, apparently Bam was a couple steps ahead of you.
"I’m gonna go get takeout while you...have fun with that." Bam motioned to the amp, which Ville had abandoned you in favor of dropping right down on the floor in front of and beginning to fuck with it after he had plugged it in with his guitar case next to him. You shot him a death stare.
"Great. I assume you'll immediately want my car, then." Lending out your car when Bam and Ville had no doubt been served full of liquor on their flight didn't exactly appeal to you, but it was your only chance to have some alone time with Ville, so you were making do. Bam grinned, already grabbing your keys off the counter.
"I’ll be gone for like, ten minutes tops so don't start going at it right in the middle of the floor." He warned, motioning to exactly where Ville was currently sitting. You snickered while Ville just flipped him off, and then Bam was heading towards the door to be the nice one (for once) and retrieve dinner. He said nothing else as he carted off and out the door, slamming it way too hard on the way out before his footsteps faded down the hall. You then turned to your preoccupied boyfriend.
"Wanna start going at it right in the middle of the floor?" You joked as you made your way closer to him, still half-staring at how short his hair was against the back of his neck where he was turned away from you.
"Hold on. In the middle of something." He muttered, and you could see that he was making sure he had all the plugs for the amp. You sighed, rubbing a hand down his shoulder from behind him.
"Will that explode and be gone in the time it takes to make out with me?" You asked dryly, teasing his obsession with instruments as he finally turned to look at you with an unimpressed face.
"I suppose not." And then, thankfully, he was getting back up, making sure to rise to his full height directly in your face just to be a little shit. "Just can't keep away from me, eh?"
"Not when you've been gone for three weeks." You shot right over his teasing, throwing your arms back around his waist and tilting your chin up to him with a pout that told him exactly what you wanted. He hummed at your words, reaching up a hand to cup your cheek before he was giving you another kiss, this one longer and less appropriate than the one he had given you in front of an audience. Once again, you couldn't help but smile against his lips, so elated to have him back that it was preventing you from fully kissing him the right way. "Mm! I'm just so glad you're home."
"Me fucking too." He sighed as he broke away. It sent a burst of warmth through you that he agreed so smoothly with your calling your place his home, and you couldn't help but hold his face in your hands and just beam at him like an idiot.
"I can't believe you cut your hair." Okay. Maybe you sounded a little bit like a broken record. But to give yourself some credit, he'd just gone and done it without telling you, and it had been getting long. When you saw him start to look exasperated again, you saved yourself. "What am I supposed to pull on now?"
"For fuck's sake, woman. I'm not bald." You clearly didn't save yourself enough, however, because his groan was more than dramatic as he lolled his head in your hands. "I even asked the man to wash my hair, just for you."
"Thank you." You cooed, pushing your fingers through his hair again just to feel the completely clean strands. When his eyes closed slightly at the feeling, you leaned up to press a couple kisses to his cheek. "I love you and I missed you, grouch."
"God, I've never been so glad to see your face. Bam was driving me up a fucking wall this trip." Ville groaned, hugging you again and staying there as he dipped his head to rest on your shoulder. You snickered, because who knew what kind of shit they'd been getting into while they'd been together.
"What, did he try sneaking into your bed or something?" As much of a jab at him as that was, it could've very well been the correct answer. Bam had a habit of getting 'lonely' when he was drunk. It was usually how your bed ended up with three people in it instead of two like it was supposed to.
Ville just shushed you in response, which about gave you your answer, before breaking away and leaning back slightly to inspect you.
“Almost forgot what you looked like.” He joked, reaching out a hand to pull the collar of your shirt down to expose your cleavage with a smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes, brushing his hand away and then doing a little shirt pulling of your own (which was lifting the hem of his so that you could look at his tattoo). And he just stood there and let you, too.
After not seeing your favorite of his tattoos for so long, you were having a hard time pulling your eyes back to his face.
"I don't know how the hell you got this done so young." As you spoke, you absentmindedly brushed a finger to drag across the design on his lower stomach. He then quickly pulled your hand away, giving you a warning look.
"Because I hoped that women would do things like that." He concluded, grabbing your other hand when you tried to do it again and then effectively holding you hostage in his strong grip. "I didn't ever picture I'd end up with a woman with your skill in invading my space, though."
"Aw, that's so sweet." You said sourly, shooting him a look as you wriggled out of his grasp and sighed while looking at all of the bags they had carted up into your not-very-big apartment. "You know, you don't have to move your entire apartment along with you every time you come."
"What fun would that be? I like having everything." Ville said as he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your hips and setting his chin on your shoulder. "You know what else I like having?"
"What?" Judging by the tone of his voice and his word choice, you had a pretty good idea of where he was going with this conversation, and you could feel yourself starting to smile.
"My cock inside of you." He finished off with exactly what you expected him to say, fingers of his right hand skating your inner thighs as he basically draped himself against your back. You sighed in contempt, because you knew there was no way you had enough time to even get started.
"Don't tease me. Bam always comes back right when you're putting it in." You complained, holding his hand away so that he couldn't get you any more riled up than he already had. He chuckled lowly.
"I don't care. I'll wait until he’s back and still put it in." What a well-behaved, wholesome thing for him to say.
This was going to be an interesting first night together.
Using the word 'together' for you and Ville's first night back together had been a hyperbole. Sure, you were in fact together, but so were the two of you and Bam. Which meant that you'd all been sitting around your living room drinking yourselves to shit while you all talked about stupid garbage for the past almost six hours.
"So, you would never let me use your bed for a hookup? Dude. That's so fucked." On the topic of how far the ‘bro code’ extended, Bam was dissing you for saying that you would never let him anywhere near your bed with anything less than all of his clothes on. "You have no idea what bro code even means."
"I don't want to go back to my bed the next night and roll into a giant crusty spot!" Plus, who the hell just voluntarily let people fuck in their bed? Ville slurred out a chuckle from where he was laying with his head on your thigh where your legs were crossed on the floor, opening his eyes that had closed while you absentmindedly played with strands of his hair.
"You're fine with crusty spots when they're mine." He pointed out unhelpfully, pulling raucous laughter out of Bam and himself while you just tried to hold a glare while also starting to laugh.
"Obviously you don't count, stupid." Plus, it wasn't like you had a choice considering Ville had some of the worst blowing-a-load aim you had ever seen.
"You should be more of a bro, Y/n. You two have used my bed to fuck before." Bam complained, jabbing a finger at you as he reminded you of a few of the times you and Ville had given him a little payback for copious amounts of immature behavior. You snickered as he shot you a dirty look, even though it had been a while since that had even happened.
"Yeah, but we didn't ask you. We just did it. You would've said no." Like a sensible fucking person. "Tell you what. If you can go an entire week without ever pulling stupid pranks on us, then you and Jenn can fuck yourselves silly in my bed. I'll even let you use my camcorder to film it."
"You'll have to buy new tape. That one's already really full." Ville really needed to work on his ability to keep things to himself once tequila entered the equation. Bam's face immediately screwed up.
"You two make sextapes?" He sounded appalled by the idea, and you silently wondered if he ever really paid any attention when you and Ville were around each other. Sometimes you passed the tapes you already had back and forth after you'd been away from each other or before you left each other right in front of him, for fuck's sake.
"Oh yeah. Long ones." Once again, Ville just kept talking. You paused your hand in his hair, moving your hand instead to cover his mouth so that he'd stop spilling your sexual escapades to the person who would take it as far as he possibly could just for the fun of it.
"We're adults, Bam. And we live in different places." You reminded him dryly. Sextapes guaranteed that Ville was looking at naked videos of you instead of shitty porn magazines that had been under his bed for the last ten years, so you counted it as a win.
"Dude, did you not see what happened to Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson?" Bam was clearly drunk enough to where he cared about your well-being, because he sounded completely serious. "You guys are like, the fucking same."
"Except ours are better. And there's a lot of them." Ville pulled your hand away from his mouth long enough to get that out, laughing like an idiot as Bam made a disgusted sound. You tried to cover his mouth again, also laughing, but failed as he held your fingers away in a tight grip. "Let's put one on and find out."
"Ville. Shut up." You groaned, wrestling with his hands as he continued to snicker at his grossing out everyone else in the room. "If anyone gets to watch our sextape, it'll be fair and square when it gets stolen and leaked to the public."
"You know, you two don't have to tell me everything. You can keep some things to yourself." Bam grumbled, getting up to get himself another drink after downing what was left in his glass. You scoffed as he walked past you.
"That wasn't even oversharing! Oversharing would've been telling you what's on the tapes." That time you really did hold your hand over Ville's mouth, because you knew he would definitely spill everything if you gave him the chance.
As Bam fucked around in the kitchen, Ville finally got your hand off of his mouth, an irritated look starting to form on his face as he shoved your hand away forcibly before turning on his side so that his face was pressed into both your leg and your side where you were still leaned over.
"Fucking hell." He muttered against your shirt, stretching out his arm to wrap around your hips as he rolled his body to do so. You laughed, because tequila always made him cuddly, before running your fingers through his hair again.
"What's wrong?" You asked softly, watching his legs splay out even further on the floor in front of you as he got comfortable on the hardwood. He hummed, rubbing your back absentmindedly with his fingers just brushing against the waistband of your jeans.
"I just fuckin' missed you so much." As well as turning into the king of oversharing when he drank tequila, he also got really love-drunk (no pun intended). Meaning you were about to be consistently told how much he liked you over and over again for the next couple hours or so. "You smell so good."
"Maybe you shouldn't have another drink." There was a slight chance it would get aggressive enough to where he'd cry, and you were pretty sure he didn't want that in front of Bam. He scoffed like that was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard, not moving his head from where it was buried but still raising a hand in the air and waving it.
"Another, bartender!" He called loudly enough to where it penetrated the air despite his face in your shirt, making you roll your eyes and in turn drawing Bam's attention towards the two of you.
"Hell no. Get your own." He said stubbornly as he finished loading up his 'mixed' drink with almost all tequila, leaving the bottle open right where it was on the counter as he came back towards you. He then snickered as he looked at Ville's position in your lap. "Ville, dude, you are so fucking pussy-whipped."
You watched as he dropped back down onto the couch and promptly spilled a little bit of his drink, earning himself a death stare from you. Ultimately, he was the one who had to sleep on it, but he could never have just a little consideration for your stuff. Ville finally sat up then, a grin on his face despite the insult.
"I'm the only one in this room getting pussy good enough to be whipped by." He announced loudly as he messily used your shoulder as leverage to pull himself up to standing, sounding more than proud of himself as he spoke. You shot him a dirty look as he gazed down at you without a single care in the world.
"Hey. I'm right here." You complained, elbowing his leg before standing up after him because you really didn't trust him to make smart decisions on his own in the kitchen. It was a compliment, sure, but not one appropriate for your present company.
"Dude. I literally have a girlfriend." Bam added, throwing a hand in the air like he felt left out for not being 'pussy-whipped'. Ville made a skeptical face.
"Yeah, but all you guys do is fight and hold out on each other. Can't really count that as good pussy. Or dick, for that matter." Ville essentially telling Bam that he was giving his girlfriend shitty dick made you laugh, and Bam just gave you both a betrayed look as he essentially pouted where he was sitting.
"Yep. I win." Ville concluded, holding a hand up for a high-five as you joined him in the kitchen. You refrained from doing so, ignoring his scoff of protest as you stepped around him to get the mixer juice you were using out of the fridge.
"Drink at least a little juice with that." You warned as you watched Ville sloppily fill his cup back up with tequila, one of your arms circling around his waist as you leaned into his side. He let out a disgruntled huff but took the orange juice from you, adding about a splash to his tequila to satisfy your request.
"American juice is fucking disgusting. Yankees ruin everything." Ville grumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before pulling out of your grasp despite the fact that he had just called you a Yankee.
"Hey. Don't be like that." Just because he couldn't get his 'natural alpine blueberry juice' or whatever in America didn't mean he had to go dissing everything he laid his eyes on in your house. "You're such a grouch."
"No I'm not. I love you." Suddenly Ville was pouting, and then he dipped down to press kisses to your cheek, abandoning his glass on the counter in favor of inhaling you in your personal space. You laughed and let him do so, arms around his waist as he held your face in both hands and kissed you over and over again.
"Ah! Stop! Your breath is horrible." You complained after his kisses transformed into being basically open-mouthed, trying to hold his head away while you continued to laugh at the same time. He broke away with an outraged look on his face.
"Did you just say my breath stinks?" He was about as self aware as a bird in a room made of glass. Tequila, a ton of Japanese takeout, an entire bag of chips, and cigarettes didn't exactly create a melting pot of smells that rivaled roses. You snickered and nodded, leaning up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek instead.
"I still love you though." You reassured, getting out of his grasp so that you could actually make the drink that you'd come into the kitchen for in the first place. He just scoffed before smacking your ass what felt like as hard as he could, squeezing, and then leaving the kitchen.
What a sweetheart.
When you came back to the living room area conversation, which you had been mostly ignoring due to the fact that Ville had no doubt indulged in hearing about Bam’s relationship, they were talking. And, low and behold:
"—obviously there's criteria. You can't just say you're good because she gives it whenever you cry for it." Ville was saying from where he had gone right back to laying on the floor as if he was waiting for you to come back so that you could sit where you had been before.
"I don't cry for it! If anyone cries for it, it's probably you, stupid." Bam defended himself hotly, jabbing a finger at Ville and leaning back further into his seat on the couch. You snorted at that, and Ville just shook his head with a huge grin on his face.
"If you cry for your mama, she'll give you her tit." He said in a very philosophical tone, looking up to you as you made it to where you were going to sit down next to him with nothing but a pleased look on his face. You wrinkled your nose, because that was a terrible analogy, and Bam just groaned.
"Dude. That is so gross." He complained, shaking his head and running a hand over his face before then throwing it in the air. "What's your criteria, then?"
"First off, your lovely significant other should actually want to spend time with you." Ville said pointedly, motioning around the room to the lack of Bam’s girlfriend that was present with all of you. She refused to come anywhere with Bam more often than not (mostly because they had a habit of getting in huge arguments when they traveled together), so Bam was always the solo flier.
"We spend time together. When none of you fuckers are around." Bam defended himself, staring at both you and Ville with nothing but animosity in his eyes as Ville situated his head in your lap where you were sitting criss-cross as he rolled his eyes.
"Doing what? Fighting about your bitchy attitudes?" He muttered, furthering everyone but Bam's point. You laughed at that, and Bam just pouted more as he took a long sip of his drink.
"Hm. Fighting about bitchy attitudes. Reminds me of someone." He was death staring your side of the living room, and you knew he was referring to a fight you'd had at his house the month before when the two of you had been visiting. You gave him a mockingly sour look in return.
"Ha ha, dickhead." Clearly you'd gotten over that by now, considering Ville had manually moved your palm to rest against the side of his face so that you could brush your thumb back and forth across his cheek. "That was one time. You and Jenn fight like that all the time."
"Whatever you s—"
"Second, we have to have all overheard something shockingly vile of the sexual nature out of the both of you." Ville talked right over Bam's being a douche, holding up a second finger as he spoke. "And I've heard nothing but you specifically."
"And that doesn't count." You added, because you'd heard more than enough of what Bam and Jenn got up to once they were anywhere near each other; privacy available or not. If Ville had ever been as loud as Bam when you were as close to people as Jenn and Bam sometimes were, you would've kicked his ass.
"Ugh. That's not fair. What are you like, standing outside the door listening in?" Bam whined, throwing a hand in the air as he spoke. That wasn't a very based accusation, considering the amount of times Bam had hid outside your door and decided to burst in at unsavory moments just to prank you and Ville.
"You never know. I could start." Ville teased, wiggling his eyebrows at your pouting friend before he lifted his head just enough to where he could take a long sip of his tequila with minimal spilling. It being ‘minimal’ because a small stream started to roll sideways down his cheek, and you only caught it just in time before it ran right onto your crotch. "Alright, I'll give you an easier one. Has she ever asked you for a third?"
Bam hesitated a little bit at that, which would've about given Ville his answer had he been sober enough to pay attention to body language cues. You pursed your lips to hide a smile, because you were well aware of the fact that Bam had asked Jenn for a third, instead answering for him to save his ass from what would've been a whole show of tequila-induced, cackling-filled ridiculing from Ville had he found out the truth.
"She told me once that she had a huge crush on Ryan at the start of their relationship." That was true, and also common knowledge amongst everyone in the room besides Ville, so it was safe. Bam visibly relaxed as Ville started hyperventilating-laughing.
"Perfect! Maybe he's her type." He was clearly trying to start shit, because poking at Bam and Jenn's relationship in any way that Bam didn't start himself was basically a guarantee for a fight. Thankfully, Bam seemed drunk enough beyond caring. Ville was already talking again anyway, and he was looking right up at you. "When did she tell you that? When you were doing lady things together?”
Sometimes, you were deeply reminded of why men were so clearly the inferior species. You frowned.
“What does ‘lady things’ even mean?” You asked dryly, not sure if you even wanted to hear the answer to that. Bam was snickering, and Ville just looked glad that you’d asked.
"I don't know. Whatever women do. Get nails done, drink martinis, have pillow fights..." He trailed off with a simple shrug of a single shoulder, sounding pretty confident with his answer. That pulled a full laugh out of Bam, and you rolled your eyes.
"I don't do any of that." Well, sometimes you did have pillow fights, but that was only when Ville decided it would be funny to absolutely obliterate your head with a pillow out of nowhere. When Ville held up your hand where you had long, dark red nails as evidence for his first answer, you shook your head. "I did those myself. You were there."
"No. What girls do is order gross, fruity mixed drinks and then talk about sex with their friends for like, two hours straight." Bam filled Ville in as soon as he stopped laughing. Ville’s eyes lit up at that information.
"Oh! Why don't we ever do that?" He sounded more than excited by the idea, and you snickered because you knew that if he had been sober, he would’ve never participated in anything close to that.
“We are not doing that. Reign it in.” You sighed, trying not to laugh so that you sounded serious enough to keep him from opening the floodgates of information that should’ve definitely stayed between the two of you.
"Tequila makes you way too comfortable, man." Bam agreed, giving Ville an unnerved look at his suggestion. Ville scoffed in response, waving him off irritatedly as he turned on his side so that his face was half in your crotch and half on your leg.
"You're all fucking downers. No one knows how to have fun in America."
It only took about another hour of Ville getting progressively more and more loose-lipped before you decided that it was going to have to be bedtime, which ended up being almost impossible to maneuver with Ville protesting and Bam requesting help getting set up for bed. When you finally got Bam set up on the couch with what felt like a million blankets, you returned to your room hoping that Ville had just passed out, only to find that that was absolutely not the case.
"You took for-fucking-ever." He whined sleepily from where he'd thankfully crawled into bed, rolling over to where you could see that he was sans-shirt and beckoning you lazily. "It's cold."
"I wish I could film you when you're like this and then show it to you in the morning." You teased as you turned off the light, heading towards the bed and shedding your pants on the way.
"I'm fine." Ville scoffed, voice a little quieter now that the room was dark. You could still see him due to the streetlights and neon signs that shined directly into your bedroom window considering people had no idea what a nighttime brightness level should be, and he was watching you intently as you crawled into bed after him.
"Fine as hell." You confirmed with a cheesy grin on your face, barely even touching down onto the mattress before he was rolling into your side of the bed and leeching himself onto you as you pushed your arm to rest underneath his head. You pressed a kiss to his cheek once you were comfortable next to him. "Do you want anything before I go to sleep?"
"I want you." He mumbled, his lips falling against your cheek as he dropped his face to rest against yours. You could feel his soft breath on your skin, and you continued to smile as both of his arms wrapped tightly around you. "Hold me."
Maybe you were a little biased when you said that tequila-drunk was your favorite version of drunk Ville.
"I am. I'm right here." You reached your hand to card gently through his hair, the feeling of his much shorter strands still a little foreign to you despite having had your hand on his head basically all night.
"Tighter." Despite that he wanted to deny that he was anything but fine, if sober Ville could hear how high of a whine he was currently speaking to me in, he would've been beyond annoyed. You breathed out a silent laugh but threw your free arm around his side, your nails scratching gently against his back as you got comfortable.
He seemed satisfied with your level of closeness then, and you felt him deep-exhale against your face before he completely stopped moving and settled in your arms with his eyes finally closed.
For about 30 seconds.
Just as you were beginning to feel alcohol-induced unconsciousness creeping up on you, Ville suddenly reanimated, pulling out of your grasp slightly and turning before he sat up on one elbow.
"I have something for you." He announced, talking completely over your exasperated sigh at how hard it was to put him to bed when he had even an ounce of energy still in his system at the end of the night.
"Honey, just stay in bed. You can give it to me tomorrow." You reasoned tiredly, reaching a hand up to gently cup his face before you let it fall softly to his chest. He shook his head.
"No. I have it." And then, in confusion, you watched as he pulled both hands away from you and before beginning to focus on his fingers. "Give me your hand."
You weren't sure if you liked the idea of giving him your hand, but you did so, setting your hand palm-up in his lap. You then realized that he was taking one of his rings off, and you became even more confused.
And then he was taking your hand gently by the wrist, holding it up so that he could see clearly, and slipping his pinky ring that matched a set of ten onto your left hand ring finger. Funnily enough, it fit perfectly, and he looked extremely proud of the fact. You stared at your hand for a second.
"Are you..." You weren't sure, but there was a very good chance that a love-drunk, tired Ville would propose to you off of enough tequila. He shook his head gently.
"Not a proposal. I just want you to have it because I love you." For how drunk he was, his voice came out completely calm and collected, his hand still holding your wrist as his thumb brushed across your palm.
"Oh my god, you are such a fucking sweetheart. I love you too." You were grinning like an idiot again despite your attempts to remain as calm as he was, and you immediately reached up to hold the back of his head at the same time he dipped down so that you could kiss him. As soon as your lips were on his he was leeching right back into your touch, and he kissed back lazily as he shrouded himself in your arms. When you broke away for air, you pressed an extra kiss to his temple. "I'm glad you came home, love."
"I never want to be away from you again." Ville mumbled almost inaudibly as he buried his face in your shoulder, basically bear-hugging you as you rubbed his back gently. "Hold me forever."
Like you said; such a sweetheart. You did exactly that, holding him and dragging your nails softly up and down his back until you heard him starting to snore against your neck as his grip around you gently started to loosen. You were finally able to fall asleep once he was no longer basically squeezing you to death as you inhaled the gentle hint of his cologne that still stuck to him with the absence of his shirt.
God, life could not get any fucking better when it was like this.
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sharpth1ng · 2 years
ghostie tatum anon
as much as i love billy, the pansy ass momma's boy angers me sometimes. also how tf did he not have bruises after being hit in the face with a freezer door??
Lmao no he is so angering, I want to put him in a box and poke him with a stick.
I refuse to believe he didn’t get at least a bloody nose from that. Lmao I love that scene tho he gets his ass handed to him like-
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Also the full flip he does over her back onto the stairs- dude is definitely bruised under there. His back should have looked fucked up during the sex scene.
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nikkisixxsmissingpick · 8 months
angst with izzy plss
It was worth it... Right?
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Warnings: use of drugs and alcohol, swearing, vampire!Izzy, mentions of death and killing
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Walking down the street the only sound you hear is your feet hitting the ground. The dimly yellow light of the light pole does poorly to illuminate the way as you squint your eyes to try and see something.
You can swear that someone, or something, has been following you around, but what you find when you turn around is only the empty street and the light fog all over.
It's not dense, but with the combo of the fog, the almost pitch black darkness and the feeling of being constantly watched it's making you a bit uneasy.
You turn back around and continue your way, a bit faster now as fear starts to take over.
In the corner of your eye you see something, is a humanoid silhouette, you think it seems familiar but it might just be your mind.
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After some good five minutes of walking you finally start getting closer to your house, but suddenly
You're suddenly being pulled into a alley, a hand on top of your mouth to muffle every sound you might try to get out and another one holding your neck.
You squirm without opening your eyes until you hear it, it's barely there but you can still hear it:
"thought I would never see you again, but now you're here... Can't let you go... At least not alive..."
Your eyes widen so much it could have fallen out of your skull.... It's Izzy...
But it's not possible, he's dead! Right?...
You start squirming even more as his face starts getting closer to your pulse point on your neck, but right now Izzy is much stronger than you.
Big, hot tears start rolling down your cheeks. It's not the Izzy you met anymore, it's not your Izzy anymore...
"fuck, can you at least stay quiet?"
He says before sinking his fangs on your neck, it hurts like a bitch. It's like you're whole body is catching on fire from the inside.
You start getting dizzy from what you think is loss of blood, your vision starts getting blurry.
The tears continue rolling down your cheeks, flowing to your neck and soaking Izzy's hand as well your shirt.
Until you realize he left your hands free, but you don't even try to fight anymore. You just bring your hand up to his hair, the only thing you've been wanting to do since the man went missing.
It's clear that Izzy tenses up at your touch, but as you're not trying to fight it anymore he let's go of your mouth, instead it cups your cheek one last time before everything goes black.
But... It was worth it... at least you saw Izzy one last time.... You just wished it wasn't like this
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1800miserablethot · 2 months
𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝔹𝕒𝕞 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕒
Plot: you help Bam dye purple streaks into his hair
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“[Y/N] I swear to god if you mess my hair up-” Bam says cautiously but gets cut off by you as you smear some of the purple dye onto his face. “I’m not gonna fuck up your hair dude, chill!” You laugh, as Bam takes the dye you smeared on his face and tries to get you back by wiping the extra on your shirt.
“You bitch!” You exclaim yet while still smiling, seeing him grinning at you through the mirror. You glance up at the dye in his hair that is now sitting and soaking in Bam’s hair, it looks surprisingly good on him, especially with that devilish grin on his. It suited him. The purple streaks, a stark contrast to his dark brown hair, making him seem even more reckless and untamed. “There now it's just gotta sit,” You say, moving away to let him turn around. You pull back even more when he tries to wrap his arms around you, “Like hell man, you're gonna get dye on me!” You say with a barky laugh, taking another step back as Bam starts to come closer. “Bam,” you say warningly but that devious smile on his face said your warning went one ear and out the other. You quickly turn on your heels to try and run but scream out when you get grabbed from behind. “Don’t do it Bam!” You laughed out, trying to fight in his arms as he wiped some of the hair dye from his hair and onto your face. “Now we’re matching,” Bam replies cheekily, a wink thrown in his words. You raised an eyebrow at Bam before you tried to shake him off, “fuck you, now come on I gotta get the dye out your hair.” You say with a small smile as you shake your head and guide him over to the shower.
Finally, after about three water fights later, the extra dye was washed from Bam’s hair and you managed to dry it with a blow dryer. “It looks good on you, baby.” You cooed softly, running your fingers through the purple streaks in his hair. Bam smiled as he turned around to face you, this time you allowed him to pull you closer. “Thank you,” he says happily before leaning in to kiss you. You hum into the kiss before pulling back, your hands running down to wrap around his waist. “Now get out of this bathroom I gotta clean up the dye,” You say, glancing around at the splatter dye everywhere. “Sir yes sir!” Bam mockingly says, throwing up a lazy salute before pretending to march out of the bathroom which only makes you shake your head even more.
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lillylvjy · 10 months
And i could be (anything you need)
a/n// finally part 2! Lord this took longer to put out but I’ve been busy busy, so pleaseee enjoy this, it’s a little funky…. But self indulgent so not surprised.
warnings// making out, arguing, yelling?, confessions, Wilma being kinda a bitch but she’s also stubborn so, Wilbur’s a cockblock!, reader has a brother.
edited: barely.
wc// 1.7k
wilma gold x reader, wilma gold x gn!reader
Go read part 1
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“You had sex?!”
“Can you be quiet?!” You quickly placed your hand against your brothers mouth as your eyes widened.
“Who had sex and with who?” You heard Wil race down the steps as he came into the kitchen.
“Great, look what you did!” You sighed as you placed your head against the kitchen counter, hiding yourself from the two men in front of you.
“Oh shush, he was going to find out sooner rather than later.” Aidan said as he hit your shoulder, Wil coming around the island and wrapping his arms around your brother.
“What’s going on?” Wil asked yet again, as you lifted your head up and sighed.
“Wanna tell him?” Aidan raised his eyebrow at you as you groaned and started walking around the kitchen.
“Jesus I’m so stupid, yet she was so captivating! Like all she had to do was look at me and bam! On my knees in seconds-“
“Shush, they’re getting there.” Aidan gently placed a hand on his arm as he watched with an amused smile as you paced and spoke out loud.
“And like, it would make it better if she was bad, but fucking hell, she practically changed my life last night.” You ranted as you moved your arms around, exasperating everything that you said.
“Ok, what are you talking about?” Wilbur asked as you ran your hands through your hair and sighed.
“Wil?!” You heard a familiar voice shout from the front door, eyes widening and panic taking over.
“Seems like I’m about to find out.”
“Oh my god-“
“This is about to get good!” Aidan exclaimed as he let go of Wil’s hand and comes over to you, gently pushing you to the dining table, sitting you down on the chair that was pulled out.
“I need to hide.” You said in a whisper as you frantically looked around and got ready to launch yourself up, stopping when you felt Aidan’s hand on your arm.
“You’ll be fine. Just stay here, hear her out, maybe have a little love confession, and bam! You’re all good!” Aidan exclaimed as he smiled down at you.
“Good?! I could barely face a conversation with her when we just “hated” each other, and now after we- this is not going to go well.” You said in a whisper as Wil left to go get his sister, internally panicking as time passed.
A couple seconds pass as you heard footsteps make their way to the kitchen in a hurry, Wil trying to calm the woman down as you tried to hide yourself in any way you could.
“Wil, I really need you to-“ Her words stopped as she saw you sitting at the dining table, mouth open and staring at you as you look down at the floor. “What are they doing here?”
You scoff at her words as you looked up at her with hard eyes, softly shaking your head. “Really? So we’re back to status quo?”
“Yup ok! That’s our queue Wil-“
“Wait what?!”
“Fucking go!” Aidan harshly whispered as he pushed Wilbur out of the kitchen. You watched as they quickly left, then returned your gaze to the women in front of you.
She had a white sweater on with a black turtle neck underneath for extra warmth, baggy blue jeans on with wool socks. You frowned at the cloth covering her neck but quickly went back to a straight face as she furrowed her brows at you.
“What do you mean ‘status quo’?” Wilma asked as she crossed her arms and looked at you with as much confusion as she could muster.
You sighed as rubbed your face with your hands. “This. Us. Are we just going to continue to hate each other? Or are we going to be honest with each other for once?” You asked her as you stood up from the chair and made your way towards her.
Wilma shook her head as she looked at the floor, “What do you mean?! Aren’t we always honest?! That’s why we hate each other, yes?”
You scoff as you walk around the island and stood across from her. “So you’re saying, what we did last night didn’t mean anything to you? You didn’t feel anything?”
Wilma’s expression softened as she heard the genuine hurt in your words, hating how much it effected her after she put up so many walls. She knew something like this would happen and change how you both acted and felt, she just didn’t know it’d turn to this.
“I didn’t say that.”
“But you’re acting like it!”
“Maybe because I’m afraid that you don’t feel the same and it’s taking all of me to keep it together and not walk over there and kiss you!”
Everything was silent. Maybe it was the snow absorbing all the sound around you outside, or maybe it was because you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know what to think, you just stood there staring at her, soaking in her confession like it was a fresh body of water and you jumped right in.
Wilm just stared at you, eyes hard as her lips pursed and waited for you to speak, or to say anything. Just a word or even a sigh.
“Say something.”
“Why don’t you come over and kiss me instead?”
Wilma’s eyes widened as those words came out of your mouth and into the steady air. You wanted her to actually kiss you? Like… on the lips?
Once she saw your eyes soften and and fill with want and longing, she knew you meant it. Her feet thought for her as she started to move around the counter towards you. Turning to face her, your back against the counter, in a blink of an eye, lips were placed roughly on yours as hands gripped and pulled at your waist. Your hands lifted from your sides and you placed your arms around her neck and tangled your hands in her hair and pulled when needed.
Groaning into your mouth, Wilma moved her hands down your body to the back of your thighs and lifted you up to sit on the counter. Wrapping your legs around her waist as she moved closer and closer until she was flushed against you.
The kiss quickly escalated as Wilma’s kisses moved down and turned into bites as her lips met your neck, making marks over the ones that were already there, whining and whimpering as she did.
“Don’t have sex in our kitchen, please and thank you!” You heard Wilbur whisper from the hallway.
“Have you guys been there the whole time?!” You yell out to the couple Wilma hid her face in your neck.
You heard footsteps approach the kitchen with a sigh, revealing Aidan dragging Wil with him. “Yes we were, but only to make sure nothing bad happened but, seems like we’re all good so, we’ll be over in the living room if you need us! And yes, please don’t have sex in our kitchen, if you need to theirs like 4 other rooms you can use with beds!” Aidan yelled as he dragged Wil yet again into the living room, leaving you and Wilma to your own devices.
Giggling, the hand in Wilms hair started to rub and run through as she left small pecks on your neck. “So?”
“Does the Wilma Gold have a crush on me?” You asked her as you lifted her head by cupping her chin your your hand.
“Hmm maybe, what about it?” She asked as you smiled at her and kissed her nose.
“Hmm what if I told you that I have a little crush on you, Miss Gold?” You asked as she raised an eyebrow at you and leaned closer.
“Well first I’d ask if your being honest,”
“Which I am-“
“Yeah yeah, I know! I can tell when you lie trust me darling.”
“Wait what-“
“Ah! Let me finish. Then I would ask if your free this Saturday after the market so I could either take you out to a restaurant or make you some dinner. And if you were and it went well, maybe I’ll ask you to be my girlfriend.” Wilma finishes off as she rubs her hands up and down your thighs and waist, caressing as much as she can while she leaves little kisses on your face and neck, never getting enough of you.
“Hmm and what if I said yes to all of those things?” You asked as you caressed her cheek with your thumb, lifting her face to look at you directly.
“The rest is for the future love. We let future us worry about that.” Wilma said as she lifted you off the counter and placed you on the ground. “Though, if you did say yes to being my girlfriend we may have a repeat of last night.”
“Hmm than just ask me now-“
“Ok are you guys done being horny and in love? I’m hungry and I want to make breakfast.” Wilbur came into the kitchen with a slightly annoyed Aidan behind.
“He’s worse than me.” Aidan mumbled out for only you and Wilma to hear as he goes over to help Wil. You both laugh at the passing comment as Wilma let go of you and took your hand to lead you around the island to her previous spot.
Wrapping her arms around your waist, she rest her head on your shoulder as you both watched the two in front of you bake, holding onto her linked hands.
“I love you, you know that right?” Wilma whispered to you as you rested your head against hers.
“Mhm, and I love you.”
taglist// @mysticalsoot @saccharinesunset @maxx-is-dumb12
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slutshamethesquirrels · 3 months
Shamesy's Declassified FanFic Writing Survival Guide - Part 2
Class is in session, friends! Thank you for all the positive feedback on part one, I'm really glad you guys liked it!
Tools For Writing!
Alright bitches!! The conductor of this crazy train is here to give you all the little helpful tools to flesh out and elaborate on your writing!
Tool 1: The Emotion Wheel
now, this one friends might be used more frequently if you, like me, have a touch of the 'tizzy. (i am diagnosed. i went to the therapist and lined my toys up instead of playing with them like a real g so if ur offended by my phrasing go away. turns out autistic people aren't great at communicating in a way that doesn't offend. go figure.)
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i cannot describe to you how helpful this is when it comes to breaking down your characters complex emotions in a scene!! you can also use it backwards! you know your character is angry, but need to beef up the intensity and specify that feeling?? follow the wheel!!
Tool 2: SpringHole
oh my god, SpringHole
im maybe showing my age here but SpringHole made me who I am today. it's definitely dated and it looks just as dated as it is but holy hell. this site has tips, tricks, advice, random generators, everything you could ever need as a weirdo writing weird fic on the weirdnet.
Tool 3: OneLook for Google Docs
MY FAVE! i will forever be a google doc fan for a myriad of reasons and OneLook is one of them,, I will teach you how to install uwu
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right there on your document!! no more flipping back and forth between google pages friends its all right there!
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hope you guys liked this installment! as always let me know how you feel! you can find part 1 here!! also yuta in this gif??? pookiepookiepookiepookie he's so polite w it
ur all so coochie/pos
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