occult-castiel · 4 years
Look I need an angel breakout where destiel goes super mega ultra canon just so we can have Balthlazar scoffing off to the side and being instantly done with their shit, becuase really? It took them a full decade after he kicked the bucket? Really? And also just generally being salty about being murdered, of course
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ask game: of all the characters in spn who've died, if you had to pick three to come back to life who would they be?
Mick DaviesCastielBalthlazar
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japangelito · 8 years
ビデオ:ボリュームオンねっ!!!👂👀 この前に東方三賢者の日について説明してます。😉✨✨✨ ご興味がある方はお読みください。🙏 このミディアムサイズの「ロスカ・デ・レジェス」をかっとしましたよー。さて、ベイビージーザスは出て来るでしょうか、乞うご期待!!!😂 このパン、いつものメキシカンパンらしくパサパサで美味しいよ。😋 コーヒーと一緒に食べるわー。☕️ Video: Volume On!!! 👂👀 Please read the description in the previous post if you are interested... 😉✨✨✨ I am cutting this "Rosca de Reyes." I am hoping to find Baby Jesus in the price of bread... 😂 This is very dry typical Mexican bread for me and yummy. 😋 I wanna eat this with a cup of coffee this. ☕️ #northgatemarket #roscadignadereyes #laroscadereyes #rescadereyes #christmas #navidad #kingsbread #melchior #gaspar #balthlazar #melchor #thethreekings #thethreekingsday #losreyesmagos #babyjesus #ninodios #bebejesus# muñequito #meñequitos #SanDiego #ロスコンデレジェス #ロスカデレジェス #スペイン #中南米 #アメリカ #東方三賢者 #サンディエゴ #アメリカ生活 #frenteafrente #juangabriel (San Diego, California)
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Supernatural Survey
So, I got tagged by @srj1990​ who reblogs most of my updates with sad or angry gifs. They also writes fanfiction (I’ve read some of their stuff it’s some  g u d  s h i t). Check them out if you like to read.
Onto questions.
1. What season did you start watching Supernatural?
Awe shit. I want to say during the 11th season and binged it alone so I was caught up for the season 11 release to Netflix. I only stumbled upon the fandom after seeing the episode where Dean was driving that beat up mini-van and said he looked like a soccer mom or something. I looked it up cause I wanted it on a tee-shirt. Ended up falling into the hole that is the fandom.
Never go that tee-shirt tho.
2. Who was the first character you fell in love with?
Prolly Dean.
3. Who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love?
Meg, but then I also feel like I want to say (please don’t attack me) Metatron. It’s all very hazy, but I do vaguely remember hating both of them at least a little and then not hating them.
Yeah, very hazy.
4. Which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with?
The question to ask yourself while answering this is, “Who will I not die a young death with?”
In that case, Donna. She nice. She cute. She knows how to take care of business too.
5. If you could go on just one date with one character, which one would you choose?
Fuck, that’s hard. Dean, I guess. I don’t think a lot of Dean’s dates die and he’s a pretty cool dude. I bet he could pull off a killer date (No pun intended. Hopefully.)
6. What would you do on the date?
It would either be drinking at a bar in true Winchester style or hopefully we could go driving and star gazing like a bunch of saps because I like that shit.
7. Which character would you most want to be like?
Charlie probs. She’s bad ass and has a sense of humor but still freaks out. I like to freak out sometimes. Keeps me grounded.
You can’t always know what you’re doing or what’s going on.
8. Which character would you most like to see brought back from the dead?
(It’s Mick Davies. All day, every day, in case you couldn’t tell by the url.)
9. Which character would you most like to punch?
Alastair. I don’t know how to explain it. I just feel like he needs  good punch in the face.
10. Who is your absolute favorite character?
Dean, but Cas always has a spot in my heart.
11. Which “Big Bad” do you think was the worst?
Does the Mark of Cain count as a Big Bad, cause man did that cause some trouble. If that doesn’t count I’d probably Leviathans since they were organized and you couldn’t fucking kill them.
12. Which character are you most like?
Meg 2.0 tbh. From what I remember of her, she was a lot of sarcasm. I use a lot of sarcasm with my irl friends.
13. What death hit you the hardest? 
I think I’m supposed to say Mick because I made an entire account centered around saying that he’s not back from the dead yet.
14. What season finale hit you the hardest?
The season 10 finale. I think it was the only finale I cried during. Just, when Dean told Sam to close his eyes I was so scared and a mess.
15. What are your ten all-time favorite episodes? 
Oh, fuck... Man, I don’t even know. I think I’m due for a full re-watch of the show because every thing is so fuzzy. Maybe I’ll know after that, but The End is probably on the list somewhere along with Bad Day at Black Rock and at least one of the Ghost Facer episodes. Maybe even all of them.
16. What’s been your favorite season?
I think I liked season 3 a lot.
17. Who is your favorite angel?
Cassie boy tbh. He good. Samandriel was pretty cool while he wasn’t dead too.
18. Who’s your favorite demon?
Meg 2.0 or Crowley.
19. Who’s your favorite evil character?
Abadon was cool.
20. Do you have any Supernatural ships?
I’ll ship just abt anything tbh. Just depends on how I feel that day.
21. Who’s your favorite supporting actor?  
I think I have to go with Richard Speight Jr.
22. What’s your favorite quote from the show?
“I feel like a friggin’ soccer mom!“ - Dean 2x02
I think I’m obliged to say that, but another that I like is...
“Sammy, close your eyes,“ Dean 10x23
  23. If you could cast one famous actor in an episode of SPN, who would you chose?
Oh, man, I’m not really familiar with a lot of actors outside of SPN... But I think I’d love John Barrowman in any role on the show.
24. If you could write your own episode, what kind of creature would you like to see included?
So, I decided to actually think for once and came up with an idea for a monster that you can only see when you’re abt to fall asleep (Like, you’d fall asleep right after seeing it) and you’d see it at the end of you’re bed the first night and each night you saw it, it would get closer. When it finally would get to you... Bad stuff? Idk, just spit-balling here, but I think it’s be interesting to see the boys figure out a way to get rid of it.
25. Who’s your favorite girl that Dean’s hooked up with?
Idk, but Elka, the girl from 12x11 Regarding Dean, just kind of hit a chord with me. She also abides by what I use to define a hook up.
26. Who’s your favorite girl that Sam’s hooked up with?
Still going with my hook up rules, I guess it would have to be the hippie chick from the UFO episode. The whole thing was just so funny.
27. What are some of your favorite convention moments?
I don’t really follow the conventions all that much, but the recent Underwear Incident as I call it where Jensen showed his underwear to Misha and Misha only was so funny.
28. If you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on SPN, how would you want your character described?
Badass maybe? But then books are really cool too...
29. What do you hope to see in the next season?
Happy endings for at least a few of the monster of the week episodes. It happened a lot in the early episodes, the boys would save the day and maybe even a kiss from a girl, but slowly it just got sad and no body got to live.
I just want to have a little happiness next season.
30.-40. If you had to choose…
Bobby or John?
Bela or Ruby?
Mm... Bela...
Jess or Madison?
Jo or Lisa?
Charlie or Kevin?
I love them both, but I have to go with Charlie.
Balthazar or Ash?
I guess I’ll go with Balthlazar.
Cas or Crowley?
Cassie boy.
Ben or Claire?
Awe shit...
Though, with how Claire’s shaping up rn think I’ll go with her.
Jody or Donna?
That’s tough, but since I have to choose I’ll go with Jody.
Sam or Dean?
Dean, but Sam’s a super close second.
Well, that was fun. I now have an excuse to re-watch the show (did I really need one). Now I shall tag people, but I dont really know anyone so I’ll go through my followers and see who appears the most...
and I don’t know if I’m allowed to do this but I’m gonna also tag @iskevintranbackfromthedeadyet since that’s where I got the inspiration for this blog.
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japangelito · 8 years
ビデオ:ボリュームオンねっ!!!👂👀 ベイビージーザス見つけたよー!!!👶🏻❤めちゃかわいいでしょー!!!❤❤❤ この前の前に東方三賢者の日について説明してますので、ご興味があればご覧ください。🙏 Video: Volume On!!! 👂👀 I found Baby Jesus!!! 👶🏻❤ So cute!!! ❤❤❤ Please read the description about Three Kings' Day in the previous posts if you are interested... 🙏 #northgatemarket #roscadignadereyes #laroscadereyes #rescadereyes #kingsbread #melchior #gaspar #balthlazar #melchor #thethreekings #thethreekingsday #losreyesmagos #babyjesus #ninodios #bebejesus #muñequito #meñequitos #SanDiego #California #ロスコンデレジェス #ロスカデレジェス #スペイン #中南米 #東方三賢者 #サンディエゴ #カリフォルニア #アメリカ生活 #海外生活 #elchulo #grupolaberinto (San Diego, California)
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