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hyper-cryptic · 27 days ago
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A collection of animals (and fursonas) that I associate with myself. :>
💌 Commissions open !
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muses-inn-a · 6 months ago
3. What everyday hobbies do you have? Do you play games, read books, go for walks or anything the like? (For Balbok?) Meme (accepting) / Anonymous
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[🏹]  "My hobbies? You mean, what I like to do? An, I like hunting and preparing food. My favorite meal is bru-mill. Mati showed me how to prepare it. Da, I keep my weapons sharp. That is important. Ri, uh, I like training. I am not just keeping my weapons sharp. Kur, I like adventures. And kichg, having big celebrations after returning from the adventures!"
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lionews · 6 months ago
Y’all I think they want a Balbok NCL
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xxaallo · 5 months ago
Question for the LDC
If @lionews could reblog, that'd be really cool <3
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a-gal-with-taste · 3 years ago
BEFORE THE BEGINNING — three sentences (or more) about something that happened before the plot of my current project
May have a lil' something up my sleeves here, nothing too major, just a little-
You were not as popular, nor influential as Medarda. That was a fact, and yet, your arm had only just began to ache from it's firm, unyielding position under the bright light signaling your confirmation, before a second slowly, hesitantly rose up. You didn't have time to acknowledge whose, for a third, than a fourth, was soon to slowly follow. There seemed to be a collective intake of breath, released in the rush when, incredibly impossible, the fifth rose up in majority.
Majority. A free vote, in majority. And with, much glares and a muttered rebuke under breath, the following three raised their hands in confirmation of their, though begrudging, agreement of the unheard of proposal. If only to prevent being the odd ones out, and dragging this out longer than necessary.
The man standing at center of the council seats, one eye wide while the other blazed, looked like he would collapse at the sight before him. Through sheer willpower and lifelong Zaunite stubbornness, he managed to stay properly upright even as disbelief filled his features, as he heard words he'd wanted to hear, had never expected to, and would never, ever forget.
Just like, with his gaze locking on yours as the words rung through the Council Chamber, he would also never, ever forget, that it had been you to the first to cast the vote that changed everything.
"Representative Silco, your proposal is in... tentative, but unanimous agreement. The Nation of Zaun, formally known as the Undercity of Piltover, will be granted it's independence."
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kingdomblade · 3 years ago
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Finished commission with SteigBuck getting his early morning coffee. This was a really fun character to draw!
For WIPs of this piece and other goodies, Support me on Patreon!
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allcapsisola · 6 years ago
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- balbok ( @tallorc )
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sneakthieflupin-blog · 6 years ago
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“Well, actually it’s Balbok.” To be fair, he didn’t remember the other’s name properly anymore either. Lupin, Lupus, not quite the same. Although Balbok doesn’t know about the meaning behind either of the names they called each other, which is why he’s just shrugging it off. “Nice to see you again, Lupin. “
He looks around briefly, still holding the gifted plushie tightly under his arm. There’s a smile on his face now, because seeing everione in good spirits is a nice change for all the exhausting adventures he’s been through. “SpiraleFES? What does that mean? It sure seems nice, though.”
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“Long and short of it, my tall friend, it’s a festival to celebrate summertime! It’s warm, there’re games and food and all kinds of festivities taking place!”  Lupin gestured for the orc to follow alongside him as he continued off.  “Careful of the games though, some of those carnies like to rip us off.”
He slipped his hands into his pockets and headed for a food stand selling funnel cakes.  “You like sweets? Or are you more the savory type?”
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blazinginvokearc · 6 years ago
Huh, that’s a tall-ass Goblin. She really wasn’t paying attention to much today since no one was out for blood (for once) so she was actively walking around without a care in the world. Part-Time job finished, prototypes submitted, it was a pretty calming day. Though when she saw the tall, very green man that was the first thing that came into her head.
Which immediately came with the thought that Goblins are short, gremlin-like little bastards and he wasn’t. 
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“That’s something you don’t see everyday.” Well besides the Gods, and Magical Girls, and Superheroes it really should be normal by now. 
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requiemsfighter · 6 years ago
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“Ah hey! WATCH OUT!” When he said that he was going to test the limits of his Shadow Stepping and how impact could affect his physical body, he didn’t mean to do it in the most reckless way possible. But at least he had emergency landing techniques. Falling on someone from several feet in the air wasn’t one of them! 
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ziodie · 5 years ago
@tallorc​ - ☠️ isolaween 
         Aside from tending to his station in the costume room, Kanji tried to avoid as much people as possible. He was never a social person especially with his past experiences. He even opted to help out at the party to avoid socializing. Being in such a crowded and undoubtedly messy situation was starting to grow verrry uncomfortable for him. 
         So, he seeks refuge in the pet zoo. The presence of animals -- both recognizable and fantastical ones will definitely calm him down a bit. While these creatures couldn’t really understand him, Kanji’d much prefer talking to them than people. But out of the corner of his eye, he spots a familiar tall friend. Let’s be real, the other couldn’t hide even if he tried. And he approaches the orc who had his back turned, gently placing a hand on his shoulder to grab his attention. 
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         “Hey man, didn’t think I’d find anyone I’d know at this party. Whatd’ya got over here?”
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muses-inn-a · 5 months ago
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[🏹] "Bwaah?" Balbok repeats as he tilts his head again, this time into the opposite side than before. Yeah that kinda sounds like just animals 'talking' to each other, doesn't it? "It is weird. Talking is weird." But thinking too much about why it is they can talk like they do is transgressing his horizon.
"Uh-huh. Actually, Orcs call humans achgosh'hai bonn, which means uh... milky faces? But I learned that not every human has milky faces. Maybe we need to call humans differently." Mind you, he's obviously far from being intellectual, even for Orc standards, but he has practiced the human language (well, English at least) fervently over the past couple of years. And he's been thinking about a couple of things fleetingly in that time.
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"Maybe achgosh'hai bog? Soft faces? Does that work?"
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"Okay?" Louie said, still visibly confused at the information being shared. Do they... not talk at all then? Is everything sorted through fighting? As cool as that was? At least Rabbids like him sometimes talked before things went south, even before the basement incident. Although he was fairly certain that even so, things mostly went south anyways.
"How do rabbits talk here? Do you all just talk like... human ?"
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"Oh yeah, kinda; we mostly do now! Although before, we mostly made noises. Y'know, 'Bwaaah', and stuff. It's super weird how that all kinda changed!"
It was a long story to be explained-- one that he wasn't even sure the other would follow or believe-- but he was willing to explain if any inquiries were made.
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tenshiwhip-blog · 6 years ago
@tallorc liked for a starter ✫彡
   “Excuse me, Mr. Orc. I don’t mean to waste your time, since as we all know, time is money. But... do you happen to be from the Netherworld?” This wasn’t the first time, that the angel got to meet an orc, however, in her universe, orcs were simply another species of demons. That was why she assumed they could come from the same one.
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   “If you are, I have to charge you a bill of exactly 2,150,638 HL.” This seemed to be the currency where she came from... “I know it is quite a lot, but I calculated it in closest detail. All the time you’ve wasted already on this island, was time you didn’t follow your duty as a demon, correct? So it’s a perfectly justified number!”
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lionews · 6 months ago
Referring to the Balbok NCL trade where they were WAY over offering for an NCL
They accepted an offer today so 🤷‍♂️
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temperateskies · 6 years ago
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call his son a moron One More Time... 
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bursterasure · 6 years ago
starter - @tallorc 
Ilsa was aware that this orc was armed well that reminds her on one of those goblins in the skydom carrying heavy weaponry. She was unsure if the orc was here for socializing or something else that she was doubting for. Hopefully not to lead in a street fight between erune and an orc. 
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“Something you need to ask about or others?” She’d wander even more on his intentions.
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