#bakukirikami ff
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fuctacles · 7 years ago
BakuKiriKami Week Day2
Day 2 - Hanging out / Fighting together / Bakusquad
A/N: I was supposed to have it posted earlier but I’m in a rly bad mood recently, so I don’t know if i’ll manage to do all the prompts :/ I started writing day 5 tho. Fun fact: Michael in the bathroom went on when I started writing this, thats why
Ship: Bakugou/Kaminari/Kirishima from BNHA, duh | Rating: T bc ‘fuck’ | Wordcount: 2310 because i love writing domestic scenes
Read on AO3
The Morning After
The bathroom tiles were cold under his bare feet. He wasn’t sure at which point had he lost his socks but lying in a bathtub seemed like a bigger concern anyway. His back was all sore from the hard surface and weird position he was in.
Near his feet, propped up against the bathroom wall, there was another pair of feet. He looked to the side trying to emerge from the foggy haze of his mind and maybe remember how he got there.
Next to him his buddy Sero was splayed in all the glory of his long, tangled limbs. Between them lied two empty cans of beer. He checked himself for any damage and when didn’t find any, braced himself intending to get up.
He stopped mid-movement when the doors to the bathroom opened. Something cracked unpleasantly  in his neck when he turned around in its direction.
‘Denki, idiot, I’ve been looking for you.’ Bakugou hissed, entering the bathroom. He was usually the one to drink the least but he kept his voice quiet and soft. Kaminari liked to believe it was because he was a caring friend even if he wouldn’t admit it himself. ‘You okay?’
‘Yeah’ Kaminari nodded, his voice raspy and unpleasant. He tried clearing his throat. ‘Help me get out of here though?’ He asked but Bakugou was already near him intending to do so anyway. The empty cans clattered against the hard bathtub surface, making Sero stir in his sleep, when Bakugou lifted Kaminari with no effort and put him back on his feet, a supportive hand on the small of his back.
‘Can you open the doors for me?’ he asked softly in case Denki was more hangover than he looked. He wasn’t going to leave any losers in the bathtub so after making sure his boyfriend wasn’t going to kiss the bathroom floor anytime soon he grabbed Sero to haul him up.
Kaminari felt a sudden surge of affection towards his soft spoken, reluctantly caring man. He leaned in and pecked him on the cheek. ‘Sure babe.’
Bakugou grumbled something under his breath but when he was passing by Denki holding the doors for him, he leaned in for another one. Kaminari happily skipped behind him, following him to the living room.
Their couch was unfolded into a spacious bed where Kirishima was snoring with Mina drooling on his t-shirt. Kaminari snickered at the sight while Bakugou dropped Sero next to them with all the delicacy he could muster. Then he dropped a pillow on Kirishima’s face to muffle the snoring, and grabbed Kaminari’s hand to pull him into the kitchen.
He didn’t let go when he asked ‘Coffee?’ He didn’t let go when he was grabbing mugs from the cupboard or turning on the coffee machine. When he set it on and all there was to do was wait for the coffee, he pulled him in to nuzzle into his neck with a sigh. Kaminari winded his arms around him, rubbing circles onto his back. They both were in their clothes from the night before, tired and not caring about changing or cleaning up for now. It was soft and sleepy in their little kitchen, save for the sound of coffee dripping into a pot.
‘Whaddya want for breakfast?’ Katsuki murmured into his skin, tickling his neck. Kaminari hummed in thought.
‘It’s not breakfast.’ Bakugou snapped back. Kaminari pouted although he couldn’t see it.
‘Do we even have any maple syrup left?’
‘If Kiri haven’t drank it.’ They both chuckled.
Katsuki pulled back to kiss him despite his protest. He was quick to melt into the kiss which made Katsuki smile into his mouth. They kissed lazily for a while, until the coffee machine signaled the coffee was ready. Then they pulled away with a quiet smack. Kaminari licked his lips, the motion followed by Katsuki’s gaze.
‘I need coffee’ he explained somewhat apologetic, before giving him a last quick peck and untangling from his embrace.
But Bakugou wasn’t having it. With a soft growl he pulled him back by his hips and planted one last slow kiss on his lips. Kaminari chuckled into it. He liked when Katsuki was getting reluctantly affectionate. Especially in the mornings.
Bakugou started making pancakes while Kaminari poured them both coffee. Black and sugary for Katsuki and with cream for himself. He leaned on the counter watching his boyfriend work on their breakfast knowing that if he sits down he may risk dozing off again.
The smell of caffeine slipped from beneath the kitchen doors, emerging further into their apartment, into the living room and around their friends sleeping there. Coffee was a magical thing that always managed to make their redhead boyfriend get up when they couldn’t. This time was no different; when the door opened they revealed a sleepy Kirishima whose face immediately lit up at the sight of his boyfriends. He quietly closed the door behind him, eyeing hungrily the mug in Kaminari’s hand.
‘Hi’ he murmured to him, immediately latching onto his mouth and making Kaminari let out a stifled groan. He held the mug further away so he wouldn’t spill it on them, while his other hand rested on his boyfriend’s hip. Then in a blink of an eye Kirishima was gone and so was his coffee, now clutched between redhead’s greedy hands and being hungrily gulped down.
‘Hey!’ he yelped but Kirishima hid himself on the other side of the table so he couldn’t reach and smiled at him teasingly from there. His soaked in drool t-shirt was gone, leaving his admirable pecs on display. His hair was in utter disarray, sticking up here, flat over there. Kaminari wanted him back between his arms.
‘You two behave, I don’t want them awake before I have enough pancakes for everyone.’ Bakugou growled from his place at the stove. Kirishima took it as his cue to give him some attention. He put the coffee on the table, from where Kaminari snatched it away immediately, and approached his other boyfriend from behind.
‘Good mornin', Blasty’ he murmured into the nape of his neck, looping his strong arms around his stomach, smelling him and the first batch of pancakes he was working on.
‘Mornin’’ He tore a piece of one of them and reached to his shoulder, where Kirishima was quick to catch it. Bakugou leaned into his chest.
‘So good.’ Eijirou sighed, peppering his neck and visible shoulder with little kisses. To his right Kaminari made himself another coffee. Kirishima’s coffee preference was drinking theirs so it was no use to make him his own. When Bakugou reluctantly nudged him out of the way, redhead grabbed his grenade mug to sip a bit of his black coffee. Then he stretched with a sigh, both of his boyfriend’s eyes on him, and announced he needs to shower. ‘Anyone?’ he looked at them playfully. Kaminari slapped him on the hip.
‘We have guests dum-dum.’
‘I’m just joking’ he giggled jumping out of his reach and left the kitchen. Kaminari proceeded to prepare the table and Bakugou kept adding to his pancake tower.
Their banter didn’t go unnoticed as soon after he left Mina entered the kitchen with a yawn and a soft ‘Hello’, Sero tailing after her with pained expression.
‘I smell coffee’ she commented, sniffing the air and eyeing the mug in Kaminari’s hand, who brought it closer to his chest protectively and then moved aside revealing the still half full coffee pot behind him. She cheered and raided the cupboard to find herself a mug.
Meanwhile Sero slumped on a chair almost putting his head in one of the plates. ‘Do you guys have yerba?’
‘Yeah, I’ll make you some just get your damn hair out of my plate.’ Katsuki appeared above him, swatting his head away from the table. He put down a plate full of pancakes. ‘Eat up fuckers and get outta my house.’
‘Me too?’ Kaminari quirked his eyebrow while Mina sat down with her coffee and grabbed a plate to load it with pancakes.
‘It’s your house too, moron.’
‘We’re not going anywhere.’ Mina piped up after swallowing a bite of syrup covered pancakes. (Turned out Kirishima drank only half of the bottle.) ‘We gotta burn the pancake calories in the Just Dance dance off.’
‘Just don’t eat the pancakes you ungrateful fuck.’ Bakugou growled, putting a yerba mate gourd in front of Sero. He thanked him, and took a long sip.
‘Katsuki, your pancakes are too good, we both know this.’ Ashido pointed an accusatory fork at him.
‘It’s just a ploy to make you fat and slow you down.’ Bakugou shrugged.
‘Just take the fucking compliment, dude!’
‘Well, thank you for being so easy to please!’
‘Ugh!’ She threw her hands in the air, while the other two listening to them snickered. Kaminari finally sat down between his friends. That’s when Kirishima decided to join them, hair damp, sweatpants and a tank top thrown on.
‘Did I miss something?’ He asked, settling on the last vacant seat.
‘Just alien face not wanting to admit she wants to crush us in her stupid game.’
‘Babe. Like you’re one to talk.’
‘You sound like you don’t want to eat.’ Bakugou looked at him threateningly. Kirishima put up his hands in defeat then motioned to zip his lips shut.
When Sero was halfway through his yerba he mused out loud. ‘We can’t just go jumping right after breakfast.’
‘What do u suggest?’ Kaminari piped up, hopeful. He wasn’t looking forward to it neither. Especially that Bakugou was getting too intense every time they played Just Dance with Mina. Kaminari was quite good at it himself, while Bakugou always got frustrated he couldn’t beat the game through sheer willpower itself.
‘We could watch a movie?’
Everyone at the table groaned. From their movie watching experience they knew it took at least half an hour to settle on a movie everyone would want to watch.
Bakugou turned off the stove, put the last pancakes on the plate, and motioned Kirishima to make room on his lap.
‘We can just roll a fucking dice, you know.’ He suggested, starting on Kirishima’s half eaten pancake while the redhead leaned on his back, arms around his middle.
 actually a good idea?’ Kaminari grinned from in front of them, nudging one of his boyfriend’s legs with his foot. He didn’t know which one. ‘Lemme go grab a dice.’ He announced and left the kitchen to go rummage through their board game boxes.
‘Since when are you such a good mediator, Baku?’ Sero tilted his head, his hair now pulled back in a short ponytail with a hair band borrowed from Kirishima.
‘Since I started dating two dumbasses I guess.’ Bakugou shrugged, feeding Kirishima his own pancake above his arm. It didn’t look comfortable, but it worked.
‘Got it!’ Kaminari came back victorious with a yellow dice.
They took their turns rolling, Sero groaning when he got a one while everyone else let out a sigh of relief. Last time he choose a movie they ended up watching some foreign indie horror about creepy bunny Jesus. Kirishima rolled a five and when nobody beat it he whooped in victory.
‘So, what are we watching?’ Nudged him Mina. Nobody really minded his victory, because Kirishima’s movie taste was more or less like him. Loveable by everyone. He hummed in thought.
‘Uh, would you rather watch a gay movie or an old British comedy?’
‘That’s a tough one.’ Bakugou rolled his eyes.
‘The British one.’
‘Everyone who is against Sero’s choice hand up.’
Kirishima raised Bakugou’s hand for good measure, even though the gay movie would win anyway.
‘Alex Strangelove it is!’ Kirishima cheered. ‘Last time I tried to watch it somebody kept distracting me.’ He narrowed his eyes at said someone. Kaminari shrugged with an innocent smile.
‘Sorry I’m so distracting honey.’
‘Guys don’t be gross.’ Mina made a face of disgust, badly hiding her fond smile.
‘You’re gross.’ Bakugou retorted stuffing his face with pancakes.
‘Yes, yes, now let me go I’m gonna turn on Netflix, maybe check for some chips.’ Kirishima patted his boyfriend’s hips but he didn’t budge.
‘No. You’re comfy.’
‘You can sit on my lap?’ Kaminari offered.
‘You’re bony, no thanks.’ Bakugou squinted at the idea.
I can sit on your lap?’ He tried again. Bakugou was silent for a couple of seconds. Sero was biting back a laugh.
‘You can go, Ei.’
Eijirou laughed, pecking him on the cheek and letting him go. Then he grabbed one of the few pancakes left and went to the living room, from where they heard the signature Netflix sound. Meanwhile Kaminari skipped around the table to settle on Bakugou’s lap with a sigh, leaning onto his broad chest. Bakugou let him for a while, and then nudged him on the side.
‘Turn around I want to eat.’
Kaminari did as he was told, looping his arm around his boyfriend’s neck and leaning on his shoulder, so he could finish his breakfast. He motioned Ashido to hand him his mug and he sipped the remaining coffee.
Ashido and Sero gathered the dishes and started cleaning them up together, Kaminari navigating them through the drawers and cupboards when they didn’t know where to find something or where to put something back. Then Sero found some popcorn and went on to prepare a big bowl of it.
‘Are we watching on the couch or on the floor?’ Kirishima yelled from the living room. The four looked at each other.
‘I’m taking the couch, fuck you.’
‘You’ll miss on the cuddles, you know.’ Reminded him Kaminari, pinching Katsuki’s cheek. Mina took their empty dishes to finish cleaning up. Bakugou growled, looping his arms around him.
‘Floor!’ Kaminari yelled back.
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franeridart · 8 years ago
So Bakugou and Todoroki's hero names didn't get decided early on I think because they're each gonna get their own little mini arcs that get em to decide them, but I kinda wanted to know your opinion on what they might end up being? 'Course they'll probably be derived from future plot that we don't know right now, but I wanted to ask anyway!
!!!! I’ve never really thought about Todoroki’s, tbh? So I have no clue, honest, but as far as Bakugou goes I’ll keep on holding onto Ground Zero until Horikoshi officially and unequivocally tells me he 100% definitely scrapped it, my friend - it’s such a cool name??? I read it and I nearly cried when I realized that probably it’s not gonna be his actual hero name rip
Anon said:You need to draw Bok.uro more (i love them so much,(you to of course)
I’m sure you didn’t mean anything bad by this ask anon, but as I’ve said more than once I really, really don’t like the word need. I don’t need to do anything, no one’s paying me for this. When I’ll want to draw more bokro it’ll for sure happen, so don’t worry about that~
Anon said:Would you read Bobata x Terushima fanfics? Do you know any??
I would! But last time I checked there were none *sob* do you know any? °u° if you do I’m all ears!!
Anon said:asdfghjklajhsns mirit.ama is adorable thEY’RE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AHHHH i love them a lot,,,
I K R they’re so soft and pure!!!! Such a good couple I love them so much !!!!!
Anon said:Since most of what you post is such simple arts, I find myself forgetting a lot that your a really skilled artist, and I sort of get this shock like ‘what the fuck Frans amazing’. I really got that when you posted that drawing with Monoma getting scared by kuroiro, the one you posted a while ago with witch Kaminari, and the recent tododeku fight one.
I’m ???? dying ???? This ask slayed me??? Oh my god thank you so much I’m not sure I deserve such praises yet but!!!!! BOI this just made my whole week!!! Thank you!!!!!
Anon said:idk how you feel about bakus.hin but pls read coffee can and energy drinks bc it’s super cute and convinced me to ship it also the characters are on point 👌
 sorry anon but I don’t ship Bakugou with anyone that doesn’t like him, and the one time Shinsou interacted with him he really didn’t seem to like him

.. #rip maybe one day I’ll try the fic, tho! Thank you for the rec!!!
 Anon said:I just wanted to say because of your wonderful art you have converted me to watching boku no hero academia!!!! (^ミ^)*:ăƒ»ïŸŸâœ§
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you’ll like it, then!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:I definitely smile when reading Teacher Bakugou comic Fran XD i just like it very much like the kids went to being scared and go to adored him and i just like that the kids will defend him from others and the way he just casually broke the window just to get to class in time :) There this hc i read can’t remember where but it said that Bakugo will adress his student by insult like fuckmunch (?) and will change it everyday and like the kids will just remember it (sorry for the bad english)
Anon said:I’m dying because of Bakugou-sensei AU?????? IT’S SO AMAZING!!!! You always kill me with your AUs, so unfair hahahah I’m in love with the idea of Bakugou being a beloved teacher because I think he already suffers too much on the canon series (seriously, he needs a break and a hug ffs). Anyways, I just love it really much 💜💜💜💜💜
I’M SO SO HAPPY YOU BOTH LIKED IT OMG!!!!!!!!!!! *O* I know it’s a pretty unlikely possibility but he’s the only one in canon who actually took on the role of teacher at some point? And Kirishima did pass his exams so he can’t be too bad at it either!! The possibility of him actually enjoying it makes me so happy hahaha
Anon said:Your little note about “Maybe it’ll make you smile” under the teacher Baku is- I’m- I’m going through a bad depressive episode and it really did make me smile so thanks
*holds you* I’m glad I could make you smile at least for a bit, then! And I’m so so sorry you’re not feeling alright, right now ;-; I hope today’ll be a better day, for you
Anon said:ILOVEYOU
Anon said:Fraaan another AWESOME comic !!! Another baby doodle !!! just !!! my heart !!! can’ t take it !!! aaaaaah !!! they’re soo cute. Ashido just eating Bakugo hair and he just let her and Kirishima call him Bakuo and Jirou saying Bakusquad will cry if got taken from Bakugo and she just nonchalantly tell Bakugou he that he cares about them Aaaaaah !!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡ By the way is the Bandage (?) that Bakugo has because of the squad and do they remember Bakugo ?
Thank you for liking it!!!! Oh my gods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wasn’t a bandage tho, just baby Sero messin around! And yeah, they do remember him! They’re just deaged, time didn’t literally turn back for them - only being babies their thought process is way simpler so the most they know is that that’s Bakugou and he’s good and safe and they like him. That’s about it, nothing more complex than that haha
Anon said:u are like, 80% the reason why i started watchin bnha. i thought my fav would be someone from the bakusquad (kirishima maybe) because of ur art but somehow monoma is my fav, the jerk. i love him. why am i cursed to like side characters with barely any content.
Monoma’s great tho!!!! I mean. He’s an asshole. And a total disaster. And his inferiority complex is a seriously huge thing. But he’s great!!!!!!!!!! That’s an amazing pick as a fave character t b h I think we’re getting more of him (together with the whole 1B class) in the manga soon, so don’t despair too much about the lack of content just yet haha
Anon said:Baby Sero putting tape all over Bakugo ’s arm made my study-full day a lot better, thank you Fran.
I’m!!!!!!!! Actually surprised by how many people liked Sero most out of the whole drawing??? But I’m GLAD he’s amazing please love my son as much as I do (or more) (if you can manage that) (the more love he gets the better)
Anon said:Is it in canon that Kirishima has terrible handwriting because I think it should be
I don’t know if this is terrible or not because I actually can’t tell good handwriting from bad in Japanese, but this is Kirishima’s canon handwriting!!
Tumblr media
Terrible or not it’s definitely a sharp, STRONG handwriting, which is all that matters as far as Kirishima is concerned!! đŸ’ȘđŸ’ȘđŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș haha
Anon said:that bakukirikami art with the AU killed me
Anon said:YES my emotions are from tododekus I’m just😭😭😭 I love Shouto so much!!!! I didn’t realize how much until just now tho??? Like how dare that episode honestly
!!!!!!!!!! he’s a super great character and honestly I like him way better after the sports fest is over and done with, he’s such a chill nice silly guy bless him and bless Deku for making his actual personality come out *deep sigh*
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fuctacles · 7 years ago
BakuKiriKami week Day 1
Day 1 - Confessions / First dates / Pining
A/N: I mixed them all bc I’m extra and I couldn’t decide. Anyway, hello, I’m late to the party. I literally started shipping them this Tuesday and found out ab the appreciation week on Thursday c’: There are pbbly some mistakes but i did my best. Enjoy! (I’m also planning to tag all my ff here #bsstories haha see what i did there bc im B and this is bullshit lol c’:)
Ship: Bakugou/Kaminari/Kirishima from BNHA, duh | Rating: T for language i guess | Wordcount: 779
Read on AO3
‘So, uh.’ Kirishima looked at his friend from where he was stealing his boyfriend’s chicken strips. ‘Wanna go with us?’
Bakugou looked at him like he just grew a new head. Kaminari was surprisingly silent, focused on his fries.
‘On a date?’ He clarified, hoping the redhead will understand his idiocy without him explaining it any further.
So he didn’t.
Katsuki wanted to leave the table. It was enough he had to watch them be all lovey dovey whenever he was hanging out with them. Which was disturbingly often. Enough he had to listen about them planning their first date for the whole past week. He had hoped all these stupid feeling would stop when his friends started dating but they only seemed to amplify.
‘If you think I’m gonna willingly third-wheel for ya, you’re stupider than I thought.’ He growled, closing his notebook with which he was trying to distract himself from their laced hands and them feeding each other fries. Gross.
‘Dude, third wheel is for extra support you know?’ Kaminari interjected, frowning at his fries. He seemed very stressed, his shoulders tense. Bakugou didn’t care. He shoved what was left of his food into his mouth and swallowed with little chewing.
‘Well, find yourself a walking stick if you need support. I’m outta here.’ He stood up, picking up his tray. He wasn’t gonna stay here and deal with this bullshit. With his own friends fucking with him like that.
‘Katsuki, wait!’ Kirishima leaned towards him and grabbed his sleeve before he could go any further. Bakugou looked around to check if they didn’t attract any unwanted eyes. Then looked back at his friend, urging him to talk with a nasty glare. ‘Okay, so.’ The grip on his sleeve tightened. ‘The point is we need a third wheel to make this bike more stable.’
‘Jesus fuck can you drop the metaphor you sound like a lunatic.’ Bakugou started seething and pulling out of his grip. Wherever it was going, he didn’t think he’d like it. He preferred to escape before the thing escalated.
‘Bakugou go with us as a boyfriend.’ Kirishima finally sputtered out. His cheeks were flushed red but he was looking straight into his eyes with determination. Kaminari, on the other hand, was red all over, still pretending to be eating his fries. Bakugou recovered quickly.
‘What kind of game are you playing, shithead?’ He yanked his arm away feeling anger, hurt and hope all mixing inside his gut in a painful combination.
‘I’m not, just-‘
Kaminari slammed his hand on the table seemingly unable to take the tension any longer.
‘Dude, just. Do you wanna be our boyfriend or not?’ His face was still red but he looked at Bakugou with hope and fear and what looked like nausea. Feeling two pairs of eyes directed at him in anticipation made him raise his shoulders defensively.
‘Like, with you both? A third one?’
‘Yes.’ Kirishima nodded, leaning in.
‘Is this some kinky shit, because I’m not goin-‘
‘Katsuki. Sit down, please?’
He did, although reluctantly.
‘So, we were planning this date, right?’ Kaminari started. ‘And we wanted to make it special because, first real date, you know. But, whatever we came up with, it didn’t seem good enough.’
‘Right!’ Kirishima picked up with a smile. A smile that suddenly turned evil. ‘And we figured out what was missing when Kaminari here’ he looped his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulders, effectively stopping him from covering his mouth. ‘said one day, and I quote, ‘Man, I wish Bakugou could go with us’. And we started planning the date with you. And it all clicked!’ He threw his hands in the air with a wide grin.
Bakugou felt his cheeks growing warm and his stomach twist in painful knots. He didn’t know what to do or what to think and he didn’t like it. He opened his mouth but closed it again. Their gaze was just as heavy and demanding as before and he felt trapped. However, they were patient and he didn’t know if he should be thankful for giving him time to process it or angry for babying him. Finally, he licked his lips and dared to look up at them.
‘This better not be some shitty boring date.’
Kirishima recovered first and cheered, looping his arms around him. For the first time he didn’t mind and let himself lean into him, feel his warmth and smell and that bubbly laugh of happiness emerging from his chest. Then there was another pair of hands on him, less expressive but just as happy to wiggle in between them and accidentally zap both from his excitement.
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