#bakugou and midoriya poor relationship
young-prince-firefly · 5 months
Kaminari: I've heard if something is worth doing, it's worth doing poorly
Bakugou: Maybe if you were good at something you wouldn't have to hear that
Kirishima: Bakugou!
Uraraka: Before any of you break out in a fight, that's literally just to help Kaminari brush his teeth. Iida told him to think of brushing his teeth like that so he doesn't get overwhelmed. I mean, it is better to brush poorly than to not brush at all.
Midoriya: Right, it's to combat deadly perfectionistic mindsets and boost your self-esteem and help you finish tasks, especially if you experience executive dysfunction either due to those perfectionistic ideals or neurodivergency!
Bakugou: That's great and all, but that doesn't mean he isn't terrible at everything else
Kirishima: Sorry, Kaminari. He'll come around eventually
Kaminari: No, no. I'm immune at this point. I'll just get really good at brushing my teeth by brushing only one tooth every morning.
Bakugou: You're just gonna forget which tooth you started with. If brushing is so damn hard for you, just use mouthwash!
Kaminari: Oh. I forgot that was an option.
Uraraka: I guess he's trying to help now?
Midoriya: Kacchan could still stand to be less mean to his friends when he's helping
Bakugou: Deku, shut up! These losers aren't my friends and you can't tell me what to do!
Midoriya: I'm gonna die
Tokoyami: We all meet the same end
Kirishima: How long have you been here man?
Tokoyami: As long as the rest of you
Kaminari: I'm gonna go gargle mouthwash, you guys enjoy your chat
Bakugou: Don't use the pink one! That's round face's and you do not want to make her mad!
Uraraka: How sweet
Kirishima: Well, I'll say it so he doesn't have to, thanks for your help. I didn't really understand most of what you said, but I know it's definitely going to help Kaminari
Uraraka: Anytime!
Midoriya: Happy to help
Bakugou: I don't know why you're looking at me, I didn't do anything
Kirishima: Nevermind then
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rewrittenmha · 3 months
Quirk Apprehension Test Arc
I think I am gonna go hardass Aizawa route, but one who treats his students equally. He'll still be an asshole, but I think I'm gonna set him up to get called out.
His introduction doesn't change much. He's still in his sleeping bag and still does the QAT instead of orientation. But he has the 1A do two separate tests; one to test their quirk usage and the other to test their physical ability. And he doesn't threaten to expel them (that was never a stipulation of the test), this is just a way for him to find out what needs to be worked on.
Izuku does well on the physical tests, but struggles a lot with the quirk tests. The ball scene still happens, but Aizawa a) doesn't threaten to expel Izuku and b) tears into Bakugou about using his quirk irresponsibly and against his classmates.
Class Ranking for Physical Test (the Quirk Test ranking stays the same):
Eijiro Kirishima
Mashirao Ojiro
Mezo Shoji
Rikido Sato
Tenya Iida
Mina Ashido
Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugou
Fumikage Tokoyami
Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyorozu
Koji Koda
Tsuyu Asui
Denki Kaminari
Hanta Sero
Ochako Uraraka
Minoru Mineta
Toru Hagakure
Yuga Aoyama
Kyoka Jirou
So, the reason I had Aizawa do a physical test too is because I find it so weird how quirk oriented he is in canon. Someone who literally erases quirks and isn't given any physical advantage from his should be aware that a) heroes should be proficient without relying on a quirk and b) a strong quirk isn't needed to be an efficient hero. He should also have a distaste for people who are reckless with their quirks (which he does have for Izuku but not Bakugou?? Weird). This is where him being inconsistent really comes into play.
(It's like Horikoshi goes out of his way to have canon reinforce quirkism, it's weird)
Don't get me wrong, he's still an asshole. He still thinks Izuku was being lazy with his quirk and he still thinks that Izuku is also to blame for him and Bakugou's awful relationship. But he's way harder on Bakugou than in canon and disciplines him more. Like I said, he's going to get called out for his judgmental behavior and arrogance.
To add to this, Iida and Uraraka seeing Bakugou about to attack Izuku is the start to both of them really disliking him. Iida already didn't like him because of his feet on the desk (based Iida, I can't stand people who do this), but Uraraka, who grew up poor, can't stand his entitled and privileged attitude. She tries to see the good in everyone, but Bakugou makes it hard. She hates that he looks down on others and thinks he's better than everyone else. She would love to knock him down a few pegs.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Writers gift: How would Midoriya, Bakugou and Shoto feel if their darling rejected them?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, stalking, mentions of abduction
Izuku Midoriya
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💚Who could have known that a few so simple words could shatter a hero such as Deku as easily as they did? Months of planning, of careful observation, of preparing have gone into this one day. The day where Midoriya finally decided to confess, to do the first step within the excessive plan of the future he has basically already written down for you two. Yet all you had to do was turn him down as gently as you could to crush his heart. The slightly shy and flustered smile and the blush decorating his cheeks slowly leave his face as his eyes widen in shock, staring at you as if expecting you to tell him that you’re just joking whilst his mind has a hard time processing what you just said. This isn’t what he had planned! Why are you rejecting him?! You two were meant to be soulmates!
💚A few seconds of suffocating silence where you clearly grow uncomfortable, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt and carefully observing Izuku. As soon as the information has finally pushed through Midoriya’s delusions, the shocked look on his face turns into one of utter heartbreak and sorrow, causing you to feel a bit guilty. Tears start dropping down within a matter of seconds, the hands that had previously held a bouquet of your favorite flowers start to shake, dropping the gift of love in the process as you’re left standing there with a man who’s crying his eyes out in front of you.
💚You’re standing there frozen, panicking because you don’t know what you could possibly say or do to comfort Izuku. But just as you’re about to attempt to pat his back, something inside Deku seems to snap. He reaches out to hold both of your hands in his one shaking ones, teary eyes staring with a broken glimmer inside of them into your own as another smile appears on his face. A smile laced with desperation, with utter denial. He suddenly starts talking fast with a shaking voice that he completely understands. You poor sweetheart probably just don’t know how to respond to his confession. You’ve never been in a real relationship before after all! That’s it! You’re just a bit overwhelmed right now!
💚It sounds like he’s talking primarily to himself right now to convince himself and you alongside the way too. The shift in his behavior gives you a bad feeling yet when you try to free your hands, Deku only tightens his hold. You don’t have to be scared nor shy right now! He knows how nervous you’re right now but you don’t have to be frightened at all. You two were meant to be together after all, you just don’t know it yet. Now you’re the one who starts to shake as the clearly delusional boy pulls you even closer until you’re in his arms, starts rubbing your back when he notices your trembling form whilst his mind continues denying the truth. There’s no running now, sweetheart, for everything you might try to do to get him back to his senses will only end in stronger denial from Midoriya’s side.
Katsuki Bakugou
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💥You can only blink confused at Bakugou for a few moments, doubting what you’ve just heard? Did he just admit that he likes you? Did Katsuki Bakugou just confess to you?! Your clearly puzzled expression and the silence after his confession quickly cause the blonde male to grow impatient as his jittery nerves get the better of him. He hates to admit it to himself right now but he’s nervous right now. He snaps as mildly as he can at you, reminding you that you need to give him an answer. His voice brings you out of your dazed state yet the first question you have to ask him is if he’s being honest with you right now.
💥A short flicker of annoyance crosses Katsuki’s face before he lets out a huff, hand scratching the back of his neck as he grumbles that he wouldn’t bother to be here if he wouldn’t really mean it. You notice how he averts your eyes for a short moment when admitting his feelings once more, a slight dust of pink on his face before his gaze meets yours again. You notice the hint of nervousness inside of his eyes and with that the situation you find yourself in suddenly comes crashing down on you, leaving you feeling helpless. You know Katsuki’s temper so you try to think desperately of a way to offend him as little as possible. However, Bakugou is no idiot to the panic flashing across your face or how your eyes dart to the ground, brainstorming how to get out of this situation.
💥When he asks you if you can’t answer him because you want to reject him but are afraid of his reaction, you feel like a deer in headlights. The scared look you give him when you look up is more than enough to answer his question. His face twists with the emotions of heartbreak and even betrayal, a short view of emotional vulnerability that has you feeling sorry for a few moments. That’s before an angry scowl masks any of his pain and a scoff leaves his lips, red eyes glaring at you and making you feel small. You flinch when he starts raising his voice against you, almost shouting at you, and calling you a loser and waste of his time before turning around and storming away, teeth gritting against each other and fists clenched to suppress the emotions piling up inside of him and threatening to overwhelm him.
💥He lets out his feelings the only way he knows in the end though, which is anger. A few trash bins have to suffer immeasurable damage on his way away from you, the source of his current pain. You’ve hurt Katsuki’s pride with your rejection. You notice at times his red eyes glaring at you as he holds a grudge now, although he does now that his anger is partially just irrational. He can’t help it though as his possessive side gets fired up, leading him to acting aggressive and threatening people around you. You start feeling more and more terrified of him and honestly, I can’t blame you. At this rate it’s only a question of time until you find yourself imprisoned by his possessive love and hurt pride.
Shoto Todoroki
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🔥❄️You don’t even know what you were expecting when Shoto Todoroki approached you earlier the day and asked you if he could talk to you later on privately. You would have honestly rather heard anything else than hearing him mumbling with a hint of nervousness and a stiff and awkward body that he has developed feelings for you and that he wants to have a relationship with you. All thoughts are silenced for a moment inside your head as you stare at him with eyes blown wide open, reflecting your disbelief. He eventually meets your own gaze, his stoic expression not giving any of the feelings away. If it wouldn’t be for his tense body and the scared glimmer in his eyes, you probably would have no idea what he’s feeling right now.
🔥❄️Already you can feel the jabs of guilt in your heart though as you already know what your answer will be. Knowing his terrible childhood though makes it not easier for you to tell him that you don’t feel the same as he does. You choose every word you tell him carefully, trying your best to avoid him any heartbreak as good as you can and hopefully prevent any negative feelings between you two afterwards. His stoic face cracks when he listens to your words and gets to know that you don’t feel the same way, a shaken up look taking over his face. He suddenly can’t bear looking at you any longer, head hanging low and his eyes hiding behind his two-colored hair.
🔥❄️You leave him standing there all by himself, with his head looking down, his fist clenched and his body slightly trembling. You think you’d only rub more salt in his fresh wound if you were to stay. Whilst you turn your back on him, Shoto suffers from a silent breakdown though, his heart screaming with the pain you just put it through. He starts hyperventilating slightly, his fast heartbeat is ringing inside his ears and his vision gets blurry as a wet film starts covering his eyes. When he finally looks after your form, all his emotions are perfectly shown on his face yet you don’t even turn around. You’re walking away from him. You’re leaving him. Don’t leave him! He’s chasing after you as soon as that thought hits him.
🔥❄️You only notice when you hear the footsteps behind you and turn around, his hand grabbing your arm and yanking you back slightly almost at the same time. Words die out on your tongue when you see his face, desperation and fear written all over it whilst his hands are clutching the material of your jacket tightly. Both of you just stand like this in silence, until realization flashes Shoto’s eyes and he snaps out of whatever just overcame him. He lets go of your jacket and mutters an apology before he turns around and walks away from you, eyes fixed the entire time on the ground. Be warned though that mismatched eyes are always watching you now, that his presence is always hiding somewhere around you. Do you want to bet how long it takes him until his desperation and pain pushes him into sweet delusions and the end of your freedom?
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honeyglz · 2 years
</3 Breaking up w/ mha characters + little snippets </3
A/N - Let me know if you guys want full length fics for any of these cause I may or may not do some. Im starting this off with the main three but hopefully Ill do more characters later. Also Shoto's is a lil shorter than the rest my bad. Yk the drill on rpoof reading.
Reader- GN for Bakugou and Deku, fem used for Todoroki (Though it could be veiwed as more of a Afab reader instead, just mind the pronouns) , She/Her, You/Your/ Yours
Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters aside from my depiction of Y/N.
Pairings (separate) - Bakugou x (engaged)reader, Deku/Midoriya x (dating) reader , Todoroki x (engaged) reader
Warning- Mentions of violence/death/injury (No abusive relationship is written in this it is just part of their jobs as hero's). Arranged marriage for Shoto's
Category- Angst Check Master-list for follow up's for each character.
-♡- ✮Bakugou K.✮
Reason: He didn't care enough to make time
Plain and simple.
He's a busy guy, esp once he becomes a pro hero
It starts off small too
He misses the good morning kiss he usually gives you
Next its coming home late
At first you thought maybe he was just tired.
Until he starts blowing off dates. Here you were. Sitting in your chair uncomfortable with the amount of whispers that you could hear. 3 hours you had been waiting. Pity glanced brushed off your shoulders as you sighed flagging down a waiter. "ready to order?" the waiter said in a small voice as he watched you try to cover the sadness in your tone "Yea.. Ill take.."
Katsuki arrived home later that night. Covered in soot and ash as he lay on the couch.
You found him in the morning, still fast asleep.
You sighed as you let it slide, he was busy, surely it was a one time thing right?
So so very wrong
He had missed a total of 20 dates
20 .
It wasn't until you finally had enough of being second place to his job did you try and talk to him...
Bad idea. It was late. The glow from your alarm clock light your face, dried tears staining your checks. You looked down at the sliver ring on your finger. Unaware of the door to your shared apartment having been opened. Katsuki's footsteps were heavy, sluggish movements as he kicked off his boots. His gauntlets thrown carelessly onto the couch noticing the dim light from your shared bedroom. Tracking his way into the room he noticed you staring down at your ring, twisting it nervously as you spaced out. A low grumble snapped you from your thoughts as you stared up at him, eyes devoid of the warm glow he fell in love with. "Bakugou. We need to talk." His thoughts came to a halt at your words. Why the actual fuck were you using his last name? He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he sighed clearly annoyed at the shit you were trying to pull. "Can this wait, Im fucking tired and-" he huffed only to be cut off "It can't wait." There was a cold sadness to your voice, foreign to his ears. He had to be hearing things. He watched as you stood only now taking in the rest of the room. Your things were missing. "Did we get robbed or sumthin- where the fuck is all your stuff" He said making a vague gesture to what now felt like a very empty room. Katsuki's eyes landed on the packed suitcase. Everything clicking in place now. You were leaving. He felt a lump form in his throat as he looked you over. You looked almost as tired as him. You kept your eyes low fidgeting with the ring once more before speaking. Your words calm and thought out. "I think we should take a break" Now. Katsuki has grown alot in the past years. But something inside him snapped at hearing the dreaded words fall out of your mouth. To him you were giving up on him. Like everyone else. Emotions swirled through his scarlet eyes before an anger bubbled over them.
Safe to say you both didnt recover from that. -♡- ✮Midoriya I. (Deku !!)✮
Reason- He's too scared of leaving you that he kept you at arms length.
You heard me right folks
Poor bby is scared that one day he wont be around and he'll leave you all alone
Leave you all alone while he's still alive :D
Being fr tho ever since he became the new symbol of peace he's had this unconscious state of "Any moment may be my last"
Thing is he didn't really develop this until one night.... There had been a villain attack, one far more catastrophic then anyone would have predicted. Izuku came home hours later battered and bruised beyond belief. Walking into the your shared house it wasn't until he heard muffled cries that he snapped out of his daze rushing to the source only to find you, clutching his shirt, tears streaming down your face as the sound of the news blasted through the room. You turned your head to see your boyfriend, leaning against the door frame, splattered with blood and dirt his clothes torn with wounds oozing the horrid crimson liquid. Your glossy eye's met forest green and you sprang to your feet tripping as you fell, hands gripping his. That night Izuku fought tears while he watched you try to scold him between sobs about how he should have called you. How scared you were and how much you needed him to come home after stuff like that. Something in him switched that night. He never wanted to see you cry like that again.
And so he distanced himself
"Oh why dont u just come home early when stuff like that happens or be more careful"
At the end of the day there is no guarantee he'll be able to call you.
Or that he'll always be safe
There's no guarantee He'll be alive at the end of the day.
Its the realistic statistic's of his life
And of course being the symbol of peace, he had to accept that
But the thought of leading you on with the rest of the world
Leading you to think that every night he'll be there to lay next to you.
Allowing you to feel so much pain if he ever did leave.
The thought alone had him uneasy.
So he did the only thing he could think of.
Letting you leave first. You sighed as you packed your things, Izuku watching out of the corner of his eye, trying his best to act indifferent to it all. "I think that's the last of it..." You said gripping the handle as you looked over to the man you had loved for years. The man that you thought you would marry. The man who now wouldn't even spare you a glance. A uninterested hum echoed through the house. Utter shock painting your face as you scoffed biting back tears that threatened to spill once again. You turned on your heel hand hovering over the cool steel of the door handle before you stopped. "You're not the man I fell in love with, not anymore." You turned the handle leaving the shattered man behind. The slam of the door making the hero flinch. He did it. He kept you save. So why was he still crying? -♡- ✮Todoroki S.✮
Reason - He never gave it a chance
You two had been young when your parents arranged for you both to be wed.
You were told since day one about it.
Shoto, not so much.
It wasn't until he turned 18 was he told of this.
His first thoughts?
He hated it.
He hated the whole idea.
He despised it so much that he fought tooth and nail to get out of it. "You're not listening to me- I don't want to marry someone I've never met!" Anger filled his body as he yelled at his stoic father. The man never once cracking a look of sympathy for his son. Instead he stood up, firm eyes trailing down to the duo coloured ones below. "She had no problem with it. I don't see why you're making such a fuss, its for the family's blood line and-" Shoto felt flames crawl up his skin as he listened to his fathers ramble. Tired of it all he left leaving the man talking to thin air. He paced his training room before sending the room into a pit of rage filled flames. Ice covered the windows as he let out all his pent up anger. Cursing aloud at how foolish anyone would be to marry someone they didn't know.
Safe to say he didnt even want to meet you.
But you did and eventually got engaged.
But it was all a lie.
He didn't love you. He made sure you both knew it -♡- A/N I ran out of room. :/ I can redo Shoto's if yall end up liking this idk
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katsukidynam1ght · 6 months
thoughts on deku's martyr complex?
so this ask came in nearly a year ago (june 16th, 2023) and i didn’t actually have much to say about it then (surprisingly, since we all know kats can’t stop talking). but i have thought about it on occasion since and i am happy to say i finally have words!
in short: i love him, actually.
i don’t think i really understood how deku’s behavior was a “martyr complex” until season six. before then, he was just an example of the kind of person i want to be (and let’s not get into how i relate to bakugou, and the depth of their whole relationship and wanting to be like each other…)
before season six, deku wasn’t a martyr to me. yes, he got injured in the process of trying to help others, but that’s what heroes do! he wasn’t a martyr, he was just a kid really passionate about being a hero!
and then it hit me after i watched season six again that oh, he takes it too far.
because that’s what being a martyr is, right? the ultimate self-sacrifice. except for him, it’s unnecessary—that’s what makes it a complex.
it starts out small, okay. it starts out wanting to help those around him. but it devolves into a form of self-harm that he can’t repair on his own. his guilt for being unable to stop shigaraki causes him to sink so deep into despair that he thinks his only path forward is to completely isolate himself, completely abandon his own well-being, and all for the sake of keeping others safe. it becomes so all-encompassing that he’s indistinguishable from who he’s supposed to be.
at that point, midoriya is no longer anyone’s hero. people are afraid of him because he can’t provide the comfort he’s meant to. his need to protect others reaches so far into his own guilt that he loses himself.
he makes himself the martyr no one asked for because he thinks he has no other choice. but it isn’t because he wants any recognition—it’s out of the deepest kind of love anyone can have. the self-hatred and guilt are symptoms of his loneliness (caused by the self-sacrifice), not motivations for it. he doesn’t do what he does because he wants pity. he does it because he wants everyone to be safe and happy.
he wants to create the world all might did. (he just hasn’t realized yet that all might played the martyr already. it isn’t deku’s role to have.)
deku’s (and i will say incomplete) martyrdom didn’t really work because no one knew to care. everyone loved all might and his loss was felt nationwide, but the only people who recognized deku’s loss were the ones he trained and worked with (and his poor, sweet mother).
so why do i still say i love him, after everything i’ve said basically implies he drove himself into the ground for nothing?
simple. it wasn’t for nothing.
no matter how small his change for good was, it was still a change for good. just one person, just two people—that’s already better than most other people can help.
i love deku because he loves everyone, because he saves indiscriminately. if the police represent justice, then heroes represent mercy.
and i think we could all use a little saving, don’t you?
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Ok, so this might be a super minor thing but it has being bugging me. Is it weird that despite Ochako, Iida and Todoroki being Izuku's closest friends, they never call him by his first name and vice versa? And the fact that it's Bakuhoe of all people to start doing that after his poor excuse of an 'apology' when we all know he isn't Izuku's friend at all (and really, they never were to begin with).
This is ignoring that Ochako calls him 'Deku' (which I'm not a fan of).
In Japan, people don't really call each other by their first names unless it is with someone they have a close relationship with, whether with family or close friends.
Hi @ultimateemerl 👋
No I wouldn't say it's a minor thing to be bugged by, I am bugged by it too. More so by the injustice of it all, let me explain.
Bkg gets to call Midoriya "Izuku" and be praised by the narrative for 'knowing Izuku the best' and being "the closest" to Izuku when really all he did was;
Physically, emotionally and verbally abuse Izuku all his life for being quirkless (which if you take Quirklessness as disability coding makes a very ugly picture.)
Tell him to kill himself.
Destroy his property.
Scream at him all the time and invent a new slur ("Deku") just for him (this continues into UA.)
Blames All Might for Izuku's low self esteem when really it is in large part his fault.
Physically attacks Izu at the slightest provocation. I.e Izu being proud of Black whip apparently deserves a ninja star head piece to the skull according to Bakugou.
Makes jabs at Izu whenever he can, bc fuck Izu's feelings. Even after the lip service manipulation of an apology, Bkg deems it appropriate to say, "A quirkless child given a quirk, sounds like someone we know," in reference to the Aoyama Situation. Yeah, sounds like a great, thoughtful close friend there. Izu is "lucky to have a friend like that" right Author / All Might?!
Follows Izuku everywhere and keeps tabs on him, in true abuser fashion. (Follows him when Todoroki takes Izu to talk, unjustly joins Izu in the OFA meetings just to shit on the past holders and Izu himself. Joins in OFA training which Izu learnt nothing from and Bkg seemed to use it as an excuse solely to beat Izu up.)
Those are just the eight things I can think of at the top of my head, as to why Bkg doesn't deserve to be anywhere near Izu let alone have the privilege of calling Izu his first name.
Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka, Aoyama all deserve that privilege more being Izuku's true friends and it would show their bond closening over time which would have been nice to see.
Izu of course is Todoroki's first friend and Todoroki being as blunt as he is could have asked for the privilege of calling Midoriya his first name while offering his own after inviting him to his home which would have been nice to see.
Uraraka is meant to be the love interest canonically so having her only ever canonically call Izuku "Deku" really puts a sour taste in my mouth. Have her instead like Iida insist on calling Midoriya his last name at first then she could as their bond grows (and they become besties) offer her first name to him.
Iida of course is a bit stricter but it would be nice to see him soften to Izuku and offer his first name as well.
The Aoyama reveal should have been built up more by give Yuuga more screen time - we should have seen Yuuga POV on Izu's situation and focused on their parallels. I would like to have seen Yuuga offer his first name to Izuku and them have that close bond.
With Bakugou he doesn't ask for the right to call Midoriya his first name even after the apology - he just takes it without asking.
Because Bakugou, the abuser he is, believes it to be his right to do so. That signifies to me that, coupled with all his other actions, despite what the narrative wants us to believe he hasn't changed at all.
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suntoru · 2 years
𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚒’𝚖 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞. 𝚙𝚝. 𝟷
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⤷ feat. various bnha men.
synopsis: spending halloween with them and couples costumes &lt;3
back to flufftober masterlist | part 2.
warnings: fluff, a sprinkle of curses, established relationships, some are costumes are based on female characters, some are based on official art
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izuku midoriya.
⤷ your couples costume… ghosts!
you and izuku dress up as two cute ghosts! instead of any simple old sheets thrown over your heads, inko hand-sews them for you. you’re equally as shocked at the amount of effort she put in them, and very thankful. they come with cute little matching patches that you absolutely love! hand in hand, you stun everyone with your adorable costumes. izuku is turning a bit red, but that’s okay, as long as it makes you happy, he’d wear a trash bag for all he cares.
⤷ your halloween event… pumpkin patch!
you both decide to go to a pumpkin patch with eri! giggling and smiling, you all choose a pumpkin to carve. as of right now, you’re sipping your pumpkin spice latte, while izuku is busy getting eri a candy apple. you glance lovingly at him zipping up her jacket, telling her she might get sick later if she doesn’t. later, you’re making jack-o-lanterns, and you snort at the intricate all might pumpkin that he oh so carefully carved. but even if he’s doing the most ridiculous things, you can’t help but feel your heart melt.
bakugou katsuki.
⤷ your couples costume… a wolf and red riding hood!
will it take an assload of convincing? yes. but is it worth it? also yes. katsuki is busy snarling at his own fuzzy ears, while you snap some cute photos of you two. the large green jacket with a fluffy hood compliments the outfit, as well as the collar and tail. it really fits his personality well, though. he acts like your big, bad, wolf, but in reality, he’s your personal guard dog. he’s pretending like he hates it, but if that means he gets to see you as little red riding hood, he supposes the ears could stay on.
⤷ your halloween event… corn maze!
he thinks it’s stupid. getting trapped inside a fucking corn wall? he may as well just be stuck in a giant rat trap or some shit. but you tug his sleeve and you bring out the puppy dog eyes, and he can’t resist. he caves, and he lets you drag him inside. you walk around for a bit before his instincts pick up a person following them, and when something touches his shoulder, he doesn’t hesitate to blow its face off. but oops, it’s not a villain, just a poor person in a plastic mask who now has third degree burns all over their face. katsuki gets super embarrassed and just walks off.
shoto todoroki.
⤷ your couples costume… vampires!
shoto todoroki is unconventionally pretty. you might have made a mistake for this one, because now everybody, including yourself, can’t take your eyes off of him. even normally, he’s more than a ten, but you find yourself in quite the predicament. you are glued to him the entire day, you’re getting jealous looks from all the students at ua. but todoroki isn’t doing any better. if you pay very close attention, you can notice a very subtle pink creeping up on his face.
⤷ your halloween event… trick or treating!
since shoto has probably never done this as a kid, you decide you want to give him something he’s been missing out on all this time. that’s trick or treating! you walk around his neighbourhood intertwining fingers, collecting pillowcases of candy. you don’t know if it’s because he’s the son of the no. 1 pro hero, but you’re getting handfuls of sweets where normal teenagers would have been cursed out. you giggle as you watch shoto say “trick or treat” in the most stoic way possible. oh well, you can’t argue with free stuff, right?
eijiro kirishima.
⤷ your couples costume… pirates!
this matching costume is the cutest thing ever. eijiro’s cute toothy grin completely matches his pirate persona! with the puffed up sleeves and swashbuckling swords, the outfit definitely slays. but, the hat barely fits because of his spiky hair, inciting small snickers from you. he lets you take photos of you two, but later, he picks you up as you giggle uncontrollably from the selfies. they were mostly just goofy pictures of him being caught off guard, and some insta-worthy couple goal pics too.
⤷ your halloween event… ghost stories!
this halloween, you choose to tell scary ghost stories with eijiro and a couple of your friends. you all take turns telling the spooky tales, everyone bundled up and comfy, but just as scared. it’s adorable, really, the way he’s holding you so close and smothering you with blankets. the room is pitch black, and the only light source is from the flashlight. multiple people attempt to scare you, but it’s hard to feel scared when you’ve got kirishima next to you. you know he’ll protect you if he needs to, and everyone ends up failing, trying to spook you.
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zazumlele · 2 years
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art by @ghosty-ana
Scenes from
Meow Motherfucker
Somehow, the entire Class 1-A is turning into cats! Obviously, the only one capable of controlling this situation is poor Aizawa who just wanted a night of peace.
Language: English
Words: 3164
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia)
Additional Tags: Cat Lover Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Cat Midoriya Izuku, Cat Bakugou Katsuki, Cat Todoroki Shouto, Actually the entire Class 1-A turns into cats, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot
Words: 3164
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 1 month
So Daddy?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zB7lqOZ by Riley_lexi08 Todoroki Shouto, a well reserved and respected individual. His appearance causes people of all ages to melt and fawn over him; his lineage comes from a long line of wealthy families; his calming demeanour allows others to relax; he is the perfect man. Uraraka Ochako, a kind and loving individual. Her short brown hair and gorgeous eyes are ones that many die for; not being able to offer much financially but she replaces that with a beaming smile; her kind heart allows others to feel free and comfortable; she is the perfect woman. What would happen if one day these two, quite different yet similar individuals decide to join forces? Causing confusion and dismay in their class. Lets find out… ••• Otherwise known as: Poor girl and rich man decided to fake date and watch as they confuse their class! - The daddy kink/ the title is just saying they say that to each other. No explicit actions happen just some spicy talk to one another.   Credits to: @Justlike.starlight on Tik Tok for this genius idea & @kingeparr on Youtube for bringing this idea to life. Go check them out! Posted on wattpad: @Riley_Lexi08 Words: 222, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Sero Hanta, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) Relationships: Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Daddy Kink, Sugar Daddy, Somewhat its like faking it but they both enjoy it sort of thing, No Smut, Teenagers, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Needs a Raise, Class 1-A Friendship (My Hero Academia), Explicit Language, Public Display of Affection, No Sex, Cross-Posted on Wattpad read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zB7lqOZ
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meteormind · 1 year
🌈 May all your colors be happy, friends. 🌈
Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Midoriya Inko, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), not all of them though - Character, U.A. Faculty (My Hero Academia), not all of them either Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Worldbuilding, POV Midoriya Izuku, POV Bakugou Katsuki, POV Alternating, Pistol Shrimp Bakugou Katsuki, Dumbo Octopus Midoriya Izuku, strange mer anatomy, not that strange, Soft Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Squishy Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki is Good at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku is Good at Feelings, but they are also a little bad at them for a while, Falling In Love, what did you think they were done?, Kid Bakugou Katsuki, Kid Midoriya Izuku, kid shenanigans, Pranks, Pets, Coming of Age, Boys Kissing, Slice of Life, Armor, Armor Crafting, Arts and Crafts with bkdk, Slightly Oblivious Midoriya Izuku, look he tunnel-visions when Kacchan is anywhere near, Tsundere Bakugou Katsuki, poor thing is beleaguered send help, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, violent fluff, Enough Fluff to fight a WAR, it's being weaponized, You Have Been Warned, Light Angst, very light, Kacchan is an ass-man, Literal Sleeping Together Series: Part 2 of to the Touch Summary:
Izuku's eyes slid shut as he wrapped his many arms around his favorite person and pressed a smile to an armored shoulder, warm and smooth, like a sun-kissed stone. The waters whispered over them, rocking them and ruffling the seagrass against Izuku's back like a caress.
"Kelp spirit," Kacchan mocked, poking a finger in Izuku's hair. "Loser! Nerd! Creep! Just float away and die."
Silly shrimp. Who are you fooling? Not this loser-nerd-creep.
When Izuku woke, it was past noon, and Kacchan was gone, but the blanket had been tucked close around him and someone had hooked five little curl-tails into his hair. Still half asleep, Izuku unthreaded the timid creatures and released them into the swaying seagrass, chuckling to himself.
With thoughts of Kacchan and lunch, Izuku tried to swim down but yelped as he was stopped short. Bewildered, he looked at his waist where someone had tied a rope. He followed it to a large rock someone had moved onto the roof and defaced with the ferociously carved words; Deku Anchor.
"Who's the stupid one, Kacchan? I already have one of those."
you thought I forgot? you thought you were safe? SURPRISE, YOU FOOL! i live and i am here TO REPORT A GRUDGE. here's the punch i promised. make sure to read Part 1 too.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
Dadzawa vs Allmight
Dadzawa Vs Allmight by PurpleWeebStories
This is my first fanfic!! i finally caved and decided to try write one.
After Midoriya broke his bones for what feels like the millionth time, Aizawa had finally had enough of his poor control over his quirk, and called Midoriya to his office for a chat that leaves Aizawa angry. How will Midoryia's future end up?
Words: 5766, Chapters: 8/8, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Nezu
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Protective Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, My First Fanfic, Autistic Midoriya Izuku, Not Beta Read, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Light Angst, Mentioned Class 1-A, Comfort
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48037822
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𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐤𝐝𝐤 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
soooo these are all like 100k+ words, slow burn af, good sexual tension, in character characters, classic “they’re both bamfs and it annoys the shit out of each other” bkdk dynamic, juicy banter/flirting, smut
ALL TOP BAKU (or switch)
Basically I mean to say, I am a fussy as bitch and fanfictions are no exception
(p.s. these are in order, fav at the top etc.)
Quiet Rapture by lalazee 
A/B/O - Pro hero baku, Quirkless deku - Strangers to lovers - Explicit
That A/B/O fic where cocky Alpha Bakugou falls in mate-love at first scent, while Midoriya is just a poor bookstore-owning Omega who got his nose punched in is a kid and can't smell a damn thing. Also known as: That time an Alpha had to use his actual personality to woo his mate instead of relying on his scent.
Okay so for anyone who doesn’t know, lalazee is my god and I’ve read all her bibles. Amen, bitch.
I was hesitant to read this as it was my first a/b/o, but once you get into it, you get IN TO IT. My favourite fic of all time, she has brilliantly portrayed bkdks dynamic and their characters. Theres still a good plot, while still having the fic being focused on bkdks relationship. Sounds impossible? Well good luck telling that to lalazee. SUCH good banter holy fuck. Entire fic had me (s)creaming with how much sexual tension there was. Just perfect *chefs kiss*.
Blood Moon by lalazee
Canonverse - Pining baku, Also pining deku - FWB to lovers - Explicit
The Thank-Fuck-We-Aren’t-Dead Sex had started then, and had never really stopped. Then came the feelings and the fights. The ego, the pride, the jealousy. And then there was Us.
(The one-shot smut fic that turned into an entire world for you.)
Another one by lalazee, who’s surprised? Anyways, this was my first proper fic I ever read and I was hooked. Again, really good banter, tons of angst and hero shit. Smut is also really good, both of them are complete bamfs who are secretly broken. 
Fire Lily by EtherealBeing
Heaven & Hell AU - Demon baku, Angel deku - Enemies to lovers - Explicit
There he was: sitting splay-legged on the altar, one muddy combat boot propped up on the edge, with a self-satisfied grin on his face and a relaxed aura, in spite of the war raging outside.
Izuku wasn’t sure what he’d expected to see his first day evacuating humans from the Rapture zone, but it sure as hell wasn’t a Demon with the same goal.
A story about falling, in more ways than one.
Just really good okay? I’m tired and I need to do some assignments
From The Sidelines by suffocatingspring
High School AU - Jock baku, Nerd deku - Enemies to lovers - Explicit
When long-time enemies, Bakugo Katsuki--the all-star athlete and rascal of Ise--and Izuku Midoriya, the town sweetheart, are paired together for a long-term project, the quiet beachside town of Ise suddenly gets a bit louder.
In which, Katsuki is an asshole pole vaulter, Izuku is going to fail psychology, and both are about to have the most intense spring semester yet.
The bakuhoe fucks virgin izuku I was waiting my entire life for holy fuck. Anyways, this has super 80s retro vibes and bkdk go on a bunch of adventures together. It’s really good and you should really read it!
Battle of the Bands by roadtripwithlucifer
Boy Band AU - Punky baku, Gay disaster deku - Enemies to lovers - Mature
'The rules are simple. Battle of the Bands. Local bands send in a single track to the radio station, and ten tracks are selected. Over the coming month, the songs play on the station and listeners vote on the top five. The top 5 play a live concert as part of a music festival, then the top 3 at a larger, indoor venue. The top two have the honor of opening on the first stop of All Might’s retirement tour – here. In Izuku’s home town. And finally, the winner gets the ultimate prize. Getting to spend the rest of the tour, forty cities, across the country as All Might’s opener. Three months. Same tour bus. Shoulder to shoulder with the greatest musicians the world has ever known.'
Izuku Midoriya is a broke college student presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. But winning isn't gonna be easy, especially when one band's aggressive blonde frontman seems to be dead-set on making Izuku's life a living hell.
So I’m not actually usually into the whole “Band AU” thing. I think its cause I had a traumatic experience with a really bad fanfic that put me off it. Anyways, they’re both absolutely whipped for each other and again really good banter and “i’m never going to let you win but I’ll let you fuck me upside-down” sorta relationship dynamic and I LOVE IT. Also do NOT be fooled by the mature rating instead of explicit, there’s still enough smut in this to make it worth the wait.
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decarbry · 2 years
I'd love to learn your thoughts on the rest of the bnha cast, particularly the main characters! Could you list your top 10 and share why you like them?
THIS WAS SO TOUGH I had to go through a complete character list to make sure I didn't miss anyone and I'm still not satisfied
Honestly BNHA does so well with character variety I love so much of the cast, tho it does fall into the pit of "there are too many characters and story threads to finish them all or even mention them ever again", do not talk to me about Shinsou
Anyway we're ignoring Aizawa, Yamada, and Eri because I think everyone already knows that they're my least favorite characters /s
10. Overhaul - probably one of the worst people in the show tbh but I really loved anytime his character was on screen?? he was such a calm but simmering threat before he was actively violent and honestly his voice acting in the dub imo was REALLY special. the whole organized crime angle is also one of my vibes in storytelling so I really enjoyed his character. plus his character design is *chef's kiss*
9. Tokoyami - he's a bird man with a dark passenger that acts like a puppy sometimes what's NOT to love -- I'm actually going to cheat and tie Tokoyami with Bakugou here because I had second thoughts. Bakugou's pivot in his relationship with Midoriya was one of my favorite character development moments and felt so well-done and earned that he's definitely in my top 10
8. Mirio - BEST BOY! Togata is just so positive and wholesome and selfless, every time I revisit his clash with Overhaul I sob my eyes out. I wasn't on board with his pivot in eye design at first but once I got to know him I fell for him HARD. There's literally no downside to this guy but at the same time that's ALRIGHT! Rather than it being obnoxious it's done in a way that I find flawless. like he still has weaknesses but he's composed so well as a character
7. Amajiki - how can you not love this poor anxious guy?? he's very relatable and anytime he pushes through his head to succeed in his goals I just want to scream and hug him. plus his quirk is amazing and I could NEVER because I'm such a picky eater
6. Kurogiri/Shirakumo - THE POWER OF ANGST no but partly it’s his relationship to our two favorite UA teachers but also Oboro seemed like such a GEM and I want to know him as he was and I have such high hopes for where the story is currently headed… Kurogiri himself is such a cool reflection/twist of his original personality that I find myself trying to read into every appearance he makes. Save him please
5. Shigaraki - kind of more superficial to begin with because his motivations were never SUPER interesting to me but his character arc has been a joy to watch and YES I know villains and heroes alike in this story have great writing that make them sympathetic but. for me Shiggy is one of the most obvious. like he can't be forgiven because he has done SO much damage and taken SO many lives but he really is the perfect hybrid example of when heroes fail those around them, and when villains influence those around them. also his path from childish gamer tantrum child to legitimate terrifying threat was a slow burn that feels earned. I think he was also my favorite early character design, specifically his full-hand costume he wore first at the USJ
4. Shinsou - dude's personality aside he's impressively ambitious and I really feel for his circumstance, I kinda took to him like Aizawa did? i was really invested in his path from the start and really would love to see him achieve his goal. i just want to see what he'll doooo. he was a major part of why I enjoyed season 5. hopefully he makes an appearance in the manga to help with current events but I'm probably just wishfully thinking
3. All Might - i usually never like the "superman" character in most things but Toshinori is imo the best-written of them and he has such a great character arc. i want all the best for this man that gave and is giving so much to the world, all at the cost of himself
2. Dabi - HONESTLY these last two can be interchangable. Dabi's character design is probably my favorite in the entire story. it's simple but iconic and very visually appealing even though it's. dead and burned skin LMAO. i'll be brutally honest, tho Todoroki is a great character and Endeavor is definitely trying, that whole family drama is kinda disinteresting to me (but is getting better)(which I hope continues since it's the opinion of some of the more... vocal readers that it's all that carries the later story and if that's true I want to REALLY enjoy it, y'know?). i'm thankful for Dabi because his existence in the story finally has my ears perked towards that thread and I really appreciate his drive even though the intention is to destroy hero society
1. Hawks - I'm going to repeat myself: CHARACTER DESIGN. the moment I saw Hawks I was like. in love. I really like spy storylines in general but I get easily drawn to characters that are outwardly charming, friendly, a bit obnoxious, confident, and know exactly how to appear in order to communicate their intentions. But then deep down... soooo many secrets. Plus, aside from Hawks' tragic family story, his tie to Endeavor as his idol is an extreme positive for Endeavor's character arc in my eyes. Hawks' tragedy doesn't end there though, because in a world of government-sponsored heroes he is perhaps THE MOST government-sponsored, and though they were the reason he had the resources to get to where he is, it's a weakness that has him kind of leashed, and I find that really sad. then we have his ruthlessness, which no matter how you feel about what happened to Twice, is sometimes necessary when it comes to saving the most amount of people. Hawks being the one to take that final action cemented him in my top 3
Honorable mentions for the rest that fall into the black hole of spots 11-20:
Midoriya, Bakugou, Tsuyu, Nana Shimura, Kaminari (just a dumb, lovable lad), Midnight, Kirishima, Mirko, Ryukyu, Monoma, Honenuki, Fatgum (challenging Mirio for best boy placement), Endeavor
Honorable honorable mentions for character designs I just LOVE:
Thirteen, Snipe, Sero, Kuroiro, Mandalay/all of the Pussycats tbh, Majestic, Mr. Compress, Geten, Moonfish, USJ Nomu, Rappa
Honorable honorable honorable mention for this dude that doesn't appear enough to qualify for the list but still deserves a shout-out:
Yokumiru Mera, please let him sleep
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artisthenewfetch · 8 months
My Hero Au
(Note most of these are about Midoriya because I love him but I have a problem with the way he's been written. ) Okay so I love My Hero Academia but sometimes I want a more realistic version,
So for example.
Hisashi and Inko are divorced: Midoriya goes to his Dads on the weekend maybe he's married? Insert whatever Pro-Hero or OC you want. Make them have kids if you want so MIdoriya has Big/Little Brothers or Sisters.
Midoriya doesn't idolize Bakugou: Okay so I always found this aspect of My Hero Academia far fetched, why would Midoriya idolize someone who's bullied him for years. I get Bakugous a fan favourite but seriously? Maybe they have an annoying litle/big brother kind of relationship.
Bakugou has hearing aids: I mean do I even have to explain this.
Midoriya is poor: He lives in a flat that isn't really that bad but it just explains so. many. things. I mean his T-shirts are all the same just with different letterings maybe he bought a pack of one hundred plain cheap white T-Shirts and just printed words on them. In this Au he doesn't have that much hero merch. He probably bonds with Uraraka over money sharing hacks.
Midoriya's aspiration to be a hero: In the manga and anime there is no mention of Midoriya's other family, so I thought that Midoriya's quirklessnes could have been passed down so maybe one of his family members was quirkless and they commited suicide. Or was in general killed. This led to him wanting to change quirk society, and whats the most admired profession? Being a hero.
Any other ideas about ANYTHING to do with this idea (Other characters more realistic ideas, His relationship with his dad/Bakugou.) Would be greatly appreciated!!!!
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 5 months
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ao3feed-toshinko · 11 months
Izuku's Chūnibyō Phase
by Anonymous
During Elementary, Katsuki bullied Izuku so hard that the poor boy fainted and fell into a 3-day coma. Izuku woke up with brain damage.
Inko cried to the Midoriya family's private doctor, Dr. Garaki: "Izuku thinks he's a main character in a shounen manga, and he can't stop doing dangerous stunts that risk his life because he got "plot armor." He's been like this ever since the accident... Is there something you can do to help?"
"Nah, he sounds just like his father. It must be a chūnibyō phase. It'll pass."
Inko expresses her concern about her son to her beloved husband, All For-- I mean, Hisashi.
Words: 5048, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All For One, Minor Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto - Relationship, Midoriya Inko/Sensei | All For One, Midoriya Hisashi/Midoriya Inko, One-sided Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: Breaking the Fourth Wall, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Fourth Wall, plot armor, Crazy Midoriya Izuku, Crack, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Midoriya Inko is a Shimura, Midoriya Inko is So Done, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Protective Yagi Toshinori | All Might
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