#bakugan colossus
brawlertech · 10 months
Haos Core Colossus | Evolutions
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minty-the-demon · 1 year
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I really like Bakugan that don’t have special treatments, but still look unique from other Bakugan of the same faction.
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lokisis · 10 months
Also uhhh fun fact I guess?? But specs' wings are actually based off of this
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(Dragonoid colossus) I'm such a sucker for bakugan and well. So if you need a good ref for his wings here you go
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thebaconspider · 2 years
Got a haos colossus
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notetoselfbakugan · 4 years
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senotsuri · 4 years
I'm seriously wondering if the show writers just had a mech kink or something.
I think they did... I mean, bakugan was the show that introduced me to mechs, and immediately put me off of mecha anime/shows afterwards (seriously... did the mechs have to be humanoid?? I WANT TO SEE A BULL MECH BECAUSE THAT WOULD LOOK SUPER COOL!!)
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iee-kee2 · 4 years
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foxysketches · 3 years
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"Referred to as "the Seer" by some older Neathian and Gundalian scriptures. Kerberos is one of the rumored "Guardian Bakugan", created by the legendary warrior Exedra to protect the Darkus civilization, the Hestians. Little is known of Kerberos, as Hestian scriptures have yet to be discovered, and the Hestians themselves are rather secluded. There have, however, been reports of people that claim to have seen this colossus when they were asleep. It has been theorized that Kerberos exists within the realm of dreams, and can only be contacted by people in a heavy state of rest, as a majority of the witnesses interviewed also were reported to have been on a state near-death or coma-like." ----Zoe Abner
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I just wanted to give a Bakugan for Queen Serena to fight with, along with an alternate version of Gundalian Invaders:
The Sacred Orb listens to Queen Serena’s prayers and the power of the Orb manifests into a Bakugan (instead of Dragonoid Colossus) to help defending Neathia.
I just casually call her Eve (after Code Eve) and she is basically the ‘Bakugan God(dess)’ herself. Her appearance was inspired by Abyss from the Defenders of the Core videogame and Wavern (she doesn’t have an assigned attribute either/ Perfect Core energies) sprinkled in with some MLP: Princess Celestia vibes (for being a despotic being) and made to go with the Neathian aesthetic.
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(Inspiration board)
She has similar draconic build-up like Dharak (for symbolic light vs. darkness fight at the end of course!)
(By the way I am so ready to rewrite the whole ‘Bakugan / Vestroia origin story’ without the Dharaknoid-Dragonoid/Ultimate Warrior mess.)
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brawlertech · 10 months
Aquos Platinum Colossus | Evolutions
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brawlertech · 9 months
Diamond Haos Core Colossus | Evolutions
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notetoselfbakugan · 4 years
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notetoselfbakugan · 4 years
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senotsuri · 4 years
I still wonder to this day how bakugan got as popular as it did??????
Like what about it?????
What got you into bakugan??
I got into it by getting Drago colossus and thinking it was cool.
First anime I ever watched, which is how I got into it (scrolling Cartoon Network, specifically.)
I guess the appeal of the marble toys being able to pop open into monsters was strong, and even then, the whole concept of a tiny marble being able to become a massive dragon was cool as hell? Genuinely one of the coolest things- tiny friend is also massive friend who will fight for you.
On the anime side of things, I’m damn sure at least a few people got into the idea of ninjas through Shun, if they hadn’t already. Most of the fandom seeming had a massive crush on him, especially back in the old days when it was still airing.
Also Inesidora. Inesidora was massive in the old fandom, and definitely helped fan the flames of popularity.
I’m also blaming the Masquerade plot twist as being a contributor. In hindsight, it was obvious as to who Masquerade could be, but Masquerade’s appearance and personality were such a far stretch that you’d be ridiculed if you even tried to suggest it, even if the locations and timings were completely correct for it.
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notetoselfbakugan · 4 years
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the sacred orb is the origin of all bakugan, according to the ancient texts Dragonoid colossus has been with tasked with protecting the orb. It was also said the only two capable of defeating him where the dragons of fire and darkness, Dragonoid and Dharaknoid
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The ancient texts don't tell the whole story of the genesis of the bakugan, the first two to be born from the sacred orb where Dragonoid and Dharaknoid the rest of the bakugan species where born of the dna sequences that each of these dragon fathers possessed.
However though all bakugan share a few strands of DNA with the original Dragonoid and Dharaknoid there are only two who are direct descendants of them and therefor possess the ultimate warrior gene.
(Ultimate warrior gene?)
Yes the potential to be the most powerful bakugan in existence, but there can only be one and neither of the candidates have awoken to their destiny yet...
-Dragnoid Colossus
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senotsuri · 4 years
Sometimes I wish NV was continued to a third part. Why? Because Gundalian invaders was boring to me by the second half aka the dragonoid colossus half the Resistance don't deal with the consequences of freeing Vestroia from Vestal rule.
Freeing Vestroia meant that Vestal became overcrowded again. Remember the arena in Alpha city? That stadium was filled to the brim with spectators, and given the size of bakugan? It probably equated to two football fields in size, so the bakugan have room to move around during battle.
Therefore, if the stadium is that big, then Alpha city's population is much higher than the room available for seating in the stadium. I'm going to guess that there's around 100,000 seats available in the stadium for reference. That potentially sets the population in Alpha city to maybe 105,000 if we're being minimal.
There were three cities on Vestroia. I know Beta and Gamma are less... Obvious on population size (one of them I don't think we even see a civilian, and Gamma's not for habitation as much as a massive science facility.)
Unfortunately, the only way to free the bakugan is to jeopardise the safety of hundreds of thousands of vestals. Apparently.
Now, obviously, the Resistance did inform Vestal that bakugan weren't toys, so they were in the right, but they should've been proving that to the other vestals from the start instead...
Where do all these Vestals who had to return from Vestroia go? Beyond that, do the vestal populace even manage to sort itself out so their home planet isn't overcrowded? Did Klaus actually help the population of Vestal with their overcrowding even though his potential efforts were only shown in Saved by the Siren?
This is a very long way of saying that New Vestroia has loose strings that haven't been tied off, which bugs me, and I have an OC in the works in relation to that. I'll post about her later.
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