#baking soda uses
athomewithhumor · 4 months
More Simple Solutions for Common Problems: 5 Easy Life Hacks
Discover 5 more quick and easy solutions for common everyday problems. Watch our YouTube video for more tips! Tags:
More Simple Solutions for Common Problems 5 Easy Life HacksEveryday problems can be a real headache, but with a few simple solutions, you can tackle them effortlessly. From removing stains to dealing with pesky fruit flies, these life hacks will make your day-to-day life smoother. For a quick visual guide, head over to our YouTube channel and watch our latest video. Don’t forget to like and…
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cygnetbrown · 4 months
30 Uses for Baking Soda
A couple of weeks ago I bought a ten-pound bag of baking soda even though I have some at home that I am already using. Baking soda never goes bad, and I know I’ll use it so buying it in bulk is never a bad investment. Of course, use it in baking that calls for baking soda Use baking soda to make baking powder. Mix 2 parts cream of tartar with one part baking soda and one part cornstarch. Add…
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omppupiiras · 25 days
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a quickkkk rough translation if anyone's interested:
"I put ketchup on almost all foods"
Artist Jere Pöyhönen is not a morning person and he uses the snooze-button, and you shouldn't ask for cleaning tips from him. In his daily life he tries to avoid unnecessary complaining, because at the end of the day things are pretty good.
In the morning when I wake up, I hit the snooze button and keep laying in bed. Sometimes I snooze for 1-2 hours if I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere. I am for sure a night person, so my mornings are slow.
For breakfast I usually eat porridge, to which I add peanut butter and honey, and with it I have a cup of berry tea. Breakfast is something I've tried to get better at, because when you're in a rush it's easy to skip it.
To me it's a luxury to spend relaxed time with my close ones. The best thing is to spend a slow evening with friends, for example a barbeque party. Friends and food - there's no better combo!
I get inspiration for cooking from my mom. Mom likes trying different foods, and everytime I visit I grab a few recipes for my backpocket. Last time I made a chicken and potato casserole dish inspired by my mom.
In my shopping basket you'll often find chili-cheese-sausages and an energy drink. The latter I've tried very hard to consume less. They're not good for your teeth or wallet.
My specialty dish is thai mince meat with rice. For seasoning I use oyster sauce, garlic, sugar, basil and chili. When I was younger I liked to bake a lot, but I stopped when I moved out on my own.
I wish I'd learn to eat more regularly, every few hours. When your job is being on the move, sometimes the times between meals get too long. When you're hungry it's easier to snack on treats, like chocolate and chips.
My normal home evening ends in front of the TV either on the living room couch or in my bedroom. Usually I always watch a tv show or a movie before bed.
My best money saving tip is buy discounted food items at a good price. Then it's handy to immediately put them in the freezer at home and cook later.
I scrimp on bread toppings, like cheeses and cold cuts. I'm not brand loyal with them and usually choose what i grab first.
I get fancy with my glögi, I am its biggest consumer! It's my favorite drink and I have it all year.
My everday superpower is that I don't take things too seriously. Everyday I am grateful for what I get to do for a living, and I don't ever take it for granted. In general I think it's good to avoid complaining too much and try to keep a positive mindset: at the end of the day things are pretty good.
I clean at home about once a week, but I admit, I could be better. I don't spend a lot of time at home, so sometimes my clothes get everywhere and the dishes get piled up in the sink. You shouldn't ask for cleaning tips from me!
My guilty pleasure is squirting ketchup in mince meat soup. It tastes excellent in there. In general I have ketchup with pretty much all foods.
My Pirkka hack is using baking soda to get rid of stains. It's especially great with textiles. With baking soda I've gotten rid of many stains and dirt off of the couch.
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danandphilplay · 4 months
what the phuck would this bake into is the real question
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reverieaudios · 4 months
I'm in the uncomfortable position of wondering if I should ask my former housemate why the carpet in her room reeks of pee. Specifically human pee. This is not dog pee. Human pee. In multiple spots. So much pee.
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spindle-and-nima · 7 months
I gotta start posting about proper rabbit care because going to any pet shop and seeing the Kaytee brand garbage on the shelves is stressing me out (alongside other brands but Kaytee should not be allowed to sell rabbit supplies)
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Anyone have a good, natural cat litter? We tried clay, we're using pellets right now. It all smells horrible and gets everywhere. I know no litter is perfect, but I can't do the pellets or clay anymore
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Pictures of the girls as a thank you for any recommendations
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ceasarslegion · 3 months
how did we as humans figure out baking soda. like how did we figure out that this one specific pure powdered form of a chemical was both non-toxic and could rival bleach with how it cleans some stuff
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fluorescentbrains · 4 months
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been getting really into loaf cakes recently btw. lemon poppyseed be upon ye
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antirepurp · 4 months
oh fuck. oh no. im gonna have to learn a way to somehow bake the shell texture material for frontiers aughhhh
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meet Vandal!
Yea, that slugcat that very much isn't supposed to be slobbering all over your superstructure, yet it is
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juicedbeetle · 2 years
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lmao that obvious white stitching on the coat is such a fun touch. my man can't sew for shit
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eulaliasims · 10 months
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Character growth. 😔
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Jack: Daddy, guess what I've been reading? This book has all sorts of fire safety tips!
Martin: Oh thank the watcher--I mean, that's great, sweetie.
Jack: Did you know you shouldn't throw water on a grease fire? I just learned that!
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wildflowercryptid · 5 months
being able to make a fancy little coffee drink for myself is so nice, i just made a honey lavender ice coffee and it's freaking delicious.
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adragonthatwrites · 8 months
From what I've observed Xie Lian's 'cooking style' mostly seems to consist of;
"Throw a bunch of shit into the thing, stick it on the heat, put the lid on, and hope it turns into something delicious after an hour or two."
And I realized that while he is terrible at cooking, he might not be half bad at baking.
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cometapollo · 8 months
Does anyone know how to get the spoiled milk smell out of a metal water bottle? I don't have any vinegar or baking soda and money's tight so I can't buy any at the moment
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