#baking issue
honeybittersweet · 6 months
Do any of you beautiful mutuals and fellow tumblrinas know anything about baking cookies?
If you see this, pls help me!
Explanation below cut 🍪
I'm having trouble with a recipe and idk what i'm doing wrong. The first time I made them they were great, the second they tasted awful (left a bitter aftertaste) and I just made them again and all of them look different!
Some look like the first time I made them but higher, some looked a bit better than the second time and some look just fucking weird
First time:
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Looked smooth and tasted amazing! Best vanilla cookies I've tried. The dough was so easy to knead!
Second time (pics from a video I sent my grandma):
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The dough didn't want to come together so I added a bit of milk (the recipe said so) and after baked and cooled down, the cookies left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth (literally. The flavor was good and then BOOM bitterness all over your mouth). The recipe was followed through and through. The differences with the first time are: different oven, different flour brand.
Third time:
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These are all from different batches I made today (same oven and flour as the first, same dough for all but divided them in two batches so I could knead easily, added milk as I thought necessary, as the recipe says). It took me longer to integrate the flour and even when the dough seemed pretty good to go there was still some flour left. The thing is, if I add more flour, it gets drier and harder to smooth out but if I add milk (even the tiny tiniest amount) to try and put the dough together again, it gets sticky. I kneaded a lot and it was difficult to do so, it had breaks after using the rolling pin.
The golden one is part of the second batch and I decided to bake them, flip them, and bake them again just in case they were still raw inside bc they raised higher than the other ones so more dough to get baked I assumed.
The taste overall was okay, but they still don't feel like the first ones I made. Some were kinda weird. Why doesn't the dough come together as nicely and smooth as the first time? What am I doing wrong???????
Idk if it matters but this recipe has seed oil instead of butter! (I didn't change the ingredients, it was like that).
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hinamie · 1 month
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thank u canon plant nerd megumi for my life
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milkweedman · 5 months
Knitting a freehand bag and started wondering how often people even use patterns, anyway. So--how often do you use a pattern when you make things ? This include knitting/crochet/sewing/weaving/nalbinding/bobbin lace/tatting/etc but also things like woodworking, cooking, and baking. If you want to just pick the thing you do most often that's fine.
I personally do not use patterns as I find them far more confusing than just figuring out the construction of an item and simply making it. I do very occasionally browse ravelry for inspiration but have downloaded maybe 2. In the 5 or so years since I joined. And have followed exactly 1, which I modified every single aspect of. In my defense, dyslexia.
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touchmypixels · 2 months
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crybabydaydream · 4 days
really bugging me how all this conversation and discourse about polyamoury is cropping up and I'm not seeing anyone use the word
If you don't know this word you should learn it, its a really relevant concept to this conversation
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jamiesfootball · 6 months
Technically the Richmond coaches had two chances to move Jamie to center and then didn’t take it: once when Zava showed up and once when they switched everyone at practice.
Both times they assumed he wouldn’t do it
At the very least we know he was willing to do it the second time (he even asked if they meant to give him the same position), but honestly? The Jamie who came to them worried about the effect of Zava on the team might’ve done it too. He is well on board with being a team player at that point, which he also demonstrated many times in season two. He probably would’ve been hurt by it, but he would’ve agreed to do it
(Then we could’ve had a whole season deconstructing how Jamie conflates scoring with winning with value in a way that really isn’t healthy but I digress)
For the record I don’t think this would have fixed anything. They probably would’ve figured out how effective Jamie is in midfield sooner, but they still would’ve had Zava, and after Zava there would’ve been the tension of whether to keep Jamie where he was or have him step back up to striker, especially since they weren’t doing total football yet. In a lot of ways, having Jamie step up and volunteer for it later really sidesteps a lot of drama
I’m more so lamenting the fact that with Jamie, when it came to ‘be curious not judgmental, they chose to remain judgmental of his past behavior instead of curious about his new ones.
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alvindraperzzz · 1 year
I want to point out a scene I really love from Young Justice #43. Not only is it a really good scene, I think it shows how much Cassie grew up over the course of Young Justice.
Ellen, a classmate of Cissie’s, just lost her parents in a bombing. She left the school, and everyone is worried she might attempt suicide. In the middle of telling Cassie about Ellen, Cissie and Traya are jumped by their racist classmates.
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Superboy breaks the sound barrier going to protect them, but unexpectedly, Cassie is not right on his heels. Her best friend and the girl who is basically a younger sister to the entire team are in trouble, but she doesn’t go barging in as redundant backup. Cassie trusts Superboy to handle it. While he saves Cissie and Traya, Cassie handles an equally pressing matter.
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She doesn’t crowd Ellen, or yank her off the ledge to “get her to safety”. She approaches carefully, calling out to Ellen so she doesn’t startle her. She talks to her, giving standard reassurances at first but quickly realizing the situation is not what she thought and adjusting accordingly.
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Cassie is quiet. She patiently listens as Ellen pours her heart out, offering only quiet acknowledgement of Ellen’s feelings, until Ellen directly addresses her.
I could never picture Cassie from the first arc of YJ doing this, let alone the Cassie from her first appearances in Wonder Woman. Early Cassie is brash and loud, constantly rushing into things fists first. She is absolutely sincere, but she lacks the finesse to handle delicate situations. I wouldn’t even expect her to go find Ellen — she would have been right on Kon’s heels to go save Cissie and Traya. Instead she splits duties, trusting Kon to handle things while handling a potentially delicate matter herself with empathy and grace. It demonstrates trust, teamwork, and emotional maturity. We also get a really touching conversation out of it.
Idk, I just really like this scene.
(Come to think of it, this is exactly how Cassie approaches Tim in Red Robin shut up I’m not crying you’re crying)
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Babysitter (2)
Cookies And Cuteness
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Wanda Maximoff X Reader
Summary: In need of money and a way to escape the problems at home, you get a job babysitting two lovely boys named Billy and Tommy Maximoff. What happens when you start to feel things you shouldn't for their mother? Will it bloom into love or leave you heartbroken?
A/N- I would just like to say that there will be some sensitive issues in this story such as alcoholism, homophobia, anxiety as well as more mature content such as smut so, if you continue to read this, please consider this warning.
The Babysitter Master list | General Master List
Chapter 2- W/c 3.2k
Cookies And Cuteness Ringing the bell, you waited patiently outside the Maximoff's residence for Mr Jarvis, or Vision as Wanda had told you to call him despite what he says, to answer the door and let you in from the slight chill from the wind. After a minute or so, the blonde man appeared, dressed in another suit and ready to leave.
"The boys are inside," is all he says before brushing past you, walking towards his car and climbing in without looking back at you. You ignore his lack of greeting and make your way inside to see the twins sitting at the table, grumpily slouched over their work that's on the table.
"What did the paper ever do to you, Tommy?" you tease, noticing the scowl he was giving the sheets in front of him.
"Y/n!" Both boys cheer, jumping out of their chairs and sprinting over to you at the door frame, their small bodies colliding with your legs as they hug you. "Can we go to Mars now?" Tommy looks up at you with puppy dog eyes, his brother mirroring the look making your composure almost falter. "Please?" he tries again, your heart struggling to deal with the way they were looking at you with such hopeful expressions.
"Once you finish your work," you manage to say the right thing instead of giving into them and doing as they wish. You hear a noise of complaint from Tommy and merely give him a semi-stern look to make him not argue back. You sit with them as they finish off the last few questions, Billy finishing before his brother and trying to patiently wait, his body practically buzzing with excitement.
Tommy soon completes the last question, both of their heads snapping over to you with grins on their faces. A chuckle leaves your lips at the anticipation on their faces and wonder how a game could get two boys so easily excited. The sound of your chair moving backwards has them leaping out of their seats and into the living room, you following swiftly behind.
"Pshhht, this is your captain speaking again," your hand makes the same shape as it did on Friday, a fist that was supposedly supposed to be a radio thing to talk into. "Are you ready for the Mission to Mars?"
"Yeah!" they both exclaim, standing on either side of you.
"Taking off in 5..." you let them take over the countdown once again, watching how their faces light up.
"4...3...2...1!" This time you wrap an arm around both twins, lifting them up and spinning in a circle to make them squeal with excitement and joy. You walk around the sofa with them in your arms and gently drop them onto it, their bodies bouncing on the cushions while cute giggles spill from their lips.
"Oh no," your voice feigns worry, "There's a tickle monster on Mars!" you chase the boys who scream as they rush off the sofa, running around trying to escape you. You pull Tommy back gently, trapping him with one arm while the other tickles him relentlessly. Laughter tumbles from him as his body squirms in your hold, you eventually letting him go by dropping him on the sofa again with a teasing smile. Your attention turns to Billy, whose face momentarily pales, and walk towards him, face softening. "The only way to stop the tickle monster is to hug them," you whisper, him crashing into your body to stop you from tickling him. Cuteness overloads you as he clings onto you, hugging your leg and looking up at you with a grateful smile. "Ahhhh," you fall back onto the sofa, Tommy watching next to you as Billy falls with you, "You defeated the Tickle Monster!"
The two of them start to laugh as you dramatically act dead, them poking you making you laugh as well, poking them back until you hear the sound of a belly rumble.
"Seems like defeating the Tickle monster made you hungry," you tease Billy, who shyly smiles, his brother grinning at him.
"Can we make cookies, Y/n?" Tommy questions, Billy's eyes lighting up at the idea of food, especially cookies.
"Do either of you know how to make cookies?" you sit upright, back cracking slightly as you move from the awkward position the tickle monster died in. They shake their head at you with sheepish smiles, you trying hard to remember how your father used to make them with you. "I guess we're doing it the Y/l/n style way then," standing from the chair, you make your way into the kitchen, a small 'wow' leaving your lips as you properly take in the grand room.
With the gaze of two intrigued boys on you, you search the cupboards for the ingredients you would need before placing them on the kitchen island and finding the equipment you would need.
"Have you ever helped your mom make cookies?" you ask, turning your attention from the flour bag to the twins.
"We help..." Tommy says, Billy hiding his smile behind his hands as his brother tells a half truth.
"Oh really?" they both nod their head, "What do you help with?"
"We taste the chocolate chips and make sure they're ok to put in the cookies," Billy says, his brows furrowing when he can't see any with the other ingredients you've put out. "Where's the chocolate chips?"
"I hate to break it to you but there aren't any in these cookies," their faces drop at the news but you're quick to fix it, "But you get to decorate these cookies with icing, and we can cut them into shapes." Excitement reignites in their faces, and you chuckle at how cute they are.
"So, the first thing we need to do is preheat the oven and get the trays ready," you turn the oven on to 180 degrees and grab trays to grease and line with cookie sheets, the boys focussing as they watch you prepare the basics. "Now we measure out the ingredients," you help the boys measure out the ingredients on the scales until you have 225g of unsalted butter and caster sugar in separate bowls, along with 330g of plain flour in another.
Laughter echoes around the room as flour manages to get everywhere, Tommy ripping open the bag a little too enthusiastically resulting in you being covered in flour. Neither twin tells you about the massive streak of white powder on your face, deciding it would be funny to subtly giggle when you would look at them.
"Good job," you say when they manage to get everything done, "Ok, so now we need to beat the butter and the sugar together till it's light and fluffy. Then we'll add a splodge of vanilla extract and the egg."
"How much is a splodge?" Billy asks, turning to you when it's time to add the vanilla in.
"Uhh," you say, a little embarrassed as you're not sure how to describe it. "About a teaspoon?" he looks at you blankly as he has no idea how much that is. "I'll tell you when to stop," he starts to pour it in and when you consider it enough you stop him, Tommy then adding the egg while the food mixer beats it all together. "The next step is to put all the dry ingredients together," you watch closely as Tommy holds the bowl of flour still while Billy adds two teaspoons of baking powder with your help. "Now this is the important part," you say, them looking at you with concentrated looks, "We add the flour bowl into the wet bowl, but we have to do it slowly and not put it all in at once." Carefully, you get both of them to add in the flour and baking powder, the mixture becoming a dough.
"Why are you doing that?" Tommy curiously asks as you sprinkle a little flour onto a spare baking sheet.
"Putting flour down helps stop the dough sticking to the sheet when we roll it," you explain, him nodding in understanding, "We also do this to help with that issue," your hand sprinkles a little more onto the rolling pin before handing it towards them. "Who wants to roll the dough?" Tommy decides he'll roll it with your help while Billy searches for cookie cutters.
Within a few minutes, you have all the dough cut into various shapes, some simple circles while others are in heart or star shapes, one being a weird blob as it was the excess dough that wasn't enough to fill a cutter.
"While they're in the oven, how about you two draw some designs of how you want to decorate the cookies?" Their eyes widen in excitement, especially Billy, before they rush off to grab pencil crayons and paper. You watch with a smile on your face, remembering the many times you did this with your father. While you clean up all the dishes you've used, washing and drying them in record speed and moving to grab what you need for the icing, the memory of icing sugar getting everywhere when you made it with your dad invades your thoughts, his beard covered in a white dust while he would chase you, trying to hug you and get you covered in the powder.
Around ten minutes later, the oven beeps and you take the trays out, moving them to a cooling rack and ushering the twins back to the table to continue drawing after they leaped from their seats at the timer going off. You make piping bags out of plastic wallets, hoping Wanda wouldn't mind the fact you just cut the tips off two bags for the boys to use, and fill them halfway with the icing you made.
"Ok, so you each get a few cookies to decorate," you give them each an equal amount and watch as they start to try and copy a few designs. Billy adds a few sprinkles to his in an artistic way, your lips tugging up into a smile at how happy he looks while Tommy tries to add as many as he could to get a sugar rush, you having to give him a 'sprinkle ban'. Eventually, you end up with an array of...artistic cookies? Creative cookies? You weren't sure how to describe them, all you knew was that they looked good considering the age of the twins. When you looked over them once again, your eye caught a certain cookie that Billy had made.
"This is amazing Billy," the cookie was cut into a heart shape with the white icing spread almost evenly all the way across it, sprinkles spelling out 'Mom' while also lining the edge of the cookie. His face lit up at your praise, Tommy also looking at the cookie in awe of his brother.
"Thank you, Y/n," his voice quiet as he looks up at you, "I made it for mom, I hope she likes it."
"She'll absolutely love it Billy," your hand rests on his shoulder, squeezing gently before he moves to put it on a plate. The boys place all the cookies on a large plate, you clean up the mess while they wash their hands and try a cookie each. You hear them talking about how good they are, trying to ask for another but you put your foot down and say they have to wait for their mother. "No more," you repeat when they try and give you puppy dog eyes once again, "Go and watch TV mini Maximoffs." Billy's and Tommy's eyes widen at the nickname you've given them, smiling breaking out on their faces implying they love it.
You wash the remaining bowls that were used, the sound of keys in the door catching your attention. You hear the boys call out to Wanda, excitedly telling her to follow them to the kitchen. After drying the last bowl, you turn around to face Wanda, who is now being shown all the cookies, her face softening at the one specially made for her. When her gaze meets you, an adorable laugh escapes her, a nervous smile breaking out on your face as she chuckles at you, shaking her head slightly.
"Oh sweetheart," she sighs out softly, a smile gracing her lips as she walks up to you. Frozen on the spot, you watch as she stops just in front of you, the scent of her perfume invading your senses making your body buzz at how close she was. Her fingers delicately hold your chin, tilting your head up to look at her more clearly while her other hand grabs a cloth from the countertop. Your eyes take in her features as you're so close, gaze lingering on her plump lips a little too long before snapping back to her enchanting green eyes when you feel her press the cloth against your forehead, wiping the flour streak off your face. "There you go," she murmurs almost lovingly, her fingers brushing over your cheeks for a second before returning to her side.
"Thank you," you manage out, face red at the interaction. Wanda simply smiles at you before turning back to her sons, asking them about their day while biting into the cookie Billy made for her, a sound of enjoyment escaping her which implants itself in your mind.
"These are delicious Y/n," her praise makes you smile, a warm feeling bubbling in your chest at the way she smiles at you, nose scrunching a little. "And they are decorated so nicely," she grins at her boys, bringing them in for side hugs and holding tightly to make them laugh.
"We have one more cookie to show," Tommy says, wriggling his way out of his mother's arms and finding a specific cookie hidden away. "This is for you Y/n," he presents to you the blob shaped cookie, now decorated in an abundance of sprinkles and icing making you feel fuzzy inside.
"Oh, Tommy," you say sincerely, "Thank you so much." He hands you the cookie in a tissue, you wrap it up in another so you can take it home while the boys persuade their mom to let them have another one to eat. They run off into the living room, munching away, while Wanda leans against the countertop next to you, arms wrapping around her middle as she tilts her head slightly while smiling tenderly.
"You didn't have to clean up, you know?" her fingers twirl her wedding ring around while she speaks to you, the action reminding you of the fact she's a married woman and you shouldn't be enjoying her company as much as you were.
"I couldn't just leave them for you to do, you've been working, and I made the mess," your tone is confused as she shakes her head, smiling still gracing her features though.
"Your parents must really love you helping around the house," she teases, your mood dampening at the mention of you parents, a fake smile covering up the change in spirit.
"Yeah, they must do," your voice goes quieter at the end, Wanda not noticing though because the boys start to disagree on something in the other room. Both of you go to investigate, finding them bickering about which cartoon to watch.
"Boys," Wanda says, her tone switching to a stern mother as she places her hands on her hips and looks at them. They stop but scowl at each other a little, you chuckle at how they switched from playing with one another to being mad.
"Hey mini Maximoffs," you interrupt, Wanda's brows raising at the nickname, face softening from her serious state, "Don't start arguing with each other and being bad for your mom." They look down a little guilty, Wanda mouthing a 'thank you' before she tells the boys to find something they both like.
"I'm going to head off now," you say once everything is settled, Wanda walking you to the door and paying you a more reasonable amount than last time.
"Thank you for taking care of them," her body leans against the door as you step outside, body angled to look at her."
"It was no problem, Wanda, enjoy the rest of your night."
"You too, get home safely," the door moves to close when you start to walk away, Wanda staring at your figure for a moment longer before fully closing the door.
Keys rattle in the door as you finally get home, shrugging your backpack off and carefully taking your cookie out your coat pocket and laying it on the table. You wander through your apartment, the only sound coming from the Tv in the living room makes you head there first.
"Hey mum..." you let the words die in your throat when you see your mother, her body slouched on the sofa, wine bottles scattered on the floor as her hand falls limp at her side. You let out a tired sigh, walking over to her slowly, picking up the empty wine glass and bottles to take them to the kitchen before going back to where she laid passed out. "Come on mum, wake up," you gently shake her, her sluggishly waking up a little.
"Go away," she slurs, trying to hit you away but failing miserably as she can barely keep her arm up.
"No come on, we need to get you in bed," you don't bother hiding the annoyance or disappointment in your voice, tired of how much she'd drink. It wasn't even eight o'clock on a Monday and she was wasted.
"Just fuck off," her words mumbled, you let out a defeated breath and making your way out of the room. You grab her a blanket and return to cover her with it, guiding her head from its awkward position and letting her sleep on the sofa.
"Love you too," you mutter in distaste, ignoring the groan coming from her and making your way to your own room. You crouch down, hands sliding under your bed looking for a box before pulling it out. Carefully, you open the lid, revealing the money Wanda gave you last week and now today as you put it in, smiling at the little progress.
With the money your dad left you and the money you were now saving, it wouldn't take long for you to have enough to rent out your own place and finally leave this home once you turned eighteen. You loved your mother like any child should, you did, but you couldn't help the way you started to hate her, despise her for the things she'd do or say to you. When you were younger you two were much closer, not as close as you and your father, but you still loved each other deeply until the incident happened and everything changed.
Before you could drown yourself in the hurtful thoughts, you pushed your body back to its feet, grabbing the cookie and taking it to your room to eat while finishing off the rest of your schoolwork. You thought back to today with the twins, a subconscious smile taking over your face when your thoughts drifted back to a certain older woman; the way her green eyes would gaze at you caringly, the soft and delicate touch of her fingers on your face, the angelic laughter that spilt from her lips.
You couldn't get her off your mind, and if you were being honest, you didn't want to.
I totally didn't just take the cookie recipe from BBC food guides...
I'm not allowed in the kitchen, ok? I'll end up burning the house down.
I hope you enjoyed :)
Please leave any thoughts/comments, they're really appreciated <3
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puppyeared · 8 months
i feel like. theres designing a character with certain themes and motifs in mind, and then theres making a gijinka for the water bottle on my nightstand
#me when im the only person on the bus wearing a mask: i should make a furry plaguesona#its hard to explain bc. most of the time i try NOT to give my characters a 'strong' theme like making their whole design around#one thing like apples or even broad stuff like baking or cottagecore.. idk if its partly for flexibility or because i cant imagine them#making it their whole personality. not bc i find it cringe or overblown but more like ive learned to associate design with character depth#i had a cutesy uwu persona for most of highschool because i thought it would make me more. likeable? easy to remember? since#memorable character designs are easy to recognize. and one way of doing that is simplifying it with a theme or symbol so you form an#association. but since im a real person its exhausting keeping up that appearance all the time and denying myself things when they dont#fit my 'aesthetic' or 'theme.' i think ive grown past that bc i just collect stuff because i think it looks cool and dont let myself dwell#on how it might 'fit' with my image. but i cant help feeling bad doing it to my own characters bc it feels like im making them too one#dimensional. despite knowing that theyre not real and design alone doesnt reflect depth i cant help feeling like its wrong#despite that i love seeing motifs because it feels like it reflects the characters soul and paradoxically gives them depth. it makes them#interesting to look at too and honestly its pretty fun combining things that fall under a similar category when designing#i struggle find a balance between those two things#actually this reminds me of noelles christmas theme.. i dont remember her saying anything abt liking christmas despite a lot of#her design and character tying back to it. it makes me wonder if she would have feelings about that or doesnt think abt it too hard#or if its like a matching family shirts situation and shes just going along with it??#maybe i should just do whatever i want with my character designs since theyre not real and im thinking abt it too hard#although. this probably has something to do with deep seated identity issues huh#yapping#oc talk#oc
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bakingcakeroll · 18 days
" Are you okay?.. "
HEYO!!!! @redzania MOD BACK AGAIN!! i gave up into the voices in my head and made this blog..... anywaysss MOD @redzania IS A MINOR. matching with @bestberrybaker,,, heheh.. hi! I DO NOT SUPPORT WHAT QWEL AND ROX DID. ---------------------------₊˚⊹♡🍰🍓♡⊹˚₊------------------------------- BASIC DNI. Please do not interact if you are a pedophile, a zoophile, a NSFW blog, etc. You should get it. Please do not send threats-- this is my first time having a blog in a big (alive) community! THIS BLOG HAS COSPROUT AS ITS SHIP. sorry guys... me and gee already made up that cosprout would be in both of our blogs since... yeah...
TAGS Oh boy here we go #🍰- cosmo responds ( ASKS ) #🍰- baking alone (NORMAL POSTS) #🍰- baking together! (INTERACTIONS!!) #🎨- Gaayy *throws rocks at* ( This is a tag. Gonna be used. Every time i interact with sprout blog or mention sprout blog ) #🍰 spilled batter. ( interactions with twisteds )
#dandys world #dandys world cosmo #dandys world rp #cosmo dandys world #askblog #rpblog #🍰- cosmo responds! #🍰- baking alone #🍰- baking together! #🎨- ooc #🎨- Gaayy *throws rocks at* #🍰 spilled batter. #🍷⋄ FAULT #🍷⋄ TRUST ISSUE
extra notes!
m!a is MORE than allowed!! It is encouraged... go insane with this little cake roll. Swiss roll. THING profile may chance in accordance to events! cosmo speaks as " TEXT TEXT TEXT " and action text is [ 🍰 ] - ACTION!!
ooc/mod redz will speak as normal, or with small purple and blue text! REFERENCE -- if you will...
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that's pretty much it for the post.. eheh!!
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It is not like they do not consistently have chocolate week during the hottest times of the summer. The heat has always been an issue during chocolate week. So it’s not like it’s a surprise. You are telling me after over a DECADE, they haven’t modified the tent to make it bearable?!! You have not put in measures for the BAKERS OWN COMFORT?!
It is at this point that it is jeopardizing their health!
Put in fans, put in air conditioning, give the bakers WATER, allow them to REST. Modify the challenges to account for this temperature inside the tent.
I should not be seeing bright red bakers and bakers on the verge of fainting!
Take some of the money off of Paul and Prue’s paychecks and MODIFY THE FUCKING TENT.
Because I betchu that in the hottest days of the year, Paul and Prue are not feeling that heat one iota. They are in their trailers or inside a building and cool as a fucking cucumber.
Don’t deprive the bakers of that same accommodation.
To do otherwise after thirteen fucking years is perpetual, intentional negligence.
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ganymediocre · 3 months
“team jameson!” this “team grayson!” that “xander’s better!” yadda yadda yadda
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hood-ex · 2 years
Consider Dick getting stressed and panicked whenever his teammates ignore his orders since Danny, Arella, and Lilith all died after disobeying his orders.
He told Danny and Arella to retreat, they didn't, and then they died. He told Lilith not to get too close to the Superman robot, she got close to it anyway, and then the robot snapped her neck.
"Relax, Nightwing."
Yeah, no, Dick's never going to relax again, thank you very much.
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slimeandsadness · 4 months
something very sweet about dan telling his mum not to make a chocolate cake because of phil's migraines
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katnissmellarkkk · 10 months
inspired by reading @thegreenthepeacetheorange’s mockingjay reread.
this is probably just me but this line
A chill runs through me. Am I really that cold and calculating? Gale didn’t say, “Katniss will pick whoever it will break her heart to give up,” or even “whoever she can’t live without.” Those would have implied I was motivated by a kind of passion. But my best friend predicts I will choose the person who I think I “can’t survive without.” There’s not the least indication that love, or desire, or even compatibility will sway me. I’ll just conduct an unfeeling assessment of what my potential mates can offer me. As if in the end, it will be the question of whether a baker or a hunter will extend my longevity the most.
because why does katniss truly still identity peeta as a baker???? they’re in the middle of an actual war, like 50 percent of the people katniss has ever met in her entire life are dead, everyone’s stuck in a tiny hidden basement without a shower and peeta was literally a prisoner of the other side for weeks, if not months. when was the last time that boy baked anything, let alone enough to be called a baker???? 😭😭😭😭
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epersonae · 4 months
I will post more later, but I can say that Samba's cooking class (peche melba/rosy maple moth/candied melon silk moth pie) was delightful, he's a great host!
I have not yet eaten the pie but will report back when I do. Have a mise en place photo and a couple of process photos in the meantime
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