#baking is Precise and also is something you put in the oven and walk away from
philosophiums · 3 months
hi sam!
do you like to cook/bake and if so, what are your favorite things to make?
is there an author whose writing style you particularly adore?
is there a piece of writing you love, whether for its dialogue or description or it just makes you feel 🌟 on the inside? could literally be like a few lines from a book/fic
is there somewhere you've always wanted to travel?
how would you describe your music taste?
3 favorite characters in no particular order?
if you could travel back in time as an invisible observer, where and when would you travel to?
hope you're feeling better ❣️
hi mariam!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
i love to bake! i don't have much time to do so anymore (nor do i have a workplace or Other People to give servings to), but when i do bake, i love to do cakes/muffins/cookies/brownies/etc - anything i can bake from scratch that is not and does not involve pastry KJSDBVJKSDBV. i have a couple go-tos (there's a chocolate zucchini cake recipe that i make whenever i need a rich chocolate pick-me-up), but i love to try new things as often as possible. within the last year, i found a vanilla cake recipe that called for whipping the eggs/sugar/butter, and made for a very interesting texture in the result. i put a lemon whipped cream topping on it, but i think it would hold its own against something thicker/more flavorful as well if i make it again
oh MAN time to plug @ravenvsfox right here <3 i ADORE the way meghan structures not only her stories but also specifically her prose. it's absolutely riddled with metaphor and just the type of emotion that is so tangible you feel like you might be able to touch it. she has such a way of digging into a character's ribcage and pulling out the essence of them, and then she just masterfully dangles it through her works like puppet strings, and by the end you realize you were the marionette on stage with the characters and it's just OUGH cannot compliment her enough truly. writing alongside her at the height of the aftg fandom was a formative experience for me as a writer <3
HMMM okay i thought about this one a lot because there are a lot of little pieces of writing that have stuck with me over the years, but i'm gonna say the short story "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor. i read it in college, and i remember being bored out of my mind right away and then just getting sucker punched at the end. immediately had to reread. twice. not to look for foreshadowing, but to figure out why the ending was just a punch to the face. it's genuinely still a story i go back and reread from time to time. i love the idea of a bunch of people stuck in a small space together and then, well. i shan't spoil the end for anyone who hasn't read it
oughhhh i would kill to go back to scotland. for forever, preferably, but i would love to even spend another summer there. i miss it so fucking bad. walkable cities my beloved. the weather was perfect.... just.... take me backkkkkk
my music taste is very like.... i mean i have genre preferences (i like rock in all forms more than anything else), but i'm a Song Enjoyer. if the song slaps, i really don't care if it's not a genre that i usually listen to. and though there are bands that i like, i'm not going to listen to a song of theirs if i don't like it just because it's theirs. i can't claim to listen to anything, but any genre is up for grabs. songs i like usually just grab me by throat and then i must listen constantly until i'm sick of it KJSDBVJKDBV
favorite characters!!!! andrew minyard number one (ik you said no particular order but he is and probably will always be my number one i just. relate to him. cannot describe how life-changing it was to see him get a happy ending. he's in my heart forever). xie lian from heaven official's blessing is top three for sureeee ! such a deeply complex tragic character OUGH god i love him. also i hate to say it but bakugo katsuki i think edges out fushiguro megumi for top three (gomen megu). i just love bitchy blonde characters (tsukishima haikyuu honorable mention also), and his arc is just so beautifully written. i love characters who seem simple on the surface but are just oceans of contradictions underneath. good stuff
oh HMMMM i have never actually. pondered going back in time. UH. honestly i think i would like to go back and see the library of alexandria. even if i couldn't read anything, just to see it, walk inside....
thank you so much!!!!! <3 <3 <3 i am feeling better now :D
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A June Wedding
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Evan Buckley x Reader 
Warnings: alcohol and the consumption of 
Category: Fluff 
Word Count: 2.8k
Author’s Note: idk what this is, I opened the doc and just started typing, so yeah // the flashbacks are set two years ago, when y/n meets Buck. The end is back to the present
From B: I was thinking about you.
From B: I miss you. 
The phone sat in your hand, you stared down at the message on the screen. It had been months, maybe longer since you met him-  2 years to be precise. 
The two of you had a weird friendship to say the least. One of those “will they, won’t they?” kind of things. Everyone seemed to notice how the two of you were in love except the two of you. 
Your story starts in a hole in the wall coffee shop two years ago, when Buck comes in after his first shift at the station. 
*Two Years Before* 
Tired and hungry was a typical look you saw among the folks who came to your shop. It was downtown LA and there were a lot of businesses around including station 118. 
Among your typical morning crowd, there were people in suits and ties, the few hippies/skater crowd and your favourite, the fire-fighters. 
They were your favourite not because they always had larger orders but they usually left big tips and were super sweet. 
It was around 9 in the evening when the bell on the door chimed as it was pushed open. You were closing up for the day but the ‘come in, we’re open’ sign still hung on the window that was ideally supposed to be taken down an hour ago. 
Pulling a tray of cookies from the oven, you were startled by the door considering that you thought you locked the door. Peering from the doorway of the kitchen, there was a man by the counter, staring up at the menu board. 
“Hi,” you smile, hesitantly stepping towards the counter from the kitchen. He glances down at you and smiles, mumbling a hello. 
“Uh, we’re actually closed right now.” you inform him. 
His brows furrow, glancing over his shoulder at the window. “But the sign-” “I forget to take it down.” 
“Oh. I’m sorry, I’ll- okay, I'm gonna go.” he looked.. disappointed. He pulls a phone out his pocket and sighs. You take that moment to study him. A grey sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, there’s a hat sitting backwards on his head and a duffle bag tossed over his shoulder. As he turns to leave, you notice the 4 letters written on his hat in bright red - LAFD. 
“Hey!” you call out, “You’re a firefighter ?” 
The blonde smiles and nods, “yeah, I started today actually. The guys at the station were talking about the coffee shop down the street. I didn’t get a chance to come during the day so I thought I'd come now- but I can come back another time, you’re closed”
Waving off his statement, you pick up a cup from the counter. “Nonsense, I'd never turn away one of the city’s finest.” you smile, he chuckles. “The city’s finest is more of a cop thing.” he tells you. 
“Is that so ?” asking, you begin looking through the fridge to see if there was any milk, he hums. 
“I think you’re pretty fine yourself” you mumble, standing straight when you realize what you’ve said. Your back was to him, a blush burning up your face. 
What you didn’t know was that Buck was blushing too, a pretty person like you calling him fine was surely going to make him blush and that it did. 
Clearing your throat, you turn to face him again. He was looking anywhere but at you for the moment. 
“What can I get you ?” 
“What do you have right now ?” 
“Just about everything, except for baked goods. I usually put those in the oven in the morning but I do have a tray of cookies if you’re interested.” 
“That sounds good,” he smiles at you. “I’ll take a cookie and uh-” glancing up at the menu, “whatever is your favourite drink” 
Humming, you turn and head to the kitchen to get two cookies for him and then begin mixing some coffee and creamer in a cup, along with ice and some caramel sauce. You ended up making two, one for him and one for you. 
The man was sitting at one of the stools by the window. He was watching the cars drive past. “Here,” you slide the plate over to him and set the cup beside it. 
He smiles, “thank you. How much do I owe you ?” he asks, reaching for what you assumed was his wallet. “Oh, don't worry about it. The register is locked and it’s your first time here, I wouldn’t have charged you anyways” 
“You don’t charge first time customers ?” 
“Only the firefighters, y’all hold a special place in my heart” you laugh, he smiles once more. 
“Are you in a hurry to leave? I can take it with me if you are.” 
“No, you're alright. The cookies are warm, I just took them out when you got here.” you sit beside him, taking a sip of your drink. He also takes a sip of his, you watch as his face twists and he smacks his tongue to try and figure out what it is. 
“I call it the y/n special” filling him in, his brows furrow. “It’s basically just caramel ice coffee” a small laugh passes your lips as you take another sip.
“I’m y/n by the way.” “I’m Buck” he smiles.
From that day, Buck was a regular in your shop. You made him a regular coffee before his shifts, 2 cream and 3 sugars - you've come to realize he had a bit of a sweet tooth.  After work, he’d stop by for an iced coffee and a cookie. You’d always keep some in the back for him. 
This became a routine, you asked him for his number so he could let you know when he was on his way to work that way you’d have his coffee ready if he was running late. 
Most mornings you’d just get an ‘coming’ or a little fire truck emoji letting you know he’s on his way to work. 
Over the next year and a half, the two of you became close. All the guys that came in from the station always teased you about your “boyfriend Buck” although he wasn’t your boyfriend. 
The two of you were close, you hung out all the time - when Buck had days off, he’d still stop by the shop for coffee or just to see you even though he lived in the opposite direction. He would also pick you up after work when you could walk home because you lived down the street. 
You often stopped by the station when you knew they were on a 24 hour shift. Buck would text you hourly with whatever he was thinking about, especially during the nights when most of his team was asleep and he couldn’t. During those 24 hour shifts, the last few hours kicked their asses, everyone was tired and too lazy to move to do anything about it- those were the days that you headed into the shop early to get some stuff together to take over for them. 
Over time, the affection between the two of you became clear to everyone but the two of you. 
You only really noticed you liked him after his unfortunate run in with the fire truck and his promotion which you decide to celebrate with him. 
There you were, a bottle of champagne in one hand and a bag of Thai takeout in the other - the perfect thing to celebrate his new- temporary as he kept reminding you- position. 
He had invited you over to watch a movie but life was short as was recently reiterated after Buck’s “getting stuck under municipal equipment” phase as the two of you joke. 
“Hey!” he smiles at you when he opens the door, immediately noticing the bottle of champagne in your hand. 
“The nice stuff,” he hummed, stepping aside so you could come in. You set the bag on the counter with the bottle before venturing further into the kitchen to find glasses. 
“What are we celebrating ?” he watches as you tumble through the cupboards. 
“Y/n?” “What ?” 
“What are we celebrating ?” he asks once more. 
“Do you not own any champagne glasses ? All I can find are solo cups and those ugly ass mugs you have.” sighing, you grab the solo cups knowing his answer already. 
“Y/n/n, I'm a 20-something year old guy living by himself-” “What makes you think I have such things?” finishing off the sentence for him which makes him laugh. 
Setting the cups down on the counter, you push the bottle over to him. “Would you be so kind as to do the honours?” you hop onto the counter. Buck peels the casing from around the top and then shakes the bottle. 
Your brows furrow, “that’s going to make a mess-” before you finish your sentence, the bottle pops. 
The cork ends up somewhere in the apartment whilst the very expensive champagne is sprayed everywhere. Buck just so innocently titled the bottle your way, soaking you in the liquid. 
Laughing, you pull the bottle away from him. He's standing in front of you when you grab his chin, pulling him towards you. Your left hand is cradling his jaw and leaning his head back to pour some of the champagne in his mouth. You over poured and split it on his shirt. 
The two of you were a laughing, sticky mess and the bottle was already half way empty. He held the cups out for you, letting you pour some into each cup before handing you one. 
“Okay, now will you tell me what prompted the champagne showers ?” he smiles, leaning against the counter next to you. 
“Well, life is short. You’re a fire Marshall now so, I’m here to celebrate.” 
Buck smiles at you, he wasn’t the biggest fan of his new job to be honest. Sure he liked it, but he’d do anything to be back out in the field. 
Your arm stretched out, “So to you Mr. Evan Buckley, wait should I say Fire Marshall Buckley ? Anyways congratulations my love, you deserve the job but if the power goes to your head, I'm putting you in your place.” laughing, you bump your cup to his. 
“To a speedy recovery and hoping for your return to the field soon because you’re driving everyone mad. Cheers!” 
Both taking a sip before Buck hops up onto the counter beside you. He shifted slightly, making a gap between the two of you and pulling the bag of takeout to the spot. Dinner was had on the counter, eating straight out of the containers.
“Bobby would be so upset if he saw us right now.” Buck mumbles, his mouth full. 
“Mhm but he’s not here. He doesn’t have to know.” 
A few moments later, his phone began ringing. He pulls it out and his eyes widen. There’s a confused look on your face, waiting for him to give you some context or tell you who’s calling. Finally he shows you his phone. 
Bobby is calling. 
“You summoned him!” Buck shouted. You resisted the urge to laugh. 
“Answer the phone!” 
You watch as Buck answers the phone, holding back his laughter at the conversation moments ago. He looked happy, you loved seeing him like that. The way his eyes glimmered when he smiled that million dollar smile of his, how his curls showed when his hair was wet or if he hadn’t cut his hair in a while. 
It was the little things that made you fall in love with him. 
He was still on the phone when you decided you’d find something to change into. 
He watched as you made your way to the bathroom, coming back out shirtless with a towel in your hand, drying off. He noticed the way you took a step every two steps like he does. He could hear you humming from upstairs, the way you went up in pitch when you saw something you liked or how you’d stop in-between to start whistling. He smiles to himself as he ends the call. 
He too had fallen love with you somewhere along the line. 
You watched as the little bubbles popped up on the screen on and off for the next few minutes. 
Today was your wedding day. 
You hadn’t spoken to him all day, things had been hectic. You promised to see him before you got married but truthfully, you had been so consumed with planning and making sure everything was ready that you didn’t get a chance to. 
Your friend comes in, sticking their head in and smiling at you. “You ready ?” they ask, you hum before taking one more look at the phone. 
“As ready as I'll ever be.” 
It was a hot summer day in June, you and your fiancé had decided on an outdoor wedding considering you had always wanted a June wedding. 
Standing at the end of the aisle, each side of the yard was filled with people you loved and cared about but your love was smiling at you on the verge of tears at the altar. 
Resisting the urge to laugh at him, you smile as the music begins playing - your cue to make your way down the aisle. Making it to the end without tripping, you smile at him. 
“Hey,” you smile, reaching for his hand.
“You look beautiful” he smiles, he leans forward to give you a kiss when a hand against his chest stops him. 
Bobby gives him a disapproving look, “I’ll be fast but you gotta wait to the end to kiss them, Buck.” The statement earned him a laugh from the crowd. 
The heat was getting to everyone including the two of you so Bobby skipped over the unnecessary parts, letting the two of you say your vows. 
You started, your hand giving his a squeeze. “The day you walked into the shop, I thought ‘damn, I'm gonna die. Why do I always forget to lock the door?’ but little did I know, it was going to be the love of my life walking in. From the moment we sat down and started talking was the moment I knew you were the one- you made me smile, laugh, gave me butterflies but you also made me feel safe, like I could tell you anything and you’d always be there for me. I watched you walk out with the promise of coming back in the morning and I knew then, we were gonna have a June wedding.” you laughed. 
“You taught me what love was, how to be happy, to never give up no matter what life throws my way because for the last 2 years, that’s what I've watched you do and I'm so incredibly proud to be marrying you. There’s no one else for me. It’ll always be you.” you smile, blinking back the tears. 
“How am I supposed to compete with that ?” he hums, giving you a grin. 
“Everything about you is.. perfectly imperfect, in every single sense of the term. You strive for perfection, but you come up with a slightly different version every time and I love that about you- like when you run out of breath while singing you start whistling so you don’t lose the melody, it’s the little things that make me love you. You hold the stars and the moon, you’re my whole world y/n, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. You make me a better man and I could never thank you enough for that.” Both of you are about to cry, looking at each other with the most love and adoration in your eyes. 
Bobby cuts to the end, both of you now impatient and waiting for him to announce that you were officially a couple and the moment he does, Buck pulls you towards him, kissing you like it was the last time he was ever going to. 
The sound of clapping and cheering filled your ears, making you both smile as your made you way back down the aisle officially as the Buckleys. 
taglist: @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover @beth-winchester21 @fernandaweasley2 @yikesyikesyikes95 @hotchsdarling @duhbar1975 @hailsstormthings @averyhotchner @captainxholmes @venusrosepetal @luke-alvez @looney-literature @caitsymichelle13​ @artemishunter18 @multibuckley 
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kimistorm · 3 years
[Lee Minho] Cats are the Worst
Fandom: Stray Kids
Pairing: Lee Know/Lee Minho x GN! reader
Requested by: AvatarKyarra
Prompts: 6) “That wasn’t supposed to happen” and 9) “Don’t freak out”
Word count: 1.7k
TW: Mentions of food
AN: Lol <1k was a bit of a lie apparently. Anywho, thank you for the request! Sorry if the writing feels a little clunky/repetitive TwT BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, Hyunjin is back!!
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“I don’t know, do you think he’ll like it?” you asked your phone that was on speakerphone as you scrolled through the list of recipes on your screen.
You heard an exasperated sigh from the other end of the line, “of course he’s going to love it. You’re his significant other.”
“Yeah, but he’s not that fond of sweets,” you bit your lip and ran a hand through your hair in frustration.
Han let out another groan from your hesitance, at this point, he was probably more frustrated than you, “have you seen him with Felix makes brownies?”
“Okay, but Felix’s brownies can make anyone melt.” You bit back in response as you thought to the cheery blond’s sweets. They always made you feel better, even after a rough day.
“He’s going to love anything you make him,” Han told you with finality, though this would be the fifth time he’s told you this. “But the more time you waste doing this the less time you have to make it.”
You snorted, knowing Han also had streaks of indecisiveness, “when did you become decisive?”
“Since you spent nearly an hour going in circles with me.” You let out a yelp of surprise, not realizing how much time had already passed. “Just make cookies! They’re going to be faster than a cake.” Your black-haired friend quickly told you, hoping to take this opportunity to give you a decision.
“Okay, okay, thank you!” you hurriedly clicked on the recipe with the highest rating and number of reviews.
“It’ll be amazing!” Han rushed to tell you as you fumbled with your phone to hang up.
“Thanks Han! If we have any extra I’ll bring you some!”
“Go, go go!” Han cheered before hanging up. With a determined nod, you ran around your shared kitchen for the ingredients. You frowned when you couldn’t find any more chocolate chips, Minho must’ve eaten them because you could’ve sworn you had some last week. It looks like you’ll have to change your plan and make sugar cookies. You found a simple recipe that allowed for decorating and decided that you’d decorate them. That’d be a cute gesture, right?
With clumsy precision, you measured out the ingredients and mixed them together to form the dough. You frowned as the recipe called to chill the dough for a couple of hours. You weren’t going to have time for that, so you’d have to skip that step and hope things still turned out all right. With the use of a couple of spoons and a butterknife, you were able to scoop out some relatively flat cookies onto the baking tray and pop them into the oven. It was a shame you couldn’t find the cat-shaped cookie cutters that you thought Felix gave you for Christmas, but they were very lost. Now that you think about it, you weren’t sure if you saw them since the day he gave them to you.
It was with a sinking heart when you realized you would have to wait for the cookies to cool before you could ice them. “It’ll be okay, right?” you worriedly mumbled as you glanced at your phone to see how much longer you had until Minho came home and the timer telling you that it would be close. Letting out a somewhat panicked but quiet, “aaaaaa,” you set to cleaning up the bowls and utensils you had used to make the dough. In no time they were on the drying rack and you grabbed a smaller bowl to make the icing.
You fished through to the back of your pantry for the somewhat old bag of powdered sugar that you used to decorate pancakes with and then never used again. You were glad to see it was still powdery and usable. You were measuring out the powder for the icing when a light body made its way to your side.
“Hey Doongie,” you cooed as you pet the cat who leaped onto the counter for some affection. “We’re going to make your dad cookies, what do you think?” dark eyes blinked at you lazily. “Ah, maybe that’s what I get for trying to talk to cats.” You sniggered when you got no response. You turned around to check the next steps of the recipe, but quickly spun around in fear when you heard the hollow ‘thunk’ of something plastic falling to the ground and an indignant ‘meow.’
“Oh no!” you panicked when you saw Doongie sitting cleanly on the counter where you left the white cat, but there was no bowl of powdered sugar. That was spilled on the ground. “Why’d you do that?” you wailed at the cat who you swore was smirking at you. You grew even more scared when you saw the disturbed flour on the ground. It was thrown all over the place and you saw pawprints leading out from the mess. “You didn’t!” you scolded as you followed the trail of white pawprints, already fearing for the mess that was being tracked all over your apartment.
Thanks to the visible trail, you were able to find the victim hidden in one of the cat houses perched on a scratching post. “You wanna come out?” you cooed to the cat enshrouded in darkness. You needed to see the damage that was done. Two eyes seemed to stare back at you from the darkness, blinking only once. You let out a sigh before returning to the kitchen to grab a cat treat. Doongie meowed pleadingly with you, going as far as to put a paw on your arm when you fished out a treat, “no.” You told the cat sassily, “you’ve caused enough trouble.” You swore Doongie rolled their eyes at you as you walked away.
“Come on out,” you gently cooed as you waved the treat in front of the opening to the cat housing. There was a moment of silence, and then a head popped out. You quickly moved your hand away so the cat would have to reach, and gasped when you saw the white cat who emerged. “Oh no Dori!” the normally striped gray cat was almost completely coated in powdered sugar. “On second thought,” you put the treat back into the housing, “you can stay in there.” You were not looking forward to washing the dark cat.
You left the cat to the darkness of the cat house and the treat before returning to the kitchen, letting out another wail when you saw Doongie playing around in the pile of sugar. “No! Bad cat!” you weren’t keen on another set of sugar tracks around the apartment so you slowly came closer to pick up Doongie. The white cat froze and stared at you, nimbly jumping out of the way when you lunged forward to pick them up. “No! Come back here!” you raced around the apartment chasing the white cat.
After a few seconds of chasing them, you decided to give up, hoping Doongie would calm down and sit instead of running around the entire apartment to cause an even bigger mess. You quickly closed the door to the bathroom where the cat was currently taking refuge and closed all the doors to the rooms. Hopefully this would keep the damage contained. With a sigh you set to cleaning up the powdered sugar that had splattered to the ground and somehow onto the cabinet right next to it.
You heard the deadbolt click and your heart sank as the door opened to reveal Minho, “hey,” while you were sad your cookies weren’t ready in time, seeing him always put a smile on your face and you got up from the ground to greet him, “you’re home early.”
“They let me leave earlier,” he smiled as the two of you quickly kissed. There was a meow and he looked down in confusion at the half-white half-gray Dori.
“Dori?” he kneeled down and rubbed the cat lovingly, “what happened?” he asked as he turned his attention to you.
“Don’t freak out.”
His dark eyes widened, “that’s not reassuring at all.”
“I was trying to bake you cookies, and then Doongie knocked the sugar bowl onto Dori.” Minho let out a quiet yelp and began inspecting Dori for any wounds. “Sorry.” You muttered shamefully, you were just trying to celebrate.
“Don’t worry about it,” Minho smiled as he pulled you into a hug, “that’s so sweet you tried to make something for me.”
“I guess I made something.” You muttered bitterly into his shirt, “a mess.”
“It’s the thought that counts,” he told you gently, “they’re self-cleaning,” he gestured toward Dori, “it’ll be fine. Probably.” You giggled at his last comment, relieved to find he wasn’t mad. He was an angel, if your positions were switched, you definitely wouldn’t be as cool-headed as he was right now. “Is something burning?” Minho asked after a moment and you let out a scream, running over to the oven and completely deflating when you saw the blackened cookies.
Minho aided you in opening the window and airing out the open oven so the fire alarm wouldn’t go off, “that wasn’t supposed to happen.” You mumbled sullenly as you took out the cookie sheet and cautiously broke one of them, causing it to completely shatter and reveal how deep the black reached. “I kind of don’t want to scrape off the burnt parts to get to the good stuff.
Minho peered over your shoulder and popped one of the broken pieces into his mouth. His eyes watered at the hot treat and he frantically waved a hand over his open mouth to try and cool it down. “Yeah, it’s kind of bad.” He answered honestly as he engulfed you in a back hug, “and it burned half of my taste buds before I even tasted it.” You deflated at his blunt comment, “don’t worry! Let’s go buy some cookies at the bakery down the street!”
“But I wanted to make you something to celebrate,” you pouted, looking sadly at the blackened sweets.
“Just being with you is enough,” he smiled into your neck.
You hummed and leaned into his touch, “you’re too nice.”
“Come on,” he gently tugged at you, “let’s clean up the cats and get some cookies.”
“I love you,” you told him softly as you gave him a kiss.
“Love you too.”
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
The Elite Guard Bake Off
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Word Count: 3,492 Demetri x reader One shot Warnings: Fluff, occassional use of swear words
I got the idea for this after watching the ‘The Great British Bake Off’ yesterday afternoon. Hope you like it...
Summary: It’s a quiet saturday afternoon in the castle, the Elite Guards have the weekend off and Demetri’s mate is bored. What happens when she decides to bring Bake Off to the castle...?
It was Saturday morning and to say Y/N was bored was an understatement. It was so quiet in the castle; it had been that way for three days. There had been no trials or dismemberments and even the guards were surprised as there’s always something going on. On the flip side they were glad it was quiet as it meant guard duty was easy and they had more time to themselves.
Demetri was enjoying the extra time with Y/N having been given the weekend off along with Felix and the twins following them being away for ten days on a mission dealing with and silencing a threat to their world.
Y/N was in the library with the four elite guards, all doing their own thing; Y/N was listening to Demetri read aloud, Felix was trying to solve a sudoku puzzle and the twins were comparing different copies of ‘Alice in Wonderland.’ Y/N let out a small sigh “What’s wrong mi amore?” Demetri asked looking down at her “I’m just a little bored, that’s all” Y/N replied, Demetri closed his book and adjusted her in his arms so he could see her better “I can’t have that. What would you like to do?”  Y/N thought for a moment, then an idea struck her “I’m popping out with Gianna quickly…” “Why?” Demetri cut her off, an eyebrow raised “I’ll explain when I get back. I promise” She replied “Be careful please” “I will. I love you” She kissed him before getting up off the sofa to go and find Gianna “Oh, I need the four of you to stay together” She called over her shoulder.
“Our little human is quite amusing” Felix mused; the twins hummed in response “I’m curious about what’s she up to” Alec wondered out loud “I think we all are brother” Jane replied, Felix and Demetri nodded.
Y/N found Gianna in her room “Hi Gianna, are you free for a few hours?” Y/N asked “Hi Y/N, yes I am why’s that?” “Well, I’m a little bored but have come up with an idea for something to do and I need your help” Gianna looked at her for a few moments before replying “What do you have in mind?” “I’ll tell you once we are no longer in the castle. Come on we need to go shopping for stuff” Y/N replied and gently pulled Gianna out of the room.
Y/N and Gianna went to the shop and bought some ingredients and some baking equipment “Are we going to buy them mixers?” Gianna asked “Nope, they’re vamps, they can mix the stuff by hand using a spoon. I think a mixer may just complicate things” Y/N replies “Good call Y/N” “This is going to be fun” Y/N said smiling, Gianna nodded “It’ll also be funny to watch too.” They also pick up an apron and have it personalised with a slogan, minus the name as they do not know who’ll win.
Gianna and Y/N arrived back at the castle and made their way to the kitchen to set things up. A set of ingredients were placed on each of the four tables in the kitchen along with an apron and baking equipment. “What are you girls up to this afternoon?” Marcus asks as he passes them in the corridor “We are setting the Elite Guards a baking challenge” Y/N replied low “Sounds interesting. Have fun” he replied and continued on his way.
They went to Gianna’s desk and quickly typed out a recipe and instructions, deliberating omitting the cooking times. They made four copies and laid them on the tables beside the aprons. Gianna stayed in the kitchens double checking everything was in place that was needed whilst Y/N went to the library to get Demetri, Felix and the twins.
Y/N entered the library and wrapped her arms around Demetri’s neck from behind and leaned in to nibble his ear before whispering “Miss me?” He chuckled low “Always darling.” “Have fun shopping? You weren’t gone long” Alec asked “I did have fun and Gianna and I were out just long enough to get what we needed. Please follow me to the kitchen and everything will be revealed” She smiled at them and held her hand out to Demetri. He stood and took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers and walked with her to the kitchen, Felix and the twins following.
“Hello Gianna” Demetri greeted her with a smile as they entered the kitchen “Hello Demetri” She replied smiling. “Ok, so first things first please go and stand behind a table each” Y/N instructed and watched as the four guards did as she asked. They murmured amongst themselves, wondering what was going on “You’re probably wondering why you’re here” Gianna spoke first and the guards nodded, a sign for her to continue “As it’s quiet today and Y/N was a little bored she came up with a fun way to pass the time” She stopped and looked to Y/N, who nodded “What’s your idea hunny?” Jane asked “My idea is Elite Guard Bake Off” She replied smiling “We can’t bake” Felix said pointing at himself and then the other three vampires “You can all read yes?” Y/N asked and they all nodded “Good, then you can bake” She replied smiling. Felix mumbled something so low Y/N and Gianna couldn’t hear it. “Speak for yourself” Alec replied equally as low.
Y/N ignored them and continued “You all have the same ingredients and the equipment needed to complete the task.” Demetri stood there smiling at Y/N, looking smug and feeling grateful his mate was human and loved to bake, for he had watched ‘The Great British Bake Off’ with her and has seen her bake cakes a few times. “What are we making then?” Alec asked, curiosity shining in his eyes “You are all making a Cherry Lattice Pie. You also need to make a Vanilla custard to go with the pie. You should note that we have removed the baking time of the pie. You will need to figure that part out yourselves…” “Like the technical challenges set by Paul and Prue” Demetri stated still smiling, cutting Y/N off “Exactly babe” Y/N replied nodding and noticed the confused expressions on Felix and the twin’s faces. “You have two hours to complete the challenge. Oh and Felix, this is not Mario Kart so there will be no sabotaging the others” He nodded “Ok” “Ready, set, bake” Gianna instructed them, both humans watched as the four vampires picked up their recipes and began to read them.
Y/N and Gianna sat and watched the vampires weigh out the ingredients and begin the process of making the pastry base. “The technical challenges are usually judged blind, darling” Demetri stated “I know but we want to see how you get on with the tasks…” “You mean laugh at us if we fuck this up” Felix stated “Precisely” Gianna smiled back, Felix growled “I have every faith in you Felix” She added.
Y/N was impressed when she saw how well Demetri was doing, he had made his pastry and put it in the fridge to chill and greased the pie tin in the meantime. He then prepared the cherries as per the recipe and set them to one side to start making the jam that would be mixed with the cherries later. A glance over at Felix’s table and it was clear he was struggling to make the pastry “Urrgghh I can’t do this” He growled “Yes you can Felix, just read the instructions again” Y/N advised.
Jane had made her pastry but did not chill it, instead choosing to leave it sitting at room temperature. Demetri laughed at this, as he knew it was best to chill pastry before rolling. ‘Thank you Bake Off’ he thought to himself. Alec on the other hand was covered in flour and was busy mixing the ingredients together to make the pastry, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth in concentration. Y/N and Gianna found it funny to watch the guards complete the challenge with varying degrees of success.
“Demetri’s quite good at this baking stuff” Gianna whispered “I know, but then he has watched Bake Off with me and seen me bake cakes” She whispered low. Meanwhile, Demetri removed the pastry from the fridge and divided it in two. He rolled out the bigger portion of pastry quickly whilst being careful to not over work it, and placed it in the greased tin, gently pushing it into the sides. He then filled the pie, discarding the leftover juice at the bottom of the bowl of Cherries. He then rolled out the smaller portion of the pastry and cut into strips and began to weave the strips on top of the pie to create the lattice effect. He was the first one to put his pie in the oven and set a timer on his phone for one hour. He felt quite proud of himself and found it funny that Felix was struggling.
“You have one hour and fifteen minutes left” Y/N called out “Shit” Felix growled “The pastry keeps splitting” “Just patch it up, I did” Alec called out as he was filling his pie crust. Jane giggled at the mess that her brother and Felix had made. She finished her lattice pattern and put her pie in the oven, setting a timer on her phone for fifty-five minutes. “This is so much fun to watch” Gianna said smiling, Y/N nodded with a smile of her own.
Alec struggled with the lattice pattern and eventually gave up “I think it looks alright” He mumbled to himself and popped the pie into the oven “Timer forty-five minutes” He told his phone as his fingers were sticky from the cherry and jam mixture. Y/N was trying so hard not to laugh at him “To think he’s meant to be a dangerous predator” She whispered to Gianna “I know, he doesn’t look so scary now he’s covered in flour and jam” She whispered back, and they started laughing. The vampires all look up the giggling humans “See I told you, they’re taking the piss” Felix huffed “Oh leave them be, it probably is a little funny to them considering what we’re doing” Jane told him.
Felix was the last one to get his pie in the oven, the lattice pattern non-existent on his pie. “How long we got left?” Felix asks “About forty minutes” Y/N responded “That’ll do time wise for the pie. Now to make custard, whatever that is” He begins reading the instructions to make the Vanilla custard.
Aro appeared at the kitchen door “Marcus told me of your plans for the afternoon and I just had to see it for myself” He tried not to laugh at the scene in front him. “I trust you are all having fun?” “We are Aro, not sure about them” Y/N replied gesturing to the guards “I think you’re supposed to put that white stuff in the bowl Alec not wear it” Aro said teasingly and walked away laughing.
Demetri finished making his Vanilla custard and set it to one side and began cleaning the table he had used as his workstation. “How come you’re finished D?” Felix asked sounding irritated “I’m just better than you” Demetri replied smirking at his friend, Felix hissed at him “I also followed the instructions given, it’s not hard” He added smugly before turning to face the sink, Felix tossed a spoon at Demetri “Oi! Don’t be a dick” Demetri responded, rubbing the back of his neck “Are you alright babe?” Y/N asked “I’m fine darling, the spoon not so much” He replied, glaring at Felix.
Jane finished second and set her custard to one side too and began to clear up. “I think the custard has gone wrong” Alec said aloud, Jane appeared behind him and looked over his shoulder “It’ll be fine, just keep stirring it” She replied “Really?” “Yes, Alec really. Keep stirring until it becomes smooth like the recipe says” He nodded “Thank you Jane.”
“Here you go darling, Gianna” Demetri said as he handed them a cup of coffee each “Thanks babe” “Thank you Demetri” They replied. “You trying to bribe the judges?” Felix asked “No Fe, I’m not. I have some time to spare and thought I’d make them a drink seeing as I’m nearer the kettle than they are” He replied “Suck up” Felix growled and Jane rolled her eyes “How about you pick up the pace big guy. I mean you’re currently in last position again” Jane said smiling “Bite me” Felix growled “Nah, I’m alright, I don’t know where you’ve been” She retorted, Demetri and Alec laughing at their exchange.
Alec poured his custard into a jug and began to tidy up. “I hate baking. Stupid human thing” Felix grumbled “Oi, my mate’s a human and she isn’t stupid” Demetri said slapping the back of Felix’s head “Gianna isn’t stupid either” Jane added “Really? Well whose stupid idea was it to get us to bake? It certainly weren’t mine” Felix said as he looked at Y/N frowning, Demetri moved to stand between Felix and his mate “Look at her like that again and you’ll regret it Felix” Demetri growled his friend’s name “Come on Felix it’s just a bit a fun” Alec said as he licked his fingers and then scrunched his nose when he realised what he’d done. Gianna laughed “You alright Alec?” “Will be once I wash my hands.”
Felix finally finished his attempt at custard and very noisily began clearing away the mess he’d made. Demetri’s phone timer went off and he carefully removed his pie from the oven and put it on the table to cool down. He sat back down to wait for the others to finish.
“You have ten minutes left” Gianna called out. Demetri warmed the custard back up gently in the microwave and got some cutlery from the drawer for Y/N and Gianna. Jane eyed Demetri as she realised that he was her competition and although she had never cooked or baked before, something inside her told her she couldn’t lose to him. Once Demetri removed his custard from the microwave Jane popped hers inside to warm it through. “What are you doing sister?” “What’s it look like I’m doing?” Jane sounded a little snarky, Alec looked taken aback whilst Demetri bit his lip to stop himself from chuckling “If I knew, I wouldn’t have asked would I, genius” Alec retorted, Demetri laughed, he’d never heard the twins talk like this to one another and it was rather amusing to him “Now, now you two. Play nice” “Get bent” Alec huffed at him.
“Five minutes” Y/N told them. “What happens once the time runs out?” Felix asked “We get to try the pies and custard you all made…” “That’s it?” Felix asked cutting Gianna off “No, we decide on who’s pie and custard is the best and the winner gets a prize” Y/N replied. “Noone said anything about a prize” Alec pointed out “It’s a competition Einstein, what did you think would happen? Jane asked, Alec hissed at her and Demetri chuckled, realising Y/N’s sarcasm had clearly rubbed off on Jane. “She’s like the Queen of snark” Gianna mused “I know, it’s weird that’s it’s aimed at Alec right?” Y/N replied.
Jane’s timer went off and she removed the pie from the oven and set it down on her table alongside the custard. Alec’s timer went off next and he placed his pie on the table and noticed the juice from the pie had bubbled down the sides, so the pastry was purple in places.
“Time’s up” Y/N called out just as Felix’s timer went off. Felix removed his pie from the oven and placed it beside the jug of custard on his table “Thank the Gods” He sighed “Someone got out the coffin the wrong side this morning” Y/N said looking at him, Demetri was doubled over laughing as were the twins. “I don’t sleep in a coffin” He replied, “You don’t sleep at all, dumbass” Jane added.
Y/N and Gianna made their way over to Jane’s table first and tried her pie and custard “Nice lattice work on the top. The pie looks even in colour” Y/N told her as Gianna cut two slices of pie and poured some custard into the bowl. “The pie tastes nice, the pastry is just about done” Gianna told Jane and she smiled “Thank you” “I agree with Gianna, a few more minutes in the oven and the pastry would have been perfect, that said the pie tastes nice and the custard is good too” Y/N added “Thanks” Jane replied with a smile.
They tried Demetri’s next. “The pie is cooked really well, pastry’s nice colour and well done on the lattice work. It tastes really really good. You can really taste the Vanilla in the custard” Y/N said before taking a second bite of the pie “Oh my god. That’s amazing Demetri” Gianna praised, Demetri puffed his chest out with pride and flashed them a big smile “Thanks girls.” “Teacher’s pet” Felix coughed out; Demetri ignored him.
They tried Alec’s attempt next “There’s too much sauce in the pie, hence the overflow and it needed about another fifteen minutes in the oven. The custard tastes alright though” Gianna told him softly, worried about his reaction “Please don’t hate me” She added quietly. “Gianna’s right another fifteen minutes and the pie would have been completely cooked through. The cherry and jam mixture is really good. The custard tastes good” Y/N said and gave him a small smile.
Lastly they tried Felix’s pie. “Wow, your pie has a soggy bottom…” Felix huffed and Alec laughed “Felix has a soggy bottom” Jane and Demetri rolled their eyes “They’re like children” Jane muttered. “The pie isn’t completely cooked as it needed another 20 minutes in the oven. Wow, your custard is really lumpy” Y/N told him. Gianna tried the pie and custard and struggled to hide her reaction “The custard doesn’t taste very nice and it’s lumpy. Also there’s too much sauce in the pie” Gianna added and Felix growled at her. “Oi! Behave” Demetri said, standing up “They’re just being honest Felix” Jane added “Yeah, but…I already said I couldn’t bake so I don’t need them telling me I’m shit at it” Felix replied pointing at Y/N and Gianna “Lighten up Felix, my attempt isn’t much better than yours and you don’t see me throwing a tantrum” Alec added, coming to stand beside Gianna.
Y/N and Gianna both agreed it was a tie between Jane and Demetri and ate some more of their pies “Why are they eating more of theirs?” Felix asked sounding disgruntled “They’re probably trying to decide whose is better” Alec replied. “We have made a decision” Y/N told them “May the best vamp win” Alec said looking between Jane and Demetri “I will” Jane said confidently “We’ll see” Demetri added.
“Y/N why don’t you get the prize ready” “Oh yeah, hang on” She replies and pulls out a grey apron with the slogan ‘I’m the castle’s best baker” in white writing and turns around showing it to the four guards “All this effort for that. Not bloody worth it if you ask me” Felix snorted “Don’t be a sore loser Felix” Y/N said, not bothering to look at him.
“The winner is…..Demetri” Gianna says smiling “Yes” Demetri calls out “It was really close, honestly” Y/N said looking at Jane. “It’s ok sweetie. I’ll beat him next time” She replied, nodding at the tracker “I look forward to the challenge” Demetri responded. “Seriously though, congratulations Dem” Jane said holding out her hand to him “Thank you Jane and well done, your pie does look really good” He replied shaking her hand.
Y/N put the apron over Demetri’s head and pulled him down for a kiss “Well done handsome” “Thanks beautiful” He replied and kissed her again. “Would I have gotten a kiss if I’d won?” Jane asked looking at Y/N and Demetri, her tone teasing “Maybe” Gianna smiled and gave her a playful wink. If Jane could have blushed, she would have “Ha. She got you good” Alec said laughing at Jane’s reaction. “Thank you for an entertaining afternoon, we’ll have to do it again sometime” Gianna said as she picked up Jane’s pie and custard “If noone minds, I’ll be taking this and going to watch a movie in my room” Gianna said and then left the kitchen, Jane smiled. “A movie sounds good Dem, what do you think?” “Sounds like a plan” He replied and kissed her again. “Bring the pie and custard please” “Of course darling” He was smiling proudly knowing that his mate liked the pie and custard he had made and that his first baked creation won him a prize, even if it was only an apron.
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jonahlovescoffee · 4 years
Unbelievable | J.M.
a/n: bc jonah in the unbelievable music video is just hot hot hot hot hot :) i’ve been putting this one on hold for way too long. not rlly satisfied with the way it went but i promise it’s not that bad (i think) lol happy reading <3
summary: jonah’s outfit was unbelievable and so was his ability to pleasure you anywhere, even in the kitchen.
warnings: kitchen smut as requested by @averysbestyears
word count: 3362
“your taste; i could drink, i could drink, i could drink a whole damn case; every drip, every drip, couldn't let you go to waste”
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You spent the entirety of your morning out and about running errands, only returning to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend late in the afternoon with bags of groceries in hand. With Jonah out with his band mates to film a music video for their upcoming single for who-knows-how-long, the apartment you shared with him seemed unusually quiet and empty without the constant couple banter between you both. In attempt to lessen the feeling of loneliness caused by the deafening silence, you put on some relaxing music on the stereo before putting away all the groceries, leaving only the necessary ingredients for a chocolate cake on the counter. After tying your hair up in a messy bun, you got started excitedly with your baking, humming softly along to the music as you worked. Despite having baked for countless times before, you still weren’t exactly good at it, your clumsy self often knocking over and accidentally spilling everything and anything everywhere which explained why your counter looked like a chaotic war zone half an hour later when you were done.
You heaved a relieved sigh when you managed to put the cylinder pan filled with cake batter safely into the oven, a triumphant smile plastered on your face. You were about to start cleaning up the kitchen when you heard the faint sound of the door opening and closing so you rushed to the living room immediately to be greeted by the sight of Jonah taking off his shoes at the foyer. He smiled when he looked up and saw you, opening his arms for you which you run into with glee.
“Welcome home, love,” you giggled as he picked you up off your feet and spun you around few times until you squealed and asked him to put you down.
“Missed you so bad,” he said and placed a tender kiss on your head as he followed you into the kitchen, an arm around your waist. “Baking again?” He asked after sniffing the air that was filled with the slightly bitter scent of the chocolate cake that wafted out through the oven, completely oblivious to your lingering gaze on him that was sneakily examining him from head to toe—eyes darting from his tousled brown hair to the dark grey t-shirt that hugged his muscled figure perfectly, showing off the subtle outlines of the toned abs hiding underneath, to his long white jacket that reached his knees and jeans of the same colour—and gosh, he sure looks handsome. How nice must it feel to let your hands roam his body and—
“Baby?” He called, snapping you out of your train of thoughts and you blinked several times at him who was waving his hands in front of you, trying to get your attention.
“Yes, what were you saying again?” You smiled sheepishly at him, light pink tinting your cheeks, embarrassed by your explicit thoughts although no one heard them apart from you. But Jonah had known you long enough to figure out the exact thoughts that were running through your head a moment ago. And as a good boyfriend, he couldn’t leave your wishes unattended, could he?
“Well, I was asking if you need help with cleaning but I think we’ll get to that later, hmm?” A smirk made its way onto his face as he backed you up until your back hit the edge of the counter and he pinned you against it, his tall figure towering over your petite one. “Since you’re so overly interested in admiring my body,” he said smugly and you blushed a darker shade of crimson, guilty as charged.
“It’s...it’s your fault for dressing like this today,” you stuttered nervously while avoiding his gaze, earning a small chuckle from him.
“I’m glad you like my outfit,” he licked his lips before cupping the back of your neck to tilt your head so that you were looking at him directly in the eyes. “But I think you’ll like it better if I take them off, am I right, baby?” He asked, his voice turning husky.
“No! Definitely not! What are you talking about?” You hurriedly waved your hands in front of yourself in denial but your wavering tone wasn’t convincing enough. This bastard already knew the answer to his own question and the last thing you would do was admit it out loud to feed his ego (actually it was because you were too much of a coward to do so but we don’t talk about that here).
Jonah could feel his self control that he had put on himself ever since he walked through the front door gradually faltering at the sight of how innocent you looked on the outside — how flustered you got at the mere implication of sex like you had never done it your entire life — and how much it fueled his desire to take you right then and there in the kitchen, which was precisely what he was going to do. “Well baby, I’ll keep my clothes on then, but this means you gotta lose yours.”
“No, that’s not what I meant...ahh,” you were cut short by a gasp of your own when his lips connected with your neck without warning, generously leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses from your jaw down to the column of your neck, sending a shock of heat through your core.
“Then what do you mean, sweetheart?” With you guys’ handful of previous experiences, it didn’t take long for him to find your sweet spot, abruptly scraping his teeth against it, easily biting hard enough to create a bruise, earning a moan from you as your hands instinctively found their way into his hair, tugging at his brown locks lightly until a groan managed to slip past his lips.
“I...,” you trailed off, still too timid to speak your mind. When you didn’t make a move to continue your sentence, he pulled away from you and you almost whimpered at the sudden loss of contact.
“Go on. I’m waiting,” he urged, his fingers drumming the countertop impatiently, waiting for your reply. “I won’t start until you tell me what you want.”
“I want to feel you,” you replied quickly, spilling out all the words out in one go and with a satisfied grin, he lifted you up onto the counter and he was standing between your legs.
“Yeah? Which part of me, baby?” He teased, both of his hands now on your waist, his thumbs gently tracing random patterns.
“Every part of you, Jonah, fuck. So can we stop with the talking and start doing now?” You yanked him closer by the chain around his neck before finally connecting your lips with his, opening your mouth on a second’s notice when you felt his teeth sink into your bottom lip lightly, granting his tongue full permission to slip into your mouth almost immediately. You couldn’t help but release another moan as soon as you tasted the coffee that he probably just drank in the car on the way home on his tongue.
Not just any coffee. You knew the difference between the tastes of all kinds of coffee like the back of your hand. The bitter taste with a hint of the sweetness of chocolate that engulfed your senses now was definitely not the taste of the straight black coffee he usually preferred.
No, it was the taste of mocha—your favourite type of coffee.
“You prick, you expected this to happen, huh?” You asked when both of you pulled away to catch your breaths, your faces remaining inches apart, your breaths mingling with each other’s.
“Maybe,” he chuckled darkly as his fingers slowly curled around your neck, “We always end up naked after every of my band photoshoots in one way or another so why not be prepared this time?”
Before you can let a string of vulgar curses escape, he attached your lips with his once again and from the way his hand tightened around your neck and the rougher movements of his tongue, you knew that he wasn’t planning on holding back his feral hunger for you this time round, subsequently making you moan with extreme pleasure when your tongues entwined and also at the thought of what he was about to do to you.
You angled your head to deepen the kiss as your hands grabbed fistfuls of his jacket, a silent plea for him to take it off, in which he responded with shifting his body enough for you to slip it off, the expensive white material thudding to the ground, revealing his strong tattooed arms. You let you fingers trace his biceps for a moment before moving your hands downwards to pull his shirt out of his jeans but he stopped you before you could remove his shirt.
“Don’t,” he said sternly into the kiss and grabbed both your hands in one hand quickly. He pulled away, biting your bottom lip with a force strong enough to make it swell slightly. “It’s not your turn until I say so,” he snarled and you felt heat pooling at your core just from the serious look on his face. “Now lie down,” he ordered and forced you down with the hand around your throat swiftly but carefully so you were laying flat on the counter, on top of all the spilled flour and some cake batter, the unkept baking supplies pushed to the very end of the counter.
He did not wait any longer to peel your shirt off you and you watched him exhale sharply as his eyes darkened, the black of his pupils almost consuming all the vibrant hazel surrounding them. “Fucking hell baby,” he tossed your shirt aside as his eyes drank in every curves and edges of your bare upper body. You didn’t bother to put on any undergarments when you changed after you got home from your grocery run, thinking that since no one’s home aside from you it’ll be totally fine. You made a mental note to do this more often in future because his stunned turned-on expression was definitely something you would want to see again. “Is it my birthday or something today?”
“You’re not the only one who came prepared,” you said cheekily, adding in a hushed tone, “Just so you know, I’m not even wearing anything underneath my pants either.” A string of profanities fell from his lips at your words as his hand made its way between your thighs, pushing your shorts aside to slip in his fingers. The wetness that his fingers were immediately greeted with was proof enough of your testament, earning a satisfactory groan from him.
“Now, where shall I start?” He asked, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip as he stared down at your shirtless figure splayed on the counter like his own personal feast. “Here? Or,” He teased, his hands travelled down to one of your breasts from your neck and let a finger draw circles around your nipple. “Here?” He tentatively dragged his fingers unhurriedly along your slit, collecting your ever growing slick, which had you whimpering and grinding against his fingers, in desperate need of as much friction as possible, yearning to feel more of him but the movement of his fingers remained so excruciatingly slowly.
“So fucking needy, aren’t you, my little slut?” he tisked, flicking his middle and index fingers between your hard nipple, earning an involuntary moan from you. “I’m barely doing anything,” he chuckled before taking his fingers that were coated in your sticky arousal and bringing them to his mouth, making sure that your gaze was on him as he licked them clean. “Tastes so fucking good as always.”
“Jonah, please,” you begged, “touch me more.”
“Oh I’ll do so much more than touching, babygirl,” you bit your tongue to suppress another moan at his words that were immediately followed by the sound of him falling onto his knees. His fingers gripped your thighs, pushing them further up and apart, his face nearing your dripping core. He let out a little huff on the inner part of your thighs, causing your legs to slightly shiver and your pussy flutter.
“Fucking gorgeous.” he breathed, his eyes staring hungrily at your cunt before laying his tongue flatly against your clit and let you rut yourself against it for a second before he unexpectedly gave it a harsh bite with a little bit of force. You slammed your hands against the counter right away and let out a loud gasp.
“Whoops, my bad,” he chuckled and you felt him smirk against your flesh. “Let me try this again.”
He wrapped his mouth around your throbbing clit before starting to suck it softly, his tongue flickering back and forth against it before moving his mouth lower and sweeping his tongue against your folds. It almost hurt with how incredible you were feeling right now. His mouth was hot against you as his velvety tongue continued swiping back and forth against your clit, faster and harder each time. The way he groaned at the taste of your body intoxicated you with more lust and you soon found yourself unable to think, hear, feel or remember anything else save for the name of the male that was eating you out like it was his last meal.
And when he finally moved his tongue into your pussy, it felt too good to be true. So fucking good that you were about to combust with pleasure. He went at a slow pace at first but then sped up every three thrusts until you were softly chanting a continuous series of “yes” under your breath. It seemed that he didn’t think that was enough, for he moved a finger to your weeping core, the rough pad of the tip of his finger pressing down and moving around in circular movements.
He was so rough but it felt so good, every lick and suck successfully building flares of heat in your adomen. “I...I’m close,” you stuttered, not really able to speak in your current state of bliss.
“Yeah? You wanna cum, darling?” Jonah asked, replacing his tongue with two fingers that managed to slip into you ever so easily due to how wet you were, pumping them in and out quickly.
“Uh-huh,” You nodded, your hands finding their way to him naturally, clinging onto him for dear life as he skillfully finger fucked you, your high gradually approaching with each thrust of his digits. Without any warning, he attached his lips to your bundle of nerves and sucked on it, right when he curled his fingers inside you, easily finding and hitting your g-spot. Your hands tightened on his shoulders, nails digging into his thick, supportive muscles.
“Cum for me, darling.”
Your walls tightened on him and an orgasm wracked through your body at his command, back arched while your thighs trembled as you came undone around his fingers. Panting slightly, you tried to regain your breath but before you knew it, his tongue went back to work again, swirling around to capture every single drop of your sweet juices into his mouth, the slurping noises and the ethereal feeling of his tongue on you turning you into a moaning mess.
“Fuck, darling, you taste so good,” he complimented, pulling his fingers out of you and put them in his mouth, licking them clean while looking at you and you let out an unrecognisable sound from the sight alone. “Couldn’t get enough of you. C’mon here.”
You did as he told, sitting up and scooting closer to him, your hands itching to undress him but you didn’t once you remembered his warning. You despised him still being fully clothed while you were already stripped bare for him but you also knew that one, going against him would accomplish nothing but getting punished on your part and two, he would adhere to your wishes once he felt like it.
And you were right.
“Take it off, I know you want to,” he said and you pulled his shirt off him excitedly before undoing his belt and his jeans, pushing them down along with his underwear and they pooled at his ankles, leaving his member standing at attention, already leaking with precut with all the lust bottled inside him.
“Wanna keep you close when I fuck you senseless, baby,” he teased your entrance with the tip of his cock and you whined. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” He nudged your folds slightly and you nodded.
“I want your dick so bad,” you admitted with a hint of shyness and his lips broke into a small smile before pressing a quick kiss to the tip of your nose.
“Mmhmm, and I’ll give it to you, pretty girl,” he sheathed himself inside of you and you let out a gasp at the sudden intrusion.
Taking a few slow thrusts to allow yourself to adapt to his size, it’s only a moment before Jonah completely bottoms out inside of you. He watches your face shiver in pleasure which he mirrors. He clasped your hips so firmly his knuckles turned white; it didn’t even hurt as all you could focus on was him inside you. Your hands found their way to his biceps, gripping on for some tension relief and you could still feel his muscles flex even beneath your hands.
“What a good fuckin’ girl, taking my cock like this.” Jonah’s voice was a low growl as he thrusts into you, the slaps of your skin interacting between each thrust was like a sinful symphony. “So fucking tight.”
The smell of the cologne he wore danced in your brain as he worked up a sweat absolutely pummeling himself into your sex. You grasped onto him as if your life depended on it, moaning into his neck as his cock slid in and out of you. You didn’t even know how much time was passing as he rutted himself into you relentlessly
“Just cum already, you know you want to babygirl,” he muttered to you through his clenched teeth, groans of his own escaping every now and then. You took your opportunity and let your pleasure go for the second time, your orgasm taking over as your back arched even more, your toes curling as you moaned out in pleasure.
He came soon after, relentlessly pounding into you throughout his own orgasm, his thick warm seed coating the inside of your walls, the sensation making you shiver as your nipples started to stiffen up even more. He stayed inside you for a few more seconds before he pulled out, the cum sliding out and onto your inner thighs. He stared as it drizzled out for a few more moments before he gave a smirk, glancing back up to your breathless form and his expression softened right away.
“Guess it’s time for a good bath now, love,” he said as his hands reached behind you to grab some paper towels to clean up the mess between your thighs. You tiredly rested your head on his shoulder once he’s done and the paper towels were discarded into the bin.
“I can’t feel my legs anymore though,” you complained, arms already around his neck, hoping that he’d get your hint, which he did.
“Fine, I’ll carry you,” he said with a laugh, hands sliding down your spine to grip your thighs firmly and you wrapped your legs around his waist before he hoisted you off the counter and started walking towards your bedroom. “You always turn into a baby after sex. How cute.”
“I’m your baby so of course I am,” you nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
“My pretty little baby girl, hmm?” The way his voice dipped a tone when he pronounced those words near your ear made your heartbeat drop to your southern region instantly and you felt your pussy gradually turning wet. Again.
He chuckled, a sign that he felt the changes in your body too, earning a smack on his back from you. “Shut up. It’s your fault.”
“Good thing the bathtub is big enough for two then.”
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taglist: @chilling-seavey @neralondon @mia-marais @randomlimelightxxx @hopinglimelight @kvd963 @cutiebandlover202 @savspersonalproperty @slowdownatthelotusinn @angelzacharyy @freakshows199 @my-fangirling-outlet
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delu-jean · 3 years
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐔𝐩 𝐓𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮
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(Jea x fem!/reader) -> Angst -> 4.2k 
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You and Reiner picked some flowers. They lay in one of the baskets you brought. They sat beautifully, making you reminisce the night Jean had given you that violet. Though these flowers were a lot larger, and the hue was more vibrant, the meaning behind that violet shone brighter than those characteristics combined. You grinned at such a thought, while Reiner kept on climbing the tree. 
You felt bad since you weren’t helping him gather the apples. Someone needed to hold the basket, making sure they didn’t touch the ground. Since the tree was becoming more barren as the years passed, the less fruit it would bear. So, you had to make sure no apples went to waste. Still, watching him do all of that hard work made you feel guilty. He reassured you (before), saying that it was better for him to actually do something right (since he trampled a lot of plants when picking flowers). So you let him be. Watching as each fruit fell. 
“It’s been a while...do you remember this place, Y/n?” 
“Of course I do…” you then gazed at the scenery in front of you. Being reminded of that one moment, that last moment you had felt such peace in Marely. The moment where Bertholdt had scurried to get you, the moment where you never thought that things would take such a turn. 
You looked at Reiner to see the guilt which struck him. Not only that, but the guilt then crept onto you. That peace was one which could never come back, along with Bertholdt himself. You felt burdened to say the least. Knowing how his best friend had died, yet not being allowed to tell him (since Jean’s cover would blow). It saddened you knowing how much weight was on his shoulders. Never knowing what had truly happened, but instead, escaping with survivor’s guilt. 
“Ah, two coming!” 
“Got it!” you caught them in your basket. Time passed as more apples stacked. He then decided to break the silence once again. 
“Do you ever wish that we could be kids again?” 
“Of course I do,” he nods in agreement. 
“If I could change one thing...just one of the many things in our childhood...it would be the fate we held in the military. Wishing things could have been different, and that you all could’ve been here,” you noticed how he didn’t say “we,” but instead said “you.” That meant he had wished you were all here, but not necessarily himself. You were going to question him, until he spoke yet again. 
“For Bertholdt to see such a sight. To see how grown the both of us have become, and...to see his family...just once more. Maybe even confess to Annie if he had the guts to,” you saw the pained expression he had which made you feel the same. 
“Bertholdt would be happy for us, especially since we’ve grown so much with the time given.” 
“Yeah...I guess so,” he then picked the last of the apples and came down. In the process, one of the better apples fell, cracking with the contact of the ground. Funny enough, it reminded you of Bertholdt. Since he unfortunately was one, if not, the sweetest apple. One who just had to fall far from the tree above.  
You both stepped into your house. Feeling tired as your arms limped, along with Reiner’s. You started to look around, wanting to see if Jean was at home. Lurking through the bedroom, and even checking your closet. Unfortunately (for you) he wasn’t. It’s almost as if he was gone with the wind. You felt a little bummed as Reiner stepped into the kitchen. Placing the baskets down, and washing his hands (readying himself for the session yet to come). He then asked you in a loud tone, hoping you would hear. 
“What are you doing Y/n?” 
“Oh, I’m looking for a pot!” you shouted back. 
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“In your bedroom?” 
“Haha, yeah,” you were still feeling upset...but then remembered that you were the person who told him to leave (secretly regretting it qwq). 
You then walked over to Reiner, ready to help him make the pie. You both washed the apples, peeled, and chopped them. Reiner was a little klutzy with the knife, handling it like a weapon in battle. You found it quite funny, and guided his hands. Hoping he wouldn’t cut himself. To your surprise he didn’t, and ended up seasoning the fruit with different spices, sugars, and ingredients. When that was done, you put him in charge of kneading the crust. You (of course) mixed and measured the ingredients, and after doing so, told him to be gentle with the dough. Hoping his rough hands would maintain, and not ruin such a delicacy. 
You started to heat the filling as you monitored him from afar. He really was a quick learner, yet still needed to work on some of his skills. You wondered how Jean would’ve made the pie. If he would’ve added his own flare, or crust designs. Just thinking about it made you excited, hoping you both could someday. Reiner then started to roll, and place the crust. You both then finished your tasks. Thrilled with the results of your hard work. 
“Phew, thanks for your help Reiner.” 
“No problem. That was...a lot harder than I thought it would be.” 
“Mhm...oh yeah! I left some filling here for you. I tasted it and thought it wasn’t sweet enough, but I kept it that way since you know...Bertholdt preferred ‘natural’ sugars,” you smirked as Reiner tried a spoonful. 
“Haha, yup. Reminds me of Bertholdt. Also it's really tasty.” 
“That’s good! Okay, let’s put it away now,” you put both the filling, and crust away. Letting both rest separately so you could bake them tomorrow (before meeting the families). 
“I’ll pop it in the oven before leaving.” 
“Sounds good. Thanks for letting me help...or contribute at least. Sorry if I was a nuisance.” 
“Haha no, thanks for helping in general. Two pairs of hands are better than one, and you gave loads of help,” he then smiled, slipping his coat and shoes on. 
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow.” 
“No, I insist. I’ll come instead. You’ve been walking me home a LOT as of recently. Let me come get ya instead,” he seemed hesitant when you answered. Not sure as to why, you tried asking hoping you could hear his reasons. But instead he pestered you, insisting on grabbing you instead. Now you could understand Jean (in some way). Not being able to understand him directly...was making you feel frustrated. Not only that, but you weren’t able to understand why he was acting like that. 
Regardless, you eventually gave it. Though you found it suspicious, you decided to say no more. Not wanting to add tension, and instead, respecting his choice. 
“Okay fine. Get me near ten-ish?” 
“Alright, sounds good.” 
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You got up, did your morning routine, got dressed, and had a filling meal. Each year, you and Reiner didn’t wear anything formal. Rather, you both stuck with a simple semi-formal outfit (didn’t want to be too formal, nor too casual). You never wore the same clothing, but rather, switched it up while trying to stay coordinated. This year, you decided to match in white, and beige. You wore a dress shirt, your sleeves puffed, filled with lace, two ribbons (on each side), a beige skirt which reached your legs, and a straw hat. While Reiner wore a beige cardigan, beige slacks, a dress shirt, along with a fleece vest. Though it was a semi-hot day, it was hotter than cold. So he decided to hold his cardigan for the majority of the time. He also brought a black leather watch, and a brown fedora (type of hat). You decided not to go all out since you wanted your interactions to seem civil. Nothing up top to make the families feel comfortable. 
You first went to the Galliard’s. Porco was home and didn’t seem happy with Reiner being there. Though there was some awkward tension, Reiner did his best to ignore any dirty glances. Trying to remember this visit wasn’t about Porco, but instead, Marcel. 
“You know, Marcel was a boy with less aspirations for himself, but instead for the people around him,” Mr. Galliard stated. 
Last night, Jean didn’t make his way back. You were a tad sad. Not being able to sleep with him there...felt unnatural. You really didn’t feel at ease in your own home. Constantly wondering where he was, if he was okay, or if he really had business. You honestly weren’t sure, but regardless, tried sleeping since today was important. 
“I never saw my son as a child, rather, the embodiment of an adult. One with the thoughts, and responsibility of a grown man. I felt, and still do feel guilty though...he never got the chance to be one. To experience the childhood he should have.” 
“Mhm,” you nodded after he said that. 
“I truly regret not making him live the life of a child, and it pains me that he was instead forced to be an adult,” his wife then put a hand on her husband’s. Giving him a stare out of grief, yet relief as she then eyed the both of you. 
“If my son had seen where you both are, he would be proud. He would be amazed with the work you both put in, and know that we are as well. We’ve seen the work Reiner puts in with Porco, doing his best to serve Marley with their titans. Along with you, Y/n. As you encourage and guide the Eldians to be the best they can. Both in the battlefield, and themselves personally. We truly are indebted, and hope you two will continue in the work you do for as long as possible.” 
“Ah I see, I’m glad our efforts have paid off. I have to agree though, Marcel truly was a great person-” 
“Tch,” Porco snarled as his mother then elbowed him. Reiner then continued to talk. Telling the three about the gift chosen, how you both thought it would suit Marcel, and who he was. Not just a comrade, but a dear friend as well. The pendant shone beautifully, and had a glint just like Marcel’s. The framing around the jewel caved around like it was a crown. Smooth, and precise edges, along with a clean finishing. The back also had an engraving of his name, along with leather straps which could detach. Framed in the box it came with and accompanied by two letters. 
“You can read them whenever you would like. Although, I do recommend doing so when alone,” you told them, and then made your way to the door. Porco decided to escort you out. Though both you, and Reiner expected a cold gesture, he instead gave you an unexpected one. 
“Thanks...for the gift. It means a lot.” 
“Yes of course, no need to thank us,” Reiner responded for the door to then shut. 
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You both went to Annie’s house, hoping her father would be home. To your dismay...he wasn’t there...like always (on that day specifically). You tried knocking the door yet again, but to your “shock,” there’s no response. You see...on this day specifically, he refused to see either of you. He knew that your gestures were filled with good intent, but just...couldn’t bring himself to do it. He would always see you both whenever else, knowing that the topic wouldn’t arise. 
“Let’s get going...Mrs. Hoover is expecting us.” 
“Got it...Y/n.” 
Still, it saddened you to say the least. The poor man was so hurt, and he couldn’t bring up the topic. Though you wanted to console him, even with the time given, it seemed like it wasn’t going to happen. You placed the box on his doorstep, leaving a note telling him of the gift, and why you chose it. Hoping he would keep it with him, and store it safely. 
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“Ah Y/n, Reiner! I haven’t seen you both in a while! Come, come inside!” Bertholdt’s mother said, for the both of you to enter their house. Pulling out chairs while her husband did the same. His father then started to brew tea, while the three of you (Reiner, you, and Mrs. Hoover) sat down. 
“How have you been?” 
“And I as well,” Mr. Hoover then placed the tea. The two lovers smiled at each other, and then sat beside one another. You were glad they weren’t in tears, nor upset. His parents (surprisingly) seemed to have taken his death unexpectedly. Not as something light hearted, nor sympathetic, but rather...very “well” in your opinion. They mourned when you had returned with no trail of Bertholdt, but got themselves together. Making good of his passing instead of sulking. 
Reiner then pulled out the basket of apples, handing it to them. While you showed the bouquet full of flowers. You also held the pie in your hands while his mother went to grab a vase. 
“It looks lovely Y/n, I’m assuming you used the apples?”
“Oh, I’ve been well,” you responded. 
“Yes ma'am. Bertholdt’s favourite.”
“Speaking of my dear son, my one and only child… Oh how he loved such delicacies. I wish I made him more when he was with us. Not only that, but he was one himself, and I wished we would’ve handled him with more care. Being more fragile with such a thing….” 
You see, his parents were really invested into the whole “Honorary Marleyin,” and “warrior candidate” events. They just wanted their son to exceed, and to know that he could go above and beyond. But in said process, instead of doing that...it gave the opposite effect. Making him feel less if anything. He knew they loved him, but their encouragement...seemed more discouraging to Bertholdt if anything. Disregarding his feelings, and thoughts to the opposition, convincing him that he was strong enough and could do it. 
Never considering his doubts, nor fears. Instead, brushing them off and telling him he could excel. There was no comfort whatsoever, instead, expectations and tension which were burdened to him...and him alone. 
“That was probably why he was so timid...because of how we treated him…. I truly do regret such a thing, but I was relieved to hear how he was a great and loving person to the both of you. Even if we didn’t get what “we wanted” from him, he received the things that he wanted for himself. Pushing himself to his limits, and persevering...without us.” 
“Yes, he truly was an amazing person. The closest friend I’ve ever had,” Reiner said with a sincere tone. The father then stepped in, saying: 
“Bertholdt would’ve loved to see how you both had grown to be so mature, understanding, and great in general.” 
“Since he loved you both so dearly, he also would’ve been glad at the decision you two are making, about becoming one. Also, congratulations on that. I hope you both have the happiest of times while you can. Though, I won’t lie, I wished Y/n were the one to marry Bertholdt (she said jokingly). But even so, I’m happy for both of you. Reiner, you’ve got yourself one lucky lady, and Y/n, you a lucky man.” 
“Yeah...I guess so,” Reiner responded. 
You then thought to yourself. Would Bertholdt actually be content with the engagement? Though his mother had thought “yes,” you had thought “no.” He probably would’ve opposed, saying that the marriage would’ve been pointless, and unsettling. That being the case, his opinion gave you yet another reason for your opposition. 
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You both were done for the day, and were relieved for that. You were glad that two out of the three were there, liked the gifts given, and that you were able to show respect towards your comrades. So being that, you both were now walking. Yes, your destination would be home, but you weren’t sure as to what detours would be made. Both you and Reiner actually. One thing you were sure about, was that the man beside you seemed frustrated. Even though he should've relaxed since your tasks had just finished. 
“Y/n, I don’t want to assume...but…were you the person who might’ve leaked things?” 
“Oh...no. It wouldn’t make sense for me to, in all honesty…” 
But then at the same time, she might’ve assumed so because of how long you were taking. Thinking you must’ve made a decision (by now) and just didn’t want to be vocal about it. Of course, that wasn’t the case and you made it clear to Reiner. He then decided to switch up the conversation, trying to avert from the unwanted thought. 
“I forgot to ask, but were you able to get home safely that night?” 
“Oh, yeah.” 
“That means...oh gosh,” that’s when you both realized that the only person who could’ve, and would’ve done so...was his mother. You also remembered what Alexandra said, about his mother being ecstatic about the engagement. That point secured your thoughts. She was probably very excited, and had no malicious intent involved. She just wanted the best for her son, and you as well (thinking Reiner was the best for you). Regardless, it kind of annoyed you. Especially since you hadn’t made the decision, and she inferred you had instead of asking/confirming. 
“That’s good.”
“And you?” 
“Yeah, I did. I walked Gabi home first, then made my way.” 
“Ahh I see,” yout both walked further for him to ask:
“Where were you the morning after? I thought you’d be at HQ, like you always are.” 
“Ah well…” you couldn’t tell him about Jean, so instead, told him about Alexandra. 
“Well, a friend of mine came over. We caught up and….” you couldn’t say that you were talking about him (his looks to be more specific), so instead, brought up the first few things which came to mind. 
“She um, congratulated me.”
“Oh really?” he seemed glad and you went on. 
“Not only that, but that most of the town knows…and that your mother seems ecstatic.”
“Oh no…” You then saw a burdensome look on his face. 
“Haha yeah. She also asked if I had a wedding dress, or ring. Which I found kind of funny-” He immediately cut in. 
“So what was your response?” 
“That I have neither.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Hm?...the real question is, what do you mean Reiner?” you then stared at the gentleman, awaiting for his answer. 
“Oh...it’s just that...you do have one.” 
“Not a dress of course, but a ring.” 
He then Proceeded to tell you that he did have one ready. He felt guilty knowing that you had told her “no.” He thought that maybe you had felt bad, being that your answer was “no,” even though he did have one prepared. After all, ladies did take marriage as a big deal. And even though it was one out of friendship, he didn’t want to make you feel left out. Being considerate of such a big event. 
Though you could’ve (and most likely would’ve) married someone after Reiner, it still was your first wedding. And your first anything should always be taken seriously. 
“If I knew you were going to be bombarded with the other ladies bothering you...I would’ve given it sooner,” he fished a box out of his pocket, and handed it to you. 
You then opened it to see a fairly modest design. It was a simple gold band. One with a centered jewel in an oval shape. There were also two other smaller stones which accompanied the ring, and the band sat in a black, velvet box. It was a very beautiful ring, and Reiner could tell you liked it (based on how you sat in awe). He was glad he got such a ring, knowing how simple you could be, and that it seemed to suit your personality. 
“I’m sorry for not being able to get you better, but I hope that it’ll be enough for you to show other ladies. And hopefully...you don’t feel the need to humble yourself when with others,” you could feel the sincerity coming from him, and were thankful. But...you ultimately just...couldn’t accept such a gesture. 
“I’m sorry Reiner...but I can’t accept this.” 
“Oh, why is that?” 
“I just...can’t,” he then took the hint, and instead asked: 
“Is it because you aren’t sure yet?” you then nodded, not giving him anymore context. He also did the same. Nodding and letting you be. 
“But I insist...you should keep it.”
“Oh, really? And why is that?” 
“Well haha, my mother will pester me less. But of course, only if you want. If not, I can take it back. I understand your decisions, and will respect them for when you’re ready.” 
“You know what...sure, why not,” you didn’t want to be rude, and you also wanted to be less of a burden.
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 After receiving the box, Reiner does what he thinks is best. He shields you from others on your walk through town. Although they found his gestures quite adorable, he thought the opposite, but was glad there was no attention regarding the ring. Covering the box made you tense less, and his efforts were greatly appreciated. He understood the townspeople's intentions, but didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.  
“Hey reiner...when it comes to deciding, how much time do you think I have?” 
“According to what my mother said...maybe a couple months. That is...if you want to have a um...child of course. If not, really whenever. As long as I don’t die,” he chuckled and you nod, laughing yourself. 
“I see, well...I’ll be sure to relay my decision whenever.” 
You took notice of how tired Reiner was. His eyes drowsy, posture limp, and in general, was very out of energy. You decided to halt, stopping in front of him. Making his pace lessen as you stood still. 
“Why do you look so tired? I know it’s not because of any drills,” you laughed as he looked to the side. 
“Don’t worry too much about it...it’s nothing.” 
“Yeah, of course.”
“Come on Reiner...tell me! I feel like I play a part in it…. I’m not sure as to what, but yeah,” he then looked back at you. Though he contemplated his thoughts, he decided to be honest. 
“Okay fine. As of recently, I've been pushed around by my mother, a couple elders, along with the civilians, and troops in general. Meeting whenever my mother arranged things, taking the time to accept gifts, being congratulated, and having conversations even when I don’t have the time. Though it should be fun, it’s really not. Especially when the warriors are on my ass for being late, and then I show up to meetings with a bunch of gifts. At first they were okay with everything, but as time progressed, they were uh...pissed with my appearances.” 
You felt bad. Your delay was really taking a toll on Reiner, yet you felt like you couldn’t give him your answer. The pressure was immense, you would be letting people down, and the Braun’s would be in an awkward (gossip-ish) position after your rejection. But then again, you didn’t want to marry him anymore. You had Jean now, plus, Reiner was only doing his best  since he wanted to make things right. Being your friend, trying to help build a future that might satisfy you when he’s gone. Imagining you living alone without benefits he could’ve provided, made him feel guilty. He already put you through so much, and although this wasn’t a huge step to redemption, it was one skid closer. 
But honestly, you cared less (for the marriage, not his efforts). If you said no, the entire thing would be off his plate. Yet...you felt bad seeing how much effort he put in. You saying no would mean all of that effort being drawn to waste. You then decided to ask him what he would do with both responses. Towards both rejection, and the acceptance of his proposal. 
“Reiner...what would you do if I said yes?” 
“To my proposal?”
“Well I would marry you,” he smirked at such an obvious question. Not making fun of you, rather, just pointing out the obvious. 
“Oh...yeah haha. Anything else though?” 
“Maybe have a child...I mean of course, like I said...it’s up to you” seemed embarrassed to bring up the subject, which made you laugh. 
“Okay...then what would you do if I said no?” 
“Honestly I’m not sure, but, if that’s what will make you happy, so be it. If you want to love someone else, I won't stop you. If you want to love yourself, and you alone, I will support you. No matter what you do...I just want to be a good friend is all. Make up for all I’ve done.” 
Just through that, you saw how serious Reiner was when taking this path to redemption. Though, not in the way you would have both envisioned, he was truly trying his best. Being a good friend, and doing his best to get you what, and where you needed to go. You were very touched by his sincerity, and words in general. Reiner was truly a great friend. Though questionable at times, and it would take time for you to wholeheartedly trust him, he was getting there. And would probably at one point. 
“Thanks Reiner.” 
“No need to. I’m content either way, so it’s really up to you.” 
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aster-aspera · 4 years
Just a short chapter I wrote for new year.
CW: child abandonment, homelessness
Pairings: romantic/platonic DLAMP, romantic anxceit
Happy New Year everyone, I hope you have a great day/night and I hope 2021 brings everyone better tidings <3
Janus ignored the urge to straighten his bowtie before walking up the small path that led to the house. As much as he wished he could make some final adjustments to his look, his hands were currently full, with flowers on one side and his cane on the other. He figured dropping either to fiddle with his bowtie would be a rather ridiculous look.
It would be fine, he told himself. It was just a small celebration at their house, it didn't matter how he looked. They loved him, they wouldn’t judge him.
And oh, those words. They loved him.
The thought made him simultaneously want to leap with happiness and run for the hills as fast as he could. It was so terrifyingly new and at the same time it felt so comfortably familiar. The phone calls that lasted way longer than they should. The bad days when all of them came over and baked him bread. The banter over the comms when he was too tired to join in on patrol. They loved him.
A raven haired head popping itself out the door distracted him from his brooding.
“Dude, are you just gonna spend the whole evening standing in our garden or are you gonna come in?” Virgil asked.
“I was just admiring the flowers,” Janus drawled.
Virgil raised a disbelieving eyebrow.
“Come in, everyone’s waiting for you.”
He stepped inside and handed Virgil the flowers.
“Aww, are those for us? How sweet,” Virgil cooed.
Janus definitely didn’t blush. “It’s polite.”
“It’s romantic,” Virgil teased.
“Virgil,” Janus sighed, trying to sound exasperated but only managing to sound fond.
“Alright, alright, I’ll stop. Come on, I need to start frying the gulab jamun.”
“You’re making gulab jamun?” Janus asked, pleasantly surprised. They were apparently a famed treat in this household.
“Yeah,” Virgil stopped when he walked into Roman.
“And now he shows up,” Virgil snarked “Here, go put these in a vase, I have dessert to attend to.” He shoved the flowers into Roman’s hands and quickly disappeared into the kitchen.
Roman beamed at Janus. 
“Hello darling,” He purred “You look absolutely stunning.”
“You are not allowed to use that nickname, it’s mine, I licensed it,” Janus protested.
“Oh, but I just love the way it flusters you, darling.” 
Janus could feel the heat creeping all the way from under his collar up to his cheeks. Roman was definitely getting back at him for all the times Janus had flustered him in costume.
“Roman, stop,” Janus sighed as he gently pushed his shoulder.
Roman just chuckled and led him into the living room, where Logan was arranging some snacks.
“Guess who arrived!” Roman announced to the entire house.
Logan looked over and smiled brightly.
“Hello Janus, you look good.”
“As do you,” Janus complimented as he walked over to shake his hand. Logan ignored the proffered hand and pulled him into a hug.
Well, okay. He hadn’t seen that one coming.
Of all four of them, Logan was the least keen on physical contact. Patton and Roman were always going in for surprise hugs and even Virgil would frequently rest his head on Janus’s shoulder. But Janus had only ever seen Logan hug his boyfriends. And that one memorable time when Janus had nearly drowned and Logan had cuddled him to keep him warm, but he really prefered not to think about that.
“Will you be joining us for patrol?” Logan asked when he pulled away.
“No, not today.” Janus lifted his cane a bit to illustrate his point.
Logan nodded understandingly. “We’ll be happy to have you on comms for tonight.”
Janus made his way into the kitchen, where Patton was sliding something into the oven as Roman bothered him.
“You can’t bake something at 1800 degrees, Roman, that’s not how baking works.” Patton sighed. He noticed Janus entering the kitchen and beamed at him.
“Dee!” Patton smiled at him. “I’m so happy you’re here. Food’s nearly ready. ”
“Why not? 10 minutes at 180 degrees equals 1 minute at 1800 degrees. That’s how math works.” Roman interjected.
“Well, it’s not how ovens work,” Virgil groaned, from where he was bent over the frying pan, a little closer to the hot oil than was probably safe.
“If you guys would just listen to me, food would be ready in a minute,” Roman sighed.
“Virgil’s right, sweetie, that’s not how ovens work,” Patton said.
Virgil stuck his tongue out.
“Very mature,” Janus laughed.
Eventually, when all the food had been baked at an acceptable temperature, they gathered around the table.
“So, does anyone have any new year’s resolutions?” Patton asked them.
“New year’s resolutions are just a festive way of lying to yourself. Nobody actually keeps them,” Janus said.
“See! He gets it,” Virgil said triumphantly.
“Come on,” Patton pleaded, “humour me.” 
Virgil sighed and rolled his eyes, but Janus could see the fondness in them.
“Well, my new year’s resolution is to take more time to read books I’ve been meaning to read. I have a whole pile of interesting paperbacks,” Logan went first.
“Of course you would choose something so nerdy,” Roman teased, “My resolution is to spend as much time as possible with you, my loves,” He swept a grand gesture over the room and Janus tried not to think about how he was somehow included in that, “and I vow to give you all the kisses and hugs you deserve.”
“Well, next year I resolve to make better bad decisions and to remember to write 2021 instead of 2020,” Patton chimed in with a bright smile, “but in all seriousness, I hope to spend more time writing next year and maybe sign up for some art classes.”
“That’s a great idea, Pat, I might join you for those,” Virgil said.
“See, now you have some new year’s resolutions too.”
“What about you, Janus?” Logan questioned.
“Well, I guess if I have to, I resolve not to kill as many people this year,” He answered sarcastically.
Patton shot him a look. “Try again.”
“Fine,” Janus sighed, “I resolve to read more books, I guess.”
“Splendid resolutions, my dear lord of the lies,” Roman praised.
“Are we going to eat now? We have to patrol in a few hours,” Virgil complained.
“As always, you really have your priorities sorted, Virgil,” Logan said teasingly.
Logan shrugged himself into his costume with precise movements and fastened the cloak at his neck.
“You know, I really don’t get the cloak. Isn’t it awfully impractical?” Janus asked him from where he was draped against the door frame.
“Maybe, but I distinctly remember it coming in handy when you nearly died of hypothermia. How would people say it? It saved you ass?” Logan answered smugly.
“That was one time, you can’t tell me you wear a ridiculous cape,”
“Whatever, because someone might fall into the harbour. How often does that even happen?”
“More than you’d think. Also, Batman wears a cloak.”
“Batman is designed by nerds who don’t even know how to throw a punch, it’s a wonder you haven’t tripped over it yet when vaulting over rooftops.”
“Unlike some people who don’t need a cloak to trip when vaulting over rooftops?” Logan asked, voice full of faux innocence.
Janus growled exasperatedly and punched his arm, in the friendly way.
“As much as I love hearing you two bicker, we do need to start patrol,” Roman interrupted.
“Bye, Dee!” Patton hugged him and gave him a quick kiss on the nose before bustling out the door. 
Roman and Logan followed in quick succession, pressing kisses to his cheek and forehead. They sauntered out of the room, leaving him reeling with the ease they had done that. 
Virgil smirked up at him from where he was sitting at the computer, looking over some police reports. 
“What?” Janus asked him.
“Nothing,” Virgil replied with a shit eating grin, “You just look awfully cute when you blush.” 
“I’m not cute,” Janus snarled.
“Whatever you say,” Virgil replied as he walked past him. He stopped for a moment, staring into Janus’s eyes. His look didn’t bode well for Janus. He placed a gentle hand on the back of Janus’s neck and then pulled him close. 
“Is this okay?” He asked, his eyes drifting to Janus’s lips.
“Very,” Janus managed, his voice a little rough.
Virgil leaned forward and pressed a soft but insistent kiss on his lips. Janus felt himself leaning into it, the sweet taste of honey and saffron overwhelming his senses.
After what felt like a mere fraction of a second, Virgil pulled away. Janus made a small noise of protest and Virgil chuckled.
“Later,” He promised, “I have to go patrol now.”
He walked out the room, leaving Janus feeling lightheaded and wondering if the others were as good at kissing as Virgil. He sincerely hoped so.
Patrol was surprisingly uneventful. Generally, the statistics indicated there was a rise in crime around the holiday period. New year itself was always quite a hazardous day, with the large crowd of people out at late hours and the fireworks masking any sounds that could give you away. 
Yet this year, Logan had found himself inexplicably looking out to the new year. Maybe it was the fact that a certain former villain had enthusiastically agreed to come over and celebrate.
Whatever the reason, the city had decided to grace them with a calm night and Logan sat on a rooftop ledge, watching Virgil teach Patton a back handspring on the adjoining rooftop.
“Can you do one of those?” Janus asked him over the comms as they watched Patton fall onto his back for the third time.
“They’re not too hard.”
“That doesn’t answer the question, nerd,” Roman chimed into the conversation from where he was checking out an alleyway somewhere.
“I’m sure I could manage it,” Logan sighed.
“Like Patton’s managing this one?” Virgil quipped as Patton landed on the ground once more. Logan was incredibly grateful for the shock absorbent breastplate he wore.
“I nearly got that one!” 
“Sure, pat.”
“Shit,” He heard Roman hiss through the comms.
“What?” Janus’s voice was immediately on edge and Logan heard the familiar clicking of keys, telling him Janus was probably pulling up the live feed from Roman’s mask.
“Oh,” He said.
“What’s going on?” Patton asked, righting himself from the wet rooftop.
“A kid,” Roman gasped.
Logan felt his heart clench. 
“Is he hurt?” Virgil asked.
“No, not as far as we can see, but he does look malnourished,” Janus explained.
Logan got up and quickly swung down from the rooftop, the others right behind him.
They entered the alleyway, where Roman was crouched in the corner, whispering quietly.
He looked up and gestured for them to stay back. They obliged, Patton sitting down against a wall as Virgil walked a bit further back to make sure no one would enter the small street.
Logan leant against a dumpster bin, trying not to look too threatening.
“It’s alright, we won’t hurt you. Could you just tell me your name?” Roman asked gently.
“My mom told me never to give a stranger my name,” The kid deadpanned.
Logan smiled, if the kid was quipping back, he couldn’t be in too bad a shape.
“Touché” Roman chuckled, “you can call me prince.” 
“Like the singer?” The kid asked with an audible chuckle.
“No,” Roman sighed and Logan heard Patton giggle.
“Well, you probably should have chosen a better name then.”
“Probably,” Roman said, “At least give me something I can call you, if you’re not gonna tell me your name.”
The kid thought for a moment. “Fine,” he drawled, “You can call me J.”
“Ok, well J, that corner doesn’t look all that comfortable, if you would come with us, I’m sure we could find you more suitable lodgings.”
“No!” J snapped, fear colouring his voice.
“Why not?” Roman asked, clearly taken aback.
“You’ll just stick me in the system and... they don’t want me there.” J choked up a bit and Logan saw Patton’s eyes fill with sympathy.
“No, we won’t,” Roman promised.
“Oh yeah? What’re you gonna do with me then? Nobody wants some abandoned street rat.” J sighed bitterly. Logan ached at how he seemed to have given up any hope of someone caring for him. The poor kid had clearly been through too much in his life.
“Do you really have no one left?” Roman asked.
“Do you think I’d be sleeping on the streets if someone still cared about me?”
Roman looked back at them helplessly.
“Isn’t there anywhere he could stay on short notice?” Virgil asked.
“I have people,” Janus interjected quietly.
“Dee, no!” Patton exclaimed, “we’re not going to drop some kid off with those thugs you work with.”
“Not like that,” Janus sighed and Logan could almost see him pinching the bridge of his nose, “I know someone who works for me who’s really good with kids. He and his partner have fostered kids before. I think they could help him.”
“Really? You think he’d just be okay with it if we rolled up with a kid?”
“I’d have to discuss it with him first, but I’m certain we can find a home for J, if not with this guy, we’ll definitely find someone else.”
“I could ask my moms,” Patton conceded,” I don’t think they’re up for another kid, but they might know someone who wants to take care of him.”
“And what for tonight? We can’t really show up at someone’s house and just drop him off.” Virgil said.
“Take him to our home,” Logan suggested.
“Are you crazy? That’s a huge security risk,” Virgil burst out.
“We can’t just leave him in the cold to freeze,” Patton protested.
“I have a safe house near where you are, just take him there,” Janus interjected.
“Is that settled then?” Roman asked them from where he was still crouched in the corner, the annoyance clear in his voice.
“Yeah, I think so,” Patton replied.
“Okay kid, let's get moving. We’re taking you to a safehouse near here,” Roman told him.
“Did you explain everything to him?” Logan asked, he really hadn’t heard Roman say anything.
“Of course, you guys were too busy bickering to notice.”
J still regarded them warily and Logan was vaguely worried he was going to bolt the moment they got out of the alleyway.
“Hey,” Logan said, trying not to sound too awkward, “we’re not just going to abandon you to the system. We're heroes and that means we’ll find a way to help anyone.”
J just looked up at him with an unimpressed expression. “Right.” He shouldered past Logan, heading to where Virgil was waiting.
Patton quickly caught up to them, probably because Virgil was looking at the kid like he wanted to flee to the nearest rooftop.
“So you’re really not gonna tell us your name?”
“You guys want me to head to the safe house too?” Janus asked, ignoring their chatter.
“We’d love that,” Roman beamed, “We might even be just in time for the new year.”
They got J settled on the ratty couch in the squalid safe house. It wasn’t a terrible safe house, it was actually quite clean. It just clearly wasn’t used for much except the occasional emergency.
Janus arrived quickly, dropping a bag filled with what Logan presumed was food.
J froze when he saw Janus. “Deceit?” He asked and Logan felt his stomach plummet. Of course the kid would be afraid, they had trapped him in a small space together with the city’s most notorious crime lord. It didn’t matter that Janus had never and would never harm a child, his reputation was terrifying enough.
But inexplicably, the kid’s shoulders relaxed and he seemed moderately more at ease.
“You know, most people don’t look so at ease in my presence,” Janus said, clearly also puzzled by the reaction.
J shrugged. “You’re not that bad, you’ve helped a lot of my friends, gave them jobs and places to stay. You do more for the street kids of this city than these heroes.”
Roman gasped in mock offence. Logan shrugged. It made sense, they didn’t have the resources or connections to help kids like J, but Janus had been putting an effort into helping the worst off in their city for years. It seemed his efforts hadn’t gone as unnoticed as they had previously assumed.
Janus grinned at them, his expression smug and then grabbed something from the bag. 
“Here,” He held out a soft sweater, “this is for you, it would be a shame if we went through all the trouble of getting you here and then you died from hypothermia.”
“You could just invest in a space heater for this place,” Virgil complained.
“Sure, because this space is used so often. It definitely isn’t a waste of money to purchase heaters for all those safe houses I barely use,” Janus snarked.
J ignored their bickering and sauntered over to the window, pulling the sweater over his head.
“Hey, guys,” Patton interrupted, “I think it’s time.”
Logan looked at the time on the corner of his display. He was right, the clock told him there was only one minute left of this year.
They all gathered round the window, looking out over the city.
“To new beginnings,” Patton announced.
“To new beginnings,” They all replied. J just rolled his eyes.
Logan felt Patton clutch his arm and Janus loop an arm around his waist as bright fireworks exploded over the city skyline. He looked over at his friends, how they stood gathered together, their faces awash with the colours of the fireworks. 
And he looked at J, the young kid who was staring at the fireworks as if they were something magical, his hands tangled in the sleeves of his sweater. 
Logan promised himself he would do everything to get him a good home, he deserved so much more than the world had given him.
New beginnings, it was a fitting sentiment.
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ererokii · 4 years
Sweet Like You || Eijirou Kirishima
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Eijirou Kirishima x Fem! Reader
Warnings: cursing (?)
Word Count: 2462
Synopsis: Class 1-A decides to help a local animal shelter by doing a bake sale, and you and Kirishima are in charge of the baking.
Taglist (message to be added): @shoutodoki @shoutosteakettle @sugacookiies @saltie @fryingpanitachi @kingtamakimurder
➺ Note: This is for @bnhabookclub​‘s bingo event! The prompt is Baking Sweets. This is also for @pixxiesdust​‘s birthday! I know it’s a day early but I wanted to post it now cause I couldn’t wait! Happy birthday Ze! I love you so much and I’m glad we became friends, enjoy your day bb <3
Bingo Masterlist
You couldn’t remember how you ended up in your position. You came out of your room, sleep still flooding your body as everyone started yelling at you for no reason—well, there was a reason behind it.
Aizawa thought it would be a good idea for his class—you guys to hold up some fundraiser for anything, but nothing dumb. He said it would give you guys a good insight on what it would be like when you got to be pro heroes, always helping those in need. Without a choice of course, you all had to decide what would be best.
“Why are you yelling at me?! I just woke up!” you yelled, furiously rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand to erase the remnants of sleep within your body. “I didn’t even get a good morning!”
“There’s no time for good mornings, Y/N! While we’ve been trying to figure out who we should help while you were sleeping your ass off! What kind of commitment is that, huh?! Do you care?!”
“Oh, shut up, Kaminari!” you groaned and plopped on the couch, not caring if your shirt rode up slightly. “I’m here now! Get it over with then!”
“She’s right! Stop the yelling, and we can get on with it!” Iida fixed his glasses as he held a clipboard in his arms, tapping a pen against it. “Alright, so far, we have some good ideas! There’s a local soba shop, a bookstore, an animal shelter, a beauty salon, and… a grocery store?” he trailed off at the end before shaking his head. “Alright, let’s vote! Who wants the soba shop?!”
Only Todoroki raised his hand, his face slowly falling in the area of disappointment when he noticed no one else was raising their hand. 
“Book store!”
No one raised their hand. 
“Well, that makes it easier,” Iida muttered, crossing the word out with his black pen. 
“An animal shelter!”
You shrugged and lazily raised your hand, noticing a handful of your classmates also raised their hand.
Iida nodded and counted each of you, his tongue peeking out from the corner of his mouth in concentration. “Twelve of you! Alright, beauty salon!”
Mina’s hand immediately shot up in the air, a goofy smile on her face. Iida breath hitched as he shook his head, erasing the other topics as well. “Animal shelter it is! Okay, that’s settled! What should we do to raise the money?”
“Sell cold soba on the streets.”
“Icy-Hot! No one is going to buy your soba! Especially on the streets!”
“Well, do you have anything better?”
“It doesn’t matter. No one is buying your stupid soba!”
“How about a bake sale?” you threw the idea out there and immediately regretted it. Pairs of eyes kept their gaze on you as you slowly cowered back into the couch. “W-What? Stop staring at me like that!”
“Oh yeah, that’s a good idea! I’m with Y/N on this one!” a certain redhead said from behind you, his hand grazing your shoulder. You tilted your neck upward and caught a pair of vermeil eyes, a vivid grin sent in your direction. You could feel bursts of heat erupting in your cheeks as you smiled back quickly. “Y-You mean that Kirishima?”
“‘Course! Baking sweets has to be one of the manliest things out there!”
“Well, is everyone okay with that?” Iida asked, turning around to face the rest of his classmates. There were nods of approval, spoken words of support, or just silence. 
“Then that settles that. Since both of you were so happy to take this on, I’m leaving the baking to you two!” A finger was pointed in your direction. 
You stopped your mouth from moving as your eyes gazed at his finger. “J-Just us?! How many would we need then?!”
“Well, if you make popular sweets according to the web, plus traditional based ones…” Iida paused for a moment, his mind wandering to calculate. “I would say maybe fifty for each.”
“Uh-huh! Best get started now!”
You groaned and squeezed your eyes shut, tossing your head back as you were met with the couch's cushion. You slowly opened your eyes, cerise orbs gazing back at you. 
“It can’t be that bad, right?! Come on, you were made for this Y/N! You’re a great baker! I love everything you make!”
A nervous laugh escaped your lips as you scratched the back of your neck, feeling the flesh there heat up from his compliment. “T-Thank you, Kiri! It shouldn’t go bad, right?”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The kitchen smelt of raw eggs, flour, vanilla extract, and a hint of something burnt, which was just a batch of cookies in one of the old ovens. Splotches of white powder were scattered across the wooden floor, some residue from the eggs forgotten on the counter. The buzzing of the electric mixing bowl could be heard from the other room along with your shrieks.
“C-Cover the top with a towel, Kirishima!”
“Right! Sorry, Y/N!” 
A small ding went off, indicating that the second batch of sugar cookies was ready. You rushed to the oven, your oven mitts on already as you opened it, watching the smoke emit from the interior. You quickly grabbed the baking pan and shut the oven door, placing it on a stand to cool down. 
“Kirishima, did you finish with the brownie batter?”
He grunted in response, pouring the molasses-brown substance into a glass pan, making sure to scrape the leftovers off with a spatula. “Yeah, I got it.”
“Okay, while those cool down, we can work on the cupcakes,” you muttered, slicking the small strands of hair that fell in front of your face back to where they should have been. In the corner of your eye, you noticed Kirishima putting the batter into the oven after fixing the timer.
“Cupcakes, you said?”
“Mhm,” you sighed, grabbing a new glass bowl. “Can you hand me the ingredients while I mix?”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind doing this one instead, you’ve been making different batters since we started. Why don’t you just hand them over to me.”
“A-Are you sure?”
He nudged you with his shoulder, a goofy grin on his adorable face. “I offered, didn’t I? Come on, just do it, Y/N.”
“Fine, fine! Just don’t mess ‘em up.” you huffed playfully, taking a seat on the stool beside the redhead. He nodded, placing the bowl in front of him. 
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you as you handed him the correct measurements for each ingredient. 
You watched him mix the substances carefully, his eyes squinted as he concentrated. His tongue peeked out and licked his lower lip as his whisking only got faster by the second. The muscles on his bicep flexed with each flick of his wrist. 
“Kirishima, I think you’re mixing it too fast.”
“Nonsense! This is the perfect pace—“
You scooted back, wincing when the batter splattered onto his shirt and the marble countertop. 
“—for it,” he whispered, finishing off his sentence, the whisk falling from his hand as he let it rest in the bowl. “...maybe that was a bit too fast.”
“Ya think?” You huffed and grabbed a towel, handing it to him. “Hurry and clean it before it stains your shirt.”
“I think it just did,” he sighed, taking it from you as he dabbed the mess on his clothing. “I’ll just change when we finally finish, whenever that is.”
You grabbed the bowl and brought it in front of you, wiping the handle from the excess cupcake batter and began to whisk slowly. “You see, if you move your wrist too fast, it’ll go everywhere just like it did. You have to have slow and precise flicks,” you told him, feeling the warmth from another body behind you. 
He leaned over your shoulder, looking at your movements. “Can I try again?”
You realized how close he was to you. You stopped your movements, licking your lips nervously as you nodded. “Y-Yeah, here you go.”
You shakily handed him the utensil, your hands brushing against his larger ones. You quickly moved out of the way once more, allowing him to sit there. “H-How about you do that, and I’ll make the frosting?”
Before he could reply, you rushed away from him with your head down as a blush tinted your cheeks. God, he was so close to me. I could practically feel his muscles on my back, you thought, clumsily taking the needed things out. 
You turned your back to him, taking a deep breath before slowly exhaling. “Okay, just brush it off,” you muttered and unwrapped the butter, placing it in the electric mixing bowl. Soon you added everything that was needed. You set a towel to cover it, preventing another incident like last time and flipping it to the lowest setting.
The sound of something snapping caught your attention as you looked up quickly. Kirishima stood in front of the oven, wearing your strawberry mitts, too small for his big hands. He caught you staring and rubbed the back of his neck, his face becoming as sanguine as his tufts. “I finished, so I put them in the oven.”
“O-Oh, that’s good!” you chirped, looking away from him as you focused on the frosting being made. Kirishima’s smile faltered as he walked over to you.
“Are you okay?”
“‘Course! I’m fantastic! Why wouldn’t I be okay?! Do I not look okay?!”
“N-No!” he gasped, placing his hands defensively in front of his body. “You just look off is all! Like you’re thinking too hard about something!”
“Oh,” you whispered and rubbed your temples slowly. “Just seems like a bit of work when it’s only two people is all.”
He pursed his lips and nodded. “Yeah, I get that. But I’m glad it’s only us, though.”
“Oh? Why is that?”
“I like spending time with you, Y/N.”
Your mouth went dry at his confession, staring at him with confused eyes. Your heart felt like it could leap out of your chest and let him grab hold of it. “Y-You do?”
He nodded, slowly walking in front of you. Kirishima peered down at you, noticing the twiddling of your thumbs. 
You could smell earthen savors of cedar and lambent notes of mandarin peel when he stood close to you. He was driving you crazy without him even knowing. Kirishima was the puppeteer, and your heart was his puppet. He continuously pulled at the strings of your heart, and you let him. 
His scarlet orbs gazed into your own before quickly glancing at your lips, then back at you. Your eyes widened when he leaned closer, shakily bringing a hand to rest on your elbow. Knowing his next move, your finger dipped in the buttercream frosting as you scooped some up and placed it on his nose, shocking him in the process. 
“I am so sorry! I have no idea why I did that,” you said quickly, out of breath, but did not attempt to clean it off him. 
His confused look got wiped off, a naughty one taking its place. “You wanna play like that then, huh?” He suddenly reached in the bowl, scooping a handful of the cream and smeared it across your face. Your eyes widened as you stared at him, dumbfounded. White streaks of frosting covered the area from your nose and below. You brought your hands to your nose, wiping the substance from your nostrils from blocking one of your airways.
“It’s on, Eijirou!”
Squeals and laughs resonated through the kitchen, each shout of the latter’s name bouncing off the walls. Bags upon bags of flour and baking soda was thrown across the room. The room was becoming more of a mess than it already was when you got in there.
You coughed into your elbow, waving the area from the fumes of powder that was fogging the air. “T-Too much!” You squint your eyes, hands reaching up to your head, and immediately patted it down, shaking your head to get the powder out of your hair. Trails of melted butter dribbled down your face, the baking soda sticking on like glue.
Kirishima wasn’t far behind you. His clothes and hair were dusted with white. 
“Wow, you look bad,” he blurted, pointing a finger at you. 
“Me?! Have you seen yourself?!” you laughed, wiping the dried crumbs off your arms. “We both look like crap, I bet.”
His thumb caressed your face as you quieted down, your orbs locking with his. “You know..” he trailed off, “you look adorable, especially like this.”
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
His eyes widened as choked noise left his mouth. “H-Huh?!” Oh, he so desperately wanted to kiss you. 
“I said what I said,” you whispered, wrapping an arm around his neck and bringing him down to your level, your lips grazing his honeyed ones before intertwining. His arms encircled around your lower back, bringing you flush against his chest. You ran your fingers through his rubescent tufts, lightly tugging on them. His grip around you tightens. His heartbeat could be felt against your chest, your beating heart matching the rhythm of his. You felt like you were on the highest mountain in the world and could scream to anyone who had to know about your vibrant, romantic feelings for Eijirou Kirishima. 
Unfortunately, oxygen was a thing. You slowly pulled away, small, balmy puffs of air fanning your face. Both of you had equally flushed cheeks and a small goofy smile on his end. 
“Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?”
“Didn’t you just do that?”
A pinch to your side caused you to whine and shift in his arms. 
“Can I take you out this weekend?”
Your face brightens as you nodded frantically. “I would love that!”
Your nose twitched as you sniffed the air, your eyebrows furrowing. “What is that?”
“What’s what?” Kirishima asked, following your eyesight that landed on the counter. “What’s wrong?”
You sniffed the air again, pulling away from him. “It smells.”
“Wow, if you’re gonna talk about me like that you can do it nicely—” he murmured sarcastically before you let out an agitated cry.
“No, not that!” You huffed and scratched your head in thought. Kirishima seemed to notice your thought process as he began to think of any possible outcomes. Was it the kitchen that just started smelling? Was it the both of you covered in raw egg and baking products? Was it—
Oh no.
You gasped in unison as you grabbed Kirishima by his shoulders, shaking him violently. He seemed to be on the same page as you, placing his hands on your elbows to steady himself.
“We forgot the cupcakes!”
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cupcakemolotov · 4 years
Far From the Shallow Now
Synopsis: Caroline needs to get her head on straight after the ball and is still awake when Klaus drops by.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence × Pre-Relationship × Technically Tyler and Caroline Are Still Together × No cheating × Still Mostly Tyler Friendly × A Moment After the Ball × a what if × Domestic Fluff × Sort Of ×
A tiny pieces would be part of the random snippet series. Just a bit of a what if Caroline had been up when Klaus dropped off the drawing. You can read it here on A03 if you prefer.
The kitchen smelled like her childhood. Warm brown sugar and melting chocolate, the memory of afternoons spent baking with her dad were precious moments that still ached. Pre-vampire Caroline has really hated cooking, and she’d found her opinion hadn’t changed much over the past few months. But baking? With its necessary precision and attention to detail, even the most finicky of recipes soothed her. It had been her dad that had first put a wooden spoon in her hand, who had sighed at her scrunched nose and red face and smoothed her bangs.
“Come on, Care Bear. Let’s try a new recipe today. I’ll let you pick.”
But those memories had been filled with afternoon sunshine and the blare of a radio, and they had been a long time ago. Long before the silence between her parents had grown cold and Bill’s business trips had taken longer and longer. Her childhood was bittersweet and it clogged her throat to think of all the things she’d lost.
But that was for another night.
Tonight, all she had was the silence of her home and the shadows of the neighborhood around her. With her mom working the graveyard shift, she had the house to herself. It had been a relief to come home to shadows and silence after the noise and color of the ball. A chance to process and detox, push away the memory of Klaus’ hands on her skin, the boyish, curling smile on his face and the anger as she’d walked away from him. Breath shuddering in her throat, she stirred the cookie dough a little more thoroughly.
A little pre-baking cleaning had helped calm her juggling nerves and here she was, getting worked up again. The fridge was stuffed with sympathy casseroles, and she’d thrown out dozens of wilting flower arrangements. The cards were neatly stacked and organized in piles alphabetically and according to whom she still needed to reply to.
Her mom probably wouldn’t even notice.
Tomorrow’s project would involve freezing what was left of the food that her mom would eat, she’d already packed the leftovers into Tupperware so she could return the pans to her neighbors. But her dad had taught her to never return a dish empty, so at least her midnight baking would have a purpose. Absently licking at a smear of cookie dough, Caroline watched the clock on the oven click over past 3 AM, and mentally counted her blood bags. She’d need an extra tomorrow, to offset her lack of sleep, but her mind couldn’t stop spinning.
Is it so hard to believe I fancy you?
She’d showered as soon as she’d gotten home, needing to remove Klaus’ lingering scent from her skin. She scrubbed herself pink with her favorite soap, and stood in the shower far longer than needed. The dress was already folded and packed in the box it had arrived in, her bra and underwear at the bottom of her dirty clothes hamper. Now she was sitting in her kitchen in old cheer sweats, and surrounded by two dozen cookies while she worked on the next batch.
And nothing had managed to stop the wheels spinning in her head.
Running a hand down her face, Caroline tried again to decide how she felt about the fiasco that had been her night. The dancing, the hunger and lust in his gaze, those falsely boyish smiles and the rage that had burned when she’d flung his diamonds back at his face.
Klaus had meant every word he’d said and none of it. That was the game he played. Perfection and coercion, falsely sweet words that clung like poisoned honey. It’d been easier to push aside her curiosity, that niggling fascination for how his brain worked before he’d turned his gaze towards her.
Klaus was a monster. But he was a smart one, always steps and steps ahead of his enemies. She didn’t want him, she needed to not want him, and she was pretty sure he didn’t want her either, and it stiffened her shoulders to think he saw her as the distraction Damon insisted she play or his very own potential Trojan horse.
She would never betray her friends.
But Caroline didn’t want to die.
Eyes closing at the thought, she took a careful breath. The games Damon played were dangerous. Esther, Bonnie, all his siblings were spinning on a course that could only lead to collateral damage, and she was sick of it.
Tyler too sometimes only saw her as useful. Her dad had died helping him and still the last time they’d talked he’d wanted her to play more games. As if she wasn’t drowning in grief and what if’s, as if her world hadn’t been twisted as violently as his, as if she wasn’t trapped in a spiderweb she had no idea how to escape. Her fingers tightened on the wooden spoon, and she exhaled slowly.
She and Tyler hadn’t chosen what had been done to them but they could choose how they responded and she was starting to feel less and less comfortable about the bitterness he carried. The hard edge of rage. Whatever had happened when he left and found Hayley had sharpened parts of Tyler she hadn’t known were there and she wondered what he saw when he looked at her. If what he saw made him as uncomfortable as it made her.
Lips flattening at the thought, she reached for the bag of chocolate chips and froze at the sounds of her front door opening. Eyes snapping up, body going taut at the potential threat, her stomach knotted at the sight of Klaus stepping into her home.
For a long moment, they just studied each other.
In the hours since she’d left the ball, he’d ditched his jacket and bow tie, his white waistcoat nowhere to be found. His hair was no longer so perfectly arranged, he’d rolled his shirt sleeves to bare his forearms, and if that wasn’t enough to spike her blood pressure, he still wore his suspenders. Hidden behind the counter-top, her nails dug reflexively into her palm. He’d been stupidly good looking earlier at the ball with his sly smiles and dimpled promises, but this? Rumpled, lips bitten red, his gaze dragging along her body with a slow perusal that set her nerves of fire was something else entirely.
Klaus smiled slow, cheeks creasing, all of the anger from before tucked beneath charm and guile. “I’m surprised you’re still awake, love.”
“Your family is exhausting,” she agreed tartly, straightening her spine. “But of the two of us, I’m the only or who is expected to be here at all. Kind of rude, just bargaining in, don’t you think?”
He gave an elegant little shrug and strolled closer. Her jaw flexed, and he reached into his pocket, pulling out a velvet box and setting it on an empty space on the counter. “I do have an invitation. And perhaps it is also just as rude, don’t you think, to return gifts?”
Shoving the wooden spoon back into the cookie dough before she was tempted to smack him with it, Caroline settled a hand on her hip and faked her bravado. “It’s way ruder to offer gifts with so many strings in the first place.”
An amused glance from beneath his lashes before he peered at her cooling racks of cookies. “Most women enjoy apology jewelry.”
“I must have missed the apology.”
One dimple peaked high on his smile and he snagged a cookie. “I didn’t realize you baked.”
She narrowed her eyes as he took a bite, his clear dodge. This entire conversation felt surreal, a little bit domestic, and a lot concerning. Wasn’t she just thinking about how dangerous he was? This, this charm, only highlighted that danger. He slipped so easily from mood to mood, as mercurial as the wind and she needed to remember that.
Promises or no.
“It’s not like we really exchange small talk. And that’s the only cookie you get. I have a dozen dishes to fill and I need this done before mom gets home.” She tipped her chin towards the dining room table where the clean dishes and tinfoil were waiting for her. She was willing to bet he'd already noted the dishes, but so what. “So why don't you get to your point and leave?”
Klaus made a thoughtful noise as he finished the cooking, dusting his hands of crumbs. “Need help?”
“From you? Absolutely not.” The words slipped out before she could catch him and find something politer to say. This was her grief, her method of coping. He didn't get an opinion and he didn't get to pretend they were friends. Not when he wold kill all of them if he thought it necessary. This? This mess and this grief and this small thing to help her mom was hers.
The smile died on his face but she didn’t flinch. She didn't know what he read on his face, but his head tipped in a silent acknowledgement. Instead of baiting her more, his hand returned to his pocket, and this time he produced a rolled up piece of parchment.
Caroline looked at it warily. “What is that?”
“Part of the apology,” he murmured as he set it delicately on top of the box holding the diamonds. “The bracelet is yours love, no strings. Do with it what you will. As for the rest.” He paused, blue eyes narrowed as he studied her, a hint of gold burning the edges of his iris. “The games my mother plays are not kind to her pawns. Be sure you don’t find yourself in over your head, Caroline.”
She lifted her chin to hide her tremble. “Threats?”
“Call it a warning.” Klaus said. “Likely the only one you’ll get.” Just as quickly, that sense of danger melted under another smile and he snagged a second cookie before turning and sauntering away at her protest.She slid her tongue between her teeth at the sight of just how well his pants were tailored and the way the suspenders highlighted the length of his back. The image was going to be burned behind her eyes for days.
As if he could sense her gaze dragging down his spine, he cast one more boyish smile at her as he opened her door. “The cookies were delicious, love. I do so look forward to learning what other secrets you're keeping.”
She watched him go, barely breathing, a mix of alarm and arousal mixing with adrenaline. So many layers. The hidden threat in his words, the reminder that he could walk into her home whenever he wished. The return of the bracelet, that little bit of claim he’d laid on her life.
An apology.
Swallowing, she wiped her shaking hands on her sweats and reached for the parchment. It unrolled to show the familiar lines of her face and the perfect image of a horse.
Thank you for your honesty.
Swallowing, she set the drawing down and didn’t know what to think.
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onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years
Let Them Eat Cake Part i  (Wolfstar Bake off AU)
Welcome back to the newest season of The Great British Bake Off.
Remus walked into the iconic tent, holding his breath. He had quite literally grown up watching this show - it was a staple in the Lupin household and now here he was, about to be on it.
He wasn’t even sure if it had properly hit him yet.
He made eye contact with one or two of the other bakers, some of whom he had begun to get a little acquainted with, all of them smiling nervously back at him and he swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. This was really happening. He wandered over to the bench he had been assigned, running a hand over the wooden worktop reverently. It was pristine now - all the surfaces were, but Remus knew for a fact that the particular sparkle they boasted would be gone quick enough.
“Welcome bakers!”
Remus looked up as the two presenters; Sirius Black and James Potter waltzed into the room, followed closely behind by the two judges; Minerva McGonagall and Dumbledore. Remus’ breath hitched in his chest in a cacophony of feelings and somehow all he could think of was ‘does Dumbledore have a first name?' Remus had certainly never heard of one.
“It’s lovely to have you all here for this season’s Great British Bake Off.” James said, picking up from where Sirius had left off. “I’m sure you all must be very nervous to meet your judges, but let me assure you,” He paused to look around the room seriously. “The only person you need to impress here is me.”
The room let out a nervous laugh - a quick release of tension and James grinned. “In all seriousness, it is great to have you here. Now, allow me the pleasure of introducing you to our judges.”
McGonagall and Dumbledore both stepped forward, smiling slightly. “Welcome, everybody.” Dumbledore said, looking around the room. “It is with pleasure that I announce that this week is our cake week.”
Remus nodded. They, of course, already knew this, having practiced their showstopper challenge about a million times each (or precisely sixteen and a half in Remus’ case) but this was for the benefit of the viewers. He had to admit, it was really strange looking around the tent he had familiarised himself with long ago and seeing a bunch of cameras and microphones. He had expected them to be there of course, but it was still slightly off putting having someone with a big metal stick follow you around.
“For our first challenge, Dumbledore and I want you to bake twelve individual muffins, with six of one flavour and six of another.”
“Each cake must be identical,” Dumbledore continued, “We’re looking for a lovely even bake with a nice firm inside and of course,” He said looking around teasingly, “No soggy bottoms.”
Remus chuckled along with everyone else in the tent and the two presenters stepped forward once more.
“The time has come Jamie, are you ready?”
“I most certainly am Sirius, but the question is… are our bakers ready?”
Sirius looked right at Remus and grinned. “I suppose we’re about to find out.”
“On your marks,”
“Get set,”
Remus set off, measuring his ingredients and pulling out bowls and whisks as the tent broke out into a flurry of movement. He was careful not to let his nerves get the best of him - he would stay calm and take his time, rushing wouldn't help anything. He was vaguely aware of the camera crew moving around the room but he was in his own little bubble for the moment.
“Hey, Remus yeah?”
Remus looked up at the familiar voice and fuck, Sirius Black was talking to him.
“Um yeah, that’s me.” He laughed, trying to pull himself together because there was a camera trained on them and he would be damned if the entire nation saw him make a fool out of himself.
“So, what’re you making today?” Sirius asked, leaning his hip against Remus’ worktop and essentially looking like one of Remus’ many daydreams about the man in that very same leather jacket.
“Enchiladas.” Remus deadpanned and was delighted when Sirius laughed. “I’m making lemon and blueberry and also bacon and maple syrup muffins.”
“Bacon and maple syrup?”
Remus nodded, his face flushing a little. “Yeah, I've been making these ones for years actually. When I was a kid I used to put maple syrup on literally everything so it’s really not surprising that it made an appearance in my baking.”
Sirius grinned at him and began to move away. “I’m excited to try them so.”
Remus smiled, biting his lip before shaking his head and getting back to work. He wasn’t here to chat to Sirius Black. He was here to bake.
Baking had always been one of Remus’ pastimes. It was like his own little form of therapy. Whenever he was stressed - he would bake. Whenever he was really stressed, he would mix everything by hand. All that beating was really cathartic (Also it gave him really strong arms but that's besides the point). He whipped up the batch of lemon and blueberry first - they were a staple in his house and he could make them with his eyes closed. He used his time chopping walnuts to relieve any remaining nerves that lingered after talking to Sirius Black for a mere minute.
“Hey Re.”
Remus whipped around to face Lily, the contestant right behind him. They had met last night - in the ‘Bake Off Bubble’ after everyone had moved in and Remus had known straight away that they would be friends.
“Hey Lily,” Remus glanced at her counter. Well, what he could see of it, the entire surface was covered in a layer of cinnamon and sugar, left behind after she had dusted one set of cakes. “How’s it going?”
Lily leaned forward a bit giggling. “I’m afraid to say this, because I’ll totally jinx myself, but it’s actually going really well so far.”
Remus grinned. “I’ll say it for you instead.”
Lily nodded solemnly. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” She paused, grinning, to stop her mixer, running her spatula along the edges of the bowl a few times in quick, practised movements to ensure all the batter was being thoroughly mixed before turning back to Remus. “Have the judges been over to you yet?”
Remus shook his head. “Not yet, just Sirius.”
Lily wiggled her eyebrows. “Ooh, having chats with Sirius, are you?”
Remus rolled his eyes. Pre-competition bonding, alcohol and a curious redhead did not go well together. Remus hadn’t even been here a full twenty four hours and he had already exposed the fact that he used to have a bit of a crush on one of their presenters.
“Oh hush you, they’re coming around to all of us.”
“Indeed we are, Mr Lupin.”
Remus whipped around, his face burning to see the two judges standing in front of his bench. “Oh, hello.”
“Good morning.” Dumbledore said, smiling warmly. Remus pretended he couldn’t hear Lily sniggering in the background. “What will you be presenting today?”
The pair listened, nodding along as Remus told them of his plans, only stumbling over his words once and managing to restrain from toying with the cuffs of his sleeves. He knew the cameras were on him.
“I must say, I’m surprised at the lemon and blueberry choice, some people would say that it’s a little predictable.” McGonagall said, peering at him over the rim of her glasses.
Remus didn’t blush, he had known this comment would come. “That’s true I suppose, but they’re my favourite. I’m a coeliac and this was the very first recipe I got right with gluten free flour so they’ve always had a special place in my heart.”
Dumbledore smiled, meeting his gaze and Remus was startled at how incredibly blue his eyes were. “I look forward to trying them.”
Remus glanced back at Lily once, as they left in a ‘please tell me they didn’t overhear our conversation’ but Lily was no help, she just laughed at his pain. Remus just sighed and set back to work. He lined his muffin trays with strips of bacon, making sure they were all nicely covered before pouring in the batter. He popped the trays in the oven, taking a moment to appreciate how well everything here worked - all the doors slid seamlessly, every knife was deathly sharp and every tool was gleaming. Back at home, there was nearly always something broken or in a state of disrepair that would make Remus have to improvise a little bit. He put the lemon and blueberry muffins on a cooling rack and having already made the maple filling he set about making a cup of tea.
“Oh can we have a cup too?”
Remus looked up to see both James and Sirius at his bench, grinning wickedly at him.
“Yeah, of course.” Remus pulled out two more mugs and dropped a tea bag into each. Strong or weak? He asked as he left his to brew.
“Weak please.” James said while Sirius went for strong. Remus slid James’ mug and milk across the counter while he removed the tea bags from the other two mugs before adding a fair amount of sugar to his own, causing Sirius to raise an eyebrow.
“What?” He defended himself. “I’m on Bake Off, it can’t be a surprise that I like sweet things.”
Sirius’ laugh was like a lovely little reward for saying something even remotely funny and the little fanboy inside Remus perked up at the sound. “Besides, who drinks black tea these days? I thought only dramatic movie characters did that.”
James nodded along as he swung himself up to sit on the bench. Remus raised an eyebrow but said nothing. “That’s what I say! I think he’s too pretentious for his own good really. It’s the same with his coffee - ‘Black for Black’.”
“Wow.” Remus said, smiling into his cup even as Sirius hot James’ shoulder playfully. “That’s dedication if nothing else.” Before Sirius could reply, Remus’ timer went off.
“Ooh muffin time!” James sang, hopping down from the counter and out of the way as Remus opened the oven and pulled out the muffins. Not to brag or anything, but he thought they were perfect.
“We’ll leave you to it.” They said, taking their mugs with them and moving out of the way. Remus was a little disappointed, but also glad because he needed to focus and he wasn’t sure he’d have been able to do that if Sirius Black had stayed to watch.
He placed the hot muffins on their own cooling rack and filled a syringe with the maple syrup concoction before injecting a fair amount into each one. It was ridiculously satisfying to watch them swell a little as he filled them, but he had to remember to pull back lest he add too much and throw off the delicate balance.
“Bakers, you have two minutes left.” James called and despite being nearly finished, Remus felt that little spike of panic flow through him. Where had the time gone?
He quickly transferred both sets of muffins onto his plate for presenting them, lining them up in four rows of three, quickly dusting just a faint hint of icing sugar over the top and moving away.
“Bakers, your time is up, please place your cakes at the end of your bench and step away.”
Remus sat down on the stool he pulled out from under the bench and took a deep breath. He made it in time. His cakes looked okay. He could totally do this.
The judges entered the room and started making their way around the tent. Remus smiled at Lily nervously before tucking his hands under his thighs to hide the fact that they were trembling softly. He tried to pay attention to what the judges were saying to the others but really he could only hear his heart pounding in his ears. They moved away from the first contestant and then a few minutes later, from the second and then they were standing right in front of him. This was it - his first chance to prove himself.
“Hello again Mr Lupin.” McGonagall smiled as James and Sirius flanked the judges. There was a tense silence for a few minutes as each judge picked up a cake.
“They’re all identical, which is really nice to see.” Dumbledore said, right before halving a muffin. “Lovely even bake through this.”
McGonagall cut open a bacon and maple syrup and the sweet filling oozing out of the cake. “Look at this,” She said, “Really lovely work there. And I really like how the cake is wrapped in the rasher.”
Remus held a breath as they each took a bite, barely able to breathe.
Dumbledore smiled and relief flooded through Remus’ system. “Some excellent work here today Mr Lupin, well done.”
“Thank you,” Remus stammered, hardly able to talk though the beaming smile that had taken over his face. The judges moved away but James and Sirius lingered a moment longer.
“Can we try?” Sirius asked, pointing to the cakes. Remus nodded and while James went straight for the bacon and maple, Sirius paused.
“You said the lemon ones were your favourite, right?”
How did Sirius even know that? He wasn’t even there when Remus had mentioned it to the judges… he must have overheard. Nevertheless, Remus nodded and tried to hide a confused little smile as Sirius plucked a lemon and blueberry.
“Oh my god this is unreal.” James moaned as he started to walk away, clapping Remus’ shoulder. “Well done mate.”
Sirius closed his eyes, smiling as he chewed his. “They’re my favourite too.”
Remus was glad he was sitting down. Having anything in common with his celebrity crush was in itself nearly too much for him to handle, but said celebrity crush liking his baking? Well, not to be repetitive but; Remus was glad he was sitting down.
“That was crazy.”
“I know.”
“Like… So crazy.”
“I know.”
Remus and Lily were sitting outside on the lawn, eating their lunch before they had to take on their next challenge and they had both been saying the same thing for a solid two minutes.
“It’s just so crazy!” Lily exclaimed. “We just did our first challenge! And it went well!”
“I know!” Remus was still in shock himself. He had given all his cakes to the crew - all the bakers did, bar one for themselves. Remus had eaten his gluten free lemon and blueberry muffin, savouring the fact that the judges liked it and certainly not thinking about how Sirius Black had liked it too.
Nope, definitely not.
“The whole thing has made me a bit calmer about the next challenge, how about you?”
Remus nodded along in agreement as he stabbed another bunch of lettuce with his fork. “Yeah, I mean I’m still a bit nervous, but less so having actually done one.”
“And let’s not forget the fact that you had a bit of face time with Mr Black himself.”
Remus refused to let himself blush. “Oh shove off, I never should have told you that.” He said laughing a little defeatedly, wiping at his flushed face with his hand.
“No, you were definitely right to have told me. Now I can say that he looks at you way more than the others.” She teased, drawing out the ‘way’.
Remus rolled his eyes. “He’s Sirius Black. I’m just a book-loving, cardigan wearing, baking nerd from Wales. Until today, he never even knew I existed and whenever this show is over, he’ll soon forget about me.”
“Okay.” Lily said, her tone indicating she in no way believed him but she would let it slide for now. Remus breathed a sigh of relief. He could totally do this.
Remus Lupin could not do this.
His cakes weren’t rising, his cream was melting in the heat and those fucking instructions were useless.
“Ah I recognise the face of someone dealing with their first technical challenge.” Sirius said, appearing at his side.
Remus scrubbed his face tiredly. “Make a Victoria sponge.” He said lifelessly. “Those were their instructions. Nothing more. Like, what?”
Sirius bit his lip. Remus had to avert his eyes, he already had one crisis to deal with right now. “Yeah those two apparently aren’t very big on words.”
Remus just groaned at the attempt at humour. “This isn’t going to work.”
“And you called me dramatic?” Remus peeked out between his fingers to see Sirius leaning on his worktop grinning up at him. “You’ve got this Lupin.”
Remus began to nod slowly. “You think so?”
Sirius scoffed. “Of course!” He stood up straight and began to walk away. “Besides, if everything goes to shit, the worst thing that could happen is you embarrass yourself on national television and get sent home.”
At that, Remus burst out laughing. “That’s certainly an… interesting pep talk.”
Sirius grinned. “That’s me.”
Remus was still smiling a little while later as he assembled his cakes. Yes, the sponges didn’t rise as much as he would have like, but otherwise they were fine. He had managed to salvage the cream by putting it in the fridge for a while and the jam that he made had turned out really nicely. If nothing else, he had that going for him. The two presenters called time and the contestants all placed their cakes on the table at the front of the tent, behind the pictures of their faces. This challenge was a blind judge - McGonagall and Dumbledore didn’t know who had made what until after they released the results.
Remus sat down on a stool, with Lily on one side of him and a bloke named Peter on the other.
“Good luck.” Peter whispered to him and with that, the judges re-entered the tent.
“Good afternoon bakers!”
“Afternoon!” Everyone chorused back and Remus had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing at the sudden sensation that he was back in school and the teacher had just come into class.
“Okay, let’s just dive right in shall we?”
They all waited with baited breath as the judges tried each and every one of their cakes.
“Now this one is excellent.” Dumbledore said, taking a bite of the cake behind the picture of the pretty girl with bubble-gum pink hair. Remus glanced down the line and saw she was trying to hide a relieved grin. Lily was bouncing her leg incessantly and Remus had to cover her knee with his hand to get her to stop. He knew the cameras had caught the movement and to top it all off, Sirius raised an eyebrow at him. Remus bit his lip but didn’t move his hand - Lily had smiled at him gratefully and they both needed a little human contact right now.
“Now this one is a bit flat - the sponges didn’t rise enough in the oven it would seem.”
Remus flinched and looked up. Yep, they had reached his. The seconds seemed to crawl by as they cut themselves a slice and finally they tried it.
“However it tastes very good, I particularly like the jam - blueberry, that's quite unusual.”
Remus finally let out the breath he was holding. He was going to be just fine.
“Okay Mr Lupin, stand right there, if you would.”
Remus adjusted himself to stand where the camera woman had pointed to and looked at her. “This okay?”
“That’s perfect Mr Lupin-”
“Just Remus, please.”
“Alright then Remus, I’m Marlene.” She reached over and shook his hand, her green eyes kind and an array of wild blonde curls piled on top of her head.
“So Remus, how are you feeling after today?”
“Um, I feel pretty good?” Remus said, laughing a little at himself when he phrased it like a question. “It’s really hard to tell - especially since this was the first time I’ve done this. It was good though, no matter what it was a great experience and meeting so many like minded people is pretty cool.”
“And what about your placement in the technical challenge? Third place? Not too shabby.”
Remus laughed properly at that. “Yeah, that was really great.”
“And how are you feeling overall?”
Remus tilted his head side to side in a ‘so-so’ gesture. “Alright. I’m excited but also nervous. I think today was the most exhilarating yet stress inducing day of my life.”
Marlene giggled. “Yeah I’m getting that impression. That was great Remus, you’re free to go.”
Remus’ shoulders slumped and he was surprised at himself, he hadn’t realised he had been that tense.
“Please tell me that I didn’t look like a deer in headlights.” He groaned, making Marlene laugh. “Nah, you’re good I promise, no deer here,” She paused, leaning in conspiratorially, “Except the deer that’s James’ screensaver, but shh, you didn’t hear that from me.”
Remus chuckled to himself all the way back to the hotel.
“Round two, here we go.” Lily said, rubbing her hands together eagerly as she and Remus walked into the tent together.
“Okay but, how weird is it that we have to wear the exact same outfit again today?” Remus asked.
“So weird.” Tonks replied, magically appearing at their side. “Usually at home I take off my clothes and fling them somewhere in my room but last night I had to consciously put them away together so I wouldn’t lose anything.”
Lily giggled and Tonks grinned at her. Remus was settling nicely into the sense of camaraderie that was forming in the tent. Being in a ‘Bake Off Bubble’ changed the dynamic to other years (not that Remus really knew what other years were like) but essentially living with the others was allowing for a nice bond to form between them all.
They chatted a little as everyone filed in and James and Sirius wandered over to them.
“Hey guys!” Tonks chirped and the two lads grinned.
“Ready for another day?” James asked, the question posed to the group, but his eyes were on Lily. Her cheeks flushed a little and Remus made a mental note to tease her about that later.
“As ready as we can be I suppose.” She said, fiddling with equipment that did not need organising. Remus met Sirius’ eyes and they both grinned and for a moment, just for a split second it felt like they knew each other, like they were friends and had jokes and shared secret knowing looks.
“Okay guys, let’s get going.” A producer called and it snapped Remus out of his thoughts. He and Tonks went to their own benches and Sirius and James walked to the front of the tent to stand next to the judges.
“Today, my lovely little bakers,” Sirius began dramatically, “We want you to bake a cake.”
“I think that’s a given, considering it’s cake week.” James chimed in and Sirius shushed him.
“Hush, let me finish. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted,” He said, glancing pointedly at James to the amusement of the rest of the tent, “Today we want you to bake a cake. But not just any cake,” He said grandly. “We want a cake with several tiers and three different flavours. Your cake can be decorated any way you like, however it has to represent something important to you.”
Remus wasn’t surprised. None of the bakers were - they were told about this challenge in advance so that they had time to prepare and practise. The challenge was being announced simply for the benefit of the audience.
Remus cracked his knuckles and set to work.
“Does three different types of chocolate count as three separate flavours?” Sirius asked him, standing on his tip-toes to peer over Remus’ shoulders.
“I sure as fucking well hope so, cause it’s too bloody late for me otherwise.” Remus mumbled, concentrating too hard to even register what Sirius was saying properly.
“Language Re, now we can’t use this footage.” He laughed, scuffing Remus’ shoe with his foot.
“Oh no, the nation won’t get to see a few more seconds of me stressed off my head, what a fucking pity.”
Remus didn't look up but he could practically hear Sirius’ eyebrows raising.
“Mr Lupin, what would the queen think of such appalling language?” He asked, pressing a hand over his heart. Remus did glance up this time, to shoot the presenter a dry smile.
“I’ll be sure to ask her, if I ever meet her.”
Sirius’s eyes lit up at the banter, and one part of Remus wanted to say ‘fuck this competition, just spend all your time here chatting to Sirius bloody Black’, but that part of him was very small and the urge to win was very very large, so instead, he let Sirius wander along to the other contestants and he set back to work.
His white chocolate and milk chocolate sponges were still in the oven, but Remus had taken out his dark chocolate layer. He set to work, cooling it and carefully cutting it in half, repeating the process with his other two cakes. Next, he carefully stacked all of the pieces on top of one another, spreading a thin layer of salted caramel icing in between each layer, leaving him with six tiers total. He took a moment to step back and roll out his shoulders quickly before continuing to give his muscles a quick break.
“All good Remus?” James asked and Remus smiled weakly. “Yeah, all good.”
He had his cakes stacked on the stand he would be presenting them on, and set to work carefully cutting off sections of the cake until he was left with a lovely sphere shape. Satisfied, he grabbed the bowl of icing he hand made, the salted caramel a pale yellow and Remus added just the tiniest hint of food dye so it had the faintest grey tint before spreading it liberally all over the cake.
“So Remus, might I ask what you’re making today?” Marlene asked, appearing by his side, camera braced on his shoulder.
“Um it’s supposed to be the moon actually.”
“Oh hey, I can kind of see that.”
“What? Only kind of? I’ve completely finished!”
A panicked look overtook Marlene’s features and Remus burst out laughing. “I’m only messing with you. I’m not done yet. I’m going to get to work doing all the craters and stuff now.”
Marlene looked at him, her face completely blank. “I feel like I should inform you that if it wouldn’t get me fired I’d totally kill you for giving me that heart attack.”
Remus stuck out his tongue playfully. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now leave me alone, I need to get back to work.”
“Yeah, you tell her Re!” Sirius enthused as he walked past, not even pausing in his path over to James and only having heard the tail end of the conversation. Marlene just rolled her eyes and followed him.
For the first challenge, the judges had come around to their benches. All of the cakes had been presented at once during the second. The third, Remus decided, was most certainly the worst, because you had to carry your cake all the way up to the judges and present it to them.
Remus really fucking hoped he didn’t trip.
“I must say, the detailing on this is quite nice.” McGonagall said, picking up a rather large knife and Remus smiled weakly. “Thank you.”
She cut right down the centre and Remus almost winced because he had worked so hard on that but these are the troubles when your artwork is edible.
Dumbledore looked at him curiously. “Are these just different flavours of chocolate.”
Remus pursed his lips. He had no idea if they hated it or not. “Yeah it is… I really like chocolate.” He added lamely and flushed a little at the chuckles that elicited from around the tent.
“Well Mr Lupin, I must say I’m rather impressed.” McGonagall said after trying it and Remus honestly thought he was going to cry with relief. One thing was for sure - the endorphin levels that being on this show elicited were on a whole other level.
He walked back to his bench, half in a daze, smiling at Lily who passed him on his way, her arms full with a cake decorated with the most realistic iced lilies he had ever seen.
“Remus? Are you ready for your interview?”
Remus looked up from the cup of tea he was nursing. “Yeah. Outside again?”
Marlene nodded and he followed her out, taking a deep breath of the clean country air.
Marlene signalled to indicate the camera was rolling. “So, you survived?” She said, her tone teasing.
Remus smiled. “I survived.” He confirmed. “I’m so, so delighted for Lily, she really deserved to get star baker.”
“So you weren’t disappointed?”
Remus laughed at the almost ludicrous question. “I’m still surprised that I made it here in the first place! I wasn't expecting star baker, I wasn't even aiming for it today, I just wanted to make it through the week.”
“And you did.”
“That I did.” Remus repeated, smiling warmly. Some guy, Caradoc, was going home. Remus had only spoken to him once so he couldn’t say he was all that torn up about it.
“This question is for a bit of voice over for the episode, alright?”
Remus nodded.
“Your cake was a moon, can you explain the significance of that?”
Remus sheepishly rubbed his hand over his face. “It seems kind of dumb now that I say it but, I used to be obsessed with the moon. Still am really, if I’m being perfectly honest. It got to the point where I now have the nickname of ‘Moony’.” He paused smiling as Marlene laughed. “But it just always made me calm. My mom and I used to drive to the beach in the evening just to watch the sun go down and the moon come up. It was great.”
Marlene smiled. “Perfect, that’s enough, thanks Remus.” She hit a button to stop the recording and Remus began to move away.
“So you’ve reason to stay another week anyways?” Marlene asked.
“Yeah.” Remus said, surprised to find his voice soft. He turned slightly and his eyes landed on Sirius walking out of the tent, pulling his hair out of the top-knot it had been styled in for the last two days. “Yeah, I think I do.”
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epicbasher65685 · 4 years
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(Soo yeah a few people wanted to read this so here it is. sorry I can’t write for anything but I tried my hardest to get my head cannon across)
TW: descriptions of blood and gore, abuse
“What a fantastic song! No one could ever go wrong with the brilliant song “Let’s Misbehave” by none other than the darb Cole Porter!” Alastor exclaimed excitedly with his powerful transatlantic accent into the microphone. “Truly a marvelous performance. Anywho! The bayou killer strikes again! That’s right folks you heard it here first! The bayou killer claims their 11th victim! Oh the tragedy! There seems to be a pattern in this killer’s cycle. The moon cycle! Who would’ve guessed? And who will be the twelfth on the full moon? What kind of monster from hell could possibly cause this much pain and torture to both the victims and their families?” He questioned the listeners. His smile grew bigger at his sarcastic yet genuine sounding empathy. Deep within him he knew there was none. If he tried to look any deeper in himself the only thing we would find would be the rumbling of his stomach and it’s almost snickering like sounds, laughing mischievously and knowingly at his sarcastic line of questioning. Alastor reached over and closed the report he was reading from with a resounding thud, a look of accomplishment graced his face. The listeners were shocked with the news, seeing that the killer is still at large and could pounce on them or their loved ones at any moment. “Lock your doors and stay safe ladies and gentlemen! This concludes tonight’s broadcast. Oh oh! Almost forgot the regularly scheduled joke! Just to lighten the mood a bit. What happened when the cannibal was late for dinner? He got the cold shoulder! Ahahahahaha! See you tomorrow folks, stay safe!” He said brightly as he ended his radio broadcast, turning off his equipment and microphone.
The streets were full of Ebullience and joyful spirit. The year was 1933. New Orleans, Louisiana was really quite a marvelous and interesting place to live. Alastor McCarthy walked down the sidewalk in his clean white shirt and suspenders, shoes polished so thoroughly you can see the bright sun and the blue sky reflecting off of it! All the Cadillacs and Buicks cruised down the smoothly paved road. Almost everyone in this town knew Alastor. And Alastor knew almost everyone just as well. The lovely people waved as they saw him walk by, and he of course would wave back with a friendly smile on his face. He was always smiling! One happy fellow indeed, everyone would imagine. He walked down the sidewalk with a pep in his step softly humming to the bustling jazz that played from the gramophones in the nearby shops. He was making his way home now, it was almost supper and he needed to help his mother prepare it! Oh yes, Alastor loved his mother dearly, she was a true light in his life. People like to tease him sometimes and call him somewhat of a mama's boy. He would be lying if he protested this though. He truly loved his mother. His father, however, he did not. Just the thought of him made Alastors smile falter, just a smidge. He was a real goof, and a drunk. Alastor despised him, but only put up with him because his mother still loved him. Alastor could never see what an amazing woman like herself could ever find in a hunk of junk like him.
The noise of the streets died down as he started to approach his neighborhood. The walk from the radio station to his house was only a 30 minute or so walk. He figured it was good exercise and also an efficient way to build up his appetite. When Alastor wasn’t doing his radio broadcasts, he would find himself hunting deer in the nearby bayou. His father showed him how to hunt when he was a young boy. He had mastered the art of hunting and butchering the creatures he captured. Whether it be deer, rabbit, boar… human. His mother taught him the culinary arts, which he soon too mastered. He would help his mother prepare jambalaya, his favorite dish, when he was younger. He reminisced about those good ol’ days. Well, most of it at least. He had finally arrived home.
“Hello mother! Father.” He called out into the calm house. He took his shoes off and saw his mother appear from the kitchen.
“Oh! Alastor, how I’ve missed you dear.” She said lovingly as she ran toward Alastor to hug him. “How was your day? Anything exciting happening down in that ol’ radio station? I completely forgot to tune in today. Silly me. Apologies!”
“No need mother, it was just business as usual, quite copacetic! We had our top music hits and, well, a quite shocking report on the bayou killer.” Alastor explained
“Oh? Was he murdered? Oh oh! Caught by the fuzz? Hot dawg!” She exclaimed in excitement.
“...No mother, he was not. Always jumping to conclusions! Ahahaha. My, that’s just like you!” He said. Her words pained him only in the slightest. She obviously disliked this killer. Yet she unknowingly loved this said killer more than anyone else. He felt a sick giddy because of this. Why, he found it quite humorous! How twisted. “He’s claimed his 11th victim, unfortunately.” He said with a softer voice.
“Oh dear… how horrible. I can’t believe he’s getting away with this! Someone has to stop him eventually.” She said with sadness in her eyes. Alastor didn’t like to see her like this, not ever!
“Yes I know, quite the tragedy I’m sure. I heard he was a rude man however, a real dewdropper as some may say! The man had nothing going for him anyways.” He explained, or rather explained himself, for that matter.
“Darlene, when the hell is that dinner going to be finished?” Gus, Alastors father, yelled from the living room couch. He had just finished his twelfth beer of the day. Alastor could hear the subtle clinks of the glass bottle against the cup holder. Indicating that yes, he had indeed gotten drunk again.
“It’ll be ready in about half an hour dear!” She yelled back, Completely forgetting about the news of the bayou killer. An audible groan sounded from the living room in response.
“Alastor, would you be a dear and help me peel the potatoes for dinner?” She questioned
“Of course mother! Let’s get started then shall we?” Alastor asked joyfully.
Once dinner was prepared and the table was set, Alastor’s mother called for Gus to come and eat. Another audible groan sounded from the living room as Gus managed to stand up, very blotto from all his drinks. Without anyone seeing, Alastor was quick to drop a pill into Gus’s drink at the table. He then turned away and started to whistle an innocent jazz tune.
“Oh, Alastor, I almost forgot about the pie in the oven. Would you mind taking it out for me and cutting it’s pieces?” She asked him kindly. Alastor responded with a quick ‘yep!’ and put on the oven mitts. He took the pie out and put it on the stove. He took his mitts off and placed them back on the counter, only to replace them with a knife. Without hesitation he stuck the knife into the steaming pie. It smelt like delicious baked cherries. The pie oozed red juice and covered the knife. He continued to cut even slices into the beautiful pie. He stared longingly at his work, admiring the precise cuts and the knife dripping red juice. He licked the knife clean and saw his father's reflection walking into the room when he looked at the knife. He stared for a moment, then put the knife into the sink. Gus finally arrived at the table as everyone sat down.
“So what do we have here?” Gus questioned as he occasionally hiccuped. He had messy black hair and his eyes were half lidded. He wore a black vest with his tie sloppily tied.
“Well I made venison, mashed potatoes, and beans for tonight. That damn venison was quite tricky to cook, but hopefully I got it just right.” She explained
“I’m sure it turned out great, mother.” He smiled at her. Alastor eyed his father as he sat down. Gus started digging in with the slightest amount of politeness. Hungrily shoving the food into his mouth. Alastor sighed and picked up his utensils to start eating.
“What is it boy? You’ve got something to say?” He snapped at Alastor. Glaring at him with whatever amount of sobriety he had left.
“No, sir.” Alastor responded while staring at his plate. He hated this. He hated his father and he hated how he treated both him and his mother. Not to mention how rude he was. All of the bayou killers victims reminded him of his father. What a coincidence huh? No, he chose them very carefully, and he planned out every bit of it. Every time he killed them he imagined as though the person was truly his father. It gave him satisfaction and it quenched his thirst, for the time being. But this thirst would always reappear. He could never get rid of it through these involuntary murders of his, and he knew this. He knew it would only be a matter of time before… he would claim his final victim. That’s all Alastor thought about when he looked his father in the eyes. The twelfth. The twelfth. The twelfth. The second full moon. It will complete his design.
“Whatever,” He sneered at Alastor. Gus downed his drink in a few gulps. Alastor watched with a smile. Then Gus began to cut into the venison, and suddenly there was an irritated look on his face. “This venison is overcooked.” He started while he looked up at Darlene.
“Oh, yes I was afraid that might happen…” Darlene quietly said with a look of disappointment appearing on her face.
“Isn’t that just perfect? Maybe you should learn how to cook properly instead of having a gay ol’ time dancing swing like a flapper at the club down the road. Dumb-Dora can’t do anything right can you? Darlene was taken back by his sudden outburst. She apologized and told him it wouldn’t happen again with a tinge of fear spreading on her face and tears threatening to breach her eyes.
“Well, actually, I do have something to say,” Alastor said as he interrupted his mother’s apologies. “Maybe if you stopped getting bent everyday like a normal person, maybe people might actually like you! You’re such a flat tire and a real boozehound. You think it’s ok to treat us like this? For crying out loud you’ve been doing this for years! You just futz around and do whatever you want, when you want, and how you want!” Alastor exclaimed loudly at his father while eyeing him with a scornful look. He wasn’t going to let him talk to his mother that way, no sir! Enough was enough. Darlene looked at Alastor in shock. She really can’t believe he said that to him. A wave of panic hits her knowing what’s going to come next.
“Why, you little! How dare you talk to me like that? I come home after a long day and this is what I get? A cheap meal and a disrespectful family?” Gus’s voice grew louder and louder with every word he spoke. He pointed to Alastor. “You… I’ll wipe that stupid smile off your face permanently!” Gus stood up and walked over to Alastors side of the table. Alastor and Darlene stood up quickly, knowing this situation is about to become physical.
“Don’t you dare touch him!” Darlene shouted as she grabbed hold of Alastors arm. Alastor backed up while the adrenaline started coursing through his veins. Gus took hold of Darlene and threw her against the counter. She fell on the way down with a yelp hitting her head on the edge of the counter. Darlene’s vision started to blur and soon after she drifted into unconsciousness as she heard the faint yelling of Alastor.
“You absolute madman! Now look what you’ve done. You’re some real tough guy hm? Well, I’m sure you’ll enjoy my next show, you’re the super important participant, after all!” Alastor said with a growing smile. His creole accent slipping out for only a moment as he yelled. “Aren’t you excited?”
“What are you… talking about..?” Gus talked as his words became sloppy and quiet. The once calming and peaceful kitchen warping and turning in place as his vision grew cloudy and dark. His eyes lidded fully, the last thing he saw before he fell to the ground was Alastors prideful smile. Alastor thought Gus would pull something like this. All this commotion, that is. Yet it was in the back of his mind as was planning out his demise. He stared at Gus for a good while, lying there helplessly. Although this isn’t exactly how he planned it out, he was still ultimately satisfied with the outcome. That is, until he remembered his mother lying on the ground. Her nicely combed and silky brunette hair in a bun was now frizzing out everywhere, the bun loosened from the altercation. Her lids shielding her innocent blue eyes to what has become of her husband, and the truth of her faithful son. Alastor slowly picked her up and placed her on the couch. He took an ice pack from the kitchen and placed it on the noticeable bump on her forehead.
“Do wake up soon, won’t you?” He whispered to her. He kissed her forehead and made his way into the kitchen. He managed to pick his father up with a few strained breathes, grabbed the knife out of the sink, and walked out the backdoor.
It was about 8pm now, and the sun had already cast its final flare. Only to replace it, was a thoughtless moon. Alastor navigated his way throughout his backyard and soon into the bayou unseen. Gus remained unconscious and hung over Alastors shoulder. Once Alastor traversed deep enough into the bayou. He tied Gus up to an old bald cypress tree. It’s leaves spaced out enough to let the moonlight fall and flicker between them. A few moments later, Gus finally awoke to a conscious state. Confused and dazed to where he was, and how he got there.
“Hello lucky contestant! Welcome to my show!” Alastor exclaimed in a cheerful announcer voice.
“Al? Where.. where the hell am I?” He said in a choked voice. He tried to move his arms, but they were restrained by a tightly tied rope. “What the hell are you doing?” He said as his voice wavering. Alastor took out his knife and walked slowly up to Gus. Gus watched every little movement Alastor made, his adrenaline rising with each step.
“Oh you poor thing. Haven’t you realized what’s happening by now?” Alastor teased as he lunged playfully forward, causing Gus to gasp and defensively lean back in the tree. ‘How pathetic’ Alastor thought to himself. “What? Don’t tell me your giving me the cold shoulder! Ahahahahahaha!” Alastor laughed at his silly little inside joke. He lowered himself to Gus’s level on the ground and pointed the knife at his chest. “Boy that thing must be pounding! I think I’ll eat your heart first!” Alastor exclaimed once again. Gus’s face was pale with fear as the knife slowly etched its way inside of his chest, blood soaking his already stained shirt. He screamed in excruciating pain as Alastor carved all the way down to his waistline. Exposing his organs and blood to the everlasting moonlight. Gus writhed in pain as he looked Alastor in the eyes.
“Y-you…killed them?” Gus managed to choke out. Disbelief filled his eyes.
“Hmm? Oh! That’s correct!” Alastor said while he backed up, admiring his work. Alastor looked down at his hands and his cuffed sleeves. The blood dripping off of his hands was much more black then the usual dark red.
“My! The mother was right! Blood really does look black in the moonlight,” He said. His smile unwavering and as prominent as always. That was the last thing Gus saw as his vision started to melt away for the last time. Alastor kneeled beside Gus and pulled out his heart behind his rib cage. He took a big bite from it without hesitation, just like how one would eat an apple. He noted that it tasted almost the same as a deers.
Soon after, a sudden rush of panic struck Alastor as he heard a males voice calling close by. He quickly turned toward the sound and saw multiple men in the distance holding flashlights pointing in Alastors direction. He hopped to his feet in a frenzy and ran deeper into the bayou. It was dark and he could barely see where he was running, but all he knew was that he needed to get away. It was only a matter of time the cops had found him. The pattern was quite obvious, Alastor knew. Yet, he thought it was orderly and scheduled, and that was something he’s always taken to heart. As he was running, he recalled his fondest memories and previous murders as the cops chased him on his tail. He knew this was it for him, unless he could throw them off somehow. Quickly, he noticed out of the corner of his eye a figure. It was a lone deer. It looked him in the eye without movement. The deer eyed him knowingly. The full moon shining between its broad antlers.
Suddenly, the night and day remembered how they came to be. Alastor glared back at this deer, his smile wavering as he was shot dead in the forehead with a rifle. He fell to the ground as his smile fell completely. A hunter had missed the deer, accidentally shooting Alastor killing him instantly. Surely it was too dark for the hunter to have seen him. There was no hope for him. Then, the deer quickly ran off into the deep bayou startled from the shadow of nobody there.
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2018shawn · 4 years
baking in paris | sm
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warnings: mentions of smut etc etc possibly swearing?? I also have NOT proof read don't come for me. should probably mention this is an au lol
word count: 2k ish
Summer in Paris was dreamy. The balance of the bright sun beaming down onto vibrant bodies mixed with the soft breeze that forced leaves to scatter down the street was the perfect setting and it was everything you dreamed of and more. Your thin, flimsy blinds were the only thing blocking the heated rays from filtering into your room, mostly because you didn’t want Gabriel across the road seeing your ta-ta’s in process of getting dressed.
Your apartment was simple, a beige and white colour pallet flowing throughout with a touch of fresh flowers ever so often from the local florist down the road from your café. The acoustic playlist was the soundtrack to your early morning, the smell of lemon drizzle cake filling your senses as you washed the dishes, the baking area currently looking like a flour explosion had gone off. The one thing that immediately sold this apartment to you was the double oven and large kitchen island that was more than ample for your baking experiments.
Today was your day off, which was very much needed because running a café in the height of tourist season was extremely tiring, but you wouldn’t change it for the world. As much as you needed the day off, waking up and baking a fresh batch of cakes for the café was your number one priority, because your shop didn’t get its reputation for nothing. It was almost mid-morning by the time you’d finish decorating both cakes, much precision and care going into each. Who said days off were for relaxing, right?
A knock on the door sounded, and you assumed it would just be the little old lady, Camille, across the hallway, who always moaned you played music too loud in a morning. You wiped your hands on the apron that covered your high waisted denim shorts as you padded over to the door, shouting at your device for the music to go down to volume two.
The other side of the door, Shawn stood with a loaf of baking parchment in one hand, his other shoved into his pocket after knocking on the door to number 10. When you swung the door open and stared into his chest, because you expected it to be Camille who was dramatically shorter than Shawn, he laughed and tucked his fingers under your chin, dragging your face upwards.
“Shawn…” You breathed, more than shocked at his presence. “Hi. What… How… Why aren’t you at the bakery?” You asked, because more often than not he did the morning shift in the bakery next to your café, setting up for his boss and making sure the savoury breakfasts were ready to fill tourists’ belly’s.
“My boss came in and it was ridiculously quiet, so I worked on some new stuff and he said I can take a break for a few hours.” He wafted the item he was holding, the smell of fresh, doughy bread overpowering the lemon drizzle coming from your kitchen. “And I would like a professional opinion.”
You offered him to come him, suddenly feeling nervous that he’d only been here twice before and both time you had drunkenly hooked up. He didn’t realise how authentic your small apartment was, but he remembered the balcony in your bedroom and how he’d fucked you over it late one night. You and Shawn were friends, you think, maybe something slightly more but nothing dramatic. Friends with benefits is what you would use to suit your relationship best, although you could count the amount of times you’ve been physically together on one hand. He was a real sweetheart, who moved over here for a breath of fresh air, just like you and that’s how the friendship started. It blossomed furthermore when he got job at the bakery next to your café, which was a bonus for him because it meant he didn’t have to fly straight back home after running out of money, and more so, it was a bonus for you because you got to see him almost every day and you’ve seen a lot worse views in your time.
He complimented the smell of your baking and you suddenly felt bad that he was bringing you goods and you had nothing to offer, so you gave him the bowl of left excess cake sponge to which he happily picked at. He sat down his parcel, perching himself on the bar stool at the kitchen island as you hoped up onto the island itself, your legs swinging over the edge.
“This looks insane!” You exclaimed, pulling open the baking paper to reveal a twisted bread dough, still warm and golden from a fresh bake. “Caramelised onion?”
“And brie.” He smiled, popping a chunk of lemon drizzle sponge in his mouth, enjoying every mouthful. Shawn loved how much you loved food and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t make him want to be better baker. He pestered you non-stop for a tutorial on your secret cakes and sweets, but if you told him that you’d have to kill him, obviously.
“My favourite.” You smiled, grabbing the two plates and knife you pulled out the cupboard.
“I know,” he took the knife from you, cutting into the bread softly, the outer layer cracking with a crunch but inside softly slicing perfectly. Your mouth juiced as your stomach growled and you became suddenly aware that you were too busy in the thought of feeding everyone else that you had not fed yourself this morning.
“Someone’s hungry” He laughed, standing up from the bar stool and walking in front of you, tapping your knee to usher you to open your legs wider. Once open, he slotted snuggly in between them and your breath hitched at the new contact of your thighs hugging someones hips - not just any hips either, Shawn’s hips. He picked up a slice of bread, which was light work for his massive hands, and brought it up to your lips. You wondered if he noticed your breathing was deeper since he’d moved in between you or if he noticed that you were biting your lip as you adored every small feature on his face.
Truth be told, he didn’t notice; only because he was too busy trying not to act like a complete loser in front of you, even though you’d seen him be a complete dork on many occasions. That’s what made him more endearing, you thought. The simple fact that someone can be so completely nerdy but so incredibly attractive at the same time and you had to remind yourself that he was just here for the summer. Attachment was not an option.
When you bit into the pillowy bread, your eyes closed shut, noting all the small little flavours that he’d added to the loaf, making the experience much more enjoyable than your normal breakfast routine. “Oh my god, Shawn. It’s amazing!”
“You think?”
“Uh, yeah!” you slapped his arm with the back of your hand, opening your mouth again to which he happily obliged, and fed you another bite. “Seriously, I don’t know why you don’t come work for me and we can take over the world.”
Shawn had to bite his tongue; they couldn’t take over the world, he was going home in less that 2 months and as much as he wanted to stay, he needed his home too. He innocently smiled, placing the bread back down on the plate which you stuck your bottom lip out at, feeling hungrier now you’d had a couple of bites. You leant back on your hands, forgetting about the covering of flour on the island behind you, instantly feeling the powdery ingredient under your touch. Your breasts stuck out as you leant backwards, Shawn using every inch of his willpower to not bring his lips down to them, your white bardot shirt revealing the upper half of your chest and contrasting against your tanned, summer skin. Underneath your apron lower down, he could see a slither of denim, and he knew how well you pulled of those exact shorts, even if he hadn’t seen you in them fully today. “Ooo, the thought of me working for you....” he laughed, arms reaching around and resting on the lower of your back in a bid to feel closer to you again. “Telling me what to doooooo...” He sang, pulling his mouth into a suggestive smirk.
“You’re such a sub, Shawn Mendes.” You laughed, throwing your head back, making a brief statement to your sex life and of course, he knew that. He wasn’t submissive, per se. In fact, there’d been a couple of time’s where he’d roughed you around that much you didn’t know if you were sleeping with the same guy. But truthfully, he’d be on his knees for you before you even had to ask and he’d never met anyone who had this effect on him.
He threw his hands up in defensive, only briefly removing them from your body before they returned to behind you. This time, you felt his hands put more pressure onto your body, your denim shorts sliding along the smooth island surface as he pulled you a touch closer. “Can you blame me? Have you seen yourself?”
“Pfft, have you seen yourself?!” You raised your eyebrows, instantly biting your lip to stop yourself from spilling anymore affection.
He stared into your eyes, trying to hold back a smile, “did you just compliment me?” he brought his palm to your forehead, switching in between the palm and back of his hand, “are you feeling okay? what did I put in that bread?!”
You used your body to help you lean your weight foreword, bringing one of your arms around and smacking him in the chest, a smoke of flour filling the air in between you. You had forgotten (kinda), and tried your best to act apologetic, gritting your teeth together as he switched his eyes in between the hand shaped, flour print on his black t-shirt and your -now- barely flour covered palm. Having no time to react at all, he reached behind you and scooped up and left over flour he could see before bringing his hand up to your face, cupping which despite the fact he was messing you up, you leaned into, squirming as he tickled the side of your neck. “You’re an ass, mine was an accident!” you squealed, trying your best to move away from him but his grasp too tight.
“Oh yeah?” he smirked, too concentrated on staring into your eyes to realise you were reaching back round for more flour. With a swift movement you brought your hands in front of you, blowing quickly at the ingredient in your palm. His eyes squinted closed and he screwed up and blew his lips, trying to get any taste out of his mouth.
“Yeah” You innocently shrugged, wiping your hands down your apron for probably the 60th time of today.
Moving closer to you, you laughed at his powdery face, although admired how pretty he still looked. You knew you’d get hell later when he tried to shower the flour out of his perfectly spiralled curls, but it was worth it. His lips hovered over yours, waiting to gauge a reaction from you and although you didn’t give him one, he pressed down onto you, letting out a breath of relief as your features locked. Your bodies were a mess of tangled, floury limbs and whimpering noises as you worked on each other, grabbing at whatever piece of each other you could. You pulled at his black t-shirt, aware you’d already messed it up and he tugged at the string of your apron, letting it fall loose besides your hips. You couldn’t help but think that Camille would soon be banging on your door, complaining of the noise that wasn’t from the music.
taglist: @imaginashawnns @fallinallincurls @mendesficsxbombay
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dawn-fights-gacha · 4 years
Pairing: Moteldwelling x reader, Cherry x reader
Summary: Cherry has been your roommate for the longest time, and one day, you just can’t resist her anymore.
A/N:  hehe, okay, um, yall are probably like wayyy too hyped for this, and this is like my 3rd time writing smut (or writing in general oops) so please, give me all the constructive criticism you have. Also, this took wayy to long for me to write, im soo sorry.  Also, this kinda kicked off my start of writing fics on tumblr. Also, can we just appreciate the amazingness that is @moteldwelling cuz like...damn that’s a whole ass woman right there.
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At least, that was what you intended to do. Your roommate, Cherry, was out of the house, on a run to go get some drinks to celebrate her A on her test. You knew how hard she had worked, and how much this grade meant to her, so you decided to surprise her with a vanilla angel cake, with not only one, but two layers.
You would have never gone through the trouble to make a cake for someone, but there was something different with Cherry. The moment she had let you move in with her, you were completely enthralled by her. It might have been how flawless she is, how goddamn hot she is, or how talented and smart she is. 
No matter what the case was, you were absolutely in love with her, no doubts or hesitation. 
It’s been so long since you’ve admitted to yourself that you had caught feelings for her, and you really wanted to tell her, but there was one thing stopping you.
The lack of self-confidence.
You knew that Cherry was completely out of your league, you’ve always known this. You didn’t even know if she swung for girls. The way the chips were adding up, nothing was going in your favor.
But you couldn’t help but wonder, fantasize, and daydream about her. 
Her plump lips, the curve of her body, her captivating eyes, even the amazing, sexy, black dress she stepped out in, the one that accentuated all her beauty. 
Perfect. Flawless. Beautiful. Masterpiece. Art. Sex on legs.
There were so many words that described her, yet not enough words.
You shook your head, an attempt of trying to focus on the task at hand, the cream-colored cake batter that sat in front of you.
One thing was for sure, though: You might have been making a vanilla cake for her, but you were one hundred percent sure that sex with her was anything but vanilla.
You mentally scolded yourself and continued to stir the batter, trying to focus your thoughts on the batter and not your crazily hot roommate.
You poured out the batter into a circular pan and put in the pre-heated oven, absentmindedly blowing a piece of stray hair out of your face.
Now, you have an almost empty bowl of cake batter and a carton of frosting, just waiting for the cake to be finished in order to put the final touch.
You stared at the almost empty bowl of cake batter until you finally gave in, taking a finger to scrape the side of the bowl, gathering the batter on your pointer finger, then bringing it to your mouth.
Sweet, but probably not sweeter than Cherry.
You sighed heavily, then hoisted yourself onto the kitchen counter, bringing the bowl onto your lap to clean it out.
You gathered another dollop of batter on your finger, and put it up to your mouth again, though this time, the door to the apartment opened up, Cherry in tow with a black, plastic bag in her hand, probably holding some sort of alcohol.
She also had that amazing dress on, and you definitely didn’t look at her cleavage. Definitely not. Nope, not you.
“Cherry, you weren’t supposed to come back yet,” you whined at her, slightly pouting. You wanted the cake to be a surprise for her. Once again, nothing was going in your favor.
“Aww, baby, I’m so sorry,” she told you. Your face picked up a little at the familiar nickname she called you, though you were sure she called everyone that. “But, I did buy us some champagne to start us off, then we could move onto this rum I found, it’s called ‘puncheon,’ I think.”
You shrugged at her, and dipped your finger back into the batter, bringing it back into your mouth.
“Well, leave some for me, at least,” she joked with you, walking over to in front of you, peering into the almost clean bowl.
“Well, maybe I’ll finish the rest of this as your punishment for coming back early,” You retorted, earning yourself a tiny glare from her. 
You scraped the remaining batter onto your pointer finger, and you were about to bring up to your mouth, though something stopped you.
Cherry’s hand held your wrist, preventing you from bringing it to your lips. You looked at her and saw something in her eyes that you’ve rarely seen in her before.
“What are you doing?” You asked, and though your voice started off strong, you started tapering off towards the end.
She didn’t answer your question, yet she slowly started to drag your hand towards herself. Looking at you dead straight in your eyes, she lifted your hand towards her own mouth, darting out her tongue to give a kitten lick to your battered-finger.
You suppressed a moan at the sight of her, but when she took your entire finger into her mouth, you lightly mewled at the feeling of her mouth surrounding your finger, her tongue swirling over your fingertip to collect all the batter onto your tongue.
Yeah, you were definitely in love with her.
Keeping your finger in her mouth, although there was no more batter left on it, she took her other hand to push the bowl out of your lap, and pulled you off the kitchen counter.
You stumbled forward a little, until you were only a couple inches away from Cherry.
“Cherry, what’s going on?” You whispered towards her, your eyes darted between her mouth and her eyes.
Slowly, she pulled your finger out of her mouth, a string of saliva still connecting the tip of your finger to her mouth.
You whimpered at the sight of it, the situation being too erotic, too much for you to hold back what you wanted to do.
You pulled your wrist out of her grasp, and gripped her waist instead, pulling her closer until you encaptured her lips in yours, her eyes fluttering shut.
Bliss. Pure bliss. That’s what this moment felt like. Her lips moving in tandem with yours, the little whimpers leaving her mouth, sounding muffled, due to your mouth creating a hindrance for her sounds to be let free.
You gripped her waist a little tighter after she brought her hands to your shoulders, her nails lightly digging into your skin.
You left one hand on her waist, the other hand traveling up and caressing her body until you left it to rest on the nape of her neck.
You lightly licked the seam of her lips, wordlessly asking for her to open her mouth to grant your tongue access, to which she didn’t accept.
So she wants to play this game, huh?
You traced your hand from her tiny waist to her ass, giving an abrupt squeeze, making her lightly gasp into your mouth, granting you the access that you wanted. No, needed.
You darted your tongue into her mouth, lightly tracing her own one, the taste of the cake batter lingering on her tongue, a sweet taste making its way onto your tongue, though a lot of the sweetness was purely and distinctly Cherry.
Seeming upset with the trick you pulled, she pushed you back into the counter, your lips not leaving each other. 
The marble was digging into your back, just a little, but you didn’t give two shits. It added to the pleasure Cherry was giving you.
Her hands traveled to the hem of your shirt, pulling it up slightly. 
You got the hint and lifted your arms, pulling yourself back from her, letting her slip the shirt over your head with ease and precision.
You hadn’t felt like a bra was necessary since you weren’t going out anywhere. Cherry looked down at your bare chest, and lightly moaned at the sight of your perked-up nipples.
“No bra, (Y/N)? Is this for me?” She asked, although you were sure that she knew the answer to that question.
You couldn’t bring yourself to speak actual words, so you just nodded your head and breathed out the breath of air you didn’t know you were holding.
You brought your face towards her once more, but instead of kissing her, you dipped down to place a light kiss on her neck, then started to nip and lightly suck on the skin, intent on leaving a mark for everyone to see.
Cherry moaned the prettiest sound you ever heard, most likely from the feeling of your teeth grazing over her skin, as well as the feeling of your tongue running over the spot you claimed as yours.
You felt her rummage around behind you, though you couldn’t put your attention to what she was doing, you felt pretty preoccupied with making your task of marking her and making her moan and whimper more.
That is, until you felt it.
A cold substance touched your left nipple, making you gasp and lift yourself off of Cherry’s neck to look down and see her spreading the vanilla frosting around your nipple.
The feeling of the cold frosting touching your overheating skin, as well as Cherry brushing her thumb against your right nipple was way too much for you.
You pushed your chest out into her touch, trying to seek more of the sensation she was giving you.
You gripped the marble behind you, needing something to hold onto.
Cherry then decided to repeat her actions to the other side.
“Cherry,” You moaned out her name, a light blush dusting your cheek out of embarrassment of your desperation for her, though in this moment, you didn’t really care.
When she was finished painting her masterpiece on your chest, she leant back a little, as if to admire the contrast of skin and frosting she made on you.
“Please,” you whispered, staring at her in her eyes.
You didn’t know what you were pleading for, but whatever it was, it worked.
Cherry wasted no time in dipping her head to capture you in her mouth, her tongue running over your frosting-covered nipple.
Immediately, your head dipped back and moaned loudly. You didn’t know if it was from Cherry’s warm mouth or just the fact that she was really here, really doing this, to you.
Your mind decided it was done with thinking and wondering, and just went almost blank with the scene playing out right here, in your own kitchen.
All you could think about was Cherry.
When she cleaned the offending sugary confection from your left breast, she moved onto the right one, making you moan loudly again. You moved your hand from the cold marble behind you and put it on the back of Cherry’s head, lightly holding her to your bosom and massaging her head.
You felt her smile while she was running her tongue over you, but you couldn’t care less.
“Feels good, Cherry, so good,” you rasped out for her, letting her know the effect she had on you.
She made a sound of approval, as if she appreciated you telling her how you felt.
After cleaning your right breast up, she pulled off her lips, with a soft pop, then blew lightly on the saliva she left on your skin, making it feel cold, the change in temperature making you whine a little.
You looked down at Cherry to see a little bit of the frosting left on the corner of her mouth.
You pulled her head back up to capture her in a kiss, tasting the lingering flavor of the  frosting on her tongue and cleaning up the one on the side of her mouth.
Her hands moved from your waist to behind herself, fumbling with the black dress.
You heard the soft zip of her dress, and she quickly shimmied out of it, the offending cloth pooling down at her feet.
You broke the kiss to give her a once-over, and wow, you were not ready for this.
She didn’t have on a bra, her perfect bust out in the open, her nipples hard, and the lacy black thong she had on, that left little to nothing to the imagination.
You gave her elevator eyes, and when you made eye contact with her, she had a small smirk on her face, like she knew the effect she had on you.
She stepped forward a little, out of the pool of her dress to hold your waist again.
“Let’s take this to the bedroom?” She proposed to you.
“Yes, please, Cherry,” You pleaded with her, sounding very desperate, but, to be honest, you really were desperate.
She took your hand, her grip soft, yet leading, and dragged you to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.
Cherry wasted no time in kissing your neck and opening the button that held your jeans up. 
The feeling of her sucking and licking the pulse point on your neck forced moans and tiny whimpers out of you, the throbbing between your legs soon becoming unbearable.
As soon as she got the button undone, she shoved her thumbs under the waistband of both 
your jeans and your panties, harshly pushing the material down until they pooled at her feet.
She moved forward a little, making you move backward until the back of your knees hit the soft mattress of her bed.
A slight push of your shoulders from Cherry indicated you to lay down on the bed, and you did so, Cherry joining in soon after.
“What do you want me to do first?” Cherry asked you, climbing on top to straddle you.
Quickly, you rolled over, moving so that Cherry was underneath you, little pants of surprise escaping her.
“I want you to stay right here, and don’t move.” You told her, giving her one last kiss before moving down her body, littering little pecks on her skin.  Cherry’s hand moved down to entangle itself in your hair, her nails scraping your scalp, sending tingles from the top of your cranium down to the end of your spine.
You kissed right over the waistband of her thong, peering up at her to see her looking right back down at you with hooded eyelids.
Right now, your goal was to make her feel so good that she’s ruined for other people.
Slowly, you pushed the waistband down, slipping the material off of her, and throwing it somewhere behind you. Her pussy was completely soaked, like your own, but you needed to focus on her needs.
“Please, (Y/N),” Cherry beseeched for you, and it was more than enough for you to grant her her wish, but you wanted more.
“Tell me. Tell me what you want, and I’ll do it, I’ll give it to you,” You told her, your face just mere centimeters away from her pussy, your breath lightly hitting her heat.
“I want you to touch me. Touch me like you need it. Make me feel it. I want you to-” Cherry’s requests and pleads were cut off by your tongue licking a hot stripe from the bottom of her pussy to the top, giving her clit a flick at the end.
Way sweeter than any confectionary good. She was sweet like a honeypot.
Cherry whimpered from the contact, egging you on to continue your ministrations.
You wrapped your lips around her clit, in a sort of erotic kiss, your tounge switching between giving long laps, to short flicks, each action from you earning a new, different sound from Cherry.
Cherry’s hips rolled into your mouth, wordlessly begging you for more. 
You wrapped one hand around her thigh, stroking the soft flesh with your thumb. You took your other hand to rub up and down her folds, collecting the juices, intending on using the ample amount of arousal as lubrication.
You slowly slid one finger inside her, earning yourself a loud moan from Cherry, and her grip on your grip tightened.
Keeping your eye on her for any sign of discomfort, you slid a second finger to join the first one, and after seeing pure pleasure on her face, you started to move your fingers in an ‘in-and-out’ motion.
You felt her clench around your fingers, and her face scrunched up a bit. You sped up your fingers a bit, properly finger-fucking her, and started giving her clit short, fast flicks, shaking your face into her pussy a bit.
“(Y/N), ‘m gonna cum,” She cried out, making you speed up even more, wanting nothing more than to feel her cum around you.
“Cum for me, Cherry,” You said from around her clit, alternating between flicking her clit with your tongue and lightly sucking on it.
With your command, Cherry cums hard, clenching down on your middle and pointer finger, a loud cry of what might have been a mix of your name and a moan escaping her lips.
And the sight of her head thrown back, one hand gripping the sheets underneath her and the other hand grabbing a fistful of your hair, this sight was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
You loved seeing her cum.
So you were gonna make her cum again.
Not slowing down your tongue, nor your fingers, you continued what you were doing, making Cherry cry out, the overstimulation being a tad uncomfortable.
“(Y/N), I can’t, I-” Cherry rasped out, her thighs slightly trembling underneath your hands.
“Yes you can, be a good girl for me, I know you can do it,” You praised her, your lips going back to her lips after you felt her body giving in to your touch.
It didn’t take long for her to cum again, a soft, little scream coming from her, though this time, you slid your fingers out of her and immediately put them in your mouth, putting on a show for her.
You looked straight in her eyes, seeing nothing but lust, and a hint of fondness in them, and your own eyes reciprocated those same emotions, if not, then more.
After you licked your fingers clean from her arousal, you climbed up the bed, hovering over her. You brushed your lips over hers, seeing how she strained her neck for more contact. You couldn’t help but give in and kiss her, making her get a taste of herself, a content moan coming from her.
Taking you by surprise, Cherry grabbed your shoulders and pushed you to lie down on the bed, her body straddling yours, taking back the dominance.
You gasped out of a mix of surprise and excitement, seeing the sly smirk on her face.
She definitely knew the effect she had on you.
She darted her tongue in your mouth, teasing you with a trace of her tongue, but quickly pulling away, making you whine in desperation.
At this point, your cunt throbbed for any type of contact.
“You look so pretty like this, (Y/N),” Cherry said to you softly, a warm feeling spreading from your heart through your entire nervous system, the praise instantly making you yearn for her more.
“Maybe I’d just want to keep you here like this, all desperate and soaking wet on my bed. How does that sound?” She said to you, making you whine out loudly, and without shame.
“I won’t do that though, you’re too much of a good girl,” Her words went straight down to your pussy, making you clench around nothing.
“Cherry, I want you,” You called out to her, trying to divert her attention to where you wanted it.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” She tells you, in a sultry tone that only Cherry could manage.
You nod your approval to her, not trusting your own voice, due to the eye contact she’s making with you, as well as the distinct smell of sex in the room, not the mention the sly smirk on her face making you feel weak in your knees.
Cherry lowered her head, just enough to attach herself onto your neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses all over your neck.
She reached your pulse point, making you gasp, and lightly moan, and you feel her smirk against your skin.
In different circumstances, you’d glare at her for smirking in this time of your desperation for her love and affection, but that thought is put on the back burner of your head when her right hand finds your nipple and pinches, making you lightly yelp.
Cherry lightly chuckles, not ending her measures, though her hand travels from your breast to your pussy, the place where you needed her most.
Your breaths turn into short pants and your eyes flutter shut,as she used her forefinger to stroke up and down your folds, gathering your arousal onto her finger.
“Can you keep your eyes open for me, sweetheart?” She asks you in a sweet voice, in which you wanted nothing more than to obey her.
So you slowly opened your eyes to reveal Cherry lightly smiling at you, still funing her finger up and down your cunt.
“Good girl,” She praises you, then continues to attach herself back onto your neck.
Her finger leaves you, only for a split second, just for her to slowly slide her finger into your entrance, her thumb now taking its place on your clit.
You moaned and whined for more pathetically, fully intoxicated by Cherry.
Without warning, Cherry slid her middle finger to join the first one, the two now moving in tandem in a ‘come hither’ motion, stroking your g-spot. Her thumb lightly pressed down more on your clit, and rubbed it more feverishly. 
Involuntarily, you clenched around her fingers, and let out a lewd moan, making Cherry giggle around from your neck.
“You gonna cum, (Y/N)?” Cherry mumbled around your skin, making you nod your head frantically.
She sped up her motions, her thumb now rubbing in a ‘back and forth’ motion over your clit, and her fingers moving more harshly, though they still kept all the precision that she had started out with.
“So close,” You rasped out for her, warning her upcoming orgasm.
Cherry detached her lips from your neck, not without giving her mark one last lick, and moved her head up to whisper to you.
“Cum for me, (Y/N).”
You felt her speed up more, and a feeling of pure euphoria washed over you, as you clenched down harder on her fingers. You threw your head back and let out a pornographic sounding moan.
Cherry slowed down, riding out your orgasm. She pulled her fingers out of you, and while keeping eye contact with you, she cleaned her fingers from your arousal with her mouth.
You were still breathing heavily after your orgasm, but you managed the strength to wrap an arm around Cherry and to pull her closer to you, in which she snuggled up to you in return. Your legs entangled with each other.
All that was left was heavy breaths, warmth, and a question floating around in your brain.
What now?
You snuggled into her a little further, trying to ignore the question looming around in your brain.
“I really should have done that sooner,” Cherry said breaking the silence.
“So you were planning this?” You inquired, though the thought of Cherry planning to sleep with you filled you with hope, though you didn’t let it show on your face.
“Well, not planning it, no,” She started, diminishing the growing hope in you.  “But, I mean I should have made a move a long time ago.”
Now that confused the shit out of you.
“What do you mean?” You said, trying not to sound like a Justin Bieber song.
“I mean, that after the first couple months of us knowing each other, I should have known that you wouldn’t make the first move. So I had to do it. Though, I didn’t think it would go like this.”
“Wait, so you’ve reciprocated my feelings for so long, and you took so long to do something?” You asked her, squeezing her arm lightly, making her giggle lightly.
She looked up at you and said, “I’ve had my doubts, I mean, sometimes you talk about other people, like, right in front of me.”
“Yea, but that’s ‘cuz I didn’t know you liked me, or even liked girls for that matter.”
She just lightly shrugged and said, “I like what I like.”
That was such a Cherry thing to say.
You let a couple of moments pass before speaking again.
“So does that mean that you like me?” You asked her, the hope now very evident in your voice.
“You’re a dumbass, you know that right?” She giggled out, in a way that confirmed your suspicions.
“You know, it seems like you call me that more and more as the days go on,” You joked with her.
“Just be happy you're my girlfriend,” Cherry said, making a stupid smile appear on your face, and no matter how hard you tried to suppress it, you couldn’t.
Finally, everything was going in your favor.
“You know, I should bake more often.’ You told her, making her chuckle, and hold you tighter.
@drusilla-as-in-blackthorn​ @kseniiafirebrace @moteldwelling​ @carolmaximoffs​
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Cookies (?)
John trying to make cookies under Ross’ supervision. It goes very, very wrong. Someone please evacuate Ross from breaking down and dying please-
"Why the fuck you wanted to make cookies again?" John's eyebrows twitched upon hearing Ross' question, putting down their groceries on the top of their kitchen counter. Pulling out a box of instant cookies mix, the rattail-tied haired man paused for a moment to take a good look at the box and then to him, his usual grumpy face now had a hint of concern. "You better not burn the fucking kitchen like last time, I'm tired of eating outside and it's a waste of money."
He sharply nodded, eyes focusing at his laptop, its screen displaying a simple step-by-step to make cookies for amateurs using its instant mix.
He was determined to make these warm and sweet delicacies of Barney’s favourite kind; plain, dark brown sugar-infused cookies with chocolate chips sprinkled on the top of them. His long-time teammate’s birthday is tomorrow and he wanted to make the man proud of him for baking these bad boys, maybe even letting him help inside the kitchen.
(Looking at his captain’s inner flame lit up, Ross silently grabbed a fire extinguisher under the sink to the closest place he could grab on for safety measures.)
“Sheesh, can you not making that face?” He looked up from the screen, his green eyes meeting Ross’ unfriendly (not cold, just unfriendly) lighter ones. The ace frowned before he took a deep breath and passed the box to him. “Just check behind for additional ingredients. I’ll be helping if you break shit or something. I’ve preheated the oven so you couldn’t burn down this place again.”
(Looking out for his captain’s attempt to bake somehow made him nervous as hell. He decided to sit on a chair near the counter so he could immediately intervene if John screwed up on something.)
He gave another nod, his hand grabbed the box firmly and flipped it. He could see all of those needed steps and its wet ingredients. All he needed to do is to put a stick of softened butter and a large egg.
...softened butter?
He took a glance at the counter where Ross lastly put out all the groceries. Sure enough, a stick of butter and a carton of eggs were left there for easier usage. He grabbed the solid dairy product and squeezed it gently, his face slightly soured when he found out it’s still hard to touch.
How to soften a butter...maybe he could use-
“Cap, I know what you’re thinking right now from the look of your stupid face and no, you can’t use your damned crowbar to soften the fucking butter.”
John silently groaned upon hearing the ace’s blunt and harsh statement, but it’s true. Barney never let him in the kitchen when he saw John with his crowbar. It means that he needed an alternative to soften this thing up, but how?
(Ross saw how his captain trying to think other solutions to soften a single butter without using his favourite weapon and huffed in slight frustration. How is this so-called “FPS Expert” man also useless at normal things?)
“Use the fucking microwave, dumbass!” He could detect a bit of anger behind Ross’ statement as he pointed up above John’s head, at the top cabinet to be precise. “You grab a microwave-safe bowl from there and put the butter in there, then you put it into the microwave and use 500watt power for fifteen seconds. The butter will soften from the heat and you can use it for your stupid cookies.”
John didn’t want to admit it loudly, but Ross was being incredibly nice to him today.
He quickly did the things Ross had told him. Fortunately, Barney taught him how to use the microwave when he was still living together with his vice-captain, so that’s one thing he could do himself. As the result, he managed to get the butter softened and ready for use. He put the bowl on the counter and stared at it for a second before grinned widely and went over to his laptop screen for the steps.
(The sight of his captain grinning just for successfully soften a butter almost made him laugh out loud hysterically. Thankfully his common sense shook him out from that feeling before he explode from laughter. But really, he just noticed his captain is one simple normal man outside the gaming scenes.)
The first step; put all the ingredients into a bowl and mix until homogenous.
Huh, sounds simple enough.
He opened up the box and pulled out some packages containing the powdered mix and chocolate chips. With help from a pair of scissors, he cut the packages open and poured both of the contents into the bowl of softened butter. Finally, he grabbed an egg from the carton and tapped it on the counter’s rim, creating a small crack that he then used to easily cracked it open into the bowl without any mess.
He took a quick glance at Ross, eyes pleading for approval. The man looked at the contents of the bowl and gave him a thumbs-up, fueling his pride of success.
(...He swore he heard a slight squeal from John after that. A fucking childish happy squeal from the usually stone-faced captain of his. What the fuck.)
Now, to mix all of this...maybe now he could-
“Cap, I swear if you’re thinking about using your fucking crowbar to mix those, I’ll forever ban you from using the kitchen again.”
Welp, time to think of another option.
He scanned the kitchen for a stirring tool and his eyes landed on a big wooden spoon near the sink. With that, he managed to turn the pile of ingredients into a dough with no difficulty.
Perfect. Now to add my personal touch-
“Ah, sonovabitch, I need to make a call to somebody first.” Ross’ sudden voice startled him out from his focus. The ace got up from his chair and walked to the balcony while pulling out his phone from his bomber jacket pocket. “Be right back after this, and don’t put the cookies before I told you to.”
And with that, Ross was no longer in his sight.
...Is this means...
As if he was possessed, he ran into the pantry and grabbed a tube of tomato paste, a jar or dark brown sugar, and small can of sea salt. At the same time, he opened up the fridge and grabbed a can of Monster and cracked open the fizzy energy drink. He put all four items into the counter near the dough bowl and began to dump them all inside the bowl without any kind of self-preservation whatsoever.
A small laugh escaped his lips, and it’s not the good one.
(Holy fuck, why the air is getting chilly all of the sudden? Ross tightened his grip on his warm phone as he put it back inside his jacket and went back inside.)
“Yo, I’m back from doing shi- what the fuck are you doing?”
His head immediately snapped at the voice’s direction, eyeing at horrified-looking Ross. His signature grumpiness was replaced with a face of disgust and fear. “CAP WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PUTTING- OH FUCK IT SMELLS LIKE SHIT!!!”
He shrugged him off, grabbing an empty baking tray with a sheet of parchment paper and put big dollops of the “dough”, even he wasn’t sure if it’s still considered cookie dough, but he feels like he did the right thing.
(He bet his dumbass captain thought he did the right thing, judging from his slight pride smirk plastered on his face right now. Hell, he’ll put all his PC setup inside that fucking bet.)
Ross gritted his teeth but didn’t say anything else. John knew his ace was in deep stress seeing what he did but didn’t say much. Barney loves food with tomato paste and he saw an article that chocolate chip cookies are better with sea salt added. He didn’t know about Monster drinks in them, but he hoped that they’ll turn up good.
After finishing up putting out all the dough, He put them into the preheated oven and put on a timer at ten minutes, then walked away from his crime scene calmly, knowing that Ross wouldn’t do shit to his masterpiece.
(If he managed to find Barney before his captain did, he need to warn him about John’s freshly-baked death in a form of reddish-looking cookies with chocolate chips)
“Cap, I’ve put your crap in the cooling rack now.”
John’s ears perked up upon hearing Ross’ voice and hurriedly blitzed from the sofa to the kitchen, eyes sparkled with delight. He could smell the sweet scent of the sweet brown sugar, along with the tomato paste and the overpowering Monster. To be honest, it’s not too bad of a smell.
“Oh, you looked so damn proud of yourself for not burning the kitchen.” The ace commented, putting all of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and turned it on. “Those craps better not be deadly or I’ll call the poison control crew.”
The captain slightly nodded his head, a small doubt landed on his mind. What if the taste wasn’t as good? He shook out those thoughts and focusing on those normal-looking reddish-coloured cookies. From a first glance, people might think these were just a batch of red velvet cookies with chocolate chips until they got a whiff of the smell.
Yeah, he needed a guinea pig to taste test one of them.
And the perfect candidate is just staring back at him with his usual grumpy face.
(...Why he felt like death is visiting him?)
“...What are you staring a- HURMPK!”
(WAITWHATTHEFU- Holy fuck he could see his entire life flashes before his eyes-)
With a speed of Lion’s EE-One-D*, John snatched one of the cookies and stuffed it into Ross’ mouth, which then the ace instinctively chew and swallow. His eyes widened and he seems to freeze for a moment before he dropped down to the floor and passed out.
...Is he dead? Did he just kill a man with food? Should he call an ambulance?
“Hey, I’m home- what the hell is happenin’ here?”
John froze when he heard that Southern-accented voice and slowly turned his head towards the source of the voice. Barney was standing near the counter, his brown-green heterochromia irides* eyes staring at them like he’d found a crime scene.
Well, he’s not wrong, it looks like a crime scene.
And he needed to silence the witness.
“...Gordon? Why are holding that cookie- URK!”
Like Ross, he stuffed his weapon to the vice’s mouth and made him writhe in disgust first before meeting his fate like his other unconscious teammate.
It was a usual Monday at the team’s apartment, with an addition of the team’s duo chef banned John from using the kitchen ever again, and the reddish-coloured cookies got disposed in an open dumpster fire and forever gone from their sight.
- Lion’s EE-One-D: Basically a gadget from R6S’s attacker Lion, used to detect enemies by movements and its detection is almost instantaneous.
- Heterochromia Irides/Segmental Heterochromia: When a patch of a different color appears in one iris. In Barney’s case, he got a patch of green on both of his brown irises.
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astronomyparkers · 5 years
icing (koh!tom)
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Warnings: Language
Pairing: King of hell!Tom Holland x Angel!reader
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: here’s another addition to my koh!tom au! as i said in the last post, these are out of chronological order, as i’m just basing them on ideas i have.  to be honest, i’m not quite sure if i like this one, because part of me thinks the discussion is a little ooc, but also these are both characters from my head so???? who knows. i hope you like it! let me know if you do!
{koh!tom masterlist}
“I can’t believe you’ve never had a cupcake before.”
Tom grumbled, wiping his flour-covered hands on the front of the black apron covering his button up shirt. “Why in Satan’s name would I ever need something so sickly sweet?  It’s just sugar covered in sugar, topped with more sugar.”
“Right.  Because the king of hell only dines on the souls of the damned.” You rolled your eyes as you measured out vanilla, pouring it into the mixing bowl.
“I see your sarcasm has gotten better.” Tom chuckled, pushing up his sleeves once more. “How wonderful.”
“I’ve learned a lot from you.  And now you’re going to learn from me, about a lot of things.  How to make cupcakes…” You turned around and fixed his sleeves for him, rolling them tightly. “How to properly roll up your sleeves.  Must you wear a suit in the kitchen?”
“’S not a suit. It’s a dress shirt.  I took off my tie and my jacket, as per your request.” He muttered irritably.  
Gripping his chin gently, you made him look at you, wiping a bit of flour from his cheeks. “You would enjoy baking more if you relaxed, my king.  I know it.”
“I would enjoy baking more if I was just eating.  I have servants to do the baking for me.” He countered, licking his lips. “They’re your servants, too, now.  You have no need to sweat in this kitchen—”
“Except pleasure.  I love baking.” You turned back around, continuing to mix the batter. “It’s calming.  Creating something from nothing…it’s wonderful.”
Tom tried to crack an egg in the bowl, sighing when he saw shells in the egg whites. “I wouldn’t describe this shit as wonderful.” He began to pick out the tiny shells.
“Because you’re being stubborn.” You said gently. “Be more open-minded.”
“I’m the bloody king. I don’t need to be open minded.” He huffed, wiping his egg-covered fingers on his (completely filthy) apron.
“If you want me as your queen, then yes.  You do.” You countered, whisking the eggs before pouring them into the batter.
Tom watched as you finished mixing the cake batter, spooning it into the moulds.  You worked quickly, barely making a mess as you measured out each individual cupcake.  You dipped a quick finger into the batter and then into your mouth, humming in appreciation of the taste.  Normally, Tom would make a comment about your enjoyment, but there was something more pressing on his mind.
“Why do I need to be open-minded, if…” Tom cleared his throat, watching you put the cupcakes in the oven. “If you haven’t agreed to marry me yet?”
You paused your movements before slowly reaching for the kitchen timer, setting it for thirteen minutes. You kept your eyes down. “Because it’s a nice thing to do.”
“So is marrying me.” He reached out, taking your hand gently, examining your fingers. “You won’t even wear the ring.”
“Why is that?” His voice dropped lower. “Is the idea of marrying me truly so abhorrent to you?”
“No, Thomas.  It’s not that.” You pulled your hand from his as you began to gather the ingredients for the icing.
“Then what is it?” Tom rounded the kitchen table, moving to the other side of it so he could be across from you. “You won’t say yes.”
“You haven’t even properly asked.” You countered, measuring out icing sugar.
Tom snorted. “I got you a ring, I tried to put it on your finger, and you refused.  What else is there to do?”
“There’s plenty.” Your voice was flat. “Please pass me the vanilla.”
Tom ignored your request. “Like what?  What did I miss?”
You sighed, reaching for the vanilla yourself. “Perhaps the fact that I am a prisoner in your palace. That you took me, kept me here—”
“I’m fighting a war.” Tom answered in exasperation. “And I have hardly treated you as a prisoner—”
“You did the first week. The first few weeks, actually.” You kept your ice on the icing bowl as you mixed everything. “And then you just expect me to marry you, out of the blue—”
“I didn’t even keep you in the dungeons.  You have your own chamber, for Satan’s sake—”
“Do you expect me to be grateful for that?” Your eyes finally snapped up, an incredulous look on your face. “You didn’t keep me in a dungeon, so I should marry you?”
“The life you live here is far better than the one you lived in heaven.  I know that for a fact.” Tom muttered.  The tips of his ears were flushed, and it seemed that he decided that it was his turn to avert his gaze.
“I wasn’t in heaven when you took me.  I was on earth.  And you did it because I was trying to stop innocent people from selling their souls.” You shook your head, continuing to mix the icing.
Tom walked away from the table, towards the fire in the kitchen hearth.  He stoked it for a moment before answering. “But things got better.  I…we got better.  Are you not fond of me?  Do you not enjoy your time here?  I brought you roses, every day, even taking care to remove the thorns.  I showered you in gifts, jewels and gowns…was that not enough?”
You moved to the cutting board, taking a few freshly washed strawberries from the sink and cutting them. “Those are hardly reasons to marry someone.”
“Most would not even give you the choice.” Tom muttered. “I am king.  I could make you marry me.  I’m being kind—”
“The way you speak leads me to believe that kindness is a luxury in your eyes.” You cut him off, scooping the chopped strawberries into the icing bowl. “And that not forcing me to bind myself to you counts as a kindness.”
“It is.  I’m the king—”
“And you think that means I should bend to your every whim?” You began scooping the icing into a piping bag. “That is precisely the attitude I wouldn’t want in a husband.”
Tom picked up a knife, cutting up more strawberries roughly. “Duly noted.”
You both worked in silence for a few more minutes until the timer went off.  You pulled the cupcakes out of the oven, checking that they were done before setting them on a cooling rack.
Tom chewed on his bottom lip before speaking again. “Is it the ring?”
“The ring I got you. Did you not like it?” Tom’s voice sounded more vulnerable than you had ever heard before.
“I—no.  It’s a lovely ring.” You said lightly.  You looked over the strawberries he cut, popping one into your mouth.
“Then it’s me.” Tom concluded. “You just don’t want to marry me.”
“I don’t want to discuss this anymore, Tom.” Your voice grew more tense. “Please, just—”
“No.  I need to know.  Is it me?” He continued prodding you. “Please, tell me.  Before I lose my mind.”
“It’s…” You sighed, laying your palms flat on the kitchen table. “Do you really want to know?”
“You never asked me.” You said, your voice strained. “You never asked me to marry you.”
Tom scoffed. “Yes, I did.”
“No, you didn’t.” You countered. “You tried to put a ring on my finger and said that I was to be your wife.  You never asked.  And do you know why?”
Tom crossed his arms. “Enlighten me, angel.  Why?”
“Because you don’t love me.” Your eyes drifted down. “You haven’t said it to me, and I haven’t said it to you. So why would I marry someone who doesn’t love me?  Whom I don’t love?  Why?”
Tom’s ears burned as he dropped his arms. “You—I—we—” He struggled for words. “We’ve fucked.”
It was your turn for your ears to burn. “That doesn’t mean we’re in love.  You told me that much.”
“Not always, but—”
“Please.  Drop it, Thomas.  Please.” You looked at him with begging eyes, and he sighed.  You always knew how to touch his softer side.
“Fine.  We won’t discuss it anymore.  Not right now.” He said softly, picking up a cooled cupcake. “Now how am I supposed to eat this?”
You couldn’t help but smile a bit. “With the icing.  I’ll show you how.”
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Sweet As Apple Pie
Okay so I know that my blog is 99% of the time Wizardess Heart content, but today I wanted to post a fic regarding another fandom; Obey Me. I don’t really write much for the fandom but there’s a character who has me completely smitten and since his special day is coming soon, I thought I would share this fic ahead of time because it’s one that....I had fun writing but I’m also kind of proud of how it turned out? 
Another day of classes? Done. There was a sigh of relief that escaped my lips as I was walking back to the house. Asmo, Belphie, and Beel were walking alongside me while Levi and Mammon were dawdling behind, having another one of their who owes who money arguments. Lucifer was staying behind after Diavolo had asked for his presence for a meeting and Satan? Well, Satan was walking with the rest of us, but he had practically stomped away from the group when we got closer to the house. He seemed to be mumbling something under his breath and quite honestly, he looked pretty upset. Noticing my gaze, Asmo walked ahead, standing right in front of me as he walked backward with ease.
“Darling, your brows are so furrowed, you look almost distressed, oh I absolutely can’t let you ruin that beautiful skin of yours.” He reached out and took one of my cheeks, pinching it gently. “Now tell me what’s on that pretty little mind of yours. Hm?”
“It’s Satan.”
“Oh? What about him?”
“He’s been acting upset almost all day. He’s been mumbling stuff, slamming things around and he’s barely even said anything, or even looked in my direction.”
“Now, now, Satan is probably just going through one of his moods again.”
“Have you forgotten that he’s the Avatar of Wrath? He can get angry rather easily. For a while, he’s been able to manage it quite well, but sometimes emotions get the better of you. A little word of advice my dear, perhaps you should give him some space? We all have our bad days and we all need to take a break for some alone time to calm down, unless you’re me of course.” Asmo smiled while putting an arm around me. “I love having company over and would be more than happy to have you join me for some alone time.”
“Absolutely not!”
Asmo’s arm was quickly removed from me by an angry Mammon who had stormed up to us, blocking Asmo from getting close to me.
“If they go to your room, I am too.”
Asmo sighed while he rolled his eyes. “Well, now that’s no fun.” He then turned around. With his back now facing us before looking over his shoulder, giving me a wink. “Another time then my dear.”
“Mammon, calm down.” I laughed while nudging him. “You know Asmo always teases like that.”
“Yeah? Well, he should keep his hands off of ya!”
“ROFL, as if you have a chance with them.” Levi snorted while he was playing some game on his handheld console. “You know who their heart belongs to right? They’d never date someone as scummy as you.”
“Yeah just give up now..” Belphie tiredly responded.
“They look at their love like I do with food. It’s true love.” Beel explained.
“Shut it, all of ya!” Mammon grumbled while he picked up the pace, reaching the house before the rest of us. 
It was true, I loved Satan, I mean, I loved the others but the love I held for Satan went above the rest. I had heard from other demons at RAD and out on the town about how Satan’s smile was all an act. That may have been true when we had first met, but I watched as Satan grew into more of his own person and not just some comparison to Lucifer. Satan, in turn, had helped me out a lot as well. 
Whenever I was struggling to keep up in class, he would always rush over to help me and to this day he still does. Whenever I’ve been sad, Satan would be the first to ask what was wrong and even though he wasn’t the best at communicating his feelings, he would always do something to cheer me up and make me feel more at home here in the Devildom. Sometimes we would stay in his room, talking for hours on end, other times we would share some tea and some homemade snacks. There were so many instances where he had been so kind to me that I had lost count. He was my support and I’d like to think that I was his.
That’s why I was determined to find out what was wrong. Maybe Asmo was right, Satan might be having a bad day and the pent up anger is finally taking over. But just because it was suggested that I keep my distance, didn’t mean I was going to abide by that, let alone not try to help in some way. If it came down to keeping my distance, then I had some ideas on how to offer my support. 
When I got back to the house, I quickly rushed up the stairs and into my room, shutting the door and proceeding to throw my bag unceremoniously to some other part of the room as I took a seat at my desk. I grabbed a pen and some paper as I began to jot down a few ideas on how I could help Satan. I had narrowed it down to three main things, tea, a special homemade surprise, and a binge session of a series that I thought Satan would enjoy, it was right up his alley when it came to television shows. Right now, this one was quite popular in the human world, earning it second place on the monthly show rankings list.
I circled all three things with a brighter colour before folding the paper up and placing it in my pocket. The first thing on the list and the one I wanted to get done with right away, was the homemade baked good; a pie to be precise. Apple pie was Satan’s favorite and lucky for me, the recipe for the one that Satan loved the most was in my possession. All that was left now was for me to make it.
In the kitchen, I had managed to find all the supplies needed, I counted my lucky stars that Beel hadn’t come in and eaten up everything in the kitchen like last time. Once all of it laid out in front of me, I grabbed one of the aprons and got to work. I knew making the pie crust wasn’t going to be easy, but I’d be damned if I didn’t give it my absolute all. 
“Hm? Are you the one in charge of cooking tonight?” 
I jumped a little at the voice from behind and let out a sigh when I realized it was just Belphie.
“No, I’m in charge of cooking the day after tomorrow. Who was in charge tonight?”
“Satan was, but he’s not even coming to dinner.”
“He’s not? That’s not like him.”
Belphie shrugged. “This wouldn’t be the first time this kind of thing has happened. But it’s pretty rare. Anyways…” Belphie walked over and peered over at the table I was working on. “What are you making?”
“You have to keep it a secret if I tell you.”
“Hmm, let me think on it…”
Belphie chuckled. “Fine, fine, I’ll keep it a secret.”
“I’m making Satan’s favorite apple pie, I thought it would help make his day a little bit better. But after hearing that he’s not coming to dinner, makes me really hope this will help.”
“I’m sure it will.” Belphie nodded. “If he knows you made it for him, he’ll gladly accept it.”
“You think so?”
I sighed in relief but froze up when I realized something. “....I’m not sure how I’m going to hide this from Beel.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of him.” Belphie responded coolly.
“Belphie, you’re a real lifesaver!”
His cheeks flushed a soft pinkish hue as he averted his gaze. “Whatever. Next time though, you should make some sushi for me as compensation for holding Beel back. It’s not going to be fun.” 
“Next time, I promise.”
“Good. I’ll see you later at dinner. I’m going to take a nap.” Belphie spoke with a yawn as he walked away.
“Isn’t dinner in just a little while?”
“All the more reason to take a nap before then.” He called out.
Dinner was right around the corner when I had finally put the pie in the oven. Since no one else was aware of the dinner situation until later, Lucifer suggested we ordered something instead. Which was good for me since that meant no one would be going into the kitchen for a while. When the food finally arrived and we dined at the table, I felt a sense of loneliness when I noticed the empty chair right across from me. Satan always loved that seat; it was close enough for us to talk to each other and be close without Mammon getting upset. Seeing it empty made a part of myself feel empty as well.
Lucifer noticed and after dinner questioned me on it. I simply answered that I was feeling tired and hoped that he would just leave it at that. He quietly mumbled something inaudibly under his breath before letting me know that if I needed anything, to come to him directly. Once he left, I quickly bolted to the kitchen and checked on the pie. It had been baking for around forty minutes now and when I opened up the oven door, the scent of apples wafted in the air. 
I quickly grabbed some oven mitts and took the pie out, sitting it down on a proper surface before closing the oven door. The crust was perfectly baked and a lovely golden brown, the inside of the pie from what I could see was a delicious golden colour and the scent that was coming off of it was beyond mouthwatering. It would have to cool down for a little bit, but that worked well in my favor since I still had to prepare the tea and set up some stuff up so I could share the series I had planned for Satan. 
I hummed softly as I pour the water into the kettle, proceeding to grab the ingredients for the special tea blend that Satan loved. He always told me that this tea felt like a cool breeze on a sweltering hot summer day; It was refreshing. Even though I had watched him make this many times, my hands were a bit shaky as I got everything together. What if I messed up somehow? What if he didn’t like the tea I made? No, I shook such thoughts from my head as I prepared the tea and once it was done, I gently poured it into one of his favorite reading teacups.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that in one of the cabinets there was a small stack of small trays. I decided to open it up and grab one of them after I had put the oven mitts away, and bring the tray back to the table as I began preparing. I placed a tea saucer on the tray, followed by the tea, a small plate, and a piece of the pie that had cooled down just enough to eat and not get burned.
I carefully grabbed the tray and began my journey to Satan’s room. I had to be careful to not only spill the tray in my hands, but I also had to make sure that no one would be out and about in the hallways. Every corner, I made sure to hide well enough to peek and not get caught. Once the coast was clear, I would continue. Satan’s room was just a little farther down and before I knew it, I was standing right in front of his door. I gently placed the tray down and knocked on the door.
Almost immediately the door opened, revealing Satan who wore a scowl, which softened after he realized it was me on the other side. He looked down at the tray in my hands and then back at me with a confused stare.
“What are you doing here -- more importantly, what’s all this for?” He gestured at the tray.
“You didn’t show up for dinner and honestly you shouldn’t go to bed hungry.”
“Is that the only reason?” He said while he crossed his arms.
I sighed. “No. You see, I wanted to do something for you. You’ve been having a bad day, haven’t you? The way you were acting today in class and even on our way back to the house. I knew something was wrong but when Belphie said you weren’t coming to dinner, I got worried. We all have bad days, but that doesn’t mean something good can’t come from them. I thought I could surprise you with this.” I replied while handing him the tray.
Satan’s arms unfolded from his chest as he took the tray into his own hands. He seemed confused. “Can I really accept this? I suppose I’m used to people leaving me alone, not that I’m opposed. That gives me some time to relax and catch up on reading. But seeing you go out of your way.” He smiled shyly. “It’s a little embarrassing, I don’t know what to say.”
“Then don’t. Sometimes you don’t need words to explain things.”
“Yes, you may be right. But I must say something; seeing you go through all this doesn’t seem fair to me. You made extra tea I presume?”
“Er, yes, but why do you ask?”
“Once I put this down in my room, let’s go downstairs and get you some tea and a slice of pie as well, we can enjoy each other’s company, what do you say?”
“I’d love to!” 
Satan chuckled. “I’ll only be a moment then.”
Once Satan returned from setting the tray down, the two of us headed back downstairs, where thankfully, the tea and pie remained untouched by Beel. Once we got what we came for, we went back to Satan’s room and got comfortable.
“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something. I paid for this month’s subscription to the human world television site so I could stream some of the shows and movies that they have. There’s a new one that I think you’ll like. It’s a mystery series called ‘The Shadows in Midnight Hollow’. I can stream it from my D.D.D.”
“How ironic.” 
“Well, you see, Levi gave me this weird contraption from the human world, a projector I believe? He got more than one and offered me one. I was going to decline the offer, but something told me to accept it instead. Perhaps fate.” Satan chuckled. “Regardless, I’m not really sure how to work the thing, I’m not exactly the best with the modern technology of the human realm.” He admitted albeit embarrassed..
“Oh, let me handle it! I used to see those kinds of things. I think there’s a way to sync any device to it; including a D.D.D.” I explained.
“By all means, go ahead and try. It’s over on that stack of books in the far left corner.”
“This one?” I pointed at the stack, receiving a nod from Satan.
It took a few minutes and a couple of annoyed sighs but I had finally managed to find a way to sync the two. Once it was all set up, the two of us got comfortable and we began the start of our binge. 
We were a few episodes in when I realized just how tired I was getting. When I looked at the clock I noticed that it was well past midnight and going into one in the morning territory. I groggily moved slightly from my resting place, which was on Satan’s shoulder.
“Tired? You know we could pick up the rest tomorrow since we don’t have classes.”
“Mmm, I’d like that.”
 Satan smiled and as he moved, I could feel myself being moved as well. I felt Satan’s arms wrap around me tightly as he carried me over to the other part of his room, gently putting me on his bed. I felt one of the sides dip slightly as he hovered over my body, his face mere inches from mine. 
“I’d like it if we could spend the night together - don’t worry, I don’t plan on doing anything with you. Right now, I’ve found myself addicted to your presence and want to drown in it a little while longer.”
His hand gently brushed through my hair as I smiled.
“I’d love that…”
“Alright then. I’ll come back after I bring all the stuff down to the kitchen and wash it real quick.”
Satan leaned down lower until our lips brushed against one another’s. The sweet taste of apples lingered on his lips and before long I was craving that sweetness even more. Our sweet and tender moment slowly melted into something of a heated passion. I wasn’t sure which was sweeter, the apple pie or Satan’s kiss. When he pulled away I felt happy, though a bit sad at the same time.
“Thank you for everything…” His lips brushed up against me once more before he pulled away quickly, stopping himself from going any farther. “I love you.”
Satan had pulled away from me, his heat somehow still lingering until the moment he came back and pulled me into his embrace. I found myself growing drowsy as I snuggled up closer to him, my face pressed up against his chest to hear his heart beat in time with mine. 
‘Please, stay by my side until the day I take my last breath….’
Those words didn’t escape my lips, but despite that, I could hear Satan whisper a gentle ‘I won’t’ as he brushed his fingertips against my cheek, giving way for sleep to finally claim me as I drifted into darkness.
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