#baja heat
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rolling up to chronos with poseidon's instant burst cast + his duo with hephaestus that adds an explosion + a maxed out dark side hex meaning i can just fucking spam it during nightmare mode: what's up gpa i call this one "selene's baja blast"
#hades game#hades 2#he died ❤#selene's baja blast was real fun#but i'm not sure if it beat having 33 heat seeking knives which also exploded
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Girls only want one thing.
(Baja Blast)
#memeing#dude seriously tho#also why is the only place within 15 that sells it a gas station#like goddamn gas station prices#it's 106 tho so like I'm not trying to die out in the heat for baja blast
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The most VALIDATING thing about my new space and our new office in general is students telling me how nice and accessible it is and how I DESERVE an office. That I can finally have a break from people coming in and needing me 24/7.
I can ALSO have CONFIDENTIAL meetings with students and zoom meetings with students without onlookers or people overhearing.
The absolute BARE minimum needs to do my job! Especially since I'll be absorbing MORE tasks since my friend/colleague is leaving. I'm sad she's leaving but I 1000% understand why and she deserves a position where she has support and isn't just a punching bag.
Thank you for reading my rant.
#a day in the life#the power of a new office space#and a god damn DOOR#and a WINDOW#and being ACCESSIBLE#like i generally didnt hate coming back after i went to cvs cause i desperately needed chocolate#I rarely get a period with my arm implant bc but when i do....woof#miserable cramps#chocolate cravings#grouchy pants#you know the deal#i also have 15 fucking mosquito bites on my legs#one of the downsides of summer#that and heat scorchers#but thats showbiz baby!#or at least summer in new england#despite the menstruation#ive been in a decent mood today#and i have a date later with a boyy#we're going to trivia and going to loose epically but it'll definitely be a baja blast#also thanks for reading my tags#literally just rambling#OH!!#we're also rebranding our office and its now the Center of Disability Access#cda#i need to make so many changes
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I made it and only fucked up by getting off a stop early. Wouldnt be a big deal if it wasnt 30c. The way home is 3 transfers and i am scared.
#mun;;#tbd;;#walking a block and a half in this heat..... crime.#really need that baja blast baybee#might just end up at the gas station pickin out somethin in a bottle i can throw into my bag tho ):#bc holding a cup. even with a lid. on the bus. miserable.
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pairing. felipe otaño x reader
cw/tw. smut, oral sex (pipe recibe), unprotected sex, pipe!celoso, relación establecida, afab!reader/pronombres femeninos, otra vez siento que me olvido de algo
word count. 1.8k+
rating. +18
"¡no podes estar tan cerca de fran y pretender que no me joda!" pipe suelta con furia, ambos de pie en la sala de su apartamento frente a los muebles, tú con un semblante exasperado y él manteniendo un rostro enojado, sus rasgos están tensos y su mirada es fulminante.
“fran es solo un amigo cercano, feli, ¿no es eso obvio?” tratas de razonar pero pipe no busca entender la situación, quiere dejarte en claro que la sola idea de verte cerca de otro hombre le causa repulsión.
“me importa una mierda si es amigo nuestro o no, no puede ser tan pegajoso y cariñoso con mi mujer.”
"feli, entiende que esa es su manera de expresar cariño. por favor, bájale dos líneas a tus celos", exclamas con un suspiro, exhausta de la situación. felipe simplemente rueda los ojos, incapaz de comprender.
no puedes negar que fran ha permanecido cerca de ti durante gran parte de la noche, pero comprendes que sus intenciones no son coquetear contigo ni interferir en la relación con felipe. para él, el contacto físico es su forma natural de mostrar afecto, pero eso no lo convierte en alguien que busca seducir o romper relaciones, eso lo sabes con certeza.
aún así, pipe está furioso, cegado por los celos al imaginar que estás con alguien que no es él. “seré tan celoso como quiera si se trata de vos” te mantienes en silencio por unos segundos, evaluando la situación.
“feli, soy tuya, ¿entiendes?” dices mientras rodeas su cuello con tus manos. él baja la mirada hacia tus brazos que lo envuelven, incapaz de resistir el contacto, coloca sus manos en tu cintura y la acaricia lentamente. su expresión enfadada titubea por un momento, exhala un suspiro y asiente.
“lo sé, bebé, pero me pone mal verte con cualquiera.”
suspiras suavemente y ríes, encontrando cierta diversión en su actitud, que a su vez te excita un poco. “fran no es cualquiera,” afirmas, notando cómo felipe aprieta la mandíbula una vez más, cansado de tus intentos por defenderlo. “sabes a lo que me refiero. es tu amigo, mi amigo, y nunca intentaría nada.”
él niega con la cabeza y retira sus manos de tu cuerpo. “¿podes dejar de mencionarlo, por favor?”
“¿tanto te molesta?” comienzas a molestarlo, retirando tus manos de su cuello y colocando las suyas de nuevo en tu cintura, para luego volver a posarlas en su cuello. llevas tus labios a su mejilla izquierda, la que lames por un par de segundos y depositas un dulce besito, jugando a la inocente.”dale, qué tal si se te pasa tu mal humor y vamos a la cama.”
la furia en su rostro titubea una vez más “¿te calenta verme todo celoso, no?”
“feli…” dices y acercas tus labios a los de él. “dale, vamos a la cama.” felipe toma tu mentón y aprieta ligeramente, sin lastimarte.
“no respondiste mi pregunta.” dice tu nombre y te mira fijamente en espera de tu respuesta.
“sí amor, me gusta cuando estás todo celoso conmigo, me gusta mucho.” dices, sus ojos conectados a los tuyos, saben lo que está por venir, este juego del gato y el ratón que les encanta es solo parte de su juego previo.
“¿te gusta o te calienta?” felipe cuestiona.
“¿no es lo mismo?” dices y acercas finalmente tus labios a los suyos, el mero pensamiento de sentir su boca contra la tuya te enloquece, pero pipe tiene otros planes y voltea su cara evitando lo que tanto esperabas. “¿feli?”
“seguís sin contestarme, no le doy besos a atrevidas.” pipe suelta y tú cara se transforma en una de sorpresa por unos segundos.
“te odio.” musitas y pipe alza una ceja.
“¿ah sí? ¿posta vos no sos la misma que me rogaba que me la garche hace menos de un minuto?” ahora es su turno para que sus manos vayan a parar a tus mejillas.
“feli… me calienta tanto cuando te pones celoso conmigo, solo puedo imaginarte así de enojado mientras me coges duro” sueltas finalmente. pipe une sus labios en un acalorado y totalmente sucio beso, su lengua se convierte en una intrusa dentro de tu boca, ambas sucumbiendose ante el deseo de sentirse.
sin separarse, empiezan el recorrido hacia su habitación, pipe mantiene una de sus manos en tu cintura, usa la otra para mover la manilla y abrirles paso en su cuarto, aún con la pasión del momento, te sienta en la cama mientras se mantiene de pie. comienza la labor de quitarse su ropa y tú lo sigues quitando la blusa de tu cuerpo, dejándote en brasier, las bragas y tu falda. pues antes de poder continuar, un pipe desnudo niega con la cabeza y suelta en voz alta; “primero me tendrás en esa dulce boca tuya.”
asientes y salivas ante el pensamiento de tenerlo dentro de tu cavidad bucal, el deseo por sentirlo y poder saborear su sabor salado humedece tu centro. “bien, follame la boca, por favor.”
“ya que me lo pedís tan dulcemente, te haré mierda.” felipe expresa sin vergüenza, te bajas de la cama y te arrodillas lo más rápido posible, abres la boca, en posición y lista para recibirlo. pipe lucha para no soltar un gemido ante la vista tan obscena. no extiende tu espera por él por más tiempo y tomando su pene en una de sus manos, lo lleva a tu cavidad bucal, tu lengua pasea de arriba hacia abajo por aquella vena marcada en su miembro, sientes tu vagina mojarse aún más ante la sola idea de tu accionar en el momento acalorado.
“sí, chupame la pija como solo vos sabes.” no lo decepcionas, lo llevas en tu boca como una campeona, pipe toma tu cabello en un moño mal hecho y apresurado, lo jala y empuja su longitud en tu garganta. “la única pija que vas a tener.”
nunca has sido la mejor cuando se trata de los reflejos nauseosos, así que aunque son pocos los segundos que pipe tiene en tu boca, empiezas a lagrimear.
felipe lo sabe y sonríe con malicia ante tu imagen algo destruida a causa de únicamente él, en caso no quieras seguir siempre puedes decir la palabra segura y no dudaría en detenerse y verificar tu bienestar, pero acostumbrado a tu imagen desecha al llevarlo en tu boca, solo se divierte con ella. “¿te gusta chupármela, no mi amor?”
entra y sale de tu cavidad bucal, hace y deshace. “¿te pensás que podes estar con otro toda la noche y que no me va a joder? ¿tengo que recordarte que el único que te puede tener así soy yo?”
no puedes soltar palabra con él follándote así la garganta, “pues sí tengo que hacerlo, lo haré, pendeja malcriada.” de insultarte a decirte sus apodos cursis designados solo para ti, este momento lo tiene de acá para allá. “esta boquita es solo mía.” dice y tú sólo asientes torpemente, te mueves queriendo perseguir el ritmo que pipe mantiene dentro de tu boca.
hasta que el oji celeste se aleja con lentitud, consiguiendo una mirada un poco desconcertada de tu parte. señala con su cabeza la cama. “dale, en cuatro.” sin querer darle la contra, le haces caso y te acomodas quedando según su orden. procede a ponerse de rodillas en la cama y su miembro queda a la altura de tu mojada entrada. su cuerpo está encima del tuyo, tu rostro y el suyo a la misma altura, pero sin permitirte que lo veas. se presiona contra ti y antes de introducirse en tu intimidad, lleva un dedo a tu clítoris, haciendo movimientos circulares, formando dulces ochos que hacen que la atmósfera se vuelva el doble de pesada para ti y empieces a soltar grandes gemidos.
“feli… sí sí.” palabras sucias abandonan tu boca. “estoy lista feli, por fa.” le ruegas ganando una sonrisa maliciosa del castaño.
“¿sí?” dice y acelera los movimientos en tu clítoris, inserta un dedo en tu coño empapado sin detener los dulces toques en tu clítoris. “¿de quién sos?” ruedas los ojos en medio de tu fascinación por la estimulación de parte de pipe, pero decides darle lo que quiere si es lo que necesita para penetrarte.
“tuya feli, toda tuya.” gemidos no dejan de salir de tu boca, felipe lleva su pene hacia tu entrada con el apoyo de una de sus manos, en menos de un par de segundos se introduce en ti sin mucha delicadeza dejando salir un gran jadeo de alivio al sentir tu interior de una vez por todas. “sí sí sí feli, m-más más.” dejas salir, los que para felipe, son los gimoteos más dulces que ha escuchado en toda su vida.
“sos mía, cada centímetro.” continúa con un delicioso ritmo dentro de ti, saliendo y entrando, lleva ambas manos hacia tus caderas para arremeter con más rapidez y fuerza. su pene felipe cierra los ojos en contra de sus deseos de ver tu figura desmoronándose, toca ese dulce punto en tu interior dónde se mueve con destreza. la habitación se llena del sonido obsceno que causa el choque de ambos cuerpos, embiste tu interior con determinación. “mía, sos solo mía.”
“si feli, por favor, por favor.” tus gemidos no se detienen mientras apoyas tu cabeza contra la sábana, el placer nubla tu mente haciéndote pronunciar las palabras más sucias para incentivar a pipe a seguir con su continuo vaivén en lo profundo de tu coño. “soy tuya.”
felipe sostiene un rostro sumido en la satisfacción, su mirada fija en tu cabeza inclinada contra el colchón “feli, más.” ruegas sin un atisbo de vergüenza, tus manos se convierten en puños, tu boca abierta soltando todo tipo de incoherencias.
“nadie más te hará sentir así, solo yo ¿entendés?” asientes con dificultad, logrando que pipe niegue, “respondé usando esa boquita” sus manos se deslizan lentamente a tu cintura donde deja suaves caricias, en contradicción a sus duros y rápidos bombeos en tu interior.
“s-sí feli, solo tú, te lo juro.” el castaño toma tu palabra, la manera en la que te lleva no es como ninguna otra anterior, te folla como si su vida dependiera de ello y no hace falta más para que sientas tu orgasmo llegar a cada parte de tu ser. felipe no tarda en notarlo, gracias a tu característico aspecto consumido por el reciente orgasmo, que por cierto, siempre disfruta registrar en su memoria.
disminuye la rapidez de sus movimientos penetrándote de forma pausada en búsqueda de su propio clímax. “correte en mí, por fa.” suplicas, jadeos de cansancio y satisfacción acompañan tu pedido.
“te dejaré toda llena, ¿querés?” accedes de manera casi automática y después de sólo unos pocos segundos derrama toda su carga en tu interior. permanece dentro de ti unos minutos más, permitiendo que ambos se recompongan.
“¿ya no estás enojado?” rompes el silencio que lejos de ser incómodo, les trae calma a ambos, volteas para afrontar la deliciosa vista de un felipe recién follado.
quien solo rueda los ojos y con una sonrisa juguetona replica “sos una conchuda.”
wn: llevo bastante sin subir un os pero les juro que no tenía nd de inspiración. espero les haya gustado <3 tengo algunas requests que seguro tomen tiempo pero espero darles T - T
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just realized that aside from jake, most of max's relationships with people were either superficial or transactional which he probably just thought was normal growing up as a rich kid who was a "loser" learning that ppl only liked him when he had something to give them.
of course, when he was younger everyone loved to go to his birthday parties b/c his parents were loaded and they always planned something extravagant to try and make up for the fact they were never really around but, as he got older his parents stopped really caring to put on those parties. after that, no one bothered to give max any attention or befriend him unless they saw his wealth as something useful, or just brought him around so he could be the butt of the joke. and the second they got what they wanted from him they discarded him. being the kind-hearted and naive boy he is, he doesn't really fully grasp it until after ryan beats him to a pulp. he brushes off what happens but it honestly profoundly affects him from then on.
he thought ryan was a friend but turns out he was just being taken advantage of, his parents didn't care to come see him in the hospital despite how serious his condition was, and jake, the only genuine friend he ever had, ends up leaving (prolly bc college) and max later refers to him in passing as "a guy i brought up back in the day" which hints that they likely don't talk anymore.
so college starts. a fresh slate. max guards himself with this macho (with a very small hint of being an asshole) persona. he's got a leadership position as the RA of his floor, got two nerdy "friends" that are very reminiscent of ryan and his guys (remember when they snicker along with him at mike?), and a semi-famous reputation online. he loses weight the summer before college and decides to stop fighting (probably caused by the trauma from ryan) but we see he uses hand grips so even he definitely wants to keep himself strong for his physique and to protect himself. though max is still fairly lean which is likely an insecurity for him. the last thing he ever wants to be seen as is a dork.
let's not even talk about how being conditioned like this affects his views on women and relationships. first off in highschool he only gets attention from baja's friends b/c of his association with jake, then in college he gets all this attention because he's "attractive" now and has this cool car, dorm and fame due to the fighting videos + promotions. he's (mostly) only ever made out with drunk women at parties or events that just throw themselves at him but it never goes further than that.
he likely has made himself believe that he should think of women as prizes (again as awful as ryan was max kind of molds his new self with his influences subconsciously. he had the kind of attention, the girls, the intimidation factor max aspires to have), but if a girl were to ever genuinely like him it would fry his brain. he wouldn't understand the idea of someone wanting to spend time with him, even if he wasn't really doing anything. to intently listen to him and partake in his interests. or how much happier you'd look after just going on a walk around campus with him vs. when he bought you jewelry or flowers.
it left him with a feeling he only experienced once before when jake saved him, and went after ryan.
it just clicks for him like-
oh. this is how it feels to be genuinely cared for.
it's not soon after he realizes that you tell him you love him for the first time, while cuddling in bed (he's sure his mother used to say it to him when he was younger but he honestly can't really remember anymore-- the most communication he has with his parents now is the deposits into his bank account).
once the door closes, and you've left for your classes.. he feels the lingering heat of your lips, your words echoing in his head and the way you looked at him...
and he cries.
#goddamnit i made myself cry again#im sorry I've been talking to a max bot these few days and my heart breaks for him#guys im so evil idk why i did this#MAX COOPERMAN I WILL GIVE YOU THE LOVE YOU DESERVE#AHHHHH#someone SOMEONE PLS TELL HIM THAT HE'S LOVED JUST AS WHO HE IS#evan peters#evan peters fandom#never back down#max cooperman#max cooperman x reader#this is honestly just a poorly written ramble idk
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#California license plate with text IMRJBCH#DENIED#bot#ca-dmv-bot#california#dmv#funny#government#lol#public records
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Alex Rossi Lore Drop Night, but it’s more unhinged and insane than normal because Alexander is deranged. And also it’s posted during the day because I forgot to post last night.
Has acquired, from a select group of people in the paddock, a list of drivers who are “packing heat” - as when drivers are getting in the car they have to ‘adjust’ and so a list has been compiled.
Bribed his way out of a speeding ticket one time with a sticker. In 2021, when in Mexico for the preparation for Baja, he got pulled over for speeding. Offered the cops two Honda racing stickers and they let him go.
James has called Alex a masochist a few times throughout the podcast, I’m starting to think he’s not joking.
Alex has, or had, a 5 pound jar of Jelly Bellies that the others referred to as his “Covid Beans” because Alex would dig through and eat only his favorites, leaving the rest. He has a ranking of his favorites and its word for word as follows:
Buttered popcorn, number 1.
Toasted marshmallow, number 2.
Watermelon, number 3.
Lemon lime, number 4.
Margarita, number 5.
Number 6 would be coconut.
Number 7 would be black licorice.
Number 8 would be cinnamon.
Number 9 would be cherry.
And 10…ugh, tens a tough one. It depends if it’s the Krispy Kreme edition, or if it’s the A&W edition, because the rootbeer one can be good, sprite one can be pretty good. Also just the normal, traditional donut flavor one - Krispy Kreme donut flavor one - is quite good.
He knew there are exactly 53 flavors of Jelly Belly and he was quick to correct Tim when he referred to them as jelly beans, because they are not jelly beans.
True to his competitive nature, James has said that Alex hates testing because it is not competitive - “He likes driving cars, but he likes beating people more than he likes driving cars.”
Also true to his competitive nature, James and Alex had to take an impact test (I think this is what it was, idk what it tests for) and this interaction happened on the podcast:
He studies for his health tests apparently, like a NERD, like a COMPETITIVE NERD. Also, he knew this link off the top of his head with no hesitation, and it actually works.
He’s a freak, he’s a loser, he’s so endlessly endearing to me.
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Perfect – J. Kiszka
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, mature themes, unprotected sex, language, MINORS DNI
A/N: I’m just gonna start by saying that Ken is the absolute ✨JakeMaster✨ of our writing duo, but she has encouraged me to try my hand at it for the first time ever (pls be kind 🫣). So, while it won’t ever amount to the beauty that is her ability to write for Jake, I hope you all enjoy it just the same. ☺️💚
Baja-est of bules forever and ever,
You felt his arms wrap around your waist as you scrubbed the plates in the sink full of hot, soapy water. His lips found the sensitive skin of your neck, and you leaned into him and moaned. He moved his hands up and slid them under the hem of your shirt, gently sweeping them across your stomach and out to your sides.
“Hmm,” he hummed against you, the vibrations bouncing all the way down your throat as he gently sucked at your skin.
You squeezed your legs together, hoping to relieve some of the pressure that had quickly developed in your core. This happened all too often when Jake was home. He never pressured you for sex, but he did things like this, almost as if he just wanted to gently remind you that the offer was still on the table.
It had been about 6 months since you’d split from your ex, and you started seeing Jake not long afterward. The break-up was still fresh, so whenever the two of you had first gotten together, he focused the majority of his attention on supporting you and making you feel comfortable. He would still get a little handsy here and there whenever the mood struck, but he never pushed it any further than that, and you were thankful, though the two of you had never really discussed the extent of your “dry spell.”
You lost yourself in the feeling of his hands, every bit of them filled with the supple flesh of your hips as he kneaded them. He pressed himself into your back, placing kisses on the skin between your neck and shoulder. You squeezed your legs together again, feeling your arousal seep out from your core as you did so.
Feeling the tightening of your thighs, you felt Jake smile into your shoulder. He loved that he could make you hot without touching your heat.
You turned yourself around to face him, and he slipped his hands back around your hips, stepping into you and softly pressing you into the counter behind you. His lips met your mouth as his hands slid up your sides. Your hands took refuge in his long, brown hair, and you pulled him impossibly deeper into the kiss. His tongue slipped into your mouth and explored there while you relished under it. You pulled back from his lips to catch your breath, and he was already looking at you, his eyes squinted at you and his brows furrowed in a playfully suspicious expression.
“What’s that look for?” You asked, through a grin that you couldn’t wipe from your face if you tried.
“Something’s different,” he said, maintaining his expression.
“Why do you say that?” You countered.
“I don’t know. You’ve never really seemed–,” he paused, choosing his next word carefully. “Needy like this before.”
Your raised your eyebrows at him and he quickly offered more explanation.
“The way you keep pulling me in and holding me there…” His voice was quiet now as he inched closer to you. “Like you can’t get me close enough…” His lips brushed yours as he continued. “And the way you keep squeezing your legs together…” He pulled your bottom lip between his and sucked it before letting it slip back out. “If I didn’t know any better, I might think you need to be taken care of.”
The only thing you could manage was a heavy breath.
You watched a grin spread across his lips as he watched you squirm.
“How long’s it been?” He asked, the mischievous look in his eyes slowly fading.
You thought, trying to remember the last time you’d been to bed with someone. You never quite realized the length of time that had passed.
“God, I don’t even remember,” you said, your eyes focused on the ground.
He stood in front of you quietly, letting you have a moment. Your eyes looked up from the floor at his face, a sweet, understanding look in his dark eyes, accepting of you and all of your insecurities. Jake was always very reserved and was never bothered by pauses or silence, unlike his brothers. He never felt the need to fill them with nonsense, and silence was always comfortable with him. His ability to speak with his eyes was something you’d never really witnessed from anyone else, and it was refreshing to know that he understood you well enough to not even have to use words to express himself sometimes.
“Can we go upstairs?” You asked, your voice small and timid.
“Of course,” he said softly, extending a hand to you as he led you to the bedroom.
As the two of you climbed in bed, you laid first at the head of the bed, propping yourself up on the pillows behind you. Jake crawled up to you and settled himself between your legs that were bent at the knee, weaving his arms under them and resting his hands on the tops of your thighs. He rested his cheek on the inside of your leg and looked at you.
“Just thinking,” he returned, a small smile dancing on his lips.
“About what?”
“You. And how you like to get fucked.” He paused. “We’ve never really talked about it.” You watched the mischievous look creep back into his eyes.
You clenched your walls as he spoke. Aching for him in every possible way.
“If it’s been so long that you can’t remember the last time somebody made you cum, I want this to be fucking perfect. Give you exactly what you want,” he said, his voice low and gravelly. He placed a firm kiss to the inside of your thigh.
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “What exactly do you wanna know?”
He thought for a moment before he spoke. “If there was one thing I could do that’s guaranteed to help you cum- something that just really fucking gets you- what would it be?”
You replied a little faster than you meant to, and your cheeks immediately felt like they were burning. “Talk to me.”
His eyebrows raised at your response, and you weren’t sure if he was surprised by your answer, or by how quickly you gave it, so you elaborated.
“I feel like a lot of guys get shy in bed. I haven’t been with very many that aren’t afraid to talk and moan and shit. And when they do, they’re not very good at it.” You paused, watching him watch you speak. “But you? You can make me wet without touching me at all. I feel like every sound that would come out of your mouth would drive me fucking crazy.”
You watched a shy smile spread across his face as he looked down, his cheeks blushing the babiest pink in the light of the table lamp beside you.
“Anything else?” You asked quietly.
“What about positions? What’s you’re favorite?”
You cheeks blushed again. You didn’t take Jake for a guy that regularly had vanilla sex, but the simple things were the ones that pleased you the most, so you went for it.
“Missionary,” you admitted, keeping your eyes averted, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. “But we can do whichever-,”
“Hey,” he interrupted, firm and gentle at the same time, “this is whatever you want, baby.”
You nodded and offered more information. “I just really like the closeness of it. I wanna feel you in me and on me at the same time. I wanna be able to kiss you while you make me cum.” Your voice gradually died down to a whisper.
You felt him squeeze your thighs while he grinned. “You’re so fucking sweet.”
“Shut up,” you laughed.
“So the real question,” he started, “is where do you want me first?”
You sighed above him, weighing your options as he patiently waited for you to make your decision. You ultimately made the decision to save his hands and mouth for a rainy day.
“Honestly?” You started, “All I can fucking think about is how good your cock would feel, buried in my pussy.”
You watched his breathing change as you spoke, and he raised himself up from between your legs to sit back on his heels, slipping off his t-shirt and throwing it in the floor, directly followed by his sweatpants and underwear. He stood up on his knees, cock-in-hand, and shimmied himself up to you while he slowly pumped his fist.
You clenched your walls again at the sight of him, desperately fighting to keep from cumming before he even took off your clothes. He took off your underwear and helped you sit up to remove your sweatshirt, pausing to marvel at your naked body for the first time. You watched his chest heavily rise and fall, absolutely melting at the fact that he looked at you the way he did. Knowing that you could make him sweat like this without really doing anything made you feel the most beautiful you ever had.
You bent your knees again after you relaxed against the pillows, letting your legs fall out the sides, blossoming open for him. “Come here, baby,” you cooed, reaching out for him. He blinked from his daze and shimmied the rest of the way into your space before dropping his hips down, holding himself up on his forearms placed on each side of you. He shifted his weight to one side and took his length in the other, teasing his tip down your opening, making you shudder.
“Fuck,” he whispered, barely intelligible. “So goddamn wet already.”
You moaned and looked down to watch him. He slid his cock up through his fist against you, his shaft pressing against you clit and he rolled his hips into you. You jolted at the feeling, your mouth already slack, and he brought his mouth to you, lazily swirling his tongue with yours. He pulled back from you, fighting a smirk, and lined himself up with your entrance before slowly sinking into you as far as he could go.
When he reached his end, you basked in the feeling of fullness that you’d missed out on for the last six months. “Ohh my fucking God, Jake,” you groaned.
“How does it feel, sweetheart? Nice and full? You like it?”
You whimpered at his words, tangling your hands in his hair as he slowly pulled his hips back before plunging them forward, flush with yours again. Your body rocked back into the pillows, and you gasped. He thrusted again, the stretching feeling in your walls growing more and more delicious every time. As he picked up his pace, continuing his long, deep strokes, you felt your first orgasm creep up quicker than you expected.
“Mmmm Jake. Oh– ffffuck,” you cried, your brows furrowed hard.
“God you’re a fucking angel,” he breathed. “Come on.”
Your back arched, and you felt his arms circle around you, holding you flush against his chest as he kept his exact pace in and out of you. You writhed under him, your hands completely lost in his soft, brown mess of hair.
After you settled, he slowed his thrusts for a bit, taking the time to plant some kisses along your neck and on your chest. You moved to sit up a little more, still leaning back on the pillows behind you, giving him easier access to your breasts. While simultaneously and steadily thrusting into you, he cupped one breast and took your nipple into his mouth, sucking it softly before grazing it with his teeth. Your head tilted back, and your chest heaved into his mouth as he continued on your other breast.
At the angle you were reclined at, you had an absolutely gorgeous view down his spine where you could see the muscles of his perfect ass and thighs tighten and relax each time he pushed his cock into your dripping pussy. Just watching them made the fire in your stomach rekindle itself, sending you straight for your second orgasm of the night. You couldn’t resist the urge to reach down and squeeze his ass by the handful, kneading him over and over while he fucked you.
His head lifted from your chest, and his jaw hung slack as he looked at you, his chest absolutely heaving against yours. You moaned lewdly, and he quickened his pace again, thrusting into you much faster than before, his ass bouncing in your hands while his balls made contact with your skin.
You cried out for him again as he kept his pace, your entire body trembling through your second release. As the two of you caught your breath, he slowed again, and you pulled him back to your mouth, your hands on either side of his face. He pulled back, huffing breaths from his parted lips, his forehead and chest gleaming with sweat. You brushed the hair that was stuck to his face back with your fingers and smiled at him, your eyes half-lidded.
“How am I doing so far? Have I missed anything?”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “I couldn’t ask for better,” you said, your voice soft.
He returned your smile and kissed your lips again.
“Last question,” he said, slipping his hands around your forearms and pressing them above your head into the pillows.
“Whats that?” You asked.
“You think you’ve got one more left in there for me?”
#greta van fleet#greta van smut#greta van fic#starcatcher#gvf#jake kiska fic#jake kiszka#jake gvf#jake kiszka smut
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#gas#just kidding garage#trees#out doors#big red#Honda#vintage Honda#Atc#Honda big red#trail#trail ride#baja heat#baja warrior#baja mini bike#youtube channel#youtube#like comment subscribe#garage channel#gas powered
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A Rite Of Passage: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Summary: A case brings you to a small town in Texas that is close to Mexico's border. Someone is killing people who illegally cross the border, and he's a lot closer than you think.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
"A lion's work hours are only when he's hungry; once he's satisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together." - Chuck Jones
"Hey, where's Hotch?" Emily asks when she walks into the briefing room.
"Budget meeting."
"Maybe he'll give us a raise," Derek jokes.
"They're cutting, not raising. I just hope they don't take the coffee."
"I'd quit," Spencer says.
"Oh, yeah. That'll save 'em like fifty bucks a week."
"Hotch will meet us on the plane," JJ says when she walks in.
"Where are we going?"
"Last night, three decapitated heads were found in front of a sheriff's station in the small border town of Terlingua, Texas."
She passes out the file on the victims which includes pictures of their crime scenes.
"Three victims at once?"
"Actually, they appear to be in different stages of decomposition."
"The ME confirmed that one of the heads is a day or so old. The other two appear to have died a few months ago, but the wound edges suggest that they were decapitated recently," JJ explains.
"There is dirt in their mouth, ears, and nose. At some point, these two heads were buried and then dug up."
"Okay, so why the sudden need to display them?" Emily asks.
"The need may not be so sudden. In Mexico, in 2009 alone, ten heads were in coolers and the people belonging to these heads were killed just hours before they were found. It's the result of a battle between feuding drug cartels."
"The DEA isn't interested?" you ask.
You'd think the Drug Enforcement Association would want a crack at this.
"They asked us to take a look at it. Considering the different decomposition, this might not even be about drugs."
"Alright, what do we have?"
"Well, the victims are two males and one female so there isn't a gender preference. Staging the heads in front of a sheriff's station is aggressive. All three victims are Hispanic and unidentified. Terlingua has a large illegal population. It's made IDing the victims that much harder."
"He might be trying to make some type of political statement. Volunteer border patrols do a lot of personal policing down there. Groups like the Minutemen prize law and order above everything else, and those patrols serve their political agenda. Murder would be bad for their image," Spencer explains.
"Staging the heads in front of a police station suggests that the unsub might be local. He'd have to have knowledge about how to do something like that without being seen. So, what we have is hundreds of miles of unincorporated desert and an endless supply of anonymous victims crossing the border every day."
"It's a serial killer's perfect storm," you sigh.
As JJ said, Hotch met you at the plane when he was done with his meeting.
"Explain this to me. The unsub hunts along the US-Mexico border. How big is that area?"
"Over five thousand square miles of desert," Spencer answers at the same time as you do.
The entire team stares at you two and you look away with heated cheeks.
"He could have gone undetected for years," Hotch says eventually.
"Why announce himself now?"
"What do we know about crime in Terlingua?" Rossi asks.
"It's a stop-over town. Immigrants stay only twenty-four hours before moving on, but that also makes them narco-trafficking hubs. Outside of immigration violations, most of the arrests are drug-related."
"That, my pretties, is an understatement." You look to your left and see Penelope's face on the screen. "Anyone familiar with the Lugo Cartel out of Baja, California? Their greatest hits include multiple brutal murders along with importing and distributing nearly two tons of cocaine and copious amounts of heroin between 1990 and 2009. Now, if we get in our BAU time machine, flash forward to now, a super cheap, highly addictive, and totally impure form of black tar heroin just showed up on the streets of Terlingua, and the DEA thinks the Lugo Cartel is directly responsible."
"They're expanding their operation which is often announced by a wave of violence. The Lugo Cartel killed two DEA agents last year. We're going to need to watch our backs. To Cartels, the Feds are fair game. There's even usually a bounty, so we're going to bring in the toys," Derek talks about the big weapons.
"Be careful with those. I don't need broken MP-5s on our budget," Hotch says.
"Guys, here's the thing. I don't think I technically have authorization to carry a weapon like that," Spencer says.
"You don't," Derek and Hotch say at the same time.
You reach over and put your hand on his arm. You want to grab his hand but he still has a gross ick when it comes to germs. Yes, he held your hand when you were going through it with prison but that was because he decided to. You don't want him to feel like his choice is being taken away when it comes to germs. Instead, you touch something much safer like his arm.
"You know, we're going to have a victim pool that is extremely hesitant to talk to us."
"Prentiss, you and Morgan start with the migrant community, see what inroads you can make. Stress that we're only there to catch a killer. Rossi, Y/N, and Reid, the ME is waiting to show you the heads."
"Maybe they can tell us something," you say.
The entire department only consists of five people including the sheriff. When Hotch and JJ got to the station, eight men were posted outside of it. The fact that they had eight despite there only being five officers inside shows that they outnumber them, asserting their dominance. Deputy Ronald Boyd isn't too worried about it only because those eight men are just a handful of men who work for Omar Morales, the head of the narco-trafficking ring. They picked him up this morning outside of town where he was heading to the airport.
Deputy Boyd would have talked to him only Sheriff Eva Ruiz wouldn't let her men talk to him. Hotch is worried about the men outside but she plans on ignoring them thinking they'll get hot and tired and go away on their own. The reason why she won't let her men talk to Omar is because she doesn't agree that they arrested the right man. The heads at the police station, in her opinion, are a message that demands for her to butt out. Just in the six months she's been Sheriff, there are more than twenty missing immigrants; that's more than three a month or one victim a week.
There hasn't been an official investigation because no one wants to be the snitch. However, she believes that someone has been killing for a lot longer than they let on. The Lugo Cartel kills to send a message, it's how they communicate but Eva seems to think otherwise.
You walk into the ME's office where there are heads in jars so that they can be preserved. You touch the side of the glass and allow the energy to paint you a picture. Fear. Desperation. The victims are running through the open desert as someone wearing a mask is chasing them on a quad made for the terrain. The victims are terrified for their lives but the unsub doesn't show any mercy.
"You know, contrary to popular belief, decapitation is not that easy," Spencer says, bringing you back.
"You don't often hear popular and decapitation In the same sentence," Rossi says.
"You'd need to strike on the weakest point of the spine. It's normally between the C3 and C7 vertebrae. There are multiple strikes but they don't show any hesitation."
"I realize you didn't have much to work with here but outside of the obvious, was there anything unusual about these victims?" Rossi asks the Me.
"The second victim appeared to have been blind, if not completely, then he had cataracts bad enough that it was difficult for him to get around."
"What about the other two?" you ask.
"I only had their teeth to go by but the most recent victim is older as well as the first one, the woman. It'll take some time to get an accurate age but I'm confident that they were older.'
"We're looking for something that we call a signature. Something that all the victims shared like a physical mark or something postmortem."
"I don't know if this is what you mean," she grabs the reports on them, "but they all had sand residue in their noses and throats."
"Could that be from being buried?" Spencer asks.
"Possibly, but the trachea and the nasal passage were kind of torn up. If I had the lungs here, I'd guess that they were full of sand as well like they breathed in the sand enough to lacerate the passages."
"They were running," you say. "The unsub chased them on quads through the desert. Trust me when I say he didn't show any mercy."
Hotch is able to talk to Omar who isn't too happy to talk to a Fed. Omar is cocky and arrogant only because he knows he or his crew didn't do these murders. If Omar had, he'd gut the victim from crotch to chin then leave the intestines open for the animals to eat. He'd send his hand to his wife, his eyes to his mother, and his tongue to his kids with a note saying their Daddy had died wetting himself. Omar doesn't believe that these murders are a message, none that he recognizes.
Hotch asks him about what he thought of the recent murders only because Omar likes to be a man in control. He has an army standing guard outside the station who will protect him because Omar has somehow convinced them that they need him, and Hotch expects to believe Omar doesn't know what's going on in his town? What Hotch is looking for, according to Omar, is Santa Muerte, the Saint of Death.
The Saint of Death is a drug dealer's version of a doctor's Raphael the Archangel or a cop's Saint Jude--someone they pray to. Omar has learned that someone loses track of the ways they can die when they cross the desert from Mexico. Sometimes, it's easier to blame a superstitious figure than someone real. Santa Muerte has been coming up more and more with the illegals Eva sends back, the coyotes she arrests, and the drug traffickers around town. All of them are afraid.
Evan once handled a homicide where her only witness was a four-year-old girl. She told Eva that her mom and dad were killed by a dragon. It turned out that the bad guy wore a green rainsuit with a pointy hood. To the little girl, it looked like a dragon. So, when hundreds of people are talking about the same monster, it's a sure bet that something is going on. They don't know what to call it so they settle on Santa Muerte.
With a town like this, you're not surprised that by the next morning, another murder has surfaced. This time, there is a head on a post right outside the Sheriff's house. The team heads over there along with some of her own men. You get there before her men do and you approach the head that hasn't been moved. You slide some gloves on and touch the side of his face delicately. This man was trying to cross the border last night with his family. He fell to the ground after not being able to continue either because he couldn't physically or he was sick. It doesn't matter. He was the only one left behind so the unsub targeted him until he killed him.
"I told you we should have kept that bastard locked up."
Eva let Omar go because there was nothing she could charge him with. The officers only had assumptions that he was involved with no evidence. You turn to look at Deputy Boyd and freeze in your steps. He walks past you without so much as a glance in your direction but he doesn't need you. The energy surrounding the head is the same as Deputy Boyd's. He either killed the man or he knew about it to move it to Eva's house. Your first instinct is to shout to the rooftops that Boyd is the unsub but you have to think about this through Hotch's eyes. He'll want evidence so you keep your mouth shut for now.
"I'm telling you for the last time, Boyd, go back on patrol," Eva says.
Boyd rolls his eyes but does as he's told.
"There isn't any decomposition. It's a new victim," Spencer says.
"He's becoming more focused on you, Sheriff. May I have a word?" Hotch asks. He and Eva step off to the side but you can still hear them. "It's clear that this is personal."
"It always was."
"How's that?"
"Look, I have no idea how many of these people have gone missing over the years, but one thing is clear. I'm the only one who seems to give a damn. That's as personal as it gets for me."
"We're here because we care."
"All I've got is a bunch of stories and superstitions. What if it isn't even happening?"
"Sheriff, I can't tell you how long this has been going on but something's definitely happening now. From the way the unsub is acting, it's obvious that you've touched a nerve. Whoever he is, I think you've probably talked to him."
Damn right, she has. He's right under her nose and she doesn't even know. You don't want to talk to her about this now because you don't want to freak her out when you don't have to.
"I've talked to anyone who will listen—drug dealers, immigrants, and even business owners."
"Well, one of them is your Santa Muerte and he's feeling the pressure. When we get back to the station, I want to go over every single interview you've done."
"How? Who are we even looking for?"
"We have a profile to give you and your deputies."
"Hotch, a word?" you butt in. He steps away from the Sheriff and joins your side. "I know I need evidence but you want to know what I saw when Deputy Boyd showed up? His energy matches the one on his head. I didn't see anything else but that can only mean one of two things—he's the one who killed him or he knew about it."
"Pay attention to his behavior during the profile. After, get your evidence."
Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid fic#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid angst#criminal minds#criminal minds fic#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds fanfic#criminal minds fluff#criminal minds angst#criminal minds series rewrite#criminal minds season 5
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Excuse me, BAJA BLAST PUSSY???
"I can stop whenever you want me to." He promises with another kiss to Dabi's thigh, then another, moving them slowly closer to the new center that he has made for him. Dabi does his best not to squirm as it happens, his insides trembling with anticipation as his mouth draws closer to his lips. Shigaraki gives him his first kiss there and it makes his body heat more. He brings two fingers to him and spreads the plump outer lips open so he can flick his tongue over his flesh and Dabi's core stutters with light as he feels his mouth there. It is as sensitive as his body felt when Tomura had his hand wrapped around his cock and he is more than ready to have more when Shigaraki pulls away from him, his smell losing its sweetness rapidly.
"I know that you are a god that feasts on burning and bitterness, precious." He says, his voice still trying to be sweet. "But can you change your flavor so that it doesn't feel like I'm licking a burning oil drum?"
Dabi frowns. "Change it to what?"
"To what a human tastes like?" He offers.
"I don't know what humans taste like."
"I'll let you try some other time," Tomura says, dropping another kiss to his thigh. "Then just to something that I can taste without my body thinking that I'm being poisoned?"
Dabi can adjust his flavor, though he still struggles for a moment to try and recall something that Shigaraki enjoys the taste of. He never comments very much on his food, and even then, he has been trying new things most days as the cooking staff makes him different meals to impress. It takes him a long moment but he does recall the one thing the other has with any frequency and he recalls the taste and applies it to the fluid that his body is leaking with his arousal. "There."
Tomura leans back in and licks at him again, pulling back sharply again and making Dabi throw his head back against the lounge in his own frustration, hand coming down to bat at Shigaraki's head a few times as hard as the constraints of his orders will allow him to.
"You said you would kiss me!"
The human is barely breathing from how hard he's laughing though, "W-Why--?"
"You always drink that blue beverage! You must enjoy the taste. Now kiss!"
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absolutely nefarious that my body waited to hit me with painful period on Saturday before hallyween. I am going to get the last laugh bitch bc my best friends baja blast Advil and heating pad and laying down for several hours have my BACK
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I save dick by giving it CPR
Toru is so sad and you just want to make him feel better!!!!
Ambos son mayores de edad, sexo oral, el lector tiene pezones y "aprieta hasta la nada", así que el inglés no es mi primer idioma y no dudes en corregirme.
Después de que Toru perdió contra Karasuno, fue a llorarte, ahora se frustra rebotando una pelota contra el techo de tu habitación, de vez en cuando le cae en la cara y se queja de lo estúpido que es Ushiwaka y lo engreído que es Kageyama, escucha con atención. , respondiendo con palabras cortas porque sabes que en ese momento no quiere consejos, solo quiere que le escuches.
And you know you're ovulating, because seeing him with that expression of frustration makes you feel so hot.
"Don't worry Toru, you have your whole life ahead of you, you are such an excellent setter, intelligent, agile, handsome..." you murmur against his ear, now you're on top of him. "You have nothing to envy them."
He is stunned for a few seconds and his cheeks heat up, finally he leaves that ball alone and takes you by the hips.
"Do you think so?" he quickly regains his composure and responds to your flirting.
"Let me take some of your frustration away, okay?" you say fluttering your eyelashes and slowly lowering until your face is against his sports shorts.
Now you press your cheek against his semi-hard bulge, you turn to look at him and now his face is completely red, he half opens his lips and licks them trying to remove the dryness, he leans on his elbows to be able to look at you.
Tomas sus pantalones cortos y ropa interior, los bajas lentamente, liberando su polla que gotea, él traga con fuerza y respira con dificultad, cada respiración hace que su polla se contraiga.
"BASTA TORU, DEJA DE MOVERLA", lo regañas cuando te das cuenta que está siendo gracioso y está moviendo la polla, ya que para él es el pináculo de la comedia.
Escuchas su fuerte risa y pones los ojos en blanco, te ajustas el cabello detrás de la oreja y sacas la lengua, lames primero la punta, luego haces círculos y te deleitas con los gemidos de tu ruidoso novio.
You play a little with his balls, kiss his thighs and the tip of his cock, completely hard, with veins bulging, you know he's desperate as he moves his hips against your mouth trying to enter it.
Then you take half of it in your mouth, sucking, letting saliva drip and lubricate what's underneath, your hands masturbate the other half of his 23 centimeters, while your mouth takes care of the other half.
You take his cock out of your mouth sucking the saliva and then swallow, you hear him moan loudly your name, now with both hands you masturbate his penis, with your saliva lubricating and making every movement fluid, the sound of his cock against your hands is glorious, you look him straight in the eyes without stopping masturbating him.
"Fuck, fuck, i-i love you so much."
He moans with his face contorted with pleasure, he throws his head back and continues moaning, his Adam's apple goes up and down with each breath, his jaw clenched and his team shirt fits perfectly to his toned body, his chest heaving, his veins standing out every time he squeezes the sheet beneath him.
You moan at the beautiful sight and continue with your work, the air is thick and you breathe the excitement of both, you are completely soaked, your pussy tightens to nothing and your nipples hurt from how hard they are, you breathe heavily completely aroused.
You go back to sucking his cock, from top to bottom, rubbing the head of his cock against the inside of your cheek one, two, three times, you stroke his balls and pull his cock up a bit to be able to lick the separation of his balls to the tip of his dick.
Oikawa shudders completely, a laugh bursts from his chest, he is enjoying it like never before, if that's his prize for losing, he knows he could lose all his matches from now on.
You scream against his cock, you really need him to touch you but you don't want to stop sucking him, you squeeze your trembling legs trying to relieve the excitement.
"Ah, if you want it inside just do it," he moans with a smile, he closes his eyes and moans pulling his head back again.
You lick that mole he has on his thighs, you shake your head and look him directly in the eyes.
"I want to make you feel good."
You murmur before continuing with your work, you feel his tense thighs under your hands, it always makes you nervous when you know he's about to come, because you want to do everything at once and you're afraid of ruining his orgasm.
This time you decide to just keep going and going until his thick cum splashes against your face.
The sound of pre-cum and your saliva makes a clack clack every time your hand goes up and down, you suck every time you take it out and put it back in your mouth, Toru writhes beneath you and occasionally fucks your throat moving his hips.
One and two gags make you try to escape, but he stops you with his hand and teases you with a smile, moving his hips against your mouth, your jaw hurts and saliva drips from the corners of your lips, every time you try to swallow his cock goes deeper, both of you have tears on the edge of your eyes.
He lets you go and falls back on his elbows, tilts his head to his right side, closes his eyes and lets you continue taking care of him.
With an almost painful moan he comes, his chest rises and falls rapidly, his hair sticks to his forehead and he has a completely lost look against the ceiling, his mouth half open and his face tense, almost like a work of art.
He complains when you leave his cock alone again sucking it, he closes his eyes and then opens them to look at you, a silly smile appears on his face.
#oikawa tooru#oikawa x reader#haikyuu oikawa#hq oikawa#oikawa fluff#haikyuu#x reader#reader x character#fanfic#oikawa fanfiction#oikawa smut#oikawa toru#oikawa toru smut#oikawa toru x reader#oikawa toru x y/n
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See you at Baja 500?
More like see you at Baja 500lbs. haha gottem' 🏜️🚙🏜️
(Victory Heat Rally is really cool, consider checking out the demo idk :3)
#fat art#weight gain#wg kink#human#non furry#sweaty#sweating#Sally McRally#Victory Heat Rally#I'm sorry dfkjhgkdjfh#ArllanArt
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