#miserable cramps
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cameoutstruggling93 · 9 months ago
The most VALIDATING thing about my new space and our new office in general is students telling me how nice and accessible it is and how I DESERVE an office. That I can finally have a break from people coming in and needing me 24/7.
I can ALSO have CONFIDENTIAL meetings with students and zoom meetings with students without onlookers or people overhearing.
The absolute BARE minimum needs to do my job! Especially since I'll be absorbing MORE tasks since my friend/colleague is leaving. I'm sad she's leaving but I 1000% understand why and she deserves a position where she has support and isn't just a punching bag.
Thank you for reading my rant.
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obscenicon · 4 months ago
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ro-bee · 3 months ago
Oug ough :(
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the-tomcat-disposable · 5 months ago
Blacked out
Summary: Detective got blackout drunk one night and Waldo decided to check in.
TW: alcoholism, death of a loved one mentioned, unhealthy relationship (well, you're reading a waldotective fic, so.. That's why you're here, right?)
There's a good dose of Waldo being gentle with the detective.
Fics referenced; You can’t win me, I can’t be beat (chapter 2) by @whenthedeeppurplefalls, and Peek-A-Boo and Sleepover by artmolonara
Read them please.
The sun had begun setting, bringing Waldo back to that day again, when his clones payed his detective's wife a visit. The terror on the detective's face and smell of absolute fear when he told them that their family was in danger was addictive. He'll never forget how fast the detective bolted out the door, not caring slightly about who they had to shove out of the way as they reached the car and took off, sirens blaring as they disobeyed every traffic law to get home as fast as possible.
The kick that he got out of the detective's terror and despair since that day had sustained him for a very long while, and occasionally when it wasn't enough, he'd stake out the detective's house to wait until they left so that he could teleport himself inside and get a proper look through.
The detective left their son alone in his crib for unspecified periods of time on occasion, sometimes to handle a case (that wasn't Waldo's— which he was very displeased with) and sometimes to run a quick errand. It was during these times that Waldo would occasionally stop by to rummage through the detective's belongings, and if Jr began making noise, he would entertain the child until it was nap time again. Their favorite games were peekaboo and Waldo tried to teach him how to say his name, to not avail (yet).
Waldo had been wandering out of sight for about 4 or 5 hours. The moon has been up for some time and watched the detective's routine through a window plenty of times to know that they had put Jr to sleep by now and popped open a bottle of alcohol or a few and switched the TV on. He had hoped to catch one of the detective's other suspects "by mistake" and scare them into turning themselves in, but none seemed to dare target his detective anymore after the last one who did had "mysteriously" died in their cell, so Waldo decided to check in on the detective... not out of concern, of course, but to make sure that they were still actively playing in his game.
So that's what Waldo did. He stalked his way to the detective's house and listened for the detective's snoring before swirling his cane and teleporting inside once the television made enough noise to disguise that of Waldo's entrance. He took a moment to breathe in the smell of what once was a gruesome crime scene— and his best one yet, if he said so himself.
'How ironic, a "living" room that once had a corpse in it!' Waldo chuckled. He glanced down at the several empty bottles on the table with a scoff and then to the detective's sleeping body on the couch, watching the much shorter figure twitch uncomfortably. For a moment, Waldo wondered if he should wake the detective from their nightmare, but decided against it. Not often does Waldo have an opportunity to get a nice, long look at his little mouse.
He didn't know what compelled him to do such a thing, but he found himself moving to kneel on the floor in front of the couch, his face inches away from his detective's. He may have moved closer if the detective didn't suddenly jolt. That damned heap of electrical tissue thinks that whatever horrific scenarios it can make the detective live through in a nightmare are more horrific than the fear that Waldo can cause them while they're conscious!
Waldo scoffed, imagining what sorry attempt of terror was happening inside the detective's mind. Regardless of whatever it was, he would prefer if the detective was awake for it. Trying not to wake them, Waldo reached out a hand to cup the detective's face. His heart— or whatever he had in place of one— fluttered when the detective's face leaned into his palm and his body began to relax.
Waldo was unfamiliar with this feeling, and wasn't sure if he wanted to explore it further, but he remained there for hours, with his little mouse in his claws (literally), though they didn't close around them for just once. He occasionally ran his hand through the detective's rough hair, noticing a few grey strands. Being a now single father thanks to Waldo truly must difficult. He only hoped that this wouldn't distract the detective, as he should always be their top priority.
Waldo groaned and stood up, disappointed at the fact that his time here would be ending soon. In a few minutes, Jr would wake the detective up with a loud cry. The detective would stumble to tend to their son, and then stumble to their bedroom and fall asleep once again the moment he hit the bed. He picked up his cane and walked back behind the couch, sparing a brief glance over his shoulder at the detective's now peaceful form. He will enjoy watching the detective struggle through the day with the painful, grief-induced hangover that he will surely have— the thought of which amused him.
"Goodbye for now, detective. Our game is not over. I am sure you will know what to do when the time comes. You are much more skilled than your peers," Waldo spoke to the unconscious detective, before spinning his cane and teleporting with a flash. Moments later, Jr's cries awoke them, and as they stumbled to his room, they couldn't shake the feeling that something happened that caused their nightmare to subside. Waldo peered through a window as the detective shook their head and supported themselves with the wall, then faded away into the darkness of the night with a hint of a grin.
He will return eventually, but not anytime soon.
@thatoneweirdowhoknowstoomuch wanted to be tagged
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lokh · 21 days ago
did ranma ever deal with periods in the series
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skeletoninthemelonland · 7 months ago
Shame 😔🫵
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paranormaljones · 25 days ago
the ovulation cramps are going to be the death of me tonight
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rgbwings · 30 days ago
i am tired, completely demotivated to live
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machveil · 2 months ago
if anyone has me I know Advil has me - I need to stop trying power through shit when I know Advil will help me
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definitelyheaven · 2 months ago
Ffffuuuuccckkk i need a joint so bad rn
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origamiyoda · 2 months ago
I'm gonna be so honest I hate taking baths I never feel clean I just feel like a wet miserable and now Cold creature
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greenbirdtrash · 5 months ago
writhing on the floor whimpering desperately trying to claw my uterus out
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months ago
hate having bad mood the day before you’re traveling
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promithiae · 8 months ago
Me: *hasn't been able to eat solid food for the past 3 days* hm. Why am I so tired? Can't think of a single reason
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melon-fodder · 2 months ago
crampy, weepy, sleepy
perhaps I’ll actually work on zawamel lore while in this very vulnerable headspace
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I don't always have painful periods but when I do you can bet it's on a day that I have a ton of obligations
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