bahtzei · 10 years
Bahtzei awakened from her slumber only recently.  Her body was once again energized and she was able to perform her daily dances for the fal'Cie in the cosmos.  Where once she danced for the fal'Cie of Cocoon, she now was under holy duty to do so for all of Pulse's and Lindzei's children, bringing sustenance and joy to even the two gods.  While she had slumbered, she was disturbed by visions that gave her fear, and disturbed her with questions she was not sure could be answered.  "Pulse?"
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seeker-of-miracles · 11 years
Thread List
*feel free to poke me if you're not on here and you should be! I'm on a semi-hiatus but I'll reply to everyone as best as I can!
Waiting On
Need to Reply To
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bahtzei · 11 years
Is ANYONE out there?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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bahtzei · 11 years
She began to sing a song of old, the song she sang to fal'Cie at the end of the day on Cocoon.  It was a restful tune, a song of goodbye.  As the wind blew her long black locks of hair with intermittent scarlet strands, she increased with intensity the tune.  She was lonely.  Tears came easily, and spilled down her slightly pink cheeks.  She was unsure.  She began to take steps forward, beginning the dance that she was responsible for, to feed the fal'Cie of Cocoon, to entertain the masses of lives around them.  It was not easy though, and she made some moves slower than what was called for, while keeping the melody.  At the end of the entire rite, she stopped, watching the sunset over the wide expanse of water.  At the tip of the cliff, she just broke down into sobs.  She didn't control them, she let them come; someday, she would have to let go.  Never forget, but let go.  It just seemed she had so much to let go!  And, she felt she could not do it.  Her heart was ripped, bleeding again, pouring blood while the tears fell, hardened and bounced as they fell as crystals onto the ground, some falling to the beach below.  She just stood, shifting weight onto one side of her, holding one arm with the other across her chest, embracing herself.  A peaceful heart would be her's, she knew; but, just not to be today.
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bahtzei · 11 years
"What have I done to offend you?"
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bahtzei · 11 years
A Random Encounter? (rainstormestheim)
Bahtzei did not know what to think of this pink-haired young man before her - and not even a man completely, more a teen boy.  She felt something about him, though, so she felt she needed to inquire, "who are you?"  She squinted at him for a second, scanning him.  She couldn't tell what it was about this person, but there was something... familiar about him, and her powers were somehow blocked from reading him.  She swayed as she shifted her weight, turning towards him, intrigued.
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bahtzei · 11 years
Not So Much A Stranger in a Strange Land
Bahtzei twirled and kicked, swayed and stepped, doing her dance that used to energize her home, her family, the fal'Cie of Lindzei who resided in the once lustrous beauty of a world called Cocoon.  The water around her came up, sparkling in all colors of the rainbow and then some.  She sung a tune without words, her voice haunting and melodious.  While it was a slow song, a song of steady notes, it was an intense song.  It was the true food for the fal'Cie... when they once lived.
Tears came from her closed eyes as she finished her performance, twirling to a stand still.  She danced for no reason now; and, it was not often that she felt compelled to.  Right now, though, it was something she was feeling the need to do.  Somehow, she felt the power was not lost.  fal'Cie, in her vacinity, though she could not see anyone around her.  She turned to look around her, but still no one was there that she could see.  Lonely, she faded from the middle of the lake where she conducted her ritual to the edge.  She stepped away only once, then stopped.
"Hello!?"  Voice breaking with the sorrow in her heart, she called out.  She felt someone was there, but whoever was in her presence was well camouflaged.
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seeker-of-miracles · 11 years
Of Gods and Mortals {Bahtzei&Noel}
There were three deities that were known to the people of Pulse and Cocoon. The Hallowed Pulse, the Fell Lindzei, and the Goddess Etro. Each was different, unique, and had their own role to play, a role which more often than not resulted in the devastation of the mortal realm. They were wise yet foolish, productive yet destructive.
There were perhaps more than just these three, for there had been rumors about one named Bhunivelze and another called Mwyn, but it did not matter in the end. No, in the end all gods and goddesses, all beings with powers beyond mortal understanding had one thing in common...
...Noel Kreiss hated them.
The Shadow Hunter, for that was now his name, hunted the streets of Luxerion, fighting those that did wrong in the pretext of protecting the innocent. In truth, he was waiting for one that would prove to be something more than they let on. In truth, he was waiting for some immortal being to cross his path so he could beat them senseless. In truth, he was an angry man in search of answers.
He had lost track of time, had long forgotten the count of days he had been this way, but he didn't care. He would keep going for as long as it took, until he died or found the answers he sought.
The question was...which would find him first?
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bahtzei · 11 years
Stumbling back, Bahtzei’s golden-green eyes grew wide in terror at her impending fate; and with that terror swiftly flowed the tears of her sadness.  Her fate, for doing things she had no choice over, was to be sealed away in crystal stasis.  Divine Makers, she pleaded before the melded form of Barthandelus, Menrva and Orphan finished their spell.  I only did what you wished!  Then the blinding light of magic stunned her, and she was cast into a realm between life and death, a dream state only the gods knew of, her soul elsewhere. 
Physically what remained of the once vibrant young fal’Cie woman was a human form of crystal, orange and violet hues dancing with pink, flashes of rainbow light coming forth from different areas at times, as well a swirling jets of black mist appearing and quickly dissipating.  A temporary punishment for what would seem to be an eternity.  This is her fate for following what she believed was divine will, deviating from her focus, and betraying her kin; even though she was promised it was all ordained, it turned against her.  Everything, everyone, turned against her.  Yet she felt her love for her parent, the one who did all for the best of Cocoon.  As she drifted away, she forced her hands to her chest, revealing her heart-shaped crystal – her true self, beyond the fabrications of bodies.  This was her final message to atone.
The combination of the three fal’Cie that made the final shape of Cocoon’s ultimate power looked upon this crystal with horrific grief.    A burst of guttural roars came forth, arms stretched out, hands clenched; it was done.  It had to be done.  And, there was no telling how long it would last.  It would have to be the thing they lived for, mixed with their duties and growing dissatisfaction with their stations in life.  Or, at least, Barthandelus’ dissatisfaction, slowly growing from jealousy of his non-fal’Cie charges…
Still incomplete, still unborn himself, Orphan’s will breaks. A wish of non-birth, a want for destruction, came forth from his mind.  While the process was not eternal, Bahtzei would not recover for some time.  A countless length of time would pass.  Now forward, there would be no singer to the crystals, no dancing fal’Cie to drive them forward.  Their gift from the Maker was now gone.
Considering Orphan’s death wish, he too sunk into the unknown of near unshakable sleep.  We will use your potential to power this world.  The shell, Barthandelus and his other-half, Menrva allowed this form to meld with a chasm in the base of the chamber, becoming a mercurial pool.  Releasing from the form, Menrva took her form as a mechanical owl and flew to a perch on a waiting appendage appearing as Barthandelus took on a more human, yet robotic, form.  Connecting to Eden, Barthandelus spoke gravely his order, Begin. 
Eden said nothing, but he could tell all the fal’Cie felt some level of grief at this loss.  As Orphan, all three had felt the response to the verbal proof that what was to be was.  Now, he felt Eden herself slow a little, beyond the energy needed as she created new networks to power the fal’Cie far and wide on Cocoon to this place both in Cocoon, yet outside of it.  When the transactions were complete, she spoke simply, Complete.
Bahtzei’s punishment was not her own.  Orphan was now moot.  At least his power would be salvageable.  That didn’t comfort the other two fal’Cie within the chamber.  Due to this event, all the fal’Cie have sacrificed power; once independent and free, now were connected more than ever to the processes that powered Cocoon – and those processes alone became their focus from here on forward.  The power lost gave way for one last gift Barthandelus was afforded to give his child.  A final resting place, perhaps never to be spoken of or seen again: the Thirteenth Ark.  So grave was this loss even some fal’Cie of the lower world, Gran Pulse, had given blessing (power) to this project, a place hidden in the sky above Gran Pulse.  A place sanctioned by the fal’Cie.
Barthandelus now moved to hide his daughter away in this place.  This one, born from some union between him and Menrva in the infancy of Cocoon, had to be banished.  The pain Barthandelus held carried well on his face, trembling, near convulsing.  Cocoon is no longer a paradise, he spoke to his rukh half, in which Menrva chirped in response.  In another moment, they were gone from what would now be called Orphan’s Cradle, gone from Eden, gone from Cocoon.
This place will protect you.  With powers non-physical, unaware to the humanity on Gran Pulse who were observant to everything in their surroundings, or on Cocoon, who grew suspicious and prideful against their cousins on the lands below their perfect sphere, the sleeping fal’Cie was placed.  A tower led up to a floor in which the center contained a dais, and upon that, Bahtzei.  The Thirteenth Ark, hidden by fal’Cie magic, protected by fal’Cie presence both Pulsian and not, now locked tight.  Powered by science stemmed from fal’Cie, it was fully powered without fal’Cie dependence.  You will be comfortable here.
One last tear dropped from the crystal.  Heart shaped, it was black with an iridescent flash pulsating from its center, the whole piece surrounded by a eerie green glow, featuring a crooked crack that spanned one face to the other.
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