seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
To my fellow roleplayers—
The time has come for me to declare this an independent blog on hiatus. Between work and writing my book, I feel like there just isn’t enough creative energy left in me or time to dedicate to this blog. It is unfair of me to hold this position in FFP while there might be someone out there who is interested and better able to give Noel the attention he deserves.
I have enjoyed my tenure as Noel immensely and I have many fond memories. I have met many fantastic people and talented writers, some of which have left the RP fold for the same reasons as I (I miss you, Yuffie-mun!). I have made many friends and it pains me to put this blog on hiatus; you guys are what made this blog worth running.
I am leaving this up in case I ever have time in the future to role play again. If anyone would like to stay in contact with me you can always message me for my personal blog.
Thank you all for the wonderful memories you have given me, thank you for accepting me so readily, thank you for your patience, thank you for your understanding.
Until next time,
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seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
kuri-queen-of-feels replied to your post“[ Mun here letting you all know I’m alive! Busy again. I’m just busy...”
D8 D8 Oh noes! ;_; But I'ma miss you Noely~
[ Nothing is set in stone yet! It's just a possibility I'm considering because I just don't have time anymore, nor have I made it through Lightning Returns yet (I just can't get into the gameplay ;A;)
But thank you, Serah-mun. I really do enjoy roleplaying and being Noel. I just don't feel like I have the time necessary to devote to this blog anymore. ]
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seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
[ Mun here letting you all know I'm alive! Busy again. I'm just busy all the time. When I'm not at work I'm working on my novel, both of which really drain me. I am sorry I am such a terrible mun. I've been thinking that maybe it's time to call it quits on the roleplaying because I never have the time or energy for it. ]
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seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
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"Sounds peaceful..."
"...wish I could go."
"Could you smuggle me in? I could always disguise myself as a girl...think I could pass as one?"
[\scratches head, confused]
"Wait...normal animals? Like one of those cat things Serah likes? We don't have 'normal' animals where I'm from. All the small, cute stuff died off long ago. Eaten by monsters and....incredibly desperate people."
[\clears throat]
"Yeah! I'd like that. Can't be much weirder than half the stuff I've seen on my travels."
“You are adorable.”
"I am not! I’m vicious!"
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seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
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Noel smirked, pleased with himself. Serah was adorable when she was flustered.
"You know I can never resist you," he mumbled. "Anything you want...everything I have...everything I am...it's yours."
He deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist, tugging her tiny frame against his muscular one. He ran his tongue along her lips, begging for entrance to her mouth.
If she wanted a kiss...she was going to get a kiss.
(Msprincesscircle) "kiss me you idiot"
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"T-this is so sudden! I-I don’t know what to…"
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He wrapped his arms around her, the hesitation gone from his movements, pulling her close so his breath tickled her cheek.
"Your wish is my command."
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seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
Send a symbol, and I'll share one of my muse's dreams.
♠ - for a nightmare ♦ - for a dream from childhood ♥ - for a sex dream/wet dream ♣ - for a daydream
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seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
REBLOG if you're willing to RP with FEMALE OCs
Because I’m tired of seeing female original characters rejected for no other reason. I love OCs, male or female, and I want to see how many other people love them too.
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seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
A New Life [ Open RP, LR Spoilers ]
It was cold outside. White stuff--what had Serah called it? Ah, yes, snow--was falling down gently, blanketing the quiet town. Everyone was snug inside their houses, locked away from the coming storm, snuggled up with hot chocolate and family, enjoying the special that was playing on the television.
Everyone except for Noel Kreiss, that was.
Trudging through the streets, bundled warmly up in layers, the young man turned his face to the dark sky, blue eyes searching. Searching for what, he didn't know.
He was alone in every sense of the word. There was no one around him, no one waiting for him back at home. He had lost his ability to travel through time, had lost the powers that enabled him to fight against fate. He had lost his friends, lost his family. They weren't lost in the sense that they were dead, but lost as in they had been scattered across the New World, separated from each other.
It was strange, this New World. No monsters, no magic, no gods, no goddesses, no fal'Cie. No more traveling through time, no more paradoxes to be solved, no more prophecies to be defied. Swords were a thing of the past, there was no need for him to take up arms.
All of this had taken awhile for him to get used to--he was a Hunter, for Etro's sake!--and while he was glad to be free from the curse that had been his existence in the Old World, a part of him missed what his life had been. He didn't miss the dying of course, nor did he miss the being manipulated by gods, but he missed the adventure, missed the people he had traveled with and the people he had met along the way.
But most of all, he missed her.
Sighing heavily, he pushed on ahead, eager to escape indoors, away from the chill. Maybe tomorrow something would happen. Maybe tomorrow...
...things would change.
0 notes
seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
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[/raises eyebrow]
"'Little Ladies Day'? What's that?"
[/strokes chin thoughtfully]
"So if they're trained to not attack people...you must have someone like Serah. She could tame monsters, summon them too. It was a pretty neat ability; really useful in battle."
"I...uh...I kinda want to try one of these festivals of yours. If it's not too much trouble."
“You are adorable.”
"I am not! I’m vicious!"
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seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
Noel could feel her heart beating away beneath his fingertips. His drink forgotten, he concentrated on the rise and fall of her chest, assuring himself that she was indeed still alive.
His lower lip quivered--"I place my heart in your hands...I trust you with it, because you're my friend."--and it was with firm resolved that he reigned in his emotions, refusing to let her see how upset he was at this revelation.
Strength. It was the only thing he could give her. Strength of mind, strength of body.
"If you can't fight, I'll fight for you," he swore solemnly. "If you stumble and fall, I'll catch you. Even when I'm not here..." He swallowed hard. "...know that I'm thinking of you. You will never be alone."
He withdrew his hand from her chest, set down his mug, and clasped both of hers in his. "I have an idea. It might help, it might not, but...It's worth a shot. Up for a trip?"
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“Ah, this all started before I met you Noel," came the answer easily. A while back before the two of them became friends, yes. That was how she remembered it. Taking a deep breath, Crisis kept an eye on her friend for a little while as she collected her thoughts to tell him the short, yet important story. "I’ve always had a weak heart. Enough to warrant a transplant, but one day…my condition worsened considerably and emergency measures had to be taken.”
While her friend nursed the drink again, she brought one of his hands over to place it over her chest, right above her heart. It failed her. It was failing, even now. And yet, she was not afraid. These kinds of things just worked out somehow. Could he feel it? It was still beating.
“Noel, I know you’ll save me somehow, I have no doubt about it," she stated with a sweet smile. "If not, it wouldn’t be your fault. Understand? We’re both Team Miracle…so why don’t we rustle up some miracles?”
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“I place my heart in your hands, all right Noel? I trust you with it, because you’re my friend. So quit worrying about it for now and drink your cocoa.”
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seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
Noel has entered the Historia Crux.
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seeker-of-miracles · 10 years
[ This week I should be relatively free so I'll get on to some replies. Thank you for your patience! ]
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seeker-of-miracles · 11 years
[Bad news everyone!
They've upped my hours at work plus I've been having some major dental problems. Recently I had a root canal and I still have a few appointments left to finish that up and I have a wisdom tooth growing in the wrong way so I have to have that pulled. I haven't been playing any games or doing much besides work and finishing up chapter revisions of my book. I've been sleeping a lot because I've just been miserable, not to mention now I've got a cold. Still, when I get time and don't feel terrible I'll get to replies.
Real life sucks...]
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seeker-of-miracles · 11 years
[ So I just finished playing Bioshock 2 for the first time--I'd played the first one years ago on my friend's console and Infinite shortly after it came out on my own--and asdfjk;ol FEELS. DANG IT WHY DO MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS ALWAYS DIE. I really want to do a thread where Noel ends up in Rapture because hey, why not? He's got the Historia Crux, the power of the goddess Etro. Also, I'll be catching up on threads on Sunday because I work pretty much all day tomorrow. ]
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seeker-of-miracles · 11 years
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seeker-of-miracles · 11 years
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"I'll let it slide, seeing as how you are my friend..."
[/shakes his head]
"Nope. Never been to one. Come to think of it...I've never really been to a festival either. At least, not what most people would consider a festival.
[/scratches head, confused]
"Don't the animals attack people? Sounds dangerous, if you ask me."
“You are adorable.”
"I am not! I’m vicious!"
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seeker-of-miracles · 11 years
She's on to me.
"No?" He made a humming noise, lips traveling next to the tip of her nose. "Here? Or what about..." He let go of her, kneeling down so he could kiss the hollow of her throat. "Here?"
He feigned distress. "I just can imagine where else I could kiss you..." Giving her a knowing look, he said, "Maybe you could show me?"
The game was fast drawing to a close, but he was going to drag out every blessed second of it.
(Msprincesscircle) "kiss me you idiot"
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"T-this is so sudden! I-I don’t know what to…"
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He wrapped his arms around her, the hesitation gone from his movements, pulling her close so his breath tickled her cheek.
"Your wish is my command."
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