thehimboclient · 2 years
Nathan playfully fanned himself with one hand at the thought of Titus getting newer even skimpier tights than the ones he already wore. That seemed impossible. “Soon enough you’ll be out in the ring butt naked.” Nate smirked. “There’s probably a league like that somewhere online already.” Not that he’d ever looked around, but now he was genuinely curious if there was some fantastical naked wrestling federation going on somewhere in the world. He tucked that thought away for later, perhaps something he would have to explore on his own time.
TItus was just as cocky as Nathan remembered him. It was nice to see he hadn’t changed that much, other than the fact he was super famous at this point. “You should absolutely ask for a raise. You deserve it for all the work you do, flaunting that body around. It can’t be easy to look like you do.” Nate tried to stay in shape himself but there’s no way he could be a wrestler. All that cardio would kill him. But one thing he was very good at was massages, so he was happy to hear that Titus would be coming by for one. “What can I say? I know what a body needs.” He couldn’t help but tap a finger to Titus’ chest. “And I remember having some pretty in depth conversations with yours that I wouldn’t mind refreshing myself on.”
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Titus let out a gasp and shook his head. “No! I would at least have a thong on.” Titus joked with a cheeky grin as he looked at the other. Hearing the other man’s words Titus chuckled. “Oh there is. I may or may not be subscribed to it.” Titus admitted with a shrug of his shoulders and a grin. “Every wrestling secretly has a wrestling kink. They can’t tell you otherwise.” Titus whispered as if it was a secret. 
Titus’ lips curled up as that finger pressed  into the meat of his chest and he heard the other man’s words. “Is that so?” Titus asked lightly before giving the other a playful wink. “And I definitely wouldn’t mind a refresher. I remember you seeming to know just how to take care of me every time I needed you to.” 
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thehimboclient · 2 years
The Brit shrugged, “Didn’t really have a way of getting there, I guess. I never got my drivers permit.” He said, simply, “And I had too many siblings to take care of and dragging them all to the beach sounded like a terrible time.” He laughed. Rhett had his hands full as a teenager taking care of six younger siblings while his parents were off working to provide for their family. “Also, sun is terrible for tattoos. I should try to avoid it more but it’s so nice out here.” He mentioned, running his hands over a few of his myriad of tattoos.  His blue hues fell upon Titus’ as he spoke before his gaze drifted downwards and he couldn’t help but smirk, “You do fill them out nicely. It would be a shame to hide that from us all, honestly. So, thank you for your service.” Rhett grinned, his fingertips still moving along the man’s chest. It looked like Titus was extremely comfortable in a speedo. It took a lot of confidence for those, even walking around a brothel. 
He smiled fondly at Titus’ comment and he just nodded, snuggling down a bit more beside him, “Thank you for asking.” Rhett laughed, “I know who to ask now.” He joked.
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Titus listened to the other man’s words and whistled. “You should totally get that at some point. Unless you have a thing for personal drivers.” Titus said with a grin. “Ah, see. My siblings and I would go our seperate ways, and then they’d be to tired to bother me at home. It was all a part of my evil plan.” Titus said with a ‘evil’ laugh before shaking his head. “Hm...I totally never considered that.” Titus admitted whent he otehr said that the sun was horrible for tattoos. Titus nodded his head and grinned. “Well I’m more than happy to bless you guys with the sight.” Titus said with a laugh.  
“Exactly. You won’t have to go around asking for ‘that pretty guy at the beach’.” He said with a grin.
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thehimboclient · 2 years
“Well, if you wanted an off season, you could have taken up football instead of pure male beauty,” he quipped with a waggle of his eyebrows in response to the man’s jest.  “But that would have been such a same, so all the better you didn’t.”
“Oh, I’m always up for fun,” he said as he looked down at the grinning man.  Damn, that sort of playful seduction never got old.  “You just tell me what kind of fun you have on tap and I’m all yours, Handsome.”
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Titus grinned as he heard the other man’s words. “Unfortunately I was cursed with everlasting male beauty.” Titus joked with a big grin on his face as he looked at the other. “I suppose you’re right. It’s a curse and a blessing.” Titus ‘sighed’ in mock exhaustion before chuckling. 
“Is that so?” Titus asked with a grin. “Any type of entertainment you’re interested in. “I’m new to the scene here. So what kind of entertainment is socially acceptable at this beach.” 
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thehimboclient · 2 years
What would you like for christmas?
"I would love a paddle. For my wrestling gimmick, of course..."
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thehimboclient · 2 years
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Getting to the machine, he saw that one of them was already occupied by a rather beautiful man. Smirking to himself as the other spoke up, Aleki lifted up his shirt, showing off his well-worked on the frame, “ Have to keep in shape for my line of work.” But saying that out loud made the connection click in his head,” But you have to work out for your line of work too yeah? You’re Titus Garcia.” He knew the wrestler vaguely, not being able to follow his career too closely since he was always on the move away from televisions. “ I saw your last match, it was brutal.” Aleki smirked, his kiwi accent thick as he moved to sit down on a bench, taking a little break to chat up the cutie.
Titus let out a laugh as he heard the other man’s words. Before he could even agree with the other man, he spoke once more and Titus grinned. “Oh? Depends on who’s asking. A fan or a hater?” A man like Titus has his fair share of both. But hey as long as they’re talking about him? Then it’s a win in his books. It took Titus a moment to respond when he got distracted by the redhead’s rather attractive body before he realized he was staring. “Oh yeah. That’s me.” Titus said with a goofy grin on his face. 
Titus continued squatting with the bar and chuckled. “It was...” Titus admitted before smirking and winking at the redhead through the mirror. “But if someone is going to pin me down? They’re going to have to have a few less layers of clothes first.” Titus joked with a laugh. 
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thehimboclient · 2 years
Titus never failed to make Nathan feel on top of the world. Even just those small comments about how good he looked and how nice his body was had Nathan standing up a little straighter. He never turned down having his ego stroked. “You’re one to talk. Superstardom suits you. You look incredible, especially in those tights you wear.” Nate raised an eyebrow at him. “Could they get any smaller?” Not that he was complaining.
It made Nathan really happy to hear that Titus had been taking care of himself. He knew that he was probably surrounded by doctors and trainers to ensure he stayed in tip top shape, but Nate liked to think that maybe he had a little something to do with how Titus took care of himself still. “What would they do without you on tv? They’d lose half the demographic that just tunes in to see your ass.” Count him among that group, certainly. When Titus asked about him, Nathan motioned back over his shoulder to the spa. “I’m a masseuse. I start tomorrow.” He smiled. “You should come by, get a rub down for old time’s sake.”
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Titus grinned as he heard the other man’s words and winked. “Oh, they definitely could. Just wait till my next line gets done being made. Some of those trunks are going to leave more skin bared than hidden.” Titus said with a laugh. Some people were prudes with their bodies. Titus? He was hot, and he knew it. So why would he go through all the effort of trying to hide it? It just didn’t make much sense to him. 
Titus laughed and nodded his head. “Perhaps I’ll make sure to ask for a raise when they want to resign for my contract.” Titus said with a grin. “Perhaps a few more thousands in exchange for me being pantsed a few times.” Titus definitely wasn’t exactly unbeatable. He’s taken his fair share of losses and ass whopings. People loved to see a cock man get his comeuppance as much as they like to see one win. Even more so with someone like Titus. “Oh I definitely will. I’ve been feeling rather tense, and you were magical in getting me to loosen up.” Titus said with a flirty wink.
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thehimboclient · 2 years
“Well, I’ve yet to visit a beach full of gay men in the summer that wasn’t a sight to behold,” he said with a cheeky grin.  He was like the man’s playful attitude.  “Hell, even now, practically winter and look, a sight to behold,” he said, gesturing to the man.
“Fun sized in both aspects and for different reasons, I see,” he retorted back, adding a flirty smirk to accent  his words.
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Titus let out a chuckle and nodded his head. “I suppose that’s true. Although this is my first one personally.” Titus admitted with a grin. Titus grinned as he heard the other man’s words and playfully made his pecs bounce. “Hey...Being this beautiful is a twenty-four seven. job. There’s no off season.” He jested with a grin. 
Titus’ lips quirked up and he shot a wink towards the other man. “You got that right. Now the question is...Are you looking for some fun?” Titus asked with a grin as he rolled over onto his stomach and looked at the other man with a seductive glint in his eyes. 
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thehimboclient · 2 years
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The fact the other man was only wearing a speedo was impressive enough on it’s own. Even with the sun out and unobstructed, with the day being at it’s warmest, it was barely scratching the surface of sixty degrees fahrenheit. Coleman didn’t mind the biting chill in the breeze, he was from Rhode Island, but even he was wearing a thin long-sleeved white shirt and a pair of jeans while he lounged on one of the deck chairs set up on the beach. For a moment he thought the man might have been insane– in a respectful, he’d probably be fun as hell to party with kind of insane– then it all made sense. Maine. He was probably used to the cold too; maybe even better suited for it with how boldly he was dressed.
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“Wait,” Unable to keep quiet, Coleman sat up and swung his legs off the edge of his lounger as he crossed his arms over his chest, his elbows resting on his knees as he leaned towards the other. “I thought you were crazy for wearing a speedo until I realized we were basically neighbors, Maine,” he explained with a nod at the other before nodding down at himself, “Rhode Island– but fuck, cuddling?” He questioned with an amused laugh. “You’re at all inclusive, luxury brothel where every flavor of man is readily available to you and you’re thinking about cuddling? Cuddling? Man you are something else– I like that. What’s your name?”
Titus was quite comfortable in the cold. He’s always preferred the cold over the heat if he was being honest. And on top of that? Being a professional wrestler meant wrestling in just about any type of weather or conditions with outfits very similar to this. So Titus tended to feel uncomfortable with to many layers of clothes on at this point. Granted he was pretty confident he was the only one who felt like that. He’s definitely seen the looks that people have been giving him. 
Titus grinned like a goofball as he heard the other man’s words. “Hey bro, cuddling is extremely sexy itself. Fight me.” Titus challenged with a cheeky grin as he looked at the other man. “My name’s Titus Garcia. One of the top professional wrestlers in the world right now.” Something the young man took immense pride in. “What about yours, hotstuff?” Titus asked with a grin as he looked at the other man. “And hell yeah. Representing Northside.” Titus joked with a grin. 
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thehimboclient · 2 years
“Oh, it’s so.” He said with a smile, throwing his leg over the man’s and turning towards him on his side so he could really lay comfortably with the man. His head laid upon the man’s shoulder, and he looked up to him, “Cambridge had some nice beaches, but I never really got to see them much. Maybe…a couple times.” He said with a shrug, “But I don’t really count that. So, the Haus takes the cake.” Rhett smiled, “Plus, there’s far more attractive men here then back home.” He spoke, his fingertips softly trailing along the others abs. 
The Brit smiled as the other introduced him and nodded, “It’s a real pleasure.” Rhett loved to meet new people. It was honestly his favorite part of the job. His fingers continued to move along the other’s stomach for a moment before he smiled again and slung his arm over Titus, “I told you I love a good cuddle.” Rhett laughed.
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The professional wrestler couldn’t help but to smile and laugh as the other played into his joke and turned towards him. He listened to the other man’s words and hummed. “How come you didn’t get to see them much?” He asked curiously while he tilted his head. “If I get the chance? I’m going to the beach anytime possible. A great place for a workout.” Titus laughed and winked. “Plus it’s a great excuse to wear these bad boys.” Titus grinned as he playfully snapped the waistband of his speedos.
Titus grinned and nodded his head. “That you did. And I definitely am not going to complain about it. Especially since I’m the man that asked for it.” Titus said with a goofy grin on his face as he regarded the other man.
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thehimboclient · 2 years
"Hello, handsome!" Rhett smiled, scooting beside Titus, "What do you want for Christmas this year?"
"Anything pretty or sexy! Other than workout clothes and swim wear, I didn't bring anything here. And seeing all of these people in hot outfits? I'm jealous, I have to admit."
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thehimboclient · 2 years
Nathan would recoginize him anywhere. It was hard to forget that face and that laugh. Titus was one of his clients when he was just breaking into the business of professional wrestling. Nate had kept up with him a little biy, watching his rise to the top like a meteor shooting through the sky almost. He’d done his best to educate Titus on taking care of his body in such a grueling sport, even though he wasn’t the brightest of the bunch. It seemed he had taken his advice because he never came back to rehab any injuries.
“Titus Garcia. What a surprise!” Nathan couldn’t help himself, he went in for a hug. Pulling back again, he looked him over. “Look at you. You look fantastic. Keeping yourself healthy, I hope?” He hadn’t missed his comment or his wink. Nathan remembered just as well what the two of them got up to when Titus was under his care. How could he forget? Every time he turned on a show and saw Titus in those skimpy tights he was fondly reminded of their time together. It did his heart good to know that Titus remembered him as well. “It’s hard to turn down an opportunity like this. I’m glad to see they have just as good of taste in clients as they do in staff.”
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Titus grinned as he saw that the other man remembered him. He wasn’t sure if he would since Titus knew that Nathan had his fair share of big wigs to take care of. And it’s definitely been awhile since the two have met. But he was definitely pleased to know that he still was one that Nathan remembered. Titus grinned and laughed as he nodded his head.
“In the flesh! Just arrived a few days ago.” Titus admitted with a smile as the two hugged. “I see that your body feels just as good as ever.” Titus said playfully with a wink. “And look at yourself! You’ve only gotten hotter since we last met.” Titus said with a grin as he heard the other man talk about Titus. “And I have been keeping myself healthy. Can’t afford to be taken off TV to often, you know?” Titus said with a grin. “Oh same here. They definitely found the perfect staff member with you. What do you do here?” He asked curiously.
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thehimboclient · 2 years
When he first got to the Haus, the very last place he thought he would hangout at was the beach and yet, Rhett was there all the time. It was so peaceful out there and just awe inspiring, honestly. From the water, to the sky, to the men walking around. All of it was amazing.
Sitting in the sand with his sketchbook, the blond was currently sketching whatever was on his mind at the moment (which he was currently drawing a faceless angel), when he heard someone speak. Turning his head, Rhett smiled immediately and he chuckled, “I’m going to be honest with you, this is really the first good beach I’ve been to.” Rhett admitted, shaking his head a bit as he closed up his sketchbook. Hearing his question, the Brit blushed softly and stood up, moving closer to the man, “I do love a good cuddle, darling.” Rhett smiled as he sat down beside the man closely, “I’m Rhett.” He grinned.
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The beach and the gym...Those were the two places that Titus was quite familiar with. The gym because he obviously had to keep himself in shape. And the beach because it was a beautiful place to do yoga and to simply relax. It also didn’t hurt that there seemed to constantly be good looking guys around. So how could he not visit that?
Titus let out a dramatic gasp as the other guy told him that this was the first good beach he’s been at. “Say it isn’t so...” Titus said with a dramatic gasp that was clearly just him being playful. Titus grinned when the other said that he did love a good cuddle. “Of course you do! Who doesn’t? Especially with Titus?” Titus said with a cheeky grin before pulling the other even closer to him. “The name’s Titus, obviously. Nice to meet you Rhett.” Titus said with a chuckle.
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thehimboclient · 2 years
open to: everyone! location: spa (or just outside of it)
This was all still a little surreal. Nathan couldn’t believe he was in a place like this, it’s definitely not where he saw himself ending up ten years ago. The tide of his life hadn’t changed gently. Instead his smooth sailing was interrupted by a sudden and vicious rip current that jerked him in a totally different direction. And now he was here, at an all but secret resort in Virginia, tending to the rich and powerful. That part, at least, was no different to him. Working with fame and fortune was kind of his thing, but now it wasn’t just athletes and he wasn’t just rehabbing injuries. Who knew those massage classes would come so in handy?
Nate was still exploring, getting the lay of the land. He didn’t really start until tomorrow but he wanted to see where he would be spending most of his time. He’d wandered through the sauna, seen the jacuzis, and walked around the spa a few times to take it all in. He was just leaving, new uniform in hand, head in the clouds, when he nearly ran into someone else. “Oh, excuse me.” Nate snapped back to reality. “I was a little lost in my own thoughts there.”
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Titus never claimed to be the smartest guy in any room. Well, unless he was back home with his family. Because just about everyone in his family are total meatheads. So at least there was one scenario in his life that he liked to think that he could be the smartest guy in the room. But most other places? The professional wrestler was shit out of luck. Still...He liked to think that he had a decent memory. And when he saw that face? He could definitely remember a few happy times.
“Dude, I didn’t know you were here!” The professional wrestler said with a laugh as he shook his head. Titus has worked with him before back when he first began getting into the business. Tituts would listen to just about anything and everything he could in order to be as good as possible. Plus, it was great to have someone else tell him the steps he needed to get his body to the goal. He was more of a ‘doer’ than a ‘thinker’ after all. “Although...I totally see why you’re here.” Titus said with a cheeky grin and a wink.
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open to: everyone! location: spa (or just outside of it)
This was all still a little surreal. Nathan couldn't believe he was in a place like this, it's definitely not where he saw himself ending up ten years ago. The tide of his life hadn't changed gently. Instead his smooth sailing was interrupted by a sudden and vicious rip current that jerked him in a totally different direction. And now he was here, at an all but secret resort in Virginia, tending to the rich and powerful. That part, at least, was no different to him. Working with fame and fortune was kind of his thing, but now it wasn't just athletes and he wasn't just rehabbing injuries. Who knew those massage classes would come so in handy?
Nate was still exploring, getting the lay of the land. He didn't really start until tomorrow but he wanted to see where he would be spending most of his time. He'd wandered through the sauna, seen the jacuzis, and walked around the spa a few times to take it all in. He was just leaving, new uniform in hand, head in the clouds, when he nearly ran into someone else. "Oh, excuse me." Nate snapped back to reality. "I was a little lost in my own thoughts there."
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thehimboclient · 2 years
Noel laughed and dropped down onto the sand next to the man.  He was more conservatively dressed in white pants and a form fitting t-shirt, having been out for a walk along the beach.  “The beach is even better in the summer.  Make sure to stick around or come back and visit us again.” 
He made a show of looking the other man over appreciatively.  “Happy to join you, but….little?” he asked raising an eyebrow and shaking his head.  “Seems like the wrong word.”
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Titus let out a hum as he heard the other man’s words. “i’ll try my best to. Have to see all the views I can get on the beach in the summer after all.” Titus said with a big grin on his lips before laughing as he heard the other man’s words. Titus grinned and playfully batted his eyes up at the other.
“In terms of height, my friend. Five feet and six inches is average at best for a guy.” Titus then shot a wink. “Now if we’re talking about other aspects of my body? Definitely not as small.” Titus assured with a grin.
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thehimboclient · 2 years
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“Man, I tell you what? I never would have thought of Virgina to have good beaches. I’ve been more of a Maine guy myself. But this is pretty great.” It also didn’t help that Titus had one of his favorite cocktails in his hand. But hey...That didn’t mean the beach was freaking balling. Titus was wearing nothing but a speedo, leaving most of the professional wrestlers body bare for the others to see. But how was that any different then his wrestling outfit?
“You wanna join little ole me? Cuddling on the beach is a great past time I hear.” Titus said with a playful grin and a wink.
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thehimboclient · 2 years
A Good Workout
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Aleki learned near the beginning of selling himself that he had to keep in great shape to make a big profit. He could be nice, he could be mean, he could chameleon himself into being anyone that his companionship clients desired, but when if he didn’t have the body, it would be much harder to make it all the way. He had a strict schedule, getting up early in the morning, four days out of the week, sans Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, where Aleki would work his ass off for the first hour and a half of his day. It always came with a stretch to begin, then a run, and ending off with his choice of the day, to being leg day. Aleki placed the weights onto the bar, getting ready to do some squats as he surveyed the nearly empty gym, wondering what else these blokes were going to get up to today.
Titus loved the gym. Although Titus supposed that considering his profession? That was pretty obvious. It’s kind of hard to be a professional worker without going to the gym multiple times a week after all. And especially now that he’s in talks of perhaps a movie or two? He definitely couldn’t afford to let himself be slacking off! So Titus definitely wasn’t a stranger to the gym.
Still, Titus was pretty sure he would remember if he had ever seen the redhead before. The boy was quite the looker after all. Titus was working with the weights. Having been doing some squats with the weight bar thrown over his shoulders. “Yo man! Came here for a workout to, huh?” Titus asked with a grin as he looked at the other man.
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thehimboclient · 2 years
LOCATION: Hedge maze Open to all
Patrick stood before the massive branch and leaves maze that both Alexander and Thomas had kept a secret for the duration of the last year. The personal trainer had to admit that he was impressed by the sheer magnitude of it – and considering how busy both he and Alexander had been at the night of the party, he never truly had a chance to explore that masterpiece. Not when at the night in question, everyone was far too busy making sure that they wouldn’t get caught and eliminated by the killers that roamed those twists and turns. In the end, it was the actor dressed as Freddy Krugger that sealed both his and Alexander’s fate… but they had their fun nonetheless. No harm done. Not like they needed the first place to spend some quality time together. All that needed to happen was for Alexander to call for him and they would a blast.
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Still, the personal instructor admired the carefully trimmed hedges – running his fingers over the vibrant green leaves. During the night, it was almost impossible to admire its beauty. The day was… different. Chances were he wasn’t going to get lost in there. Not when he could see the path ahead a lot more clearly than before. “I never finished one of these.” With his hands on his hips, Patrick looked up to see how tall the maze was. Tall enough to keep people from poking over the walls to see what direction to take. The only thing that could help across that luscious maze was the small informative plaque at the entrance – with the right path painted red. “Left, up, left, right…” Shit… memorizing that would take forever.
It was unfortunate that Noa had to miss the event. However work does call from time to time, and if Noa wants to be able to afford to keep coming to places like Haus? He knows that he’s going to need to keep picking up the phone...For now. Once he passed his parent’s popularity from the ‘golden era’ of Hollywood? He’ll be able to quit. But until then? He was determined to show those old timers what real acting was. But to miss something as ICONIC as a horror movie themed night? That was a real tragedy for Noa. 
But at least now he could see the aftermath. Like this little hedge maze. Well...Little was a bit of a understatement he supposed. Noa was making his way towards said maze when he saw a familiar face. A smirk came across the brat’s face as he looked at the trainer. “Looking confused there, buddy.” Noa teased playfully with a smirk as he looked at the other man. “Trying to memorize the cheat sheet? Where’s the fun in that?” Noa teased playfully. 
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