#bahira town
lifeofresulullah · 5 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): His Youth, Trade Life, His marriage to Hazrat Khadijah
The Prophet goes to Damascus with his uncle
The Master of the Universe (PBUH) had reached twelve years of age.
He possessed a unique kind of body and face among his friends. His face would emit gleaming light to his surroundings and his heart was always filled with peace.
In the meantime, Abu Talib, who was sheltering our Holy Prophet (PBUH), had great difficulty getting by. For this reason, he felt obliged to get involved in trade/commerce. He decided to go to Damascus that year by joining the caravan that the Quraysh had arranged for the purpose of trade.
Preparations for the journey were being made and they took place right before our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) eyes. Consequently, this uncle, whom he loved so much, was going to be separated from him for some period of time. However, how was he going endure this? Years ago, he had lost both his honorable father and saintly mother at the end of two journeys. Now, his guardian, Abu Talib, was going to set off on a journey and be separated from him for days. How was his gentle and delicate soul going to bear this separation?
Like Abu Talib, the members of the household were also afraid that something would befall upon the Master of the Universe (PBUH), and for that reason, they did not want him to embark on this journey. However, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) wholeheartedly wanted to go with his uncle. He was left with no choice but to open up to his uncle after having been sad for days. He could not help speaking to his uncle in the following manner with a longing and sad tone:
“My Dear Uncle! Where and with whom are you leaving me? I neither have my mother nor my father here with me.”
Our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) teardrops decorated these words like a flower. Even the most hardened of hearts, let alone Abu Talib, who wholeheartedly loved his nephew, would be unable bear the Master of the Universe’s sorrow. Abu Talib immediately changed his mind upon hearing these expressions that had inflamed his feelings of compassion.
The Master of the Universe (PBUH) was able to go with his uncle; thus, his heart was filled with happiness after this decision had been made. The preparations were complete and he joined the caravan together with his uncle.
The caravan reached Busra by passing through deserts and stopped there for a rest. Busra was a town with plenty of water and gardens between Damascus and Jerusalem.
Bahira’s Observation and Evaluation
There was a priest by the name of Bahira who lived in a small monastery that was close to the market of Busra. At that time, this priest was a reputable scholar among Christians. There was a book in the monastery and those who worshipped at that monastery and read from that book would become the most knowledgeable of Christians. Until that time, every priest had benefited from this book. 
The Qurayshi procession of trade lodged in close proximity to this priest’s monastery as they had done every year. What was strange was that Bahira, who had not interacted with anyone from the procession in the past years, was now showing an unexpected interest in the procession and had arranged a feast for them.
Why had this feast and attention been given?
This was the question that got the procession thinking.
The Wise Bahira had witnessed some peculiarities in the procession that he had not seen before. While he was looking at the Qurayshi procession, he had noticed a cloud shading the Master of all Masters (PBUH). When the procession came and lodged underneath a tree, he observed the same cloud shading the tree and the tree’s branches bending before the Radiant Child to provide shade for him.
Bahira, who had seen these peculiarities, wanted to invite them for a meal. He sent the Meccans the following notice:
“Oh Qurayshis! I prepared a meal for you. I want all of you: the elderly, the young, the free, and the enslaved to come”.
The Qurayshi merchants noticed Bahira’s unusual attitude. They wondered what the reason was and asked, “Oh Bahira, by God, your mood is different today. We stop by you each time we come. You have never done something like this for us before. What is the matter?“
Bahira did not disclose his secret and made do with this answer:
“Yes, you are right, but after all, you are my guests. For that reason, I wanted to host and have you eat. Please come and help yourselves!”
They accepted the invitation and sat at the dinner table.
However, there was an individual from the procession who was absent. Bahira was looking for the Master of the Universe (PBUH). Since he was the youngest, the Radiant Child had been charged with the duty of keeping an eye on the procession’s belongings; thus, he was sitting by the tree.
Bahira was busy with eying everyone at the dinner table from head to toe. However, none of them had the disposition of the Radiant Child that he was looking for. He asked, “Is there anyone who has not come to the meal? Is there someone who has been left behind?”
They answered, “No, Bahira, there is no one who has accepted your invitation and then did not come. Only a child was left behind to wait on our belongings.”
Bahira, who had examined the Holy Books and learned the characteristics and signs of the last Prophet from them, insisted that he come as well.
The Qurayshi merchants could not refuse Bahira’s persistent request; so, they went and brought the Master of the Universe (PBUH).
While the Master of the Universe (PBUH) was busy eating his meal at the table, Bahira’s entire attention and amazement was on him. He was eying his every move and condition.
Bahira had found what he was looking for and had reached his goal. The Radiant Child’s behavior and every action perfectly matched the written descriptions in the book next to him.
The meal was finished and while everyone was dispersing from the table, Bahira leaned down to the Master of the Universe’s (PBUH) ear and said, “Look, young man. I want you to answer the questions that I am going to ask you about Lat and Uzza.”
There was an expression of discomfort and hate in the Radiant Child’s eyes, “Please do not want anything from me on behalf of Lat and Uzza. By God, there is nothing that I hate more than them”.
Bahira retracted his first request. “In that case, Answer the questions I am going to ask you for the sake of Allah”.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied “Ask whatever you wish”.
Bahira was bewildered by all the answers that he received to his questions because they exactly matched everything that he knew about the Last Prophet.
Lastly, he looked at the Master of the Universe’s back and saw the seal of Prophethood.
Bahira’s conviction was now certain and without doubt: This youth was the long-awaited Last Prophet (PBUH).
Bahira and Abu Talib Face-to-Face
After his recognition, Bahira went to our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) uncle, Abu Talib. The following conversation took place between the two:
“What relation do you have to this child?”
“He is my son”
“No, he is not your son because this child’s father is not supposed to be living.”
“Yes, you are correct. He is my nephew, not my biological son”.
“Well, what happened to his father?
“He passed away while this child’s mother was pregnant.”
“Yes, you have told the truth.”
Everything was now evident and definite for Bahira.
Finally, Bahira gave the following advice to our Holy Prophet’s uncle (PBUH), which showed that he was a man who thought and spoke rightfully:
“Immediately take your nephew back to your homeland. Protect him from the jealous Jews. By God, if the Jews see this child and notice what I have noticed, then they will try to inflict harm upon him because your nephew is going to attain a great reputation and glory in the future. Do not stay here any more. Be sure to take him back immediately.” 
Upon hearing this advice, Abu Talib sold his goods there and returned to Mecca  together with his glorious nephew. 
Like Bahira, the monk, many Christian and Jewish scholars had seen the attributes of the Messenger of Allah in their books and confessed the truth by saying, “Yes, the attributes of Muhammad al-Arabi (pbuh) are written in our books.” Despite this confession, many of them were deprived of being honored by Islam.
Among those who reached that unique bliss are the following people:
Abdullah Ibn Salam, Wahb Ibn Munabbih, Abi Yasir, Shamul, Asid and Sa’laba b. Saya, Ibn Bunyamin, Mukhay­riq, Ka­bu’l-Ah­bar, Daghatir, Ibn Natur, Jarud… 
The Quran mentions those righteous scholars of the People of the Book in the following verses:
“…They are not arrogant. And when they listen to the revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: they pray: "Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses..”
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bahriatownoffice · 5 years
Imtiaz Supermarket opens flagship store in Bahria Town
Bahria Town Karachi and Imtiaz Supermarket has signed contract to open its flagship and one of a kind designer store in 2020, with area exceeding over 100,000 sq ft. Layout and interior has been designed by international consultants who have worked on the finest retail brands worldwide. The new super market will cater to the demand of the rapidly growing residents in Bahria Town Karachi as well as surrounding communities. And ensure that all daily grocery and other requirements are within a walking distance from their house. Contract was signed between X & X.
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Imtiaz Supermarket has set foot in Bahria Town Karachi and will open its first flagship store. Imtiaz Super Market is the pioneer of the fastest growing retail chain in Pakistan, providing ultimate & unique shopping experience to Bahria Town Karachi residents.
Showcasing over hundreds of brands under one roof and determined to serve customers with the best quality products at the lowest prices and customer service that outshines retail industry standards. The range of products offered by the supermarket include grocery, bakery, beverages, dairy products, school and office stationery, toys, sports, crockery, and cosmetics. Moreover, a separate section for fresh vegetables, fruits, meat & seafood is arranged for the convenience of customers.
Bahria Town Karachi’s commercial zones are designed and managed to house all the retail items of daily and specialized needs. Few of the big chains like Mc’Donalds, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Suzuki Motors etc are already operational in Bahria Town Karachi.
Bahria Town Karachi marked its way into the commercial sector and has added a completely new flavor to shopping and retail industry. Commercial zone of Bahria Town Karachi has the widest range of local and imported designer brands and year-round recreation activities that no other facility offers. From grocery to designer clothes, restaurants and home décor are all available for the convenience and of the residents of Bahria Town Karachi.
Ali Riaz Malik, the son of real-estate tycoon Malik Riaz Hussain and presently the Chief Executive Officer of Bahria Town Housing Sceheme.
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aliriazmalik-blog · 5 years
Fitness Must not be a Routine, but the Lifestyle for Everyone: Ahmed Ali Riaz Malik
Ahmed Ali Riaz Malik comes as one of the most fitness enthusiastic people in the country and he carries along his weight training schedule twice a day and seven days a week. Also, he ensures following the best diet and balanced nutrition all the time to make the best results possible out of his routine.
Ali Riaz Malik strongly believes in the fact that “healthy habits improve your physical appearance, mental stability, ability to perform activities in a better way, which help you lead a stress-free lifestyle, maintaining happy moods, high energy levels, less prone to health problems etc”.
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He further said that every person around must take their health quite seriously and maintain a proper balance between exercising and balanced diet. He also stated that a person can stay good and happy only if he or she is healthy both physically and mentally. This is something which confirms the role played by a work out regime and proper diet in everyone’s life.
This is why Ali Riaz Malik has ensured that every project that is being handled by him is coming along with Gyms, Parks, Riding Clubs, Football Grounds, Tennis Courts, Swimming Pools etc, so as all the people within follows a healthy routine and lifestyle.
Gold Spa & Fitness Club Lahore are one of such projects at Bahria Town which are located in the heart of Mall of Lahore and Country Club Bahria Town Lahore.  Moreover, Safari Gym in Safari Club Rawalpindi brings along the most advanced fitness equipment and qualified instructors, which are rightly capable to make any person achieve their specific fitness goals in life.
You can also find certain riding clubs at Bahria Town Rawalpindi and Lahore which accommodates world class riding facilities for all the members. Each of these Riding Clubs are equipped  with the best sports facilities and highly efficient and trained staffed, which is available round the clock for bringing them the perfect riding experience.
Simultaneously, the Bahria Town Karachi, Rawalpindi & Lahore accommodate a Park to allow the residents with all the required facilities to enjoy their life.
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f1realestates · 4 years
Real estate buy and sale in Pakistan 
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alisaqlian · 3 years
Contact Ali Saqlain To Buy Property Now. Contact us Via 042 111 254 727 or [email protected] https://www.slideshare.net/alisaqlain2021/the-background-of-bahria-town-lahore-prices
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basicsofislam · 3 years
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)’s BIOGRAPHY : The Damascus Trip and Priest Bahira.Part1
Then it was time to leave, both uncle and nephew took their leave and joined the moving caravan. It was a long and tiring journey. Sometimes they would stop to rest and see to their needs and then continue towards Damascus. When they arrived near the town of Basra, between Jerusalem and Damascus, they had a stopover once again to rest.
Just as the caravan had started to relax, they saw a man approach them from afar in great excitement. The man had a disheveled look and seemed to have abandoned ties with the world. Thus, the people in the caravan thought he could not possibly have anything to do with them and they continued to rest. But then the man reached one of them and said: “Priest Bahira in that yonder monastery is inviting you to dinner.”
Only then did the people in the caravan realize that the man indeed had them in mind, but they did not know anything about the reason for this invitation.
Bahira was a priest who had given up on the world and he was spending what was left of his life worshipping his Lord in a monastery. He was a good Christian scholar. In fact, he used to follow Judaism and then later he had chosen Christianity; but he had not stopped there and had searched deep into religion and he was one of the greatest scholars of his time.
In the church where he was, there was an ancient book that would pass from the hands of one priest to another. He was one of the few priests who could actually read and understand it. He had given up worldly life and was living the life of a holy man in the church. He had no use for those who came to trade; he had no possessions or wealth. But as it happened, his eyes had caught sight through the cloisters. It was clear that the diversion of his gaze outside was also part of what was meant to be. As per usual, a caravan was approaching town. But this caravan stood out amongst the previous ones; for a cloud was following the caravan and was protecting them from the scorching sun. He had an epiphany. Cloud… Shadows… End of time… The Last Messenger… Ahmad… The ancient book… All these struck like lightening in his mind and it increased his interest in the caravan. Was destiny coming to him on its two feet? What if that was the case! Then it made no sense to wait around where he was. The old man, who had closed his windows to the outer world, was rejuvenated and he started doing things he had not done in years. There was the happiness of having found something that had been lost to him in his eyes. Was what he now saw, coming towards him; Paraclete, who was to appear in between the ParanMountains?
The clouds had gathered around a particular point in the caravan and were protecting the person underneath it from the sun. When the caravan stopped for a break, and the person in question had retired under a tree to rest, the cloud would follow him and settle upon that tree to shade him. Even the branches of the tree had come to life, and they had come closer together to stop the sun from filtering through in order to protect the person from the effects of the heat. In order to find out whether what he was seeing had any connection with what he had read and what he knew, he had to come closer and so Bahira approached their caravan and called out to them: “O people of Quraysh! I have prepared dinner for you today and I want you all, young and old, slave and free, to attend it.”
The people in the caravan were very surprised! For they had passed through this town many times before but they had never seen a priest at the monastery, let alone Priest Bahira take any interest in them. One of them came to the fore and said: “I swear by Allah, O Bahira, there is some strangeness about you today; you never did such things before.”
“You tell the truth,” answered Bahira and continued: “It is just as you say; there is some strangeness today. But you are guests. I have had the desire to extend my hospitality to you. Come all together around this table and eat from it.”
Of course such a sincere invitation could not be rejected. They had walked for weeks, and they had longed for such an invitation. Those who had completed their business in the caravan thus set out for the church.
In the meantime, the volunteers of the church had set into action and they were preparing a grand dinner for the caravan. Everyone had come; however the scene that he had wanted to attract to the church was still by the side of the caravan. He had not yet seen the face he had longed for among his guests. He was about to burst with curiosity, and not able to resist any longer, he asked: “O you people of Quraysh! Is there anyone among the people of the caravan who did not come with you to dinner and stayed with the caravan? Is there anyone who did not come?”
“There is no one who should have accepted your invitation but remained behind, except for a little boy. He was the youngest among us by age and we left him behind to look after our wares,” they added.
“Do not do so!” Bahira said and added: “Call him as well; let him join you in this dinner.”
Even though he was a little boy he was meant to come as well, and so the Pride of Humankind was invited as well. One of them had come running back to where the caravan was and invited the one that all eyes had been looking for. He was coming. As he stood up and walked towards the church, the cloud that was protecting him also set into motion and it too was coming to the place of the gathering. Now it was as it should be. Bahira’s conviction grew stronger, and he was very excited thinking that he might be able to get answers to questions that had been troubling him for some time. When The Pride of Humanity arrived near Bahira with his shining, beautiful face, the priest had been cleared of all doubt, and could now see the truth. His eyes were locked on to Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. He looked at him for a long while. Then, an air of happiness got hold of him. There was no doubt that this was no one but Ahmad whose good tidings had already been given in ancient books.
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shrmarketing360 · 4 years
Digital Marketing Companies in Pakistan. Where we are provide all details about digital marketing and many more services.
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adposto1 · 4 years
Latest Wardrobe Designs
Gulberg Greens
Latest Wardrobe Designs For Four House That Provide More StorageIt is said if the interior of house is beautiful and organized then house turns to look more magnificent. Wardrobes are the basic element for the uniqueness and glory of your house. Either your house contain 2 rooms or more rooms or it is a banglow wardrobes are necessary part. Usually we think if the size of wardrobe is large then it would be easy to safe clothes or needy things, that is why we select huge cupboard at the time of buying furniture. The placement become hard if you choose to buy a huge size closet and in case you buy small size closet it become difficult for you to manage where to kept clothes or store things. Experts and Interior Designers suggest to construct closet inside the wall. So innovative and creative ideas are introduced for wall wardrobes. These closets provide more storage and occupy less space. Lets talk about some latest and unique designs of wall closets.Wooden Wardrobes for Bedroom:Other than wood some traditional furniture can be construct by carpenter or construction experts. that increase the beauty of your bedroom, drawing room or TV lounge. Interior of your house look more elegant and attractive. If room is designed in awkward shape then extra shape can be covered with the help of wardrobes. Moreover wardrobes can be divided into two parts such as lower part can be use as closet and upper part can be use as cabinets. Same pattern of color or design is used for both parts so that it look alike and attractive.                                                               
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Gulberg Islamabad
Wardrobes Fitted Beside Study Table:In this case half of the wall can be use as cupboard and half of it can be utilize to make study table. For this purpose two or more shelves are made, decorate some part with elegant decoration pieces, use small size study table and it will look as beautiful as you can imagine. Use of Wallpaper's in fix Cupboards:If you are thinking that wallpaper are used only for wall then you are wrong, wallpapers can also be used for cupboard that are fixed inside the wall. Fix Cupboard are simple as compare to furniture so they can be decorate with the help of wallpaper. The good selection of color and design can play an important role to enhance the attractiveness and freshness.Use of Mirror's: If you don't want to use wallpapers for cupboard then you can select mirrors for the doors of cupboards. You room look wider by using mirror in it. Elegant fixed mirrors on walls gave pleasant and nicer glance to your room and ultimately you can receive appreciation from others.
Wardrobes Designed by Bright or Dull Colors:Different combination of colors is a way to provide cool appearance to your room. Wall cupboards can also be design by special color combination. For inner part light colors are used and for outer part bright colors are used. Male small sections inside the cupboard that can be used to keep clothes, shoes, bags and other accessories.
Gulberg Islamabad is a project of Intelligence Bureau Employee's Cooperative Housing Society society (IBECHS), there are many housing societies in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The project was inaugurated in 2005 and in 2009 its NOC from CDA was approved with Ref CDA/PLW-HS (127)/2009/257. The MOU with IESCO and SNGPL were also duly signed. Latest news on development in Gulberg Residentia is Sector A & B are in development phase. And major news on the project is IESCO started delivering the transformers at site. Now that something called boost into development. Source of picture is attached in cover of this news. (Advice Gulberg Islamabad) If you are interested to invest or built your home in Gulberg Islmabad, Feel free to contact us for booking and information about project.
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Days on Market, A Guide for Every Property Seller
Advice Associates always keen to provide information for their value customers for their betterment and how they can boost their properties to gain maximum ROI (Return on Investment). This blog is for seller how when they should sell their properties Bread, Cake, Data & News Sooner or later, they all get stale. The same can be said of for property sale. When you are trying to sell, stale is one thing you dont want your home to be. While there is no hard-and-fast rule for when a Property becomes stale, there is a key metric that tells buyers how long your home has been for sale. Known as days on the market, or DOM, these metric counts up by one every day your home remains unsold. Low DOM, high DOM A related metric is the average DOM for property sold in a market during a specified period. A low average DOM indicates a strong market that favors sellers. A high average DOM signals a weak market that favors buyers. Seasonality can also be a factor. Properties generally sell faster in spring than winter, Ways to help reduce DOM If your property has been on the market for quite some time, you should consider taking action. Get the price right on day one of the listing, Price adjustment Another common strategy, as The Balance notes, is for your realtor to take your property off the market for a few weeks or months and then offer it again, possibly with a new, lower price. This might restart your DOM counter and give buyers the impression that your property just came on the market, although playing the system isn t considered the most ethical option. The other choice is to wait and hope that real estate market values rise to your asking price. If prices are stable or headed down, you might want to take your property off the market. But if prices are rising, patience might pay off. Follow these steps and idea of selling your property will might help you. For the future inquries and information you can just ask us on one click our consultant are available
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Sellers and buyers ADVICE Know the state of your Mind
A balanced housing market is defined as one with an average inventory of 6.5 months, according to Texas A&M University Real Estate Center research and Real estate in Pakistan is an important and growing sector of the economy of Pakistan. Pakistan spends $5.2 billion on construction in a year. When inventory remains below equilibrium, sellers enjoy more control over prices and terms, and the area becomes a seller market. When inventory lingers well above stasis, you have a buyer market where sellers must get more serious about price reductions, credits and throw-ins. Of course, these averages dont necessarily reflect demand in certain desirable and undesirable sub-markets. Go to ADVICE ASSOCIATES for such market home sell & purchase, rent a house or buying of any property so your destination should be Advice Associates. Your investment is our priorities to be in superior place because superior are Gulberg Green Islmabad & Bahria Housing Authority. Catch us at 11:00 am to 07:00pm Monday to Saturday. Ask us on: https://adposto.com/ads/gulberg_9/Islamabad
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Gulberg Islamabad Plots Open Transfer
IB Employers Cooperative Housing Society (Registered) Islamabad
Open Transfer of Plots:Society Management has decided to end the open transfer of plots immediately.Moreover those who have done open transfer of their plots, do complete transfer of plots before 20 Dec 2018. Otherwise society will automatically transfer those plots on the current owner name.
If you are finding plots houses and apartments in islamabad click now.
The future is in Past Land record of Rawalpindi
Rawalpindi (advice update) 20 September 2017:The computer records of the lands in Rawalpindi could not be completed even after four year till than the owner have to old manual process of property records. Rawalpindi s people are now depends on registrar (patwari process) again & facing huge problems due to outsider staff at registrar office. Its very unfortunate even after four year; computer system of record holding of lands could not be finish. On continues basis people are doing protest against registrar (patwari), according to source 20% of land record its not computerized because registrar is not cooperating with the owner. According to source this is system was introduced 4 years ago & government established many service center to help the people in the process of computerized record system. According to source 20% twin cities of Rawalpindi s land record could not be computerized. So they have to follow old fashioned process. For more information and updates please follow us or buying & selling of plot house with easy and smooth record system of Bahira Town Rawalpind & DHA Valley Islamabad
If you are finding plots houses and apartments in islamabad click now.
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lifeofresulullah · 1 year
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): His Youth, Trade Life, His marriage to Hazrat Khadijah
The Prophet goes to Damascus with his uncle
The Master of the Universe (PBUH) had reached twelve years of age.
He possessed a unique kind of body and face among his friends. His face would emit gleaming light to his surroundings and his heart was always filled with peace.
In the meantime, Abu Talib, who was sheltering our Holy Prophet (PBUH), had great difficulty getting by. For this reason, he felt obliged to get involved in trade/commerce. He decided to go to Damascus that year by joining the caravan that the Quraysh had arranged for the purpose of trade.
Preparations for the journey were being made and they took place right before our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) eyes. Consequently, this uncle, whom he loved so much, was going to be separated from him for some period of time. However, how was he going endure this? Years ago, he had lost both his honorable father and saintly mother at the end of two journeys. Now, his guardian, Abu Talib, was going to set off on a journey and be separated from him for days. How was his gentle and delicate soul going to bear this separation?
Like Abu Talib, the members of the household were also afraid that something would befall upon the Master of the Universe (PBUH), and for that reason, they did not want him to embark on this journey. However, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) wholeheartedly wanted to go with his uncle. He was left with no choice but to open up to his uncle after having been sad for days. He could not help speaking to his uncle in the following manner with a longing and sad tone:
“My Dear Uncle! Where and with whom are you leaving me? I neither have my mother nor my father here with me.”
Our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) teardrops decorated these words like a flower. Even the most hardened of hearts, let alone Abu Talib, who wholeheartedly loved his nephew, would be unable bear the Master of the Universe’s sorrow. Abu Talib immediately changed his mind upon hearing these expressions that had inflamed his feelings of compassion.
The Master of the Universe (PBUH) was able to go with his uncle; thus, his heart was filled with happiness after this decision had been made. The preparations were complete and he joined the caravan together with his uncle.
The caravan reached Busra by passing through deserts and stopped there for a rest. Busra was a town with plenty of water and gardens between Damascus and Jerusalem.
Bahira’s Observation and Evaluation
There was a priest by the name of Bahira who lived in a small monastery that was close to the market of Busra.  At that time, this priest was a reputable scholar among Christians. There was a book in the monastery and those who worshipped at that monastery and read from that book would become the most knowledgeable of Christians. Until that time, every priest had benefited from this book.
The Qurayshi procession of trade lodged in close proximity to this priest’s monastery as they had done every year. What was strange was that Bahira, who had not interacted with anyone from the procession in the past years, was now showing an unexpected interest in the procession and had arranged a feast for them.
Why had this feast and attention been given?
This was the question that got the procession thinking.
The Wise Bahira had witnessed some peculiarities in the procession that he had not seen before. While he was looking at the Qurayshi procession, he had noticed a cloud shading the Master of all Masters (PBUH). When the procession came and lodged underneath a tree, he observed the same cloud shading the tree and the tree’s branches bending before the Radiant Child to provide shade for him.
Bahira, who had seen these peculiarities, wanted to invite them for a meal. He sent the Meccans the following notice:
“Oh Qurayshis! I prepared a meal for you. I want all of you: the elderly, the young, the free, and the enslaved to come”.
The Qurayshi merchants noticed Bahira’s unusual attitude. They wondered what the reason was and asked, “Oh Bahira, by God, your mood is different today. We stop by you each time we come. You have never done something like this for us before. What is the matter?“
Bahira did not disclose his secret and made do with this answer:
“Yes, you are right, but after all, you are my guests. For that reason, I wanted to host and have you eat. Please come and help yourselves!”
They accepted the invitation and sat at the dinner table.
However, there was an individual from the procession who was absent. Bahira was looking for the Master of the Universe (PBUH). Since he was the youngest, the Radiant Child had been charged with the duty of keeping an eye on the procession’s belongings; thus, he was sitting by the tree.
Bahira was busy with eying everyone at the dinner table from head to toe. However, none of them had the disposition of the Radiant Child that he was looking for. He asked, “Is there anyone who has not come to the meal? Is there someone who has been left behind?”
They answered, “No, Bahira, there is no one who has accepted your invitation and then did not come. Only a child was left behind to wait on our belongings.”
Bahira, who had examined the Holy Books and learned the characteristics and signs of the last Prophet from them, insisted that he come as well.
The Qurayshi merchants could not refuse Bahira’s persistent request; so, they went and brought the Master of the Universe (PBUH).
While the Master of the Universe (PBUH) was busy eating his meal at the table, Bahira’s entire attention and amazement was on him. He was eying his every move and condition.
Bahira had found what he was looking for and had reached his goal. The Radiant Child’s behavior and every action perfectly matched the written descriptions in the book next to him.
The meal was finished and while everyone was dispersing from the table, Bahira leaned down to the Master of the Universe’s (PBUH) ear and said, “Look, young man. I want you to answer the questions that I am going to ask you about Lat and Uzza.”
There was an expression of discomfort and hate in the Radiant Child’s eyes, “Please do not want anything from me on behalf of Lat and Uzza. By God, there is nothing that I hate more than them”.
Bahira retracted his first request. “In that case, Answer the questions I am going to ask you for the sake of Allah”.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied “Ask whatever you wish”.
Bahira was bewildered by all the answers that he received to his questions because they exactly matched everything that he knew about the Last Prophet.
Lastly, he looked at the Master of the Universe’s back and saw the seal of Prophethood.
Bahira’s conviction was now certain and without doubt: This youth was the long-awaited Last Prophet (PBUH).
Bahira and Abu Talib Face-to-Face
After his recognition, Bahira went to our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) uncle, Abu Talib. The following conversation took place between the two:
“What relation do you have to this child?”
“He is my son”
“No, he is not your son because this child’s father is not supposed to be living.”
“Yes, you are correct. He is my nephew, not my biological son”.
“Well, what happened to his father?
“He passed away while this child’s mother was pregnant.”
“Yes, you have told the truth.”
Everything was now evident and definite for Bahira.
Finally, Bahira gave the following advice to our Holy Prophet’s uncle (PBUH), which showed that he was a man who thought and spoke rightfully:
“Immediately take your nephew back to your homeland. Protect him from the jealous Jews. By God, if the Jews see this child and notice what I have noticed, then they will try to inflict harm upon him because your nephew is going to attain a great reputation and glory in the future. Do not stay here any more. Be sure to take him back immediately.”
Upon hearing this advice, Abu Talib sold his goods there and returned to Mecca  together with his glorious nephew.
Like Bahira, the monk, many Christian and Jewish scholars had seen the attributes of the Messenger of Allah in their books and confessed the truth by saying, “Yes, the attributes of Muhammad al-Arabi (pbuh) are written in our books.” Despite this confession, many of them were deprived of being honored by Islam.
Among those who reached that unique bliss are the following people:
Abdullah Ibn Salam, Wahb Ibn Munabbih, Abi Yasir, Shamul, Asid and Sa’laba b. Saya, Ibn Bunyamin, Mukhay­riq, Ka­bu’l-Ah­bar, Daghatir, Ibn Natur, Jarud…
The Quran mentions those righteous scholars of the People of the Book in the following verses:
“…They are not arrogant. And when they listen to the revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: they pray: "Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses..”
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bahriatownoffice · 5 years
Bahria Town Commemorates Pakistan Day
Keeping up with the spirit of celebrating the biggest days in Pakistani history, the Bahria Town held a grand Pakistan Day celebration on its Eiffel Tower in Karachi on Saturday.
Moreover, the function included amazing fireworks and a dancing fountain to commemorate the 79th Pakistan Day. Meanwhile Thousands of people assembled to witness the grand celebrations and enjoyed the amazing display of fireworks at Eiffel Tower.
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On the other side, the grand show was been held and hosted by the residents and investors of the Bahria Town. Moreover, the CEO of Bahria Town, Ali Riaz Malik and the country head, Shahid Qureshi, honored the ceremony as the chief guests. The event attracted all the people, residents, investors from the Bahria town and nearby places.
Bahria town is abiding by the guidelines of the honorable Supreme Court in the same regards and this is where they have kick started all of the developmental activities , the Bahria Town has kicked off its development work. In order to go by the interest and convenience of the residents of the bahria town, most of the offices in the real estate projects will open till 8:00 pm except Sundays till Dec 30th. Asif, one of the residents of Karachi, quoted this step by the honorable Supreme Court as “appreciable” and wish that this would keep on continuing in the context of the development of the country.
Bahria Town is one of the most renowned and biggest real estate developers of Asia and contributed in a big manner to the overall development of the country till now. Moreover, all the residents of the Bahria town are really enjoying all the luxurious and basic amenities provided in the town. This is something which makes Bahria town one of the most sought after real estate developers in the country.
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kholaabbas-blog · 5 years
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#happybirthday #hassan #birthdayboy #partyhard (at Bahira Town Phase 4 Civic Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5NFcMzgD_LmviY0T3XiiHCsEbinmbXIuMIs6c0/?igshid=1tz225ac4b6hn
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alisaqlian · 3 years
Real Estate is More About Returns and Less About Prices. Contact Ali Saqlain To Buy Property Now. Contact us Via 042 111 254 727 or [email protected] https://issuu.com/alisaqlain2021/docs/the_background_of_bahria_town_lahore_prices
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localadspk · 3 years
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Rajput Marketing New Model Town near bahira enclave and park View on good location. On Full cash a https://ift.tt/3Dcvd9N
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propertyinpakistan · 3 years
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Rajput Marketing New Model Town near bahira enclave and park View on good location. On Full cash a https://ift.tt/3Dcvd9N
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Is Renting Car necessary?  Rent a Car in Bahira town
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Leasing a vehicle in Lahore or in some other city is one alternative as opposed to purchasing a vehicle. Rent a Car in Bahira town can spare you money, especially on the off chance that you don't utilize a vehicle so as often as possible or need one to make a trip to and from work. Another option is to choose Rent a Car in Bahira town now and again and deal with an old, less solid vehicle for more often than not.
Buying a vehicle with money, obtaining with a credit, or renting is consistently a cash losing plan — in light of the way that vehicles rapidly decline in an incentive with the entry of time. When you pay cash for a vehicle, you tie up your money in a diminishing asset. In any case, thusly, you get the opportunity to utilize and delight in the vehicle by using Rent a Car in Bahira town.
                        Fresh out of the new Car
Renting a car in any service provider like Rent a Car in Bahira town is about extravagance and solace. You get the upside of another vehicle and the solace of not worrying over support. Saying this doesn't infer that you can go two years without an oil change, however since the vehicle at Rent a Car in Bahira town are new, you ideally would not have to worry over any real fixes, which would be verified by assurance if they somehow happened to happen at Rent a Car in Bahira town.
Your Monthly Cash Flow
Renting a car at Rent a Car in Bahira town regularly has a lower month to month planned portion stood out from financing a vehicle with comparable credit terms at Rent a Car in Bahira town, since with lease you're paying for the diminishing of the vehicle during those years rather than the whole vehicle cost. In the event that you need access to more cash reliably, leasing at Rent a Car in Bahira town may be progressively good.
Up front installments and Initial Fees
Generally lease understandings have down and out installment esteem at Rent a Car in Bahira town. You'll pay less for the business charge on lease moreover by leasing it at Rent a Car in Bahira town. Essentially, likewise with the less up front installment, leasing smaller affects you’re spending farthest point and cash balance. Your upfront installment for obtaining could be exceptionally huge while you won't have to pay anything at Rent a Car in Bahira town for lease on the off chance that you have a decent record as a customer exclusively at Rent a Car in Bahira town.
In the event that you Live in a Big City like Lahore
On the off chance that you live in a major city with great open transportation and services like Rent a Car in Bahira town, there may not be any necessity for you to purchase a vehicle when you can rent it at Rent a Car in Bahira town. You can deal with your every day schedule needs inside the city through open transportation by using Rent a Car in Bahira town. All things considered, much of the time, open transportation may be a superior alternative than attempting to drive a vehicle in rush hour gridlock. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you plan an excursion or need a vehicle for the entire day, Rent a car in Lahore from Rent a Car in Bahira town once a month would be more affordable than paying for the vehicle protection and leaving costs of owning a vehicle in the city.
Moreover if you incorporate the cost of paying for a vehicle space expansion to your lease, and after that the cost of leaving at work if applicable, it may not sound great to possess a vehicle. Moreover, you won't need to worry over upkeep or fixes for your vehicle as it is done at Rent a Car in Bahira town. In the event that you drive the vehicle for business when you lease, a section of the vehicle's devaluation and financing costs can be deducted on your charges. Enthusiasm on advance to buy a vehicle, in any case, isn’t deductible. Or you can also rent a car from Lahore Airport.
There are great deals of calculations reliant on your business percent utilization of the vehicle, how much the vehicle expenses and additional costs identified with the vehicle, for instance, gas and upkeep at Rent a Car in Bahira town.
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shrmarketing360 · 4 years
Digital Marketing Companies in Pakistan. Where we are provide all details about digital marketing and many more services.
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