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deebrisbyfish · 9 months ago
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So, if this strip looks a SMIDGE different, that's because it's drawn traditionally with ink on paper. This year, I attended the annual C2E2 comic convention in Chicago for the first time, setting up at the National Cartoonists Society booth. I had a GREAT time, and decided that, while I was there, I was going to draw new strips ABOUT the experience AT the show. So, this and the next 4 strips after were all drawn on paper AT the convention, ABOUT the convention. (Okay, the last was drawn the day AFTER to wrap it up, but in the same style for consistency.) For the artists out there curious, I inked these with a Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pen.
Also, if you're from Indiana and take offense at this gag, then go get on the turnpike from Ohio, cross the state line, and TELL ME I'M WRONG!!!
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shreyapawar2291 · 2 months ago
Discover the impact of monsoons, poor construction, and delayed repairs on our road network. Did you know that out of India's vast 5.9 million kilometres of roads, nearly 40% are in poor condition? Even more concerning, over 30% of villages still lack all-weather road access.
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frontmezzjunkies · 1 year ago
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#frontmezzjunkies reviews: @crowstheatre's #BadRoads by #NatalyaVorozhbit d: #AndrewKushnir w/ #MichelleMonteith #KatherineGauthier #ShaunaThompson #SeanaMcKenna #AndrewChown #CraigLauzon #DiegoMatamoros #TheaTO ph: #DahliaKatz
#CrowsTheatre Shines its Bright Light on Some Pretty Dangerous Ukrainian "Bad Roads"
(via Crow's Theatre Shines its Bright Light on Some Pretty Dangerous Ukrainian "Bad Roads")
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awardseasonblog · 3 years ago
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L' #Ucraina 🇺🇦 ha scelto come proprio rappresentante per gli #Oscar2022 per la categoria #BestInternationalFilm la pellicola #BadRoads di #NataliiaVorozhbyt. E' stato presentato lo scorso anno al Festival di Venezia nella sezione Settimana Internazionale della Critica e vincitore di 5 Ukrainian Film Academy Awards su 16 nomination. "Quattro storie ambientate lungo le strade del Donbass in guerra. Non esistono luoghi sicuri e nessuno può dare un senso a ciò che sta accadendo. Nonostante siano intrappolati nel caos, alcuni riescono comunque a esercitare un’autorità sugli altri. Ma in questo mondo, dove il domani potrebbe non arrivare mai, non tutti sono infelici e indifesi. Anche le vittime più innocenti possono avere la loro occasione per prendere il controllo" TRAILER: https://youtu.be/MSqVUZToIqg Lo scorso anno fu scelto Atlantis diretto da Valentyn Vasyanovych che però non è riuscito ad entrare nella cinquina finale. Nella storia degli Oscar l'Ucraina non ha mai conquistato la nomination. #OscarsSubmission #94rdOscars #94rdAcademyAwards #Oscars2022 #InternationalFeatureFilm https://www.instagram.com/p/CUPJ88LMzto/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cathychrysso · 5 years ago
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Our roads!! #livinglifewithhorribleroads #badroads #makingajokeoutofthis https://www.instagram.com/p/B4B7lq4jdiw/?igshid=1viwp81ko7t8p
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bdmedia · 5 years ago
Dangerous Roads - Habra Bazar Biswanath হাবড়া টু মাছুখালি রাস্তার বেহাল অবস্থা, জনগণের ভোগান্তি Full episode: https://youtu.be/oLNElXbAu3A
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ru-titley-knives · 6 years ago
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Pothole reflection .
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weemsbotts · 2 years ago
Traveling from Fredericksburg to Dumfries: The “Great Public Evil”  of the 18th & 19th centuries
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
By all accounts, Mason Locke Weems was a shrewd salesman as he traveled up and down Virginia selling his books. Roads were certainly a concern of early Americans in the 1790s as the conditions frequently and significantly delayed travel. Historical letters abound bemoaning the roads around Dumfries as weather, season, temperature, and river levels all had to be accounted before when planning an excursion. Weems petitioned Virginia’s General Assembly on 12/16/1797 with a creative solution.
“The petition of Mason Locke Weems, humbly shewth, That the delay of the Mail, and the great risques which often alarm and which sometimes have actually destroyed the lives and property of Travellers on the post road from Fredericksburg to Dumfries, for want of bridges over the deep and rapid runs of Potomak and Acquia, are to be conditioned as great public evils; and that your petitioner of the most valuable books, the circulation of which he concieves [sic] will greatly redound to gracious permission, to undertake a lottery for the disposal of books which he will furnish to the fortunate adventurers in said lottery, at the Philadelphia retail prices, and from the profits of which books that vended, he will contribute one thousand dollars for the purpose of erecting over the aforesaid dangerous runs of Potomak & Acquia, two strong and sufficient bridges, of season’d oak frames well tard, and secured from the inclemencies of the Weather. Your Petitioner therefore humbly prayeth that an act may pass to authorize such a lottery and to appoint commissioners to raise by lottery the sum of one thousand dollars, for the purpose of building the aforesaid bridges, and your Petitioner will as in duty bound pray &c.”
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(Fry, Joshua.  A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia containing the whole province of Maryland with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. [1775], Library of Congress, http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g3880.ct000370)
While the good Parson certainly condemned vices such as drinking and gambling in his works, lotteries held a slightly different connotation in the late 1700s. Lotteries were crucial to the very first years of the Jamestown colony when the Virginia Company held a lottery in 1612 to raise additional funding for the struggling colonists. Thomas Sharplisse, a London tailor, won the grand prize of four thousand crowns with two Anglican churches receiving smaller fortunes. After covering the costs of the lotteries, the Virginia Company directed the remaining revenue to their desperate colonists. Early Americans continued to rely upon these “public benefits,” as the administrators of the lotteries used careful phrasing to gain public support and funds. Many Virginia planter patriarchs, such as George Washington, participated in lotteries for personal and public benefits. William Smith wrote to George Washington on 08/13/1784 asking for his help in disseminating tickets for funding Washington College. While he had circulated a subscription letter to possible donors, he also wanted to offer a lottery. “With the Advice of Govr Paca & others of the Visitors, we have also a Lottery on Foot, which may be at least an excusable Means of drawing some Aid from some, whose public Spirit might not otherwise induce them to subscribe. Enclosed is the Scheme of the Lottery, which we have Reason to hope may be full by Novr the Time mentioned.” Washington agreed noting David Ardell would carry out the distribution. “I do not know where two or three hundred could be better placed in Alexandria, & if you will send him that number, he has promised me that his ex[er]tion for the sale of them shall not be wanting.” The result? Out of the 10,000 tickets at four dollars a piece offered by The Washington College, 3,187 won prizes – 3,000 paid eight dollars and the other 187 up to four dollars. Archibald Thweatt made a similar suggestion to Thomas Jefferson on 09/24/1817 after receiving a subscription letter from him for Jefferson’s “Central College” in Charlottesville.
However, careful phrasing and good motives did not stop corruption and fraud. Britain banned private lotteries in 1769, but that did not stop public lotteries from resuming years later. Purchasers felt confident that their money overall helped society and allowed them brief entertainment with this game of chance. When King George III prohibited lotteries in almost all colonies, tensions immediately increased as colonists used lotteries as a way to avoid taxes. It should be noted that the English State Lottery, run by the British, remained legal with serious modifications to allow more money to remain with the British collectors. Lotteries remained in favor until around the 1830s when lottery scams, continued religious outcry (Quakers were notable very early dissenters), and social reform movements changed Americans opinions.
Weems’ 1797 petition came at a time when lotteries were still favorable in Virginia and across the country. His emphasis on books and the desire to make traveling safer not only appealed to those in favor of supporting education, it also spoke to better commerce and networking with easier transportation and travel. However, there would be no special lottery for our Potomac and Aquia rivers. The Virginia General Assembly rejected his request. Nevertheless, he purchased our humble museum the following year in 1798 as he continued risking his life to the “great public evil” of Virginia – our roads.
(Sources: Weems, Mason Locke. Petition, 1797. LVA: Legislative Petitions Digital Collection; Laskow, Sarah. Colonial America was Built on Lottery Revenue. Atlas Obscura, https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/early-american-lottery-ticket-colonial; Sweeney, Matthew. The Lottery Wars: Long Odds, Fast Money, and the Battle Over an American Institution. London: Bloomsbury, 2009; “Archibald Thweatt to Thomas Jefferson, 24 September 1817,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/03-12-02-0033. [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, vol. 12, 1 September 1817 to 21 April 1818, ed. J. Jefferson Looney. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014, pp. 41–42.]; “To George Washington from William Smith, 13 August 1784,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/04-02-02-0037. [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Confederation Series, vol. 2, 18 July 1784 – 18 May 1785, ed. W. W. Abbot. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1992, pp. 37–38.]; “From George Washington to William Smith, 25 August 1784,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/04-02-02-0053. [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Confederation Series, vol. 2, 18 July 1784 – 18 May 1785, ed. W. W. Abbot. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1992, p. 57.])
Note: Start your Saturday with excellent fiction, tea, and conversation! Tickets are still available for our virtual Weems-Botts Bibliophiles program featuring dark fantasy and Leaf & Petal’s Blood Orange Smoothie Tea. Enjoy the delectable taste of creamsicle as we discuss some of the more controversial and fascinating stories from the early 1900s! Tickets available here.
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stiridinromania · 3 years ago
„Mariupolis 2”, prezentat într-o proiecție specială la Cannes anul acesta, deschide Festivalul ANONIMUL 2022.
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Regizat de regretatul Mantas Kvedaravičius, „Mariupolis 2”, care a fost prezentat în premieră mondială în luna mai la Cannes, va deschide cea de-a 19-a ediție a Festivalului Internațional de Film Independent ANONIMUL 2022, ce va avea loc în perioada 8 - 14 august la Sfântu Gheorghe (Delta Dunării). Prezentat în premieră în România la ANONIMUL, „Mariupolis 2” este ultimul film - neterminat - al regizorului lituanian Mantas Kvedaravičius, care a fost capturat de armata rusă și ucis în regiunea Mariopol, în Ucraina, la finalul lunii martie. Documentarul a fost montat în timp record de logodnica regizorului, Hanna Bilobrova, împreună cu producătorii proiectului, pentru a putea avea fi arătat la Festivalul de la Cannes. Bilobrova și Kvedaravičius se întorseseră să filmeze din nou în Mariupol, în plin război, pentru a documenta oamenii și locurile pe care le filmaseră în 2015 pentru documentarul „Mariupolis”. Regizorul intenționa să arate cum continuă viața acestor oameni printre bombardamente, cu imagini la limita între tragedie și speranță. „Mariupolis 2” este o compilație de imagini filmate de documentarist, fără voce din off sau muzică, și cuprinde cadre lungi din viața cotidiană a acestor oameni care încearcă să supraviețuiască războiului, „o mărturie a rezistenței umane” scriau cei de la Screen Daily. Kvedaravičius spunea într-una din notele sale din timpul filmărilor: „Este raiul din mijlocul iadului, bătăile delicatele de aripi ale unui fluture apropiindu-se, mirosul morții în cele mai crude dimensiuni. Este viața pulsând.” „Mariupolis 2” face parte din programul Focus Ucraina, alături de „Butterfly Vision” și „Bad Roads”. Selecționerii ANONIMUL au o preocupare continuă pentru cinematografia țării vecine, cu mult înaintea conflictului armat. Spectatorii festivalului au putut vedea de-a lungul anilor producții sau coproducții ucrainene la Sfântu Gheorghe iar Serghei Loznitsa a fost invitatul ediției din 2019.
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Butterfly vision Drama „Butterfly Vision” a debutat în secțiunea Un Certain Regard a Festivalului de la Cannes. Filmul o are în centru pe Lilia (interpretată de Rita Burkovska) care, după două luni de captivitate pe front, descoperă că a rămas însărcinată în urma unui viol. Încearcă să supraviețuiască traumei, mai ales că societatea nu este pregătită să o accepte nici pe ea, nici pe copil.
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Bad Roads „Bad Roads”, recompensat cu cinci trofee ale Academiei Ucrainene de Film, inclusiv pentru scenariu, cuprinde patru povești scurte. Acțiunea are loc de-a lungul drumurilor din Donbass, în timpul conflictului din regiune, când au loc numeroase abuzuri și bombele răsună necontenit. Programul festivalului cuprinde două competiții de scurtmetraje, românești și internaționale, anunțate în luna iunie, o competiție de lungmetraje, dar și proiecții în afara concursului și evenimente conexe. Numeroși cineaști vor fi prezenți pentru întâlniri și discuții cu publicul, iar toate detaliile și programul complet vor fi anunțate zilele următoare. Read the full article
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fatrabbitky · 3 years ago
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CLOSING AT 4:00 TODAY, but will be open normal hours tomorrow! #badroads (at Fat Rabbit Thrift & Vintage) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYZsb4-lj6Y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pooyie · 6 years ago
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Amen to Dat! #Repost @337desiree ・・・ Had my car losing its under carriage. #badroads #drivelikethebrits https://www.instagram.com/p/BnjF307FrvuLeBM4uuygEpheuqMWuPlXFeD-Og0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qmimstvpx9p9
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frontmezzjunkies · 1 year ago
Crow's Theatre Shines its Bright Light on Some Pretty Dangerous Ukrainian "Bad Roads"
#CTBadRoads #frontmezzjunkies reviews: @crowstheatre's #BadRoads by #NatalyaVorozhbit d: #AndrewKushnir w/ #Michelle Monteith #KatherineGauthier #ShaunaThompson #SeanaMcKenna #AndrewChown #CraigLauzon #DiegoMatamoros #CrowsTheatre #TheaTO ph: #DahliaKatz
Andrew Chown in Crow’s Theatre’s Bad Roads. Photo by Dahlia Katz. The Toronto Theatre Review: Crow’s Theatre’s Bad Roads By Ross She tells us she will “describe everything” for us, this little sparrow, who’s taken hostage by a soldier’s eyes in the first segment of Bad Roads, a new play by Ukrainian playwright Natal’ya Vorozhbit (Royal Court’s Maidan Diaries), with a strong assist by…
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jmf709 · 7 years ago
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#badroads #should still #looknice #forwhatitsworth #rainbow
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sarahgerdesauthor · 4 years ago
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Y’all want to know what life is like post election? Truthfully, we’ve had too much snow and ice to think about anything other than getting down our hill safely without hitting a #moose or running into a wild #turkey flock 🦃 and while I’m on the subject of #animals, we lost three chickens in five days thanks to a hawk! Now don’t get me wrong, we love nature and a #hawk is just being it’s hawk-self, but can it go pick on another #farm please? We’ve adapted of course- we just keep the coop door shut until abt 10 am and by that time, said hawk has gotten breakfast somewhere else. - What has this to do with the photo? It’s all connected ~ #winterishere #badroads #wildanimals and enduring #election #ptsd - Still we live in the #beststate for the outdoors (at Lake Coeur d'Alene) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHeYwKZD9f-/?igshid=1dsvp6mypixsx
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photobycereal2k · 7 years ago
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#issa #lake #issalake #potholes #photobycereal2k #streetphotography #roadclosedpizzaboy #badroads #roadclosedpizzaboyfindadifferentwayhome #dafuq #wherearethesigns
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rdbawa · 5 years ago
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The picture may not be clear, but this is a vulcanizer attending to the tricycle I boarded yesterday. Yes #kekenapep tire deflated, that's the first time I ever encountered such. Faci a kekenapep. Hahahahaha. #tire #badroads #naija (at Kano, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1JeylKgf8b/?igshid=1hbgfbfqwhcwo
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