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alldemnails · 7 years ago
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Sorry it’s been so long since my last post!! Coming back from Europe was very hectic and I’m still getting back into the swing of things 😅 for the meantime here is a throwback to one of my favorite designs! Inspired by a painting I saw on #pinterest @pinterest White base coat is @salonperfect #sugarcube polish! . . . #Nailart #nails #naildesign #nailartclub #nailartporn #we_are_nails #love #cute #nailswag #nailsoftheday #nailpolish #beautyblogger #nailpromote #instanails #nailpolish #notd #nailartlove #essielook #nailedit #showmethemani #tumblrnailsxo #livelovepolish #badgirlfeatures #naturalnaillover #flamingo
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lwilkin2 · 5 years ago
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Negative space stripes with some fun spring/Easter color vibes ☺️ see my last post for a tutorial on these!! . . . . #Nailart #nails #naildesign #nailartclub #nailartporn #love #cute #nailswag #nailsoftheday #nailpolish #nailpromote #instanails #nailpolish #notd #nailartlove #essielook #nailedit #showmethemani #tumblrnailsxo #livelovepolish #badgirlfeatures #naturalnaillover #spring #easter #easternails #easternailart #springnails https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ubJTRJekv/?igshid=qjcsh3i1cdg8
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perkyandpolished · 8 years ago
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They chipped after one day but I still love these mermaid nails! 🐡 #nailartwow #nailpromote #nails2inspire #gradientnails #nailartoohlala #badgirlfeatures #notd #summernails #mermaidnails #stampednails #nailartapril
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elyt · 7 years ago
NI TRAMPA NI CARTÓN... AHORA A QUITARLO!! VIDEO 19: ADHERENCIA MÁXIMA Y CUESTA HASTA QUITARLO...😅😅😅 . NOS HA COSTADO MUCHO TRABAJO DIVIDIR LA MASTER CLASS EN 20 MINI VIDEOS PARA QUE OS QUEDÉIS CON TODOS LOS PASOS A SEGUIR PARA UN EFECTO PERFECTO ESPEJO CON LOS ESMALTES LETICIA WELL MIRROR Y TODAS LAS POLÉMICAS GENERADAS QUEDEN RESUELTAS. ESPERAMOS QUE OS GUSTEN Y QUE LAS VEÁIS AL COMPLETO, PARA ASÍ APRENDER A USAR ESTE TIPO DE ESMALTADO. ELYT.ES 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼 #elyt #elymanicure #nails2inspire #craftyfingers #nail #nailvideo #nailsvideo #simplynotlogical #nailsvideos #nailfeature #nailartoohlala #looknaildecor #fabuloustrendy #nailsartcentral #nailsartclips #nailsarttut #leticiawell #efectoespejo #lookwenailedit #hannahnail #badgirlfeatures #nailfeatures #jewsienails #enavideos #nailsart_steps #featurednailart #videounaseñal
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eclipsegel-blog · 7 years ago
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Repost from @nailart_fusion @TopRankRepost #TopRankRepost Heya fusionists......here is the solo shot of my new mani that i made using "Eclipsgel Slider # 718" sent by @eclipsegel .......hope you like it 🔜 Meanwhile you can purchase the above mentioned water decals and many other products for yourself and for your loved ones. You just have to visit their website http://eclipsegel.ru/ You can follow them on the following social media platform Official Instagram: @eclipsegel #eclipsegel#badgirlfeatures#nailspromote#Mllrdesignfeature#weloveyournailart#NAILS_PALETTES#nailitdaily#naturalnaillover#nailfeature#dailynailart#nailartlover#nailsoftheweek#nailstoinspire#nailsonpoint#nailsonfleek#LookNails_Daily#Excitingnailartcreations#Featuremynails#Nailartistry#Showmynails#nailitdaily#nail_artists#nailfeed#simplynotlogical#simplynaillogical#nailbooks#instamani#nailartidea#nailartfanpagee
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enjoyourshopping-blog · 8 years ago
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#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @nailart_fusion via @GPRepostApp ======> @nailart_fusion:Heya fusionists......here is my new mani that i made using “Transparent Multi Shape Crystal Rhinestone Wheel” by @enjoyours_beautylife.....Hope you like it. Product ID: ECT168282 Product’s Link: http://www.enjoyours.com/goods.php?id=47 You can purchase the above mentioned products and many others for yourself and for your loved ones; visit their online store. Link to their website 👇 The best part is they offer FREE worldwide shipping !!! www.enjoyours.com And don't forget to use my discount codes while shopping on their online store to get 10% off on your orders 👇 10% off coupon code: BPA10 You just need to click on this link and enter the coupon code at checkout. www.enjoyours.com/?src=BPA10 You can download their app (Enjoyours_APP) to buy tons of high quality products online via your cellphones. Moreover you can follow them on the following social media platforms: Official Instagram: @enjoyours_beautylife App instagram: @enjoyours_app #enjoyours#beautylife#badgirlfeatures#nailspromote#Mllrdesignfeature#weloveyournailart#NAILS_PALETTES#nailitdaily#nailfeature#dailynailart#nailartlover#nailsoftheweek#nailstoinspire#nailsonpoint#nailsonfleek#LookNails_Daily#Featuremynails#Nailartistry#Showmynails#nailitdaily#nail_artists#nailfeed#simplynotlogical#simplynaillogical#nailbooks#instamani#nailartidea#nailaddict#nailaddiction#nailartfanpagee
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alldemnails · 7 years ago
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Saw this AWESOME vintage leotard from @kokorokokovintage and was inspired to paint the design on my nails! Swipe right to see the Leo that inspired this look! ➡️➡️➡️ . . . #Nailart #nails #naildesign #nailartclub #nailartporn #we_are_nails #love #cute #nailswag #nailsoftheday #nailpolish #beautyblogger #nailpromote #instanails #nailpolish #notd #nailartlove #essielook #nailedit #showmethemani #tumblrnailsxo #livelovepolish #badgirlfeatures #naturalnaillover #kokorokoko #kokorokokovintage #inspo
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lwilkin2 · 4 years ago
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Latest design inspired by @nailsbyheathere 💁🏼‍♀️🥳 I LOVE this design and can’t wait to try it with other color combos!! 👏🏼 . . . #Nailart #nails #naildesign #nailartclub #nailartporn #we_are_nails #love #cute #nailswag #nailsoftheday #nailpolish #beautyblogger #nailpromote #instanails #nailpolish #notd #nailartlove #essielook #nailedit #showmethemani #tumblrnailsxo #livelovepolish #badgirlfeatures #naturalnaillover https://www.instagram.com/p/CKVWd4LrCAl/?igshid=t9sbnbvi1lh1
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perkyandpolished · 8 years ago
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Finally used my new #islandgirlnailpolish that I brought back from #hawaii 🌺 🌼 🌸 #nailartwow #nailpromote #nails2inspire #gradientnails #nailartoohlala #badgirlfeatures #notd #summernails #neonnails #springnails #stampednails #nailart
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elyt · 7 years ago
DEMOSTRANDO QUE HAY REFLEJO ESPEJO. VIDEO 16: SEGUNDA PARTE, AHORA VOLVEMOS AL DORADO 😍😍😍 . NOS HA COSTADO MUCHO TRABAJO DIVIDIR LA MASTER CLASS EN 20 MINI VIDEOS PARA QUE OS QUEDÉIS CON TODOS LOS PASOS A SEGUIR PARA UN EFECTO PERFECTO ESPEJO CON LOS ESMALTES LETICIA WELL MIRROR Y TODAS LAS POLÉMICAS GENERADAS QUEDEN RESUELTAS. ESPERAMOS QUE OS GUSTEN Y QUE LAS VEÁIS AL COMPLETO, PARA ASÍ APRENDER A USAR ESTE TIPO DE ESMALTADO. ELYT.ES 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼 #elyt #elymanicure #nails2inspire #craftyfingers #nail #nailvideo #nailsvideo #simplynotlogical #nailsvideos #nailfeature #nailartoohlala #looknaildecor #fabuloustrendy #nailsartcentral #nailsartclips #nailsarttut #leticiawell #efectoespejo #lookwenailedit #hannahnail #badgirlfeatures #nailfeatures #jewsienails #enavideos #nailsart_steps #featurednailart #videounaseñal
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eclipsegel-blog · 7 years ago
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Repost from @nailart_fusion @TopRankRepost #TopRankRepost Heya fusionists......here is the solo shot of my new mani that i made using "Eclipsgel Slider # 870" sent by @eclipsegel .......hope you like it 🔜 Meanwhile you can purchase the above mentioned water decals and many other products for yourself and for your loved ones. You just have to visit their website http://eclipsegel.ru/ You can follow them on the following social media platform Official Instagram: @eclipsegel #eclipsegel#badgirlfeatures#nailspromote#Mllrdesignfeature#weloveyournailart#NAILS_PALETTES#nailitdaily#naturalnaillover#nailfeature#dailynailart#nailartlover#nailsoftheweek#nailstoinspire#nailsonpoint#nailsonfleek#LookNails_Daily#Excitingnailartcreations#Featuremynails#Nailartistry#Showmynails#nailitdaily#nail_artists#nailfeed#simplynotlogical#simplynaillogical#nailbooks#instamani#nailartidea#nailartfanpagee
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alldemnails · 7 years ago
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A little @opi #auoraberryalis for y’all this morning! Happy Monday 💃🏼. . . . #opi #opipolish #nailpolish #nailart #nailart #nails #naildesign #nailartclub #nailartporn #we_are_nails #love #cute #nailswag #nailsoftheday #nailpolish #beautyblogger #nailpromote #instanails #nailpolish #notd #nailartlove #essielook #nailedit #showmethemani #tumblrnailsxo #livelovepolish #badgirlfeatures #naturalnaillover
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lwilkin2 · 5 years ago
Tutorial for my cookie nail!! Let me know if there’s any other tutorials you’d like to see :) . . . #Nailart #nails #naildesign #nailartclub #nailartporn #we_are_nails #love #cute #nailswag #nailsoftheday #nailpolish #beautyblogger #nailpromote #instanails #nailpolish #notd #nailartlove #essielook #nailedit #showmethemani #tumblrnailsxo #livelovepolish #badgirlfeatures #naturalnaillover #cookie #cookienails #cookienailart #tutorial #nailarttutorial #art #tutorialsvideos https://www.instagram.com/p/B_GRB4LJiZm/?igshid=1qqrbotbdzqu1
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perkyandpolished · 8 years ago
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Wedding ready! Ahh! 👰💍 #nails2inspire #nailartoohlala #badgirlfeatures #nailartwow #nailpromote #engagementring #weddingnails #bridalnails #HappilyEverAlt
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elyt · 7 years ago
EFECTO MIRROR DEMOSTRADO VIDEO 15: EL ROSA REFLEJA😍😍😍 . NOS HA COSTADO MUCHO TRABAJO DIVIDIR LA MASTER CLASS EN 20 MINI VIDEOS PARA QUE OS QUEDÉIS CON TODOS LOS PASOS A SEGUIR PARA UN EFECTO PERFECTO ESPEJO CON LOS ESMALTES LETICIA WELL MIRROR Y TODAS LAS POLÉMICAS GENERADAS QUEDEN RESUELTAS. ESPERAMOS QUE OS GUSTEN Y QUE LAS VEÁIS AL COMPLETO, PARA ASÍ APRENDER A USAR ESTE TIPO DE ESMALTADO. ELYT.ES 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼 #elyt #elymanicure #nails2inspire #craftyfingers #nail #nailvideo #nailsvideo #simplynotlogical #nailsvideos #nailfeature #nailartoohlala #looknaildecor #fabuloustrendy #nailsartcentral #nailsartclips #nailsarttut #leticiawell #efectoespejo #lookwenailedit #hannahnail #badgirlfeatures #nailfeatures #jewsienails #enavideos #nailsart_steps #featurednailart #videounaseñal
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