j4y-k4y · 4 months
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💥 rockstar baby
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months
Jason Todd + Fighting While Tied Up
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Rebirth Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 3
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The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing vol 2
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we-r-loonies · 5 months
"the marauders would be a punk band! a rock band!"
they would be one direction. they wouldn't take anything seriously. sirius and james would make up dances and perform in sync. they'd stop shows to make fun of fans. they'd call someone's mum on stage. peter would tip water on everyone.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #133
Morgan Stark discovers the joke format, "__, __, and __ walk into a bar..." 
She doesn't quite get the concept, but she enjoys it. And, like most children, when she enjoys something she becomes absolutely obsessed with it.
Morgan: A spider, the spider's aunt, and a grumpy walk into the house!
Happy: Morgan that's not how that works
Peter: I dunno, you do seem more like a Grumpy than a Happy :)
Morgan: A princess, her bestest brother ever, and their cyborg chef walk into the kitchen.
Tony: You can just say you want pancakes, Mo.
Peter, tearing up: That's Princess Mo to you.
It becomes an inside joke that the whole family uses. 
Tony when Peter cuts off his coffee supply: (gasp) A genius, his robot minions, and a hater walk into the lab.
Peter, not even missing a beat: A genius, his son, and his robot children who agree with the son walk out of the lab and in to their beds.
Tony, so completely endeared every time Peter calls himself his son he can barely protest: I- I- now wait just a second...
Teen Morgan, upon finding her brother and MJ making out on the couch: Eughh! An intern, the goddess way out of his league, and the amount of space reserved for Jesus between them walk out of the shared living space.
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lessnowon · 1 year
my favorite thing about the guardians of the galaxy is how they are all, every single one of them, stupid. there's no character that has to be reasonable and smart 100% of the time, they all get their dumbass moments. they are each of them a moron (and more than that, they are also each so many other things at the same time)
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hellboy-enthusiast · 6 months
I need more people to be in love with Yondu. I appreciate all the age gap fics, but we need the fics where Yondu and Y/N are a badass old couple :(( GIVE ME MY SASSY WIFE Y/N
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charbroiledchicken · 11 days
i am a badass on the street in my leather jacket and sunglasses with a cigarette in my mouth. i pull the cigarette out - its a strawberry flavoured chupa chup. the sunglasses are diffraction glasses. every streetlight looks like a heart. i am a child.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Peter B got "Here's a tip; Don't watch the eyes. Watch the hands" from his Felicia Hardy 100%
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theopolis · 11 months
Unpopular take ig but TSSM Harry was not in fact a terrible person? Lol? Unlike the audience he has no idea why Peter keeps neglecting him, if anything it would be strange if that didn't affect their relationship. He is also a deeply insecure 16 year old, so having a phase where he selfishly places too much value on popularity is like. Par for the course. That's shit you'd find in any high school centric story. That's shit every other person has done irl at that age. The only actually heinous thing he's done was emotionally manipulating Gwen in that one scene at the end of S2 and that was literally part of the setup for his pending villain arc so uh. Moral decline was kind of the entire point there. People are pressed but he was serving the kind of complexity that originally made the supporting cast so memorable in the comics
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thiziri · 1 year
Her Royal Hotness Princess Anne, the Princess Royal, in her role as Gold-Stick-in-Waiting at the Coronation of her brother, King Charles III, on 06 May 2023 🔥
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thranduilswifesblog · 2 years
It tickled my ears when I heard someone says Thranduil is not powerful enough, or he become the elvenking just because his father, Oropher is the 1st.
Did people read the apendix?? According to the apendix Sauron fought the last battles of the third age on several fronts, and the day of the battle of the Pellinor, he also sent orcs armies into Mirkwood and attack Thranduil's kingdom.
Thranduil' army is a badass, and utterly defeated the army of Sauron. Sauron always though Thranduil was enough of is threat that his kingdom was single out for destruction and Thranduil with the silvan elves proved him right.
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In movie canon he also defeated the great serpents of the north. And unfortunately cause a permanent scars on his face. And he powerful enough to made out alive and put a charm on his face for a thousands year.
And don't forget he and his father is the survivor from doriath, and he also survive from the battle of the last alliance. Even his father and Gil Galad, the strongest king of the high elves died in that battle.
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And he also can feel the present of Bilbo with the one ring. He's not talking with Tauriel, he's talking straight to Bilbo's face. That means he can feel the one ring.
He might be less wise and less powerful than Elrond, despite for being older than him. But he is not a weak elf, he even can protect his kingdom with his own charm and source without the rings of power.
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PISS OFF ......
Daughter! @legoriel-fan it''s time to defend your adar
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petesbunnycustom · 10 months
I know Pete was surviving off of bread and water
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shyjusticewarrior · 4 months
Jason kicking ass while literally tied up
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watmalik · 4 months
They scared me
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vertigoartgore · 6 months
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80's Mike Zeck style black suit Spider-Man by Dakota Alexander.
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 11
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You were walking home when you felt the shift in the atmosphere, there is something different in the air. Something or someone is watching you, it doesn’t feel malicious nor benevolent. You quicken your steps but the second you take another step. Your shifted to the road Infront of you changes, there is no houses or street but it’s like you’re in hallway of some crumbling temple, you can feel the cold air coming from the behind of you but you cannot see a thing, darkness covered was all you could see.
The fire torch was doing poor job in helping you see anything. You felt like you’re dreaming yet felt like this is the reality and everything else was an illusion. You hesitantly take step forward; you rather take a warmth that the torch provides than go back to the darkness. The torch next to the lit up as you walk and one by one everything lit up.
Chest beating out your ribs, sweat accumulating on the forehead from fear, you look around. The place is made of stones and the walls carved with symbols that seems to be ancient the whole place gives the aura of centuries if not more than couple of centuries of history.
There is circle shaped table that made of stone had carvings of symbols stand the middle. But that is not what captured you, it’s the giant statue of a goddess or entity that carved in the wall was captivating behind the stone table. A representation of sheer power and confidence oozed from the figure, head held high, tall and proud, the crown on the head, the details of the dress everything seems to be perfect and you felt a pull towards it.   
Then all of sudden a bright yellow orange shined making you close your eyes at the brightness, hands covering half of your face your try to look at the source of the light, the wind picked up with a low difficulty you finally see what made that glow on the center of the table floating in the midair was a stone of bright yellow.
Your eyes glazed and you didn’t hear a small stone beside you falls to the grounds as the giants come back to life, eyes glowing red. You didn’t acknowledge them, they both kneel the side of the table as you walk towards the stone, four stone hands placed as striae to help you on top of the table.
Stone shines bright as if its waiting for your arrival for eternity and now that you are near the glow seems to spike and the energy around the stone was buzzing with an uncontrollable power and magic. Now the glow lit up the place everything was visible.
What you did not see the thousands of bodies of women of your ages and lay lifeless. Some of the already become bones and some frozen and crushed under. This was no temple nor its was a tomb but it is the throne of the scarlet witch.
The lord of chaos magic Chthon made the throne for the scarlet witch a nexus being. one of the very rare entities that can influence the universe in a way that changes probability and alters time flow.
You slowly lift your hands to touch but hesitate for moment the stone move towards you as if it’s encouraging you to touch it, you touch then without a millisecond delay the stone is dissolve and the bright yellow light turns red blow harshly, Infront of you the statue seems to come to life as a shadow a woman floating the air with the same crown and attire.
She gives of the aura of power and strength, the way she held her head high insinuate the certainty she has, her posture was straight and defined it. The benevolent and malevolent energy thick in the air and it is hard to confirm which was dominant.
She has that light feminine energy; a source of spiritual power and healing connect with inner. wisdom and intuitive. Embodies sensuality, gentle, emotional and expressive a empathic graceful goddess
She has the dark feminine energy; a force of raw emotions, untamed desires and primal power. A sacred rage, sensuality and assertiveness. Represents the fiery transformational side of femininity that fuels the death and rebirth.  
Suddenly the figure bust into a red bright glow and it enter inside your body, you could feel the power flowing inside you, your senses being highlighted, the magic inside you strengthen ten folds.
Then everything seems to fade away as you pass out, as you fall the reality change into previous. the red veins fade away from your skin into the deepest of your body.
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The leaves crunch under the weight of the wolf, as it slowly stalks towards you with calculating steps. The night is silent as dead, the porch lights of the houses are all dim and no one was on the street. The wolf had seen it all happened, out of nowhere you disappear and come back knocked out cold. He sniffs around of you checking, your heart beating now steady and clam but seems like you’re not going to wake up any soon.
The wolf looks at your face before nudging your face with his cold nose still no response he glances around for a minute before running away.
The wolf shift into his human form and his red eyes shine bright contrast of the darkness, peter change into his clothes. He come back to you “what are you?’’ he asks pushing your hair away from your face he lifts you off ground and carry towards a car, Jennifer waits for him.
“Is she dead?”
“I do not kill everyone I come across Jennifer” peter said before pausing for minute “it depends on who you are and my feeling of the day” placing on you the back seat, a buzzing reached his ears and lands on your pocket.
He takes it without a thought and roll his eyes at the texts and calls before putting back in your pocket.
He turns to Jennifer “you know where to take her”. She node at him before driving away
Far away in the exosphere the phoenix force let out a cry of anguish at the entity for taking you as host before the force could. Orange bright wings with a little mixture of yellow and red shines now the both have to wait and see how you overcome and then the force will decide if you should be able to be its host or not.
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Sheila waits in the porch for you to get home, this isn’t the first time you come late but this feels different. You never been this late and she know that you know she will be waiting for you and doesn’t want to worry her and the murders has been going on you usually come earlier and you didn’t even answer her texts or calls.
She gets got bonnie bed, the day had been hard on her learning that she was witch and her grams words are true took a toll on her.
She hesitates thumb hover over the contact she dials.
Drools fall on the pillow as stiles slept peacefully murmuring something about unicorns and supernatural. The obnoxious ringtone of his phone wake him from his slumber, startled he sit up whining he pick up the phone without look at the id
“You better have something fucking important to say”
The other side pause he was about the throw the phone away and continue his precious sleep your grams voice says his name. Stiles eyes wide realizing he just cursed at your grams.
“Oh…… God… I was talking to myself……. I would never curse at you…….it just sleep talking”
“It’s alright stiles…. I was calling to see if y/n is with you?” stiles now fully awake scott told him that you were gone home after talking with derek and that’s been hours ago.
“She is not home?” he asks tensely
“No… is she with you or Scott’s home. She didn’t even answer my calls or texts?” her worry was evident on her voice
“of course, she isn’t home…. Because she is sleeping right here…… we just having sleepover?” stiles pat the pillow next to him and slowly get up, balancing his phone by his shoulder he gets wear his pants and take a shirt from the floor.
“Really didn’t you have one recently? Stiles, tell me the truth is she with you?” her tone made stiles pause. A part of him want to cover for you, but other part of doesn’t want to lie to your grams. He takes his keys and starts to make his way to hallway of his home.
“don’t worry she is alright…...she is sleeping”
A sigh of relief can be heard “well when she wakes up come see me first thing in the morning”
“Yep…got it”
After he hung up, he quietly as he can get out the house. Getting inside his jeep he makes way to scotts home. All the texts and calls unanswered made him nauseous, he doesn’t know what happened why you don’t respond to him and grams. Scott texted him that’s you gone home after talking with derek and that’s was like hours ago you should be home by now sleeping. His thought all the possibility but nothing defined your absence other than something really happened.
He curses your name “you better be fucking alright. I swear to God I can never sleep peacefully.”
He throws a little rock at scott’s window he is in no mood of climbing his legs already feels jelly. He so closes to screaming his name from top of his lungs.
“Fucking finally”
“What the hell are you doing stiles in the middle of the night” scotts unclear voice asked looking down at stiles.
“Mowing your lawn, what do you think?” stiles hiss
Scott sigh at him not having the energy to entertain “stiles, its middle of the night. quit it.”
“I’m sorry alright, grams just called me saying y/n isn’t home and she is not answering any of my call or texts”
Scott stands straight “what do you mean, she gone home right after our talk. She should be home sleeping by now”
“Yeah, expect the fact she is not and I just lied grams that we’re having sleeping over”
Stiles throws his hands in air “I was nervous okey, I didn’t want worry her. Now I’m stressing the fuck out here. What if she became late night desert for a vampire or turned to shudder cheese”
Scott’s mouth open and close like fish in water “stiles…...that’s……”
“Horrible I know…….im sorry I don’t know what to do…”
Scott thing for a moment before leaving the window making stiles frown suddenly scott jump out the window swiftly landing Infront of stiles, he stumbles at hands clenching his heart eyes comically wide.
“Shh…. Come on mom is sleeping”
Scott and stiles sit in his jeep, seeing scott type away stiles sigh “it’s a waste of time”
“Where could’ve she go?”
A unknow caller id pop on stiles phone he declines it one hand still on the wheels as the drive around the neighborhood. It rings again he decline after continuous ringing Scott take it from him accepting the call.
His face pales when he hears what the caller said he turns to Stiles “to the hospital”
“What? Why? who is that?” stiles questions
“it’s a nurse. She said y/n is in the hospital. She might put your number in the emergency number” scott answer.
Stiles drives to the route to the hospital “what happened? Is she okey?”
“She is unconscious didn’t explain much”
Stiles gulps “I swear to god I’m going to whoop her ass when she opens her eyes”
 Stiles and scott walk into the room that you’re in after getting the number from the nurse at the front desk. “Is she alright?” scott ask the nurse as stiles move towards you.
The nurse sigh “the thing is we don’t know what’s wrong with her?”
Scott frown at that “what do you mean?”
“Someone left her like this at the front of the building the guard saw a car leaving, when we checked her heart was accelerating so fast, we thought she might have tachycardia but she clams down. We tried to wake her up but as you can see, we couldn’t. we run some test for any substance that caused this state but found none. So far, we didn’t find anything that might cause this.”
 “So, she is in some kind of deep asleep” stiles look down at you sleeping away without a worry while he and scott almost had heart attack.
Once the nurse is gone scott take off his jacket and let it rest on the chair that was there walking towards your bed.
“Should we tell her grams?” he asks
Stiles looks at him with an uncertain face “I don’t know, we will just wait for to wake up”
Scott leans in and check your neck and stiles watches carefully “she isn’t bit right?”
“No there is no bite marks or even a scratch” scott expression change into puzzled while stiles sigh in relief.
Scott leans towards your face sniffing he does it few times and stiles face twist uncomfortably “dude you’re being weird”
 His eyes wide mouth hung open “I smell a werewolf on her” stiles mirror his expression; they both look at you with concern.
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