#bad*ss melissa mccall
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kitkatwinchester · 2 years ago
That ending was INSANE, OMG!!!
And you know what, that's actually a better reason than I was expecting and I will totally take it.
I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that, and I liked that sooo much better.
Like, Scott literally bit Liam out of pure panic in a desperate grab to save his life, and it worked! And that's great, and I am all here for that, but now Scott has to, like, process the positives and negatives of what he just did (which INCLUDES Araya Calavera's warning) and, based on his facial expression at the end, I don't think he liked the final outcome.
But you know what, Scott? You saved Liam's life, and that's all that matters. You are still a hero, and--oh my god please don't start turning this into more self-sabotage you really don't need any more reasons to hate yourself.
Besides! Now we just get more additions to our little found family. See? It'll be great!
...please don't feel bad, Scott. Baby you saved his life, okay? Panicked or not, you did the right thing, I promise.
I was right about Sean being the bad thing instead of whatever-the-f*ck-creepy-dude's-name-is being the evil one. Mouthless Creepo (that's what we're calling him until I figure out what I'm actually supposed to call him lol) must be some sort of bounty hunter or monster hunter or something like it. A weird one at that, but definitely a hunter of some sort. He can't just be, like, a general hunter, though, because he left Scott alone, which means he's not after werewolves--or, at least, not until he needs to be. Hence...bounty hunter theory?
I don't know, but he still makes me nervous, and I just hope there doesn't come a day when he decides to come after Scott (but I'm sure there will be, because why else would he be around??).
Also, that was a really random wendigo name drop, but it DOES explain the human meat locker, and now I'm wondering if we'll run into anymore? God I hope not. Wendigos are creepy. And gross. As evidenced by everything that just happened.
Other positives.
Scott popping in and saving Melissa's life was amazing and beautiful as always, and Melissa being the tough as nails mom that she is and immediately getting back up and telling Scott to "go get that son of a bitch." We love her. This is why Scott is as amazing as he is. <3
Stalia is actually super adorable and I love it more and more as we keep going. Like, the moment where Malia tries to get all lovey dovey with him and he tells her to study, but then when Stiles realizes that she color codes in the same way he does (SHE COLOR CODES IN THE SAME WAY HE DOES! That's literally SO CUTE I cannot.), he immediately doesn't care about studying anymore because that makes him love her even more (the way he LOOKS at her I cannot, Dylan O'Brien seriously has the best freaking facial expressions. <3 <3).
Meanwhile, Lydia and Parrish actually kind of have chemistry? And I'm not sure how I feel about that, because I'm pretty sure Lydia is still underage (though, not for much longer, right?), but also, Parrish is a younger cop, so...I don't hate it. Come back to me on that when she's legal. I wouldn't be against it. (Though, again, Stydia is still my OTP, so...anything that happens would have to be temporary until I get my Stydia endgame. XD ;) <3)
Anyways I love how all of our little pack members make connections at around the same time and find different pieces of the puzzle. Right as Lydia was finding the bodies, Stiles was finding her code that matched Mouthless Creepo's stuff that he was typing on the computer, and Lydia's warning gave Scott, who was already at the hospital, JUST enough time to save Melissa and just BARELY save Liam, but he did! He did save them both!
So now we get to add Liam to our little pack family, and we get to deal with ALL of the repercussions that'll come with that, but it'll be worth it, because he's going to be a lovely addition and I am very excited for the Sciles parenting dynamics with Liam.
I said it already, but I'm going to say it again: this is easily in my top five Teen Wolf episodes so far. I feel like everything about it was perfect, and I have no complaints (okay, wait...almost, 'cause I didn't like Sean's acting in the very beginning, but that's not important in the grand scheme of the episode lol) whatsoever. Like, that was just SUCH a solid episode, and it was filled with Sciles moments, and filled with an OFFICIALLY CANONICAL SCIRA, and we got some cute Stalia, and now, we've got a new pack member (we EVEN got some cute Malira in the bleachers during the lacrosse tryouts!! <3).
Really, more than anything, the fact that these episodes are 45 minutes long, but it took me THREE HOURS to watch this one episode because of how long my reactions were and how often I kept going back and re-watching is a pretty good indicator of how much I liked this episode.
Like, I'm trying to think of what other ones have taken me that long to watch (post mid Season 2, because I didn't really start doing reactions until then), and the ones I'm thinking of are 3x6, 3x13, 3x18, and 3x22, which definitely makes sense, because Sciles and Season 3b. So...consider those plus 4x3 my top five episodes so far lol.
But honestly, in general, Season 4 is SOOO good. Like, I loved 3b, with everything I had. I loved Season 3 with everything I had, to be perfectly honest. But frankly, I feel like the show is just getting better, and I am LOVING Season 4 so far. I can't rank it above Season 3b yet, because I'm obviously only a few episodes in, but it's looking REALLY promising. I'm just soooo freaking invested in this season right now, and my heart is just so pleased, and I just...yeah I really loved that episode, and I really love this season.
Since, as I mentioned, watching that ONE EPISODE took me THREE HOURS, it is now way past my bedtime, and I should go to bed. XD
But! I promise, I will watch more tomorrow. And probably Saturday. And probably Sunday.
If I finish Season 4 this weekend, we REALLY have a problem...but honestly, I might. XD
Hmm...pick a gif, any gif.
How about many gifs? XD
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(Oops how did that Sciles gif get in there... Anyways loved that episode!! XD <3 <3 <3)
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sueboohscorner · 8 years ago
#TeenWolf Season 6 Ep 8 "Blitzkrieg" aka 1st Clue
This episode starts out on an ominous note as Mr. Douglas, a uniformed officer in what looks like the Waffen SS, pours scotch into an ice-filled swastika glass at a table with a group of other high-ranking Nazi officials. He addresses the group, saying, "imagine an army not burdened with the weakness of ordinary soldiers [referring to the wild hunt]" He believes that the dead of the wild hunt would be better, stronger, faster soldiers--that they would be an "unstoppable army with power [they] had never seen." When asked how he was going to pull such an army together, Mr. Douglas, who cuts an imposing figure clears the room--literally. Although the other officers at first titter, grumble, clear their throats and converse amongst themselves, they soon turn their attention to Mr. Douglas, only to be killed after expressing doubt and asking questions, their blood spilling across a map of Nazi territory in Europe, save one officer.
Cut to Stiles' bedroom where Sheriff Noah Stilinski lovingly touches Stiles' things, going across to his murder board and setting up pins with connecting threads, ostensibly in order to solve the mystery of Stiles' abduction by the wild hunt. I've said it before and I'll say it again--best. TV Dad. Ever. In a way, Sheriff Stilinski reminds me of my own late Father and that is that mark of a well written character. He reminds us of the people we love. Soon Stiles' room is set up and looking more like what it once did.
Lydia and Scott discuss "the plan," which includes, as Peter so succinctly puts it, rescuing Stiles so that Stiles can come up with a plan. Unfortunately, in order to rescue Stiles and get him through the rift (see my previous recaps and reviews), the pack must have an alpha turn him into a werewolf. There are several implications that must be explored if this is to be a possibility. Firstly, who will Stiles be once he's a wolf? We've already seen void Stiles and it wasn't pretty. Secondly, this will leave the pack dangerously low on humans to help them out with things only humans can do. Thirdly, this will put Stiles right in Peter's crosshairs, which will directly affect Peter's biological daughter, pack member, Malia as well as potentially leading to a situation wherein she never finds another anchor. This will drastically change the group dynamic. And as Peter points out, this is not a well considered plan. Scott is very brave and will do absolutely anything in this world to save his friend. That's admirable. I'm sure Stiles wants to be rescued too! But what will the final cost be? Lydia wants Scott to be rescued at any cost and won't let anyone get in her way. Peter is the main voice of dissent here and he's likely got a darn good point when he suggests that a better plan is "run like hell." Peter has promised to help Malia, but Peter fears that this anti-plan plan will in fact put Malia and himself in more danger. I wonder if Peter won't try to find Malia's Mom or adopted Dad to try and convince her of this one way or another to stop taking what he sees as unnecessary risks...
Melissa and Chris Argent investigate the dead ghost rider and are caught by Mr. Douglas who has no pretensions about being completely evil. He's looking for the hellhound and Chris Argent refuses to help him find Parrish. While Mr. Douglas is about to kill Argent, Melissa McCall volunteers him to help Mr. Douglas. It is clear Argent would rather have died.
  Poor Mason is missing Corey as Hayden drives him to help the pack find Stiles and Corey. Mason looks through Corey's phone to find only pictures of him and Corey within it. Corey loves Mason very much and Mr. Douglas did not want Corey around to mess up whatever Douglas' plans were for the wild hunt (and believe me, he has some). In the mean time, we can bet that Mr. Douglas is going to need some more fresh and tasty pineal glands. That could present a problem for the pack, though it could ultimately be Mr. Douglas' undoing.
The pack finds the rift and while they're keeping Theo prisoner, Theo tells them that Mr. Douglas has already figured out how to find and fight the ghost riders. Luckily for Theo, Theo knows all about Mr. Douglas the zombie Nazi werewolf. Covenient, right? Who's Theo more afraid of? The pack or Mr. Douglas? Mr. Douglas seems like the greater threat right now and the question remains: how much (if at all) did Theo change while he was locked away, being killed over and over and over again by his sister? How many times can someone have their heart ripped out before it changes them? Isn't that the philosophical question...
Theo insists that Liam break Kira's sword and that if he does so, he will share everything he knows about Mr. Douglas with the pack. When Liam finally does, the look in Theo's eyes suggests that he thinks he still has some measure of control over Liam (remember the incident between Liam and Scott when the moon was at its perigee last season?). Theo keeps his word. The moment Liam breaks the sword, Theo shares with the pack that Mr. Douglas is a Löwenmensch, part lion, part werewolf.
Flashback to when Mr. Douglas and the Nazis were searching for the wild hunt. Grenadier Abel, the soldier he spared in the officers' quarters is sent through the breach and into the wild hunt's den once he realizes he can't get in himself. Of course he can get in, but that doesn't work for long and the poor grenadier dies almost immediately, at which point the ghost riders show up and unleash their wrath on Douglas' attaching soldiers. Mr. Douglas really is one heck of a guy. Like Theo, he volunteers everyone else to die before him without a thought. While a case could be made that Theo is a bit of a narcissist or a narcissistic sociopath, Mr. Douglas is a true sociopath. When the rider whips Mr. Douglas, nothing happens. It simply pisses Douglas off. Bad move, ghost rider guy.
Theo says that Mr. Douglas kept looking for a way to make ghost riders into soldiers and that he found three scientists who he felt could help him. Three guesses who those scientists were (see what I did there?). Of course, they didn't help him. They experimented on Mr. Douglas. The cut he received from the ghost rider's whip mixed with the fluid in his tank and made him stronger, a side effect the dread doctors didn't expect. Mr. Douglas was sustained within his tank for all those years and became a werewolf/löwenmensch/ghost rider. Mr. Douglas is fairly unstoppable at this point, a fact that is unfortunate for Argent and Melissa McCall. Once they've found Parrish asleep in his tank, Mr. Douglas makes a move toward Mr. Argent and Melissa. Rather than allow him to kill them or allowing themselves to help him any further, Argent and Melissa whip themselves with the ghost rider's whip and disappear into the train station. Sadly, a ghost rider finds the junior pack members and takes Mason and Hayden too. Hayden sacrifices herself to save Liam, knowing that he will come for her (also, she's a werewolf, so she's got a good chance of being just fine). Liam tried valiantly to save Hayden, but Hayden knew he'd be better off if she sacrificed herself. The last thing Hayden says to Liam is "I believe in you," while Liam tells Hayden "I love you." Hayden instructs Liam to go find Scott so they can start working on the non-plan plan in order to save everyone who needs to be saved. How will Argent and Melissa be saved? We will have to find that out later.
While Lydia, Scott and Malia try to get through the supernatural rift and a wall of steel, Mr. Douglas comes up behind them...to "help." This Nazi zombie werewolf guy is a real piece of work. Sheriff Stilinski tries to explain to his figment wife that their son is real. She doesn't believe him (obviously) and it is now only a matter of time before she disappears. She won't even set foot in the room until the Sheriff convinces her to. Once she does, she tells Sheriff Stilinski that there's nothing there and so he sees nothing. Rather than it having the desired effect, I think Sheriff Stilinski might be coming to the realization that his wife Claudia is a figment of his imagination.
 Back to the pack waiting at the rift, Mr. Douglas and the hellhound wait to help the pack get into the rift. Liam runs up to Scott and tells him the truth about Mr. Douglas and Scott, being the hero that he is, stands in front of the rift to protect it from Mr. Douglas. When the pack tell Mr. Douglas that he is a bad guy and they won't help him, Mr. Douglas asks when things have ever been that black and white and Liam answers "World War II. He was a Nazi." One of the things I've always loved about Teen Wolf is the fact that real life lessons can be learned from the stories that play out here for those who pay enough attention. Parrish makes it to the rift and opens a door for himself and Mr. Douglas. They go through and two ghost riders come out, but are they there to hurt or help the pack?
 Sheriff Stilinski confronts wife, Claudia. He knows that she isn't real. He is ready to let her go. He shows her the last picture he took of her and Stiles together on her last good day before she died. His memories of Stiles are coming back and overpowering his projection of Claudia. He tells Claudia the story of how she died and she disappears. Noah Stilinski feels the loss so deeply that he cries while staring at the picture. As he cries, a light shines behind him. It appears that a rift is opening up. Did he bring Stiles back himself, simply by remembering him?
 As Malia and Scott fight the wild hunt, Peter jumps in and saves them. He is taken once again. Is Peter genuinely capable of being selfless or is this just a way for him to connect with Mr. Douglas and fall back into his old ways? Liam and Lydia realize that if Lydia is around, the wild hunt will not take her or those with her. The ghost riders are afraid of Lydia and her powers. Could Lydia be the way to defeat the wild hunt?
Scott sits at home with Malia, trying to reach his Mom on the phone over and over again, while still fully aware that his Mom is gone. She's been taken by the wild hunt. Malia comforts him while Liam and Lydia tell him how the ghost riders behaved around her. Lydia says they showed her reverence. While the pack is discussing what to do next as the last people left in Beacon Hills, Sheriff Stilinski comes in and tells the pack that he has a son and that his name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski and that he couldn't pronounce his name when he was a little boy. He tells them what he remembers, and he tells the pack that he is there to help because of Stiles, his goofball son, dragged Scott into the woods to see a dead body and started everything in so doing. Apparently, the Sheriff caught a glimpse of Stile's when the rift opened for a moment. He is now ready to do anything and everything within his power to get Stiles back. He has given the pack a way to open the rift anywhere and at any time by remembering Stiles--remembering everything. My question is where is Theo in all of this? 
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kitkatwinchester · 2 years ago
I feel like that was honestly the closest we have ever come.
Holy F*CK.
Thank GOD for Satomi.
Thank GOD for Deaton.
Thank GOD for Derek.
Thank GOD for Melissa.
Thank GOD for Rafael.
Thank GOD for Stiles.
Thank GOD for Kira.
Also I'm really freaking hoping that Malia is just storming away because she's mad that nobody told her and not mad because she's gonna leave Stiles and leave the pack, because that would be all kinds of messed up and make me all kinds of mad.
Really, I'm guessing she's just hurt that nobody told her.
But Stiles, of course, is going to assume that he lost her forever, which sucks for his mental state, ESPECIALLY after everything they just went through.
But I'm sure she'll come back.
She HAS to come back?
Order of events, because this time I can do that and STILL END with that AMAZING SCILES MOMENT!!!
Freaking Rafael ex-machina oh my GOD. That man is seriously following his redemption arc full force and as far as I'm concerned, REDEEMED. ALL THE CHECKMARKS! REDEEMED, SIR!! (Also quick aside, Satomi is a f*cking bad*ss. Anyways.)
The way that Stiles was clearly soooo terrified, but used his humor to put up that mask, solely because he would never, EVER betray his friends, no matter what.
But then the way he flinches, just slightly, as "The Chemist" (as IMDb dubs him) is about to hit three...
And okay, between the scene with Malia, and how freaking close to getting shot he really was, and then the GUNSHOT SOUND--
Yeah I was genuinely terrified that Stiles was gonna die, and I KNOW he's in future episodes, but my heart didn't care.
But THANK GOD for Rafael, because THERE HE F*CKING WAS!
And Stiles was shaking, and terrified, and clearly anxious, but he was so quick to recenter himself and focus up and hear and process what Rafael was saying (thank GOD for Melissa with that phone call we love you! <3) and he RAN SO F*CKING FAST TO SAVE HIS FRIENDS!!
The way that Stiles books it and just screams and shouts even as he runs, hoping Scott can hear him.
The way Scott is on the other side, trying to get himself to stand up, trying to get himself to hear what Stiles is saying, trying to do what he's asking him.
The way that Stiles just keeps shouting, begging for Scott to answer, banging on the door, and even though Malia's in there, and Kira's in there, the ONLY PERSON that Stiles is thinking about is SCOTT.
The way that Stiles just starts banging and screaming and pushing with EVERYTHING HE HAS because SCOTT'S NOT ANSWERING and STILES ISN'T THERE and he CAN'T GET IN and HIS BEST FRIEND IS DYING and there's NOTHING HE CAN DO.
The way he just collapses to the ground, defeated, thinking he failed, thinking he lost his best friend, thinking it's all his fault.
The way the camera pans to Scott, on the other side of the room, in the EXACT SAME POSITION on the ground, because even when they're separated, they're still in sync, and still together, and still have each other's backs—literally and figuratively.
The way that we get a little bit of Scira with Kira's voice finally bringing Scott out of it and getting him to get up and try.
The way that Scott finally gets enough strength to pull out his TRUE ALPHA powers and use his werewolf sight to find the jar and knock it to the ground and SAVE THEM ALL.
The way Stiles stands up in hopeful surprise when the vault door finally opens, and then he stands there staring at Scott as if he doesn't believe it.
The way Stiles is minutes away from tears, and Scott is minutes away from death, and they just lock eyes and stare at each other, reveling in the fact that they're both OKAY, and they're both ALIVE, and they're both HERE, with EACH OTHER.
The way that Stiles just shakes his head and grabs Scott's shoulder, making sure he's really there, before moving that hand to Scott's face so gently in a "you're okay".
The way that Scott just stares at him, trying so hard to catch his breath, but so clearly grateful that he has Stiles here with him.
The way that Stiles finally shakes his head and almost rolls his eyes at how ridiculous this whole thing is, and how CLOSE they came to losing each other, brushing off the terror and horror in the only way he knows how--with sarcasm and sass.
The way that, when all is said and done, even as Scott's holding on to Kira, when Malia walks away, Scott just looks over at Stiles in the upmost concern, because he realizes that Malia knows, and he KNOWS how much her walking away hurts his best friend.
The way that these two would go to the ends of the earth and back for each other and would destroy anyone and anything they had to for each other I just...
YOU WERE RIGHT, @slice-of-magenta!!!
MY BOYS!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
God what an episode.
That is 100% going in the top five, EASILY.
Because that was SUCH an emotional ride, and it all culminated in some amazing Sciles, and I was here for it the WHOLE WAY!! <3 <3
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(I couldn't find any gifs of the reunion scene, but I did find this, and it has ALL the emotion and ALL the worry and I JUST CANNOT WITH THESE TWO THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND WOULD LITERALLY DIE WITHOUT EACH OTHER I CAN'T! :'( <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)
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