#bad cottage core.
dabblingreturns · 6 months
Today in a fit of spring spirit and also a lack of clean clothes....I have attempted cottage core.....
And it's comfy as fuck....but the voice of my maternal* godmother before me are hissing in my ears....."you need to iron that" and they are correct....
*my paternal formothers just started wearing clothes that didn't need to be ironed as soon as they could because they had more important things to worry about.
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diamondstripe1 · 1 month
i wanna be a home for people!! and i want my house to be as well!! craving cookies? i just made some, they're in that frog-shaped cookie jar by the stove. feeling crafty? come to my mini art studio and see what you can make with the bits and bobs. wanna feed the birds? i got a birdfeeder made out of an old teacup you can refill. need a comfy place to sleep? the guest room is wide open, with an 'overnight basket' and enough cushions to make a nest with. on your period? not a problem, got some homemade pads and tampons in the bathroom, plus some pain relief i just picked up. need a binder? i got plenty in the closet- i don't need or use them, but someone else might. feeling hot? let me turn on the fan and make you some homemade juice. i just want to be a home.
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achaotichuman · 5 months
Actually, I think Elain and Lucien have a cottage right smack bang in the point where Summer, Autumn and Spring join up. And the house is split into thirds, each being affected by the different seasons. The Autumn side it all reds, oranges, dark woods and dead leaves. The Spring side is all green, blooming flowers and smelling of sweet new beds. And the Summer side is all white and smells like tropical fruit.
And they live there and Elain has a garden split into three that wraps around the entire house, they have a wrap around porch and three sets of rocking chairs at each season depending on where they want to sit at sunset. All the sunsets look different in each seasonal sky.
And they have three dogs that continuously run around the house, delighted by the changes in season, and a cat that sits contently on Elain's lap.
And they just wake up stress free every lazy morning, and have walks through each season. And sometimes they travel to different continents, and other Courts to explore and visit their friends, but ultimately they go home to their little secluded spot where it's just them and their happy little world.
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nyankoizumi · 2 years
Smart boi suit this denim that what about blowing up my dashboard with drawings of red guy in this fit
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Like he even has like his hair a bit curly i refuse to believe that's just how the stop motion doll looks he did his hair like that himself and he is rocking that cottage core.... Old grandma fit please everyone listen to me
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the-crimson · 1 year
Gosh I’m just so incredibly torn. This reveal today was amazing and I genuinely have no idea what is going to happen next.
There were so many things about the visit that just felt… off but at the same time it was so sweet and great to see and I’d love for this to be real. It kind of felt like a dream and now I’m wishing for the dream to never end.
All this has got me thinking of two things cc!bbh said recently. 1- the lore is gonna get even more unhinged soon and 2- there is something no one has picked up on that he’s been hinting at for a while
I think the thing people haven’t been paying attention to is the massive head wound under his hood that is causing the change in his eye color. This wound is probably the source of his memory loss and the hallucinations and the longer it goes unchecked, the worse both are going to get. When bad took his hood off the other day to wear the meature I almost had a heart attack because I wanted foolish to see the wound in his head SO BAD because it feels so incredibly important.
We know Bad’s memory loss is getting worse. Regardless of whether or not Ron is real, Bad made this house and he doesn’t remember. Bad said on stream (in character) that he was building a new place for Ron before Ron’s fate became a mystery but now, bbh doesn’t remember. That’s weeks ago that he’s forgetting things - before the break, before something happened to Ron.
The paranoia spiral could have been a one off psychological break or it could have been the damn breaking and the start of even more hallucinations. Ron could be a hallucination created out of Bad’s guilt for either killing him or losing him. Bad’s previous hallucinations were born from fear and paranoia and thus were terrifying. This hallucination could be born from guilt and the sorrow of Dapper’s birthday passing- as Ron was acting very similar to Dapper in many ways and Bad even pointed out how the plants outside reminded him of Dapper and thus the hallucinations were much more pleasant.
His memory is getting worse. I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if his hallucinations get worse as well.
But I’m not fully convinced this is a hallucination either. What ever path cc!bbh takes us down I’m confident will be a satisfying and gripping story and I can’t wait for tomorrow to gain another piece of the puzzle.
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lolsonic-idk-man · 6 months
Talk to Me: Chapter 4
Chap1, Chap2, Chap3, Chap5, Chap6
I was writing chapter 4 of Talk to Me yesterday and it was over 6000 words there was still a lot more I wanted to write so I cut it, and now chapter 4 is done and just under 4000 words and chapter 5 is halfway done.
Anyway, there is now going to be 6 in total chapters unless I manage to do something else...
I'm sorry IT TOOK SO LONG! (@sfdsds)
It was nothing large this year, just your average raid with a few more people added to the mix. Which was a good thing considering Dream's mental state. Nightmare had told his men to keep the rest of the Stars busy as he attempted to speak with Dream. 
He had also pulled some of the strings he had on some AUs that used him for protection or supplies. It was at times like this that Nightmare was glad that he had allowed for trade between some of the more negative AUs, they owed him to some extent and they all knew it.
The reason he had to ask them to fulfill their debt today was because everyone in the Omega Timeline knew Nightmare always planned something larger on the 21st of December, (it being their birthday after all.) So they prepped their own forces to defend, gathering as many as were willing to volunteer, which was a lot.
So it was best if Nightmare had his own army.
The AU they would attack was a fairly close copy to the original that leaned into the more positive side of the spectrum, perfect for acting like he was trying to do damage. It wouldn't really though, Error would probably get to the AU soon after, and it would be like nothing happened.
Nonetheless, the Stars showed up shortly after they started.
His men quickly took to making sure Blue and whoever else was working with the Stars that day were busy, and it seemed like Ink and Error decided it was better to watch today. Although fairly ironic. You'd think at least the Protector would join.
Regardless, Nightmare had managed to engage Dream in a timely manner. And Dream had not kid. His movements were slowed, so much so that Nightmare would more often than not have to miss him purposely. Which in turn made it harder than it should have been to herd him into a more secluded area, but nonetheless Nightmare had done it.
By the time they got to an open area in the Snowdin forest, not a single word had been spoken between the two, any of the forced glow in Dream's eye-lights had disappeared and was replaced with a stare that begged Nightmare to end it.
Nightmare let his tentacles return to his back as Dream struggled to hold his bow with his dwindling will and stared at his brother.
" I would like to speak with you Dream. "
Confusion seeped into his eye-lights as he tried to keep them trained on Nightmare. " What? "
Nightmare fixed his poster, " I, would like to speak with you Dream, and properly figure some things out. " Dream merely continued to stare but with the addition of anxiety. " More specifically about what has happened in that little apartment of yours. "
His eye-lights disappeared at the menchen. " How did you- what does it matter? "
" I've heard a multitude of things over the past few weeks, " His brother's arms drop. " And I would like to… start apologizing, for… the many things I've done. "
His bow dropped into the snow and he started to laugh. " You're sorry!? WHY!? Why would you be sorry? Do you want to get my hopes up just so that you can pour water on it? I'm sorry to tell you but I don't think that will work if you haven't noticed I'm at my end. " His arms slowly wrapped around him as he started to tremble, crooked smile still there. " You've been watching, I'm sure you know I'm giving up, so do whatever you want! Kill me, trap me in an overly negative AU, do whatever! I won't fight it. " Dream fell to the ground, curled into a ball, and weakly muttered. " Do whatever. "
Nightmare did this.
" I wish to speak with you. I wish to speak about your side of the story, what's going through your skull, voluntarily, not because you're having a panic attack and muttering it aloud. "
Dream barely looked over his arms and stared Nightmare down with dead eye-lights before sighing, " Fine, my side. My side was me being a quivering fool by listening and helping the villagers even after I saw them hurt him. "
Dream couldn't even say his name.
" I couldn't do my damned job and because of it he's gone and our AU is dead. "
" You were scared. "
" I shouldn't have been. "
" We were children. "
" And I was the Guardian of Positivity. "
" That was a role that was never meant for a child. "
" Yet it was given to one. "
" It doesn't change the fact that a child never should have had the responsibility. "
" WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING ME!? " Dream snapped. " I failed! It was my fault! What's with the sudden change? For seven years you tell me how it was my fault, and now it's not!? And as if you'd just forgive me! So what do you want? What do you want if you don't want me dead? "
A moment of silence.
" I want to make a truce, I want to try and rebuild the bridge I burned so many years ago, I wish to ask for forgiveness, but I do not expect any of it. For that is up to you. "
" Why should I trust you? Why should I trust anyone? Everything I've ever been told in our old AU was a lie. The villagers lied about nearly everything, he lied to me. Even today people use me. Some of the Omega Timeline's council try to get me to do their shit for them, even some of the people from the Omega Timeline! And I couldn't even realize it until Cross Brought it up! " His arms flung above his head to exaggerate the sentence. " I've been used from the start and I'm still being used now, and I can't tell if I am myself. So if I can't even trust myself why in the world should I trust you? "
" Well, you seem to already trust my word about your brother being gone. "
" Sort of hard not to when presented with such compelling evidence. "
" What if I forged it? "
" Then I am more naive than I thought. "
" And if I invited you to my castle for a nicer setting for this conversation would you? "
Dream takes a glimpse of the area and himself, " With where I am I do not see why not. "
Nightmare nodded and turned to open a portal, Dream was still, " Are you coming? "
Without a word, his brother stood up and walked through the tare in reality, not hesitating in the slightest.
Nightmare's tentacles dragged in the snow as he walked after Dream.
On the opposite side of the portal was a room made of the same stone as the rest of his palace, dimly lit by torches and the fireplace. The room had a wide range of furniture, from the bean bag Error demanded for his visits, the silk couch that his goop had stained more times than he was willing to admit, the RGB TV Killer begged for, and a coffee table made with bulletproof glass, even then it was replaced once a week.
Dream stood a few feet ahead of Nightmare, dumbfounded.
" Yes, I'm aware I should never let my man decorate again. " The negative Gaurdian groaned. " But on other matters, I need to call back my man. Sit wherever you desire, except the bean bag, Error will kill me if I let anyone else touch it. "
His brother gave a small nod but no move to sit down. With a sigh, Nightmare went to call the retreat.
After a little more than an hour of sorting monsters into their appropriate AUs and drilling into Killer's skull that he was not allowed to bother Dream, he returned to where said skeleton was radiating anxiety from the middle of the couch.
To be honest anyone could tell just by his body language, and the fact that Nightmare could sense it made it even more prominent. Which was odd. Normally Nightmare couldn't sense how Dream was feeling due to his positive aura hiding his feelings. Making the situation worrying.
Nightmare pushed him to this point.
" Dream. " the golden guardian jolted, turning to face his brother.
" Y- yes? " He stuttered.
In complete honesty, the dark guardian did not know what he was supposed to do. Dream was now in his place, his castle, his home, sitting on his couch as a guest instead of standing in a field of dust and blood prepared to fight with his life, and for the lives of the ones still standing.
How Nightmare had failed to realize how awkward this would be was astonishing. " I would assume you would like a tour of the palace? Or perhaps you would like some food to replenish yourself? " He gestured to the large doors in the room.
Hesitating, Dream nodded.
Understanding that his brother also had no idea what to do in the situation. He returned the action, pulled out his phone, and sent Horror a text requesting some sort of treat be set up in the dining room for when they arrived.
Placing his phone back in his inventory he turned his gaze to Dream once more, who was now standing a few feet away from him, and seemed to think the floor was the most interesting thing in the world.
Excepting the fact that there was not going to be a conversation Nightmare started the tour. " I suppose the best place to start would be here, wouldn't it? We are in the north wing, the area of the place made for more calm recreation. I am sure you've figured out this is the living room, although rarely used by anyone other than me. Other areas such as the library and kitchen will be found here as well. "
With that being said Nightmare led Dream out of the room, down a few halls, naming every meaning full room, and into the west wing, which had turned into an area his men used to train and do anything they wanted without breaking any valuable. Guests were not allowed to go there if they wanted to live because Nightmare's gang did not watch out for anyone when training.
Dream remained soundless.
The South wing was compressed of storage and where more serious business was taken care of.
" What sort of ' business '" Dream's vow of silence ended.
" How do you think I filled my castle furnishing? " He turned to face the golden guardian. " I run an extensive trading system between some of the more negative AUs. It serves me well and was fairly good at boosting positivity when it was needed during your absence. "
" Ah. " Dream shrunk.
Perhaps that last part was unnecessary. Regardless the tour continued.
The last place for the tour was the East Wing, the East Wing was where the sleeping quarters were. Nightmare pointed to where all of his subordinate's rooms were, his own, and where Dream's room would be.
Although once shown his room it was apparent he wanted to disappear inside it, alas, Horror had already prepared food, and Nightmare knew better than to leave it untouched.
" Horror made food for your visit, you can hide after you've eaten. You need to get something down your hatch anyway. "
After deflating a little and a realization of some sort, (most likely that he hadn't eaten for a while now.) he nodded and allowed Nightmare to lead him to the dining room.
The walk was no different than the rest of the time they had had together, the only sound heard was the sound of their footsteps.
Apon arrival the first thing they saw was (Instead of food) Horror with a tray above his head and the gremlin Killer, trying to worm his way out of Horror's other arm.
" Come on! I'm just gonna have one! Is that really that bad? " He wined as he attempted to escape his captor's arm.
" Nightmare wanted them for Dream. You can have whatever is left, " the large skeleton granted.
" Booooooo! " Horror adjusted his hold on Killer and threw him over the table. " ACK- "
The plater was placed by the head of the table, " They're here anyway, ya won't have to wait long. "
" Oh, HEY BOSS! " Killer shouted pulling himself off the ground and waving. " and Dream. "
Not amused by the spectacle the dark guardian massaged the bridge of his nasal cavity, took his place at the head of the table, pulled out Killer's seat with his tentacles, and motioned for Dream to take it.
The chair's normal seater let out a loud offended gasp, stopping Dream from even considering taking a seat. " Boss! You wouldn't! "
" But I have, Dream, you may seat yourself, " He motioned to the chair again.
The confused and anxiety-filled guardian took a second trying to register the situation as Killer grumbled on his way to the seat on the other side. A moment longer before he quickly shuffled to the chosen seat.
With all of the dramatics out of the way Nightmare- " Horror please explain to me why there are ten bags of chips on a silver platter. "
" Had ta make sure there was flavor Dream would like, " The giant released a deep chuckle.
Holding a groan, " You couldn't have made anything… " What was a good way to put it? " with more effort? "
" Nah, I'm workin' on dinner. Couldn't waste too much time on a snack. "
The groan had its freedom, " Very well, I expect something of exceptional quality tonight Horror. "
" Nothing less boss, " Really Horror. 'Nothing less,' Nightmare ought to strangle him. He couldn't though, Horror had already made his way out of the dining hall.
Dream had taken to looking at the chips and back to Nightmare, playing a game of ping pong with his eye-lights. A game that would only end when he got an answer of whether or not he could eat the chips.
With a sigh, the dark guardian nodded and messaged the rige of his nasal cavity.
Sweat formed on his twin's skull as he slowly reached past the Doritos for the classic lays, continuing to stare Nightmare down as if he'd change his mind at any given moment.
" Just take a damned chip bag. " Killer whines from his board form. " Boss doesn't bite. Plus I want some chiiiips! "
" Killer! " A glare threatening his removal from his boss and from Dream a look that desperately wants to say something about 'Boss doesn't bite.'
As Killer grumbled his defeat and leaned back into his chair with his arms crossed, Dream grabbed a bag and took to quietly eating it.
Not much more happened in that evening, Killer ran off with the entire plater when Dream did not reach for another bag of chips. When it was offered that Dream gets comfortable with his room he eagerly agreed. So Nightmare left him to be alone till dinner. However, feeling Dream's anxiety spike led to a change of plans. Nightmare was not about to force his brother to join them, he wanted him to feel comfortable, and have a choice in his endeavors here, or when he wanted to leave. So the offer that Horror or someone else brought a surviving of dinner to him was made, and with it, Dream's anxiety withered.
The following days happened the same. Dream would stay in his room, and someone would bring him food, sometimes attempting a conversation, only to be met with the silence of a room that felt empty or if they were lucky a hum.
It was exceptionally worrying.
The matter only became worse with how he could feel Dream's anxiety rise over time.
So a plan to get Dream out and about or just to help soothe him was devised.
Shortly after breakfast had been served, and Dream ate in his room once more, Nightmare knocked on his door and announced, " I hoped that you would join us this morning, and as you didn't I've decided we're going furniture shopping. "
A few beats of silence before the door opened slightly revealing dimly lit yellow eye-lights and a very confused stare. " What? "
" You need to get out and get some form of positivity, and with how much Ink drones on about nearly everything, I know fully well that this room is not your usual style nor the most comforting to you. Seeing as you do not plan to leave I figure your room ought to be set up for your comfort. "
A few blinks and silence was all Nightmare was met with.
" Get ready we will be leaving in 30 minutes, " With that, he nodded, walked away, and did his best to ignore Dream's confused panic.
Once the time had passed Nightmare made his presence known to Dream, before opening the door regardless if he answered or not.
Inside the golden guardian sat on his bed twitling his thumbs, wearing the outfit he wore for battle, and probably other formalities required of him by the Omega Timeline. Unexpected to say the least. Nightmare would have expected him to take one of the more casual options his boys collected for him. He supposed it was better than the white t-shirt and short shorts Dream had taken to wearing.
" Good to see that you did more than mope in your room. " Dream looked like he wanted to say something about the snarky greeting, but then realized that he had been moping in his room for the past four days. " Thought so, but let us be on our way. "
Walking through the newly formed portal and making sure Dream actually followed, they arrived in an odd AU, to say the least.
Nightmare deemed himself Lucky to have even found this AU. Its entire concept is practically the same as the original AU, just with an obsession with furniture. When Nightmare had found it it had been tilted towards the negative side of the spectrum because the humans of their world much longer than most AUs to fall into the underground, and monsters had started to lose hope of escape.
Though, through Nightmare's trading system they made it till the human fell and got them to the surface, and shockingly let them stay without any RESETS. It truly is an odd AU. But it served its purpose.
Stepping out of his portal and into an alleyway only to make sure one who did not know him did not see him come through.
He quickly made his way into the streets of an open mall-like area, mainly full of shops that had different styles of furniture, and had quite a number of Humans and monsters wandering the lots.
Dream stood close behind Nightmare trying to figure out what sort of AU this was. " Uh, where are we? "
" I'm unsure of its name, " – it's as if the creator of it made it quick just for a single quick plot point. – " But it is the reason my castle is well furnished. "
Dream stared a bit bewildered at Nightmare, " Didn't Ink make your place? "
Ah, it seemed Ink had told Dream how he had made Nightmare's home. " Indeed, but I had to manage him as he made it so that it wouldn't turn into whatever monstrosity he had planned. So you think I would let him furnish the place as well? "
" I won't deny Ink is a bit… hectic? " he looked away and sweat formed on his skull as he tried to make Ink sound like less than a sugar-high child who was given expensive art supplies and permission to do whatever he wanted with them, yes that includes eating it.
" Indeed, and from what he's told me, you took to, erm, ' Cottagecore ' for your choices in decor. " Nightmare had to look into that term to figure out what on earth Ink was talking about.
" Yes, that is how Ink described my house to me… " His eye-lights avoided contact with Nightamre's as he stood stiff.
Not wanting to live in the silence that followed Nightmare continued to the story that he had chosen for the trip, thankful that he didn't have to drag Dream, as he heard the clop of Dream's boots trying to catch up to him shortly after he walked away.
The shop Nightmare had set his eye-light apon was just up an escalator and past three other shops, so the walk should have been quick.
That didn't stop the monsters who recognized The Guardian of Negativity from stopping them to giving thanks or asking questions about Dream who had slipped his smiling mask on again, trying desperately to act like he was fine.
After a few minutes of shoving through the monsters, the few humans who got swept in by the crowd or were curious to know what the gathering was about, answered the same question " Why are you here with Dream? " who knows how many times, they finally made it to their goal.
  Looking through one of the windows from the shop he could see a small dining room set up centered around a soft desaturated green, white, and light brown with a plastic vine plant of some sort draped over the edge of the table. The other window had a living room scene the main colors being nearly the same. The only difference is the soft desaturated yellow instead of the green.
Inside the shop the walls were lined with transparent pictures of different furniture one could purchase, separated by actual furnishing of varying designs.
Nightmare went to convey how large of a purchase he would be making to the monster at the counter after assuring his brother he could choose whatever he wanted.
He was not kidding when he said it would be a " large purchase. " The bedrooms of his palace had waiting rooms that were filled with seating, and the inside of the room itself was massive. It could hold its own living area, office, and gym, every room even had its own bathroom. One could fit nearly anything they wanted in those rooms. Nightmare had placed a library of his favorite books in his own so that he would be able to retrieve them without having to traverse the castle for them.
Knowing just how nervous Dream was his brother paid close attention to how he was feeling and what he was looking at. Taking note of the different amounts of affection and intrigue to different pieces, to then be scared away by the price.
Maybe an hour of looking – for cheap stuff – Dream found a few that fit whatever budget he had set up in his own head. Only for Nightmare to grab a few more of the ones Dream had taken a liking to. " You need not worry about the prices Dream, we need to fill your room anyway. "
The golden guardian said nothing as he watched his brother buy a stupendous amount of furniture. So much so that it was to be picked up in a week.
Once bought, Nightmare considered offering to get lunch in Fluffytale, a quant AU mainly known for the cat cafe run by the sans of the AU or Ccino, (Nightmare may hate cats but the coffee was worth it,) but After a look at Dream decided against it. Dream was already confused as a fish out of the water just from Nightmare's actions thus far.
Walking through his portal into the main living area as it had become customary to arrive there, only this time instead of the room being empty or dust napping on one of the couches, Killer and a skeleton wearing a complicated black and white uniform decorated with straps that make X's. 
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sparkles-and-trash · 5 months
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Upgraded the little world outside my apartment door! 🌱🌸
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badnewlifesmpideas · 1 year
(Possible spoilers if you haven't seen Scott's newest episode!)
Since Scott is now a fungal mage, here's some random hcs i thought of
the only thing he can eat is bone meal (ik he can't eat anything but this sounds both funny and extremely worrying)
looking at the reason why he's at 8 hearts, he's a lot more frail/weaker than his transporter self
B i g mushroom hat (look, i just think it would be cool)
his footsteps have small patches of mycelium that dissapear a few minutes later
If he stands at a certain area for a while, small mushrooms start to grow nearby
his grave (aka where transporter scott died) is covered in different kinds of fungi. The fungi ended up growing so much that it covered the name on the gravestone
he does small dashes/spourous relocation a lot out of habit from being a transporter. Sometimes he tries doing things like swapping places with entities/setting up waypoints for teleporting only to realize he's no longer a transporter
new fear developed: a fear of falling :D (sometimes freezes on spot, even if it was just a small fall)
Yeah you can probably tell who i watch the most
I literally love all of these ideas so much! Scott is one of my favs to watch bro.
Also the big mushroom hat is practically cannon there's np denying it now. But if he hate bone meal, would he be a cannibal in a way or no? (if it was coming from 'people'). Genuine questions I've been asking myself..
-Vicktor (Sorry for being a bit late)
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multilore · 1 year
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from left to right: otter (deceased), asra, bad boy, and kai.
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from left to right: lynx,  sunny,  yeehaw,  and cottage.
official luz references are done,  please don’t repost without permission thanks!
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isaarne · 4 months
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more inspo from my previous gouache painting, I love this magical momment in spring.
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maddy-ferguson · 7 months
i hate that "girlhood" is used to talk about idk the essence of being a woman the universal experiences that all women (girls) share (usually makeup and idk shopping and being bad at math i guess) instead of idk the experience of growing up as a girl lmao
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mcchonkyart · 1 year
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now that i’m in my 30’s i realize my dream life is to be mother bear
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wowbright · 2 years
Tumblr is such a weird place. I love how accepting people here are in general. But there are also a handful of odd/untrue/harmful takes that I see here over and over and feel personally painful to me every time I read them. And I'm getting really sick of it.
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sheisjustagirl · 1 month
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quadruple-a · 1 year
Do any of you ever get that feeling where you just wanna completely rearrange your life and go live in the mountains, in a cosy little town and where you can wear sweaters all the time?
Like is there a word for that or is that just me?
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elfenerbe · 2 years
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style is more about being yourself
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