#bad Larry takes
peachy-doodles · 2 years
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ngl have actually been thinking abt them having a stupid adventure through Paldea a lot over the past weeks ever since i started drawing Larrisms.
like...could you imagine. 
Emmet having traveled the globe looking for Ingo and is wearing himself thin, finally lands in Paldea and is rushing around asking locals if they’ve seen anything and learning history and stuff. 
Ends up crashing into Larry and has his favourite shirt ruined and its just enough to break the whole damn. Befriending Larry through their mutual awkwardness and similar manerisms and just how. NORMAL. He seems in comparison to everything else going on in his life- he asks him for more information on the region since he lives there and its just nice for Emmet to have someone tag along who doesnt know who he is for a change and to not have someone constantly badgering him about his past and things he’d rather leave behind...
would be a funny friendship dynamic i thinke :)
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souenkun · 2 months
I loooove the jp fandom's headcanon that geeta and larry are childhood friends who met during their time in the academy and, sometime in the future, geeta personally recruited larry to work for the paldean pokemon league, as she must be one of the first people who knew of his prowess in pokemon battling! Like yeah, the whole geeta being a "strict boss who is frustrated by larry's stubborn insistence to be an average worker that she has to assign him different workloads just to broaden his horizon" idea is intriguing, but stepping it up a notch by making geeta be the "best friend a.k.a the only one who has seen larry at his very best and his very worst, and knows for a fact that he could excel at anything he put his mind into if he steps out of his comfort zone, so she doesn't particularly drag him out of said zone, but pushes him out of it each time she can because she can't bear to see her best friend be unaware of the good chances and positive things that awaits him out there, not if she has a (small) say in it" is also downright hilarious 😭🤚
#it's happened to me before which is why i think this headcanon isn't very far-fetched! it's actually so big-brained even lmaooo 😭😭😭#like. i happened to befriend a stupidly genius in high school and she's why i got into a reputable uni in the first place. she dragged me t#study even when i was never in the mood and look at what it did to my high school grades! look at the strict habits that got me through uni#it's also kinda like when you're isolating yourself after a bad breakup and your friend has to physically drag you out to eat. maybe to get#piss drunk as well. all because they know that it's better to have company than to rot alone in your room with your thoughts... you get me?#that's geeta and larry in my eyes. larry's whole line about sticking to flat well-trodden path isn't about making him a famous trainer to#inspire paldea (geeta's whole goal). it's just to show larry that there are other good things too if he takes a peek outside!#and at the end of the day geeta meant well with that advice. that all she wants is for larry to see more of the world than what he's used t#which... idk. i think it's just more heartwarming to think of that advice coming from a friend! even if said friend is also your strict bos#also makes larry's quiet fuming even funnier LMAOOOO 😭😭😭 sometimes you have to suck it up and endure your besties' whims#but this is not a silly and whimsical whim. this is straight-up corporate whim. larry's not surprised he ended up patrolling area zero 🤣#if you've read this far and wanna see jp fanart of them on pixiv i can refer them to you privately! all of them are lovely and heartwarming#champion geeta#gym leader larry#elite four larry#pokemon#pokemon scarlet and violet#pokemon scarvio#scarvio#paldea
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taw-k · 4 months
People thirsting over president Loki act like there's showers in the void
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crispy-ghee · 5 months
i'm fuckin convinced that I would not want to be friends with like 98% of the Larry Bird fans who leave comments on youtube.
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demi-rxndxm-stxff · 15 days
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Shriggy holding baby Nyx (My lampnold fanchild) :]
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Larry cause I love the design I drew for him and him in general
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My sugarcube, Kelly! (aka special one) --- And a closer look at Nyx-
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He's a firefly and has four arms like his papa Shriggy. He also has stars on his body like Larry.
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A gift for @i-have-no-idea-for-name !! I drew Star in my style! I like how it turned out tbh!
Man, it's been a while since I posted art on here. But I hope this makes up for it! I'll give a more detailed explanation on Nyx later!
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charcadett · 2 years
thinking about how in larry’s little blurb before you fight his gym hes described as “not the best rated worker” which is so funny to me. larry packing his briefcase a guzzling coffee just to go into his office job and play minecraft his entire shift.
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squidyyy23 · 1 year
Non-transferable! You are so right!
Here's an idea, just go with me here...
What if, instead of getting out for overcrowding, Mickey really gets out of jail (juvie) because of Ralph.
The possibilities of this idea is making me look at shit differently
oh auds, i am going with you.
the thought of baby mickey having this guardian angel bail bondsman? ACGGGH is sooo right!
this dude's family has been bailing out milkoviches for generations. he's given up on the lot of them but something about mickey is different. he doesn't deserve to get dragged into the mess he was born in to. he deserves a shot at getting out. so he secretly bails mickey out whenever he can (wouldn't want the others to know and come looking for favors).
he lost track of mickey when he fucked off to mexico. always wondered what happened to the kid. disappointed he wasn't able to make more a difference. and was so happy when he finally came back, all happy and settled down. was honored to be invited to the wedding and cheered the loudest. ian's all "who the fuck is that guy" and mickey's just like "meh, just an old family friend" but makes sure to stop by table for a big ole hug.
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wewerebornsextuplets · 4 months
Is there any news of a s4 do u know? I remember thinking s2 and then 3 wasnt even possible let alone a movie but they proved me wrong every time so i keep holding out hope!
UH i believe in 2022 there was confirmation that one was in Progress (iirc it was from a staff member, I think a storyboarder or someone else?) via some tweets, but I don't remember the specifics so i could very well be wrong. ill double check when i get the chance and come back to you on this 🫡
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abluescarfonwaston · 4 months
Writing Mia is like: She is kind and smart and holds everything close to the chest and refuses to show her pain and is so So angry inside but she Can't be angry because then she's just as bad as Morgan and she Refuses to be. She can't be. She Has to be better.
(It is so hard to be better) (Sometimes she can hear the loneliness in Maya's voice and she's just so tired she doesn't resist the lie) (Diego crushes that coffee cup and it's such a rush of release - of connection. That she isn't the only one so helplessly angry.)
Which is all to say I think if she'd lived and caught Redd White and cleared her family name she'd have burned out so bad by 30 that Wright and Maya would have ended up having to run the firm for a few months while she recovered. (Forced leave inacted by both Wright and Maya)
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peachy-doodles · 10 months
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has been forever since aggie moment.... so behold. aggie moment.
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ollyollyaxe · 10 months
i have so much terrible saw content i want to finish but alas i must work with no way to type so my gross thoughts about ghost adam giving lawrence the worst/best head of his life can only fester in my brain ... for now
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watchyourdigits · 1 year
screaming: choo choo ahhhh *metal crumpling and sparking* i've gone off the rails
inside voice: raise hell chapter ten raise hell chapter ten raise hell chapter ten
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love-fireflysong · 2 years
Welp, finally got to play Until Dawn: Rush of Blood last night, and honesty guys? It was such a fun game holy shit. Only took me a little over 2 hours to beat the game, and I totally would have started over and hunted for my missing trophies (cause I have a problem lol) and ‘skittles’ if it wasn’t for the fact that I can only use the vr headset for ~3 hours before it gives me a headache 😢
As expected though, game was chock full of all sorts of ud easter eggs and every time I entered an area of a level and recognized exactly where in the game I was supposed to be or I recognized character models that were being reused I got super giggly. Like you wouldn’t believe the amount of times I blew kisses when ever the psycho entered the scene to try and scare/terrorize me...even when Psycho!Josh was being a complete dick and kept killing me like ten times with his stupid axe as all those Matt’s in clown masks kept throwing molotovs at me lol.
Speaking of Josh, you even kinda sorta play as him maybe? Cause when I looked down to see if I even had a body or if I was just a pair of floating arms with guns, I was 100% wearing Josh’s overalls. Which is interesting, cause during the moments after levels when I’m sitting in a chair in the sanitorium I don’t have a body at all so they really didn’t need to go through all that work imo.
And obviously, they reused character models as previously hinted at by clown mask wearing Matt’s throwing molotov cocktails at me. Got to see all the boys in fact! Whether they were Chris, Cabin!Mike, Sanitorium!Mike, Matt, Regular!Josh, Psycho!Josh, and even Fiddler hilariously enough, they just coming at me in all forms. From wearing clown or pig masks to just being plain ass zombies, they were intent on killing me let me tell you. Sadly, though none of the girls made an appearance 😔 (which is a shame cause I totally think would have loved multiple Ashley’s in a clown mask of her own trying to stab me with scissors, it’s what she would have deserved imo) They didn’t even make little cameo’s as body’s on hooks in the mines like the rest of the guys did for some reason. Closest I got to seeing any of the girls was in the second level, and that’s just because a portion of it has all the doll’s that Josh set up in the dollhouse so I kept seeing their respective dolls over and over again.
The only girls that made any sort of appearance were Hannah and Beth (mostly Hannah obvs lol), and that was mostly for jump scare and horror reasons due to being dead and all. Though for some reason Hannah was wearing a bow in her hair?
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(Like don’t get me wrong, even being totally dead and decaying she is rocking that hair bow let’s be real. It’s just such an odd choice, and I have no idea why they felt the need to add that to the character model?)
But seriously, if any of you ever have a chance to play this, I really REALLY suggest you give it a go. It’s a super short game but was so fucking fun oh my god.
Cannot wait to give it another run through tonight!
#until dawn#rush of blood#and if for some reason any of you happen to be visiting my area of the world i WILL be forcing you to at least try a level or two lol#the demo of it i played back in august when i was staying at my sisters was just the second level by the way#which makes sense cause it was not only by far the shortest level#but the first level itself if half a shooting tutorial in a carnival before some minor parts in the lodge#whereas the second is basement saw rooms dolls everywhere and lots of pigs#so huge amounts of ud call backs and easter eggs#reason the first half of the first level takes place in a carnival though is because the guy that 'accompanies' you#is larry fessenden as a carny lol#so becomes more and more bloody and unhinged as you go on so that was fun#felt bad every time i got a new highscore though cause i kept knocking ashley off the leader board#im sorry baby please dont hate me 😭#only reason you had scores that low anyways was because you were too scared and jumpy to play properly#absolutely would have creamed everyone else otherwise lol#that being said i do not accept josh having the second highest score#boy is absolutely dogshit at video games and i can not be convinced otherwise sdjfjsdhfhsd#though i will accept the fact that emily got the fourth highest into my headcannon#girl is insane at shooters but would die before letting absolutely anyone else find that out lmao#though bob washington not only being included on that list but getting the coveted first spot#is frankly both hilarious and the weirdest inclusion they could have chosen ajkdhakjhsd
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larrysblooming · 2 years
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louis smiley and blue bandana for aotv <3333
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zot3-flopped · 2 years
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im-still-a-robot · 2 years
Taking it here instead of the discord, Turnabout Musical is making my brain do flips
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