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Title: The Christmas Pickle Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader For: @sweater-daddiesdumbdork and @sagechanoafterdark Winter/Holiday Challenge Beta: @themusicplayedherlife Notes: This is a family tradition in my family and we do it every year. We also all get a chance to find it and receive an extra gift. Usually something small.
The compound is quiet and Steve is finally asleep beside her. She wanted to be sure before sneaking out of bed. Very slowly, she slips from the super soldier’s arms; opens the bedside table and grabs the box inside. On tiptoes, she heads for the door hoping that Steve will remain asleep.
“Where are you going?” She should have known. Groaning and cursing his super soldier hearing, she turns around.
“It’s a Christmas Surprise. Go back to sleep,” she urges, watching as Steve sits further up in bed.
“What kind of surprise?” he asks.
“A Christmas one,” she tells him. “You aren’t going to let me go are you?”
“Not ‘til you tell me what it is,” Steve says with a mischievous smile.
She thinks it over, staring at his impish smile and blue eyes full of mirth. With a sigh and playful stomp of her foot, she relents. “Ugh, fine. Come on and I’ll show you.”
Leading Steve into the common room, she walks up to the Christmas tree standing tall and lit up with lights of red and gold and ornaments that probably cost more than your most expensive piece of jewelry reflecting each of the Avengers. Tony doesn’t seem to know how to do things by halves.
Opening the box, she shows Steve a beautiful glass pickle ornament nestled inside.
“Every Christmas, my family hides a Christmas Pickle in the tree,” she explains, smiling fondly. “No one really knows where the tradition got started, except it is in fact not German. Some say it originates during the Civil War from a soldier, who asked for pickle as he lay dying. Others say it came from Santa saving two Spanish boys that were forced into a pickle barrel. It more than likely came from Woolworth store who started selling glass ornaments in the 1890s that were shipped over from Germany.
“Anyway, the first person to find it gets an extra present from Santa. Granted in my family everyone got a chance to find it,” she says with a laugh.
“I think I remember these from when I was younger but Ma and I never had one,” Steve tells her, voice soft in the dark room illuminated by Christmas lights.
“Would you like the honor of hiding it? You won’t be able to search for it,” she teases him. “Since you couldn’t stay in bed.”
Scoffing at her comment, he gently removes the glass ornament from the box. Steve searches for the perfect spot.
“Not too high,” she tells him. “We aren’t all as tall as you.”
After finding it, Steve places the ornament on the tree.
“How will they know you have hidden it?” he asks.
“Oh, Tony will know,” she says. “It’ll be the first thing he does when he comes out here in the morning, so I assume he will inform everyone else. I would always hide it the night before the company Christmas party. And he has been determined to find it every year.”
Steve stands behind her, wrapping his arms around her. The two of them admire the tree and enjoy the quiet of the moment for a few more minutes before heading off to bed.

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Day 30: Snowball Fight
@tilltheendwilliwrite @buckysforeverprincess
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Day 31: New Year’s Eve
@tilltheendwilliwrite @buckysforeverprincess
#Chris Evans#Chris Evans x Reader#Chris Evans x OFC#rebel queen of country series#christmas otp challenge
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Day 29: CIty Sidewalks
@tilltheendwilliwrite @buckysforeverprincess
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Day 26: Polar Bear Plunge
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Day 27: Nativity
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Day 28:Winter Coat!!!
@tilltheendwilliwrite @buckysforeverprincess
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Day 24: Christmas PJs
#Chris Evans#Chris Evans x Reader#Chris Evans x OFC#rebel queen of country series#christmas otp challenge
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Day 25: Christmas
#Chris Evans#Chris Evans x Reader#Chris Evans x OFC#rebel queen of country series#christmas otp challenge
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For: @sweater-daddiesdumbdork and @sagechanoafterdark Winter/Holiday Challenge Pairing: Chris Evans x Evangeline Blackwood, Chris Evans x OFC Summary: Evangeline has joined Chris and his family for her first New England Christmas. Chris has the whole month full of Christmas adventures. First stop: Search for a real Christmas Tree.
@hlkwrites @soulful-ofevans @southerngracela @tilltheendwilliwrite @bohemian-barbie @theycallmebecca
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Day 23: Build a Snowman
@tilltheendwilliwrite @buckysforeverprincess
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Decorate//Hot Cocoa//Bake//A tradition//Festive Sweater//Snow Gingerbread house//Paper Snowflakes//Kiss under Mistletoe// Volunteer Wreath//Christmas Song List//Makes a Fort//Ice Skating//Visit Santa Christmas Tree//Fireplace Mantle//Holiday Movie//Snow Angels Xmas Cards//Wrap Gifts//Winter Socks//Build a Snowman//Christmas PJS Christmas//Polar Bear Plunge//Nativity//Winter Coat//City Sidewalks Snowball Fights//New Year’s Eve
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Decorate//Hot Cocoa//Bake//A tradition//Festive Sweater//Snow Gingerbread house//Paper Snowflakes//Kiss under Mistletoe// Volunteer Wreath//Christmas Song List//Makes a Fort//Ice Skating//Visit Santa Christmas Tree//Fireplace Mantle//Holiday Movie//Snow Angels Xmas Cards//Wrap Gifts//Winter Socks//Build a Snowman//Christmas PJS Christmas//Polar Bear Plunge//Nativity//Winter Coat//City Sidewalks Snowball Fights//New Year's Eve
@theycallmebecca @hlkwrites @themusicplayedherlife @forevans @whiskey-cokenfanfic @bohemian-barbie @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @sapphirescrolls @tilltheendwilliwrite @buckysforeverprincess
#Chris Evans#Chris Evans x Reader#Chris Evans x OFC#rebel queen of country series#christmas otp challenge
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Day 22: Winter Socks
@tilltheendwilliwrite @buckysforeverprincess
#Chris Evans#Chris Evans x Reader#Chris Evans x OFC#rebel queen of country series#christmas otp challenge
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Day 18: Christmas Movie Notes: Based on Chris latest insta story and a convo with @whiskey-cokenfanfic
@tilltheendwilliwrite @buckysforeverprincess @bohemian-barbie @hlkwrites
#Chris Evans#Chris Evans x Reader#Chris Evans x OFC#rebel queen of country series#christmas otp challenge
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Day 19: Snow Angels
@tilltheendwilliwrite @bohemian-barbie @buckysforeverprincess @whiskey-cokenfanfic
#Chris Evans#Chris Evans x Reader#Chris Evans x OFC#rebel queen of country series#christmas otp challenge
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Day 20: Christmas Cards
@tilltheendwilliwrite @buckysforeverprincess @whiskey-cokenfanfic @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @theycallmebecca @hlkwrites
#Chris Evans#Chris Evans x Reader#Chris Evans x OFC#rebel queen of country series#christmas otp challenge
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