nba24highlights · 1 year
Giannis Antetokounmpo Serious Pain Hard Back Fall Buck vs Heat 2023 #giannis#nbaplayoffs#backpain
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elvishdemigod · 3 months
So I was somewhat inspired by the AUs @shitty-fallout-art would do, triggered my brain to come up with this backwards au. The Backout AU? Fallwards? Backfall? Outwards? Anyways- Some backwards in their goals, some backwards in their origins. Brain is still swirling with it.
Piper is either a secret informant for the Institute, or she gave up being a reporter after it resulted in the death of her dad.
MacCready is a Mercenary-turned-Gunner. Maybe lost Duncan to ferals and Lucy is sick and dying, their relationship is relationshit after losing Duncan, but he's still trying to find a cure for her and using his Gunner connections. This also kind of makes it make sense why he'd be fine about staying in the Commonwealth after getting the cure and being open for romance. Not completely but still. And it would make the Gunners a joinable faction, maybe
Maybe X6-88 is still a courser, but he's one who actually has his own mind and thoughts. His goal is to kidnap people for the "perfect society".
Curie is a synth who wants to be a Mrs. Nanny because she's tired of thinking so much.
Deacon was a member of the Railroad, until he lost his wife to a malfunctioning synth, and became part of the University Point Deathclaws.
Nick was a detective but sooner or later was oucasted and either left to rot amongst junk, or the Institute took him back in to help him.
Preston leaves the Minutemen to be a simple farmer.
Danse might have found out he was a synth, and joined the BoS in hopes to hide and even forget his identity.
Shaun will still be a child, and believes synths are equal people. And/Or the Institute actually wants synths to have free thought, the goal is to restart society underground and make free-thinking immortal people with the synths, which is their reason to kidnap people. I don't want to take them away from being villains, but I do want to make it so that their delusions of kidnapping and killing people for turning into synths to be more justifiable, I guess.
Cait maybe was a chem-addicted fighter whose parents gave her to Tommy because they couldn't feed her, and she ends up getting clean and finding her parents? Kinda similar to the Pauper in the Barbie Princess & The Pauper, tbh.
Dunno about Strong, Hancock, Sole, or Dogmeat though. Then there's the Railroad, Minutemen, and BoS stuff. Railroad and Minutemen might be more thriving this switch-around? And maybe the RR is for synths who escaped because they have the memories of the families they were taken from and see the situation as so wrong.
This whole idea would need tweaking and more thought, some doesn't feel like it's backwards and more of a switch or opposites thing. But characters having their stories made backwards or flip-flopped would be interesting!
If I weren't working on the fanfic with the vampire idea, I'd work on this instead.
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moonlight-writes0 · 5 months
kagehina judo au?
Judo is a game of chess. It favors skill over sheer power, technique over size or force. 
Hinata’s fighting, desperate for a throw. Trying to get Tobio down with strength alone. His foot wraps desperately to no avail. He’s not close enough. Tobio lets him push. Lets him get out his frustration and anger. 
And in one calculated, swift move, he shifts. Using that momentum, sliding out of the way, leaving his foot right in Hinata’s path. And down he goes. 
“Shit—” Hinata hisses as he goes down, tumbling over himself and landing in a clumsy backfall before jumping to his feet. “Again!” He shouts, foregoing the slap-bump and charging straight at Tobio with a rough grip. 
For all his lack of technique, the guy is strong. If Tobio were any smaller, Hinata’s throws might be working. But with his height, Hinata really needs to learn some throws other than o soto gari. He’s getting too predictable. And there’s nothing worse than your own throw getting used against you. 
“Hinata! Go for a hip throw, stop trying to sweep!” Sendei Ukai shouts, clearly frustrated with his student. With good reason. Judo is a sport of skill. And while Tobio has been honing his for years, Hinata still can’t seem to grasp the idea. His boundless energy and strength are useful elsewhere—sparring, self-defense, maybe even Jiu Jitsu, if utilized properly. But not here. Not in this uniform, in this belt, on this mat. He needs to learn a lesson. 
Hinata steps in to a messy O Goshi, barely getting low enough to even get his arm around Tobio’s waist. He’s being sloppy. He’s desperate. Tobio sinks down, sliding quickly until his foot is in between Hinata’s, snaking his arm in front. And he spreads his wings. 
The timer beeps loudly, pulling him right out of his stupor. Class is over. Hinata is lying on the floor, hands covering his face. Tobio knows he’s not hurt—when he’s hurt, he jumps up right away and gives a fake smile and tries to keep going until Sensei sits him out. When he stays down, face red and body tense, it’s because he’s frustrated. 
Tobio sighs, kneeling next to him. Everyone else is beginning to give high fives and bows and running up to the front of the room to line up. Sensei is staring at the pair with one eyebrow raised. Tobio raises a single finger, and Sensei nods in that ever-understanding way of his. 
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reallyromealone · 11 months
Happy Fallback
Backfall happy
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rewscompilation · 1 year
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[Doodle] 2023/06/11 Backfall
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Toilets flushing slow? Maybe your pipes don't have enough "fall" to make waste flow down to the City sewer. This customer learned that the hard way when this backup of grease solidified into a solid mass. Yikes! Call #theplumbinatorroundrock . . . . . . . . . . . . . #sewerpipe #sewerproblems #sewerpipes #cloggedpipes #backfall #plumbingproblems #plumbingprobs #plumberslife #plumbing #plumber #plumbers #atx #RoundRock #RoundRockTexas #RoundRockTX #RRTX #GeorgetownTX #Pflugerville #HuttoTX #LeanderTX #JarrellTX #NorthAustin #AustinNorth #AustinTX #austintexasthings #familybiz #familyownedbusiness #familyownedandoperated (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byi8j5Ulrn5/?igshid=girtrex69hde
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zeichenlily · 3 years
Hello friends and enemies,
My friend Alina ( @alnialno ) is looking for friends. So I'm selling her. (Beacause apparently me and our other friends aren't enough *dramatic backfall*) She is 14, likes true crime, plays the piano, her favourite rapper is NF, she's tiny (actually not but I'm taller) lives in germany, is the personification of bisaster and got a kickass humor. If I had to give her a trope, it would be rough on the outside and sweet in the inside. (Kindof like a coconut but less milky)
Iterested Parties may contact her directly or tell her security (me) about it.
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slow-burn-sally · 3 years
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My Selkie!Jopson Cropson fic is complete y’all! 
Rating: M
Slow burn, pining, love confessions, intrigue, Hickey being Hickey, cute seal Jopson! found family. Some dark stuff but nothing explicit. Hope you enjoy!
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Pain Points on the Importance of Classroom Management
Classroom management is crucial to incomplete education. It provides students with the optimum learning environment, prevents burnout among instructors, and makes students and teachers feel safer and happier. The administration of classrooms does not entail only discipline and regulations. It also involves structure, the kids' routines, and the teacher's and students' good dispositions.
A well-organized classroom with rituals and routines will make kids feel safer. The structure is required for children. A professionally managed classroom's routines and rituals give you more time to study. Teachers give more time to teaching and less time to learning. In a highly planned, well-managed classroom, students are more easily involved and less distracted. The learning environment is considerably improved.
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Below are some classroom management courses for teachers to turn them competent:
1. Implementing positive behavior management in the classroom (Udemy) Rating - 4.3/5
2 - 14 top teaching & learning strategies (Udemy) Rating - 4.4/5
3. Classroom management essentials (Udemy) Rating - 4.4/5
4. Effective classroom management: A CEEL module (Harvard University) Rating - 4.5/5
5. Effective managing the online classroom course (The MASTER TEACHER) Rating - 4.4/5
6. Classroom management for educators (Phoenix University) Rating - 4.4/5
7. Classroom management 101 (teach 4 The Heart) Rating - 4.4/5
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Also, the new teacher with a certified qualification under classroom management faces backfall due to not having a correct strategy. Some effective classroom management strategies for new teachers are given below:
Believe you are an authorized person.
Be consistent in your working style.
Always seek resources.
Reach the correct verdict.
Teaching and improvisation go hand-in-hand.
Find your comfort zone and build trust in a mentor.
Hit the fundamentals first.
Being a teacher is not like eating ice cream all by yourself. It is claimed to be the hardest, perplexing, and struggling work for the teachers to cope with at the same time because those who fail have been working on the solution to make it to the other side.
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fortheloveofskz · 5 years
Excuse me bitch did asia just post vanjie hanging from a fucking rope???? Omg it's the backfall off the stage all over again *breathes into bag*
I can’t wait to see this!
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fathombay · 5 years
ACNH Town/Island Names
todays town names are brought to you by the letter B
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 April Thursday 3 (part one)
We continue the tour. She doesn't seem keen on switching off and relaxing. Even over a few minutes rest, she will enquire about land and property management with local tenants, clearly comparing her approach to estate management with others. Like holidaying with my wife...
6.35 time awake
12.35 time asleep
Same as last night
Well and comf[orta]ble en[ou]gh bed. The r[oo]m ver[sus] mine hav[in]g us[e]d the large good r[oo]m as my dress[in]g r[oo]m bec[ause] the bed h[a]d n[o]t been slept in of 3 or 4 m[on]ths – r[ai]n in the night had a lit[tle]this morn[in]g [attended?] get[in]g up F 52° at 7.40 – br[ea]kf[a]st at 8 [o’clock]-
out at 9:15 - took a boy as a guide – walk[e]d by the h[ou]se and home terr[a]ce, and acr[oss] f[iel]ds and d[o]wn steep thick wood d[o]wn by lit[tle]riv[e]r Rye, and walk[e]d along it the val[ley] nar[row] and beaut[ifull]y wood[e]d in the [Backfall?] style, to the lit[tle] vil[lage] of Rivaulx, where we came rath[e]r sudd[enl]y b[u]t fine[l]y on the large beaut[iful]rem[ains] of the old abbey at 11- ½ hour to there - Nave gone but choir and transepts remaining there court of the cloisters, and wh[a]t is s[ai]d to ha[ve] been the refectory, kitchen, dormitory and prior’s rooms – ver[y] fine rem[ain]s but Elgin cathed[ral] finer if I rememb[e]r it correct[l]y –
walk[e]d fr[om] the abbey up the steep cawse r[oa]d to the far terr[a]ce fr[om] w[hi]ch you look d[o]wn alm[o]st perpendic[ularl]y on the view y[onde]r being a Grecian portico[e]d lodge at each end of the Terr[a]ce, as there is a Grecian temple at each end of the home terrace – inq[uire]d for the fine Cyprus so loc[ate]d (Mr. Henry Belc[ombe] or Mr. Norc[liffe]), had told me they were yew - no such thing - 2 miles fr[om] the far lodge on the far terr[a]ce direct to Helmsley -
had left the old abbey at 11:30 and [started?] back to the Inn at Helmsley at 1:15 – Miss W[Walker] n[o]t seem[in]g tir[e]d p[ai]d all and off fr[om] there at 1:30 w[i]th 4 horses to Coxwold – ver[y] steep d[o]wn wass-bank – alight[e]d at 2.20 for 25 min[ute]s at Coxwold church to see the monum[en]t to Belasyse Fauconberg fam[ily] ver[y] neat sm[all]church - at Byland Abbey in 1/4 hour from Coxwold at 3 – fine mins[ter] but nothing to compare with Rivaulx Abbey – bel[on]g to Mr Stapylton Martin of Myton who let so[me] part fall in the oth[e]r day fr[om] tak[in]g away some unfit stone - 5 or 6 min[utes] there and then walk[e]d to the lit[tle] Innin the small village of Wass where the horses were gone to wait –
Miss W [Walker] lay down there being a bed in the r[oo]m, b[u]t did n[o]t feel partic[ularl]y tired - Wass belongs to Mr Martin Stapyleton - he is alw[a]ys in want of the rent the mom[en]t it is due – has noth[in]g in Byland b[u]t the Abbey - the prop[erty] at the Inn has 14 ac[re]s of land, good all grass but pay £56 per ann[um] besides £3 a year tithe and 3 guineas for the licence and all the taxes, yet the place stands there at £80 per ann[um] - 20 min[ute]s there and off at 3.40
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liger-martial-arts · 6 years
Here comes the boom! Playing around the day after promotion! #erpieafaitboom #latergram #dropkick #backfall @pouncingtigers #pouncingtigers #martialarts #kids #kidsmartialarts #harlem (at Pouncing Tigers)
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someyankee · 7 years
when your team wins bc of you
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myselfminu · 7 years
Loving the #backfall .. . . . . #2017 #yoga #backbend #loveforyoga #peace #yogaforlife #YogaLiving #yogagirl #yogajourney #yogaday #yogainindia #yogapractice #fityogi #instayogi #happyyogi #yogathon #yogacommunity #yogini #yogamakesmehappy #happyyogini #yogaathome #feeltheyogahigh #flexible #strikeapose #selftaughtyogi 🙏🏻🤘🏻✌🏼️😇 (at Mumbai, Maharashtra)
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youremoney · 3 years
wollte seit freitag täglich 4:30 aufstehen und dann meine morgenroutine durchziehen; 2 mal die woche sport machen etc.. das hat auf den ersten versucht gescheitert. war natürlich abzusehen. das ist nicht mein default. am ersten abend kamen wir spät von kiel zurück, dann ganzen tag arbeit und immer erst nach 23 ins bett gekommen. es ist einerseits ein: erlebnisse schaffen, andererseits ein gleichgewicht halten. das eine darf das andere nicht konkurrenz machen. es ist absolut verständlich dass ich darin scheiterte, ich weiß ja dennoch, dass das der weg ist der mir bestimmt ist zu gehen. weiter kann ich auch stolz sein, dass ich über die tage überhaupt aufgestanden bin; obwohl ich progressiv müder wurde.. also wirklich müde. ich hatte morgends keine energie. nach dem 3. tag hab ich es dann nicht mehr aus dem bett geschafft. das war zu viel. ich habe mich nicht klar genug abgegrenzt. dabei ist das einer der wichtigsten dinge, die ich dabei berücksichtigen muss. ich muss glasklar sein, denn nur so kann mein weg auch von klarheit durchströmt sein. gestern und heute waren rückfalltage. am liebsten hätte ich das gestern einfach komplett abgehakt; den backfall gemacht. aber da hatte ich noch ein nicht verschiebbares treffen, das gemacht werden musste. heute dann hab ich mich komplett gehen lassen um eben dieses gleichgewicht wiederherzustellen- das ist mir früher aufgefallen mal, bevor ich in diese "alles egal"-phase eintaucht. ich bemerkte, dass ich mich immer übertrieben anstrengte, um anschließend das komplette gegenteil des zu-sollenden zu brauchen. deshalb gab ich das früher auf, das anstrengen von vorneherein. aber bevor ich das tat, merkte ich wie wenn ich das entspannen, das rückfallen, backfall wie ich es für mich nenne, wenn ich das komplett genoss; die zeit des zurückkehrens, des besinnens in diesem backfall-state viel kürzer ausfiel. einfach weil es zum prozess gehört. jetzt ist das absolut natürlich für mich; aber da kommt es halt her. es ist wie ein energetisches gleichgewicht, das mein sein versucht anzustreben. bewusster werden, größer werden, ist ein wachstumsprozess. und wachstum schmerzt. es ist natürlich, das mein system mit allen mitteln versucht mich dazu zu bringen bei meinem default zu bleiben. denn obwohl ich viel diziplin kultiviert habe durch meine damalige selbstfolterung, so umfasste diese immer nur das rohe durchziehen, nicht das systematische beleuchten. ich kann nicht sagen, ich stehe um x auf, ohne darauf zu achten, wie ich den tag bereits mittags anfange ausklingen zu lassen. das funktioniert nicht. und diese lektion habe ich die letzten 5 tage machen müssen. und ich werde sie immer wieder machem wenn ich nicht bereit bin zu akzeptieren, dass eine gewisse systematik in die mein sein umgebenden umstände und taten einfließen muss. es ist viel auch passiert, allein diese meetings immer um iwlechen it kram zu machen, das angebot von meinem chef. es ist weniger nur mein system was versucht mich zu testen, sondern vielmehr das ganze universum; alles was mich umgibt und mit dem ich in welcher weise auchimmer in verbindung stehe. alles ist darauf aus zu testen, aus welchem holz ich geschnitzt bin, wie schnell ich lektionen lernen kann, wie ich mit fehlschlägen umgehen kann etc. ich meinbe früher waren meine feedbackschleifen, solche texte wie gerade zu schreiben viel ineffizienter. ich habe die letzten tage einen versuch unternommen und er ist gescheitert. das wird sich ändern, das wird angegriffen. das liegt darin, weil ich eine klarheit habe; was ich zu tun habe, eine klarheit die ich nie hatte. eine klarheit in meiner mission; aber diese klarheit muss sich nun ebenso auch anfangen in meinen taten zu äußern, durch abgenzung. ich sehe, ich schweife ab, und ich weiß, wohin ich zurückkehren muss. aber ich sehe auch die zwischenschritte zur besinnung. es war beispielweise absolut notwendig meine mission kurz aussetzen zu lassen. ein restart gewissermaßen. ich hab tiefes vertrauen, dass es bei dem jetzt startenden nächsten versuch um längen besser laufen wird. ich hab keine lust mehr auf dieses leidvolle rumgespiele. ich habe in dieser identität nur dieses leben und dessen werde ich mir mehr und mehr bewusst. mein ego wird unausweichlich sterben, mein verstand verfallen, meine energie sich auflösen.
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