#back to work tmrw 🥺
aitheros · 1 year
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not to be That guy , but i swear i'm going to be active here & among other blogs ! i wanted to write tonight but i got wrapped up in reading a book since 3PM 🤡
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navramanan · 2 years
The bio profs at my uni are so 🥺🥺🫶🏼🫶🏼
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chocsra · 11 months
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"Birds in the House of Flies."
15! Chuuya x gn! asa mitaka! reader
A/N: genuinely sorry but im gonna have trouble posting since tests are a BITCH DAMN, im sorry if u sent a request itll take some time thank you guys 😭 ALSO SORRY AB THE ONE BED TROPE THINGY IM STILL WORKING ON IT WILL BE POSTED TMRW . also asa mitaka is like the only character i kin besides shoko 😭 thank uuuu for the request 🙈
content: based off the building scene in csm, oneshot, slight angst?, pre-relationship, holding hands 🥺, ooc, mentions of suicide, mafia chuuya, civilian reader, slight crack, fluff mentions of girl once
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"Fuckin' hang on!!"
Those three words echoed loud in the cold air admist the darkness below your figure, each passing second felt more like an anomaly than the present taking over it's future. A dark whirling pressure pulls you down more, a completely dark void which surrounded you fully, an emptiness that induced fear, unknowingness, it was uncanny.
Despite the dreading pull along your feet, the same body parts you hated for walking - it walked you to your worst and hated places, it held you up when you would much rather decompose in the filth of your bed, something clung onto your hand and held you up even when the only vision you see is a complete reflection of your thoughts, empty.
Sometimes, you hated touch - that was a lie, you hate touch. You hate it when you get a hug that held no value, you hate it when others send warmth to your body, your cold, without any second thought. However, the hand that held yours somehow felt like holding a mug of hot tea, like intaking hot soup relaxingly burning down your throat.
The warmth that held you was a boy, you noticed the ivory complexion laced upon his warm hands, a different feeling than when he was wearing cold, leather gloves. "Dude- you gotta be shittin' me.." a husky voice sighs from the other side, hands deeply clung onto your own in a gravitational pull.
"I'm okay with falling! Just let me go.." you mumble, now you wouldn't have to meet expectations, or feel the dread of waking up ij the morning. You watched as the ability you were trapped in completely used your greatest fear against you; the dark.
You weren't sure how you got into this situation, when you were younger - some people were gifted with special abilities that defy science, yours was no different; but instead of joining an organization to be against or with humanity, you lived your life as somebody normal would.
Only now, your ability got sold for a high price on the black market, not only do criminals desire your skill, but government workers too; strangers from fucking hell. You were taken into the backropes of the Port Mafia, reigning from Yokohama, Japan; the wish was to transport you back to Yokohama in one piece, fuifilled by a trusted mafioso, Nakahara Chuuya.
He was like any other boy your age, he was a nice guy, actually; just in the wrongest, most immoral line of work, at the ripe age of what, sixteen?
And to you, a normal student, the normalization of superpowers was pretty crazy. Nakahara Chuuya was a shithead that showed you of that, he was chill but aggressive, moral but immoral, small but incredibly strong?
"No way I'm lettin' ya go, you're fuckin' crazy!!" he shouts, pulling your limp body up from the void, you pensively look down at the endless pit, reminicing moments where you were at peace. "I'm not crazy, you are! And stop fucking swearing!!" you scream back, dangling yourself and grasping onto the leather sleeves of his jacket.
"You stop fuckin' swearing!"
A heavy silence filled the void, and the sudden tug from his hands. "The ability uses your darkest fear against you, why the hell did you willingly fall?!" the boy shouts back, a little crack in his voice emerged, causing you to lower your eyebrows in slight embarrassment. "Because why would I keep living and fufill expectations I never asked to recieve?!" you answer, eyes flitting to every corner possible in that dark void, a star, a light - no, only his hand. "You can't be serious - I get it! Life is a bitch, doesn't mean you hafta kill yourself!" he argues, pulling you upwards as you dangle your body weight down.
"I am not killing myself!" you hiss, listening as Chuuya retorts with a scoff. "Yeah, you just let yourself fuckin' fall." he chews on his bottom lip stressfully, "Think of all the amazing shit you can live for; dogs, puppies, smoking!!"
"Gross!! Don't you know how much damage that smoking causes your lungs?!" you shout back, the sleeve of your uniform cuffing onto your held up arm. "Fine - alcohol!" Chuuya clicks his tongue, trying to find out luxuries of life. "That's disgusting! The blurry lines between a social drinker and an alcoholic are extremely thin!" the boy tightens his grip in annoyance, "What the hell do ya even like?! Parties?"
"Parties are a mix of sweat and loud noises that give me migraines! Not everyone is a fuckin' gangster, y'know?" the redheaded boy sighs begrudgingly, attempting to pull you up. "..I don't know what girls like, clothes...?" you pause and rub your temple with your free hand, "Just let me go already! Nobody has it worse than me!"
"Fuuck!" Chuuya groans at your dismissal, "I'll tell ya what I'm living for - I saw weird shit until I woke up in the real world when I was like 8?! Now there's a God living inside me!!" you grew silent, ".. I'm not your therapist!" you stammer, causing the boy to hiss. "[Y/N]! Let me help you so I can find out about the past I've never had." you bit your lip torn, hearing as the void went silent.
From the minimal interactions you shared with the ginger, his actions always seemed barricaded, as if he were put behind glass his whole life. And from his story, it seemed pretty right. He's far too loyal with that mafia, and blames himself for the short coming of his old organization. 'Nobody has it worse than me!' rung through your mind, god, how you internally facepalmed. You hated being touched, but you were sort of touched; and as selfish as you were, or are, you had to dress another morning successfully waking up.
"..Or else Ima call the God - O' grantors, of dark dispa-"
"Fuck! You can help me, alright?!"
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cognitosclowns · 1 year
I wanna fall asleep with these freaks 💓🥺
I am the eepiest sleepiest little guy of all time and this activated a Worm in my Brain so this is gonna get SO LONG AMSDNAMSND
sfw!! just snuggles and soft things
Not extremely cuddly? She likes her personal space!
That doesn't mean she never wants cuddles, she's just gotta be in a particular Mood for it!
Most nights, she wants to be kinda,, gently curled into your arm?? just a loose grip around it w/ her own, cheek resting on your bicep.
She talks in her sleep, but it's very quiet. Usually it's just her going through her schedule for tmrw (does she?? dream of work in her sleep???), but occasionally, you'll hear her mumbling about how much she loves you <333
Yes, it's just as cute as it sounds. She has no memory of it in the morning, but if you bring it up, she'll get this flustered little Half-Smile alllll morning <3
She falls asleep so fast. if you wanna be cute w/ her while cozied in bed I'm so sorry, the second she feels Safe and Warm and Cozy in your vicinity she's passing out for 4-12 hours ✨✌🏻
It's alright, you know she needs her rest <3 besides, that just opens up options for you two to be soft and shmoopy in the morning
Unsurprisingly, the cuddliest guy of all time. He would be inside your ribcage if the opportunity was provided KJASDKASJD
He really likes?? laying on your chest and stomach?? he likes to be significantly further down. occasionally you'll just,, barely see his hair and the top of his forehead peaking out from the covers from how low he gets
it's just so comfy! he likes The Noises and Warmth and Vague Suffocation that comes w/ sleeping w/ his head under the covers, resting against your torso <3
He smiles so much in his sleep. you didn't think ppl did that outside of movies, but he totally does <3 usually only when he's having a particularly good dream.
He also sleeps with stuffed animals! He always did as a child bc his treehouse was always cold as hell, and the habit just stayed with him!
they're so well-kept and soft all these years later <3 usually he just keeps them at the foot of the bed, bc it makes him feel safe to, but occasionally he'll bring a couple up for you two to snuggle <3 You Are Never Too Old To Snuggle A Stuffed Bear Don't Like To Yourself.
A Nightmare (affectionate)
not only is his sleep schedule Entirely Batshit, but he has so much trouble falling asleep. expect lots of tossing and turning
he does settle a lot thought when you hold him!! Don't hold too close, he still needs to squirm a lot to actually fall asleep
You're also the only person that he gets a full nights sleep with <3 he usually ends up waking up in the night, his mind starts working on smth, and he doesn't go back to sleep <3 but with you, it's almost instantaneous.
A little Jump, a bit of squirming to get into a comfortable position, and then off to seeb again <3 it's nice to see just how safe he feels around you <3
Expect plenty of early morning/late night convos <3 hell even middle of the night convos, where he hasn't realised that he fell asleep and instantly hops back into Whatever He Was
He also has such a habit of. Continuing Conversations From His Dream. like he'll just grab your arm and start talking about Yes I'm Sure If We Distilled It Enough We Could Make Whiskey Out Of Lighter Fluid Myc before passing out cold MASNFASMFJ
TLDR. squirmy silly man, but also enjoyable to seeb with.
OUGHEEEEEEEEAWBABWBAGOURGHR <- experiencing wife fevers
I refuse to believe she doesn't have a Big Comfy Bed. Silk covers, big thick duvet, more pillows that she knows what to do with. The bed is 3 times the size of her so when you catch her snuggled up in bed she truly just looks like those photos of Very Small Puppies in Very Large Beds MNASDMASND
So cuddly <3 you wouldn't expect it, since she makes a point of being seen as very Untouchable and Independent, but she loves to be held.
Her ideal state is nuzzled under your chin, feeling your pulse through your neck <333 a leg hooked around yours to make sure you're nice and close.
She takes a while to fall asleep, so she likes to go to bed early! Feel free to join her at any time, she'll just be dozing <3
If you do join her when she goes to bed, expect some,, very soft, lovey-dovey moments. she looks utterly adorable, all bundled up in her cozy little slightly-too-poofy nightgown and eye mask.
She Deserves 1000000 Cheek Smooches Or Else You Shall Die Of Love Disease <- her favourite part of the night. she will start giggling the moment she feels your lips on her cheeks and neck.
kisses her 1000. she's the most
It's actually pretty comfortable after you get used to it. you see the appeal, it's kinda got that Sensory Deprivation Tank feeling of weightless floating <3
Expect to be utterly Mummified in tentacles AKSDJASKJ
He insists that it's so that you don't go tossing and turning in your sleep and knock his ass off the bed but. You See Through His Lies You Understand. You See The Jackassery At Play Here.
OUGHEEE he has such a habit of like. swirling his tentacles gently around your skin. Not necessarily stroking back and forth, moreso massaging? if you have any knots in your back, thighs, or arms, they're gonna be gone by morning.
Fairly quiet? That doesn't mean silent though, he absolutely talks while you two drift off to sleep, but it's all in very quiet tones. A Little Shit, But Lovingly. (you may. gently have to bop him on the head and tell him to Shut The Hell Up Its 3 Am Goddamn Not Everyone's Job Is Just Sitting Around Getting Jacked Off MANSDMASNDMANSDMN)
He snores like a foghorn I'm so sorry. the old man of all time
If you can look past that though, he's so fucking delightful to sleep with <33 most especially bc he loves when you lay on him
he says smth about how it Helps Unfuck His Back, but you're at least 45% sure that that isn't the main reason
(and you're right, it isn't <3 he just loves feeling your weight on him)
He loves just,, leaving a hand against your back, running up and down as you settle in to sleep <33 before leaving it to rest on the small of your back <33 love is so real and true.
his tail wags in his sleep
You'll see this most when he's sleeping on his stomach, bc when he's on his back his tail can't move, and on his side Everything Hurts At All Times KAJDKASJ
You'll see it squirm around the most when you're touching him <3 if you run your hands through his hair, or trace patterns on his back that things gonna be WHIPPING like a wheatstalk in a hurricane.
^ this also applies to. early morning and late night cuddles. in the morning its more of a,, slow waggle? like you'll just see it gently twitching under the bed, while you place kisses on his cheek BAWBBABWBABW <- if I talk about his tail any more we'll never be done
just the guy of all time <3 go sleep with that old man go do it go do it now go go go go g
Let Him Sleep On The Booba
Truly he sleeps best with his face buried in your chest. what can he say, it's cozy as hell.
his ideal state is being Unconscious. A Coma. Laying horizontally being fed nutrients through a tube. He will nap on you at any possible moment
It's one of the time's he feels Truly Safe? Like he's constantly having to run around doing what the Shadow Board wants, doing what Rand wants, etc. Sometimes You Just Need A Little Nap With Your Partner To Be Okay Again
He IS freezing cold I refuse to believe otherwise. he runs Ice Cold and it takes him 15 minutes to warm up. feels a bit like cuddling a corpse until your body heat brings him back to Human Levels Of Warmth.
The things we do for love smh MNSFGKFAJSFGKSDJ
stupid rich expensive bed. imported silk sheets. mathematically optimised mattress designed in a lab to give him The Best Sleep Possible. he's rich enough to buy several countries, he might as well put it to use.
OUGHEEEEEEEEAWBABWBAGOURGHR <- experiencing wife fevers part 2
He's such a heavy sleeper MY GOD. If you couldn't hear his internal systems whirring and clicking you'd think he was dead KJDSAKFJASDKFJDSA
It isn't really his fault - his 'sleep cycle' likes to be done in one solid stretch, to avoid file corruption, which means. His body just,, won't wake him up unless it senses Active Danger to himself or you.
It's fine! He'll wake up if the house is on fire. Probably.
'aww you're such an old man <3' <- he's going to push you into a woodchipper AKSGJSAKDJFKSDFGJ
He's so warm and cozy <3
Upside, personal heater during the winter. Downside, summer is hell for both of you (Upside, he sleeps mostly naked in summer to avoid Dying of Death Disease)
Hold him <3 hold him he won't ask but he loves being held, even more than he loves holding you (which is. Saying Something). The second he feels your arms wrap around him, maybe one of your hands gently fussing with his hair? Out like a light <3 its sweet, all those unspoken ways that shows how much he loves you <3
ABWBABWBAB I swear I did an ask like this before but. I don't care this was so cute. If you have any additions, go nuts!
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rebelcaptain4life · 7 months
6x03 isn't up for me yet so let's complete my 6x02 recap that I never posted!
Ha that 100 in the title card is cute!
And ofc ABC will never miss an opportunity for some extremely in your face Disney product placement.
Nooo Henryyy (coincidentally, a Canadian airline went bankrupt last week and haunted all their ops less than 48hrs after announcing it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. They really need to make some rule to stop airlines from stranding people by basically not giving any time between bankruptcy announcement and shutdown)
Actually really great idea to have a wedding as episode 100 so you can get so many guest stars back for the special occasion.
Bruhh how are they supposed to get more catering, flowers, etc in ONE DAY?!
Ma'am why didn't you immediately take your poor fur baby to the vet?
Chenford being passive aggressive while Angela watches LOL
"no, ladies first" Tim are you scareddd 😂
I don't get the Hammer?? He'd rather 100% go to jail in a fight rather than just give them the ring and make a run for it???
"I have to look good in a dress tmrw, nobody cares what you look like" LMAO
Dude just destroyed his own apartment, too
I love Harper & Lopez 😂
The... The florist just sold their flowers to someone else the day before a wedding just cuz they wouldn't answer the phone?? Don't they usually have a contract or something and yk take it directly to the venue???
NOT THE CAKE TOO what kind of awful vendors did these guys get stuck with for their wedding 😭
"why not, your so good together" everyone can see it even though they've only officially been dating for a few months 😭
I love the way this scene is cut between the convos.
Yes Lucy you are projecting!!! Please acknowledge your own feelings instead of telling Tim he's not acknowledging his own 😭
"I need to show Harper what I'm capable of" "by baking a cake?" Aaron stole the words right out of my mouth
"or he's gonna say something that will make you want to kill him and he wants witnesses" NYLA LMAO
Wow Lucy you didn't have to sit that close 👀👀👀
Tim didn't you think to maybe test out the lie detector first???
Ok so on my first watch, I was really annoyed that basically everything was on Tim for their argument and his hesitancy about Lucy being detective. But after sitting with it for a week and remembering the end of s5, where we see Lucy be super excited, and he's obviously being supportive but he's clearly very stressed about it (couch scene. in that ep with Isabel), I get it. Tim does need to work through.
We had the opportunity to see chenford walk into a wedding TOGETHER for once but nooooo (ughhh Tim looks s goooodddddd) Lucy's like "oh hey :D wait no I'm still mad at you :(" :((((
Omg CELINA?! LOOKS AMAZING?!!! It's always so funny seeing the girlies out of uniform for the first time cuz they're like half the size XD
SLAY LUNA!!!! Awww Grey
I'm crying the vows are so sweet 😭😭😭😭
Ah so the dancing was intentionally really awkward. Good job, James
Noooo Aaronnnn I thought you were going for her cheek djdsfj;aj;a;jak
Um this scene is perfection?! Alicia Keys?! The no-words asking to dance? How Lucy immediately moves SO CLOSE. Lucy wearing THE RING!!!! I love how they always talk super softly about super important things while dancing at weddings 🥺🥺🥺
Tim not wanting to let go but being forced to by Aaron!
LMAO Aaron "everyone was so worried, but I told them it's fine, you're solid". Love how everyone just casually talks about Chenford
Damn everyone comes prepared with go bags?!
nooooo siriiii
Overall, great episode!!
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1d1195 · 1 year
hey!!! last update giving very much f u and i’ll see u tmrw bc I lowkey CRIED while reading HOWEVER that shit was so well written, thought out, developed and executed I have no words. i’m not a writer, so it’s rly hard for me to express how deeply I enjoy this story. it’s insane. when I first started reading I didn’t follow you or anything I fully found it by accident and then I lost it (i’m so bad at using this site lmao) and going back now seeing what I had written in my notes app made me laugh and I wanted to share w u
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- ceo and sugar daddy h
- but she works for niall
- one word title (arrangement?) (internship?)
- louis is her best friend
- 2 parts
- got me in my feels
anyways, this last update was incredible and thanks to your writing, I am learning to appreciate the angst. I love it and appreciate you putting it out here for us
xoxo, fu + c u tmrw <3
AH literally so excited you got to read it! I was honestly thinking about what your reaction might be the whole time when I posted it. 😭
The idea that you would make a note of details of my story to find it again has me 🥺🥺 im so glad you found it again and so glad you enjoyed reading it. Thank you thank you thank you 💕
This site has its moments so I’m glad you got to find me again and don’t be so hard on yourself! Your message is ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 for my sad little heart. I appreciate your thoughts so much!
I do love a bit of angst myself. Makes for a good story. I hope you’ll like the next part too!
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abcd-em · 2 years
I can’t wait for the final chapter of ET tmrw. You left us w quite the cliffhanger. Also, I miss TBART. 🥺
@seek--rest & I are actually taking a lil break from posting ET this week, we will be back with the finale next Saturday though!
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TBART :( will forever be chasing the high that came with working on that
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kpophubb · 2 years
ahhh you are so sweet love! no need to rush because of me🫶🏻 take your time! i know you are busy and that is totally fine with me<3 well i got caught in the rain, my final exams are coming up too, so i have been studying a lot, it all caught up on me i guess😭but i am fine just a higher fever and a bit of a cold! I am glad you are doing well dear🫶🏻🥹i have been following your works for a while and you are so talented i love your page so so much!💗hoping you will stay healthy and happy forever<3
Ayy not it’s okay🥺💕 even if I wrote it today, I’d have to post it tmrw anyways bc it’s night time now and I’ll go to sleep in an hour or two
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And Ik oh my god, exam and study stress always make me so sick too, I almost never gave an exam while being physically healthy bc the anxiety gets to my body and makes me sick 💔 but fighting!! 😤🤍 I wish you luck on your exams and wish you a speedy recovery 🫶🏻
for cold pls gargle w Salt water (if you have a sore throat), drink herbal tea with ginger & honey and drink vitamin C juices! It always helps me a BUNCH, also even tho it sucks and hurts, try to drink water as much as you can (warm it a little before drinking)! Pls eat your meals properly and get enough sleep <3
And that is so sweet🥹💞 it is bc of you people that I have continued writing, I’d have stopped with fics a long back bc of my busy schedules 😓 but when I think about the smiles on your faces while reading them, I can’t help but smile big too :)
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seeingstarks · 2 years
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I posted 382 times in 2022
That's 273 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (11%)
340 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 350 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#wwe - 55 posts
#aew - 33 posts
#all elite wrestling - 28 posts
#liv morgan - 20 posts
#harley quinn - 20 posts
#fellow writers work - 19 posts
#the sandman - 15 posts
#john constantine - 15 posts
#shotzi blackheart - 14 posts
#poison ivy - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#lmfao i can't even watch till tmrw but i see him and i'm hoping 🥺 that this masked man is him so much 💕
My Top Posts in 2022:
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john constantine/zari tarazi moodboard
likes/reblogs are appreciated, feel free to use just don't remove the credit. <3
42 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
Wonderfully Worried || JW: Dominion Fluff
Summary : You and Ian Malcolm have been together for a few months now and despite actually being there with him physically, the thought of no longer having him by your side at all causes a lot of worry.
Pairing : old! (but still hot) ian malcolm x female reader
Warnings : slight mentions/talk of de*th (a), shock, fear, bugs, car crash, fire
Word Count : 1,098 words
A/N : . Jurassic World: Dominion spoilers through entire post . After watching the film, I just had to write this! <3 It's kind of obvious what scene inspired this, heh. Reblogs are very much appreciated! No stealing my work!
Tag List : @josiewrites
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You were helping Ian press buttons on the panel, hoping that the correct combination of numbers would do the trick in order for Ellie, Alan, and Maisie to reach safety. Luckily, all of that button mashing seemed to work out just fine.
Afterwards, you and the group got in a car together only to realize there were oversized locusts falling from the sky, on fire. You sat in the passenger seat of the vehicle across from Ian who was sitting in the drivers seat. Ellie and Alan sat in the back with Maisie in the middle.
Ian looked quite panicked at the situation happening quite before his eyes, "That's Bananas."
You yelped as the falling locusts caused the vehicle to crash as it teetered you took a few deep breaths while Maisie seemed like the only one with anything helpful to say. The car flipped upside down as she started to cry.
Your vision was a bit blurry as you glanced over at Malcolm, reaching your hand out toward his as the two of you linked your hands together.
A gentle chuckle escaped your lips when looking over at Ian's confused expression as he stepped out of the wrecked vehicle along with the others. He seemed surprised to see his old pals along with some new faces.
Loud stomping from a dinosaur was heard from afar as Alan and Owen both said, "Don't move." You accidentally stepped on a branch while hiding behind Ian, scared that the dinosaur would somehow see you before the rest of the group. The dinosaur looked like a T-Rex but it's frame was much larger. Alan explained to the group that the species is called an Gigantosaurus.
A gasp nearly escaped from your lips as your mouth opened wide but before you could make any noise, Ian pressed his lips against yours while both of your hearts beated rapidly against each other. Your chest pressed up against his, the moment becoming more heated by the second but unfortunately more pressing matters were at play.
"Go to safety." He told you before you ran off with the rest of the group and up the ladder. Ian stayed behind and hid in the flipped over car, the foot of the Gigantosaurus mere inches away from crushing him.
A thud was heard as the Gigantosaurus gnawed through the metal ladder like it was nothing, Kayla encouraged Maisie to keep climbing as the others soon followed.
The Gigantosaurus roared in all of there faces, including yours. Fear took over your body, unable to move as you stood still and watched Ian risk his life for a second time in a row. You didn't want to see the love of your life die.
He threw the fire locust on a stick into the dinosaurs mouth and it seemed to get the job done. Ian slipped while going up the ladder and luckily Alan was still there to save him because you were in pure shock, still inert until he finally made it up the ladder safely.
After a bunch of stunning blows to the dinosaur from the group, it finally left you and the others alone.
You took this opportunity to catch a few breaths.
The group chatted for a bit as Ian stood beside Kayla on one side of a white table and you on the other, he began to unbutton his shirt while Kayla shook her head no at Ian. Your cheeks grew warm at the sight of Malcolm, you wanted to tear the shirt off of Ian right then and there but it wasn't exactly the best time or place.
"Y/N, you feeling alright?" That all too familiar voice asked you in a cocky tone. You were staring at him unknowingly and gnawing at your lower lip so hard that it left an indent on the bottom. Ian had already buttoned his shirt up which was disappointing to say the least.
"Yeah, I'm feeling alright... thanks for calming me down out there." You winked gently over at him although your heart was still beating fast.
You and Ian Malcolm had met a few years back and wanted to work together on taking Biosyn down. Being younger than him has never phased the two of you.
Kayla walked over toward Ian as you walked toward Owen, making small talk. Ian stared at you and admired all of your features, getting lost in your beauty. Kayla grinned just a bit, "Wish I had a woman that looked at me like that, true love right there."
Tears began to run down your face as the emotions from recent events finally hit you. Ian had been through so many near death experiences and most of them were just stories to you, experiencing them first hand brought a whole new feeling and not a good one at that.
Owen frowned, you had helped him train the raptors in the past and he didn't want to see one of his friends in pain. He pulled you into a side hug, "I'm always gonna be here for you, Y/N. I promise. Take care now and if that Rambo dude ever treats you wrong... let's just see how much he likes a raptor bite to the ass."
Shaking your head, you chuckled at Owen's comment. He always knew how to put a smile on your face even on the darkest of days. "Thanks for helping me feel better, I'll catch up with you all in a few." He nodded and waited for Kayla to finish her conversation with Ian.
As soon as Ian noticed the tear stains on your cheeks, he rushed over and pulled you in for a huge bear hug.
See the full post
51 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Love Bites Back || TWD Drabble
Summary : Two men in your life, one at Alexandria, and the other a proud leader of the saviors. Who would you choose?
Pairing : Fem Reader x Daryl Dixon x Negan Smith
Warnings : blood, vomit, weapons, cursing, sickness, guns, liqour, pain-killers, and smut if you wince.
A/N : Been a long time since I wrote something but I came up with this little drabble and thought it would be fun to share. There is no exact set timeline for this but roughly based around season 6-7. Keep hateful comments to yourselves please, likes/reblogs are appreciated. No stealing my work. I'm not the best at writing, bare with me. Enjoy. <3
Bitten mere hours before, weakness began to take over, each movement proving to be a challenge. Raising up your crossbow, aiming to shoot the walkers, only to discover there are no arrows to be found. Daryl took you out often for hunting lessons, he was the one who taught you how to use the crossbow. Daryl sighed when approaching you, he took notice that you looked quite pale. Aiming for the heads of the undead, he shot them before retrieving his own arrows. "You're burning up, Y/N." Daryl pressed his palm against your forehead, feeling the warmth building up on your skin, sweat drenching your clothing but there was no way in hell you would be telling Daryl that you got bit just from attempting to save someone that turned out to be a savior, well if you wanted to call Negan that. Negan had been surrounded by ten walkers, sure he would be able to handle them all on his own but you wanted to help out.
Gunshots could be heard in the distance, Daryl told you to leave it be. You were in no shape to fight, let alone walk. Daryl helped you get on the back of his motorcycle before he hopped on the front of it. "We'll go hunting in a few days. Left some traps out so the walkers don't get to the food first." He insisted, the loud hum of his engine could be heard while more walkers were left in the dust.
"Daryl, I'm fine." You grunted when he went over a bump in the road, hitting your arm in just the wrong way. Not wanting to tell Daryl you were bitten, you set the crossbow over your arm with a wince.
Sooner or later, he would be able to tell that something is up with you. The familiar southern-accent of his drawing deep before the next words came out of his mouth, "What's wrong, Y/N? The last time you looked at me that way was well when..."
Swiftly placing your finger upon his lips, you gently grinned while glancing up and down at Daryl. "When we drunk-fucked and tied each other up?" You asked him innocently, gripping onto his shoulders as if your life depended on it, your stomach doing back flips, and it wasn't just because you brought up your past relationship with Daryl.
"I'm feeling ill..." Finally admitting this, Daryl slowed down some to check up on you. "Taking the leather jacket off would help." Daryl responded with snark in his comment. Hesitant to take the leather jacket off, you did it anyways. Negan gifted you one identical to his, except your name was spelled in italics along the leather backing.
Daryl eventually stopped his motorcycle completely, covering his tracks after the fact. Then he glanced over at you with worry in his eyes. Flinching when he helped you remove the jacket, no knowledge of what he was going to say about your current infection from one of the walkers. Tears began to roll down your face, knowing what had to be done in order for your survival. You were bitten directly below the elbow, trying your damnest to hide the bite for as long as possible. The sight of blood never seemed to bother you but the idea of having your own arm chopped off was something completely different.
"Y/N... why didn't you tell me about this sooner!?" Daryl questioned, holding your arm out which revealed the bite mark, "How on earth did this even happen- I thought you knew better." Frowning at his words, you didn't like when Daryl raised his voice at you which rarely ever happened. He knew your past had been rough aswell. Shrugging, "I don't know D, saw someone surrounded by walkers and didn't think twice. When getting closer, it turned out that Negan didn't need saving and it was just a trick to get me closer to him..." Sighing, the next words coming out of your mouth would be hard for Daryl to hear.
*earlier that day*
Negan wasn't letting you go that easy. You took five of the walkers and he took the other five. Swinging Lucille around in his hand proved to be no problem when taking the walkers out. You thought that five was no big deal for you aswell, usually being able to take that many down on your own.
With hitched breathing, you spoke out, "Four down and one to go. No big deal." Speaking to yourself, Negan raised his eyebrow as he watched how things went down. The two of you definitely had a past with each other aswell. Going to Alexandria on your own was a risk but if the people of Alexandria saw Negan and the other saviors trying to sneak on base, all shots would be fired.
It took a long time before warming up to Rick and the others, over the years they started to trust you. Allow you to make runs while being supervised. You would write to Negan with every chance you got, trying not to get caught. Telling him how much supplies Alexandria had left or were hiding. You told him about the guns they were hiding aswell.
Deep down in your gut you felt like this was wrong. On one end, you didn't want to betray Negan because he was the one that saved you before meeting Daryl. Negan fed you and took care of you, all you had to do was keep watch and make sure no one was double-crossing Negan, seemed easy enough. On the other hand, with each hunting lesson and run you did with Daryl, you felt yourself growing closer to him each time.
You didn't want to choose between the saviors or the people of Alexandria but Negan had told you that there would have to be a decision made down the road. Part of you just wanted Rick and Negan to get along and make peace but there wasn't a high possibility of that ever happening.
On one of your runs, you and Daryl stumbled upon some rope and left-over liqour, as the two of you had packed up your bags, the light-bulb went off in your head, putting two and two together. Although you and Daryl don't talk about that night often, it was definitely something special the two of you had shared in the past. Once sobering up, you cuddled half the day away.
Negan could tell you were struggling with the walker, a grimace mixed with his signature grin sprawled across his face while watching you. You couldn't tell if he actually got a kick out of seeing you struggle like this. Your knife had fallen out of the pouch and Negan had stolen your arrows before all this happened. You could have reached for the arrow to stab the walker in the head. "I'm going to fucking kill you when this is-ouch!" A loud scream parted your lips as you felt the walker tearing into your flesh.
Fear took over as you crawled away from the rotten creature, tears rolling down your face. Negan luckily caught on, he walked over and bashed it's head in before the walker could have done more damage then was already done.
"Now, what was that you were saying 'bout killing me? Little ol' you is gonna kill me with a crossbow? Knew I had a reason for stealing them." Once again, Negan swung Lucille around while speaking with you, the man standing before you struck fear into whatever was left of your soul.
Rolling your eyes at Negan, you had little time or effort in putting up with his shit. "Just shut up and give me your shirt."
"Knew one of these days you would wanna see me shirtless, sweet face." A groan escaped from your lips, hearing the nickname Negan gave you. Negan tore the cloth on his shirt, throwing it in your direction.
Bleeding out, you swiftly wrapped the cloth around your wound, tying it tightly. "Fucking hell, Negan. Stealing my arrows? Are you really that fuckin' low?" Seething in anger, you stumbled up off the ground, holding your wound, eventually you heard the engine of Daryl's motorcycle in the distance.
"Go, now. Before my cover is blown and Daryl sees you." You pushed Negan away but the little force didn't even make him move an inch. "Oh, and also I hate you so much."
"I hate you too." Negan embraced you, pulling you in for one long and passionate kiss. It felt much needed, being away from him this long proved to be difficult. Sure, Negan would leave you for dead but something small inside of you cared for this man.
*currently that day*
"Negan could have saved me like he did with the others. He watched the walker bite me and just stood there, D. I get that he is a monster but one would think that even Negan cared about my well-being."
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63 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Gold, Baby, Solid Gold.
Summary : Sully could never take the hint about you having feelings for him so one night in your shared hotel room, you decide to wear a golden dress in attempts to get his attention.
Pairing : unchartedfilm!sully x f!reader
Warnings : swearing, pet names (princess/babygirl), oral (f recieving), face riding, fingering, cum talk, french kissing
Word Count : 1,589 words
A/N : This is Uncharted film based after the main events of the film happened. Alludes to a few spoilers, I had a really fun time writing this because I've literally watched the film 100 times already and Uncharted 4 is basically all I play now. Enjoy! Likes/Reblogs are appreciated! No stealing my work!
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Going with Sully on adventures had definitely been different than going on them with Nathan. You viewed Nathan as a brother figure even though he already has one. Sully never seemed to get it through his thick skull that you actually developed feelings for him. Being around Sully caused your heart to skip beats and butterflies would flutter around in your stomach.
Sully’s a cockroach when it comes to gold.
Braddock's voice rung through your ears even hours later. You were grateful for Sully saving Nate instead of grabbing his satchel of gold. You always viewed Sully as the 'save himself only' type of guy so his actions today caught you by surprise. The sun went down and Sully would be back toward the hotel soon.
Nate knew how you felt about Sully so he decided to head back early while you and Sully stayed the night at the hotel. Quite ironically, he was busy picking up some Papa John's for a late night snack. You had warned him not to go back after smashing the glass toward the location earlier. When did Sully actually ever listen to you though? He never seemed to get the hint of you having feelings for him.
The cat meowed at the edge of the bed wanting attention. You pet his cat before standing up and opening your bag up. Holding up the golden dress that glimmered along with the lighting, a smile spread along your lips. You were saving the outfit for an undercover mission but you didn't know when you would be alone with Sully again and him actually being in a good mood for once.
Entering the washroom, you pinned your hair up while slipping your clothing off and the golden dress put on afterwards fit your figure perfectly and admired it aswell.
I’m literally in a Papa John’s right now.
You practically screeched when hearing Sully speak through the phone. "Did you uh- butt dial me again? What did Nate say about keeping so many apps open?" You questioned Sully with a chuckle.
Sully proceeded to order the pizza for you two before hearing your voice. "I'll be there in ten." Sully informed, you didn't know who seemed to talk more, you or him.
"You don't need Tinder around tonight..." Mumbling up against the speaker while your cheeks tinted red. "What was that?" He questioned while picking up the pizza and entering his car. "Uh, nothing-" You hung up the phone before giving Sully the chance to answer.
While waiting for his return, you pulled out your makeup pouch and applied some red lipstick along with other makeup that complimented your skin tone.
If we find the gold, we find him too.
You waited patiently at the doorway for Sully to arrive. Pairing your golden dress along with some black combat boots. Heels would be the obvious choice but you were aiming for comfort tonight. Hearing the door knob turn, you jumped up in excitement and ran toward the bed, trying your best to look sexy.
Sully held the pizza in his hands with his phone sitting on top of the box, he nearly dropped both on the floor when seeing you all dressed up just to impress him in hopes that he would now take the hint.
"Wow, Y/N. You look stunning." His eyes wandered along your body briefly, "Really been paying attention to how much I love gold, huh?" You nodded, the smile creeping across your lips again.
"Hey, listen... Sully, I need to tell you something." You sat up on the bed and looked him in the eyes. "Maybe it will be easier to hear when sitting down." You added.
Sully listened and sat down at the edge of the bed beside you. "What is it, Y/N? Did someone steal my stuff again? Wouldn't be the first time." You shook your head at him, "No, silly."
"I... well wanted to tell you that I have had feelings for you quite a long time now. Well... just a few months but-" You were finding it hard to form sentences, actually confessing this to Sully instead of infront of your mirror while alone was different. He was actually here and listening to you, being respectful. What if he doesn't like you? The thoughts starting to make your head spin while sweat started to form on your palms. Great.
"I really really like you, Sully." You eventually got out as his hazel eyes met with yours. He placed his hand on yours, rubbing his thumb up against it before responding. "I really really like you aswell, Y/N. For a long time now but I was nervous because of my reputation with women in the past. I didn't want to ruin something before we even started it, but yes I do have feelings for you."
Sully telling you this felt like a breath of fresh air, he felt the same way toward you. Getting caught up in the moment, you placed your arms on his shoulders while he positioned his arms on your hips and waist.
"Mm, dressed up in gold all for me? I love it, babygirl." Sully teasingly whispered in your ear before placing his lips against yours.
The kiss deepened as you parted your lips for him to enter his tongue in your mouth. The two of you battled for dominance while kissing, twirling your tongues around with one another. A moan escaped your lips at the sudden thought of him using his tongue on you in other ways.
Sully took his lips off yours and took a deep breath. "I must be fantastic at kissing if I already have you moaning." He teased with a wink.
Rolling your eyes at him with a chuckle, you glanced at his lips before looking at all of his other features. "No clue what you're talking about. The pizza is gonna get cold if we wait any longer."
See the full post
64 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Time Flies, Drunk Ties || TWD Drabble
Summary : A normal supply run with Daryl turns into something much more.
Pairing : Fem Reader x Daryl Dixon
Warnings : talk of killing/blood, weapons, drinking, alcohol, unprotected sex, self pleasure, anal, rope play
A/N : This is what happened when the reader/Daryl got drunk together one night. I hope everyone enjoys this. Likes/Reblogs are appreciated. <3 Might be the last thing I write for awhile, my anxiety is bad. Editing requests are open though. Feel free to dm/send in an ask! <3 No stealing my work either! I'm aware that this isn't the best writing ever. There is no exact set timeline for this but roughly based around season 6-7 before Love Bites Back || TWD Drabble.
This morning you were supposed to meet up with Negan but Daryl had insisted on you joining with him on a run for supplies. You didn't really see the point in doing supply runs anymore but it kept Negan happy and he didn't kill as many people when you were around him. Who were you kidding... Negan killed your friends in cold blood directly infront of you.
Packing up the last bit of things before heading out of Alexandria for the day, you grabbed some bottled water, canned goods, and your lucky knives. One could never go wrong with bringing knives. Sure, you had one pistol full on ammo with the crossbow over your shoulder aswell.
Daryl often commented about how long you took when having to leave and actually do something. He waited for you on his motorcycle while you hugged your friends goodbye. With walkers roaming around nearly ever corner along with other dangers, you never knew what goodbye would be your very last.
"Goodbye Rick, I think I'm gonna miss you the most." You grinned up at him gently before setting your hand in his hair and messing with it. His cheeks crinkled up while beginning to smile as he shook his head at you.
"Guess this is payback for messing up your hair that one time." Rick teased, you rolled your eyes up at the man before saying goodbye to Carol.
"I think Pookie over there is starting to catch butterflies in his stomach for you." Glancing back toward the gate, you saw Daryl on his motorcycle while catching a look at you every once in awhile. Both him and Negan caused butterflies in your own stomach, all for different reasons.
"N-no-" Stuttering, you shook your head while staring down at your combat boots. "Daryl doesn't like me that way, does he?" Cheeks growing warm at the thought of Daryl sharing the same feelings as you.
Carol shrugged, "Maybe he does. If you have to ask the question, then the answer is probably yes. Now get goin' before he decides to leave you behind." All jokes aside, you knew that Daryl would never do that.
Making your way toward Daryl, a smile spread along your lips while throwing one leg over his motorcycle along with the other. "Let's get going, slow-poke."
"Mhm, I'm the one that is slow." Daryl responded, two members of Alexandria opened up the gate as you and Daryl went through.
*a few hours later*
"Where are we heading?" Questioning him as you looked around only to see walkers surrounding both sides of the dirt road.
"Straight. Saw an old shack a couple of miles ahead, we'll be safe there for tonight."
Along the way, you and Daryl found food for the others at home and some more water. The most interesting thing the two of you found though was some rope and liqour.
The whole ride seemed rather quiet and long. You were hoping to get more out of today. Sighing loud as you hopped off his motorcycle and went into the shack, Daryl followed close behind you.
"What's wrong now?" Daryl questioned as he raised an eyebrow up at you while resting his back up against some wood.
"Nothing, D... Just- I've been sexually frustrated ever since waking up this morning. Getting off is hard when the only moans you hear are those of the walkers." With a huff, you threw your bag on the ground which caused the beer bottles to roll out along with some rope the two of you found earlier that day.
Daryl glanced up and down at you, trying to make out if you were joking around this time or not. He never grew close to anyone, the only reason he stops by Alexandria is to make sure you are safe and well taken care of.
"Hmm," Daryl hummed as your eyes met with his, "Guess we will have to fix this problem of yours then." Just hearing his southern-accent was enough to make your panties wet.
Things started to become more handsy after downing two beers each. Straddling his clothed thigh, you needed even more friction. "Daryl, please. I want your big D..."
Daryl shook his head, wanting to see how long the whining and begging would be able to go on for but what he didn't know about you was the fact you enjoyed being bratty and getting your way.
Smirk growing across your lips, you rid yourself from the jeans and t-shirt.
"What are ya' gonna do if I touch myself, D? Hmm?" You taunted all while slipping your hand down your panties, beginning to pleasure yourself.
Moments later, the buldge grew even larger in his pants. "Fuck, I've had enough of this." With swift moments, Daryl lifted you up and pinned you against the wall.
"I knew that you were slow."
See the full post
67 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bywons · 3 months
noo problem sruu <33 you worked so hard today by literally listening to 3hr bio class so you deserved a good raise. bubs, you worked hard, so hard today 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
hmm, i do think the same, maybe it wasnt written as my destiny but now that you mention it, i think we were fated to do the opposite things and maybe we were destined sruu?? do you get what i mean? i am so bad at explaining :(
of course!! ill enjoy my college life but i dont think my college starts until its late August hahaha, i am all useless luke that one unemployed friend lol soo, i am learning to code and brain is not processing :/
we can be 07z if you want but i envy you, you write so good and though we are the same age, your english is way too advance amd far off my league, not to compare pr be rude sru bubs, but how did you improve so well 🥺 pls give me some tips sruu <33
— 🪷
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mmhm thanks for understanding nonnie, i also had a bio test tmrw which idk how i aced 🧍‍♀️ and yes, i do think it was destined like so !!!! dw u made urself clear bae TT it's okay tho, maybe we will grow to like and embrace our current fields later in the future, or at least i hope so we do ^^ ( we must !! )
SO SAME but in a different font that my frnds stopped inviting me to hangouts cuz they know i won't be able to show up due to my back to back classes TT they also tease me by 'topper' but what can i do if i.... top? 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️BUT UR NOT USELESS AT ALL PLEEK you're so so precious cutie <333
OMG NO STOP TYSM BAE T0T i'm sure you're spectacular at writing as well !!! i believe in you, and you can improve as well my love ^3^ well to answer your question how i improved and some tips on writing, maybe you could give me some time? TT i'll come up with a proper writing tips post 4 u 💕 but in short, i've been writing poems and stories since childhood, so i've been improving since then! & also i'm an icse student which has it's own perks ig (?) TT BUT I BELIEVE U WRITE EVEN BETTER THAN ME NONNIE i literally love u sm mwah you're teww sweet >3<
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moonjxsung · 5 months
RAHHH VANILLA MILKSHAKS ARE THE BEST ajdklfjaskldfj WHAAA thank youuu 🥺 I have so many art pieces queued up so check my blog ;) I am having an amazing week!! Today I had a volunteer shift at the biodiversity museum at my uni which was so fun I made a new friend!! And thennnnnn tonight I have a SLEEPOVER?!?!?!? and then I have lunch plans tmrw with more friends ^w^ ALSOOOOOOOOO the hiding hickeys from parents thing is SO RELATEABLE 😭 my ex was SO bad at giving them (lord help him he was so terrible at it LMAO) but when he did manage to give me them like once or twice (in our 2+ yrs tgt 💀) THEY WERE SO FREAKING OBVIOUS!! So ofc, I just got him back by giving him a million super visible ones >:) (he was a competitive swimmer too so it's not like he could hide them hahahaha - I had his consent dw) anywaysssss- How's your week going!? 🌱
PLEASE my ex was somehow really good at giving them but he’d make them DARKKKK and it was such an ordeal to hide them 😭😭 also not your ex being a SWIMMER showing up covered in hickies lmfaoooo that’s such a power move
My week is good!! Super busy w work and I’ve been super tired every single day but at least tomorrow’s Fridayyy which means I’m going to grab coffee at my fav little coffee shop and then probably nap all evening bc I am DRAINED 🤕
I love youuuuu have so much fun tomorrow angel!!!! ❣️❤️💕💗💞💖💓💘👼
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beatheprincess · 9 months
Day 1 of online classes ! 3/10
I spoke to my grandmother longer than expected 😅 so I just completed discussion boards/introductions..aaaa my math class gives me anxiety already kms but it could be worse 😔 but def will work harder tmrw n not stress on work🥺 I wanna hopefully regress tonight and be in a peaceful mindset soon cus I deserve it <3 wish me luck xoxo
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Pat yourselves on the back for making it through the day 😤💞
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
hiii it's sleepover anon again ;____;
it's my bday and ahahah i'm not having a good time..... i mean, ever since that night actually. i haven't confronted my bffs bc bff1 was at the beach for like 2 weeks and and bff2 was mia. i wanted to talk to both of them in person and i didn't want to push thru if we weren't complete so i've been waiting.. but anw i've just been civil w them. no actually, i've been dry hahah. but i think i'm just gonna have to confront both of them either on call or individually bc my bff's leaving to return back to her uni abroad like tmrw. smh
but the reason why bff2 was mia is bc she's been feeling bad abt that night.. she msged me last night and apologized for being mia and that was the reason why, then she greeted me. i haven't even confronted them but i guess she realized it herself, how mean she was lol.. i still want to bring it up tho, ik she's gonna feel even worse when i do, but idk i just can't let it slide y'know.. plus bff1 has no clue of whats rly going on so i have to bring it up bc both of them still quite literally talked abt me behind my back so.
anw. i've been rly down ever since bc i had no one to share my happiness with... i do have other friends but it's just not the same bc our dynamic is different. i just feel so down and rly empty now... nothing fuels me except my comfort shows and movies, but they're just distractions.
i also went to watch barbie for my bday today, and there were 3 misogynist guys (i think they were high schoolers) who were rly fucking noisy and annoying.. during the mom's speech (i forgot her name but iykyk, i don't want to spoil), one of them went "that sucks" sarcastically and they were giggling bc they noticed everyone staring at them for being annoying as fuck.. literally went "they're staring at us *giggling*" like the fuckkk... also, one of them groaned twice like really fucking loudly, almost screaming like wtf... i do not even know what to say about that. i feel like they were feeling cool for being a nuisance and got attention 😒 they rly ruined my barbie experience AND ON MY BDAY!!!!! i srsly wanted to push them down the stairs i kid u not.. and at the end of the movie when everyone left, u'd see their spot full of trash from their food and drinks just splattered everywhere... fucking pigs. i didn't even enjoy the movie like at all bc of them and i'm rly pissed bc it was supposed to be the highlight of my bday.. i just genuinely wanted to have a good time WHY R MEN SO FUCKING TRASHHHH
anw that's all. sorry my asks are long ;__; i don't rly have anyone to confide in anymore.. u don't rly have to reply to this if u don't want to btw no pressure!
also fyi i am a constant consumer of ur peter works and i'm very grateful for u. can't wait for ur frat!peter series heheh and thank u so much for making this a safe space🥺💗 wishing u well mwahugs<3
tbh it sounds like bff2 had a wake up call, or imo seems like the person that will jump in and make fun of someone else so they’re not getting made fun of.
bff2 apologized on her own behalf and that speaks volumes.
((you’re so welcome, i am very glad to have you here and happy to know you have a safe space ❤️))
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dilfian · 2 years
*lays on the floor* what if i worked an hr tmrw. for lols. also bc i hate pulling teeth.
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capricores · 3 years
i have been so inactive omg i miss you guys and i miss talking about astrology so much 😭 i really want to be more active here again!!
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gardenhotspot · 3 years
also i just think its funny that slowly but surely the other employees around the store are starting to get to know me
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