#back to be obsessed with star wars
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mc-slowwalker · 4 months ago
okay I don’t really go here anymore but fuck jack manifold will really always be relevant
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weirdnotal · 8 months ago
Obi-Wan: please do not shoot at Grievous without a jedi you will surely die
The 212th:
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paracosm-draw · 7 months ago
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"I thought that we had decided not to fall in love. That we would be forced to live a lie. And that it would destroy our lives."
Please do not steal/credit me if repost 🫶🏻
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sunflowersinheaven · 9 months ago
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another wip, that i wont be able to finish for a while
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chasingthewesternsun · 2 years ago
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Mr. Thrawn being a scary boy and contemplating the defeat of his enemies
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cupothi · 2 years ago
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luke skywalker it seems i've grown quite fond of you tho there are no sexual urges or desires you come to me as a long lost friend whom i once picked apples with in papa's orchard
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padawansuggest · 2 years ago
Obi-Wan in his natural habitat in the temple sleeps in a loft bed (it was supposed to be storage he said cat instinct and turned it into a loft bed they’re shockingly common with Jedi tbh tho) and under 17 fluffy blankets with a pregnancy pillow (he’s not pregnant he just can’t sleep off his stomach if he don’t got one and sometimes autism requires squishing to keep it all down) and three more fluffy blankets on top of him. He has an optional Padawan or pet (not really a pet, just whomever followed him how from the gardens today) in bed with him also. And he’s got a projector on the wall and has a night stand with water and gaming devices so he can survive up there forever.
The clones, who have learned to sleep with full kute coverings and usually without blankets or pillows cause they just pass out on each other, most of whom identified with their Jedi for having similar sleeping types if they weren’t human, realize they are quite horrified by his Stewjoni nesting instinct. And he’s offended and refuses to sleep with any of them till they apologize to his favorite stuffed animal for insulting his HOUSE. Fuck you bitches he and Master Sparkle Bantha deserve better.
Cody is groveling while Alpha is still trying to negotiate a less intense number of blankets and Anakin is just shaking his head like ‘it’s not worth it Bro’ and Alpha is like ‘shut up ur an omega too you brat’ and that’s the last straw, you called them omegas now Cody is asking what an omega is and Alpha is trying to figure out how to keep his AO3 account hidden from his vod’e and nvm he’ll sleep in the barracks forever-
Obi-Wan holds this info over his head like a guillotine and convinced him to get in the damn nest right this second and cuddle him better.
If you don’t sleep with at least two comforters and a queen sized fuzzy blanket then I don’t trust you. Yes I refuse to trust my sister and wife okay. Everything in the world has a downside and that’s theirs. My bed is half dragon hoard of yarn and squishmallows. I’m not changing for anyone.
Anakin’s bed is 90% pillow and squishmallow and 10% blanket. Padme uses a thin cotton blanket and lets him burrito wrap himself and uses him like a body pillow while he’s captive in the blankies.
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extratiredofyourcrap · 8 months ago
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Their my favorite old married couple, your honor :3333
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peachblossom-odyssey · 5 months ago
My mind hatched this vague concept and nothing else, so here’s a snippet of Imperial royals Luke and Leia talking about a captured Jedi Ezra
“I just-“ Luke ran his hands through his hair, pacing a hole through Leia’s favorite rug, “I just don’t get how you don’t see it, Leia. He’s so… so…”
“So Jedi?” Leia’s voice was chilly, “So naive? So very rebel-minded?”
“Bright.” Luke turned again to the feed of the holding cell, an expression akin to helplessness flitting across his face as he watched the dark-haired Jedi whistle boredly to himself, his heart lurching a little as if he could hear the song even from here, “He’s so bright, Leia. But not bright like a sun or a solar flare or any of that Jedi poodoo. He’s…”
“Luke.” she sighed, but he shook his head.
“He’s the accretion disk around a black hole.” he murmured, forcing his eyes away from the Jedi he was slowly becoming obsessed with, grounding himself in his sister’s severe expression, “He’s the corona of a total eclipse. He’s the split second after the heat shields fail where the temperature inside is perfect. I don’t know how else to describe how he feels, Leia. He’s Light and Dark and I want him.”
“… Damn it, Luke.” Leia’s golden eyes were swimming, resignation and indignation mixing like oil and water, “You should have killed him when you had the chance.”
“Yeah.” Luke sighed, eyes drawn back to the screen as if pulled by gravity, “Yeah, I probably should have.”
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fansblogs · 18 days ago
happy valentine’s day to them <3
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burntblueberrywaffles · 1 year ago
Watching Anakin haters use TCW as their main argument against him like:
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That guy from your show sure sounds like he sucks glad my beloved blorbo Anakin Skywalker would never do that 😌
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viscanpikamine · 4 months ago
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They’re happy and healthy and get to see Kad grow up with both of his parents and Order 66 never happened <3
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cameoliob · 1 month ago
Can i ask for another snippet of "That was a long time ago" if you've written more of it, please?
(I swear i wasn't obsessed with Kallus/Jovan before reading your detailed headcanons, but now i can't help but ship these two doomed bastards!)
Say less
19 BBY
Okay. Jovan thought. He watched Xsandr bite at his lip as he tapped his pencil against the table, his brows furrowed in quiet concentration. From this angle Jovan could see just how Xsandr’s long lashes fanned over his cheeks, and how his freckles scattered over his nose. This is fine. “Stop looking at me,” Xsandr mumbled, as he scribbled down another set of equations.  “I’m not looking at you!” Jovan lied. He determindely turned to his own flimsi, his gaze so focused that he nearly missed how Alexsandr looked up at him with scrutiny. “You’re a bad liar.”  “I’m a great liar,” Jovan muttered.  “So,” Alexsandr languidly draped himself over the back of his chair and motioned at Jovan with his stylus, “notice how you just lied.”  “I didn’t lie!” “Wow, three in a row, that has to be a record.”  “I’m not–” “Liiiiaaaarrrrr,” Xsandr drawled as he stretched his arms above his head. And Jovan did not stare. “Just stop being weird. If you have something to say just say it.”  “Just say it,” Jovan guffawed, “it’s that mentality that keeps getting you into trouble.” Xsandr rolled his eyes.  “It’s their fault that they get so butthurt over it,” he shrugged, “stars forbid a man have opinions.”  “It’s just a bit-” Jovan nearly cut himself off as Xsandr shot him a look, “uh,” Xsandr quirked a brow, “abrasive– which is great! I don’t mind, I don’t mind it at all– I’m just– some other people might not like it– which I’m not- I’m not one of those people, I like it, it’s great, I don’t care!” Jovan swallowed thickly, his face suddenly growing very warm. He really had to get the rambling thing under control, this was a problem.  Xsandr had the audacity to laugh. Jovan supposed he should be offended, but when Xsandr looked like that, with his long lashes, and his little smile, and those little dimples that Jovan was only a little bit infatuated by, it was a bit difficult to be offended.  
“So,” Jovan started, “perhaps we should address the bantha in the room.” Kallus shot him a look.  “Which one,” he scowled.  “The biggest one, obviously,” Jovan crossed his legs and gestured vaguely at Kallus, “full beard.” Kallus rolled his eyes. “I thought the sideburns were a bit much, so it's certainly a welcome change.”  “If you like it so much maybe I’ll shave,” Kallus scowled. Jovan frowned. “If you’re going to talk my ear off, at least make it something worth-while.” “You used to love listening to me talk,” Jovan pouted.  “Before you got annoying,” Kallus glowered, “you’re wasting my time.” “But you did like it,” Jovan smirked. “Before I had standards, sure.” Kallus turned on his heel to leave. “I’m going to the cockpit-” “WAIT,” Jovan shot up from his seat and immediately regretted it. He had no doubt that it read as excessively clingy. “I have–” Kallus stared at him, his face devoid of any emotion, “I have actual questions. I’ll be serious.” God this was embarrassing.  “Out with it, then,” Kallus sighed. “So,” Jovan swallowed, leaning back against the table as if that made him look less awkward, “you’re with the Rebels.”  “Astute observation.” “What– uh,” Jovan ran his hand through his hair, “what did it?” Even if Jovan didn’t want to admit it, there was a part of him, buried deep in his chest that dared to hope that maybe, just maybe, Kallus was guilt-riddled after locking Jovan up. Maybe that’s why all of this was happening– “Had nothing to do with you, I can assure you that,” Kallus pursed his lips. Jovans heart dropped to his ass.  “What? I never said it did! Where’d you get that? I didn’t think that!”  “You’re a bad liar.”
Jovan, on his way to lie to the guy who lies for a living: surely this won't backfire
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ilovemarkhamill · 1 year ago
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He’s 5 foot 7.5 feet tall! Short king! 😊 👑 Mark Hamill is kinda average height but I still call him a short king! Luke is apparently canonically 5 ft 6 so the 5 ft 7.5 height isn’t far off. Love my short king! 👑😁🎉
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thewriterowl · 2 years ago
Luke: (watching Din land before him and hurrying over, getting scooped in his arms) Hi sweetie!
Din: Luke, cyare, you scared me! I didn't know where you were or what happened!
Luke:....I just went to get a smoothie. I've been gone for ten minutes.
Din: You should've told me! I was so worried. I didn't know what happened! It was horrible. Don't leave me again.
Luke:...what did you do.
Din: I only mildly panicked.
(explosion in the distances followed by screaming)
Din: Very mildly panicked.
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hallucinateonpaperspines · 3 months ago
Crack shipping in Once upon a time:
June x Unicron
Hear me out, this crack pairing has the potential of becoming dramatic, like a Mexican soap opera or like one of those Greek mythology’s, since there would be conflict between a god and a demi-god so let’s get cooking:
In various mythologies, not just Greek, there are warnings that catching the attention of a god is considered bad luck, since Gods become extremely possessive on the objects or people they consider as theirs and will cause calamities on the interlopers or to the people they’re possessive of. June is basically his emotional support human and the envoy he depends on the most (95% of the time). In this case, Unicron spends most of his time with her and June’s presence helps eases his mind, whether their relationship is platonic or romantic, it doesn’t matter since Unicron would consider June his.
On the other hand, Unicron gave June a purpose to continue living along new “abilities” that would help her(June has become a leader/pillar of support to other neo-humans. She wouldn’t bring herself to join Jack in the afterlife since so many people depend on her). With June’s new purpose in mind and burden, Unicron ends up becoming her pillar of support from better or worse. In addition, as an envoy, she’s connected to Unicron’s anti-spark, so any emotions she feels will be transferred and vice versa.
Those emotions are going to flare when two problems (Megatron and Optimus) arrive on their doorstep.
June has plenty of reasons to despise Megatron with her entire being (I.e. destroying her life). Unicron would definitely feel and probably be affected by it.
When Megatron arrives on Earth
Unicron: *looks concerned* June, do you want me to avenge your son? I have a lightening bolt with his name on it.
June: *Sees Javier clinging to Megatron’s leg* Not yet.
Unicron: How about we make him suffer in the meantime 😈
June: … I’m listening.
In the show I wasn’t sure if June had a crush on Optimus or if it was just admiration, but if she did those feelings she once had would turn into a resentment even worse than the hate she feels for Megatron. After all the worse feeling of betrayal never comes from an enemy, but from a person you admired since you never saw it coming. The juicy drama will start once Optimus arrives on Earth. June’s resentment for Optimus would only amplify Unicron’s distaste for him.
Meanwhile, Unicron originally didn’t hate Optimus as much as Megatron. Optimus only crime at the time was being a Prime, while Megatron committed a worse crime, stealing *HIS* blood. After the cyberforming of Earth, those feelings are going to switch.
For you see, Unicron would never share anything with anyone, even with Primus, despite his brother being his equal. He would especially never share if it was with a Prime, someone he considered a lesser. So how dare this puny Prime tries to take something that doesn’t belong to him (June’s attention, thoughts, and emotions). Optimus accomplished something no other Primes have achieved, becoming someone he wants nothing more to destroy even more than his brother.
*Unicron sensing Optimus on Earth*
Immediately sends lightning, snowstorms, a hurricane, and an earthquake for good measure to make sure he’s dead in that area of the world away from civilization.
June: *Sensing immense hate and doesn’t know what going on* Unicron, is something wrong? 😰
Unicron: Nothing’s wrong, don’t worry about it 😇
I love this so much you have no idea. I’ve been struggling with figuring out where to pick up this universe, and you have handed me genius on a silver platter. My brain is swooning.
The character study I could do with this thing! Not just Unicron, but for Optimus, oh my word.
June would definitely be a "favorite" Envoy of Unicron's, even if she isn't the strongest or particularly chaotic. Maybe she reminds him of Primus before they permanently separated and became enemies. Perhaps it's simply that her mind does contain some familiar memories to latch on to. Or maybe June does have a secret dark side that's more in line with Unicron's own spark than anyone might suspect.
Regardless that's his human now.
I think as their relationship develops, it will eventually exist in this weird limbo/cross between platonic and romantic. They'd never actually enter into a romantic entanglement, not on purpose, but there is something so intimate about sharing a mind (even partially) that certain things naturally transfer over.
Sharing each other's emotions, passing on sensations of contentment, calm, or rage to convey their own feelings or influence the others'. That in itself is so similar to a conjux sparkbond that a few more perspective individuals do mistake June as Unicron's Bride.
June doesn't particularly care. If the title that she's faintly aware of makes others more inclined to listen or pay attention to her demands, she is all for it. No confirmation nor denial. She has bigger issues to deal with.
Unicron is surprisingly pleased. There's an acknowledgment of him in the rumor. That June is his. She is not free for the taking or collection of others. Semantics mean nothing.
Possessive behavior, obviously, Unicron has issues with any Prime entering into June's space (especially one that brings emotional baggage like Optimus). However, June also finds herself having a strange level of disgust and revulsion to any Cybertronain that dabbles with Dark Energon. Megatron and Starscream are no exception.
There is something so grating about it to her. Disgraceful how Unicron is being used like nothing more than an object. She comes down harder on non-earthen users. Those not born, who have not been given that connection by circumstances beyond them but took it for themselves.
There's a distinction between the two. And if her soul sings alongside the anti-spark, a wellspring of fondness and belonging for those who have been crafted into this bloodline... well, only Unicron will know.
And he does know.
Sharing a dreamscape is a new thing. It should be offputting for both, so used to silence and standing alone, for a new consciousness to manifest within a place so private. And yet...
To touch is a new sensation, even in the first days, when his body hadn't been shut down, disconnected from him, and decaying before it was reformed into the Earth, Unicron had never felt the need or experienced something so simple. Space was a wide, vast place. His time was spent exploring, consuming, and reaching out to interact with destructive purpose. Affection is as foreign as touch is, but in the shadow of dreams, June provides both. A pat on the shoulder. Leaning into his frame. Tracing the pieces of his servos. It's innocent. Mindless.
He finds he doesn't mind it.
It's nice to have a confidant. Someone who can explain what these.... egh, feelings are when concerning Earth's spawn. An anchor in a new influx of sensations and emotions. Unicron has never been parental. Has never been confronted with life raw, unfiltered, and screaming at him. June has. As a mother with a child. As a nurse in the ER. As a leader of her people. That familiarity, what was at first a way to silence the storm of voices, becomes a translator of sorts.
June is used to a small world, a life made up of her and her son, but is not used to the concept of war. She knows of it. She can recognize violence, but she's never had to threaten it and mean it. She's spent her life preserving the welfare of others, and now she's doing the opposite. Ruining. Destroying. Killing. Not just one person but an entire civilization is marked as the enemy. It may not be all-encompassing; it may be entirely justified, but a part of her, the healer in her, is just as mournful at her part in this as she is over the kids' fate. Unicron is not a stranger to death. He is not innocent of the concept of wrath. To unmaking and betrayal and cruelty.
Unicron is not a good person. Just as June draws him out into a new side of being, hurting remade into possessive-care, so too does Unicron's apathetic dismantling draw out her protective-wrath.
They are not family. Not lovers. Not friends. Not master nor apprentice. Really, if asked to define their relationship, the answer would depend on which side is asked and what day the question is voiced. For now, they just are. Drawn together by forces beyond comprehension, a moon in a sea of asteroids all circling the same planet. June is favored, elevated, and some might call it love. Unicron is trusted, humored, indulged, and listened to as if they were equals.
June Darby is still mortal, different through that lifespan may be, and even if Unicron grows attached to the concept of having a companion, if he chooses others to replace that void or disappears into the shadows of Earth's core, there will always be a space within his mind reserved for her presence. Empty or not.
They have become entwined, he is one of two again, and Unicron would rather devour her than let her go.
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