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padawansuggest · 2 years ago
Obi-Wan in his natural habitat in the temple sleeps in a loft bed (it was supposed to be storage he said cat instinct and turned it into a loft bed they’re shockingly common with Jedi tbh tho) and under 17 fluffy blankets with a pregnancy pillow (he’s not pregnant he just can’t sleep off his stomach if he don’t got one and sometimes autism requires squishing to keep it all down) and three more fluffy blankets on top of him. He has an optional Padawan or pet (not really a pet, just whomever followed him how from the gardens today) in bed with him also. And he’s got a projector on the wall and has a night stand with water and gaming devices so he can survive up there forever.
The clones, who have learned to sleep with full kute coverings and usually without blankets or pillows cause they just pass out on each other, most of whom identified with their Jedi for having similar sleeping types if they weren’t human, realize they are quite horrified by his Stewjoni nesting instinct. And he’s offended and refuses to sleep with any of them till they apologize to his favorite stuffed animal for insulting his HOUSE. Fuck you bitches he and Master Sparkle Bantha deserve better.
Cody is groveling while Alpha is still trying to negotiate a less intense number of blankets and Anakin is just shaking his head like ‘it’s not worth it Bro’ and Alpha is like ‘shut up ur an omega too you brat’ and that’s the last straw, you called them omegas now Cody is asking what an omega is and Alpha is trying to figure out how to keep his AO3 account hidden from his vod’e and nvm he’ll sleep in the barracks forever-
Obi-Wan holds this info over his head like a guillotine and convinced him to get in the damn nest right this second and cuddle him better.
If you don’t sleep with at least two comforters and a queen sized fuzzy blanket then I don’t trust you. Yes I refuse to trust my sister and wife okay. Everything in the world has a downside and that’s theirs. My bed is half dragon hoard of yarn and squishmallows. I’m not changing for anyone.
Anakin’s bed is 90% pillow and squishmallow and 10% blanket. Padme uses a thin cotton blanket and lets him burrito wrap himself and uses him like a body pillow while he’s captive in the blankies.
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threebea · 4 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alpha-17/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alpha-17 & CC-2224 | Cody Characters: Alpha-17 (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: One-Sided Obi-Wan/Cody, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Long-Suffering Alpha-17 (Star Wars), Snarky Alpha-17 (Star Wars), Mentioned Anakin Skywalker, Asexual Alpha-17, Asexual Obi-Wan Kenobi, Cuddling & Snuggling, Bonding, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker are Siblings, BAMF Obi-Wan Kenobi, Competent Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett's F- Parenting Summary:
Seventeen made peace with the fact he was about to be food for a Spider Queen. His life hadn't been long. The only thing his father ever gave him was his name. The rest he had made for himself. A corrupt guardsman with a foul disposition. No one would be coming for him. His brothers were loyal, but were smart enough not to try.
So they sent someone else instead.
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merlyn-bane · 4 months ago
Would you ever wrrrrrite....... second chance romance :D :D :D (join me in my trash pile?)
never say never 👀 the trope could certainly be very very chewy with obi-wan/alpha-17 i think 👀👀 mayhaps a post-war, no o66 reunion with a whole bunch of messy sticky feelings?? amongst the already messy and complicated process of rebuilding and resettling?? 👀👀👀
ask game can be found here.
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mayaarman · 5 months ago
Thant’s when the dreams started, suddenly he was not on the closed off, small white room they had given him as a trainer, instead he was in a different place every night. Sometimes it was a large garden filled with fountains, a large library, some quiet bar or a cozy bedroom. The only thing that remains constant was him, Obi-Wan.
Always looking at him with those gray-blue eyes, scanning every inch of him like he was reading the most interesting piece of media that ever existed. His hand would map his scarred skin with such care, words of worship would leave his sinful pink lips. And Alpha would take it all without a care.
Here we go, second day coming through!
This time, the prompts were: Wet Dream and Cum Eating.
Hope you guys like it!
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WIP Game
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
Oh lord how many slots do you get for these polls? Someone save my soul. These are the ones that I haven't finished yet (or rather 10 of them as I recently learned). XD
Thanks for the tag @bluemaskedkarma
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batshieroglyphics · 1 day ago
FICLET: The Way Home ~ Star Wars: Prequels ~ Alpha-17/Obi-Wan ~ Gen
Title: The Way Home Fandom: Star Wars: Prequels Author: Batsutousai Rating: General Pairing: Alpha-17/Obi-Wan Kenobi Warnings: AU, post-war, no Order 66, established relationship, chronic pain, chronically disabled character, Anakin leaves Jedi Order, nonbinary clone troopers, trans clone troopers, pranks Summary: Seventeen enjoys retirement in Temple, watching over their Jedi and the troopers who found their own homes there.
Ahsoka failed to muffle a giggle against Seventeen's back. Rex's jaw worked soundlessly for a moment, before he managed to gather himself enough to stiffly say, "We're sorry to bother you, Alpha-Seventeen. By your leave, I'll take Ahsoka—" Seventeen snorted. "Why? She might have planted it, but we both know she didn't mastermind it." Rex's spine went, impossibly, even straighter. "Cody," he snarled, then snapped off a salute at Seventeen and stormed back the direction he'd come. "Oh no," Ahsoka said, before starting to giggle.
Read it on AO3!
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siderealdei · 1 year ago
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alpha-17/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alpha-17 (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Sith Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Series: Part 1 of Sith Obi-Wan Event Summary:
Sith Obi-Wan Event Day 1: "Such a waste of your talents..."
Alpha-17 makes a deal with a golden-eyed devil and gets far more than he bargained for out of it.
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theshinylizard · 2 years ago
Features Senator Obi-Wan and Virgin Alpha-17 and my specialty! Bare minimum plot, maximum porn!
written for: @mock-speed
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the-writing-mill · 3 years ago
All right, authors have been revealed, I can finally claim this. Wrote a thing for a certain cannibalistic sheep friend of mine ;)
(Mind the tags! I’m not kidding on the whole “sexy arranged marriage but also cannibalism and non-con body mods” bit lol)
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padawansuggest · 3 years ago
I just want trans boy Obi-Wan pregnant with trans girl Alpha 17s baby tho 🥺
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yukipri · 4 years ago
Which Clones x Obi OT3 would you like to see?
(Man I really wish Tumblr had a poll feature...)
I recently passed a follower milestone here on Tumblr, and to celebrate I thought I'd draw something a little self-indulgent (everything I draw is self-indulgent). And, because it's a follower milestone, I thought I'd ask for opinions!
So, of the three following OT3s, which would you want to see the most?
1) Cody x Obi-Wan x Jango
2) Cody x Obi-Wan x Rex
3) Cody x Obi-Wan x Alpha-17
Ngl these all appeal to me personally so I'll probably get to drawing them all in some form or another eventually, and probably other combinations too that may or may not include Cody. But for now, these are the options!
Mostly I'm just lonely and want interaction, so lemme know which appeals the most by replying to this post! <3
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bureau-pinery · 5 years ago
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after the torture on Rattatak
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Two Sentence Tuesday: AlphaObi
I'm switching between WIPs and New Fics this year in an attempt to clear out the last of the fics that I started writing a hot minute ago (since now I finish the fics in their entirety before posting XD) and this is one of the new ones I'm working on!
Canto Bight was a disgusting city—full of casinos and racetracks and stacked to the brim with bars and clubs and brothels that made Alpha’s lips turn up in distaste—and Alpha couldn’t fathom why Obi-Wan would possibly need to be seen anywhere in the city of sin that plagued the otherwise beautiful desert planet. He’d expected to find the man climbing the ruins of the beautiful cities that had once stood in the oases, not in the middle of the dangerous, crime-ridden center of a city made for debauchery.
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batshieroglyphics · 11 months ago
[FIC] Nothing But Bones ~ Star Wars Prequels ~ Alpha-17/Obi-Wan Kenobi ~ Mature
Title: Nothing But Bones Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Era Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Alpha-17/Obi-Wan Kenobi, background cloneshipping Warnings: Alternate Universe, Order 66, post-Order 66, PTSD, non-binary clone troopers, survivor's grief, OC death, bad coping methods, original slave characters, miscommunication Summary: Alpha-17 finds Obi-Wan, after the galaxy's gone to hell.
Seventeen looked across at him. Kenobi had lowered the blaster, but he hadn't put it away. He looked tired, worn down and suspicious, and Seventeen found themself wanting to reach out to him, to pull him close and hug him, like Baar had done during bad nights on Kamino. (Somehow, they'd gone soft, in the years between Rattatak and now. They weren't certain how to feel about that.) "I thought you were dead," Seventeen admitted, knew from the way that Rokaia stiffened that she understood. They'd thought Kenobi would, too—they'd never been able to hide much from him, not with his Force—but he just sighed and asked, in a tired voice, "Why are you here, Seventeen?" Seventeen took a moment to debate all the possible answers to that, before saying, "I came here to die." Rokaia let out a sound like she'd been stabbed, while Kenobi just closed his eyes, looking tired and worn as thin as Seventeen felt. "Where's Cody?" Seventeen had to ask, because they couldn't imagine the little shit would allow their general out on his own, not when his mere existence was a crime. "Cody," Kenobi said, agony in his voice, "ordered me shot." Seventeen felt the words like a bolt in the gut, couldn't stop from staggering to the side, Rokaia dragged along with, shouting their name, until they could lean against the nearest wall, trying to catch their breath, to breathe through the horror of Cody, just another faceless body in armour, wanting the Jedi they'd sworn to Seventeen to guard with their life—on pain of a punishment spar or suicide runs or whatever punishment Seventeen thought would hurt enough—dead. Kriff, they did not need that nightmare fuel. They felt Rokaia pulling away from them, opened their eyes to look, see why, only to find Kenobi had approached, within easy reach, and Seventeen couldn't stop themself from reaching out, towards him, needing to touch, to know he was real. Kenobi flinched. Seventeen froze, hands outstretched, thought about pulling away. Stepping back. Leaving. (Their voice had ordered him shot; their face had stood for a mutiny, had stared blankly at the scene of a murder; they could not blame Kenobi if he wanted nothing to do with them.) Except, then, Kenobi reached out, catching one of Seventeen's hands with his own. Seventeen felt it like an electroshock, couldn't tell if they wanted to flinch back or lunge forward, and so was left trapped in stillness, watching Kenobi step forward, closer still, close enough that Seventeen could wrap their hands around his throat and squeeze. (They were a weapon, had always been, but they had never felt quite so dangerous around Kenobi before, not like this.) "Are you going to shoot me?" Kenobi asked, quiet. Something in Seventeen felt like it had cracked open, raw and bleeding, and they had to swallow down bile or a scream, they couldn't say which, before they could say, "No." Swallowed again, harder, and managed to add, "I'm gonna shoot Cody." Kenobi's smile was a bitter, brittle thing, and Seventeen couldn't resist, any more, the urge to pull him close, against their chest, and wrap their arms around him, ignoring his stiffness, the terror that they hadn't seen on Rattatak, not once, but fancied they could smell on him, now. Kenobi stayed stiff for a moment that dragged into hours and days, before he relaxed with a whispered, "Oh," and strong hands came up to clench at Seventeen's shoulders, tight enough to ache, to hopefully leave bruises deep, where they would throb for days, so Seventeen couldn't forget that this was real, that he was real. Here. Alive. "I thought you were dead," Seventeen said again, tried not to care when their voice cracked. "I'm not," Kenobi whispered, and squeezed Seventeen's shoulders, then pulled away.
You can read the whole fic on Archive of Our Own!
Please take pity on a poor starving author and reblog this post? (Doubly important for rare-pairs, y'all.)
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siderealdei · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alpha-17/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alpha-17 (Star Wars) Additional Tags: SubObi Week 2022, Submissive Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sex Toys Under Clothing, Established Relationship, Order 66 Didn't Happen (Star Wars), Blow Jobs Series: Part 1 of SubObi Week 2022 Summary:
For SubObi Week Day 2: Gags/Sex toys under clothing/Vibrators
Alpha-17 has some fun with his lover while on a diplomatic mission after the end of the war.
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