#back pain physical therapy queens
sharmarehabsblog · 1 year
Relieving Back Pain: The essentiality of Professional Back Pain Physical Therapy in Queens
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Back pain, an uninvited companion for various people, doesn't discriminate based on age. In our modern and digital  era long hours spent hunched over laptops and desk chairs, it's cannot be ignored that our postures suffer, along with them, our backs also. This is where professional back pain physical therapy in Queens comes into play, providing a ray of hope for those needing relief from this pain and misery.
One of the most common and usually debilitating forms of back pain is sciatica, which basically develops in the lower back and spreads down one's legs. Sciatica can cause lots of  uncomfortable symptoms, including leg weakness, numbness, and even bladder irregularities. Coughing or sneezing can increase the pain, making even simple day to day activities a big challenge.
It's important to understand that waiting for an instant magical cure to whisk away your discomfort and pain is not a realistic idea. Instead, preventive measures and early cure and attention are crucial to addressing back pain efficiently.
Preventing Back Pain: A Proactive Approach
Improve Your Sitting Posture: A major contributor to back pain is wrong sitting posture. With thousands of us leading a sedentary life style and spending hours in front of screens, choosing an ergonomic and suitable chair that supports and comforts the lower back can make a world of change. Moreover, consider placing a cushion or pillow for extra lumbar support.
Incorporate Regular Exercise: Physical activity is necessary for getting a healthy back. Engage in regular exercises that target your back muscles, assisting to strengthen and support your spine. A physical therapist can help you in selecting appropriate exercises customized as per  your specific needs.
Sharma Rehabilitation Services: Your Partner in Back Pain Relief
Sharma Rehabilitation Services is a well-known Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation practice that specializes in addressing the underlying causes and symptoms of different pain conditions. Their dedicated team of clinicians have extensive expertise in the field of physical therapy, ensuring that each patient gets the maximum level of care and attention.
At Sharma Rehab, they prefer a wholesome approach to patient recovery, emphasizing on their comprehensive well-being. They get this by following personalized Physical Therapy treatment plans for each individual. These plans are diligently designed based on recommendations from their experienced Primary Care, Orthopedic, Neurology, and Pain Medicine doctors.
Their promise to provide comprehensive care makes them stand  apart in the world of back pain treatment. They understand that back pain can have major adverse effects on one's life, impacting not only physical health but also mental well-being and quality of life. That's why they take a multifaceted and gratifying approach to help their patients regain their strength, mobility, and vitality.
At last, professional back pain physical therapy in Queens is a boon for those fighting with the burden of back pain, including the challenging situation of sciatica. By taking proactive steps to better posture, incorporating regular exercise, and needing the expertise of efficient clinics like Sharma Rehabilitation Services, individuals can achieve a brighter, pain-free future. 
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judgementdaysunshine · 8 months
I have another request for you. It's for "The Queen" Charlotte Flair. You can write whatever you want
Against the odds
Pairing: Charlotte Flair x Fem reader
Description: Charlotte helps you during physical therapy after getting badly injured and the will to get back for Wrestlemania
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The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster for you after getting injured during a triple threat match against Bianca Belair and Rhea Ripley for a match against Sasha Banks at Wrestlemania. During the match you jump on the top rope since you were mostly a high flyer going for a corkscrew flip but as you start to jump Becky Lynch comes out of nowhere and shakes the rope making you lunge forward as you start to turn landing on rhea but also in between the barricade and half of a table hearing a crack screaming in pain as rhea quickly turns while lightly squeezing your arm asking if you were okay crying and shaking your head unable to move your leg having to be carried by rhea backstage with a concerned bianca following behind after dealing with becky crying more as you're looked over with rhea holding one hand and Charlotte holding the other before paramedics wheel you off with charlotte and Shotzi going with you while the match finishes with rhea getting the match against sasha. You get many calls and visits from everyone in the hospital after finding that you had fractured your leg but also tore your ACL as you lunged and landed on rhea due to the quick change of the angle when the ropes shook under you, you felt frustrated and depressed knowing that all the hard work and endless nights of stress it had all just went down the drain zoning back from your thoughts to start your physical therapy stopping halfway through not only from the pain but also from the thought of giving up your career after what had happened turning when a hand grabs your own to see charlotte beside you "You can't give up just because of an injury" tears that you held in so long finally poured as charlotte holds in a tight and long hug telling you how far you had come from your start in TNA to NXT and now in WWE for the past four years "You have more heart than anyone I have met and it would kill me to just let you give up" you stare at her before getting up holding her hand as you finished the session even doing extra to make up the little bit of time you lost from not having any will to. The next few weeks are a blur as charlotte is by your side for the rest of your many bouts of physical therapy and rehab on your leg until you were finally given the clear to wrestle having a rematch against rhea and bianca leading to you winning and getting the match with Sasha plus getting a tag team with charlotte and your two friends faced against becky, Sonya Devile, Bayley, and Liv Morgan which was one hell of a match even getting some dirty tactics on becky thanks to the girls distracting the ref and attacking the others before getting a pin and winning becoming women's championship at wrestlemania despite your severe injury and long absence with only a week to prepare for wrestlemania but you flew beyond the odds thanks to help and will from charlotte.
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inkandarsenic · 4 months
My thoughts on the new episodes:
- love the info dumping right off the bat therapy really did wonders for 15
- “Most of the universe is knackered, babes” ok 1) 15, i love you so much, and 2) why do I get the feeling that the reason most of it is knackered is because of you, bestie?
- “Why did I run?” That’s what you do babe. It’s like your whole thing. please don’t ask dumb questions
- ruby reminds me so much of rose and it is 1000% because of the way that Space Babies parallels End of the World so hard
- Ok so getting the feeling that it’s less “the therapy worked wonders” and more “we’re pretending that it worked wonders” because a lot of this conversation is feeling like 15 is masking his true feelings
- space babies crack me up, the cgi to move their mouths was weird and the babies themselves looked so confused to be there at all times it was great
- Ngl him scaring them more than once and then laughing a little feels very on brand for the doctor
- Ruby continues to confuse me, who are you Ruby Sunday, I want answers. very excited to see where this story arc is going
- societal parallels punching me in the face I love it this show is so back
- Ok saying you’re an ugly bug is a lot less effective when you’re Ncuti Gatwa and your past incarnations have always been attractive
- Eric the perpetually confused looking baby I love you
- this monster is very much reminding me of the sleep-sand monsters from that one twelveclara episode, sleep no more
- 15 babes I swear to god throwing yourself into open airlocks because you’re relating too hard to the monster of the week better not become your thing
- love him telling ruby “no going to meet your mom” immediately like babes does not want a repeat of the Father’s Day disaster with rose
- THE SCAN OF RUBY??? some things truly never fucking change
- ngl i feel like playing the banned chord that invites the devil in is a Bad Idea
- the maestro is terrifying. why are they making eye contact with me I don’t like that
- oh wow the first time the theme song has ever made me uncomfortable
- I love that 15 looks physically pained by the music that’s being played
- the notes that Paul says and the theme that plays? Reminds me of the piano notes at the end of the Doctor’s theme from way back in series 1 with Nine, sounds very similar
- oh Ruby you sweet summer child you haven’t been traveling long enough to recognize that tone
- here’s a thought: do you think maybe the Doctor is one of these celestial pantheon beings? That they would have been like the Toymaker and the Maestro if they hadn’t been abandoned in this universe?
- I’m really starting to hate 14 for inviting the Toymaker into the universe again. He just had to invoke superstition at the edge of the universe.
- ah yes the age old tradition of breaking the TARDIS
- the doctor hearing non-diegetic music has many implications I refuse to think about right now
- RTD never fails to have unsettling villains
- so Ruby seems to be the new impossible girl, which is appropriate because she looks so much like Clara
- “the one who waits is almost here” what does that mean. we’ve met the embodiment of play and now music, who else are we going to meet?
- musical number at the end feels so Disney
- also did anyone else notice that the Harbinger kid was back at the end? Does anyone else think that’s going to come up again?
I love that we’re diving into and learning more about the Toymaker and his whole pantheon of celestial beings but do you know what this would be an absolutely perfect point to reintroduce?
I’m gonna link the post where I rant about it here but please someone say they agree with me
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darksideofthemoonbot · 4 months
Sorry Khorne fans, but for me he is last of the big four. That doesn't mean I don't like him, love all the chaos gods, but here's why. Unlike my Nurgle and Tzeentch explanations, this will be a bit heavier like my Slaanesh.
Khorne is a lawnmower. There's something satisfying at times to the simplicity of, lets go with Kharneth, I like that name better. Something delightfully simple to screaming "BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOD" and going to hit something with a sharp piece of metal. Its almost therapeutic sometimes.
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Also, as he cares not from whence the blood flows, Kharneth is thus clearly the god of [menstruation joke goes here]. And yes, I am... familiar with the Leman Russ quote. Though in a way I sorta do want a Norscan slang to be "the time of the hound".
Completely unrelated, I promise, but also Valkia the Bloody. A lot of love for a queen who gets told she's been selected as a Slaanesh daemon prince for concubinisation, and answers by killing him and marching into chaos to deliver his head to Kharneth personally.
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Khorne is a lawnmower. Much fun as it is to skull for yon skull throne, I can find Kharneth a bit one-note in that respect. Which isn't bad exactly but tends to make him better in measured doses, you know? I like variety over the long haul.
Here's where it gets heavy. Like Slaanesh, I relate to Kharneth well. Unlike Slaanesh, it is not a mixed bag of good and bad. It is just bad. It is parts of me I do not like.
Among my mental/emotional concerns for which I get medication and therapy is anger. Not strong enough a word. Rage. Fury. Berserkergang perhaps.
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Times where the world has become a long red tunnel with ThingsThatNeedToDie™️ at the other end. The strength is unbelievable, though I pay for it after. And I don't just mean raw physical force. The absolute purity of purpose in such a rage is the greatest clarity I have ever experienced.
And that is a bad thing.
It is like an addiction. It may well be one, but I am not a biochemist so I won't conjecture. All it causes is harm and the sublime clarity doesn't last beyond the fit of rage. I miss it. I shouldn't but I do. And I have started trying to direct it in healthier ways. Promoting justice, if there is such a thing, or perhaps more accurately fighting injustices. Turning the furnace of anger toward productive ends.
That, however, leads me to the even less useful and harder to justify emotion I relate to with Kharneth: hate. Unlike the conflagration of fury, hate is the bitter coals that endlessly hunger for spiteful destruction.
I have stared into the abyss of hate. In some areas I have fallen into it. Most notably misandristic thinking. I hated men. Another trauma response, given who has hurt me in the past. And I know that it is wrong, I have made real progress with it. Unlike anger, I do not miss it. It is seductive, offering clear and simple answers to complex issues. "X is bad" with no other qualifiers can be unbelievably tempting in some cases. Complex is troubling, while simple is easier. Hate is so much easier than understanding. But I do not miss it. The toxic fumes from those ever-smoking coals is poisonous to mind, body, spirit, and society.
It is not rage, it is contempt. It is spite and venom. A desire to see something ruined or destroyed, not out of passion, but out of bile. And my susceptibility for it is a part of myself I really do not like. But to mention my fibromyalgia again: it is easy to hate the world when the world causes you nothing but pain.
Understanding is counter to hate, maybe not perfectly but I found it helps. After I was assaulted a few years back by a hired driver, I was aware how easy it would be to fall into hate because of that. So I threw myself into learning about his religion. Harder to paint all adherents of a faith badly when I knew more about it, was my thinking. It worked. I even gained an appreciation for the art common in that belief system, that I had not known about before, and learned some interesting history. Which helped me remember: it is not all of a demographic, it may be too much of a demographic, but not all. He was just a jackass.
Sorry to end the big four on a heavy note y'all. Here's a picture of cathartic destruction.
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watching-ostara · 2 years
Guidance For Your Problem // Pick A Pile
Wednesday, 2 November 2022
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[Disclaimer: this is a general reading. General readings are for entertainment purposes only. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't.]
Y'all look at me branching out and choosing a different topic for a general reading. I'm still gonna post the weekly check-in tomorrow, but I wanted to do something today and I thought this could be fun! Obviously, tarot is not a substitute for therapy and if there is something serious and you need help, please reach out to the people that can help you.
But without further ado, on to the readings!
Ice Floe (Pile One)
King of Cups (upright); Queen of Cups (reversed); The Fool (reversed); Ten of Pentacles (upright); Eight of Wands (upright)
Your compassion runs rampant. You focus your emotional energy outwards and actively. Any situation you give your full emotional strength to, but this can quickly leave you feeling drained. The Queen of Cups here does not mean coldness, only try and keep some emotion for yourself. Compassion is important, but that compassion needs to extend inwards, towards yourself. Later, you can again project yourself outwards. Initially, this may lead to a struggle of balance between inner-compassion and outer-compassion, but the balance will be retained. Life is tumultuous, and for you this displays itself most prominently in your emotions, but the hard work you put into this will result in great reward and culmination of your goals. You will find the joy for yourself you try so hard to instill in others. Know that, while you may wish for a quick result, things take time. The road is long and can be confusing, but you will reach emotional fulfillment at the end of it.
Seal (Pile Two)
Five of Swords (upright); Three of Wands (reversed); Queen of Wands (reversed); Seven of Swords (reversed); The Lovers (reversed)
Your ambition and need for victory has left you isolated from those you need in your community. You put pressure on yourself and your deeds to win no matter the obstacles in your way. While you do this from a place of nobility, it has caused more problems than need be. Slow down, take a detour. This is difficult, but to keep your future and your path rounded, ambition cannot be the only thing that fuels you. Lack of work feels like it goes against your nature, but it is the most beneficial thing you can do right now. There are times when you can devote more of yourself to your dreams, but that is only for later. Hold on to your fire, but let it be embers for the moment. This will leave you with a new perspective, a clearer destination. Keep yourself in harmony with your drive and your community - the people around you are your biggest aid on this road.
Glacier (Pile Three)
The Sun (reversed); Page of Pentacles (reversed); Four of Pentacles (upright); The Tower (reversed); Page of Swords (reversed)
Little optimism has made its way to you recently. Your thoughts spiral down darker than you'd like to admit and the warmth life is meant to bring has been passing over you. Trying to actively change your situation, ruminating on it, has the risk of making it feel bigger than it is. Take a step back. Find the object, space or person that makes you feel safe and hold on to them. Keep yourself grounded in the world and your physical space. You will find your joy again, and when you do, hold on to it. Remembering and recognising warmth will serve you well in your life. Now it seems impossible, but you will find your positivity again. To you, disaster looms. But what you cannot see is the crumbling foundation it sits upon. The problems are not as damning as they appear and they will cause little damage to you and your path. As tempting as it may seem, don't hide your pain. You can be open and you will make it through your trials.
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tiny-maus-boots · 1 year
Queen of Hearts pt 16
A/N: coming back to an oldie but goodie for the moment.
The Bump
Aubrey paced the length of Flo’s living room with slow heavy steps as she replayed every moment of the last 12 hours. She went over every random choice and deliberate decision she had made with critical judgment just trying to pinpoint the moment she had screwed up so badly it had brought them all here to this moment. Chloe came down the hall with her head bowed and shoulders slumped, rubbing her face with her too pale hands. 
“I need a minute.”
The blonde woman gave a single nod and backed up a step and headed for the kitchen. She wasn’t familiar with Flo’s house but she didn’t have to search hard for what she needed. For a second she considered using one of the Cuban coffee pods arranged neatly in a display rack but figured Doc Beale would need to sleep eventually. Aubrey grabbed a couple of mugs and dropped tea bags into them.
The ritual of making tea calmed her in a way that pacing had not. Whatever she had told Stacie before had not prepared her for actually needing to pick her fiancée up at the police station. Especially after they had found Happy gasping softly for her last breaths. Pain and fury blazed hot in her chest and her hands shook with the effort to contain it all. 
"Is that tea?"
Aubrey looked up with a start and nodded at Chloe. She hardly knew what to expect. If she lost Happy… 
"Stacie in the shower?" Aubrey nodded again and slid a mug across the counter to the other woman. "Let's talk."
It was final sounding and Aubrey found herself almost hoping that Chloe would tell her she was out. Done. Cutting ties. And as much as she needed and valued Chloe…she would let her go. 
"Is Happy going to live?"
Chloe took her time removing the tea bag from her mug and adding honey before she spoke. Her voice seemed as tired as Aubrey felt. 
"Yes. But with complications. There is some nerve damage I suspect. Won't be able to tell until she's healed some and is ambulatory. And that. That's going to take time. Flo is sitting with her now." 
"What does that mean?"
"It means that I don't know if she will regain use of her right arm again, or walk properly. I closed 8 distinct stab wounds. She's going to be on a cornucopia of medication and physical therapy probably for the rest of her life. She has a long road ahead of them."
Aubrey's heart dropped to her stomach then gave a sickening lurch. Just then Stacie's reassuring warmth settled against her back. It brought her a comfort she didn't feel she deserved to have. Stacie’s still damp hair tickled her ear when their heads came together in a silent show of support for one another.
She would fix this somehow. Whatever it took. Chloe was watching her over the rim of her mug. Aubrey raised a brow in question but the doctor held her silence without the slightest indication that she was ready to talk. Aubrey took that to mean that Doc Beale was waiting to see how she would respond to this new information. 
"I need to know exactly what happened today." 
Stacie untangled herself from Aubrey and reached for the blonde's abandoned mug on the counter. Her fingers traced a thin gray vein in the slab of white marble almost absently as she recalled the events of a long night that wasn't nearly over. 
"I don't really know what happened Bree. It all went so fast." 
The blonde acknowledged that with a nod and reached out to give the other woman's shoulder a gentle squeeze.
"It's okay. Start from the beginning and we'll figure it out together."
Stacie gave herself a slight shake to clear her head and sighed. 
"Your drug guy, whoever he is, he gave the right info. Happy and I found Kodie at his place in Harborfront. It’s a pretty exclusive community which seems right for who he is but…” Stacie frowned and hesitated. Whatever she was struggling with she didn’t say. “I don’t know. It’s just a nice place, well maintained and secure. Neither of us expected any trouble.”
Aubrey knew the place. It was pretty swank and it was close enough to the port to make it easy for Kodie Grant to keep an eye on. There was no way a security guard’s salary could afford a place like that but she assumed Kodie was either using family money to pay for it or he had an off the books kind of side gig. She was betting on the latter. 
“Did anything seem off to you? Anything, even if you don’t think it’s important.”
Stacie raised her head, lip caught between her teeth as she considered. 
“Yeah. It was quiet. Too quiet for the time of day it was. There should have been more people around. Not even like people were in their condos but like the entire floor was empty.” Stacie shook her head. “It’s stupid. I can’t possibly know that. It was just a weird vibe I got.”
It was instinct and over the years Aubrey had learned to trust hers. She turned her head to ask Happy to run that down and find out who lived on the same floor as Kodie but she was suddenly reminded that Happy wasn’t there. It took the wind out of her lungs like a punch to the gut and just for a moment Aubrey felt lost. Chloe sensed her struggle and took out her phone.
“I’ll text Detective Mitchell and have her check it out.”
She nodded her thanks without even questioning the fact that Doc somehow had Beca’s phone number and was comfortable texting her. There wasn’t any time to focus on that but she filed it away for later, only the thoughtful look on her face giving away that she’d caught the slip. 
“So then what happened?”
“It all went really fast from there. I told Happy to wait by the elevator while I got Kodie to open the door but when I knocked the door just pushed open and I saw him there on the floor. God, Bree…he was still alive.” She shuddered and Aubrey wrapped her arms around the tall woman. “I tried to put pressure, or, hold the cut closed but his neck…”
Stacie looked like she was lost in the memory of the moment and couldn’t see past the nightmare she had experienced. Aubrey gave her a gentle squeeze, reminding her that it was over and she wasn’t alone now.
“Happy must have heard me scream…I’m not really sure. My back was to the door so I didn’t see it. I just heard her and when I turned to ask for help…” Stacie had to stop and rub her eyes hoping to erase the images burned in her mind. “Some thug, Jesus Christ… he was right behind her and she didn’t even notice. I don’t know what happened after that, they fought, and he would have killed her if she hadn’t managed to get a shot off. I think. I know I heard it and his head…”
That didn’t seem right. She had checked Happy’s gear when Doc had cut it off her. She hadn’t cleared her holster and the safety was still on. There hadn’t been enough time for her to draw in that close of a struggle. 
“And then?”
“And then I don’t know. Alice was there. She was all over me, I got slammed to the ground and cuffed before I could say a word.”
Hm. Too convenient. Too heavy handed. Too…Alice. Aubrey shook her head and paced the length of the small galley style kitchen. In the back of her mind she was aware of the little things. The bright yellow curtains, the cheerful ceramic mushroom salt and pepper shakers, and dinner for two left uneaten. Happy and Flo had been expecting an entirely different end to their day and it pained her to know she was responsible for that being taken away from them. 
“Alice did this. She knew we were on to Grant’s kid somehow and had to tie up loose ends. It was a trap, and I let you and Happy walk right into it. I’m so sorry Stacie, this is all my fault. I gotta think…” 
A quiet unease had settled in her stomach and she wondered where the leak had come from. Beca? Or was it Lou? She and Lou Divine had a long history, longer than the one she’d had with Detective Mitchell. She had known Lou when he was still using his deadname Luz Divina and a part of her couldn’t even fathom that he would turn on her now. Not with their history. But to think that Detective Mitchell had chosen to work with Alice? That was impossible. 
She hoped.
Right now she wasn’t sure who she could trust. Chloe must have sensed what she was thinking because the cold façade of clinical detachment fell and her expressive blue eyes filled with emotion. 
“Someone sold us out.”
Us. Not you. Somewhere along the line Chloe stopped counting herself as outside the family. A faint smile tugged the corners of her lips but it turned grim as she remembered what was happening. Stacie moved closer and wrapped her arms around Aubrey once again.
“Do you know who?”
“I have some ideas but I need confirmation first before I seal the leak.”
“So what do we do?” Stacie gestured to herself and Chloe expecting that they would both have something to do to help. “Do we call in backup?”
The silence was long before she finally cleared her throat to speak. She wanted to tell them both to run and hide and stay away until the dust settled. Hell, a part of her wanted to run and hide too. Her dad’s voice drifted through her mind and she straightened her vest and smoothed her tie. Take the hit, kiddo, then hit back harder.
She could do that. Alice picked a fight with the wrong bully in the school yard. Again This time it was going to bury her. Perhaps even literally. 
“Stay here and help Flo. She’s going to need someone. Doc, as much as I hate putting you there, you have to go back to work. So far no one else knows you’re with us, if you change your behavior now they’ll catch a clue. I’ll send Hap…”
Stacie and Chloe found somewhere else to look while she faltered again at the loss of her right hand man. Aubrey swallowed hard, willing the tremors of grief threatening to make her lose her control to stop.
“I’ll send Lil as soon as she gets back from an errand I sent her on. Just go about your business as usual. You’ll never know she’s there but I promise she’ll have eyes on you everywhere you go. Keep the burner on you, if I call you gotta be prepared to move fast.”
Chloe looked started but she nodded and wrapped her arms around herself. She had plenty of people she could send to watch over Chloe but a dozen people wouldn’t be as good as one Lilly. She needed someone she could trust to watch the Doc, someone that wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever had to be done to protect her. 
“What about you? Where are you going?”
“I need to talk to Lou. He owes me answers.”
“Not alone you’re not.” Stacie’s voice held just enough alarm that Aubrey gave a nod of agreement. “Take Beca with you if she can shake Esposito.”
“Alice won’t be out for long. She’s got backing, she won’t need the local police to cooperate with her case if she thinks she can tie me to something that gives her jurisdiction. She’ll want to finish what she started here so as soon as we can move Happy we’ll get her and Flo to the safe house in Riverside.”
Aubrey lifted the leg of her trousers and took her back up piece out of the holster and placed it in Stacie’s hands. They shared a look and Aubrey desperately wished she had the words to make everything okay. But she didn’t. And Stacie wasn’t asking for any platitudes. Aubrey cupped the brunette’s face, her thumbs ghosting along the other woman’s jaw in a light caress before she kissed her with a gentle passion. Just in case it was the last one for a while. 
“Don’t open the door if anyone knocks, don’t go out. If you need me…”
“I won’t. We’ll be okay, you just take care of business.”
Oh she would. She definitely would.
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exmcrtis · 5 months
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(madison iseman) [THE RACONTEUR]. Please welcome [EZRA BLUM (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [TWENTY-SEVEN]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [PRINTER ASSISTANT AT HUNTSVILLE DAILY/HORROR NOVELIST]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
TW: car accident, death mention, trauma
full name: ezra jean blum
birthdate: february 14th, 1997
age: 27
height: 5’2”
sexuality: demisexual
if you were to classify ezra blum’s life as a shakespearean play, it would undoubtedly be a tragedy
she was an only child to two young and in love parents, and the moment their daughter came into the world, they felt like their life was complete
both of her parents were writers; her father a suspense novelist and her mother a romance novelist, and it wasn’t lost upon them how different their styles were
they wanted their daughter to feel as loved as possible, so they gave her everything she could ever want or need without her having to ask, and needless to say she was spoiled without being coddled
her days were filled with literature of every type, creativity and a wide imagination encouraged around every corner
ezra liked to spend most of her free time outside, creating fantasy worlds for herself and making new (imaginary) friends every single day
she soon became the queen of mudpies and hiking trails, and her parents couldn’t have been more proud watching their daughter’s mind grow 
she had a deep love for all things creepy and unknown, quickly proclaiming that edgar allan poe and stephen king were her favorite writers, and that she wanted to be just like them
the other kids often found her odd, claiming that she read too much and that the things she talked about were weird
strongly encouraged to take up an extracurricular activity, ezra chose the school newspaper, finding that most of the other members didn’t bother her unless it was to read over her articles
she figured it was the best of both worlds, and it kept the guidance counselor — and her concerned parents — off her tail
but while life seemed blissful for ezra, things changed just days after her fifteenth birthday
her parents were in the front seat laughing and talking until they weren’t
the last thing ezra heard before blacking out was her mother shrieking, and then it was an explosion of glass and the sound of metal grinding
ezra woke up two days later in a hospital bed, her throat sore and her memory blurry, surrounded by nurses with concerned looks on their faces
she’d walked away with only a gash on her belly that had been patched up in surgery and a bruised ribcage from her seatbelt
her parents hadn’t survived the crash, but she had, and she was left alone, her pain not from her physical injuries, but from the loss of her parents
she lost interest in talking to anyone, shoving herself in the back of classrooms when she started at her new school and never bothering to get to know anyone
her sleep schedule had also gotten worse; she was usually lucky to get a couple hours of sleep in every couple of days, her nightmares waking her up just as soon as she’d lulled off
she was in her new school for a few months before she met icarus desjardins
he was tucked away in the library and she stumbled across him, and for some reason, a little voice in the back of her mind told her that he was different
he liked to read and he was gentle, and to top it off, he never made her talk about anything that she didn’t want to
ezra had no idea what she’d done in life to deserve meeting him, but it wasn’t long before she developed feelings for him
it happened gradually; she spent as much of her time with him as she could, and he never seemed to protest, his friends even accepting her into their little circle
after about a year or so, ezra slowly began to come out of her grief, even responding to therapy better than she had at the start
in that time she started working on her first novel, drafting up countless versions before finally settling on one
she was still in school when it was published, but she kept humble by not mentioning it to anyone, never wanting any extra attention
life went on for them happily; they graduated high school and went on to college and got an apartment together
in that time she published two more novels with icarus’s encouragement, and she felt like things couldn’t get any better for them
a last minute road trip for the couple had felt like a good idea at the time, but just like most other things in ezra’s life, it didn’t end in bliss
the road was slippery and the winding, and what happened next felt like deja vu
the car horn is what woke her up this time, the car flipped over and her vision blurred
she could only make out icarus’s limp frame beside her, and after clawing her way over to him, she desperately checked for his pulse and came up short
ezra panicked, wanting to be hopeful that his heartbeat was faint and that there was still time to get help
and so she freed herself from the confines of the car, the old scar from her teen years opened up and bleeding, and she began walking
the town that she stumbled into was huntsville, and she was immediately met with concerned faces
not many people would find a girl covered head to toe in blood and remain calm, and despite the frantic questions that they asked her, ezra didn’t have any answers
she tried to croak out icarus’s location, but nobody wanted to listen to her, and the only words she heard were ‘stuck’ and ‘can’t get out’
all the years she’d spent healing were taken away from her, and ezra felt like she was back to square one
she acquired a room at martha mae’s bed and breakfast, holing up with her door closed and a disinterest in meeting anyone
all she could think about was icarus, and how she’d left him behind to try and get help
she wondered what would’ve happened if she’d gone in the opposite direction, and whether or not her boyfriend was still alive
ezra hid herself away for months before she finally bothered getting a job at huntsville daily
she was never forthcoming about her life; when people asked about where she came from and about what she did before huntsville, ezra would shut down completely and stop talking
needless to say, she wasn’t able to make any friends, and she couldn’t be bothered to care about it
the only healing she managed to do was physical; the scar on her belly was even darker and rougher, and the word ‘sleep’ was no longer in her vocabulary
it was no way to live life, and each day that passed, ezra questioned more and more why she was even still alive
she’d been in huntsville for five years when icarus showed up out of the blue one day
ezra thought she’d seen a ghost, but it was really him, and that was the first time she’d felt relieved in a long time
her guilt and sadness all came flooding back to her, the night of their accident still in the forefront of her mind
and yet part of her was happy to see him again, and it was like no time had passed between them at all
she’s still very much addicted to books, and finding her without one is rare
despite huntsville being tragic in and of itself, she’s making due with everything that she was given, and counting each day as some sort of silent blessing
but deep down, ezra will always worry about what else might go wrong
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sofiahotelhuahin · 2 years
Thailand's top hotels || SofiaHotelHuahin
Thailand punches well above its weight when it comes to accommodations because it is home to some of the top hotels in Asia. The country's iconic addresses are saved for the beaches and islands; Chiva Som has frequently been named the best destination spa in the world, while Aman, Banyan Tree, and Six Senses are scattered throughout Thailand's top islands. In Bangkok, glitzy city hotels rival those found in New York and London.
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There are a lot of quaint and hidden hideaways to be discovered as well, where warm service and regional cuisine make you feel like you've had a taste of local life. The best hotels in Thailand are rounded together here for a rundown of our favorites.
Six Senses Yao Noi, Phang Nga
On the steep tiny island of Yao Noi, which is situated in Phang Nga Bay midway between Phuket and Krabi, Six Senses has mastered the castaway experience. On the speedboat trip to the resort, shoes are removed, and signs made of driftwood indicate to the white sand beach, the hilltop infinity pool, and a cluster of stilted homes with thatched roofs. Seeing the spa buried among the jungle's traditional long homes, getting to dinner by climbing through the multi-level bamboo and clapboard restaurants, and watching movies on the beach beneath the stars all feel like adventures. Use one of the hotel's bicycles to make a circuit of the island, passing through the fishing community and rubber plantations, and keep an eye out for pairs of sooty black hornbills.
Chiva Som, Hua Hin
Chiva Som is without a doubt the reigning queen of the Thai wellness industry; 27 years ago, when they first appeared on the scene, spa vacations in Thailand weren't even a thing. Since then, there have been many imitators, but none have been able to top the original's life-enriching blend of cutting-edge fitness (new equipment includes Iron Man-like Vision Bodysuits), medical diagnostics (blood work, gene testing), conventional Asian healing therapies, and hyper-intuitive staff. There are 16 distinct retreats to choose from, each of which will be meticulously customized to satisfy all of your mental, physical, and emotional needs. These retreats include stress and pain management, fitness boost, immune resilience, and elder wellness. This is where lifelong habits can be altered.
Banyan Tree Samui
The private pool in your home features a floating lotus flower and unparalleled panoramic views of Lamai Bay. Buggies transport visitors around the villas, private beach, spa, and elevated restaurant The Edge, which are connected by twisting steep walkways. Differently sized and shaped villas rise from the peninsula, but everyone has a view of the garden or the sea. The spacious bedrooms in the family and couple villas are open to expose private infinity pools, and the rainfall showers are large enough for two people. Beanbag chairs are set up on a wooden deck so that guests can relax and watch the sunrise over the water. Try renting a kayak or taking a private boat tour while spending the day at the private beach, or have afternoon tea at the beach café. If you go between April and May, you might get the chance to see local turtle hatchlings making their way into the water. It's imperative to visit the spa, particularly for the hydrotherapy massage. A steam room session precedes the ice-cold shower in the Rainforest treatment, which is followed by hard-powered water jets that target the back muscles.
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Standard: Two to three persons can fit in a room. The accommodation has a refrigerator, air conditioning, and a king-size bed. has a window that overlooks a garden, a table and two chairs, an emergency fire extinguisher, and a wall fan.
Deluxe: Two to three people can stay in each room. The accommodation has a refrigerator, air conditioning, and a king-size bed. has a window that overlooks a garden, a table and two chairs, an emergency fire extinguisher, and a wall fan.
Superior: Two to three people can stay in each room. The accommodation has a refrigerator, air conditioning, and a king-size bed. has a window that overlooks a garden, a table and two chairs, an emergency fire extinguisher, and a wall fan.
To reach us out in offline mode do not forget to visit
Sofia Hotel Huahin        
100 / 3 - 6 Poonsuk Road Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand 77110
Visit Our website — https://sofiahotelhuahin.com/
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onlinetherapeutichub · 2 months
5 Benefits of Routine Massage Therapy
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Massage therapy is actually not merely a luxury yet a valuable component of an alternative health and wellness routine. Routine massage may significantly improve physical, psychological, and also emotional health. Through combining massage in to your routine, you can easily experience enhancements in several parts of health and wellness, from anxiety decrease to far better flow. Below are 5 vital benefits of frequent massage therapy that may provide to a far healthier and more balanced lifestyle.
1. Stress And Anxiety Relief as well as Relaxation
One of the most prominent perks of massage therapy is its ability to reduce stress. In the course of a massage, the body releases endorphins, which are actually natural state of mind lifters. The physical contact and adjustment of muscles advertise leisure, which aids to lower cortisol amounts-- the hormone related to anxiety. This can result in a profound sense of relaxation as well as a reduce in stress and pressure. Frequent massage therapies can easily additionally enhance sleep trends, as the physical body's leisure reaction can aid battle insomnia and advertise much deeper, even more corrective sleep.
2. Enhanced Circulation
Massage therapy improves blood stream flow and lymphatic blood circulation, which may bring about many wellness benefits. Enhanced blood circulation assists to deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells and organs extra successfully, which can aid in the healing of accidents and also the decline of irritation. In addition, better blood flow may assist to lessen muscle tenderness and tightness. The pressure applied during a massage aids to activate the circulation of blood stream via the veins and veins, advertising general cardiovascular health and wellness as well as lowering the danger of conditions like varicose blood vessels.
3. Pain Relief
Massage therapy is actually an efficient device for managing and relieving constant pain. Methods like deep cells massage and trigger factor therapy aim at particular muscles as well as regions of stress, aiding to eliminate pain and also soreness. Frequent massages may be specifically valuable for people with problems like joint inflammation, fibromyalgia, and lesser back discomfort. Through lessening muscular tissue firmness and strengthening flexibility, massage therapy may aid to decrease the seriousness as well as regularity of discomfort episodes, resulting in an enhanced premium of lifestyle.
4. Improved Flexibility and also Range of Motion
Massage therapy may enhance adaptability as well as increase the selection of activity in the joints. By working with muscle mass, tendons, and also connective cells, massage assists to discharge stress and reduce rigidity. This is especially advantageous for sportsmens or individuals who involve in physical exertions that put stress on the physical body. Strengthened flexibility may lead to far better performance as well as a lesser threat of injury. Furthermore, enhanced stable of movement may create day-to-day tasks less complicated and extra comfortable, resulting in overall bodily well-being.
5. Boosted Immune System
Normal massage therapy can possess a good influence on the body immune system. Study has revealed that massage may raise the production of white cell, which are crucial for battling contaminations and diseases. The decrease in stress and anxiety as well as anxiety, incorporated along with improved blood circulation, assists a more effective immune feedback. Additionally, the leisure attained with massage can help to regulate and stabilize the body's anxiety hormonal agents, better supporting invulnerable function. This may lead to less health problems and a much more resistant immune system.
Combining frequent massage therapy into your health regimen can easily give many advantages, from lessening anxiety and also strengthening circulation to easing pain and also enriching versatility. Through resolving each physical and also psychological health and wellness, massage therapy provides an alternative approach to welfare. Whether you are looking for comfort from chronic ache, improved athletic efficiency, or even merely a means to rest and loosen up, frequent massage therapy could be a useful element of a well-balanced way of living.
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Discover the Benefits of Queens Physiotherapy at On Point Physical Therapy
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Hey there! Have you ever wondered what physiotherapy is all about and why it's such a big deal in Queens? Well, you’re in the right place. Today, we're diving deep into the world of physiotherapy, specifically focusing on Queens physiotherapy and why On Point Physical Therapy should be your go-to choice for all your physical therapy needs.
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is a healthcare profession dedicated to improving and restoring mobility, function, and quality of life through physical interventions. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or looking to improve your overall physical health, physiotherapy can make a significant difference.
The Role of Physiotherapists
Physiotherapists are highly trained professionals who assess, diagnose, and treat a wide range of physical issues. They use a variety of techniques such as manual therapy, exercise prescription, and modalities like heat, cold, and electrical stimulation to help patients achieve their health goals. But it’s not just about treatment; physiotherapists also educate patients on how to prevent injuries and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Why Queens Physiotherapy?
Queens is a bustling borough with a diverse population, and the need for top-notch healthcare services is ever-growing. Queens physiotherapy is about providing personalized care to meet the unique needs of this vibrant community. From athletes to office workers, and seniors to children, everyone can benefit from the tailored treatments offered by skilled physiotherapists in Queens.
Meet On Point Physical Therapy
When it comes to Queens physiotherapy, On Point Physical Therapy stands out as a leading provider. Located in the heart of Queens, On Point Physical Therapy is dedicated to helping you get back to doing the things you love, pain-free.
Why Choose On Point Physical Therapy?
Expertise and Experience: The team at On Point Physical Therapy comprises highly skilled and experienced physiotherapists who are passionate about what they do. They stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in physiotherapy to provide the best possible care.
Personalized Treatment Plans: At On Point, no two treatment plans are the same. They take the time to understand your specific needs and create a customized plan that addresses your unique challenges and goals.
State-of-the-Art Facility: The clinic is equipped with modern equipment and amenities to ensure you receive the highest quality care in a comfortable environment.
Holistic Approach: On Point Physical Therapy believes in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. They consider all aspects of your health and well-being to provide comprehensive care.
Community Focus: Being a part of the Queens community, On Point Physical Therapy is committed to giving back and improving the health and well-being of its neighbors.
Common Conditions Treated at On Point Physical Therapy
Physiotherapy can help with a wide range of conditions. Here are some common issues treated at On Point Physical Therapy:
Back and Neck Pain: Chronic back and neck pain can be debilitating. Physiotherapists at On Point use a combination of manual therapy, exercises, and education to alleviate pain and prevent future episodes.
Sports Injuries: Whether you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, sports injuries can sideline you from the activities you love. On Point offers specialized treatment plans to get you back in the game quickly and safely.
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Recovering from surgery can be a long and challenging process. On Point Physical Therapy provides post-surgical rehabilitation to help you regain strength, mobility, and function.
Arthritis: Arthritis can cause pain and stiffness in the joints, affecting your daily activities. Physiotherapy can help manage symptoms and improve joint function.
Neurological Conditions: Conditions like stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis require specialized care. On Point’s physiotherapists are trained to provide effective treatments for neurological conditions.
Work-Related Injuries: If you’ve been injured on the job, physiotherapy can help you recover and get back to work safely.
The On Point Physical Therapy Experience
From the moment you walk through the doors of On Point Physical Therapy, you’ll feel welcomed and supported. Here’s what you can expect during your journey to recovery:
Initial Assessment: Your first visit will involve a thorough assessment to understand your medical history, current condition, and goals. This helps the physiotherapist develop a personalized treatment plan.
Treatment Sessions: Treatment sessions at On Point Physical Therapy are tailored to your specific needs. They may include manual therapy, exercises, and the use of modalities like heat or electrical stimulation.
Education and Empowerment: Education is a key component of physiotherapy. Your physiotherapist will teach you exercises and techniques to manage your condition and prevent future issues. You’ll leave each session feeling empowered and equipped to take control of your health.
Ongoing Support: Recovery doesn’t end when your treatment sessions do. On Point Physical Therapy provides ongoing support to help you maintain your progress and continue living a healthy, active life.
The Benefits of Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy offers numerous benefits that go beyond just pain relief. Here are some of the key advantages:
Improved Mobility and Function: Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function, allowing you to perform daily activities with ease.
Pain Management: Physiotherapists use a variety of techniques to reduce pain and discomfort, improving your quality of life.
Injury Prevention: By addressing the underlying causes of your condition, physiotherapy helps prevent future injuries.
Enhanced Performance: Whether you’re an athlete or just looking to stay active, physiotherapy can enhance your physical performance.
Non-Invasive Treatment: Physiotherapy is a non-invasive treatment option that can help you avoid surgery and reduce the need for medications.
Personalized Care: Physiotherapy offers personalized care tailored to your specific needs and goals.
How to Get Started with On Point Physical Therapy
Ready to experience the benefits of Queens physiotherapy for yourself? Getting started with On Point Physical Therapy is easy:
Contact: Give them a call or visit their website to schedule an appointment. The friendly staff will help you find a convenient time for your initial assessment.
Initial Assessment: During your first visit, the physiotherapist will conduct a thorough assessment to understand your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan.
Treatment: Begin your treatment sessions and start your journey to recovery. The team at On Point Physical Therapy will be with you every step of the way, providing support and guidance.
Follow-Up: Regular follow-up appointments will ensure you’re making progress and help adjust your treatment plan as needed.
Take the First Step Toward a Pain-Free Life
Don’t let pain or mobility issues hold you back from living your best life. Queens physiotherapy at On Point Physical Therapy is here to help you regain your health and vitality. With their expertise, personalized care, and state-of-the-art facility, you’ll be on the path to recovery in no time.
Ready to take the first step? Contact On Point Physical Therapy today and schedule your initial assessment. Your journey to a pain-free, active life starts here!
Remember, physiotherapy is not just about treating injuries; it’s about enhancing your overall quality of life. So why wait? Reach out to On Point Physical Therapy and discover the difference that expert care can make.
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sharmarehabsblog · 1 year
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Are you tired of struggling with back pain? We have the solution for you! Sharmarehab best back pain physical therapy queens is designed to effectively reduce and eliminate your pain, allowing you to get back to doing the things you love. Our highly skilled and experienced physical therapists will work with you one-on-one to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.
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judgementdaysunshine · 6 months
Can i ask about a request off Jamie Hayter x reader where she returns to help reader who is her gf, against anyone of your choosing
Always returns
Pairing: Jamie Hayter x Fem reader
Description: Your girlfriend unexpectedly returns to help you during your feud with Anna Jay
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You stand in the ring with Anna Jay rolling her eyes and she rants on and on smiling when the crowd boos her and chants "Our queen Y/N" the two of you had been in a feud for the past four months right after your girlfriend got injured. You wished Jamie was here with you instead of spending the next six weeks healing from her leg injury cause things had been nothing but drama and dull without her backstage or ring side for your matches since she had been out because of the injury at least you've had a few of your friends help you with this feud while on the road sharing a locker room with Julia and Skye whenever you could and having Willow and Hikaru ring side for your matches since anna had jumped you during matches before even your match to retain your AEW women's championship which you did win and retain your title reign which made jamie so proud and over the moon for you seeing the match. Finally after another few minutes you have had enough swinging and clotheslining her leading to a brawl which Jack Perry quickly gets involved in fighting back but when an all too familiar theme song blasts throughout the arena you were stunned as well as dazed seeing jamie run to the ring followed by julia, Hook, Hausen, and skye not too long after smiling big as the two of you share a hug and a quick sweet kiss laughing at the crowd who were chanting "Holy shit" followed by chants of "Welcome back Jamie" all of you walking backstage after challenging anna to a match at Dynamite in three weeks "You didn't need six weeks" she smiles giggles before another kiss is shared absolutely overjoyed that she was back and didn't need anymore time to recover from the achilles tendon rupture and the long months of physical therapy in between rest and cautious amounts of pain medications the two of you celebrate in your now shared hotel room with champagne and a little secret snacking on ice cream cake.
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checkmatehq · 2 months
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wait till you hear about this next nominee: SONG SUNYOUNG, born on the 29th of OCTOBER, 1993 and bears a striking resemblance to IM JINAH. they’re a FOURTH year BACHELOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE student and THREE-TIMES ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE STUDENT HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE — impressed yet? rumor has it they’re hoping to be a HUMAN RIGHTS POLICY SPECIALIST, but personally, i think they should aim a little higher — something like the king’s club, for one. now, that suits them a little more, don’t you think? guess we’ll just have to see if they’ve got the talent for it in our upcoming recruitment round.
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hello and awfully met, queen bitch! this is the story of the queen’s reign of terror, a story about how hubris shaped her beliefs and how her actions put several targets on her back. down with the queen!
the path to the song family’s success was laid out before her before she was even born. with father, grandfather and great grandfather working their way into several different courts and major divisions, it’s as though the family has deep roots in the country’s judicial system. apologies, an addendum: the path was laid out for all the men in the family, while the women take on softer roles in charities and the likes. 
sunyoung is not the first one to push for a bigger role in the family ranks, but she is definitely the most ambitious: at age 13, she boldly proclaimed she wanted to be a minister of justice for her country, and that dream has more or less prevailed as she grew wiser. her innate discipline and focus, combined with a passion for justice and freedom of choice, earned her the title of favorite child and a ticket to the king’s club, much to her brother’s dismay. but hey, at least it meant she could take on whatever others were willing to throw at her, since nothing would ever be worse than having a rival right at home.
with her trusted violin at her side, sunyoung braced hell and high water and came out at the top. from an early age she was in every secret gathering, every local newspaper and every announcement of top-of-the-class students. despite the foul mood and unashamed scheming, her intelligence and family connections from all the alumni on her father’s side worked as a cushion for her to bruteforce her way through. that’s how she gains control over you: she is inevitable.
though you will never hear her admit it, the initiation process was the worst experience of her life. very early on, she plotted with a few high profile initiates to protect one another, and during a particular initiation ritual that involved climbing a dangerously steep rock wall with little protective gear, one of their so-called enemies “accidentally” bumped into her. she fell to the ground and broke two fingers, and there was a lot of physical therapy involved to ensure she would regain full control of her hand. naturally, this made subsequent rituals even harder to get through; combine that with the fact that she couldn’t play the violin to let off steam, and you got a proper ballistic teenager in your hands. that’s her queen bitch origin story: from that day onwards, she made sure she would never be the only one getting hurt again.
past college graduation in 2016 and a tempestuous stay through snu law’s graduate programs, sunyoung aims to foster a career in gender equality. her heart is in the right place, deep down - she doesn’t want other strong willed people experiencing her pain - but her sense of justice has been molded by ego and fake martyrdom over the years, and some of the club’s alumni refuse to back her up due to the shallowness of her claims. at least she is true to her cause: she will steamroll over men and women alike to get what she wants. that’s how it works, right?
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Pain Management Queens
Pain management specialists specialize in disorders of the spine, including injuries to the neck and back. On certain days, we have a pain management specialist available on the premises of Rego Park Physical Therapy. They see our patients on-site for evaluations and may also administer trigger point injections right in our office. If after evaluation, the pain management specialist determines that you require more invasive treatment, he may schedule an appointment at his main office, where they can administer epidural steroid injections or medial branch blocks, perform spinal surgery, or perform a large array of other available treatments.
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iwantjobs · 5 months
5/6/2024: you must have a flat hard bed to get maximum result, you must do my homemade physical therapy of reducing back, spine straight posture, neck, shoulder pain by laying on and leaning on this rolling plastic pin. Or else a regular bed is ok but it will create a curve in your bed. Good luck and be careful.
Also America, because you are a new democracy with your constitution offering more freedom because guns from fighting with kings and queens, America has more ethnic people than others starting with stealing land from Indians, slavery and apartheid on blacks, apartheid on colored people, fought with Spaniards to steal some of their Spanish territory via the Mexicans, acquired asianish island of hawaiind, the first paragraph of your American highschool history book said in 1-2sentences that Asians via China region in the ice sheet connecting the Americas to Asian continent are the first to inhabit America that's why they have slightly chinky eyes, etc that other democracies (except freedom to have the government influence religion in your life like supporting a religious symbol of Judaism on Israeli flag in support for Israel barred by the separation of church and state in First Amendment), you made this land a of God (the American freedom to succeed) or else Hell on overdose ( fail or die in failure trying to find God via happiness in drugs, alcohol, food, capitalism to destroy the environment to increase sales every year to created overdose in consumerism, gay to the point the gays rape our choir boys, nearly killed me, trans acting out in guns, trans competing in female sports, trans raping femalees in bathroom, gun shooting everywhere, overdosed feminism to make women look like dudes, etc.,). You are an overdosed country, America, for your freedom door is too free and easy and you as a younger country has no discipline. This is why God is imposing your democracy to be a bit assaulted by communism, socialism, Putin, Hinduism terrorists, Buddhism, to reduce your overdosed illness to make you less overdosed. Get it! The reason why I haven't die coming out as the female Buddha or God (the father of Jesus)/Allah/Krishna/Ong Troi/etc. Living as a Vietnamese female is because 9 years living in commie Vietnam tamed me from jumping over the line of the male (which your America promotes in its femininism of you can be whatever you want to be) or else I'll be nailed like your Jesus, but in this case I'll be raped and shot dead already with my crackhead yelling and sometimes writing to criticize the wrong os you whites. Via Buddha's non violent teaching, I, as the female Buddha named Trang, teach America to sue using the free lawsuit temples your courts offer as another option instead of using guns to reduce violence. Get it? Oh, I am also to reduce your homeless problem as a semi-homeless. This is going to be hard.
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evolv28 · 6 months
Unlocking the Power of Mindfulness Meditation: A Path to Calm, Clarity, and Improved Well-being
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The relentless demands of modern life can make it feel like we're always on a runaway train of thoughts, worries, and to-do lists. Mindfulness meditation offers a powerful way to step off that train for a while and reconnect with the present moment. This simple yet profound practice trains your mind to focus on the here and now, accepting your thoughts and feelings without getting swept away by them.
More Than Just Relaxation: The Transformative Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation
While stress-relief is a key reason many turn to meditation, the practice extends its benefits far beyond that:
Anxiety Buster: Mindfulness teaches you to observe anxious thoughts without judgment, breaking the cycle of escalating worry.
Sleep Savior: By calming your racing mind and relaxing your body, meditation primes you for deep, restorative sleep.
Focus Booster: Regular practice enhances attention span and helps filter out distractions.
Emotional Regulator: Meditation fosters self-awareness and helps you respond to difficult emotions with balance, not reactivity.
Physical Health Ally: Research links mindfulness meditation to reduced blood pressure, improved immunity, and even chronic pain management.
What is Mindfulness Meditation? Your Beginner's Guide
The beauty of mindfulness meditation lies in its simplicity:
Find Your Spot: Choose a quiet place where you can sit or lie down without interruptions.
Set the Stage: Close your eyes or lower your gaze to minimize distractions.
Tune into the Breath: Notice the natural flow of your breath – its rise and fall, the sensations in your nostrils or belly.
Mindful Wandering: It's normal for your mind to drift! Gently, without judgment, guide your attention back to your breath.
Start Small, Grow Tall: Begin with 5-minute sessions and gradually increase the duration as it feels comfortable.
Tech-Assisted Mindfulness: How Meditation Devices Can Help
Devices like the Evolv28 can take your meditation journey to the next level. Here's why they're valuable tools:
Guidance is Key: Guided meditations offer a structured approach, especially helpful for beginners.
Inner Awareness: Biofeedback features can reveal your body's stress responses, empowering you to cultivate calmness on demand
Beyond Audio: Light therapy adds another dimension to relaxation and can aid with sleep and mood regulation.
The Evolv28 Difference
Evolv28 stands out in the world of meditation devices with these features:
Tailored Programs: Choose meditations to match your needs, whether it's de-stressing, focus, or deep sleep.
Real-time Body Check-In: Biofeedback helps you see how your heart rate and other physical signs shift during meditation.
The Power of Light: Gentle light therapy can support healthy sleep cycles and enhance your overall mood.
Actionable Tips to Deepen Your Practice
Consistency is Queen: Daily meditation, even for short periods, yields the greatest benefits.
Don't Force It: If you're having a super distracted day, a mindful walk or a few minutes simply focusing on your senses can be valuable.
Community Matters: Consider joining an online or in-person meditation group for support.
Your Journey Starts Now
If you're ready to experience greater peace, focus, and resilience, mindfulness meditation is an invaluable tool. Whether you choose a simple practice or explore the benefits of a device like Evolv28, the most important step is to begin.
Stay Connected for Feel-Good Updates and Pre-Order Now
Excited to experience the transformative power of Evolv28? Pre-order now and be among the first to embark on this mindfulness journey. Stay connected through the website, where you can subscribe for feel-good updates, gaining access to valuable information, tips, and exclusive content enriching your understanding of mindfulness and mental wellness.
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