mijh · 2 years
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Babywise and Pennywise version of @coulsart
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liberty1776 · 10 months
With all the disinformation about people with uteruses and all types of family structures—plus the sad decline in the West’s birth rates— it’s worth considering the divine calling that is drowned out by all this noise. Motherhood, a high privilege reserved for biological females, is as much a journey as a destination and, as such, requires a trustworthy roadmap. When moms my age first got pregnant, we had a roadmap; we were in the midst of the Babywise movement. To be a good mom, you had to make baby sleep, eat, and play on a strict schedule; this presumably established order and kept the little bundle from controlling … Continue reading →
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theunsweetenedtruth · 3 months
Promises (7)
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Pairing: Erik Stevens x Ada Moore (OC)
AN: Originally written in 2018
Warnings: The n word because we're black over here and Erik is annoying.
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The change in Erik was evident after the doctor's appointment.
Packages arrived the next week, taking up space in the living room but Ada ignored them in favor of retreating to her room. She was tired and hadn't been sleeping well. It might've had something to do with her baby father sleeping on her couch. 
She didn't expect his presence to affect her so much but she'd forgotten how much Erik could occupy a space, not in a messy way, but in a "you're gonna remember I'm here" way. It was hard to ignore him when he was driving her to and from work, taking her to run errands, paying for shit. He was integrated himself back into her life at a pace she wasn't ready for. But she didn't mind it either. She wasn't used to him being around so long; by this time, Erik would be preparing to head out on another mission but it seemed that he was making himself comfortable. Except there was no way he was. Her couch was meant for sitting and napping, not for full on sleeping. 
Ada thought about inviting him in the bed with her but didn't want to risk succumbing to her hormones. She'd also forgotten how little clothes Erik wore on a regular basis. No shirt, muscles bulging, gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips, dick swinging freely. And when he was working, he'd pull out his gold rimmed glasses. Ada has to lock herself in her room before she threw herself across his lap presenting herself to him like a cat in heat. But it's not like you could get pregnant, her inner voice pleaded for her to give in. 
Shut up, hoe. Ada rubbed her temples as she sat on the bed. Her head hurt and she was hungry but she was hiding in her room from the sexual demon that was Erik. But this was her house. So fuck that. 
She got up and opened the door. The scene in her living room was worst than she imagined and she stopped in her tracks. Erik was sprawled on her couch, no shirt, gray sweatpants, bulge visible through the fabric. Reading a baby book. She could see from her angle in the doorway that he was reading What to Expect When You're Expecting, Ada's own unopened copy calling to her from her nightstand. Every time she found the time to open it, she fell asleep before getting through the first page. Sitting on the end table behind him was another stack of books. She crossed the room to look at the titles.
Babywise: Giving your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep; 100 Baby Names; The Expectant Father; Dad's Guide to Pregnancy for Dummies; and How Not to Fuck Them Up filled out the stack and Ada laughed at the last one. Typical Erik. 
"Did you know she's probably in there sucking her thumb right now?" Erik's voice startled her. "We'll have to stop that shit immediately or else she'll be doing it until she's an adult." 
Ada blinked at him. Where was the man who could barely look at her bump? "Where did you get all these books?"
Erik looked at her bashfully. "Amazon. Figured she's on her way. Might as well know how to take care of her."
Ada sat next to him. "Yeah I use this app to keep up with what she's doing but I haven't been able to read any books. I don't even have a name for her." Ada laughed sardonically. "I'm actually really scared." 
Erik's hand snaked over hers. When she didn't pull away, he linked his fingers with hers. Well I'm here now and we gon figure this shit out together."  Her newfound independence wanted to fight at this but Ada was weary. She was glad he was here, glad she had someone to lean on. So she did, leaning into his side. He wrapped his arm around her, pressing a kiss to her hair. 
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Over the few days, Erik was on ten when Ada wanted him to be a solid three point five seven. If he wasn't spewing out random facts about the baby from his baby books, he was now taking an active roll in her pregnancy. He must've been looking at things on google about pregnancy; he started taking her on walks around the neighborhood after dinner. 
"You been complaining about heartburn," he said, slapping her hands out the way and zipping up his her sweater himself. "You need to stop going to sleep right after you eat." He bent down to help her put her shoes on. "Plus walking is supposed to help with making birth easier." He tugged her good over her head, careful not to mess up her hair. "I need that shit to go smoothly so yo ass not breaking my hand all night." 
Ada thought about asking him why he expected to be in the room with her but decided not to. She really couldn't imagine going through it alone but she didn't want him to see her like that. She still wanted him to find her sexy after giving birth. Even if they weren't like that, she didn't want him to be scarred after seeing her give birth to his baby. But she knew there was no way she could ask him to wait in the waiting room with the way he was acting. He was probably going to hold the doctor hostage in the hospital room until she gave birth. 
After walking one evening, Ada stood in front of the full length mirror in her bedroom in just her bra and panties. Her hands trailed over her bump reverently. She still couldn't believe this was her body. She didn't have that much time to go. She felt eyes on her and met Erik's through the cracked open door. She swallowed around the lump in her throat at the look in his eyes. They were dark with arousal and she unconsciously trailed her gaze over his body. He was dressed still from their walk but still in his sweats. She could see his dick rising at her attention and she licked her lips... 
Erik cleared his throat and her eyes snapped up to his. He raised an eyebrow but she turned back to the mirror. "I'm getting a few stretch marks." She concentrated on the new faint lines in an effort to calm the throbbing in her lower region. 
"I'm surprised you don't have more with that big belly." His voice was closer as he came up behind her in the mirror. She could feel the heat of his body against her back. She watched him through the mirror, saw him clench his fists, his hesitation, before he slid his hands around her waist to press to her stomach. The skin to skin contact was jarring for her; there was an intimacy to his actions, him caressing the bare skin of her belly. He buried his face into her neck and his breaths tickled her neck. They stood there like that for a while, even the baby was still in the moment. When he pulled away, Ada held her breath until he walked away and shut the door behind him. 
The next morning, there was a bottle of argon oil on her nightstand. 
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Another night found them sprawled on opposite end a of the couch, Ada's feet resting in Erik's lap while he rubbed them for her. She was reading names from a new baby names book. Erik has hated all the names in the other one. Emma and Jessica wasn't gonna cut it for his baby girl. 
"What about Zuri?"
Erik made a face. "Absolutely not." Ada looked at him questioningly before rolling her eyes. 
"Amaya?" No response. "Makena?" Again no response. She looked up from the book. "Look. We need a name." Erik continues rubbing her feet, staring intensely at her white toes. "I can pick a name without you if you don't want to do this?"
Erik kissed his teeth. "Just keep going. I'll know it when I hear it." 
Ada sighed. "Nala?"  "Too Lion King." She snorted. 
"I didn't even think about that. Nia?" 
"Nuru? It means filled with light." She thought maybe telling him the meanings would stir something in him. 
He hummed, a good sign, so Ada used the colorful tabs she had to mark the name and page. 
As she flipped through the pages, another name caught her eye. "Hey what about Sade? It means 'honor bestows a crown'? I think it's appropriate since her daddy's a prince." 
Erik looked at her finally. "Sade," he tested. "Sade Isabella? For your grandma?"
Tears came to her eyes. Ada wished her grandmother could meet her. "Yeah that sounds great." 
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"Ada," Erik's voice woke her up out of her sleep and she opened bleary eyes to peer at him. 
"Wha izit 'rik?" She mumbled. It had been a long day at the daycare and at thirty-nine weeks, Ada was getting too big to be running after all the kids there. 
"Come on, we're gonna do a test drive to the hospital."
Ada thought she might have misheard him before grabbing her phone from the nightstand. "Nigga. It's two thirty in the morning. Now isn't the time to be having drills and shit." 
Erik kissed his teeth. He was gonna stop that shit before she gave him something to kiss his teeth over. "The baby could come at any moment. Better for us to practice than to be struggling to figure out the best route the day of." Ada whined. "Come on Ada." He pulled her to sit up, tugging her coat around her, pulling her arms through the sleeves. By the time he kneeled to put her shoes on, Ada was more awake and rubbing her eyes to clear the fog. 
Erik stopped to pick up a bag tucked into the front hall closet. "What's in the bag?" 
"It's your hospital bag." Ada looked at the bag. It was a black duffle, bulging with things. She knew his worried ass overpacked but she was too tired to fight him on it. She hadn't started to pack for herself so she might as well use his bag as a blueprint. She'd sift through it and eliminate the unnecessary items later.
He helped her gingerly down the stairs—the elevator moved too slow for his liking—before he tucked her carefully into the passenger seat of a car she'd never seen before. She looked at him questioningly. 
Erik looked shy. "I can't carry a car seat or stroller in the Porsche." Ada turned to look into the back and sure enough there was a backward facing car seat in the center seat—the safest place according to his best friend, Google—and a mirror attached to the headrest. She knew if she looked in the trunk, she'd find a matching stroller. 
Ada turned back to him. "Is this what you do when I'm at work? When did you get this?" 
Erik began driving, navigating the larger vehicle just as well as he did his old car. "I picked it out and had someone pick it up when it was tricked out the way I wanted. They dropped it off here for me." Ada just shook her head and settled in for the fifteen minute drive to hospital. 
When they got back home, Ada felt almost dead on her feet, grateful Erik had pulled this shit on a weekend. She watched him start settling in on the couch but it didn't feel right to her. She wanted him next to her in bed. She was tired of fighting herself when she just wanted to be up under him. 
"You need something baby girl?" 
"You." He blinked a few times. "I mean. The couch isn't that comfortable. You could come in the bed if you want." She was nervous. 
Erik surprised her. After staring at her for a few beats too long, he rose to his feet, gesturing for her to proceed him in the room. The room felt smaller with him in it and she absently noted they still had their respective sides of the bed. Erik's eyes stayed on hers as he undressed, pulling his jacket off and his shirt over his head in a way that was so familiar to Ada. She started to follow suit, unzipping her coat and stepping out of her shoes. She was already in her pajamas, not having gotten properly dressed for their excursion. Erik maintained eye contact as he untied the string of his sweatpants and dropping them. Ada quickly averted her eyes, worried that he going without draws again. 
She snuck a peek. Boxer briefs. Not that much better. 
Ada crawled under the sheets laying on her back and feeling Erik do the same. The air was heavy between them. This was not what she pictured when she invited him in her bed. Okay. She wasn't ready for what she'd imagined but she still expected more than the uncomfortable feeling swirling in the air. 
"Come here," Erik's voice rumbled next to her before he shifted her into a position they were familiar with. He was the big spoon, the lines of his body pressed into her back, his arm under her head and his other arm sling across her hips. Ada was content, beginning to drift off when she felt his calloused hand shove her sleep shirt up. He settled his hand on the bare skin of her belly, rubbing. Sade nudged back before settling on the side where her daddy's hand was. Ada fell into a deep sleep after that.
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conniescloset21 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lot Of 3 Books On Becoming Babywise 1 and 2 Birthwise Gary Ezzo Anne Marie Ezzo.
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uvzbfine · 2 years
On Becoming Babywise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep - Interactive Support - Gary Ezzo
EPUB & PDF Ebook On Becoming Babywise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep - Interactive Support | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by Gary Ezzo.
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Download Link : DOWNLOAD On Becoming Babywise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep - Interactive Support
Read More : READ On Becoming Babywise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep - Interactive Support
Ebook PDF On Becoming Babywise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep - Interactive Support | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook On Becoming Babywise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep - Interactive Support EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook On Becoming Babywise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep - Interactive Support 2020 PDF Download in English by Gary Ezzo (Author).
 Description Book: 
Distinguished pediatrician Dr Robert Bucknam, M.D. and co-author Gary Ezzo are two of the world's leading experts on infant management concepts. In this revised 6th edition, they have updated their groundbreaking approach which has found favor with over six million parents in all 50 states and has been translated into 20 languages around the world. For over 25 years, On Becoming Babywise has been the de facto newborn parenting manual for naturally synchronizing your baby's feeding time, waketime and nighttime sleep cycles, so the whole family can sleep through the night.In his 29th year as a licensed Pediatrician, Dr. Robert Bucknam, M.D. along with co-author Gary Ezzo, demonstrate how order and stability are mutual allies of every newborn's metabolism and how parents can take advantage of these biological propensities.Now millions of new moms are invited to ask their questions and interact Live online with this new Interactive Support Edition.
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momspresso · 2 years
Blessed with baby boy: New Born Baby Wishes, Quotes, Status, Messages to congratulate new parents
A woman's life undergoes many changes throughout pregnancy as she transforms into a mother and a couple prepares to expand their family. A newborn fills a parent's life with love, joy, and hope, therefore this is a fortunate and unforgettable period.
Finding the right Baby birth announcement wordings to convey your feelings may be challenging when a baby is welcomed into the family, whether it is a boy, a girl, or twins. Therefore, to fit this momentous event, you need to discover some smart Baby Birth Announcement Text Messages.
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icespur · 4 years
Ok, hear me out.....
Baby Pennywise......
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bradbradleyart · 5 years
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Various It Doodles
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How to care for a baby clown (part one?)
Baby is a bit of a handful but that doesnt mean you can't take care of him to the best of your knowledge
Tagging @claddypenny because I KNOW she loves baby lmao
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ancientdeadlight · 5 years
Concept #3
//Penny returns after 27 years to battle at the losers side, he turned from a bubbly child to a ravenous and kind of thick headed teenage deadlight with lots of sass and no respect towards his elders. Kind of bratty even though he spent the last 27 years with Maturin in the Macroverse(it’s just a phase as Mat always used to say...a very long phase given their long lifes...) He still hates what happened to Georgie back and is a little touchy on that subject.
His human form is lanky and big, towering over most of the losers. His powers developed quite nicely as well under the tutelage of Maturin, making him a powerful ally in the battle against Papa.//
sharing with a couple of writers as well for their input ~
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//Adding the design for both his human and Clown form// @infptarius @leahtheclownofdistruction123 @bloodredfloatingballoon @bloodfart666
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mijh · 2 years
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this is the new design that Babywise will have in the children's tales, and also be used in the separate stories of the tales. 😊
Babywise is quite different in the story too, now he's known as "the clown of sweet dreams) and lost his shadow for a curious reason. 😱
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clownfuckery · 5 years
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That is all
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pyromaniac-skeleton · 5 years
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I got inspired by @myclownjunction ‘s post about a baby Penny. ♥️
On a side note, my new gel pens let me add catchlights and it makes everything 1000% cuter.
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askpapawise · 6 years
What about baby Penny getting scared of a turtle and papa whacking the turtle with a Broom or something for scaring his baby?
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twimetofloat · 6 years
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Hmm... well it's probably a trap but what the hell, I'll risk it. I don't care if he rips my face off. Little cutie!  Another picture I don't really like but I'll try do better next time...
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didihorrorblog · 5 years
Inspired by @askpapawise little baby penny. She is so cute!
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