#babylon 5: dark genesis
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that-dinopunk-guy · 3 months ago
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Hell yeah, now I have all but five of the Babylon 5 novels. All I need now are Final Reckoning, Casting Shadows, and the novelizations of In the Beginning, Thirdspace, and A Call to Arms.
I love how the titles on some of these range from boring and utilitarian to amazing:
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Also, they chose some interesting angles to show the station from on a couple of these:
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azazel-dreams · 11 months ago
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Babylon 5 - Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi Corps by J Gregory Keyes
Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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futa69 · 1 month ago
Even though it has never really been directly mentioned or referenced, elements of the ancient astronaut theory have influenced our popular culture for a hundred years. Practically, everything from books, movies, television shows and video games. Since we will never be able to definitely prove it here on Earth and we're also on the verge of going back to the moon, establishing colonies on Mars, mining the asteroid belt and exploring deep space, we might actually find physical evidence of advanced civilizations that existed for over thousands of years ago out there in the galaxy. Whether we like it or not, all of this is going to happen eventually. So, we should definitely have this conversation right now. The future of the human race may very well depend on this discovery.
▪︎Edison's Conquest of Mars (1898)
▪︎The Call of Cthulhu (1926)
▪︎Analog Science Fiction and Fact (1930)
▪︎At the Mountains of Madness (1931)
▪︎Childhood's End (1953)
▪︎Forbidden Planet (1956)
▪︎Quartermass and the Pit (1958)
▪︎The Twilight Zone (1959)
▪︎The Sirens of Titan (1959)
▪︎The Flintstones (1960)
▪︎Doctor Who (1963)
▪︎Hercules Against the Moon Men (1964)
▪︎Known Space (1964)
▪︎Star Trek (1966)
▪︎2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
▪︎Chariots of the Gods (1968)
▪︎The Bible & Flying Saucers (1968)
▪︎Passport to Magonia (1969)
▪︎Horror Express (1972)
▪︎Rendezvous with Rama (1973)
▪︎Land of the Lost (1974)
▪︎The Spaceships of Ezekiel (1974)
▪︎The Outer Space Connection (1975)
▪︎Space: 1999 (1975)
▪︎The Sirius Mystery (1976)
▪︎The Earth Chronicles (1976)
▪︎Star Wars (1977)
▪︎Mysteries of the Gods (1977)
▪︎Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
▪︎The Manna Machine (1978)
▪︎Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
▪︎Battlestar Galactica (1978)
▪︎Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1978)
▪︎Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)
▪︎Alien (1979)
▪︎Hangar 18 (1980)
▪︎Valis (1981)
▪︎The Thing (1982)
▪︎Xevious (1982)
▪︎Super Dimension Fortress Macross (1982)
▪︎The Transformers (1984)
▪︎Cocoon (1985)
▪︎Bio Booster Armor Guyver (1985)
▪︎The Legend of Zelda (1986)
▪︎Predator (1987)
▪︎Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
▪︎Red Dwarf (1988)
▪︎The Gods of Eden (1989)
▪︎Moontrap (1989)
▪︎Spriggan (1989)
▪︎Total Recall (1990)
▪︎Babylon 5 (1993)
▪︎The X-Files (1993)
▪︎Stargate (1994)
▪︎Neon Genesis Evangelion (1994)
▪︎Fingerprints of the Gods (1995)
▪︎Encounter with Tiber (1996)
▪︎Final Fantasy (1997)
▪︎Earth: Final Conflict (1997)
▪︎The Fifth Element (1997)
▪︎Space Island One (1998)
▪︎Naked Pictures of Famous People (1998)
▪︎The Giza Power Plant (1998)
▪︎Heritage Trilogy (1998)
▪︎Dilbert (1999)
▪︎Futurama (1999)
▪︎Star Ancestors (2000)
▪︎Mission to Mars (2000)
▪︎Halo (2001)
▪︎Ice Age (2002)
▪︎Alien vs. Predator (2004)
▪︎The Cygnus Mystery (2006)
▪︎The Orion Zone (2007)
▪︎Mass Effect (2007)
▪︎Assassin's Creed (2007)
▪︎Outlander (2008)
▪︎Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
▪︎Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008)
▪︎Spore (2008)
▪︎Knowing (2009)
▪︎The Fourth Kind (2009)
▪︎Ancient Aliens (2009)
▪︎Borderlands (2009)
▪︎The Great Airship of 1897 (2010)
▪︎Dark Void (2010)
▪︎The Ancient Alien Question (2011)
▪︎Life And Death On Mars (2011)
▪︎Cowboys and Aliens (2011)
▪︎Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
▪︎Paul (2011)
▪︎John Carter (2012)
▪︎Prometheus (2012)
▪︎Iron Sky (2012)
▪︎Man of Steel (2013)
▪︎Jupiter Ascending (2015)
▪︎The Great Wall (2016)
▪︎Life (2017)
▪︎Beyond the Sky (2018)
▪︎Resident Alien (2021)
▪︎Moonfall (2022)
▪︎Prey (2022)
▪︎65 (2023)
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dailydemonspotlight · 6 months ago
The God you cravenly revere is dead...
DAY 100
Race: Tyrant
Arcana: Devil
Alignment: Dark-CHAOS
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The prince of darkness needs no introduction. The Morning Star, the Devil, the Fallen Angel who brought about so much to our demon-focused blog. Sure, I may be jumping the gun a bit by covering him only on day 100, but given that his closest compatriot, Beelzebub, was covered on day 50, I feel it's warranted. Lucifer is iconic to the SMT series, a legendary figure who serves a major role in many games in the series, being the perfect representative of one of the three major alignments: Chaos. In most games throughout the series, Lucifer plays a part, even in ones disconnected from mainline- if there is chaos, there will be the dying light of the morning star. Even in Persona, a series mostly concerned with Jungian psychology, Lucifer commonly appears as a late-game persona, and even a form of him in Satanael is the final form of Joker's persona in Persona 5, being a representation of freedom and rebellion- after all, what else is more rebellious and free than rebelling against God himself?
I digress, however. Lucifer is as important to SMT as he is to Biblical history itself, after all, and this is a blog about the stories of demons, right? Lucifer himself is a major character in the Bible, appearing for certain first in the Book of Isaiah, though his overall relevance spreads beyond that. Even in the Book of Genesis, the very first story in the Bible, it's believed that the serpent that tricked Eve into eating the apple of knowledge was Lucifer, cast down from heaven. This interpretation is supported by Paradise Lost, a story I'll likely be referencing a lot here, but its importance to Lucifer and his interpretations throughout not just SMT, but history itself, cannot go understated.
The Devil's conniving ways are depicted throughout the bible in several verses, especially in the New Testament, wherein he's seen as a figure analogous to the Buddhist demon Mara, a being tempting humanity away from their rightful path of sin/good karma to partake in their desire. However, this isn't to spell a connection between the two, as Lucifer himself is given a far different story than Mara, as he is with many other tempters in religion, even including some other biblical figures such as Mastema. Instead, what we should be focusing on is Lucifer's existence as a fallen angel.
Lucifer's existence in the Bible is strange, as the name Lucifer is a translation from the original Latin Helel, meaning 'Light-bearer.' His first reference in one of the most prevalent translations of the Bible, the King James Bible, goes as follows:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
This immediately points to Lucifer being an angel who fell for his own hype, so to speak- one who believed himself to be as strong, if not stronger than God, which led to him being cut down by the forces of Heaven. However, in Paradise Lost, it's shown that Lucifer was more than just vain- he held a rebellion, and when it fell, and he fell with it, he became Satan. I know, that's strange, but it's not really canon to the SMT interpretations of both characters- it just helps to shape Lucifer's characterization in the series as a rebellious figure who stood even against God himself. Strangely, adding on to this odd maze of interpretation, Lucifer was also commonly interpreted as the king of Babylon, the famously sinful city of evil described in the Bible. What I think all of this adds to is less a solid character of his and rather a general interpretation and idea that surrounds Lucifer- that of him being the embodiment of rebellion, chaos, and standing against the mold of society in order to partake in sin. There's a reason that his deadly sin, after all, is one of the most dangerous- that being Pride.
Lucifer's role in the Bible is strange, however, and many interpretations differ completely, whether they be him as Satan, him as the Devil, or even him as a tragic hero. However, as for SMT's purposes, it takes a very unique take, combining several aspects from several interpretations to make the Morning Star into a perfect prince of darkness. For one, it pulls a lot from Paradise Lost, giving Lucifer the role of a rebellious figure who rules over scores of demons, though it separates him from Satan in opposition to the poem. His sin of pride is intact, as he's shown to be a very individualistic figure throughout, valuing freedom and one's own strength above all else, tying very well into the purveying themes of individualism and might-makes-right that are constant in the Chaos ideology.
In terms of design, what is there really to say? Lucifer's design is utterly iconic- the six split wings, the gorgeous plays on the angelic aspects of his character, the great horns reaching sky-high, there's a reason so many were disappointed with his weird redesign in IV. Like, what were they doing? I get that he was meant to look offputting, but turning him into a skinhead was not the right way to go about it- well, whatever. Every design of Lucifer throughout the series has its merits, and I love how several games even have different human disguises for him- my personal favorite has to be Louis Cyphre, but I adore how each human disguise including Louis plays on the traditionally angelic traits of pale skin and blonde hair, though twists that on its head due to him commonly wearing all black.
Thank you all for tagging along with this series, and it is so ridiculously lucky that day 100 was placed perfectly on my birthday. There's gonna be more, for sure, coming soon, don't worry- but for now, I love you all, and goodnight. Or good morning. Whichever works.
You didn't even mention his role in Gnosticism!
Jack, I'm not touching on Gnosticism with a ten foot pole for the time being. I don't even know what's going with that half the time. Wait for the Demiurge analysis.
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buggie-hagen · 11 days ago
Sermon on Third Sunday after Epiphany (1/26/25)
Primary Text | Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
            “In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while the Spirit of God moved over the surface of the water” (Gen. 1:1-2). These words come from what would be known as the “book of the law of Moses” (Neh. 8:1). From the tradition of Moses, which would include Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy—we are talking about the first five books of the Bible. If we are to understand Jesus, who he is, where he came from, why he came, we wouldn’t have the faintest idea if it weren’t for these first five books—they are about him. They serve as the foundation for the rest of the Bible.  (pause) After their exile in Babylon, when the Babylonians kept Israel in captivity for seventy years, they were finally able to return to their home. After 70 years, much had changed. Their society had collapsed. With that many years, you really find that the world changes fast. At the beginning of the Babylonian captivity, Solomon’s temple was destroyed. It would take them 20 years to build new temple. The people had asked Ezra the priest to read to them from the book of the law of Moses. As Ezra read the words, “In the beginning” the people of God would have indeed had a new beginning.
            Ezra opened the book of the law in the sight of all the people, and as he read, they stood up. As the book was read to the people, the words were explained so that the people understood the reading. When the people heard the reading, they began to cry. They became upset and shed tears. To understand why they would be crying we’ll consider the book of Hebrews where it says: “Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” You see, when we read the Holy Scriptures, we are reading the word of God. As Lutherans we don’t believe just anything we want. We have a God who is verbal. He is not silent God—he is a God who speaks. And, so, God reveals himself in his word. The Holy Spirit himself will be the one who decides whether or not you believe the word you have heard. The word of God is “sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow.” As Ezra read the Scriptures to them with explanation, I’m sure the word of God struck through the very core of their being. Hence, their weeping.
            Ezra the priest was also a good pastor—a good shepherd of his people. He saw that the flock before him wept bitterly because of their sin. So, he spoke a word to them, that this God who created the heavens and the earth is a God that is for them. He said, “This day is holy to the LORD your God; do not mourn or weep…. Go your way, eat good food, drink some sweet wine. Share your food and wine with those who do not have some. For this day is holy to our LORD; and do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength” (Neh. 8:9, 10). This passage from Nehemiah helps us understand the nature of the word of God. The word is truly a double-edged sword. It both challenges and comforts. It both binds and loosens. It both brings low and lifts up. It both kills and makes alive. As we read the Scriptures, or as we listen to the word preached, we will find ourselves challenged. As far as the word is a word of law—it acts like a mirror—showing us just how much we don’t believe God as we ought. Then there’s the gospel. As we read the Scriptures, or as we listen to the word preached, we will find ourselves comforted. As far as the word is a word of the gospel—it makes new, it forgives, it causes us who are dead in our sins to be alive with Christ. Indeed we are a people who don’t believe God as we ought. Having our false gods stripped away from us is unsettling. Yet, the Spirit of God, who is our surgeon, will work to remove the disease that is in us—by the forgiveness of your sins. Right now, in your hearing, I forgive your sins. And now, you are freed in Christ. Eat the good food. Drink the sweet wine. Have a merry heart. With this word of God your life is hidden with God in Christ. For it was the joy of the LORD, that he took your sins upon himself, and gave you his righteousness. By his obedience, his suffering, his death, his resurrection, the burden of sin is lifted off you. The joy of Christ is yours. With the gospel in your ears, and the Holy Spirit in your hearts, today God has given you a new beginning.  
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behind-the-gloves · 1 month ago
The Dark Genesis Fix-It Project Is Complete!
After years of hard work, I have completed my fix-it of Dark Genesis, the first book in canon's Psi Corps Trilogy.
I have reworked and repaired the story scene by scene and line by line. Absolutely no knowledge of the original 1999 book by Gregory Keyes (outline by JMS) is necessary to understand the book, because everything you need to know (and everything important from the book) is in here. (And it's not, as the canon book's blurb claims, the "secret history is Psi Corps," since most of the history in the book is not at all "secret" in that world. But it is the history.)
So here we go! My fix-it!
Power Play: A novel covering roughly the first half of the book, from the beginnings of telepath registration through the arrival of the Centauri.
The Rise of the Black Fox: A novel covering the second half of the book, from Stephen Walters' rescue of Fiona to the final showdown with the Dexters. My book also explains the origins of Walters' superhuman healing powers.
I am also posting a third work here, from Natasha Alexander's point of view, that ties up the plot arc about her journey with Kevin to Antarctica and to Venus, and meeting the Vorlons. The final chapter of my work here ties this up and explains the significance and role of Department Sigma (which she commanded).
Once again, since these works take place years before the show, no knowledge of Babylon 5 is necessary. And if you once read the canon books and were confused, try this. :-)
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The Fall of Babylon Predicted
1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate.
2 Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers.
3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yes, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man.
4 As for our Redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel.
5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms.
6 I was wroth with my people, I have polluted my inheritance, and given them into thy hand: thou didst show them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke.
7 And thou saidst, I shall be a lady for ever: so that thou didst not lay these things to thy heart, neither didst remember the latter end of it.
8 Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thy heart, I am, and none else besides me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children:
9 But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection, for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thy enchantments.
10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thy heart, I am, and none else besides me.
11 Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know.
12 Stand now with thy enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, in which thou hast labored from thy youth; if thou shalt be able to profit, if thou mayest prevail.
13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.
14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.
15 Thus shall they be to thee with whom thou hast labored, even thy merchants, from thy youth: they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save thee. — Isaiah 47 | Webster Bible Translation (WBT) The Webster Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Genesis 3:7; Deuteronomy 28:50; Deuteronomy 28:56; Deuteronomy 32:29; 2 Chronicles 28:9; Psalm 19:14; Psalm 35:8; Psalm 52:7; Psalm 62:10; Psalm 129:1; Psalm 137:8; Isaiah 5:24; Isaiah 5:29; Isaiah 8:19; Isaiah 10:17; Isaiah 13:10; Isaiah 13:19; Isaiah 14:14; Isaiah 20:4; Isaiah 22:13; Isaiah 41:14; Isaiah 44:25; Jeremiah 51:58; Matthew 24:41; Luke 17:27; 1 Corinthians 11:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:3; Revelation 9:21; Revelation 18:7; Revelation 18:11
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deastrumquodvicis · 27 days ago
Dark Genesis: the Birth of the Psi Corps (review)
TLDR: 3.5/5
I’m a big Babylon 5 fan, always have been. Tie-in novels have always been a favorite genre. When I heard that the Psi Corps trilogy was well-done, and, importantly, canon, I eagerly loaded book one onto my Kindle and finished it in two days, a typical speed for me. As I understand it—though please correct me if I’m wrong—these stories were seeded from the B5verse series bible, and info was intended to trickle out during the original plans for the Telepath War and Crusade’s later seasons.
The good:
It’s canonical, and it’s always interesting to get world-building that was never committed to screen. The slow emergence of the Corps and what it meant felt very much like a dark reflection of Marvel’s X-Men—a group of people with a recently-awakened genetic mutation being persecuted by, in this case, “mundanes”, given classification based on the strength of their power, and eventually given a home where they could use their gifts without shame, and with an anti-group picking up strays and carrying out rebellious, almost terroristic, acts. I suppose that’s not all that much of a surprise with JMS having written the outline, though not the book itself. It’s also interesting to see non-unified pre-EarthGov components, and hints of the construction of EarthDome itself along with the Psi Corps facility. Definite reflections on how Byron’s group saw themselves, and the mistakes they wanted to avoid. Getting first contact with the Centauri was cool, including their opinions on the telepath thing (and Narn-bashing, because, yep, that’s the Centauri).
The bad (or at least the disorienting):
The book took place over something like seventy years. We see four generations of the rebels, and the birth of the fifth, while we get two should-have-term-limits men in power in charge of the Corps and its creation. Yes, the book is divided into four parts, but it became hard to connect to either group and feel for them, even if you don’t hate the Byron arc of the show. It also became hard to keep track of who anyone looked like, because it was an extremely dialogue-heavy, descriptive-light sort of book, and trusted the reader to keep track of who initiated the conversation (very little in the way of “dialogue,” Name said, and it didn’t take a teep to see his mood had soured, instead more “dialogue.” “Dialogue?” “More dialogue.” “Even more dialogue.” “But dialogue?” “No, dialogue.”) The rebels used code-names among themselves, particularly in the first two generations, but the EarthGov types used their, well, government names, and it was hard to know when Blood, Mercy, Monkey, and so on, were being referred to. That got better as the generations went on. But no one really had a distinct voice without descriptors, and rarely was a physical feature mentioned except when the characters were first introduced, at which point, you didn’t know if they were major characters or not. And I really didn’t care for the ending with the baby, it cheapened the whole thing into almost George Lucas (derogatory) levels of retconning. A true “seriously?” moment. And it didn’t feel like Babylon 5. In fact, if it weren’t a worldbuilding puzzle piece for B5, my rating would be lower.
The Corps uniforms—gloves and badges—didn’t have a clear introduction. I think the badges were only mentioned once, gloves twice. I suppose the author expected the reader to remember Talia’s (iirc) explanation. Some familiar surnames popped up, and an explanation that because the telepath gene travels on the mitochondrial DNA, the daughters take their mother’s name, felt like it was a bit of an excuse to have a Ms. Alexander around. I get what they were going for, but still. The fact-finding trip to Venus was also a bit mixed, and while I enjoyed most of what came out of it, there was something that happened that had me going “really? Like, doesn’t that kind of contradict the plot point in the show with Lyta?” And why are our main rebel telepaths all P12s or P5s? Granted, there was a P0 and a P8, but almost everyone in the rebellion was P12. Would have been nice to have a P10 or a P3 or something, with only the matrilineal line of rebel leaders hitting P12, and more inspiring if none of them reached double-digits. (I know, the baby at the end needed to be P12 for Reasons, something something Psi Corps breeding program being validated, but variety is nice.)
And guys? The cover is so ‘90s.
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ao3feed-babylon5 · 1 month ago
Notes on the First Missing Novella of Deadly Relations
Notes on the First Missing Novella of Deadly Relations https://ift.tt/O24lQYq by pallasite Canon's Deadly Relations covers sixty-seven years. It's not one book. It also presents a very different fix-it challenge than Dark Genesis did. Words: 612, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 233 of Behind the Gloves Fandoms: Babylon 5, Babylon 5 (TV 1993), Babylon 5 & Related Fandoms Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Alfred Bester, Kevin Vacit, Director Johnston (Babylon 5), Stephen Walters Additional Tags: Psi Corps, telepaths, Canon Compliant, Fix-It, Worldbuilding, Backstory, Essays via AO3 works tagged 'Babylon 5 (TV 1993)' https://ift.tt/dlIUtMG December 30, 2024 at 10:11AM
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itsyourchoicedevotionals · 11 months ago
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“But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” Genesis 11:5-7NIV
Reading through Genesis again was important for me. Why? Genesis reveals people’s roots for all society. God’s timing for my reading this revealed the similarities between Genesis and today is amazing. Depravity abounds.
Our world, especially our nation, is without a moral compass. We removed Yahweh from schools, court rooms, government, media, businesses, entertainment, and even from churches. New Age has intermingled in many of our church denominations. Western liberal mindsets have encroached upon many denominations tenets of faith and morality.
But……….. God. Noah’s time: the depravity had grown to such a point that God decided to perform a reset by destroying mankind and animals with a flood. One man, Noah, walked with God. Yahweh wouldn’t destroy Noah. He saved Noah and his family.
Depravity struck again with Noah’s sons promoting evil instead of good. Putting their heads together, they decided to raise themselves high up to become gods like Holy God. Yahweh realized they could accomplish whatever they set out to do, “nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” For God’s reset to their society’s evil, Yahweh confused their languages. Suddenly, no one could understand each other’s words.
Lou and I hosted an exchange student from Spain. Rodrigo spoke English but had his limits in our language. When our second daughter married, Rodrigo returned for her wedding. At the same time, we were hosting many from Lou’s French family. Three languages in the same household caused me to become confused. With the stress of all the wedding arrangements, I found myself sometimes speaking French to Rodrigo and English or my limited Spanish to Lou’s family. I can relate to the people of Babel.
In the time of the exit of the Israelites from Egypt, God didn’t reset the entire world just resets for Egypt and Israel. Another reset was when Israel had grown very evil again. Yahweh brought Babylon down to conquer and take Israel captive for deportation. Every time God does a reset, He does something different.
We’re rolling up to a reset once again. The one world government is planning their reset to take over the entire world. They’re calling it a ‘reset.’ People are yelling China, Russia, World War III. Whomever, whatever the satanic realm uses makes no difference.
But……… God has different plans. He’s about to do a reset of His own. Listen to what the prophets have been saying— ***They’ve been telling us for two years satan’s plans, lies and evil will be revealed. Guess what, it’s happening. ***We’ll see a short war in the USA. ***God’s going to change the political landscape. ***Death in abundance is coming, and I think of Noah’s days. Last, this will be God’s reset, not the force’s of darkness.
What I’m holding on for is the healing revival, the glory falling over the nations, churches and peoples: money coming into the hands of God’s people. How? When? Yahweh knows and no else. He has said this reset will be like nothing ever recorded or seen. I’m sure He can do it differently.
All of those walking closely with the Lord like Noah and Lot will be rescued. I believe their families will be rescued too. The Israelites rescue was a show of mercy. Are you walking close with the Lord? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Yahweh Adonai, Lord over everything I am thankful You are in-charge, trustworthy, faithful, and true. Bring on Your reset precious Lord we pray, in the name of Jesus Christ.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2024 You have my permission to repost this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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blondrichclosetwitch · 1 year ago
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Innocence is what we want
Now even children think that way, yeah
The humor's not the same, coming from denial
If I get out of bed, you'll see me standing all alone, Horrified on the stage, my little dark ago
“I can’t do this anymore.”
I'm falling in love with Calliope
She don't belong to anyone, why not give her to me?
“This time around, bring your friend with you. In my city I'm a young god.”
That pussy kill be so vicious/my god white/Infatuated by the fame status
Baby, I can make that pussy rain, often, make that pussy poppin', do it how I want it
That girl been drinkin' all day
She's just happy that the crew back in town
Blame it on the lies that killed us, blame it on the truth that ran us down
When the breakdown hit at midnight there was nothing left to say
Stranded in the park and forced to confess
Well we swore forever friends
Oh, Joey, if you're hurting so am I
She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress
but I'll always get the last word
Aum Ekadantaya Viddhamahe, Vakratundaya Dhimahi,
Tanno Danti Prachodayat॥
I am the reason that the child dies
She gotta swelled belly and there’s money in her bank
I talk like this cause I can back it up
Rich girls
Dreams watching each other
6 packs of beer
And the carnival immediately begins
War, penny arcade, Babylon fading
A city rises from the sea
I had a splitting headache from which the future was made
Coming from nothing and struggling somehow makes you more knowledgeable
The psychology of the voyeur
Criminal actions
Cycles of energy
Major case
The group is a major part of the community
Music music music
Would you hear my voice come through the music?
What we talkin' 'bout fiction or we talkin 'bout fact?
You talkin' 'bout fiction, hold up pardon my back
I'm talkin' 'bout real shit dem people playin'
Talkin' 'bout revenge while carryin' his casket
All teary-eyed 'bout to take it to a mattress
Still they can't' focus on them they be talkin' 'bout me
Try to re-write history Lets talk about facts
That's just how the game goes I don't owe nobody Jakk
Peace out Medusa
(Putting these together because it’s playing again, right now. The number meanings 1:14 relates to past lives and creation/genesis related to the Baby, 3:50 is 3’s aka Maggie’s ten of cups moment, about ultimate happiness. The first number was 31, l didn’t catch the second number)
Maggie I wish I’d never seen your face
Madman, drummers, bummers: hey since it’s the last day of the year, I just want to bring up again that the Lonnie removed screws from my stool so that accident would occur where I tore my ACL. Recently she reminded me that for the longest time it was in the kitchen which has a tile floor; if the accident had happened there, my head would have bled out.
I don’t doubt Katie got me to move it.
Sometimes this will come back in my memory, and i find myself getting very angry.
Like insanely angry.
Anyway I ended up coming across this last night, a text to the teacher who said that fall was meant to end me.
“The Calliope crashed to the ground.”
Also, 20 is the Judgement card, and 6:48 is “things get broken”.
They were together for 5 years
“Now I know why you’ve been taken.”
I’m closer to the Golden Dawn immersed in Crowley’s uniform of imagery
We’re so young and so gone
Where are you taught that’s a solution?
It seems worth mentioning that 51 as a temporary vibration is symbolic of legal dealings, Justice, perception and authorities.
Im leaving but I don’t know where to
Focus for learning
Been trying to meet you
Must be a devil between us
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steal-this-idea · 5 years ago
Am I supposed to pronounce the T is Vacit or is it a French name?
I’ve personally gone with vah-SEE all these years.
That’s the trouble with stuff that never made it to the TV show or movies...
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futa69 · 11 months ago
You're already a fan of the ancient astronaut theory.
Here's a list of books, movies, TV shows, and video games featuring ancient astronauts. (revised)
▪︎Edison's Conquest of Mars (1898)
▪︎The Call of Cthulhu (1926)
▪︎Analog Science Fiction and Fact (1930)
▪︎At the Mountains of Madness (1931)
▪︎Childhood's End (1953)
▪︎Forbidden Planet (1956)
▪︎Quartermass and the Pit (1958)
▪︎The Twilight Zone (1959)
▪︎The Sirens of Titan (1959)
▪︎The Flintstones (1960)
▪︎Doctor Who (1963)
▪︎Hercules Against the Moon Men (1964)
▪︎Known Space (1964)
▪︎Star Trek (1966)
▪︎2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
▪︎Chariots of the Gods (1968)
▪︎The Bible & Flying Saucers (1968)
▪︎Horror Express (1972)
▪︎Rendezvous with Rama (1973)
▪︎Land of the Lost (1974)
▪︎The Spaceships of Ezekiel (1974)
▪︎The Outer Space Connection (1975)
▪︎Space: 1999 (1975)
▪︎The Sirius Mystery (1976)
▪︎The Earth Chronicles (1976)
▪︎Star Wars (1977)
▪︎Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
▪︎The Manna Machine (1978)
▪︎Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
▪︎Battlestar Galactica (1978)
▪︎Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1978)
▪︎Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)
▪︎Alien (1979)
▪︎Hangar 18 (1980)
▪︎Valis (1981)
▪︎The Thing (1982)
▪︎Xevious (1982)
▪︎Super Dimension Fortress Macross (1982)
▪︎The Transformers (1984)
▪︎Cocoon (1985)
▪︎Bio Booster Armor Guyver (1985)
▪︎The Legend of Zelda (1986)
▪︎Predator (1987)
▪︎Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
▪︎Red Dwarf (1988)
▪︎The Gods of Eden (1989)
▪︎Moontrap (1989)
▪︎Spriggan (1989)
▪︎Total Recall (1990)
▪︎Babylon 5 (1993)
▪︎The X-Files (1993)
▪︎Stargate (1994)
▪︎Neon Genesis Evangelion (1994)
▪︎Fingerprints of the Gods (1995)
▪︎Encounter with Tiber (1996)
▪︎Final Fantasy (1997)
▪︎Earth: Final Conflict (1997)
▪︎The Fifth Element (1997)
▪︎Space Island One (1998)
▪︎Naked Pictures of Famous People (1998)
▪︎Dilbert (1999)
▪︎Futurama (1999)
▪︎Star Ancestors (2000)
▪︎Mission to Mars (2000)
▪︎Halo (2001)
▪︎Ice Age (2002)
▪︎Alien vs. Predator (2004)
▪︎The Orion Zone (2007)
▪︎Mass Effect (2007)
▪︎Assassin's Creed (2007)
▪︎Outlander (2008)
▪︎Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
▪︎Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008)
▪︎Spore (2008)
▪︎Knowing (2009)
▪︎The Fourth Kind (2009)
▪︎Ancient Aliens (2009)
▪︎Borderlands (2009)
▪︎The Great Airship of 1897 (2010)
▪︎Dark Void (2010)
▪︎The Ancient Alien Question (2011)
▪︎Cowboys and Aliens (2011)
▪︎Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
▪︎Paul (2011)
▪︎John Carter (2012)
▪︎Prometheus (2012)
▪︎Iron Sky (2012)
▪︎Man of Steel (2013)
▪︎Beyond the Sky (2018)
▪︎Resident Alien (2021)
▪︎Moonfall (2022)
▪︎Prey (2022)
▪︎65 (2023)
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tenebraevesper · 3 years ago
Sonic Cyber Revolution/Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
Sonic Cyber Revolution
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Sonic the Hedgehog, a biodigital anomaly created from the data of his video game self, finds his home in the technologically advanced Neos City, which is operating on an augmented reality system. In a reality where Irregulars like him are seen as a danger to society, Sonic refuses to back down from protecting those he cares about, and together with Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Silver, Shadow and their human partners stands against the likes of those who want to destroy the life they created for themselves, Dr. Eggman being only one of their numerous enemies.
The Blue Blur’s thrilling adventure continues in a world outside the video game existence he is known for, but when both of these realities clash, this is where the singularity begins.
The Metal Irregular Arc: Entry 0: Ready, Set, GO!, Entry 1: Team Up, Entry 2: Showdown At Eden, Entry 3: The Awakening
The Ultimate Lifeform Arc: Entry 4: Project Shadow, Entry 5: The Looming Shadow, Entry 6: Chaos Surge, Entry 7: Countdown To Destruction, Entry 8: The Illusion Of Hope, Entry 9: Live and Learn
The Memories of The Past Arc: Entry 10: His World, Entry 11: Believe In Myself, Entry 12: Unknown From M.E., Entry 13: My Sweet Passion, Entry 14: Dreams of an Absolution, Entry 15: I Am... All Of Me, Entry 16: What I’m Made Of
The Enter The E.G.G.M.A.N. Arc: Entry 17: The Challenge, Entry 18: Escape From The City, Entry 19: Enter The E.G.G.M.A.N.
The Babylon Rogues Arc: Entry 20: Catch Me If You Can, Entry 21: Sonic Speed Riders
The Final Haunt Arc: Entry 22: The Treasure Hunter, Entry 23: Stop & Rewind, Entry 24: Artificial Life, Entry 25: For Your Sake, Entry 26: The Chosen One, Entry 27: Never Turn Back
The Starfall Arc: Entry 28: The Kitsune’s Deception, Entry 29: Amy’s Cursed Day, Entry 30: The Chaotix Detective Agency, Entry 31: The Starfall
The Green Hill Zone Arc: Entry 32: The Tricore, Entry 33: The Blazing Guardian, Entry 34: Green Hill Zone, Entry 35: Speeding Through Stardust, Entry 36: A Twinkle of Chaos, Entry 37: Breaking The Fields
The Team Dark Arc: Entry 38: Operation ARMS (Part 1), Entry 39: Operation ARMS (Part 2), Entry 40: The Spy and The Network, Entry 41: The Irregular Hunt, Entry 42: Mission: Omega, Entry 43: Team Dark, Entry 44: When The Shadow Calls, Entry 45: I Will Fight Like I Always Have, Entry 46: This Machine
The Chaos Rising Arc: Entry 47: Cream’s Rough and Tumble Adventure, Entry 48: The Seven Mysteries of Nagatsuki Academy, Entry 49: Operation! Starline’s Total Chaos, Entry 50: The City Of Floods, Entry 51: An Ancient Ally, Entry 52: The Chaos Emerald Caper, Entry 53: The Scream Of Perfect Chaos, Entry 54: Open Your Heart
The Neo Genesis Arc: Entry 55: Walking In Your Shoes, Entry 56: Vandalize My Heart, Entry 57: Heat Wave, Entry 58: The Rush Adventure, Entry 59: Romance Dawn, Entry 60: The Sol Dimension, Entry 61: What I’m Here For, Entry 62: Neo Genesis
The Imposter Syndrome Arc: Entry 63: Mission Dark, Entry 64: A Punk Philosophy, Entry 65: The Guardian and The Thief, Entry 66: Burn It All Down, Entry 67: Imposter Syndrome, Entry 68: A Single Flower Petal
The Black Arms Arc: Entry 69: The Invasion, Entry 70: Eclipse, Entry 71: A Cruel Angel’s Thesis, Entry 72: Darker Side Of Me, Entry 73: Echoes In The Dark, Entry 74: Forging My Own Path, Entry 75: A Spark That Lights The Night, Entry 76: Destiny In Hand, Entry 77: The Last Story, Entry 78: All Hail Shadow
The Cyberspace Chaos Arc: Entry 79: Alien Family, Entry 80: Cyberspace Crash
Sonic Cyber Revolution: Night of The Werehog
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Sonic is not feeling well. He had been vanishing night after night, returning home the next morning with no memories. To make things worse, there are reports of a strange beast roaming through Neos City, attacking people. As the full moon rises, Sonic and his friends need solve the mystery behind the attacks before they succumb to the beast's bloodthirst.
Entry 0: Night of The Werehog
Sonic Cyber Revolution: Christmas Truce
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It is Christmas time in Neos City, and Sonic and his friends have decided to join the festivities, each in their own way. Unfortunately for them, Dr. Eggman has decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to launch an attack and ruin their Christmas spirit.
Entry 0: Christmas Truce
Sonic Cyber Revolution Analyzer
The Story, Lore & Characters
Sonic the Hedgehog & Lucas Kinomoto
Sonic Cyber Revolution Arcs - Part 1
Sonic Cyber Revolution Arcs - Part 2
Sonic Cyber Revolution Arcs - Part 3
Sonic Cyber Revolution Arcs - Part 4
Sonic Cyber Revolution Arcs - Part 5
Sonic Cyber Revolution Arcs - Part 6
Sonic Cyber Revolution Arcs - Part 7
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Ultimate Lifeform Arc)
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Memories of The Past Arc)
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Enter The E.G.G.M.A.N. Arc & The Babylon Rogues Arc)
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Final Haunt Arc)
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Starfall Arc & The Green Hill Zone Arc)
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Team Dark Arc)
Vandalize My Heart
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Sonic knew that he shouldn't be feeling like this. They were rivals most of the time, but that didn't mean that they weren't friends when the occasion called for it. It was just their dynamic and he was fine with it. This was how things always were. So, why was he feeling like someone stabbed him in the chest when Shadow accepted that proposal?
Entry 0: Sound The Alarm
Entry 1: Leave Your Mark
Entry 2: Vandalize My Heart
Shatter Me
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After the events of the Shatterverse, Sonic finds himself reminiscing of what had happened, especially when it comes to his interactions with Shadow. Even though the two returned to their normal routine of racing and fighting with each other, something has changed in their relationship.
Entry 0: Fight Together
Entry 1: Ambivalent
Entry 2: The Reason I’m Here
Entry 3: Vandalize My Heart
Entry 4: LOVE or HATE?
Entry 5: Shatter Me - Sonic X Shadow Generations
With Light In My Heart
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To fight for everyone's sake with light in his heart. This was the path Shadow chose to follow, even if it's filled with thorns that keep leaving bleeding wounds. Reminiscing about his past and haunted by what could be, he comes across Sonic, who might be the spark that he needed to understand this endless fight.
Entry 0: In The Far Distance
Entry 1: Be My Fake
Entry 2: The Mural
Entry 3: Heart Wave
Entry 4: Fears To Fathom
Entry 5: Shattered Worlds & Storybook Adventures
Entry ?: Reach For Me
Knuckles - The Epilogue
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Knuckles and Wade return to Green Hills from their road trip and victory over Pistol Pete and The Buyer. But, what awaits them at home? Knuckles is assured that there will be a celebration as he tells his tale to his tribe, and while Sonic and Tails are excited to hear about his adventure, Maddie has a few choice words for him.
Entry 0: Knuckles - The Epilogue
Sonic The Hedgehog Analyzer
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Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer is a compilation of my personal analysis of the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comic regarding the story, characters and whatever else catches my interest.
Team Sonic Racing
Team Sonic Racing
Sonic Forces
Sonic Forces: Moment of Truth
Sonic Forces: Stress Test
Sonic Forces: Looming Shadow
Sonic Forces: Rise of Infinite
The Fallout Arc
Issue #1: Fallout (Part 1)
Issue #2: Fallout (Part 2)
Issue #3: Fallout (Part 3)
Issue #4: Fallout (Part 4)
The Fate of Dr. Eggman Arc
Issue #5: The Fate of Dr. Eggman (Part 1)
Issue #6: The Fate of Dr. Eggman (Part 2)
Issue #7: Meet the New Boss
Issue #8: Silent Support
The Battle For Angel Island Arc
Issue #9: The Battle for Angel Island (Part 1)
Issue #10: The Battle for Angel Island (Part 2)
Issue #11: The Battle for Angel Island (Part 3)
Issue #12: The Cost of the Battle for Angel Island
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2019
The Infection Arc
Issue #13: Calling Card
Issue #14: Misdirection
Issue #15: Patient Zero
Issue #16: Infection
Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper (Miniseries)
Issue #1: Imposter
Issue #2: Ambush
Issue #3: Betrayal
Issue #4: Showdown
The Crisis City Arc
Issue #17: Plague
Issue #18: Victims
Issue #19: Crisis City (Part 1)
Issue #20: Crisis City (Part 2)
The Last Minute Arc
Issue #21: The Last Minute (Part 1)
Issue #22: The Last Minute (Part 2)
Issue #23: The Last Minute (Part 3)
Issue #24: The Last One Out
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2020
The All or Nothing Arc
Issue #25: A Sudden Shift
Issue #26: All or Nothing (Part 1)
Issue #27: All or Nothing (Part 2)
Issue #28: All or Nothing (Part 3)
Issue #29: All or Nothing (Part 4)
The Out of the Blue Arc
Issue #30: Cured
Issue #31: Recovery (Part 1)
Issue #32: Recovery (Part 2)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Bad Guys (Miniseries)
Issue #1: A Few Bad Men
Issue #2: Smash & Grab
Issue #3: Trust Issues
Issue #4: No Honor Among Thieves
The Chao Races and Badnik Bases Arc
Issue #33: Chao Races and Badnik Bases (Part 1)
Issue #34: Chao Races and Badnik Bases (Part 2)
Issue #35: Chao Races and Badnik Bases (Part 3)
Issue #36: Chao Races and Badnik Bases (Part 4)
The Test Run! Arc
Issue #37: Test Run (Part 1)
Issue #38: Test Run (Part 2)
Issue #39: Test Run (Part 3)
Issue #40: Test Run (Part 4)
Sonic the Hedgehog 30th Anniversary Special
The Zeti Hunt! Arc
Issue #41: Zeti Hunt (Part 1)
Issue #42: Zeti Hunt (Part 2)
Issue #43: Zeti Hunt (Part 3)
Issue #44: Zeti Hunt (Part 4)
Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2021
The Trial by Fire Arc
Issue #45: Trial by Fire (Part 1)
Issue #46: Trial by Fire (Part 2)
Issue #47: Trial by Fire (Part 3)
Issue #48: Hit the Pavement
Issue #49: Wound Up
Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2022
Sonic the Hedgehog: Imposter Syndrome (Miniseries)
Issue #1: Imposter Syndrome (Part 1)
Issue #2: Imposter Syndrome (Part 2)
Issue #3: Imposter Syndrome (Part 3)
Issue #4: Imposter Syndrome (Part 4)
The Battle for the Empire Arc
Issue #50: Battle for the Empire
Issue #51: Escaping the Empire
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2022
Sonic the Hedgehog: Tails' 30th Anniversary Special
The Overpowered Arc
Issue #52: Overpowered (Part 1)
Issue #53: Overpowered (Part 2)
Issue #54: Overpowered (Part 3)
Issue #55: Overpowered (Part 4)
Issue #56: Overpowered (Part 5)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island (Miniseries)
Issue #1: Scrapnik Island (Part 1)
Issue #2: Scrapnik Island (Part 2)
Issue #3: Scrapnik Island (Part 3)
Issue #4: Scrapnik Island (Part 4)
The Urban Warfare Arc
Issue #57: Urban Warfare (Part 1)
Issue #58: Urban Warfare (Part 2)
Issue #59: Urban Warfare (Part 3)
Issue #60: Urban Warfare (Part 4)
Issue #61: Urban Warfare (Part 5)
Sonic the Hedgehog 5th Anniversary Edition
The Misadventures Arc
Issue #62: Misadventures (Part 1)
Issue #63: Misadventures (Part 2)
Issue #64: Misadventures (Part 3)
Issue #65: Misadventures (Part 4)
Issue #66: Misadventures (Part 5)
Issue #67: Second Chances
Issue #68: The Protector
900th Adventure
Endless Summer
A Very Chaotix Halloween
Winter Jam
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis)
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Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 1)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 2)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 3)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 4)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 5)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 6)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 7)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 8)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Final Conclusion)
Misc. Analyzer
Vandalize - Sonadow Prime
Shattered Memories (Sonic Prime)
Sonic Boom Shatterverse (Sonic Prime/Sonic Boom)
Sonic Prime (Thoughts)
Sonic Prime (Timeline Placement)
Sonic Prime (My Interpretation of The Ending)
Locke’s Mistreatment of Shadow & The Shadow Android Theory
King Shadow (The Altered Future & The Altered Character)
King Shadow (The Alternate Story)
Isekai'd As My Past Self (Sonic the Hedgehog AU Story)
The Sonic Adventure (Story Concept)
Not So Different (Sonic and Shadow’s Interactions With Metal Sonic)
Our Last Meeting (Sonic & Shadow... & Knuckles)
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (My Thoughts)
Shadow in TailsTube
Knuckles (My Thoughts)
Sonic X: The Perfect Chaos Plant
Sonic X Shadow Takeover Analyzer (Part 1)
Sonic X Shadow Takeover Analyzer (Part 2)
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calltothebar · 3 years ago
Is the Big Bang theory a myth?
And God said, “Let light shine out of darkness” and thus was light. (Genesis 1:3)
Was this the Big Bang? No! No-thing could stand in more extreme contrast to the modern cosmologies.
To understand Genesis, you need to read Enuma Elish first, because this is the story Jewish Priests used for their inspiration while they were in exile in Babylonia. This once-mighty city in Iraq - a microcosm of human history, on the desert plains 60 miles south of Baghdad, where the sun turns horizons into flashing pools of mercury. Adam and Eve’s Garden of Eden is said to have been nearby.
Understanding why historic events took place is important. To do this, historians often turn to geography. Of course, the Babylonian creation myth it is of vital significance for them. A thing being so, the word that says it is so, is the truth. Nevertheless, Enuma Elis (also spelled Enuma Elish) is a Babylonian creation myth with an unclear composition, though it possibly dates back to the Bronze Age.
This piece was thought to be recited in a ritual celebration of the Babylonian new year. It chronicles the birth of the gods, the world, and man, whose purpose was to serve the gods and lighten their work load. The focus of the narrative is on praising Marduk, the patron god of Babylon, who creates the world, the calendar, and humanity. Maybe you can be a better judge of that than I can, (all for understanding historical events). However, the Genesis account has nothing to do with the Big Bang.
On the principle that ignorance is darkness and knowledge is light, this is a case of darkness versus light, and Genesis is on the former side, not the latter. It ignores centuries of human culture and history that built our iconic cityscape. In addition, it fails to acknowledge the continuing plight of some neighborhoods that fall outside of the more affluent that are benefiting disproportionately.
The key to addressing this kind of division is to have better -not fewer- arguments. After all, argument is fundamental to any democracy, and limiting arguments can suppress needed deliberation. But these are the Arguments which are Facing History and Ourselves. These tensions are not just about old versus new (nihilism). They are inextricably linked to race, class and neighborhood identity.
Earth is our natural world
One of the difficulties found in the first chapter of Genesis is the mention of light-apparently before the creation of the sun.
However "the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it," since people, blinded by their passions, could not overcome it.
John 1:5
The Bible says light was created after the heavens and the Earth, which is false, and incompatible with cosmology and physics. God made two great lights, the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night, (the sun that produces light and the moon that reflects light). He also made the stars. God made many stars when he created the cosmos, that is the physical heavens. Then God made the two lights appear in the newly cleared atmosphere.
Earth’s atmosphere is special. Our Earth is the only planet in the solar system with an atmosphere that can sustain life. The Earth’s atmosphere protects and sustains the planet’s inhabitants by providing warmth and absorbing harmful solar rays. In addition to containing the oxygen and carbon dioxide, which living things need to survive, the atmosphere traps the sun’s energy and wards off many of the dangers of space. So the sun is giving life to our planet. Plants need sunlight (solar energy) to grow. Animals, including humans, need plants for food and the oxygen they produce... Finally, the Sun is a natural source for visible light waves and our eyes see the reflection of this sunlight off the objects around us.
The color of an object that we see is the color of light reflected. All other colors are absorbed.
But I was told, to my great surprise, that shadows are not black but of a neural tint. So, the color of the shadow must be the average color of the diffused light, and must vary, as that varies, with the colors of all surrounding thing's. This primitive scenario ideally corresponds to a 'liveness detection' that it is either indecompos - able or zero. This primitive problem is used typically between homogenized, but might be useful to some atoms who won't give the big plot twist away (conspiracy theorists). Thus was at once explained the inconstancy I had already noticed? Yes, reflection is when light bounces off an object. Nevertheless, the modern age of alienation had truly begun some time before, when our kind of cruelty realizes that this fair experience of uncreated light presupposes the transcendence of space and time.
They are interested in my stories, not just because of oral traditions, but because it justifies their lifestyle. So whenever somebody says oral tradition, I want to say, "Could you show it to me? I know you can not show me oral tradition, but can you show it to me some way in the text, or at least, in the lifestyle of somebody who would have cared about it? " Otherwise we have a free-floating oral tradition that is meaningless.
The hairy shadows think it suits them better, while demanding responsibility from those who are not immediately responsible to them!
Nevertheless, there's no such creationist reality narrative in certain eastern philosophies which serve as the ideological basis for certain spiritual practices. They promote an eternal ongoing process of return, a cycling (recycling) of all energy and matter.
This is true in the World's of Uncreated light. What if God doesn’t exist? What would people do then? What if his ‘existence’ is simply a lie, or it’s used to live stream murder and sexual assault?
That’s toxic. However, He isn’t the most recognised and internationally praised superhero, and He don’t fight any crime. Instead, He use His powers over stone and metal to repair the damage caused by the catastrophic fights other heroes get into.
Of course, the reason why someone is doing something is unknown... What exactly does that mean? Although Genesis seems to be related to the Big Bang, the truth is that it has nothing to do with it..!
Let me think about it..! In the moment of creation. In The Moment, 100%. That moment is a particular point in time. And some moments you remember forever..!
The irony of a defining moment is that if you don’t define it, it will surely define you.
When we reach for explanations beyond our universe, we’re reaching beyond the limits of science. So what is the universe expanding into, if not into some pre-existing empty space? This old metaphysical question has perplexed and intrigued humankind for ages. In the last 10 years the vacuum has taken center stage as a font of confounding mysteries like the nature of dark energy and matter; only recently has the void turned into a tantalizing beacon for cranks. Could the vacuum contain dark energy, gravity particles, and frictionless gears?
Nothing can make us go back in time and fix our bad decisions. Nothing can predict our future precisely. There are two forms of nothing which we can delineate: one concerns the absence of something and the other hint perhaps worth noting is the extraordinary aptness of our Super' eXistence. What is the eXistence? It is an attribute and an attribute is a property of some entity. And you have to understand that time is the fourth dimension in mathematical terms. Our three-dimensional world exists in the present, but it also moves forward in time. However, we cannot creatively use the concept of zero yet. One thing is certain. In addition to our own three-dimensional of space, other three-dimensional "branes" may float in a higher-dimensional space!
Contrastingly, in physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional manifold. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive differently where and when events occur.
In the year 2 0 5 0
The environment destruction caused by humans is a global, ongoing problem. By the year 2050, the global human population is expected to grow by 2 billion people, thereby reaching a level of 9.6 billion people.
Today, a wide range of environmental problems has emerged. However, we are far from powerless in the face of this global threat. We are protecting the natural environment on the individual, organizational or governmental levels, for the benefit of both the environment and humans.
Accelerating environmental, climatic, and biodiversity changes push scientists, engineers, and various stakeholders to explore new environmental applications, and even functional integrations of robotics technologies into ecological systems. Consequently, we must confront a multitude of novel ethical challenges. But it is not so clear how to understand or evaluate the challenges presented by environmental applications of robots because the very nature of these emerging technologies remains unclear. So what are the real challenges? People who think about machine ethics make it sound like you can come up with a perfect set of rules for robots. What we already know here is that there are no universal rules!
Ever since humanity’s beginnings, we seem to have possessed an innate capability to murder each other. This urge manifests itself in many ways. For example, we first thoroughly examine any emerging technology in order to assess its potential to either wage war or to support it (although to be fair, an amazing number of inventions have emerged from war-related research).
For transhumanists, this matter is of utmost importance. Their view is that technology deserves special respect that is in no way inferior to that given to humans. Most transhumanists emphasize only the benefits that their movement would supposedly bring to the human race. Perhaps they omit possible problems because, like all Culture of Death movements, they lack even the most fundamental understanding of human nature. Their primary problem seems to be not dishonesty, but ignorance.
As a species we should seek to rescue ourselves by entering into a symbiosis with humanoids and environmental robots. The humanoid beings that will come out of such a symbiosis (as a combination of living organisms and electronic systems) could survive civilizational catastrophes and break free from the limitations of biology. These could be humanoid robots capable of performing the kinds of actions we see as intellectual activity.
However, imagine an industrial robot that suddenly breaks down. An investigation reveals that it has been damaged intentionally. Sometime later, an offender is found who had access to the machine’s software. The company sustains losses and the perpetrator is legally liable. But then there might be other considerations here that will matter in the future. Deep learning, the category of AI algorithms that kick-started the field’s most recent revolution, has fallen short in imbuing machines with sophisticated reasoning, grounded in a conceptual model of reality.
In other words...
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Photo by Aideal Hwa @aideal | Unsplash
© Aideal Hwa
Machine's don’t truly understand the world around them, which makes them fall short in their ability to engage with it... assuming the robot is a sophisticated mechanism and that its operation relies on reasoning algorithms? in the future the most sophisticated robots will be able to write their own source code.
We are now faced with the so-called black box dilemma (double equals 0 problem). This is reasoning: Is the action of thinking about something in a logical, sensible way. Reasoning could be behind of what is emerging from the insights of an AI black-box. I am referring to circumstances in which people no longer understand the principles that drive intelligent technologies in the field of artificial intelligence.
Such technologies grow independent causing some to believe that things are slipping out of our control. But it doesn't take a creative conspiracy theorist to devise a logical explanation that involves the double equals zero problem frequent antagonists... The issue is one of accountability.
A subconscious computer can’t explain what it’s doing. Because it’s a black box, the process is hidden. So, can we still use this technology: a machine that cannot justify its own decisions? Maybe this is one of the most challenging questions we are facing in AI today. If an AI program is a black box, it will make predictions and decisions as humans do, but without being able to communicate its reasons for doing so. Nevertheless, true love always has a way of working thing’s out... If you use %g to print (in C) the floating point number instead of %f, you’ll see that it’s not actually zero. After all, C (or C++) is a major AI programming language used for artificial intelligence and can be an effective choice for building most parts of an AI system or robot. Moreover, new frameworks and guidelines are been created in daily basis that identify objectives and priorities for ethical AI. This is certainly a step in the right direction.
Artificial Intelligence enables for most organisations their digital transformation! This springs partly from the ‘black box’ nature of the algorithms (sets of digital instructions implemented to achieve defined goals) dictating AI responses, which are difficult to understand for members of organizations that are being increasingly shaped by AI.
Artificial Intelligence is now playing a crucial role in the digital transformation that allows machines to detect, understand, act and learn.
0,000… equals 0! Nothing is impossible
{1, 2, 3, …}
The sequence of natural numbers never ends, and is infinite. One-third OK, 1/3 is a finite number (it is not infinite). But written as a decimal number the digit 3 repeats forever (we say “0,3 repeating”):
0,3333333… (etc)
There’s no reason why the 3s should ever stop: they repeat infinitely.
So, when we see a number like “0,999…” (i.e. a decimal number with an infinite series of 9s,) there is no end to the number of 9s. A humanoid being cannot say “but what happens if it ends in an 8?”, because it simply does not end. (This is why 0,999… equals 1).
How would you describe yourself? Will your actions regain your reputation? It’s basically the same reputation that you had, within any model of the fascinating Creative Conspiracy theory.
There is no doubt, we are the ‘nihilistic players’ into a wildly unfamiliar place, wherein the objects are acting as though they can be in two places at once, particles leading double lives as waves and information appears to travel faster than the speed of light. Probably all of these mystical arguments are supporting the claim that quantum physics and consciousness are a (strong) defense of panpsychism.
However, the word uncertainty is used a lot in quantum mechanics. Consciousness is innate to the universe as such. Nothing is certain.
Maybe the crux of quantum science is the relationship between consciousness and reality. The name for that relation is varied, and serves as the groundwork that points out to a most fundamental problem, namely the possibility to overcome dualism. Haven't you ever asked yourself, "where does consciousness comes from?" Instead of a code encrypted in the wiring of our neurons, could consciousness reside in the brain’s electromagnetic field?
But, can you answer to the question? "how can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry?" Sometimes, everything seems random. Life, on the other hand, has withstood the elements for billions of years precisely because it is able to build order out of chaos. The living thing persists turning all that small scale chaos into large scale order.
Human Systems Dynamics (HSD)
These unforgettable memories through iterative cycles of Adaptive Action ruled so far the game which, meanwhile, is including mechanisms for the players to change the rules to whatever sort of game they want to play... Transhumanists game? Immortalists maybe?
The Immortalists game it’s slaitly different. “It sounds like you’re saying we can choose to live. Or we can choose to survive.”
Similar, our modernized world throughout its Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) helps us see, understand, and influence the patterns of interaction and decision making that shape our world. However, crazy bloggers like me continue to struggle with a question that seems almost unbearably basic: what gives the quantum world its distinctively counter-intuitive quantum flavour? Today, in the quest to build a quantum computer (billed as the superior successor to ordinary PCs,) we have finally identified the true root of quantumness. It is this fake and fabled edge of the quantum phenomena! So, forget the Information Age... From the ‘information age’, we are moving towards the ‘Reputation Age’, in which information will have value only if it is already filtered, evaluated and commented upon by others...
A civilised cyber-world will be one where people know how to assess critically the reputation of information sources, and can empower their knowledge by learning how to gauge appropriately the social ‘rank’ of each bit of information that enters their cognitive field.
Making a pact with the Devil
What will happen if we avoid self indulgence and abandon ourselfs? When we self-indulge, we obtain the object of our desire up front-whether it’s some glorious 'high’ (think cocaine, really good New York cheesecake, Ecstasy, or a reckless splurge at Tiffany’s); or an almost rapturous sense of tranquility that before then may have been painfully elusive (think heroine).
However, the bill for such self-indulgence (i.e., the associated 'costs’ of our intemperance,) invariably arrives later, only because we believe conflict sensitivity forms the foundation for peacebuilding programming.
Unfortunately, sometimes we're completely unable and even negative to recognize and receive totally our inside beliefs and assertion. Its the truth that comes from the gut, not the book. Because he is an introvert. Introversion is a major personality trait that specifically was engaged for the case which is defined by what it is not: extroversion. The introverts are people who get their energy from spending alone their time and away from the real world.
Humans will start living in a virtual world surrounded by machines and eventually they'll also start getting detached from the real world. This can affect the emotional ability of humans.
When people will be surrounded greatly by machines which will do all their jobs as well as make decisions for them, people may have less empathy for each other in future. However, some scientists may have found the most plausible explanation for the era of the great reboot, In my opinion, the "simulation hypothesis" is an obvious choice.
HSDI, EWT, NewScientist, Quora, DDI
Writing method: Plagiarism
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totchipanda · 3 years ago
20 Questions, Writer's Edition!
Thanks for the tag @demigodbeautiies!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
6. I haven't gotten around to uploading the works that live(d) on ff.net.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
57, 637
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Let's see.. Bleach, Final Fantasy VII, Six of Crows and An Ember in the Ashes on AO3, but I also have unfinished/unpublished fic for RPF, Gundam Wing, Fushigi Yuugi, Dragonriders of Pern, Robotech, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Babylon 5, Star Wars, the Valdemar series,
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Four Seasons (Six of Crows)
Somewhere Between Limit Breaks and Mako Eyes (FFVII)
Halfway to Anywhere (An Ember in the Ashes)
Raison d'etre (Bleach)
A Lantern in the Dark (An Ember in the Ashes)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I'm trying to! It's been so lovely to receive them, and I know how much I love receiving a reply, so I'm trying for all my lovely commenters <3
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Technically it would be one of the Bleach fics, but none of those are finished yet.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have not, thankfully!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes I do. My published stuff is M/F but I have written m/m as well.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
To the best of my knowledge, no.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I think... technically no? I had co-written some original stuff that had been born of fandom but that didn't go far.
What’s your all time favourite ship?
I always come back to Zutara.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I'm sorry Bleach fans, I've been poking at Raison d'etre for so long, but it's probably not gonna get done...
What are your writing strengths?
FEEEEEEEEEEEEELINGS. I'm told my smut is pretty good too ;)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing in a linear order, and finishing what I've started.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It can be done well, but rarely is. I don't mind as much when the words are written in the fic's language and then otherwise marked as being in another language when it serves a purpose. Back in ye old'n dayes, people would write whole conversations in romaji Japanese and never provided translations and it was HARD y'all.
And for the love of pete, don't write accents. Especially don't write really thick accents.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Teddy Ruxpin lol. I was like 9 years old.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Gosh, I don't know! I'm so enjoying The Four Seasons and my Ember in the Ashes fics right now, it's been a very very very long time since I wrote fic, but these were my first forays back into it and it's been so fun!
Tagging @bastetsbard, @marycontraire and @anonniemousefics
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