#baby yoda is innocent
betheboo55 · 2 years
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Put together these shelves to store all our board games. I still need to get some bins for the smaller card games that the cats can’t destroy. Also set up all my little Grogu dolls and all of my manga books I’ve been collecting this past year. And my husband printed a resin bust of mando for me! I guess I need to paint it now like I don’t have a hundred other project to do.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
Debunking more myths in the GFFA: the Jedi and the clones.
I wrote a post debunking the various myths about how "the Jedi condone slavery", a while ago. Something I had omitted (because it's such a big topic) was the following two statements that concern the clone troopers' relations with the Jedi:
"The clones were genetically bred to have accelerated growth, so they're technically child soldiers."
"The clones were slaves of the Jedi."
Both the above statements are inaccurate, let's explore why. 
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"The clones were child soldiers"
Let's get the easy one out of the way first, because it's a logic that cuts both ways. If age is our only determination of the maturity of a Star Wars character, then Grogu is not a baby. He is aged 50, and is thus a middle-aged man.
Who cruelly eats the babies of a woman...
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... and knowingly tortures animals for his own sadistic pleasure.
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Of course, I'm kidding. Grogu's none of the above things.
The narrative frames him as a cute baby who does innocent baby stuff. Him eating the eggs is played off as comedic, as is him lifting with the frog. To this day, some fans still call him "Baby Yoda".
Conversely, despite the clones being 10/14-years-old, their actions, behaviors, way of thinking, sense of humor, morals etc, are all those of an adult.
Like, Ahsoka is technically older than Rex in this scene.
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The scene doesn't portray them as peers, though. This isn't written as "a teen and a tween talking". No, Rex looks, acts and behaves like a grown-up and is thus framed as such by the narrative.
You can make the argument "they're child soldiers", but (unless you're doing so in bad faith) you'd also have to argue that "Grogu's an adult".
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"The clones were the Jedi's slaves"
Nope. For all intents and purposes, they're in the same boat as the Jedi, who George Lucas stated multiple times had been drafted to fight in the war.
Again: both the Jedi (monk/diplomats untrained for fighting on a battlefield) and clones (literally bred en masse only to fight) are being forced to fight by Palpatine and the Senate.
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Though, on paper, the clones were commissioned by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, it was actually done by the Sith (who either manipulated or assassinated Sifo-Dyas then stole his identity, depending on the continuity you choose to adhere to). The rest of the Jedi had no idea these clones were being created.
So while the clones are slaves... they're not owned by the Jedi.
They're the army of the Republic, they belong to the Senate. This isn't exactly a scoop, they refer to the clones as something to purchase...
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... and manufacture.
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As far as the Senate’s concerned, clones are property, like droids. 
Like there's a whole subplot in The Bad Batch about this very point: after the war, the clones are decommissioned and left out to dry because they literally have no rights, they served their purpose.
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The only trooper to ever canonically blame the Jedi for the clones' enslavement is Slick, who the narrative frames as having been bribed and manipulated by Asajj Ventress into betraying his comrades.
Also, the only canonical Jedi shown to ever be mean, dismissive or mistreating the clones in any way, is Pong Krell.
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And it's eventually revealed he’s in fact a full-on traitor, hence why the story frames him as an antagonistic dick from the moment he's introduced. He doesn’t represent the Jedi in any way.
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We know this because the other Jedi we’ve been shown are always prioritizing their clones’ lives over theirs, if given the chance.
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Finally, if we wanna get even more specific... as Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), the clones belong to Palpatine. 
Palpatine who is a Sith Lord. 
Palpatine who arranged for the creation of the clones and had them all injected with a chip that would activate upon hearing a code-word...
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... and forced them to murder their Jedi without hesitation or remorse.
When you bear all that  ⬆️  in mind and when you read this quote by George Lucas...
"The Jedi won't lead droids. Their whole basis is connecting with the life force. They'd just say, 'That's not the way we operate. We don't function with non-life-forms.” So if there is to be a Republic army, it would have to be an army of humans."    - The Star Wars Archives: 1999-2005, 2020  
... narratively-speaking, everything falls into place.
Sidious knows that:
If he orchestrates a war designed to thin the Jedi's numbers, corrupt their values and plunge the galaxy into chaos...
If he wants to draft the Jedi - peace-keeping diplomats who’d never willingly join the fray - to fight in his war...
... then the only way they won't resist the draft and abstain from fighting is if they think joining the conflict will save lives.
So he creates a set of cruel, sadistic villains for them to face, opponents who will target innocent civilians at every turn...
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... and instead of lifeless droids, he prepares for the Jedi an army of men... living, mortal people who, despite being well-trained, will be completely out of their league when facing the likes of Dooku...
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... Ventress...
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... Grievous...
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... Savage Opress...
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... or the defoliator, a tank that annihilates organic matter.
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Thus, in order to save as many clone and civilian lives, the Jedi join the fray despite knowing that doing so will corrupt their values. 
And as the war rages on, a bond of respect is formed between the two groups.
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Clearly, the Jedi don't like the fact that the Republic is using the clones to fight a war, but for that matter, they don't like being in a war, in fact they advocated against it.
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However, it's happening regardless of their issues with the idea or personal philosophies. Said The Clone Wars writer Henry Gilroy:
"I’d rather not get into the Jedi’s philosophical issues about an army of living beings created to fight, but the Jedi are in a tough spot themselves, being peacekeepers turned warriors trying to save the Republic."
And bear in mind, the Jedi are basically space psychics, the clones are living beings that they can individually feel in the Force... 
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... so the Jedi feel every death but need to move on, regardless, only being able to mourn the troopers at the end of every battle.
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We see this in the Legends continuity too, by the way.
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(that is, when the writers actually try to engage with the narrative)
Also, if you ask the clones, they’re grateful the Jedi have their backs.
When Depa Billaba voices her concerns about how the war is impacting the Jedi's principles, troopers Grey and Styles are quick to make it clear how grateful they all are for the Jedi's involvement:
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So the clones aren't the Jedi's slaves. If anything, they're both slaves of the Republic (considering how low the Jedi's status actually is in the hierarchy).
Only I'd argue the clones have it much, much worse. 
The Senate sees the Jedi as "ugh, the holier-than-thou space-monk lapdogs who work for us"... but a Jedi has the option to give up that responsibility. They can leave the Order, no fuss or stigma. 
A clone trooper cannot leave the GAR! If they do, they’re marked for treason and execution. Again, they’re not perceived as “people”.
And it doesn’t help that the Kaminoans, the clones’ very creators, see the troopers as products/units/merchandise. A notion that the Jedi are quick to correct whenever they get the chance.
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How The Clone Wars writers describe the clones' relationship with the Jedi.
George Lucas hasn’t spoken much about this subject aside from the quote from further up. But to be fair... the Prequels aren’t about the clones’ dynamic with the Jedi, so it makes sense that he wouldn’t talk on that subject so much.
He did mention that part of The Clone Wars’ perks is that he could:
“Do stories about some of the individual clones and get to know them.”
But that’s as far as it gets. 
So for this part, I'm just gonna let Dave Filoni, showrunner of The Clone Wars and the upcoming series Ahsoka, and TCW writer Henry Gilroy - both of whom worked closely with Lucas - take the wheel. They make themselves pretty clear on how the clone/Jedi dynamic is meant to be viewed. 
Here’s Henry Gilroy:
"In my mind, the Jedi see the clones as individuals, living beings that have the same right to life as any other being, but understand that they have a job to do."
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"The clones see the Jedi as their commanding officers on one hand, but also, at least subconsciously, they look to them for clues to social/moral behavior."    
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"Some clones may find themselves getting philosophical leadership from the Jedi that helps them answer some of the deeper questions of life."    
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"We thought this was a great opportunity to show how the Jedi interact with clones. Specifically, Yoda in a teaching role of the clones, who were socially new, who kind of grew up— who were created to fight, and he really broadened their horizons and helped them realize there was a great big universe out there that was bigger than just fighting and killing."    
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And here’s Dave Filoni’s comments:
"I truly believe that the Jedi try to humanize their clones and make them more individual, as Henry says."    
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"I think we saw that in Revenge of the Sith, when the Clones were colorful and named under the Jedi Generals, and then in the final shots of the film with Palpatine and Vader near the new Death Star, the ships are grey, the color and life is sucked out. The Stormtroopers are only numbers and identified by black and white armor or uniforms in A New Hope." 
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"The soldiers have become disposable to the Emperor."    
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"That is something the Jedi would never do."    
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"Yoda teaching the clones much like he taught Luke. ‘Cause that was kind of natural for [the Jedi], a natural instinct to take to these clones like they’re students."    
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None of the above quotes from two different writers of The Clone Wars, who had many interactions with George Lucas, frame the Jedi and the clones’ relationship in a negative way. 
How much more proof do we need that "the clones were slaves of the Jedi” isn’t the intended narrative?
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My point being that while the clones' ordeal is indeed horrible, the Jedi have nothing to do with it. The narrative of The Clone Wars always frames it as the fault of the Sith, the Senate and the Kaminoans.
If you go by the intended narrative, the Jedi were the clones' teachers and brothers-in-arms. The clones and the Jedi were not just comrades.
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They were friends.
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sanjifucker42069 · 10 months
Hit Me? Sanji x Reader
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Word count: about 1.2k 
Bro….the dodgeball game…sanji is so stupid, pathetic wet cat of a man coded...I wanted to throttle him. I want to hit this man with my 2003 ford prius yoda style. I want to chew on him like a squeaky toy
Warnings: fem!reader, heavy handed teasing, you wanna make sanji cry apparently, VERY SUGGESTIVE, use of the word cock lol, semi-nsfw, no fucking tho…unless? 👀👀👀 sanji might be semi ooc, I am obsessed with the idea of a reader that sanji doesn't have the usual chivalry towards?? Like bless him he'd try, but you're just such a shit.
“Why yeah it'd be my pleasure ma'am, you can hit me wherever you like!”
Oh. Now wasn't that intriguing?
Sanji sulked on the sidelines, fiddling with a lightly crumpled cigarette. Taking pity on him you sat down next to him. Sanji shot you a lazy grin, one that didn't quite reach his eyes. You smiled back, lightly pushing his shoulder.
“I should be mad at you, you could cost us the match.” You joked. Sanji grumbled, his words unintelligible. He could barely make out that ‘you wouldn't understand’ and ‘that he was weak okay!’
You laughed, eyes turning back to watch the match in front of you. You didn't feel too defeated, you trusted your captain. 
“It's okay Ji. I don't think anyone could've gotten out faster than I did! You still did good!”
Sanji turned to you, hearts dancing in his eyes. “And who would dare throw balls at such beauty?! A lovely lady such as yourself shouldn't have even had to partake in such a barbaric display.”
“You saying I can't handle some balls? I happen to be very good at handling them.” You teased. The result was instantaneous, Sanji biting back a perverted laugh, a cute blush on his cheeks.
“Oh angel, really? I didn't expect you to be so saucy.”
There were many things that were undeniably true about you; You were in no way one of the stronger straw hats, you loved a good dirty joke, and you loved nothing more than making your little love cook squirm. If Sanji wanted to pretend all women were angels capable of no wrong, well, who were you to take advantage of that?
You feigned innocence, even cocking your head. “What do you mean? I didn't drop it once.”  
Sanji squirmed, avoiding your gaze. You wanted to crack and snort loudly at his cute face. Instead you pursed your lips in thought.
“Love! I…uh-” he cut off when you couldn't hold it in anymore, a raucous laugh escaping you. He watched you slap your knee like it was the funniest thing in the world. He pouted. “(Name) that's not fair.”
“Oh relax, you big baby.” You cooed. 
A steady silence resumed between you two, watching the match with bated breath. Things weren't looking so good. As the enemies advanced on Zoro, Chopper, and Luffy, so did you with your own attack.
“So.” You began. Sanji hummed in acknowledgement, eyes focused on the field. You paused. Was this really the time to flirt with the man? Probably not, but you were nothing if not an opportunist. You grinned at him, exaggerating his swooning.
“It'd be my pleasure ma'am, you can hit me wherever you like, hmm?”
‘You were a lady!’ Sanji reminded himself, trying to bite back a growl. You just loved to get under his skin, didn't you? He was flushed in embarrassment. It's not like he wanted to lose the match! It's not his fault he had a weakness for pretty women! 
The crowd was aroar, you could hear your crew shouting. Oh. Zoro was out. Sanji began yelling at the swordsman, before he turned his attention back to you.
“So?” Sanji tried to sound unaffected. Your cute giggles reached his ears. Seriously! You were such a little tease, so cute, but so unattainable. You seemed to love riling him up, and he wanted nothing more than to make you his. He wasn't used to women not only reciprocating, but flirting back at a rate that made him dizzy. 
Honestly, the both of you needed to stop being cowards and just confess already.
“Who's the ‘saucy’ one now? You're out here parading your little masochist streak.”
“I am not!” He blustered.
“Where were you hoping they'd hit anyway?” You purred out the question. Sanji tried ignoring you, focusing on the match, but he was one man! One currently very weak man.
You pouted. “I was just joking, Ji. Your kinks are your own. I'm not here to shame you for it.”
“It's not a kink!” He argued. You were relishing this. Sanji was always such a gentleman, so giving and dedicated to worshipping women. And yet, you, you were one of the only women you'd ever seen him snap at and lose his cool with, his hot temper getting the better of him.
Taking advantage of this you leant closer, your thighs touching. Sanji snapped out of his anger, eyes darting to where your half naked leg pressed against his long suit trouser-clad one. Too caught up in where you were touching him, he didn't notice how close your lips were to his ear.
“So you wouldn't like it if that pretty Porche lady pelted you with those dodgeballs? Or tied you up? Or manhandled you to make you be a good boy?”
Sanji was sweating, his heart eyes betraying him. Yeah, you knew your chef. You dropped your voice lower, bracing one hand on his chest.
“Forget hitting, what if she stepped on you? Would you like that, Sanji?”
The man in question whined, quiet pants escaped him, his eyes swirling with lust. He let his eyes fall closed, the dodgeball match long forgotten. Bingo! You felt yourself grow wet. Yes, you were a bad guy! It's just so easy to rile him up. Besides, Sanji would never spare you a passing glance, clear that you annoyed him. So what was the harm in airing out your frustrations like this?
“Love.” He gulped, shuffling around to change how he sat. You grinned at him wickedly. His reactions were so cute, you definitely overstepped the line.
“You didn't answer the question, cook. What if she stepped on your cock, hmm? Only lightly, of course, wouldn't wanna damage the goods.”
Sanji made a noise halfway between a groan and a choking sound, his hand darting up to grab the one you had pressed against his chest. You startled. You could see it in his eyes, the disgust, that unmistakable look of discomfort. Of course he wouldn't want to discuss this kind of stuff with you! You were one of the guys!
“Shit.” You withdrew your hand, not noticing how Sanji's tried to grab you. You'd definitely overstepped the line! “I'm so sorry Sanji, that was completely uncalled for.”
“Love.” He rasped. You were flustered, trying desperately not to stare at him.
The crowd was aroar, people around you jumping and shouting. You looked for a way out. 
Wait? What the fuck?
A brown ball of fluff was lying crumpled on the court lines. 
“Chopper! Oh shit!” You yelled, hurriedly getting to your feet. “Sanji I'm so sorry, I- you can yell at me about this later, I promise.” 
Sanji watched you speed off, hurriedly running to their youngest member. He sighed out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. You were going to be the death of him! You'd made him so hard, so quick, and then, like a true tease dashed off before he could properly engage anything. When would you realise that it was you he wanted to treat him like that?
Yeah. Yeah he could yell about it later. 
Right now, he needed a fucking smoke and a cold shower.
Looks like lingerie part 3 is coming i promise ;-; I'm just having trouble writing it ;-; here's a little drabble instead I do have SOOOOO many drabbles I've worked on in the mean time though?
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hastalavistabyebye · 3 months
Holos #4
Ao3 version
Jedi Council Groupchat :
Mace : [sent an image]
[Image description : A holo of Commander Ponds from behind, the angle and slight blur indicate that it has been taken quickly and discreetly. The Commander is carefully crouching behind a mossy log, in a thick forest. He is holding up his comm to take a holo of a space duck and its row of playful ducklings swimming in the river, beyond the log.]
Mace : don’t worry if your commander is a bit distracted later, @Ki-Adi
Depa : oh, the light looks wonderful ! Ponds must have taken a beautiful picture :D
Mace : he is getting quite talented isn't he ?
Ki-Adi : I was going to send you the same message. 
Ki-Adi : [sent an image]
[Image description : from a similar angle as the precedent image, Commander Bacara is face to face with a frilled-neck lizard of impressive size. The animal seems to be showing off its beautiful collar to the Commander who’s dutifully taking a holo of it.]
Kit : the spots on that lizard’s scales are a shade quite reminiscent of Lighting’s paint, isn't it ?
Depa : oh yes. Ponds started that tradition from what he told me :)
Ki-Adi : Commander Ponds’ message had been well received.
Ki-Adi : [sent an image]
[Image description : Bacara is looking down at his comm. He doesn't seem aware of his surroundings in the slightest. A small, private smile is softening his face.]
Shaak : aww oh cute ! He looks very handsome like that.
Ki-Adi : I have managed to get a glimpse of Ponds’ holo, @Mace @Depa. It’s a beautiful display of talent, indeed. Do send my admiration to your Commander. 
Baby-Wan : I wasn't aware that Commanders Ponds and Bacara were particularly close. They weren't squadmates from what I've heard. Are they exchanging holos often ? 
Mace : [sent an image]
[Image description : Ponds can be seen standing in a clearing. He is smiling brightly at his own comm and seems to be bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet. Around him, a few troopers are doing they’re best to look away as innocently as possible. Some can still be caught taking discret pictures of their Commander.]
Mace : @Ki-Adi message well received here too :)
Stass : @Baby-Wan you should know by now that Bacara is part of the very tight circle of Vode of whom not much can be learned in the Rumor Mill. 
Stass : @Ki-Adi @Mace, Neyo is thanking you both for the blackmail material.
Ki-Adi : of course.
Mace : our pleasure. 
Depa : @Baby-Wan is our renown Negotiator not on top of the latest gossip ?? *gasp*
Depa : Pondsy and Commander Bacara have been courting each other for close to a year now :D 
Depa : they’re being very cute about it too <3
Plo : it is good to see them both so happy.
Yoda : nature admirers, are they both mmh ?
Ki-Adi : Bacara is a very competent bird-watcher. I have understood that Ponds is fascinated by reptiles and amphibians but generally likes to exercise himself at wildlife photography. 
Stass : Neyo told me that Ponds started his courting by sending a holo of a gecko to Bacara. It had become their thing since then :D
Stass : @All both Commanders are missing their shared breakfasts in the Temple by the way. We need to give a well-earned leave to the marines stat. 
Ki-Adi : it would be greatly appreciated indeed. I haven't seen Commander Bacara this happy and relaxed in well past a month.
Ki-Adi : [send an image]
[Image description : Bacara is still looking at his comm but the focus of the holo has changed slightly. It shows a little group of marines smiling brightly among themselves, their posture relaxed. The direction of their warm gaze makes the source of their pleasure evident.]
Ki-Adi : it’s one of their favorite topics of conversation. 
Shaak : aawww
Plo : I agree with Shaak, they're very adorable. 
Baby-Wan : and me who thought that the marines weren't much for gossiping…
Yoda : rusty, your informers are, my grand-padawan. Not careful with knowledge, you are. Better, I thought of you. 
Kit : master you shouldn't burn Obi like that when you know he won't go to the medbay. 
Baby-Wan : understood. Please excuse me, dear masters. I have some matters to take care of. 
Baby-Wan : @Mace @Ki-Adi rest assured that I will be utterly careful to not share Commanders Ponds and Bacara’s courting to anyone before they had the time to do it themselves. 
Stass : oh, so Commander Cody really does not know about it ? Neyo had his suspicions that the rest of their batchers hadn't caught up but I still believed it was too big to be true…
Plo : should we now proceed in the next leaves planification ? 
Plo : and do you have holos of the Commanders together ?
Shaak : I concur with Plo. 
Mace : absolutely.
Mace : every master needed for this is already present, we should start now. 
Depa : I have an amazing picture of them in the Hall of a Thousand Fountains, hold on !
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toastedkiwi · 2 years
Cute moments between kon and batgirl?
She finds these cute little earrings (think of Girls Crew). She’ll show them to him. One day, he actually put them in. He proudly wears whatever little cute studs/earrings she finds. He doesn’t care if he’s getting laughed at or teased for having little baby Yoda earrings on.
He loves flying her up onto roofs and watching the stars whether it’s at Wayne Manor or the Kent Farm.
She’s the only one who can call him Konnie.
His leather jackets are hers. She did get Damian to paint on the back of one with the S and gifted it back to him. His heart melted.
They have the magnetic bracelets that connect together when you’re holding hands.
Them terrorizing Lex Luthor constantly together. It’s innocent chaos like tping, throwing eggs, gluing everything to the ceiling in his office, taking a permanent marker to his bald head.. etc. Clark is so fucking proud of them. Bruce is amused.
They do face masks in her dads bathroom as it’s huge. A grumpy Bruce often ends up being a part of it whether he likes it or not. She’ll be in between the two of them watching something on tv while they wait the allotted time for the masks.
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beasanfi1997 · 9 months
The differents between Jedi, Grey Jedi, Dark Jedi and Sith:
-Anakin Skywalker becomed a real Jedi Knight especially during the Galactic Empire because he didn't hurt nobody and for his all life was a truely innocence. He protect Ezra from Maul, Thrawn and the Empire to not reveals him that he calls the Loth-Cats. He hidden the Bad Batch and Martez Sisters on Naboo from Empire. He hidden Ahsoka on Malachor to believe Palpatine that She Is dead. He hidden too Ezra and Ahsoka on Naboo until Anakin sacrifices himself killing Palpatine for good.
- Ezra Bridger and Ahsoka Tano becomed Grey Jedi because they didn't becomed Jedi Knight but the Force Is strong inside like a real Jedi Knight unlike Grogu and Jacen Syndulla because Grogu becomed Hermit like Yoda before him while Jacen follow the steps of his parents Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla becoming a Cowboy Jedi and Pilot and Is that because out Four Heroes will be becomes witnesses After the Battle of Exegol like the real sages(Ahsoka Is the elderly of 71 while Jacen Is the youngest of 35)
- Barriss Offee choose to be a Dark Jedi, instead to be a Jedi Knight as her master Luminara Unduli did It, because She sense that Palpatine Is a liar and She realize that he Is a Sith Lord and She notices that he takes Maul, Dooku and even Anakin like their Apprentice and Is that because She tried to frame Ahsoka to stay away from Anakin and She notices too that Thrawn tried to kill Ezra because he was Born on Empire Day(if Anakin Is a truely Chosen One that Qui-Gon Jinn said It) that Maul help him because he want that the baby will be his Apprentice as Palpatine did It with Anakin.
-Palpatine was obessed with the Dark Side of the Force because First he was the Apprentice of Darth Plagueis and then he killed him becoming a horrible Sith Lord and he want to takes the Children of the Force to be his Apprentice including Maul, Dooku and Anakin
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rebeltigera · 8 months
" Is that baby yoda? why he look like a monkey sis?" - my little sister (she talking abt bald mac)
Poor innocent child
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tteokokki · 1 year
I don't have anything super specific but could you do something with cg Jihyo and little Tzuyu or chaeyoung with nursing?
Sleep Tight, Goodnight
Little🍼: Tzuyu - 4-6 months (non-verbal)
Caregiver🧸: Jihyo
| TW: Comfort breastfeeding, crying |
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Tzuyu stopped herself from ringing Jihyo's apartment door bell. Even though it was what she wanted the most right now. The adult Chou Tzuyu is extremely exhausted she needed something to help her slip into her Baby Space she needed peace.
"I AM COMING! PLEASE STOP RINGING THE BELL!" She heard Jihyo's screams, taking her off of the trance she didn't even know she was in, her finger was pressing non-stop the door's bell.
"What do you wan- Tzu? What are you doing here Baby Yoda? Do you want to come in, its freezing and you came all the way here..." Jihyo's voice softened after she saw it was Tzuyu the person in front of her door. The taller entered and took her shoes off staying with the socks she had.
"Um..Hm" Tzuyu didn't know what to say, she was...embarrassed? She just lowered her head looking at the fluffy green socks that protected her feet from the cold.
"Do you need something sweetheart?"
She didn't feel when everything started to be too much for her, maybe it was the stress, or the pressure she felt with Jihyo's questions. Small sobs started to fall from youngest lips.
"Bear..do you want Mama to help you?" Jihyo quickly hugged the tall girl trying to calm her down, feeling a small nod from the younger.
"Let's take a bath, than Mama will cuddle with you, Okay Bear?" Jihyo wasn't receiving verbal answer so she just concluded that Tzuyu was slipping to her Baby Space.
The leader bathed the girl and dressed her with a blue hoodie, sweatpants in the same color, she topped of with the little one's beige pacifier and got to bed with her. Tzuyu had that pure innocent look in her eyes showing to Jihyo in every move she made that she slipped, and probably was beetwen 4-6 months old.
Tzuyu was scattered on the bed looking at her mama's face. Jihyo was dressing her pajamas up to go put the baby to sleep.
Jihyo caught the Baby's doe eyes staring at her, the leader chuckled and finished dressing up. She then quickly laid down and pulled Tzuyu closer to her neck.
The oldest between both fixed her shirt letting one of her breasts free. Tzuyu quickly connected to the older starting to feel sleepy by the second she started to be breastfeeded.
She sleeped fast, jihyo just kept the younger on her breast caressing the girl's head.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Older Ahsoka reunited with TCW Obi-wan 😭
(How many other reunions will end in tears for her?? QAQ)
Like, a lot of them.
Remeeting Master Plo. Seeing Master Yoda. Seeing baby Bariss.
Ahsoka stares down at the face of baby Ahsoka, and she tries, really hard, to not grimace at the outfit that baby her is wearing. The fact that Skyguy let her get away with wearing a tube top is, franking, concerning. It's also not the most concerning thing about her former apprenticeship, now that she's thinking about it. "You feel sad." Baby Ahsoka says, "Would you like a hug?" "I am sad." Older Ahsoka replies, "And yes, I would like a hug, thank you." Baby Ahsoka jumps up and wraps her arms tightly around Older Ahsoka's neck, "I don't know why your sad." She says with a childlike innocence that Older Ahsoka hasn't felt since that one time her master made her dress up like a slave, "But Master Obi-Wan will fix it! He's amazing like that!" Older Ahsoka sighs and hugs her much younger self tightly, "He might just."
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years
I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the Season 3 premiere from your child development POV!
And I am excited to write them! I will try to get them out in a timely manner during the season. As always, there will be spoilers in this post.
For me, the biggest takeaway from the episode as a whole is what I already touched on in my previous post: Grogu is acting like a happy, healthy, normal child. He is happy to interact with familiar people and even with strangers, provided a trusted adult is nearby. He's peeking out of his pod, engaged in whatever's going on. He's friendly and waves greetings. Even when Din is talking to the Armorer or Greef, we see him playing like a kid or even paying attention to what's going on and adding his own "commentary" of cooes and babbling. Compare that to season 1 when he hides in his pod and is very quiet most of the time! (Not to mention acting ashamed of stealing the ball in The Sin, and now he's known in the fandom for Baby Crimes lol.)
Regarding the ball, it doesn't make an appearance yet but I hope it does. (The necklace too.) I assume Din is carrying it safely in his belt pouch or perhaps Grogu has a special compartment in his pod, but I would guess Din makes sure it's safe and sound. My own parents certainly went to great lengths to make sure my blankie was safe and accounted for when I was a kid, because they knew the upset should it be lost!
Speaking of my own experience, I also loved Grogu entertaining himself in Greef's office with the chair and candy. It just felt so authentic and natural because it's exactly what I did as a kid in my dad's office! (My dad even said the same thing when I made him watch the clip.) Children engage in their environment and learn through play. This is another way Grogu is acting like a normal child - we saw much less casual play and it was usually involving other children (Sorgan) or a familiar item (the ball). Here he is exploring the motion of the chair, the sensation of spinning and how fun it is, using his Force skills to nab himself his candy. He also minds when Din makes the chair stop spinning. He no longer has to misbehave to get Din's attention. He knows that one noise, and Dad will be right there. Din is the safe, secure caretaker he needs and he knows he will be cared for the moment he needs it. We also see this when IG-11 activates - notably, Grogu isn't particularly perturbed (and we know the puppet + sound engineers can make him be so) as he's tossed between Greef and Din. He knows he's with safe people and they will protect him. It may also be some misplaced trust in IG-11 - a childlike innocence and belief that IG won't really hurt him, this is a friend. Luckily we didn't find out.
Din is really stepping up as a parent and fully embracing the role. We see him talking to and educating Grogu, involving him in things like it's second nature. (Because it's good in general, and how else are you gonna entertain a kid on those long flights?) Din is really comfortable with the role and it shows. Grogu instantly using Din's bandolier as a seatbelt, and crawling into Din's lap when he wants for cuddles, also seems familiar and a regular habit for them. This suggests Din is teaching Grogu to be safe as well as welcoming affection from Grogu so much it's become natural and comfortable for them both. (Side note but I am SO RELIEVED Grogu's bubble and the pilot compartment are connected. What if Grogu had choked on something when they were in hyperspace and Din couldn't get to him????)
Of course we gotta address the big Cute Baby Yoda Moment of the episode: No squeezie! It was really cute that Grogu was so excited his droid friend could be fixed and I'm sure he meant well, but this here is what we call "a teachable moment" in the education field. Grogu is old enough to learn about consent. When one of my students goes in for a hug that isn't wanted, I stop them and remind them they need to ask first. Their friend may not want a hug. I always assure them it's nice they asked, but their friend can say no thank you. Sometimes people want space, and that's okay. It's good Din stopped Grogu and I hope that offscreen he took the next step of teaching Grogu to ask first - and, of course, offering Grogu a hug himself if Grogu still needed one.
The only other child in the episode is the Mandalorian one at the beginning. (Fun fact: he's the actor who was Boba's Tusken kid friend!) In Legends Mandalorians were considered "of age" at 13 so I wonder if they're keeping this aspect. Obviously a 13-year-old is not anywhere near an adult irl. (With apologies to any 13-year-olds following me: I know you don't wanna hear it, but I promise you'll get it when you're older.) But like I've said before, it's just A Thing in Star Wars to have kids doing grown-up stuff and it's what makes it so enduring for all ages, so it doesn't really bother me in this context.
We do see the adult Mandalorians protect and look out for the kid still, and his helmet has a wider visor than anyone else's and is sized for a kid, perhaps suggesting it's a "training" version and not a full one. These seem to imply that Mandalorian youths aren't thrown to the wolves as soon as they swear the Creed but it's part of their culture's rituals and a coming-of-age thing. I guess the closest comparison I have is going through confirmation through my family's church when I was maybe 13 or 14ish. I'm not going to touch on religious/cultural headgear or apparel because I was raised Methodist Christian, am now atheist, and neither require anything like that and I don't feel knowledgeable enough to have an informative commentary on it.
We are definitely off to a good start with the child development aspect! I could go on for days about how lovely Grogu's behavior as a regular, curious child and his warm and loving relationship with Din is, and I hope I get to do so for every episode!
(FYI these posts are tagged "baby yoda meta" if you want to search them on my blog.)
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bebe-benzenheimer · 10 months
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burnwater13 · 1 year
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That’s right. That’s just what he did. While he was hiding, he hid. Yup. Amazing that it took an almost Jedi to figure that out. 
That’s right Grogu was kind of salty about that comment. He knew that Ahsoka Tano didn’t mean anything by it. She wasn’t calling him a coward for instance. She wasn’t saying that he should have just stayed at the Jedi Temple and fought the Clone Troopers and her former Master Anakin Skywalker tooth and nail. Nope. She wasn’t saying that at all. 
Grogu’s guilt was saying that and it made him angry that he felt guilty about surviving and that made him sad because that’s what he thought Jedi were supposed to do. Survive to fight another day. Ahsoka had somehow managed to do that too. 
Grogu wondered if she said that to the Mandalorian so Din Djarin would have some inkling of how bad things had been for Grogu. Mostly that proved that Ahsoka knew nothing about the Mandalorian. Din’s early life had been just as awful as Grogu’s and it didn’t seem like Mandalorians had a good way of hiding who they were. Sort of like you were a Mandalorian or you were not. There was no hide.
Which made Grogu wonder if he and the Mandalorian knew enough about Ahsoka. Grogu knew she had been brought to the Jedi Temple when she was a small child, practically a baby. That’s the way things were done until Anakin showed up with Master Obi-Wan. 
Grogu had been fine with that. Anakin had been a pretty cheerful child and he liked droids and mechs and was very handy with them. He spent a lot of his time with Obi-Wan because he was a padawan already. It was kind of a pity because if he’d been a youngling, then he would have spent a lot more time with Grogu and Ian and Grogu thought that would have been pretty cool. But that was not how things went. 
Nope. Ahsoka grew up with the younglings and then ended up as Anakin’s padawan. Grogu knew that was unique as well. Anakin had certainly done enough to become a Jedi Knight, but making him a Master as such a young age was almost unprecedented. Just like not calling him a Master when he had a padawan. Grogu had always thought that was odd as well, but then he had other things to worry about. 
It wasn’t easy being the same species as Master Yoda. People had a lot of expectations for him. He tried to always do his best, but everything was complicated when you were viewed as being too powerful to need help and too young looking to not be ignored. He had done the best he could, but that hadn’t been enough. That made him sad.
In his heart he knew he would have saved everyone if he could have, but the best he could do was save himself with the help of Master Kelleran, as his friends fell, either to the Darkside or to the blasters that aimed in their direction. So he survived and many of them did not. Sigh.
Because some of those children he had played games with, learned with, swapped lunches with, would grow up and become Inquisitors, Grogu had to hide in more ways than one. As he understood it, they had been trained to detect not just the Force itself, but the change in concentration of the Force’s energy. It was like looking at a cloud and knowing that the darker it became the more water was in it (yup that’s a real thing). So just using the Force to heal a stubbed toe because you didn’t have shoes or boots to protect them could give away your position and cause a lot of trouble for the people nearby. 
Grogu wasn’t that worried about himself, but he really didn’t want people just buying fruit at the market to have to deal with the Inquisitors. He was always shocked to see how the people he had known when he was a child hurt other folks just because they could. Because they had power and no accountability that mattered. So for those innocents, he’d let his toe bleed rather than heal it with the Force. It was the least he could do. 
When he was finally rescued by the Mandalorian he’d seen how much things had changed and knew that he could take risks with and for the Mandalorian that he could not take with other people. First, Din Djarin had armor that protected him from a lot of damage (maybe not a mudhorn’s worth of damage, but still a lot otherwise). Then, Din had been trained to fight. That was very clear with how he managed to get Grogu away from the Nikto gang to begin with. Finally, Din had been able to work with a wide variety of people in order to get to Corvus and help Grogu meet another of his kind. 
That showed just how honorable Din Djarin was and Grogu hoped that by doing small things like healing his injuries, or lifting up a really heavy mudhorn, he was honoring the Mandalorian and all the people he hadn’t been able to help over the years, because he had to hide who he was.
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tallulahchanel · 2 years
a, k, n, s, t, and y for the "Fanfic Ask Game" if you'd like to answer. No pressure at all.
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]? - Gonna answer this for Beautiful Ones (my first multi-chaptered Everkia fic). Kind of long, so buckle up. First, Savannah was inspired by Sharon Carter, not the character herself, but in an Everett x Reader fic, the reader seemed jealous of Sharon because she would often go in his office and close the door (spoiler alert: Nothing happened). So I thought it would be fun to create an antagonist for Nakia, except this woman throws herself at Everett, hence how I first came up with Flying Rings. Beautiful Ones is a song by Prince and I loved the line when he says "Do you want him or do you want me?" and I wanted to hear the song from a female perspective and I found Beyonce's cover and later H.E.R.'s cover. When I found B's cover, I sent it to my friend and said "This is Nakia to Everett about Savannah." That inspired me to do a oneshot. However, the dynamics between Nakia x Everett x Savannah were so interesting to me that I decided to expand it into a mini-series. We obviously know who Everett has feelings for, but it's fun writing about Savannah trying and failing to get in the way of that.
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with? - My OC Kya getting both of her arms blown off and having them replaced with vibranium bionics. While going through the transition, she learns that she's pregnant, but she is devastated because the bionic arms prevent her from feeling the babies move. Cool idea, but not going to pursue it because I don't think I can handle it.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you? - No, but I wish more people would write Everkia so I can be trash for them. However, I am concerned about a non-black writer writing for Nakia because there are some things with writing black characters that not all of them have the nuance to understand
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist? - Everkia is always gonna be friends-to-lovers. That's my second favorite trope, behind enemies-to-lovers, but only few can write that trope right
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand? - Incest, inappropriate age gaps, and when people try to write enemies-to-lovers, but they're shipping someone with their bully/abuser.
Y: A character you want to protect. - Always been Shuri (and baby Yoda to an extent). That's why I felt so bad that she went through so much trauma in the second movie. . IN the AU fic I'm writing for WF, I wrote how my self-insert OC Kya wanted to protect her innocence and she failed at doing so. That's how I feel.
Fanfiction Asks
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iamscoby · 2 years
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I posted 2,180 times in 2022
That's 1,438 more posts than 2021!
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1,981 posts reblogged (91%)
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I tagged 1,185 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#dinluke - 494 posts
#din djarin - 219 posts
#grogu - 167 posts
#luke skywalker - 147 posts
#the book of boba fett - 129 posts
#din and grogu - 88 posts
#dinluke fic - 72 posts
#scoby writes - 70 posts
#the mandalorian - 68 posts
#tbobf spoilers - 54 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#luke says that with very innocent eyes after he himself just put the kid into a starfighter with no one but artoo in the droid port
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I can't stand it when this scene is read plainly as Yoda and Obi-Wan sending Luke to kill Vader. They specifically use words 'confront' and 'face' to convey that Luke has to confront him, and when it happens, he'll know what to do. It's Luke himself who voices out the interpretation that they expect him to kill his own father.
Heck, Yoda even goes as far as to remind Luke to resist anger, fear and aggression, instructing precisely how he should act with his father. And Luke ends up striving for following this teaching exactly.
Okay, Obi-Wan does say that the Empire has already won if their only hope Luke isn't ready to kill Darth Vader. But to me, it could as well mean that Obi-Wan expects Luke to face Vader in a state where he's ready for any outcome. Luke's instincts and the Force are going to tell him what to do, and he has to be ready to follow that guidance, whether it's to kill his father or not.
Conclusion: *stands up on a soapbox* Obi-Wan and Yoda did nothing wrong, ever! (or Yoda maybe sometimes during his 900 years of existence - who wouldn't? - but not in this moment, not in this moment!)
628 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
Luke: Which do you choose?
Grogu: ???
Luke: That was a demonstration of how the Jedi Order used to work in the past. Now, take off your coat so we can dress you in your armour and comm your dad to show him how it looks on you
668 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
Din: I don't know how to use the Darksaber
Luke: Don't worry, I'll teach you
Din: I don't know how to kiss either
767 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
Anakin: It was a dream. Like I used to have about my mother. It was about you and the babies
Padmé: Tell me
Anakin: You’ll die in childbirth. Our children will kiss. Our daughter will marry a smuggler. Our son will marry a bounty hunter. And my lightsaber will be buried in the sand on Tatooine
Padmé: It was only a dream
*Imperial March plays*
774 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
784 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
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jiacast · 5 months
Star Wars Day
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My favorite Star Wars character of all is Baby Yoda, also known as Grogu, is a beloved character in the Star Wars universe due to his adorable appearance, mysterious origins, childlike wonder, protective instincts, and emotional depth. Born in "The Mandalorian," Baby Yoda was introduced with little knowledge about his species, background, and connection to the Force. This mystery sparked countless theories and speculations, keeping fans eager to learn more about his origins and significance in the Star Wars universe.
Despite being a powerful Force user, Baby Yoda embodies a childlike innocence and curiosity, showcasing the joy of discovery and the simple pleasures of life. His protective instincts, particularly towards the Mandalorian (Din Djarin), belie his young age, showcasing loyalty and bravery.
As the series progresses, Baby Yoda's emotional range expands, highlighting themes of family, belonging, and the power of love. In summary, Baby Yoda's combination of cuteness, mystery, innocence, protectiveness, and emotional depth makes him a standout character in the Star Wars universe.
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bestshirtcanbuy · 7 months
Baby Yoda Hug Ball Michigan Wolverines Football 3D Hoodie Michigan Wolverines Christmas Gifts
The Baby Yoda Hug Ball Michigan Wolverines Football 3D Hoodie is a unique and eye-catching piece of clothing that combines two beloved themes – Baby Yoda from the iconic Star Wars series and the Michigan Wolverines football team. This hoodie is not only a fashionable item but also a great Christmas gift for both men and women. The design of the hoodie is truly special, as it features a 3D print of Baby Yoda holding a Michigan Wolverines football in a hugging position. This adorable image is sure to bring a smile to anyone's face, making it a perfect gift for fans of both the Star Wars franchise and the Michigan Wolverines. Made of high-quality materials, this hoodie is incredibly soft, comfortable, and durable. It is designed to keep you warm during the cold winter months, making it a practical gift as well. The hoodie's hood is adjustable, allowing you to customize the fit according to your preferences. Whether you're attending a Michigan Wolverines game, going for a casual outing, or simply lounging at home, this hoodie is a versatile addition to any wardrobe. It can be paired with jeans, leggings, or sweatpants, and it will instantly elevate your outfit with its unique design and vibrant colors. Not only is the Baby Yoda Hug Ball Michigan Wolverines Football 3D Hoodie a great gift for sports enthusiasts, but it also appeals to Star Wars fans of all ages. Baby Yoda, also known as "The Child," instantly won the hearts of viewers when he first appeared in the Disney+ series "The Mandalorian." His cute and innocent demeanor, combined with his mysterious powers, has made him one of the most beloved characters in the Star Wars universe. By incorporating Baby Yoda into the design of this hoodie, it becomes a fun and playful item that can bring joy to anyone's day. Furthermore, this hoodie is a unisex item, making it a great gift option for both men and women. It is available in a range of sizes, ensuring that there is a perfect fit for everyone. Whether you're purchasing it for yourself or for a loved one, this hoodie is a versatile and inclusive gift that can be enjoyed by all. In conclusion, the Baby Yoda Hug Ball Michigan Wolverines Football 3D Hoodie is a unique and stylish item that combines two popular themes – Baby Yoda and the Michigan Wolverines football team. It is a great Christmas gift choice for men and women, as well as for Star Wars and sports enthusiasts. With its soft and comfortable material, adjustable hood, and eye-catching design, this hoodie is both practical and fashionable. Whether you're wearing it to a game or for a casual outing, this hoodie is sure to make a statement and bring a smile to everyone's face.
Get it here : Baby Yoda Hug Ball Michigan Wolverines Football 3D Hoodie Michigan Wolverines Christmas Gifts
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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