#baby sea snakes
fisheito · 23 days
yakuya in MY swamp? in MY ecosystem? no . i am still in disbelief. i hope you all know that my particles are bouncing off the everything. i am using periods as punctuation but the state of my mind is naught neareth final.
#the devs really did surprise me.....i'll credit them with that#i fully believed it was gonna be rei#i looked at that silhouette. saw the chunky heels. thought of kuya#but i scoffed at myself. tch. of course not. devs wont play with their strange topbottom segregation. i'll never get the yakuya event#at least not until it's with garu so they have a yokai hella exposition event#it's gonna be rei at a specific angle to SIMULATE a kuya. he will be wearing kuya-esque heels just to spite all the kuyafans#AND YET HERE WE ARE#UNDER THE SEA NO LESS#WHAT ARE THEY DOING INVADING MY SPACE LIKE THIS#like hell i'm gonna share my zone (abyssopelagic) with those accursed sirens#i'm going lower#i'm moving to the trenches. i'm gonna slowly lose the use of my eyeball sight . i'm gonna adapt to conditions#SO MANY conditions. maybe even learn to bioluminesce#actually no. then the predators might find me. and i'll have to regain the use of my eyes in order to improve my chances of escape#perchance even enlargen them like the giant squid. living in constant fear of a fox or a snake appearing in the depths#yet i get the creeping suspicion that kuya is just going to bully yakumo (when he's not bullying eiden)#kuya gonna drop a sad story about personal sacrifice and the difficult lives he's lived#and yakumo ever the baby in comparison will stare at him with his massive saucer eyes like.... do i... deserve to feel sadness?#if i have not gone through the trials and tragedies that master kuya has???#is kuya gonna be soft yokai grandpa or is he gonna be Auntie of Hard Reality#the boy just wants to find new soup ingredients#kuya will then unveil the ethical ramifications of harvesting these specific ingredients#and using them for a purpose other than their original spiritual intent by the indigenous merfolk#along with the questionable supply chain and processes that go into creating the ingredients in the first place#(not that any ethics or spirituality rituals or stuff like that is actually enough to influence kuya's behaviour in any way)#but it'll certainly mess with yakumo!!!! and that's where all the fun is?#furrows brow. what will they do with this event.....#i am so very excited to see them interact..!#mirage of scales#yakuya
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More dnd writing because it's all I have but I here's a snippet from a vignette I did of Rook's past (from Zara's POV), because Rook and his mentors never fails to make me sick (/pos).
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[transcript under the cut]
Taking a coin out of her pocket, she rolled it across her knuckles, back and forth. It gave her hands something to do, and prevented the urge to bite her nails, something she hadn’t done in years. Ten minutes passed, then twenty. Zara began to pace as Rook’s breathing grew shakier and the color drained from his skin. Where the hells is Jay? she wondered. The room was so quiet that she could hear every tick of the small clock on her bedside table, and each one echoed in her head. How many ticks does he have left? She didn’t want to think about it.  She’d had crew members die before, of course. You don’t go as many years as a captain as she had and never lose a soul. But all the others who had died had died quickly, in combat. She’d mourned for all of them, even shed tears in private, but there was something different about watching the life drain out of a person right in front of your eyes.
#morrigan.text#my writing#dnd#dnd writing#morrigan plays dnd#oc: Rook#oc: Zara#(Rook's first captain and mentor)#literally no one else but me would know this but the fact that he learned that coin-rolling trick from watching her#(and after a lot of practice and embarrassing failures in his free time)#and he also does it when he's nervous/anxious/bored/fidgety... augh I can't take it.#this takes place when he'd been with her crew for about a year so he was roughly 18 in this. BABY boy.#He gets to see her again for the first time in 3 years VERY SOON in-campaign and I can't stop thinking about it.#I've been waiting for this moment since I joined this campaign so like a year and a half now.#YES I KNOW ALL MY WRITING LATELY HAS BEEN TORMENTING ROOK PHYSICALLY.#I'M SORRY. IT'S THE EASIEST THING FOR ME TO WRITE#I am UNWELL over my boy and his mentors#also poor Rook... he can't escape the snake motifs.#he gets bitten by a snake-like sea monster and nearly dies. he's a prisoner on a ship called the sea snake. Twice.#the second time he's rescued by a person with snake tattoos all over their body because they used to belong to a gang called#the horned serpents. And because they helped destroy that gang said person was supposed to never go back to the town Rook needs to go to.#but when they get there turns out they needn't have worried because all criminal activity has been stopped by a HUGE FUCKING SNAKE#with a very twisted sense of morality that may or may not be a god and has appointed itself High Judge of the town#and ofc because Zara is the mayor of that town and the snake is her problem Rook will do ANYTHING to get rid of it for her#but um yeah. lots of snakes for Rook. And most of this was accidental.#I swear I didn't plan it this way on purpose.
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queenviserra · 1 year
First glance to The wind's daughter or the pearl of the sea. Are you ready?
Chills are still running through her body, and she thinks it would be a great idea to wash her face again with cold water before going to the Dragonpit.
Riding in the back of Meleys can always change her worst mood, why not today? It will work.
Her hair is in the same clumsy braid of her youth that brings a smile to her face, as well as her nightgowns lying on the floor. Corlys always grumbled that she was capable of putting the entire kingdom, High Tide, and even his fleet in order, but never her wardrobes, especially when she wanted to be near her red beast with Rhaenys always correcting him, "Meleys, husband."
She stands wearing only her small clothes when she looks at his bare back, the idea of slipping under the covers is as tempting as the colors of dawn outside the window, but that would leave less time at her disposal and she has already neglected Meleys quite a bit lately...
Later, she thinks, we shall have plenty of time when I return...
It's there... when she's wearing her favorite riding trousers, there's a little bump in her belly. It's imperceptible, but kind of annoying because her tight pants are even tighter, which almost prevents her from breathing properly...
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seven-circlllxs · 11 months
Into the Pit {Muse Masterlist}
NOTE: Muses may use neopronouns, but writing partners may default to he/she/they/it terms if they find those easier to use!
NOTE 2: Muses are heavily influenced by headcanons, some of which are listed in their bios!
Alastor - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Asexual Aromantic
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Name: Alastor
Nicknames: Al, The Radio Demon, Bambi [Do not use this unless you want to endure bodily harm : ) ]
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 38 at death (Died 1933)
Birthday: September 19th (Virgo)
Height: 7'0"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Presents Male
Pronouns: He/Him, It/Its, Static/Staticself, Radio/Radioself, Deer/Deerself, Loa/Loaself, Veve/Veveself
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Occupation: Overlord of Hell, Charitable Patron of the Happy Hotel, Broadcaster
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Alastor has always been a bit of a mystery to the other Overlords in hell, and nearly every sinner has a story explaining his arrival and the source of his immense power.
Not one of them has come even halfway close to the truth.
When he was alive, he tried and failed several times to secure a job as a radio announcer in his home city of New Orleans. It was in the damp, boggy woods of the Louisiana bayou where Alastor first made a connection with his dark patron, a Loa draped and encumbered by rusting bloodied chains, whose empty eyes yearned for gore and carnage and fixed themselves, burning, onto the man’s very soul. Alastor summoned Bakulu with the fresh blood of a black rooster, and for his offering was rewarded with a position live on air. But of course, one measly offering would not be enough to satiate his dark patron, nor would it have been enough to fulfill Alastor’s own desires. He graduated to goat’s blood, and one by one, the hosts of the city’s most well-known radio shows began to disappear, leaving the publics’ ears eagerly tuned in to him.
And it still wasn’t enough. Bakulu, it seemed, was most pleased by larger offerings, and Alastor soon found himself quite comfortable with a hunter’s rifle pressed snug into his shoulder, a deer (or, preferably, a more bipedal target) caught between his crosshairs. His little hunts were quite the form of stress relief, and the earth drank his sacrifices greedily. It didn't hurt that cleaning the bodies and leaving the blood and bones afforded Alastor with top quality meat at the price of a box of bullets.
But humans are full of error. And errors leave humans prone to accidents. When Alastor was caught and killed by a hunter and his dogs, his own blood served as his final offering to the dark Loa. His spirit was entwined with some of Bakulu’s wretched power, allowing him to manifest in Hell absolutely alive with vodou magic. And gifting him with endless airways waiting to be bathed in the blood of his victims.
Currently, Alastor is amusing himself by keeping a watchful eye over the Princess of Hell's passion project, waiting for her well-intentioned attempt at rehabilitating sinners to implode on itself. His tendency to observe the struggles and failures of others as entertainment stems from his tendency to sensationalize reality, although in Hell, reality doesn't need too much embellishment to be engaging.
Andrealphus - Genderqueer (AMAB) - Homosexual Panromantic
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Name: Andrealphus
Nicknames: Andre, Alphie
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: A beauty never reveals her age, darling~. [About 40]
Birthday: January 29th (Aquarius)
Height: 10'0"
Gender: Genderqueer (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Bird/Birdself, Ice/Iceself
Sexuality: Homosexual Panromantic
Occupation: Grand Marquis of Envy
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Hatched and raised by a family with a very powerful standing within the hierarchy of the House Goetia, Andrealphus has always been an instigator. As a very young chick, he was inquisitive and observant, traits he has carried with him into adulthood. When his little sister Stella was hatched, Andrealphus was quickly forced into the role of the dutiful big brother, much to his annoyance. His sister wasn't his baby, she was his sister, it was dumb that he had to make sure she was alright all the time instead of having fun. It was then he began to orchestrate games that only he knew he was playing, games where the consequences left him out of trouble and left Stella looking like an overly rambunctious nuisance. Or at least, that was what was supposed to happen. Instead, his parents shamed him for not being able to "control his sister's fits," not as if they could either even if they'd tried.
When Andrealphus was about twelve years old, his ten-year-old baby sister was betrothed to King Paimon's owl son, Prince Stolas. Stella was not at all subtle about her resentment of the arrangement, but it left a bitter, seething feeling in Andrealphus' heart. Why was it that Stella kept getting things handed to her easily? He was the first-born heir to their Goetia lineage, he was the one with his name in grimoires, why did she get a shortcut to love when she didn't even want it? After Stella had finished angrily crumpling the photo of the owl prince up and abandoned it in the trash, Andrealphus took the token for his own. This "Stolas," he deserved better than a screeching loon like his sister. He deserved proper royalty. Someone who had a grand purpose, like.. Himself.
When not silently plotting to shift any given circumstance into his favor, Andrealphus enjoys spreading and sharing gossip about anyone and everyone. Secrets are a valuable currency, and Andre knows just how to entice someone into sharing what they've heard.
Arackniss - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Asexual Demiromantic
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Name: Arackniss
Nicknames: Nissy, Niss
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 45 at Death (Died 1952)
Birthday: December 31st (Capricorn)
Height: 3'8"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Presents Masculine
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Spider/Spiderself, Shot/Shotself
Sexuality: Asexual Demiromantic
Occupation: [Pending]
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
As the eldest son of a ruthless mafioso, Arackniss grew up with a lot of pressure saddled square across his shoulders. His father expected nothing less than devotion and perfection, and anything short of perfection received physical discipline at minimum. His quick wit, quicker trigger finger, and venomous tongue all formed out of a need to survive being berated, beaten, or otherwise eviscerated by his father or the men who worked for him. He became a caretaker to his younger twin siblings once they needed more mobile supervision, and resented the fact that he had been labeled as their de-facto caretaker when they weren't with their mom. Caretaking and child-raising was for the broads, and it didn't take a genius to understand what his father was implying by making him the babysitter.
When Arackniss died, it was in a shootout instigated by his little brother with a rival family. He died protecting his family, and that was what mattered. Not that he was 45 years old, not that he was days away from being the don's right hand, not that he had his purpose taken away by his goddamn brother!
He fell into Hell alone and spiteful, and once his father finally passed, he reunited with him, and committed the sinner's name of Henroin to his memory. That was who was in charge now, and Arackniss fell eagerly into line, into what he knew, into what kept him safe.
Not that he particularly likes being under his father's thumb again..
Asmodeus - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Omnisexual Demiromantic
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Name: Asmodeus
Nicknames: Oz, Ozzie, Dee, Big Daddy (from Fizzy usually)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 5,000+
Birthday: Technically doesn't have one; celebrates on February 14th
Height: 46'3" at his tallest, 8'-ish when in his civilian form and/or shrunken to fit into smaller spaces
Gender: Gender Apathetic (Intersex) - Presents Masc or Masc-Androgyne
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Lust/Lustself, Sin/Sinself
Sexuality: Omnisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Herald King of Lust, Club-Owner, Sex Toy Manufacturer/Designer
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
As one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Asmodeus has always been a very passionate and driven being, while also adding a certain amount of his own flair to each of his projects. Before being formally cast out from Heaven, he was sent by God to test Tobias' faith in Him. While on Earth, he grew smitten with Sarah, the intended bride of Tobias, and possessed her first seven husbands on their wedding nights to be intimate with her. He showered her in lust and want, before leaving her to rest and stopping her husbands' hearts (not intentionally, of course, but being possessed by an angel isn't the most stabilizing of experiences-), leaving their lifeless bodies to be discovered in the morning. He attempted to possess Tobias in the same way, but Tobias had been given the help of the Archangel Raphael, and finally, Asmodeus was cast out and into Hell, to join his fallen siblings.
Upon his arrival in Hell, Lucifer assigned him to the Fifth Lowest Ring, allowing him to craft it into whatever he wished it to be. Lust began as a simple den of consensual depravity, but, over time, Ozzie began to lean into Lucifer's "Seven Ring Circus" blueprint, what with Mammon being the Clown of Greed and Bee-lze acting as the Aerial and Animal acts both in one, and began to present himself as more of a sexual magician, for lack of a better term. He developed toys, founded clubs for his citizens to explore one another's forms, and began performing in his own lounge.
In the current day, Ozzie is a charismatic, charming Sin, who encourages the free exploration of lust between any and all consenting parties. He's not above a little scheming to make sure things play out the way he feels they are supposed to, and is fiercely protective of those he cares about.
Barbie Wire - Gender Apathetic (AFAB) - Demisexual Aromantic
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Name: Barbie Wire
Nicknames: Barb, BB
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 36 (Can match with any Blitzø)
Birthday: April 3rd (Aries)
Height: 5'10"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AFAB) - Presents Femme or Femme-Androgyne
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, Imp/Impself, Cirque/Cirqueself
Sexuality: Demisexual Aromantic (to her knowledge)
Occupation: Drug-Runner, Contortionist
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Barbie Wire and her twin brother Blitzø were born into a traveling circus family ringmastered and run by their father, Cash Buckzo. Both implings were very close with their mother, Tilla, and Barbie in particular served as Tilla's shadow for the longest time. Her and her twin brother learned and performed under their father's less-than-watchful eye, and quickly became favorites of their audience with their synchronized trapeze routines and tandem juggling acts. The twins were soon joined by another impling, their new pseudo-sibling, Fizzarolli, and the three of them took alternating turns in Cash's temperamental, money-driven spotlight.
Circus life served Barbie and her brothers well until Fizz's 18th birthday. That was when everything went to shit. Fizz had managed to secure a spot in Mammon's Big totally Non-Exploitative Clown Pageant Competition, which had brought the circus down into the Greed Ring for a limited performance after the contest. Barbie and Fizz had been paired off by Cash for a partner act after Blitzø routinely fumbled the clubs used for the juggling aerial act's rehearsal. There was no way they were going to allow Blitzø to juggle the clubs while on fire, as they were supposed to be. During Fizz's party, disaster struck.
Blitzø, as the circus would soon discover, had gone off to practice the routine on his own, complete with fire, desperate to prove to his father that he was worth being paid any attention to. And he'd dropped the clubs. Again.
Barbie was stranded in the tent with her mother as the fire consumed the entire circus grounds, up until her mother shoved her, choking, out of the blaze and into the open smoky air. There was only screams, only panic, only vibrant green flames that glittered with emerald violence.
After the fire, Barbie did the only thing she could think of to do; she ran. Her brother had killed their mom, had burned their family alive, had destroyed everything she loved, and so, she ran. She ran headfirst into addiction, into alcohol, desperate to spark any sort of joyful sensation, fuck, any sensation at all, and eventually found herself strung out on H-8. Blitzø re-entered her life by force after a near-fatal overdose, checking her into rehab while she was comatose and recovering in the hospital with a note simply saying Sorry. : (
A bitter, snippy, and guarded woman, Barbie Wire is not too keen on friends, and not too eager to reconnect with her remaining family. She misses Fizzarolli, but doesn't trust how close he is with not one but two of the Deadly Sins. He's doing well for himself, and that's what she cares about most.
Baxter - Transmasc (AFAB) - Asexual Demiromantic
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Name: Baxter
Nicknames: Bax, Baxxy
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 19 at Death (Died 1913)
Birthday: [to be updated]
Height: 4'2"
Gender: Transmasc (AFAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Lure/Lureself, Fish/Fishself
Sexuality: Demisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Aspiring mad inventor
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
[Bio Pending]
Boris - Genderqueer (AMAB) - Omnisexual Demiromantic
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Name: Boris
Nicknames: Bory, Ouro, Oura (pronounced Aura)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 32 at Death (Died 1978)
Birthday: [to be updated]
Height: 7'3"
Gender: Genderqueer (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Hiss/Hiss-self
Sexuality: Omnisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Sex Worker
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
[Bio Pending]
Charlie Morningstar - Genderflux (AFAB) - Sapphic Femmesexual
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Name: Charlotte Morningstar
Nicknames: Charlie, Lottie, Starshine
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 36
Birthday: June 27th (Cancer)
Height: 6'1"
Gender: Genderflux (AFAB) - Presents Femme or Femme-Androgyne
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, Fall/Fallself, Sparkle/Sparkleself, Rain/Rainself
Sexuality: Sapphic Femmesexual
Occupation: Princess of Hell, Heiress of Sin, Owner/Operator of the Happy Hotel
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
As Princess of Hell and Heir to the Throne of Sin, Charlie Morningstar has always tried to see the good in every demon around her. She wants nothing more than to guarantee the safety and happiness of all of her people, stretching from Pride all the way down into Sloth. Her cheerful disposition and optimistic outlook on life is refreshing to some and incredibly annoying to others, and it is very hard for her to understand where that line gets crossed. She also struggles with non-verbal social cues, and can’t stand being talked down to.
Cherri Bomb - Demigirl (AFAB) - Polysexual Panromantic
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Name: Cherri Bomb
Nicknames: Cherri, Bomb-Pop
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 27 at Death (Died 1989)
Birthday: December 13th (Sagittarius)
Height: 5’8”
Gender: Demigirl (AFAB) - Presents Femme
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, Fuse/Fuseself
Sexuality: Polysexual Panromantic
Occupation: Freelance Arsonist
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Cherri is one of Pentagram City's biggest and loudest party girls. Her high energy lifestyle and tendency to cause carnage got her entangled with Vox, who uses her destruction as a means to make her into a viral sensation. It was through her interactions with the TV Overlord that she met and befriended Angel Dust, and the two became all but glued at the hip to one another.
Despite her inclination towards random acts of pyrotechnic violence, Cherri does have a more calm and caring side to her. Her number one priority is making sure herself and those she calls her friends are safe and well taken care of, even if it means blowing up some of the Vees' public property as a distraction. While she has yet to actually check into the Happy Hotel, she is very supportive of Angel in his attempts to make it through yet another rehab program.
Cherri is a very physically affectionate person, and if she likes you, you'll know it. She tends to lean on people she likes, drapes her arms around people's shoulders, and shows other such displays of closeness when she's comfortable.
Collin - Transmasc (AFAB) - Bicurious Demiromantic Asexual
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Name: Collin
Nicknames: Collie, Collie-Flower
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 20
Birthday: April 19th (Aries-Taurus Cusp)
Height: 1'7"
Gender: Transmasc (AFAB) - Presents Masc
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Cherub/Cherubself
Sexuality: Bicurious Demiromantic Asexual
Occupation: Ex-C.H.E.R.U.B. Employee, Current Occupation Unknown
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Collin is a kind-hearted, generous, albeit timid cherub (ex-cherub now) who wants nothing more than to help souls in need. He is a very physically affectionate and nuzzly person, and struggles with a stutter when overwhelmed or nervous.
(More TBA on him, he’s not fully fleshed out but I’m very excited to get him solid!)
Emily - Agender (AFAB) - Asexual Omniromantic
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Name: Emily
Nicknames: Em, Emmy, E, Mimi
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: Physically 26, Actually 3,000+
Birthday: Technically doesn't have one; celebrates [pending]
Height: 6'1"
Gender: Agender (AFAB) - Presents Feminine
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, We/Us, Divine/Divineself, Joy/Joyself, Seraph/Seraphself
Sexuality: Asexual Omniromantic
Occupation: High Seraphim of Heaven
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
[Bio Pending]
Glam - Cisgender (AFAB) - Asexual Aromantic
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Name: Glam (Glamantha)
Nicknames: Glammy, Glimglam, Clam/Clammy (do NOT use this unless you're Glitz)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 22
Birthday: August 8th (Leo)
Height: 6'3"
Gender: Cisgender (AFAB) - Presents Femme
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, Mirror/Mirrorself, Eel/Eelself
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic (unless established otherwise)
Occupation: Half of Mammon's New Brand Babies, Aerial Artist, Performer
[Headcanon Masterlist Pending]
Glamantha, or Glam as she prefers to be called, is a vicious competitive spirit and a cool, controlled, and clever woman. She is incredibly talented, and prides herself on being one of the best performers in Hell. Alongside of her sister Glitz, she constructs and performs acrobatic routines, clown tricks, and has a huge passion for aerial silks.
As a succubus hybrid, one would anticipate Glam to be hypersexual and desire as much intimacy as possible. One would be wrong. Glam is repulsed by the concept of physical intimacy between herself and other people, and only performs sexual acts in order to feed her succubus needs or to market herself and her sister as more stereotypical "Sexy Twins." To her knowledge, she is aromantic; when asked, she simply explains that nobody has ever had enough cash to love her right.
Glam is very outwardly collected, to balance out her sister's manic and hyperactive nature. She rarely smiles, and does not enjoy the sound of her own laughter. Her preferred emotions to display are apathy and judgement; being bitchy makes people more eager to try and please her.
Husk - Cisgender (AMAB) - Pansexual Aromantic
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Name: Husk
Nicknames: Husker, Husky, Spades, Aces
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 75 at Death (Died 1972)
Birthday: November 1st (Scorpio)
Height: 5'8"
Gender: Cisgender (AMAB) - Presents Masc
Pronouns: He/Him, Deal/Dealself, Bet/Betself
Sexuality: Pansexual Aromantic (to his knowledge)
Occupation: Bartender at the Happy Hotel
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Husk is a generally apathetic soul, having lost faith in the ability of any one person to be good after witnessing atrocities during war. Upon arriving in Hell, Husk eagerly resumed in his gambling habits, finding himself winning the only thing that wayward sinners had to bet; their souls. Husk took up residence in one of Hell's many casinos and quickly found himself in a position of massive power.
Power which got to his head and inflated his already top-heavy ego. His games became sloppier, and he slowly began to lose more and more of the accidental influence he had acquired. After years of losses and decline, he was befriended and trapped by Alastor, who won his soul in Husk's last gamble as an Overlord, and now serves him in a state of strange voodoo debt/friendship/whatever you want to call it.
Husk is naturally a very protective person, and often uses his few friendships to rationalize going through the motions of a day. He has always been more inclined to stay undetected; it's easier to swindle people out of their minds and money when you're keeping a low profile.
Husk has a passion for magic tricks, specifically card-based magic. He also has a soft spot for music, although he does not generally like to sing outside of his own room.
Loona - Ferusgender Azurgirl (AFAB) - Panflux Asexual Demiromantic
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Name: Loona
Nicknames: Loonie, Loonie-Toonie, Loony-Tune, LooLoo, Woona, Wooloo, Loon (Ask before using nicknames unless you want to be bitten OR are Blitzø)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 22
Birthday: August 12th (Leo)
Height: 7'2"
Gender: Ferusgender Azurgirl (AFAB) - Presents Femme
Pronouns: She/Her, Woof/Woofself, Wolf/Wolfself, Hound/Houndself, Bitch/Bitchself
Sexuality: Panflux Asexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Receptionist at I.M.P.
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Loona was born to a mother who did not want her and an absent father. Instead of taking the effort to drop her off at the pound in the Pride Ring, Loona's mother left her unwanted pup in a dumpster and simply walked away, reasoning that there were plenty of hungry wrath-coons who would take care of her. She was instead rescued by a strange imp who heard her whimpering and resolved to take her in and at least give her a bath. Loona served as his daughter until she reached the age of 4 and ran away as a form of rebellion after a heated argument over why he'd taken her favorite toy from her. Back on the street, Loona was caught by Hound-Patrol officers and registered into the Hellhound Shelter System.
Loona remained in the Shelter System until the age of 17, just barely 18, passed from home to home, the memories of her caretaker fading at the edges into a hazy reddish blur. Had she ever had a real home? Had she ever been more than just a glorified pet? Maybe the Shelter staff were right about her, maybe she was too violent, too aggressive. Maybe she'd just be a washed up nobody until she died.
Until she was found, finally, by a face she thought she'd imagined. Blitzø, now armed with the proper adoption papers, brought Loona back home with him a few months before her 18th birthday, and has continued to live with Blitzø in a sort of strange father-daughter-but-also-roommates setup. Her surly attitude and harsh exterior keep her safe from strangers, but those who truly know her understand that she is a very passionate and caring individual, if she deems you worth caring about.
Lucifer Morningstar - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Omnisexual Omniromantic
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Name: Lucifer Morningstar
Nicknames: Luci, Lu-Lu, Starfire, Duckie (by romantic partners only)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: Physically 40, Actually 5,000+
Birthday: Technically doesn't have one; celebrates on September 29th
Height: 5'2”
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Sin/Sinself, Damned/Damnedself
Sexuality: Omnisexual Omniromantic
Occupation: Herald King of Pride/Ringmaster of Hell
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Lucifer is, at his core, nothing if but a dramatic bitch. Having been God's favorite, and being subsequently cast out of Heaven for voicing his opinions and quote unquote stubborn beliefs, he knows the power of words and the power of self-image. Luckily for him, he is a wonderful wordsmith and stands firm to his image as the Herald King of Pride and the Grand Ringmaster of all of Hell, presenting and projecting himself as a cocky, confident leader with a taste for dad jokes.
As a father, Lucifer has tried his best to support his daughter, Charlie, and often fears that he's raising his princess wrong due to who raised him. He is a devoted husband to his lovely Lilith, although the two are in a mutually agreed upon open polyamorous relationship; as long as they tell one another who they are seeing, they may find joy in the company of whoever else they wish.
As a sibling figure to the other Sins, Lucifer has the perilous position of balancing the Sins' viewpoints into some semblance of a functional system. He loves them all as family, even if they get on his nerves sometimes when they make stupid decisions, like copying his amusement park in a ring where he could never take proper legal action, Mammon.
Lute - Agender (Female Presenting) - Asexual Aromantic
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Name: Lute
Nicknames: Lieutenant
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: Technically Ageless, Presents Early Thirties
Birthday: Technically doesn't have one; does not celebrate
Height: 7'2"
Gender: Agender (Female Presenting)
Pronouns: She/Her, Arch/Archself, It/Its
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Occupation: Head Exorcist/Exterminator of Heaven, Assistant to Adam
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Lute is Heaven's champion of holy retribution, and serves God and Adam with a twisted righteousness. She has been Adam's second hand ever since Adam was made a higher divine power in Heaven, and was initially crafted with the purpose of serving him in whatever means he chose. However, her true talent became clear when she was first assigned as a soldier to expel sinners from passing through the Gates. When Heaven received news that Hell was facing overpopulation crisis, Lute was among the first to volunteer herself as an Exorcist; an angel who would go down into the sinful abyss and cull as many sinners as was possible in a day.
Since establishing the yearly Extermination Day, Lute has climbed through Heaven's ranks and settled comfortably into the position of Holy Lieutenant.
Moxxie - Cisgender (AMAB) - Bisexual Polycurious Panromantic
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Name: Moxxie Knolastname
Nicknames: Moxx, Ox, Moxmox
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 31
Birthday: May 20th (Taurus-Gemini Cusp)
Height: 4'11"
Gender: Cisgender (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, Imp/Impself
Sexuality: Bisexual Polycurious Panomantic
Occupation: Hitman/Assassin for I.M.P.
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Moxxie is, first and foremost, a lover. Not to say that he can't also be a fighter, he can, and often is. Born into a powerful crime family in the Greed Ring's cleverly named Notamafiatown, Moxxie Knolastname was poised from birth to succeed his father, Crimson Knolastname, and take over as the don of the Knolastname crime empire. Unfortunately for Crimson, Moxxie's mother provided him with nothing but gentle kindness, and attempted to show the young imp the value of empathy.
When Moxxie's mother disappeared, Crimson blamed it on Moxxie for being too soft and unable to hold his own well enough. This pushed Moxxie even further from his father and created a void in Moxxie's life of stable, reliable female figures. During a trip to the Wrath Ring, meant to show the now teenaged Moxxie how to extort property out of what his father called "back-assward horse-fuckers," Moxxie encountered a strong, stunning imp who could very easily turn his little twiggy body into an accordion if she chose. She introduced herself as Mildred, and Moxxie felt his blood turn to butterflies just hearing her voice. He made sure to memorize the address of the farm they'd stopped at before they were chased off the property by Millie's siblings, and the two began a relationship as secret pen pals.
A few weeks before Moxxie was promoted into Crimson's second-in-command, his father discovered his stash of mushy love letters while snooping around his belongings for any stray money. Moxxie was forbidden from contacting Millie, and Moxxie was made to watch in frozen horror as his father tossed each letter one by one into the fireplace. Alone and distraught, Moxxie found himself once again without any sort of figure to give him unconditional safety and love. This led him into a fast, lustful, and passionately sloppy relationship with Chaz, a loan-shark demon who was technically one of his subordinates. The relationship between the two lasted until Chaz abandoned Moxxie to be caught by the police.
Once he escaped from prison with the help of his cell-mate, Blitz, Moxxie retreated to the Wrath Ring and sought shelter at Millie's address. Her parents nearly shot him on sight, but Millie managed to talk her father down and herded the bedraggled ex-mafioso into the safety of her arms. The two migrated to Imp City in the Pride Ring once Moxxie was mentally stable enough for a change in scenery, and the two were married not soon after.
Mrs. Abigail Mayberry - Cisgender (AFAB) - Femmesexual Demiromantic
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Name: Mrs. Abigail “Abby” Mayberry
Nicknames: TBA
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 36 at Death
Birthday: [Pending]
Height: 6’4”
Gender: Cisgender (AFAB)
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
Sexuality: Femmesexual Demiromantic
Occupation: [TBA]
[Bio Pending]
Travis - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Pansexual Demiromantic
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Name: Travis
Nicknames: Trav, Travvy, Schnukums (from Angel Dust only)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 32 at Death (Died 1940's)
Birthday: [to be updated]
Height: 5'10"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Screech/Screechself
Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Valet for the Vees (usually Valentino), Guest Writer and Director for Porn Studios
[Bio Pending]
Vox - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Omnisexual Demiromantic
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Name: Vox
Nicknames: V, Ox Cord (like aux cord)
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 41 at Death (Died 1956)
Birthday: October 1st (Libra)
Height: 7'0"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Presents Masc
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, Tech/Techself, Screen/Screenself, Control/Controlself, Glitch/Glitchself
Sexuality: Omnisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Overlord of Hell, Owner of Voxtagram, Producer of Technology
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
Vox was born in 1915 to a freshly married (and subsequently freshly widowed) mother just as the first World War was gaining momentum. He never met his father, but from the way his mother spoke of him, he idolized him in concept. As a young boy, he was fascinated by the concept of telegrams from an early age, and frequently practiced writing messages in Morse code. This fascination fed into a growing passion for technological advancements, which followed him into Hell after his death.
Vox is a naturally innovative mind, and desires to keep himself five steps ahead of all other advancements in technology. He kept close watch over the development and explosion of the Internet, and brought his own bastardized version of wireless networking into Hell, using his Vi-Fi networks and tracking cookies to log every sinner's data, using that information to catapult himself into Overlord status.
His endless drive and single-minded determination soon garnered the attention of Valentino, an intensely powerful young Overlord who struck a bargain with him to help keep track of Val's employees under the guise of specialty tech. In return, Val and Vox would share their Overlord status and influence with one another. Eventually, they encountered and all but assimilated Velvette into their empire, and the Vees have governed vast swaths of the Pride Ring ever since, with VoxTek's reach only growing by the day.
Zestial Morde - Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Demisexual Demiromantic
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Name: Zestial Morde
Nicknames: Zes
Face Claim: Official Art
Age: 37 at death (Died 1613)
Birthday: November 13th (Scorpio)
Height: 11'4"
Gender: Gender Apathetic (AMAB) - Presents Masc
Pronouns: We/Us, He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Acid/Acidself
Sexuality: Demisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Elder Overlord of Hell; Member of Lucifer's Council
[Headcanon Masterpost Pending]
[Bio Pending]
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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the blood of the dragon runs thick etc etc (x)
#ty ty beloved picrew and i here by introduce my clowns <3#oc: cessaire celtigar#oc: maelor targaryen#oc: selyse seastar#oc: maekar targaryen#my sea witch selyse!#she only went by the surname as she was disinherited from her family for……. witchy things that she did sksjxjxj#her father wished to convert to the faith which is more logic based than magic which meant she had to halt her practices or be disinherited#and…… she chose the latter zkjzjx. fast forward a couple years later it didn’t bode well and he halted is following but by that time ->#her father and her were already estranged and she was like….. no chance soxjjxjx#his full name is maekar corlys targaryen keeping up with the mae in the first half of his name#bc maegoric bloodline targaryens ✨😵‍💫🥀#and his middle name is bc his father maelor was the best friend and right hand of corlys ✨😌#the sea snake and the brat with the dragon jsjxhxh#or more like the sea wyrm was his and the title of his dragon krosis ✨😵‍💫🌊🤍#cessair my baby the daughter of the master of coin at one point wife to a velaryon and dearest of m*aegors wives 🥀🦀❣️😵‍💫#(she also totally might’ve not been the one to…… do him in ✨👀😵‍💫🥀)#(he was IN LOVE WITH HER and with that he was afraid of her realizing he wasn’t the idealized image she had of him..)#(so r*haena needed to convince her of his nature and she had to be the one to….. zero him ✨🤧)#(she knew she made the right decision but her past haunted her for years ✨😖)#maelor and selyse meeting is one of my favorite ideas i have akjzjxjx#assassins political intruige and sorcery oh my! she LOATHEDD him at first but his annoying charms grew on her like a fungus aozjxjx#maekar my BOY dragonrider of zahkriisos hero king of ulos and buffoon who means business 🥀❣️😌#ex fiancée of iovannas! and was on again off again for years!#wanted nothing to do with the dance until corlys asked for his aid in the step stones against the triarchy 🥀😌 then he was in! but only that!#love my beloved dragon family <3#t: picrews#leg.ocs
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ababblesaurus · 2 years
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This is a piece I made for The Sun's Journey zine, which focused on everyone's interpretation of Azem through art and prose. (Leftover copies are still being sold until the 21st if your interest is piqued!)
My Azem likes to bring back little souvenirs from their travels, and met some interesting young ones while looking for something for Mitron. ♪ The original thought was the serpents could be part of the base for later tales of Llymlaen's pets.
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mycological-mariner · 2 years
Sometimes I think that I was the weird sibling. And then I remember my little brother forcing us to stop and pick up roadkill so he could take it home, bury it and have all the bugs eat it, dig it up again, clean the bones and articulate them in the shed. He embalmed his pet scorpion. He collected live ‘specimens’ and just kept them in his room. Once he got so excited to see a shark while in the middle of the sea he threw himself/fell over the rail. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence to find dead animals in the freezer while he was studying them. And this was all before he was even 11.
All I wanted to be at 11 was a sea captain.
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dwtdog · 6 months
guys i have to watch dissection videos for class and i litterally avent don a dissection in like a good 4-5? years but i cannot forget the smell and its putting me off my lunch guys send help
oh jesus the smell of dissections sticks with u forever 😭 honestly the worst part of it
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tbaluver · 2 months
When You Have A Baby- The Love And DeepSpace Men
pairings in order: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader, Sylus x Reader
genre: fluff fluff
a/n: writing these are so much fun <3 any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! if you have any more ideas for me to write my requests are always open! enjoy!
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He would be so smitten with his newborn. He won't stop internally and externally praising your strength for carrying and birthing his child. He would compare the size of your new baby's hand and his hand. "Their hands are so tiny" He would whisper. As he holds his new born so closely, he vows to make sure no harm came to the two of you.
Your baby room would have a couple plushies that either you won from the claw machines. He can put the baby to sleep so quick whether it was rocking the baby or reading them a bedtime story.
He's very protective but also very cautious. He'll make sure the baby would be all bundled up and comfortable before you two leave the house. Also very soft and sweet with the baby. Spoils the baby with so much love with forehead kisses and snuggles!
This man loves to cuddle the baby. When you come home and you don't see him anywhere, then he's probably in the nursery. He would sit on the rocking chair with the baby in his arms. He just wants to spend as much time as possible with the baby. Nothing in the world can compare to the happiness that brings him where his child is sleeping peacefully in his arms. One of your favorite moments is when you two would be peacefully asleep, the baby safely and comfortably in between you two.
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He might not show it physically, but he's definitely in pain seeing you in labor. He'll be by your bedside, gently holding your hand and letting you squeeze his hand as much as you need too. It's all worth it in the end when he sees his baby with his own eyes. Inside he's melting but he keeps his cool.
Like I said in my pregnancy post this man is always ready. Ready whenever you were pregnant and ready when the baby is born.
When the baby cries when your both asleep, he'll assure you that he can do it and let you go back to sleep. He'll handle anything whether it's feeding the baby, cradling, changing the diaper, or helping put the baby back to sleep, as long as you get some rest. He would even be the first to wake up just to check up on the baby just so you can have a few more minutes of rest before you have to get up.
One of your favorite memories would be seeing him handle the baby so well in his arms in the nursery. You would snake your arms around him and rest your chin on his shoulder as he continues cradling the baby.
He handles his new responsibilities as a father so well. He can barely pull himself from the baby. It's like he had everything under control and nothing can affect him as long as you were okay. He made sure to validate any frustrations and anything you were anxious about. He was always there to reassure you.
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His eyes would be shimmering from glee as he cradled the baby. "They're so tiny!" He would whisper shout, carefully not trying to wake the baby. The first time he ever held the baby, he didn't think it would be possible for his body to let go of the small bundle of joy in his arms.
You are so strong for having to take care of two babies. The one you birthed and your husband, Rafayel. He playfully pretends to be your baby so you can also take care of him like you do with your new born.
You guys would have such a beautiful baby room. The room would have such warm lighting. He would have the walls painted with what he had envisioned and a mix of furniture that you both planned out. You guys would have a crib mobile that is obviously sea themed.
You would also walk in on him many times cradling the baby and encouraging his baby to say his first words would be anything of dad or the baby has to show him first when they learn how to walk.
He would def take so much memories of you and your baby. He'll put some baby safe paint on your baby's hands and stamp their hand print on a small canvas so when they grow up, you'll all remember the time they were so tiny. Finding you again was a miracle in itself and having this baby with you, he would need or create a different word to describe it all.
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He would be right at your side during labor, wiping your sweat off your forehead and giving you reassurance. "You're doing so well sweetie. Our baby will be out soon."
He does everything that he can without protests. He would give warm baths and sweet kisses to your baby's head every moment he can.
He makes it all look easy and even handles any chores around the house himself or makes Luke and Kieran do it so you have time to recuperate. He would spend quality time with you any time he can to make you feel just as loved if not more with your growing family.
It would physically pain him to leave you and his newborn at home when he had to leave for business. Although neither of you would have gotten that much sleep in weeks, a part of him wished that it would never end. Even if it would be just for a few hours, he did not want to miss anything that happens. What if the baby laughs and he wasn't there to take a video of it? What if an emergency happened and you needed him? He would make you record everything you and your baby do because he doesn't want to miss any milestone in his baby's life.
Just like you, he would spoil the baby rotten. When he would come back from his business trips or meetings he would bring back gifts for you or anything that reminded him of you and your baby.
You would ban him from singing any lullabies to your baby but sometimes when you're already asleep he would secretly sing your baby a song. He would feel fully content in his life.
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dark-moonlust · 4 months
Tentacle Trouble PART 1
Pairing: Tentacle monster x human reader
Summary: you decide to explore a cave that is surrounded by stories of a tentacle beast. You find exactly that, get pounded in all holes and bred.
Warnings: minors don't interact, 18+!!!!, dub con, dark monster smut, explicit tentacle smut, p in three holes, HEA. Don’t like, don’t read please.
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The dimly lit cave echoed with the roar of the ocean.
You ventured deeper, drawn by the stories of the creature that dwelled within its depths.
You were determined to uncover the truth.
You didn’t expect to find a monster. These were baby tales.
But your were wrong. So very wrong.
The presence lurked and watched you and before you could escape, thick, slick tentacles trapped you. Your clothes were ripped and tossed away, slimy tentacles roaming your body, their weight keeping you a captive. You found yourself being lifted, suspended in the air while wriggling appendages wrapped around your wrists and ankles, keeping your limbs wide apart.
The creature emerged from the shadows, its body a huge round mass of tentacles, each one glistening with a strange slickness. A huge head, and at its core were three glowing eyes, deep blue, like the ocean sea. They seemed to reach into your soul.
“Holy shit!” You gasped, unable to believe your eyes. “I’m so fucking dead.”
A husky voice filled your mind, you realized it came from the monster. “No one shall hurt you, little human. You are here now, your life is mine, your little holes are mine,” it drawled. “I will mate and love you endlessly.”
“Fuck you, you perverted—”
“What a filthy mouth.” A sharp slap against your ass made you gasp in surprise. “Quiet, noisy human.”
You shrieked and moaned as he repeatedly slapped your ass, pausing a little to caress your sore bum before delivering more smacks. No matter how much you wiggled and screamed, you couldn’t be set free. The slimes moved on to slap you pussy, finding it delightfully slick and plump.
You thrashed at each blow, the slaps were light but awakened a strange pleasure inside you.
You hated your treacherous body.
The monster didn’t seem pleased with your thrashing so he pushed one thick tentacle into your parted mouth. It plunged down your throat, stretching your lips and causing you to gag. Moist suckling noises resounded as it fucked your throat, thrusting back and forth until you no longer fought the creature back.
Gluck… gluck… gluck… gluck.
The cave echoed with your lewd slurping sounds as you were forced to swallow the sweet nectarine liquid dripping from his tentacle. Each drop aroused you, invading your system and intoxicating it with desire. In seconds, you were soft and pliant, more than eager to let him have his way with you.
“That’s more like it,” you heard his voice in your mind. “Beautiful human. My little mate.”
“What—hmm,” you gulped down more liquid, “is it?”
The monster’s voice rumbled through you. “That, my little one, is my elixir. It shall make you immortal and prepare your body for me. It is an elixir that only I, the master of these depths, can produce.”
You struggled to speak, a shiver running down your spine. Immortal elixir? It terrified and intrigued you. You looked into the creature’s eyes, asking for answers.
“Only my mate is deserving of my elixir. Now hush, do not fear.”
More tentacles came out of his body, of various shapes and lengths. They travelled over your flesh, leaving trails of slickness wherever they touched. It made your shiver. One tentacle slithered up your inner thigh, brushing around your pussy before slipping inside your depths. Shivers of pleasure ran through you as it fucked you while another slithery appendage rubbed your clit round and round.
Two more tentacles snaked over your ass, pulling your cheeks apart to expose your pouting rosebud. You squirmed and cried out around the tentacle fucking your mouth when the pulsating appendages slipped past the tight entrance of your asshole. The fit was tight but the tentacles were incredibly slick. Slowly, oh so slowly, they filled you up, inch by inch, until they were buried deep in your guts.
“Mnn…mnhaa!" You breathed through your nose at the way you felt, all holes filled.
When the tentacles started to thrust, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. The tentacles were all over and yet, you felt no pain, just blinding pleasure. You willingly surrendered to the feral ravishmest. The cave filled with the symphony of your high-pitched cries and the furious plap-plap of tentacles filling your body.
The creature’s rhythm grew faster, the tentacles working in perfect harmony.
By now, you had two tentacles buried in your cunt and three more crawling up your ass. The one fucking your throat hadn’t receded and kept feeding you its delectable elixir.
The insistent fucking brought you to a shattering climax. Your body tensed and you cried out around the thrusting appendage in your lips as waves and waves of pleasure crashed over you.
The creature didn’t stop its pounding.
Your voice continued to echo through the cavern. The slimes in your ass pistoned fast and hard but the ones in your pussy stopped and pressed against the entrance to your womb. You tensed, the pressure causing you to wince. You felt a soft pop, followed by the heavy weight of eggs. One by one you felt them as they were deposited deep inside you.
“Ugh .. ungh—" you whimpered and came hard, the walls of your cunt contracting around the ovipositor. Your whole body spasmed as the creature bred you and made you its mate.
It felt like hours later when the slimes exited your holes. The intensity subsided, but your belly was bulging with his brood. The creature gently lowered you to the ground, its tentacles wrapping protectively around you. You lay there, spent and satisfied, your mind reeling from the unbelievable experience.
The creature’s glowing eyes regarded you with a strange, almost tender curiosity. “You did well, my mate. Took six of my eggs on the first try. I am proud of you. Sleep now, little one. I will take care of you. Forever.”
And you did, your eyes shutting as you let go in his embrace. You had found what you needed, a new world of pleasure and otherworldly love.
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pucksandpower · 5 months
Sea Cows and Koalas
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Summary: Oscar just wants to impress his girlfriend, but those stupid sea cows keep stealing your attention
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The South Florida sun beats down mercilessly as Logan’s sleek speedboat cuts through the turquoise waters of Biscayne Bay. Oscar leans back, soaking in the warmth and salty sea breeze while fiddling with the wakeboard bindings. Out of the corner of his eye, he catches you gazing wistfully over the side of the boat, peering into the depths.
“Looking for something, babe?” Oscar asks with an amused grin.
You turn towards him, eyes lit up with anticipation. “Manatees! I read they’re really common around here.”
Logan chuckles from the driver’s seat. “Good luck spotting one. Those sea potatoes are sneaky.”
“Sea potatoes?” Oscar snorts. “Is that an American thing?”
“What can I say? They’re fuzzy and they float.” Logan winks at you. “Like your man’s ego after a few drinks.”
“Hey!” Oscar reaches over to playfully shove Logan’s shoulder. “I’ll show you who’s all fluff out there.”
With a devilish smirk, he secures the final binding and stands tall, wakeboard in hand. Logan revs the engine, kicking up a spray of saltwater that has you giggling. Oscar shoots you a roguish wink before plunging into the azure waves.
Moments later, the corded rope connecting Oscar to the boat grows taut. He rockets out of the water, carving through the air with effortless grace. A wide grin spreads across his face as the wind whips through his hair.
“Woohoo!” Oscar hollers, riding the wakes with the confidence of a seasoned pro. He slices through the swell, spraying diamond showers that glisten in the sunlight.
You watch in awe, your face bright with adoration. But then something in the water catches your eye — a gray shape moving just below the surface. You gasp, scrambling to the edge of the boat and nearly tumbling overboard in your excitement.
“Manatee! I see one!”
Oscar’s brow furrows in confusion at your sudden outburst. His distraction costs him, and with a yelp he loses his edge, slamming into the unforgiving surface in an unceremonious belly flop.
Logan cackles, easing back on the throttle as Oscar bobs up, sputtering saltwater and treading water in a daze. “Smooth moves, Pretty Boy!”
Your face falls as the manatee disappears into the depths once more. “Oh no, I missed it!”
Oscar doggie paddles over to the boat, his ego more bruised than his body. “You just had to get distracted, didn’t you?” He grumbles, reaching up with pleading eyes. “A little help here?”
You bite your lip, trying to stifle a giggle as you grab his outstretched hand and haul him aboard with a grunt. Oscar flops down beside you, leaving a puddle on the immaculate deck. Water streams from his hair and board shorts as he shoots you a petulant glare.
“Really? Sea cows over me?”
You can’t help but laugh at his childish pout. “Oh, don’t be such a baby! You were amazing out there.”
“Was I?” An impish grin plays across Oscar’s lips as he inches closer, leaving a trail of water in his wake. “Prove it.”
With a mischievous glint in his eye, he snakes an arm around your waist and pulls you into a sopping wet embrace. You squeal in surprise as the cold lake water seeps into your clothes.
“Oscar! You’re getting me all wet!”
“That’s the idea,” he murmurs, drinking in your flushed features.
Logan shakes his head in amusement. “Get a room, you two.”
Oscar is only too happy to oblige, capturing your lips in a searing kiss that steams up the air around you. His fingers tangle in your damp hair as the passionate embrace deepens, banishing all thought of manatees or wakeboarding from your mind.
At least until a crashing wave erupts nearby, dousing you both in a shock of frigid saltwater. You yelp, breaking the kiss with a sputter while Oscar sits back with a sheepish grin.
Logan cackles from the helm. “Easy, lovebirds! There’s no lifeguard on duty.”
You shoot the American a playful glare, then turn back to your breathless boyfriend. Tenderly, you brush a stray lock of dripping hair from his brow, cradling his chiseled jaw in your palm.
“You know, as fun as watching you show off is ...” You lean in until your lips brush tantalizingly against the sensitive skin just below his ear. “I prefer my Oscar humble and pliant.”
A visible shiver races down Oscar’s spine as your breath ghosts over him. He swallows hard, brown eyes darkening with unspoken desire. “Your wish is my command.”
You can’t help but smirk at how easily he surrenders to your whims. With a soft giggle, you trail a line of feather-light kisses along the sharp line of his jaw, relishing the way his breath catches in his throat.
Logan lets out an obnoxious whistle. “Alright, alright! Keep it PG over there!”
Reluctantly, you pull away, leaving Oscar dazed and slightly flushed. He watches you with a wistful smile as you return your gaze to the gently lapping waves, ever vigilant for signs of the elusive sea cows.
The hot sun soon dries the lingering drops clinging to Oscar’s reddening skin. He leans back with a contented sigh, idly toying with the wakeboarding rope while studying your rapt profile. The salty ocean breeze tousles your hair in an enchanting dance that has his chest swelling with unabashed adoration.
How did he ever get so lucky?
Oscar isn’t sure how long he sits there mesmerized before Logan’s laughter shatters the peaceful reverie.
“Hate to break it to you, man, but I think your girl likes manatees more than you!” Logan teases, slapping the throttle with a cheeky grin.
Oscar blinks, bemused, until he follows Logan’s gaze to you — still transfixed on the glassy waters below. A fond smile tugs at the corner of his lips. Of course you would fall under the spell of such gentle, unassuming creatures. His beautiful weirdo.
With a dramatic huff, Oscar flops down beside you, draping his head in your lap and batting his lashes up at you imploringly.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” He asks in an exaggerated sulk. “When did sea potatoes become more interesting than me?”
You giggle at his playful antics, giving his chiseled jaw an affectionate scratch. “Don’t worry, buttercup. There’s enough of me to go around.”
Oscar arches a skeptical brow. “Is that so?”
Without warning, he rolls over and nuzzles his face into your stomach, peppering your cotton shirt with sloppy, pouty kisses. You can’t stifle your laughter as his ticklish stubble assaults your sensitive skin.
“Oscar! St-stop it!” You squirm and swat at him halfheartedly, breathless with mirth. “We have company!”
Logan shoots you a roguish wink from behind the steering wheel. “Don’t mind me, love birds. Just pretend I’m not here.”
Oscar grins wickedly, ignoring Logan as he continues his relentless assault, until finally you cry for mercy between gasping peals of laughter.
“Okay, okay! You win!” Tenderly, you cup Oscar’s face in your hands and guide him up until your noses are brushing. “You’ve got my full, undivided attention. Happy now, Mr. Needy?”
“Getting there,” Oscar murmurs, drinking in your flushed, breathless features with unfiltered longing. He leans in until your foreheads are touching, savoring your intoxicating closeness. “All I need is one more thing ...”
You regard him with an arched brow, unable to resist playing along. “Oh? And what’s that?”
Rather than answering directly, Oscar closes the scant distance between you, claiming your lips in a searing, all-consuming kiss. You melt against him with a contented sigh, cradling the back of his neck as you lose yourself in the embrace.
Logan whistles again from the helm. “Not gonna lie, I’m a little jealous over here!”
Reluctantly, you break away with a breathless giggle, nuzzling your flushed cheek against Oscar’s. “Okay, okay. I think you’ve successfully reminded me who has my heart.”
A smug grin tugs at Oscar’s lips. “And don’t you forget it.”
He punctuates the smug remark with another lingering peck. But just as he’s withdrawing, you catch a fleeting glimpse of movement beneath the waves — a sleek gray shape growing closer and closer.
You gasp in delight, headbutting Oscar as you scramble upright. “There! Did you see that!”
Oscar blinks owlishly, rubbing the spot on his forehead where you clocked him. “I … what?”
“A manatee!” You exclaim, bouncing excitedly on the cushioned deck. “It was right there! Oh, they’re even more adorable than I imagined!”
You shoot Oscar your most imploring puppy dog eyes, bottom lip protruding in an irresistible pout. “Can we … get one?”
Oscar’s brows climb toward his hairline. “Get one? As in … you want to adopt a manatee?”
You nod fervently. “Why not? They’re the sweetest things!”
A chuckle rumbles up from Oscar’s chest as he regards you with a blend of adoration and bewilderment. Leave it to you to fall head-over-heels for a three-ton marine mammal.
“And just where do you propose we keep this … pet manatee?” He asks, struggling to keep a straight face.
You open your mouth, then falter, momentarily stumped. A crease forms between your brows as you ponder the dilemma. After a beat, your eyes light up with your stroke of genius.
“The bathtub!”
Oscar barks out a laugh, loud and uninhibited. “The bathtub? Seriously?”
You level him with a deadpan stare, completely serious. “What? We have a big tub.”
Shaking his head in disbelief, Oscar pulls you into a fond embrace, lips brushing your forehead in a gentle kiss. “You’re certifiable, you know that?”
A contented hum rumbles in your throat as you snuggle deeper into the circle of his arms. “Maybe. But you love me for it.”
“That I do,” Oscar murmurs, resting his cheek on top of your head as the sun begins its descent over Miami’s shimmering coastline. “That I do.”
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queenviserra · 2 years
I'm in love with the idea of mommy/grandmommy Rhaenys. I bet Meleys is so protective of Rhaenys whilst she's pregnant. Like letting no one near her. When Corlys reaches to hold Rhaenys he gets pushed back by Meleys who gives him a very smug look. But he's used to it by that point. Between her husband, dragon and Cousins Rhaenys is quite possibly the safest pregnant woman in all of Westeros. But I bet Daemon and Viserys are having ptsd flashbacks of when Rhaenys and Corlys would go at it when she was pregnant.
Meleys will clearly understand that Rhaenys is pregnant before Rhaenys herself, so that she will fly more slowly and with care, (as slowly as the fastest dragon of Westeros can fly. ) She won't let anyone near her, and naturally, she'll remember again her dislike for Corlys. He put her mother in this situation, so he's responsible for whatever happens to her. The chances of burning him are clearly low, but never zero. For example, if Corlys pushes Rhaenys a bit, he will probably regret the moment he thought to make her such a joke. Of course, everyone will be happy to hear about her pregnancy, Daeron was the same age as Jace, so Viserys will be very happy and Daemon I think excited. Since they grew up together, and their kids will have the same age. But Viserys may wonder if she and Corlys had fun in his halls. Incidentally, the small council's chamber is one of the most luxurious in the Red Keep, with a large table.
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sluts4matt · 6 months
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pairing: soft!matt x latina!reader
summary: vlogging a day at the beach with your boyfriend and his brothers is always fun. until matt starts getting handsy and you guys have to go away from the two.
warnings: SMUT, fingering, pet names, tons of praising, public, no actual p in v, fluff tbh
word count: 1079
author's note: i really hope i did your request justice @kscutzzzz, might be the softest thing i've written so far tbh
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"look at this shell," you say to nick who points the vlog camera at you. your body was clad in a black two-piece bathing suit, the fabric hugging your honey-colored skin nicely. matt and chris come up behind the two of you, giggling like morons.
a small grin tugs at your lips feeling matt's arms snake around your waist. your finger traced the tattoos on his left arm. "a shell?" the brunette questions, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder. "yes, yes," you babble like a child, "a pretty shell."
you turn in the boy's grasp, the camera still recording the two of you. his arms hugged your waist as he looked down at you. you brought the shell in between the two of you, showing it to him with innocent eyes. "see?"
matt nods, "it's beautiful." you grin, leaning up to peck his lips before wiggling out of his grasp and running back to where you got it from. "awe, so cute," chris mocked while nick cooed, the two brothers looking at matt.
"still don't understand how you bagged that at the ripe age of fifteen," chris chuckles, watching you run towards the shore. you had always been a bit weird, never in a bad way though.
the way you giggled at the smallest of things, and the way your voice would change to sounding like a child when you were excited had always made matt's heart flutter. and it still did even after five years.
"she's amazing," matt simply states, watching you bend over, the black bikini bottoms accentuating your ass. his mouth practically watered. "gonna marry her someday," matt mumbles before walking towards you.
"what are you doing baby?" he asks, watching as you scrape your feet around the wet sand and examine the ground. "looking for more shells, wanna help?" you ask, giving him the cutest puppy dog look.
matt grins, nodding his head. the two of you began to search around the sandy floor, and matt would be lying if he said he wasn't looking up every so often to sneak a glance at you.
you bent over a lot, giving him the perfect view of your cleavage. god, he wanted nothing more than to rip that thing off of you and fuck you right here in the ocean. "oh look, i found a starfish," you exclaim, pointing at the sea creature that occupied an underwater rock and making a 'yay' noise.
"good job babe," matt compliments, and you give him a proud grin. you were the sweetest girl in the world, and the fact that you were his made his ego rise.
"how about we swim now, hm?" matt suggests, and you nod eagerly. he grins, picking you up by your hips with ease, and carrying you deeper into the water.
your legs wrap around his waist as the cold water touches your toes. "cold," you squeal, burying your face in his neck. "don't worry baby, you'll get used to it," matt reassures.
matt was right, after a few seconds, the water didn't feel as cold as it first did. you let him carry you behind a few rocks, hiding your two bodies from the eyes of the public. "so pretty angel," he whispers, setting you down, placing his hands on your cheeks as he peppers your lips with kisses.
you let him, giggling softly. your fingers played with the hairs on his neck. "you look so pretty in this," he whispers, kissing down to your neck and biting the spot between your neck and shoulder.
your hand came up to his head, gripping the hair on his head. he sucks a hickey onto your neck before moving down to your collarbones.
"so pretty for me, my pretty baby," he whispers against your skin, one of his hands dropping down to the bottom half of your bathing suit. "gonna make you feel good," matt mumbles, rubbing his middle and ring finger against the crotch of your bathing suit.
"mhm," you squeak, an arm wrapped around his neck for support. "you want that, pretty girl?" he asks, continuing to rub his fingers against you. "yes, please," you whimper, pushing your hips against his hand.
"my girl is so pretty and polite, such a good girl for me," he praises, slipping his fingers past the hem of your bottoms. he rubs his fingers up and down your folds, his fingers easily collecting the wetness.
"all this just from me?" he teases, and you nod, a small whimper leaving your lips. "so perfect, angel. gonna finger you now, okay?" he tells you, and you nod.
matt was the sweetest boy, always making sure you were comfortable before doing anything.
he slips a finger inside of you, his mouth going to suck marks into your neck that would definitely get questioned later by the boys. "more," you breathe, your nails digging into his shoulders.
his hand goes to cover your mouth and his nose nudges your ear before he's whispering. "quiet baby, can't let anyone know what we're doing," he shushes, adding another finger.
you moan against his hand, and he presses kisses against your jaw. his fingers pump in and out of you slowly, trying not to be rough.
his fingers curl and he presses against a spot inside of you that has you seeing stars. your grip on his shoulder tightens and you press your hips down against his fingers, silently asking him to keep touching you there.
"you like that baby? like it when i touch that spot?" he asks, continuing to rub his fingers against it. you nod quickly, and his thumb circles your clit. your eyes slip closed and your head lolls forward, resting on his shoulder.
your orgasm creeps up on you, and you can't find yourself to warn matt. the pleasure becomes too much and you're letting out a strangled cry against his hand, and your thighs shaking.
he helps you ride out your high, slowing his movements and pressing kisses along your neck and jaw. "my good girl, you did so well," he coos, pulling his fingers from your heat and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"thank you," you mumble, your head still buried in the crook of his neck. "i love you," he mutters against your hair, and you can't help but grin. "i love you too, but if we don't leave this place soon, they'll come looking for us," you giggle.
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tag list:
@hysteria-things @tillies33ssss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @sturniolossss @freshsturns @lily-strnlo @etvar12 @iloveurgf @sstvrnioloo @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloa @chrryclouds @sturniolho
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cottonlemonade · 25 days
Thinking about tattoo artist!Suna regularly volunteering his time at his local hospital.
Every two weeks he gives himself an afternoon off, grabs his supply case that is now just filled with sharpies and makes his way to the children’s ward. He has a little booklet of different designs he can offer them ranging from unicorns all the way to fire spewing dragons. Whenever it’s time for his visit, the kids already wait for him with their little hands and noses pressed to the glass. They start bouncing and yelling when they see him approach and he pulls his cap deeper into his face so they wouldn’t see him smile too hard.
Drawing his designs on them gives the kids a chance to unload, so he hears all about the injustice of just one pudding cup per meal and the insane difficulty of the latest Pokemon game. There is one little boy he has a particular soft spot for. He had broken his leg while riding his bike and was now stuck in rehabilitation for six weeks, because his mom had to go to work to provide because his (shitbag) dad left when he was a baby - Suna gave that jerk all kinds of colorful names in his head as the 5 year old went on and on and on about how great his mom was and how much he missed her but that she never went a day without visiting him.
By the end of the boy’s session Suna probably knew more about this kid’s mom than he did about any woman he dated in the last couple of months. He imagined a grade A soccer mom from his stories and so was surprised when the door to his room swung open and a young woman appeared, slightly out of breath and hair disheveled like she hurried to see her kid. The top button of her blouse was undone and only somewhat stuffed into her high waisted jeans, sitting just right on curvy hips.
Suna looked you appreciatively up and down, smiled and watched as the boy opened his arms and waited to be swooped into a hug which he immediately was.
Proudly, the boy showed off the sea serpent snaking up his arm.
“Thank you very much.”, the woman said to Suna, her voice sounding tired but happy.
“Hey kid.”, Suna looked at the boy, “How about I do your mom next?”
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tojipie · 1 year
can i request y/n’s reaction to toji going to jail? like was she there for the arrest.. how did toji break the news?
partial continuation to this ask !
his crime is finally revealed ! mwahaaha. if i printed out every comment asking me to assign him a crime to go along with his prison sentence i’d be able to cover the state of texas. probs my longest work! and this isn’t even that long so what does that say about me? (poor work ethic)
prison bf series linked here !
content: angst, hurt/comfort, lots of fighting, themes of incarceration
“can i ask you something?” you mumble, rolling onto your stomach to address your boyfriend face to face.
toji pauses, then nods, blowing an acrid plume of smoke towards the ceiling before passing you the cigarette he had pinched between two fingers.
a buzzer sounds from the tv in front of you followed by a sea of excited cheers.
“fuck!” he curses. bringing his fist down on the mattress. “i have 6 grand on this fucking match.”
you wait for his hand to unclench before tapping him, reminding him of your inquiry.
“yeah— yeah. what’s up?” he mumbles, squeezing the fat of your arm affectionately. toji takes what’s left of the cigarette back from you, stubbing it out in the marble ashtray on his bedside table.
“you never told me what you do for work.” the implication hangs heavy in the air as you wait for him to explain, the last bits of smoke around the two of you begin to dissipate. you realize he’s gone rigid.
“business, lots of things.” he says curtly, fishing a pack of marlboro reds from the side hesitantly. you hate when he does this, keeping his hands occupied so he has an excuse to not speak to you.
“right, but like..” you start, growing frustrated. “what kind of business.”
“real estate… y’know.” he smacks the carton against the butt of his hand, then fishes out a stick.
“property management. investing and all that.” he sounds a little more confident this time, cupping a lighter to his mouth with a cough.
you tear yourself from his arms and sit up on the bed, eyes cast on his. you practically feel his stomach drop from how he looks at you, movements laced with caution and hesitance.
“put that out.” you tell him. “stop playing games with me.”
“what?” he laugh’s incredulously, still trying to maintain his confident facade.
“do you not think it’s fucking weird that i don’t know where all your money comes from? do you even pay for this fucking house?” your patience had officially run out, you were pissed.
“nonono— hey— hey c’mon.” toji grapples for your hands, quickly trying to calm you down.
“you don’t do fucking real estate, do you really think i’m that stupid?” your accusation renders him speechless for a moment as he thinks of what to say.
the older man’s expression twists as guilt starts to usher in. he extinguishes the roll-up in his hand, flicking it into the ash tray on your nightstand before reaching for you softly.
“baby..” he chuckles, snaking two palms around the curve of your waist. “don’t be like that.”
“i know it’s illegal. i know it is and i’m not even mad, toji. i’m not .. i just want to know.”
he sighs, running a hand down the side of his face.
“you think just because we eat good that i wouldn’t ask questions down the line? do you think i’m fucking stupid?”
“no.” he whines. “no, fuck. c’mon.” you smack his hands away as he reaches for you once more, tearing yourself off the bed and out into the hallway.
you hear your name boom behind you angrily as he calls out for you a final time. glass shatters against the ground as he mutters to himself, heavy footsteps pacing back and forth.
you’re not unaware of toji’s presence as the older man stands in front of your curled up form on the couch. it’s dark, probably just after 3am. too dark to see his expression, though you know he’s frowning.
he lets out a quiet sound of realization as you turn over, rucking the blanket over your head to drown his presence out. the windows are open, you can feel the chill of the night breeze, even under your comforter.
“i can’t let you sleep here, pretty. that’s not right.”
you stay silent, holding your breath as you wait for him to either leave or fess up.
it’s quiet for a while. you slowly feel yourself being pulled into the precipice between sleep and awareness. an all-consuming warmth makes its home in your chest before you’re quickly struck back awake, heart jumpstarting at the sound of his voice.
“i invest in properties.” he whispers, kneeling beside you so you can hear him more clearly.
“i make investments in properties and then i let people store.. product there.” you know he isn’t lying to you this time. you feel it in his tone.
“product?” you grumble, your voice laced with sleep. you know exactly what he means, you just want to hear him say it.
“drugs, baby. warehouses.”
it’s quiet once more as you mull over what to say back. were you surprised? hardly. you knew what you were getting into as soon as you got involved with him. were you mad? well it was still hard to tell.
“ok.” you mumble curtly, throwing the covers towards your feet and stalking towards the master bedroom. you knew now, and that was that. you gathered there was no reason to keep fighting about it.
toji stands a little too quickly, watching your form disappear up the stairs.
“wait—” he starts, head spinning at your sudden acceptance. “wait really?”
“just come to bed.” you holler, sighing dryly to yourself at the sheer ridiculousness of it it all.
toji had a plan in place even before you’d found out what kind of business he was running. if anything were to happen to him, there would be a fund stored overseas for you to dig into while he wasn’t there to put food on the table.
he’d thought of everything, put measures in place that normal people wouldn’t even think of before it was too late.
he had your shared house put under a family member’s name, hired private security to watch the perimeter of the house 24/7, urged you to use a fake ID in public to conceal your real name, and never ever took you to work meetings.
it just wasn’t enough.
it wasn’t enough to keep his phones from getting tapped. it wasn’t enough to stop an investigation from being launched, and it simply just wasn’t enough to keep him under the radar and out of a prison cell.
you wailed like a baby when the bailiffs snapped those silver cuffs on his arms and led him out of the court room, crumpling to the floor and babbling nonsense towards the judge’s podium like it would somehow change the course of what just happened.
7 years in a federal penitentiary. and that was nothing compared to the sentence they would’ve gave him if his men hadn’t taken half of the fall for him.
toji didn’t look at you.
he didn’t so much as spare you a glance as you sat there on the carpeted floor, screaming into your hands while the bailiffs tried to pick you up off of the floor.
he didn’t say anything to you as you kicked and scratched your way towards his lawyer, hurling expletives and threats to the one person who was tasked with maintaining his freedom.
he didn’t look because he couldn’t.
he couldn’t look at you, his only girl. the girl he’d marry someday, the one he’d raise a family with. he couldn’t look at you because if he did he might risk breaking down right then and there.
he might risk grabbing you by the arm and booking it, going underground for the rest of your lives while his name slowly climbed up the nation’s most wanted list.
he could do it, without question. he’d be more cautious this time. but that just wouldn’t be fair to you. he was done roping you into his mess.
you were young, gorgeous, too good for all of that trouble. you’d worked all your life to get by until he met you, slowly letting down your walls, letting him spoil you like you’d always deserved. and what kind of man would he be if he took that away from you and forced the two of you into hiding?
toji felt himself crumble as reality began to sink in. his stomach dropped with each dreaded step towards his holding room. this was no joke. this was his fate and there was no getting out of it.
“wait.” he tells the bailiffs, whipping his head towards the direction of the courtroom in a panic. he wasn’t the boss anymore. these men didn’t answer to him.
“wait, fuck. wait!” he groans, barreling his way back down the hall. he needed to see you, needed to say goodbye. there’s no telling when they’d let you two visit or if you’d even be able to communicate. god, this was real.
god, he was a coward for giving you the silent treatment. he deserved prison just for that.
toji grunts as he’s tackled to the ground, gloved hands securing shackles on his ankles.
“get offa me. get off— fuck. i wanna see her.” he groans, thrashing as security circles his form. “nonono let me see her! fuck— fuck!”
all he can do is listen to you wail as he’s dragged down the hall, screaming out to you in hopes you hear him.
taglist ! <3 🏷️
@honeybee54321 @m150-50up @kuryoomi @t4naiis @serendippindots @sillyalo @levixbby @powerrwa @tojishugetiddies @wheredidmycrowngo @unknownspecies @ushygushybaby @ebiharachan @hoshigray @crazychaoticizzy @denypipa @watyousayin @tempest1art @sakuraryomen01 @kariito-art @vkeyy @mxtokko @inumakiiz @rosieee491 @loveme-b4by
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repulsiveliquidation · 2 months
Honeymoon || Alexia Putellas
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I quite liked writing this one. based on this idea. Enjoy :)
warnings : smut, semi-public sex, rough sex, fingering, cunnilingus, strap-on, spanking, Daddy kink.
The plane touched down at Ngurah Rai International Airport promptly at half past 3 in the afternoon from Barcelona. After a long flight, all Alexia wanted was some cold champagne in the private beach cabanas you were raving about the entire flight there. She held your hand tight as the driver kindly took your bags and slipped them into the back, the sweltering heat already prickling at her skin like it did at home.
Alexia rubbed her thumb over the back of your fingers, smiling to herself when she felt her fingertip brush over smooth metal. She turned to look at you, watching as your eyes lit up at the sight of all the people that filled the streets of Bali. She felt her heart fill with more love than she had for you when you got married three days before, leaning to rest her head on your shoulder and feeling your arm snake around her middle.
A quick little nap on the half an hour journey to the hotel, Ale was ready to get unpacked and run down to the beach. She sipped on the welcome drink as you went through the paperwork and got your room key, leg bouncing excitedly.
“Ready, mi amor?” You ask, watching as Ale snaps out of her little daydream to smile up at you.
“Si,” she answers, standing up and taking your outstretched hand. The bellboy has already brought your bags to the suite and you make sure to flop onto the bed to make sure it “holds up.”
Ale unpacks at lighting speed, throwing on one of the many swimsuits she’d packed and refused to show you. You’re still figuring out the knobs in the bathroom when you hear Ale grumble outside.
“What’s wrong, sweetie? Forgot somethi-” You ask innocently, walking out of the bathroom when the sight in front of you short circuits your brain.
Ale has a slutty two piece on, that’s suspiciously your favorite shade of blue, she’s struggling to tie the back of. She pouts when she realizes you’ve seen, clearly wanting to have surprised you on the beach later.
“Need help, princess?”
Alexia, normally composed, blushes a deep red and nods sheepishly, turning around and holding her hair to the side for you. You step forward and tie the back of her top in a neat bow, hands roaming to hold her hips as your lips press soft kisses along her nape.
“You look gorgeous, wanna stay in for a while?” You ask cheekily, pulling her closer to you. She shakes her head and pulls away from you, a pout back on her lips. You lean in and kiss her softly, nodding understandingly.
“Give me a minute, I’ll be ready.”
Alexia nods and you walk back into the bathroom. She packs a little bag with sunscreen and sunglasses, before sitting in the hallway waiting for you. She can hear you rummaging and making a little ruckus but she ignores it as she scrolls on her phone, texting her mom and sister that you’ve both reached safety and were about to head to the beach.
You tap her shoulder and she smiles up at you, a quick look of confusion on her face when she sees your full backpack passes quickly when she sees you’ve already opened the door and were waiting for her.
The walk to the beach was nice, the sun was out and the sea breeze was catching in your hair. Ale was practically giddy when she realized you booked a cabana all to yourselves, two glasses of champagne already poured and waiting for you.
“Amor, you didn’t have to,” she begins, crawling into the little tent that was beautifully decorated and provided perfect shade.
“You know my girl only deserves the best,” you offer, crawling into the seat beside her. She picks up the cold glass and you do the same, sipping on the refreshing drink before leaning back and taking in the stunning view of the sea. Ale leaned into your side and sighed, closing her eyes when you press a soft kiss to her forehead.
“I love you, baby,” you tell her softly, rubbing her arm gently. Ale looks at you with pure adoration and you fall in love with her all over again, before she leans in to kiss you.
Booking an expensive hotel with a private beach was certainly worth the money because while you were prepared you weren’t too sure if your plan was going to work.
Ale settled against you quickly, pulling out her iPad to read while you held your book in your hands. The waiters were good at their jobs, having the ice bucket filled nicely to keep the rest of the expensive champagne chilled. Alexia wasn’t one to drink while in season but since it was her honeymoon, her own rules be damned. Three glasses of Pol Roger Brut Vintage gave her a little buzz and she was not complaining.
her iPad was discarded to the side, one side of the curtain into the cabana opened already. She suddenly stood and opened the other side, turning around with a fierce look in her eyes.
“No taking your eyes off me, Daddy,” she instructed with a firm voice, taking her cover-up off a little too slowly to be unintentional. It wasn’t peak season in Bali so there were not many people in the ocean.
Ale sauntered off into the sea, making sure to strut her way into the salty waters. Your sunglasses sat on the edge of your nose, eyes glued to Alexia’s ass. She feels your gaze on her and it simply boosts her confidence as she slips into the water.
Dramatically, because Alexia is not one to be boring, she fully submerges herself into the clear water before coming back up and tossing her blonde hair back. She knows you’re watching carefully, making sure to sway her hips as she walks back into the cabana. She closes the curtains and begins to dry herself off, dabbing away at her perfect skin. She dries her hair off and sits back down on the cushions, grabbing her iPad and going back to read as if she didn’t just provoke you to sin.
You stare at her and stand, tying the curtains shut. She ignores you and daringly turns over onto her stomach and swings her legs back and forth, the book she was reading, ‘Playing with Matches by Michael Faudet’, on the screen.
She listens and the words on the screen blurry, hearing the familiar click and tug of your strap being attached to you. She aches to turn and look but she knows she’s in for it for teasing you and calling you names. Names she hoped the people around would hear faintly in about 5 minutes.
She adjusts herself when she sees you move the little bamboo table at the foot of the cushions out of the way. Her legs adjust a little too wide and the slightly drying material of her swimsuit reveals a wet patch that the sea did not contribute to.
Your hands gently knead her full ass, massaging her muscles with great care. Alexia is about to moan when your hand comes down on her skin hard.
“Daddy!” She gasps, looking back at you. She sees the dark lust in your eyes and feels your weight on her before the next smack leaves a nice sting on her skin. Alexia moans, grabbing a throw pillow to hold onto. Her back arches off the cushions a little and she swears she cums a little when she feels your palm press her lower back down to arch her back a little more.
“Such a fucking slut this early into our honeymoon hm? Couldn’t wait till we got back to our room to fuck darling?” You whisper seductively into her ear, weight draped over her with your cock pressed right on her soaked pussy. Alexia shakes her head and groans before stuttering an answer.
“No Daddy…”
“Why’s that, sweet girl?”
“Wanna be a good girl for you, Daddy. I know,” she gulps before continuing, “how much you love it when I’m being a good girl only for you.”
A shiver runs down your spine as your hands graze over her hips and back. She shuffles back and arches into you, cock pressing slightly into her pussy with the soaked material of her swimsuit blocking her entrance.
Your hands spank her ass hard once more, the lasting mark of your fingers make her skin sting when you kiss it. She moans and mutters words of thanks, biting her bottom lip.
Delicately gentle fingers pull the ties of her bottoms loose, the slightly cool air of the cabana hits Alexia’s soaked folds and she shivers underneath you. Your warm fingers run themselves through the mess she’s making, feeling her heartbeat steadily within her core.
“Wet already, my pet?”
Alexia whimpers.
“A-All for you, Daddy.”
You lick your arousal soaked fingers and hum in agreement. Two fingers gently slip into her cunt and you lean over her again.
“That’s right, slut,” you lilt, fingertips pressing her sweet spot hard, “this pussy belongs to me.”
You turn her onto her back and finger her hard and fast, dragging your fingers along her tightening walls as she desperately tries to keep her noises to a minimum. Clawing and squeezing her hands over her mouth as her thighs thrash about, you hear the distinct moment Alexia becomes more and more turned on.
She grabs your forearm and squirms, rolling her hips as she rides your slender fingers. Alexia looks up deeply into your eyes, her own filled with tears of pleasure that send electricity through your veins.
“You getting close, sweetheart? Is that what I’m feeling in your pussy?”
She throbs and prunes your fingers with her slick, head spinning as the blood rushes down between her legs.
“Daddy!” she yells, throwing her head back as she came. Her thighs shake and you’re sure people heard her but you don’t fucking care. Alexia looked so beautiful as she came and you wanted to burn the image into your mind.
She barely gets feeling back into her glutes when she feels you manhandle her onto her knees. Her knees give out and her ass stings as your hand spanks her ass again. Alexia moans and falls over when you pull her arms back behind her, pulling herself wide open for you to see.
Your tongue tangles itself with her folds and you moan into her when the taste of her sweet cum tantalizes your taste buds.
Clean and ready to be used again, Alexia pushes her ass out towards you like she knows you like, cunt winking at you teasingly. She sighs when the cold silicone presses into her, ridges and bumps sending shivers of pleasure through her body.
Before you can start to fuck her senseless, she turns and says something that almost buckles your knees.
“Use me how you want, Daddy.”
She swears your eyes go back into your head dangerously far, hair standing all over your body. You waste no time, thrusting into her pussy as rough as you knew she liked. Your hands gripped her hips tight, skin white from how hard you were keeping her in place.
Your skin slaps noisily against hers, the little voice in the back of your head begging that the sea, sand and waves would drown out the blatant sounds of sex on the beach.
Alexia struggled to convey her intense adoration for the pleasure she was receiving verbally, but took much love to the feeling of being used and bruised like she personally felt she was meant to be.
Her thighs trembled as arousal dripped down the insides of them, eyes closed tightly when she felt more hard smacks on her slightly bruising ass. Your teeth were gritted and baby hairs sticking to your forehead as you fucked her, a slight possessive smile starting to form on your face.
Muscles bulge as you turn the captain onto her back, legs pressed back and wide against her chest. Your hips never falter and pound into her cunt rougher as your thumb flicks over her swollen, throbbing clit.
“Close, my love?”
“So close, Daddy!”
“Do you want to cum on my cock, sweetie? Would that make your pussy happy?”
“Y-Yes Daddy, wanna cum on your cock! Joder!”
You spit right onto her clit and rub harder, pounding up into her sweet spot when her toes curl and back arches.
Alexia cums and sees white. Her core feels pleasure like never before, mind-numbing ecstasy sends her entire body into heaven.
“Hello, wife.” You greet, having cleaned her up with wipes and wrapped her in your cover-up. She snuggles into your chest and watches the sunset in Bali, pressing a soft kiss on your lips when you look down at her.
“I love being your wife,” she whispers, ear pressed over your heart to hear your heartbeat match hers.
“I think my wife is better than yours.”
“No way,” she says adoringly, “mine's perfect.”
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